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Thick filaments in relaxed, quick-frozen and freeze-etched psoas myofibrils display a prominent helical pattern of projections repeating at 43 +/- 1 nm. These helices are right-handed, and measurement of the pitch angle indicates that the thick filaments are three-stranded. Each half-turn of a helix is composed of three to five projections, 11 to 12 nm in diameter. These projections probably represent individual myosin crossbridges. This is the first direct visualization of the crossbridge helices in vertebrate striated muscle filaments whose three-dimensional structure is preserved without chemical fixation.  相似文献   

To identify the structural basis for the observed physiological effects of myosin regulatory light chain phosphorylation in skinned rabbit skeletal muscle fibers (potentiation of force development at low calcium), thick filaments separated from the muscle in the relaxed state, with unphoshorylated light chains, were incubated with specific, intact, myosin light chain kinase at moderate (pCa 5.0) and low (pCa 5.8) calcium and with calcium-independent enzyme in the absence of calcium, then examined as negatively stained preparations, by electron microscopy and optical diffraction. All such experimental filaments became disordered (lost the near-helical array of surface myosin heads typical of the relaxed state). Filaments incubated in control media, including intact enzyme in the absence of calcium, moderate calcium (pCa 5.0) without enzyme, and bovine serum albumin substituting for calcium-independent myosin light chain kinase, all retained their relaxed structure. Finally, filaments disordered by phosphorylation regained their relaxed structure after incubation with a protein phosphatase catalytic subunit. We suggest that the observed disorder is due to phosphorylation-induced increased mobility and/or changed conformation of myosin heads, which places an increased population of them close to thin filaments, thereby potentiating actin-myosin interaction at low calcium levels.  相似文献   

Isolation and composition of thick filaments from rabbit skeletal muscle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A method has been developed for the isolation of thick filaments from rabbit skeletal muscle. We found that the thick filaments of this muscle are readily dispersed in the presence of a relaxing medium if the M and Z-line structures are first extracted in a low-salt solvent system. Thick filaments were separated from thin filaments by zone sedimentation in a 10% to 30% glycerol density gradient. The isolated filaments are homogeneous in length (1.5 to 1.6 μm) and retain the physical characteristics of these structures observed in sectioned muscle. Gel electrophoresis of thick filaments in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate showed a band of C-protein as well as bands with mobilities characteristic of the heavy and light chains of myosin. No other protein species was detected in these experiments. Thus our results provide evidence against the presence of a special protein component which would serve as the core of the skeletal thick filament structure. From the relative stain density of bands, the molar ratio of C-protein to myosin was estimated to be 1 to 5.8.  相似文献   

Native thick filaments isolated from freshly prepared rabbit psoas muscle were found to be resistant to pressure-induced dissociation. With increasing pressure application and release, a bimodal distribution of filament lengths was observed. The shorter filament length is associated with filament breakage at the center of the bare zone, while the longer length is associated with relatively intact filaments. Intact filaments and filament halves decrease in length by no more than 20% after exposure to and release of 14,000 psi. Bimodal distributions were not observed in equivalent experiments performed on filaments isolated from muscle glycerinated and stored at -20 degrees C for 6 months. Instead, filament dissociation proceeds linearly as a function of increasing pressure. Filaments prepared from muscle glycerinated and stored for 2 and 4 months exhibited pressure-induced behavior intermediate between the filaments prepared from fresh muscle and filaments prepared from muscle stored for 6 months. Since there appears to be no difference in the protein profiles of the various muscle samples, it is possible that stabilization of the native thick filament against hydrostatic pressure arises from trapped ions that are leached out over time.  相似文献   

Structure of thick filaments in the chemically skinned fibre bundles of rabbit psoas muscle in a state of pseudorelaxation induced by adding 2 mM pyrophosphate (PP) and of PP-mixture with 40% ethyleneglycol to the bathing rigor solution was studied with the help of X-ray diffraction technique. Reduction in the isometric rigor tension by about 50-70% in a state of pseudorelaxation is accompanied by significant changes in the relative intensities of a number of meridional reflections, indicating that in situ the structure and location of S-2 segment may be regulated by the structural changes in the acto S-1-complex during its cyclic interaction with ATP.  相似文献   

S Malinchik  S Xu    L C Yu 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(5):2304-2312
By using synchrotron radiation and an imaging plate for recording diffraction patterns, we have obtained high-resolution x-ray patterns from relaxed rabbit psoas muscle at temperatures ranging from 1 degree C to 30 degrees C. This allowed us to obtain intensity profiles of the first six myosin layer lines and apply a model-building approach for structural analysis. At temperatures 20 degrees C and higher, the layer lines are sharp with clearly defined maxima. Modeling based on the data obtained at 20 degrees C reveals that the average center of the cross-bridges is at 135 A from the center of the thick filament and both of the myosin heads appear to wrap around the backbone. At 10 degrees C and lower, the layer lines become very weak and diffuse scattering increases considerably. At 4 degrees C, the peak of the first layer line shifts toward the meridian from 0.0047 to 0.0038 A(-1) and decreases in intensity approximately by a factor of four compared to that at 20 degrees C, although the intensities of higher-order layer lines remain approximately 10-15% of the first layer line. Our modeling suggests that as the temperature is lowered from 20 degrees C to 4 degrees C the center of cross-bridges extends radially away from the center of the filament (135 A to 175 A). Furthermore, the fraction of helically ordered cross-bridges decreases at least by a factor of two, while the isotropic disorder (the temperature factor) remains approximately unchanged. Our results on the order/disordering effects of temperature are in general agreement with earlier results of Wray [Wray, J. 1987. Structure of relaxed myosin filaments in relation to nucleotide state in vertebrate skeletal muscle. J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 8:62a (Abstr.)] and Lowy et al. (Lowy, J., D. Popp, and A. A. Stewart. 1991. X-ray studies of order-disorder transitions in the myosin heads of skinned rabbit psoas muscles. Biophys. J. 60:812-824). and support Poulsen and Lowy's hypothesis of coexistence of ordered and disordered cross-bridge populations in muscle (Poulsen, F. R., and J. Lowy. 1983. Small angle scattering from myosin heads in relaxed and rigor frog skeletal muscle. Nature (Lond.). 303:146-152.). However, our results added new insights into the disordered population. Present modeling together with data analysis (Xu, S., S. Malinchik, Th. Kraft, B. Brenner, and L. C. Yu. 1997. X-ray diffraction studies of cross-bridges weakly bound to actin in relaxed skinned fibers of rabbit psoas muscle. Biophys. J. 73:000-000) indicate that in a relaxed muscle, cross-bridges are distributed in three populations: those that are ordered on the thick filament helix and those that are disordered; and within the disordered population, some cross-bridges are detached and some are weakly attached to actin. One critical conclusion of the present study is that the apparent order <--> disorder transition as a function of temperature is not due to an increase/decrease in thermal motion (temperature factor) for the entire population, but a redistribution of cross-bridges among the three populations. Changing the temperature leads to a change in the fraction of cross-bridges located on the helix, while changing the ionic strength at a given temperature affects the disordered population leading to a change in the relative fraction of cross-bridges detached from and weakly attached to actin. Since the redistribution is reversible, we suggest that there is an equilibrium among the three populations of cross-bridges.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Z-disc of the rabbit psoas muscle was elucidated by electron microscopy using negative staining technique. Conclusions summarized from this work are as follow: (a) Z-disc involves two layers of Z-filaments, i.e. connecting filaments, which bind thin filaments of adjacent I-discs in the Z-line region. These layers are spaced about 380 A apart. (b) Z-filaments measure 380 A X 30 A. (c) The angle between the connecting filaments and the thin filaments depends on ionic conditions and varies from 20 degrees to 90 degrees. (d) We conclude that alpha-actinin is a structural component of Z-filaments, since dimensions of Z-filaments and their interaction with thin filaments are similar to those of alpha-actinin.  相似文献   

Native thick filaments from rabbit psoas muscle have been sequentially dissolved by incremental rises in salt concentration. Three quite separate stages of depolymerization can be detected; these presumably reflect constraints imposed on the disassembly process by variations in the packing of myosin and by the presence of other thick filament proteins.  相似文献   

Computer analysis of electron micrographs of negatively stained thick filaments isolated from the telson levator muscle of the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) has shown that they have a four-stranded helical structure. The repeating units along each helix have a bent extended shape (measuring approximately 20 nm × 8 nm × 8 nm) and are inclined at an angle of about 30 ° to the helical path. At the resolution of this study, it was difficult to establish the exact size of the surface subunits, but our results are probably more consistent with each unit representing the two heads of a single myosin molecule rather than larger aggregates.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology of rabbit psoas muscle fixed at increasing intervals of time in a chemical skinning solution (Wood et al., 1975), or after skinning and storage for times up to 1 week. The storage solution, in which the chemically skinned muscled fibers were kept at -20 degrees C, had the same ionic composition as the skinning solution but was made with 50% (v/v) glycerol. Progressive structural changes occurred in fibers exposed to skinning solution. The structural changes were essentially complete after 24-48 hr in skinning solution and no further changes were detected in fibers stored for periods up to 1 week. Structural changes were: (i) holes or gaps in the plasma membrane; (ii) swelling of mitochondria and disorganization of their internal structure; (iii) slight swelling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum; (iv) disappearance of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) feet from triadic gaps. Other changes included loss of glycogen between fibrils and extraction of myoplasm, or the change of its staining properties. All architectural elements of the SR, except "feet", remained during skinning and storage, and the SR remained able to accumulate calcium. The morphology of the myofilaments during chemical skinning and during storage did not differ from control fibers. We conclude that chemical skinning alters the gross structure of the plasma membrane and mitochondria, but produces minimal changes in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Frog skeletal muscle thick filaments are three-stranded   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure has been developed for isolating and negatively staining vertebrate skeletal muscle thick filaments that preserves the arrangement of the myosin crossbridges. Electron micrographs of these filaments showed a clear periodicity associated with crossbridges with an axial repeat of 42.9 nm. Optical diffraction patterns of these images showed clear layer lines and were qualitatively similar to published x-ray diffraction patterns, except that the 1/14.3-nm meridional reflection was somewhat weaker. Computer image analysis of negatively stained images of these filaments has enabled the number of strands to be established unequivocally. Both reconstructed images from layer line data and analysis of the phases of the inner maxima of the first layer line are consistent only with a three-stranded structure and cannot be reconciled with either two- or four-stranded models.  相似文献   

Myosin subfragment 1 (S1) forms dimers in the presence of Mg(2+) or MgADP or MgATP. The entire myosin molecule forms head-head dimers in the presence of MgATP. The angle between the two subunits in the S1 dimer is 95 degrees. Assuming that the length of the globular part of S1 is approximately 12 nm and that the S1/S2 joint (lever arm approximately 7 nm) is clearly bent, the cylinder tangent to this dimer should have a diameter of approximately 18 nm, close to the approximately 16-20 nm suggested by many studies for the diameter of thick filaments in situ. These conclusions led us to re-examine our previous model, according to which two heads from two opposite myosin molecules are inserted into the filament core and interact as dimers. We studied synthetic filaments by electron microscopy, enzyme activity assays, controlled digestion and filament-filament interaction analysis. Synthetic filaments formed by rapid dilution in the presence of 1 mM EDTA at room temperature ( approximately 22 degrees C) had all their myosin heads outside the backbone. These filaments are called superfilaments (SF). Synthetic filaments formed by slow dilution, in the presence of either 2 mM Mg(2+) or 0.5 mM MgATP and at low temperature ( approximately 0 degrees C) had one myosin head outside the backbone and one head inside. These filaments are called filaments (F). Synthetic filaments formed by slow dilution, in the presence of 4 mM MgATP at low temperature ( approximately 0 degrees C) had most of their heads inserted in the filament core. These filaments are called antifilaments (AF). These experimental results provide important new information about myosin synthetic filaments. In particular, we found that myosin heads were involved in filament assembly and that filament-filament interactions can occur via the external heads. Native filaments (NF) from rabbit psoas muscle were also studied by enzyme assays. Their structure depended on the age of the rabbit. NF from 4-month-old rabbits were three-stranded, i.e. six myosin heads per crown, two of which were inside the core and four outside. NF from 18-month-old rabbits were two-stranded (similar to F).  相似文献   

Structure of short thick filaments from Limulus muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shortened Limulus thick filaments, isolated from stimulated muscle, are structurally similar to long filaments, isolated from unstimulated muscle, except for length. Both have 3-fold screw symmetry with a helical repeat at approximately 43 nm, axial spacing of 14.5 nm between successive crowns of crossbridges and 4-fold rotational symmetry as estimated from the Bessel argument, by analysis of optical transforms of electron micrograph negatives of negatively stained samples. Both short and long filaments also have similar radii for the location of their crossbridges, thus similar diameters. Equal numbers of subunits/helical strand are also apparent on images of metal-shadowed long and short filaments. Since these data argue against molecular reorganization during filament shortening, it is suggested that the change in length of Limulus thick filaments may occur by reversible disaggregation of constituent protein molecules.  相似文献   

The backbone of the myosin filament is an aggregate of alpha-helical coiled coil myosin rods. Its surface forms a three-stranded helix composed of myosin heads. Currently there is no adequate model to describe the organization of the myosin filament. It is proposed here that, in cross-section the light meromyosin (LMM) of 18 myosin molecules form an outer tube, with nine S2 forming the interior core. At the surface of the thick filament, myosin heads are arranged in three rows, giving the filament a periodicity of 14.3 nm per three myosin molecules. Two of these molecules are organized at an angle of 120 degrees to each other on the same level, while the third is shifted 7.2 nm along the filament axis. This packing gives a striation pattern of 7.2 nm by electron microscopy. An alternative model is also possible, in which the heads of the myosin molecules are uniformly spaced at an interval of 14.3 nm along the filament axis. The packing of individual molecules within the myosin filament is based on a regular pattern of charge on the 28 amino-acid repeat in the rod domain.  相似文献   

We rapidly and gently isolated thick filaments from scorpion tail muscle by a modification of the technique previously described for isolating Limulus thick filaments. Images of negatively stained filaments appeared to be highly periodic, with a well-preserved myosin cross-bridge array. Optical diffraction patterns of the electron micrograph images were detailed and similar to optical diffraction patterns from Limulus and tarantula thick filaments. Analysis of the optical diffraction patterns and computed Fourier transforms, together with the appearance of the filaments in the micrographs, suggested a model for the filaments in which the myosin cross-bridges were arranged on four helical strands with 12 cross-bridges per turn of each strand, thus giving the observed repeat every third cross-bridge level. Comparison of the scorpion thick filaments with those isolated from the closely related chelicerate arthropods, Limulus and tarantula, revealed that they were remarkably similar in appearance and helical symmetry but different in diameter.  相似文献   

Z A Podlubnaia 《Biofizika》1999,44(4):700-707
In this review the data of the last 20 years on the mechanisms of force generation in vertebrate striated muscles, its regulation and energy supplying have been presented. Special attention has been given to the contribution of thick filaments and their individual proteins in these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Clear images of myosin filaments have been seen in shadowed freeze-fracture replicas of single fibers of relaxed frog semitendinosus muscles rapidly frozen using a dual propane jet freezing device. These images have been analyzed by optical diffraction and computer averaging and have been modelled to reveal details of the myosin head configuration on the right-handed, three-stranded helix of cross-bridges. Both the characteristic 430-A and 140-150-A repeats of the myosin cross-bridge array could be seen. The measured filament backbone diameter was 140-160 A, and the outer diameter of the cross-bridge array was 300 A. Evidence is presented that suggests that the observed images are consistent with a model in which both of the heads of one myosin molecule tilt in the same direction at an angle of approximately 50-70 degrees to the normal to the filament long axis and are slewed so that they lie alongside each other and their radially projected density lies along the three right-handed helical tracks. Any perturbation of the myosin heads away from their ideal lattice sites needed to account for x-ray reflections not predicted for a perfect helix must be essentially along the three helical tracks of cross-bridges. Little trace of the presence of non-myosin proteins could be seen.  相似文献   

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