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Synopsis Neutral polysaccharides have been demonstrated within thin sections of cauliflower parenchyma cell walls using the following techniques: periodic acid-Schiff-phosphotungstic acid, periodic acid-silver methenamine, periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazidesilver protein, and periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-osmium tetroxide. The use of a specific extraction technique employing ammonium oxalate and sodium hydroxide, followed by the histochemical staining procedures, indicates that the reactive site observed comprises the hemicellulose fraction of the wall which surrounds non-staining cellulose microfibrils.  相似文献   

The sulfhydryl groups of L-cysteine and reduced glutathione (GSH) react nonenzymatically with formaldehyde (F), acrolein (Al), acetaldehyde (AA), malondialdehyde (DAM), pyruvate (P), oxoglutarate (oxo-G) and glucose (G) to form thiazolidine derivatives. These reactions show different velocities and the adducts formed show different stabilities. The equilibrium constants K, as well as the rate constants kr for the reverse reaction, show considerable variation. The carbonyls reveal higher reactivity with sulfhydryl group of L-Cys than with those of GSH, and the stability of the adducts is higher than that of GSH. Al, F and AA react more rapidly with both thiol compounds than the other carbonyls, but the adducts are less stable. The sulfhydryl groups level of bovine serum albumin as well as those of high- and low-molecular thiols of human plasma is reduced in the presence of Al, F or DAM.  相似文献   

Summary Treatment of 4 micron-thick plastic sections of animal tissues with dilute solutions of NaOCl resulted in increased basophilia of tissues. A number of staining mixtures which selectively demonstrated the NaOCl-generated acid groups were then developed. Two distinct acid groups — sulfates and an unknown anion — were found to be generated by NaOCl. It was also determined that treatment of sections with NaOCl resulted in the unmasking of carbonyl groups associated with elastin and other structures.This work was done under Public Health Service Contract No. 5 Tol ES 00038-02.  相似文献   

Summary A direct immunohistochemical method of high specificity is presented for the demonstration of sites of cathepsin B1. Antisera were raised in rabbits against pure enzyme preparations. The specific antibodies were subsequently isolated and labelled according to methods previously published. Sections from tissues specially rich in this enzyme like liver, kidney, intestinal epithelia and the active macrophages of talcum granulomas were studied. The results suggest a localization of this enzyme mainly to lysosomal organelles and phagocytic vacuoles, which are known from chemical data to contain this enzyme. The prerequisite for a positive tissue reaction is that the enzyme must be present in a form available for antigen-antibody interaction.  相似文献   

Aldehydes produced from carbohydrates by oxidation or acid hydrolysis may be visualized by application of aqueous thiosemicarbazide followed by Schmorl's ferricyanide reduction. The thiosemicarbazide reacts with the aldehydes by its hydrazine group, while its thiocarbamyl group remains active. The thiocarbamyl moiety is a strong reducing group that converts ferricyanide to ferrocyanide in Schmorl's reaction. The ferrocyanide is trapped immediately by the ferric salt, which deposits Prussian blue at the site of the aldehydes thereby demonstrating the location of the original substance.  相似文献   

Summary The contribution of tissue tryptophyl residues, with both amino and carboxyl groups linked to the peptide bonds, to visible fluorescence was studied following various histochemical methods. Tryptophan residues of chymotrypsinogen and trypsinogen exhibited visible fluorescence after (1) combined formaldehyde-HCl vapour, (2) combined formaldehyde and acetyl chloride vapour, and (3) glyoxylic acid vapour treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Improved histochemical multi-step techniques for the demonstration of glucose 6-phosphate isomerase and phosphoglucomutase in tissue sections are described. With these techniques a semipermeable membrane is interposed between the incubating solutions and the tissue sections preventing diffusion of enzymes into the medium during incubation. In the histochemical system the glucosephosphate isomerase converts the substrate d-fructo-furanose 6-phosphoric acid to d-gluco-pyranose 6-phosphoric acid, and the phosphoglucomutase converts the substrate -d-glucose 1-phosphate to the same reagent, which in turn is oxidized, by exogenous and endogenous glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase to d-glucono--lactone 6-phosphoric acid. Concomittantly the electrons are transferred via NADP+, phenazine methosulphate and menadione to nitro-BT. Sodiumazide and amytal are incorporated to block electron transfer to the cytochromes.  相似文献   

Summary An improved histochemical technique for the demonstration of acid phosphatase in tissue sections is described. With this technique a semipermeable membrane is interposed between the incubating solution and the tissue sections preventing diffusion of enzyme into the medium during incubation. Moreover fixation of the tissue sections in order to minimize enzyme diffusion and that causing a partial inactivation of the enzyme, is no longer necessary. In the histochemical system the enzyme catalyzes the hydrolyzes of naphthol AS-BI phosphoric acid. The enzyme localization is visualized by means of simultaneous coupling of the released naphthol with hexazotized pararosanilin. Problems involved in the histochemical demonstration of the enzyme are discussed.This investigation was in part supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable technical assistance of Mr. E. D. J. Lindenbergh and Mr. A. H. T. Vloedman.  相似文献   

Summary An improved histochemical technique for the demonstration of lactate dehydrogenase activities in tissue sections is described. With this technique a semipermeable membrane is interposed between the incubating solution and the tissue sections preventing diffusion of lactate dehydrogenase into the medium during incubation. In the histochemical system the NAD+-dependent enzyme catalyzes the electron transfer from lactate into NAD+. Phenazine methosulphate and menadione serve as intermediate electron acceptors between reduced coenzyme and nitro-BT. Amytal is incorporated into the incubating-medium to block electron transfer to the cytochromes. Problems involved in the histochemical demonstration of lactate dehydrogenase activity are discussed.This investigation was in part supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO).  相似文献   

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