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 The development of transgenic plants has heightened concern about the possible escape of genetically engineered material into the wild. Hybridization between crops and their wild relatives provides a mechanism by which this could occur. While hybridization has been documented between several crops and wild or weedy relatives, little is known about the persistence of cultivar genes in wild populations in the generations following hybridization. Wild and weedy sunflowers occur sympatrically with cultivated sunflowers throughout much of the cultivation range, and hybridization is known to occur. We surveyed two cultivar-specific RAPD markers in 2700 progeny in a naturally occurring population of wild Helianthus annuus over five generations following a single generation of hybridization with the cultivar. Moderate levels of gene flow were detected in the first generation (42% hybrids at the crop margin) and cultivar allele frequencies did not significantly decline over four subsequent generations. These results indicate that gene flow from cultivated into wild populations of sunflowers can result in the long-term establishment of cultivar alleles in wild populations. Furthermore, we conclude that neutral or favorable transgenes have the potential to escape and persist in wild sunflower populations. Received: 1 November 1996/Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

Gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) to its weedy and wild relatives   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Transgene escape through gene flow from genetically modified (GM) crops to their wild relative species may potentially cause environmental biosafety problems. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of gene flow between cultivated rice and two of its close relatives under field conditions. METHODS: Experiments were conducted at two sites in Korea and China to determine gene flow from cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) to weedy rice (O. sativa f. spontanea) and common wild rice (O. rufipogon Griff.), respectively, under special field conditions mimicking the natural occurrence of the wild relatives in Asia. Herbicide resistance (bar) and SSR molecular finger printing were used as markers to accurately determine gene flow frequencies from cultivated rice varieties to their wild relatives. KEY RESULTS: Gene flow frequency from cultivated rice was detected as between approx. 0.011 and 0.046 % to weedy rice and between approx. 1.21 and 2.19 % to wild rice under the field conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Gene flow occurs with a noticeable frequency from cultivated rice to its weedy and wild relatives, and this might cause potential ecological consequences. It is recommended that isolation zones should be established with sufficient distances between GM rice varieties and wild rice populations to avoid potential outcrosses. Also, GM rice should not be released when it has inserted genes that can significantly enhance the ecological fitness of weedy rice in regions where weedy rice is already abundant and causing great problems.  相似文献   

 Beets belonging to the species Beta vulgaris L. can be found in crop, wild and weedy forms, all of which are interfertile. We studied the intra-specific genetic relationships of about 300 individuals from 54 populations of various French geographic origins using nuclear molecular markers (five single-copy RFLP loci and one microsatellite locus). The patterns of diversity were congruent for both types of markers. Genetic diversity in wild beets appeared to be high, both in term of allele number and observed heterozygosity, whereas the narrowness of the cultivated-beet gene pool was confirmed. Genetic distances between all forms showed that weed beets in northern France are intermediates between sugar beet and inland wild beets in south-western France. This analysis allowed us to infer the paternal origin of weed beets and furthermore, is in agreement with a previous study which focused on their maternal origin: weed beet infesting sugar-beet fields originated from accidental and recurrent hybridization between cultivated lines and ruderal inland wild beets during the production of commercial seeds in south-western France. Inland wild beets are genetically close to Mediterranean coastal wild beets, but differ from other coastal forms (from Biscay, Brittany and northern France). The study of gene flow in the beet complex contributes to the risk assessment of transgenic beets. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

用显微注射法把含有E.coli galk和gpt基因的环状和线状重组DNApIDB103分别导入金鱼受精卵的细胞质内。这些注射过的卵子一般都能正常发育。从各不同发育时期的胚胎分离DNA与~(32)P标记的pIDB103探针杂交表明,导入的环状外源重组DNA在胚胎发育的早期,绝大部分以各种环状构型存在。从原肠胚晚期开始,它们逐渐形成串联状高分子量DNA。在尾芽期仍能检测到它们的序列。但尚未证明,它们是否与受体的染色体DNA发生整合。我们从囊胚期的胚胎中回收到了能转化大肠杆菌的环状重组DNA,它的酶切图谱和pIDB103极其相似。导入金鱼受精卵内的线状重组质粒pIDB103,除少量DNA与金鱼的染色体DNA可能发生整合外,其余绝大部分也形成高分子量DNA。  相似文献   

Gene flow in an almond orchard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Gene flow by pollen between trees is essential for nut set in commercial almond orchards, due to the self-incompatibility of almond cultivars used. A study of gene flow has been carried out in an orchard composed of single rows of a pollinating cultivar between every double row of the most commercially desirable cultivar, Nonpareil. This two-to-one planting pattern was repeated throughout the orchard, and several pollinating cultivars were used in various parts of the orchard in an attempt to provide flowers for cross-pollination with Nonpareil at all stages of flowering of the latter. Using isozyme markers GPI-2, LAP-1, AAT-1, PGM-1, and PGM-2 and three newly-defined isozyme markers for almond — IDH, G6PD, and SDH — it has been shown that the gene flow resulting in nut set is quite restricted, taking place most strongly between neighboring halves of cross-compatibile pairs of trees. Even that half of a tree facing away from the pollinating tree has significantly less gene flow to it, while the next tree further on has few nuts set by fertilization from the pollinating tree under consideration. This result is surprising considering the comparatively large distances that the honeybee brought into the orchard in large numbers must travel within the orchard. To explain this apparent paradox and the observation that in most cases only a small proportion (<20%) of flowers set nuts, it is suggested that the honeybee predominantly visits only one cultivar, flying along the row of the cultivar to do so, and that cross-pollination results from accidental or rare visits involving two or more compatible cultivars.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation between co-occurring crops and their wild relatives will be greatly modified by crop-to-weed gene flow and variation between human and natural selective pressures. The maintenance of original morphological features in most natural populations of Medicago sativa in Spain questions the relative extent of these antagonistic forces. In this paper, we measured and compared the pattern of population differentiation within and among the wild and cultivated gene pool with respect to both allozymes and quantitative traits. Patterns of diversity defined three kinds of natural populations. First, some populations were intermediate with respect to both allozymes and quantitative traits. This suggests that crop-to-weed gene flow may have created hybrid populations in some locations. Second, some populations were different from all the cultivated landraces with respect to both allozymes and quantitative traits. This probably results from variable gene flow in space and in time, due to demographic stochasticity in either natural or cultivated populations. Third, differentiation from cultivated landraces was only achieved for the quantitative traits but not for allozymes in two populations. This suggests that natural selection in some locations may oppose gene flow to establish cultivated traits into the natural introgressed populations.  相似文献   

转基因玉米外源基因通过花粉漂移的频率和距离   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基因漂移是转基因生物可能引起生态环境安全性问题的主要风险之一,选用美国孟山都公司的转基因抗除草剂玉米GA21进行了外源基因向周边环境遗传漂移的距离和频率的研究,结果表明:转基因玉米的外源基因可以向周边玉米品种进行漂移,其最大漂移频率为45.10%,150m处仍能检测到外源基因的漂移,防止转基因玉米基因向外扩散的最佳途径为设置隔离带,隔离距离以200m以上为好。  相似文献   

Summary Outcrossing rates within the wild green foxtail, Setaria viridis, and the cultivated foxtail millet, S. italica, are very low. However, spontaneous interspecific hybridizations in the experimental garden occurred in both directions at rates ranging from 0.002% to 0.6% according to plant density and distance between parents. Offtypes found in farmers' fields where foxtail millet is cultivated were shown to have originated from such interspecific crosses. Differences in the EcoR1 patterns of chloroplast DNA between cultivated and wild plants indicated that reciprocal crosses do occur in the field. These findings indicate that even a largely selfing cultivated species may exchange genetic information with wild relatives at rates that may cause problems if transgenic cultivars are released.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Experimental crosses between the diploid woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) and the octoploid garden strawberry (F. × ananassa Duch.) can lead to the formation of viable hybrids. However, the extent of such hybrid formation under natural conditions is unknown, but is of fundamental interest and importance in the light of the potential future cultivation of transgenic strawberries. A hybrid survey was therefore conducted in the surroundings of ten farms in Switzerland and southern Germany, where strawberries have been cultivated for at least 10 years and where wild strawberries occur in the close vicinity.


In 2007 and 2008, 370 wild F. vesca plants were sampled at natural populations around farms and analysed with microsatellite markers. In 2010, natural populations were revisited and morphological traits of 3050 F. vesca plants were inspected. DNA contents of cell nuclei of morphologically deviating plants were estimated by flow cytometry to identify hybrids. As controls, 50 hybrid plants from interspecific hand-crosses were analysed using microsatellite analysis and DNA contents of cell nuclei were estimated by flow cytometry.

Key Results

None of the wild samples collected in 2007 and 2008 contained F. × ananassa microsatellite markers, while all hybrids from hand-crosses clearly contained markers of both parent species. Morphological inspection of wild populations carried out in 2010 and subsequent flow cytometry of ten morphologically deviating plants revealed no hybrids.


Hybrid formation or hybrid establishment in natural populations in the survey area is at best a rare event.  相似文献   

Controlled and natural hybridization between cassava and wild relatives does occur. Barriers within the genus appear to be weak due to recent evolution of the group. All Manihot species examined cytogenetically have a chromosome number of 2n = 36. However, they behave meiotically as diploids. The weak interspecific barriers have led to an extremely heterozygous gene pool that may begin a sequence of hybridization followed by speciation. Introgression from cassava into a number of wild species (M. neusana, M. alutacea, M. reptans and M. anomala) has been detected by both morphological marker genes and molecular techniques. Winged fruit, setaceous bracteoles, and wide leaf sinus were dominant genes that came from cassava and appeared in the hybrids. The characteristic protein bands of cassava were recognized in the hybrid seed protein electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Gene flow and introgression from cultivated plants may have important consequences for the conservation of wild plant populations. Cultivated beets (sugar beet, red beet and Swiss chard: Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) are of particular concern because they are cross-compatible with the wild taxon, sea beet (B.vs. ssp. maritima). Cultivated beet seed production areas are sometimes adjacent to sea beet populations; the numbers of flowering individuals in the former typically outnumber those in the populations of the latter. In such situations, gene flow from cultivated beets has the potential to alter the genetic composition of the nearby wild populations. In this study we measured isozyme allele frequencies of 11 polymorphic loci in 26 accessions of cultivated beet, in 20 sea beet accessions growing near a cultivated beet seed production region in northeastern Italy, and 19 wild beet accessions growing far from seed production areas. We found one allele that is specific to sugar beet, relative to other cultivated types, and a second that has a much higher frequency in Swiss chard and red beet than in sugar beet. Both alleles are typically rare in sea beet populations that are distant from seed production areas, but both are common in those that are near the Italian cultivated beet seed production region, supporting the contention that gene flow from the crop to the wild species can be substantial when both grow in proximity. Interestingly, the introgressed populations have higher genetic diversity than those that are isolated from the crop. The crop-to-wild gene flow rates are unknown, as are the fitness consequences of such alleles in the wild. Thus, we are unable to assess the long-term impact of such introgression. However, it is clear that gene flow from a crop to a wild taxon does not necessarily result in a decrease in the genetic diversity of the native plant.  相似文献   

Frost could potentially limit the survival ofhybrids between cultivated and wild carrots innatural habitats, and thereby the likelihoodthat (trans)genes spread from the crop to wildplants. To test this, cultivated, wild carrotsand their hybrids were exposed to differentfrost treatments. Hybrids survivedsignificantly less than the wild carrots, butonly slightly better than the cultivars,indicating that frost will indeed limit theirsurvival.  相似文献   

转基因油菜的基因流及生态风险   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
综合评述了转基因油菜的基因流及其生态风险.油菜作为最早的转基因作物之一目前已在加拿大和澳大利亚大面积商业化应用.(常)异花授粉作物油菜的天然异交率可达30%左右,也易与其它芸苔属作物杂交,因此转基因油菜的生态风险已引起各国科学家的高度重视.转基因油菜主要通过与其野生近缘种的花粉交换和与非转基因油菜的花粉交换两种方式进行花粉的输出.基因可能逃逸到相关野生近缘种,但在大田环境下能够得到杂种的可能性很小;由于基因的漂流在油菜田块间确实存在,因此在种植转基因油菜的过程中必须考虑其间隔距离.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic isoenzymatic systems were studied in 39 cultivated sunflower populations originating from ten countries. Analysis of combining abilities with four tester lines was also performed on these populations for seed yield, seed moisture and seed oil content. The MDH, PGI, PGD and GOT systems appeared to provide the best discrimination of specific combining ability effects with the four testers. The MDH and GOT systems provided a between-population structure that was consistent with the country of origin.Abbreviations MDH Malate dehydrogenase - PGD phosphogluconate dehydrogenase - PGI phosphoglucoisomerase - PGM phosphoglucomutase - ACO aconitase hydratase - ADH2 alcohol dehydrogenase - GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase - LAP leucine amino peptidase - EST esterases  相似文献   

Feral domestic ungulates may compete with the populations of wild herbivores with which they coexist, particularly so in arid regions. The potential competition between wild camelids and feral donkeys at the eastern sector of the Atacama Desert is evaluated in terms of their coincidence or segregation in habitat use and complemented with a comparison of reproductive output (yearling/adult ratio) of vicuña family groups in the proximity vs. distant from donkey observations. Habitat use of wild camelids and donkeys was sampled driving some 1250 km of roads and tracks at the dry and wet seasons. There were 221 vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna) sightings, 77 for donkeys (Equus asinus), 25 for guanacos (Lama guanicoe) and 8 for hybrids between guanacos and domestic llamas (Lama glama), as well as 174 randomly selected control locations. By means of Generalised Discriminant Analysis and Analysis of Variance we show that all ungulates actively select their habitat, with significant differences between use and availability in the area. Donkeys are relatively abundant in comparison with camelids and coincide broadly with both of them across the altitudinal gradient, but they fall between them in local scale habitat selection and do not seem to force their displacement from their preferred habitats. Thus donkeys occur preferentially on slopes with a high cover of tall shrubs, whereas vicuñas use valley bottoms with grass and guanacos the upper slope zones with grass. The potential for competition between donkeys and wild camelids is thus limited and it does not affect the reproductive output of vicuña in this region. Therefore, with the present knowledge we suggest that population control is not currently merited for feral donkeys.  相似文献   

植物的基因流及其在濒危植物保护中的作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
基因流是影响植物种群遗传结构的重要因子,在濒危植物的保护中也有重要的意义。本文介绍了基因流的测定方法,分析了基因流的格局及其与种群遗传分化的关系,并介绍了基因流在濒危植物保护中的应用前景及途径  相似文献   

 Honeybee-assisted gene flow by pollen is of enormous benefit to world food production. Molecular genetic markers were used to detect the pollen-contributing parent in embryos of seeds after fruit set and, subsequently, to deduce the direction and distance of gene flow by pollen as assisted by bees in an almond orchard. It was shown that gene flow by pollen resulting in nut set takes place most strongly between neighbouring sides of adjacent cross-compatible pairs of trees. Examination of pellets extracted from pollen traps fitted to hives for the isozyme markers showed that most of the pellets were composed of pollen from only one cultivar or another, in accord with the hypothesis that the honeybee predominantly visits only one cultivar, either single trees or along rows of one cultivar, and that cross-pollination results from accidental or rare visits involving two cultivars. The results suggest that orchards should be designed to bring cross-compatible pairs of cultivars as close together as possible. Received: 26 April 1996 / Revision accepted: 16 August 1996  相似文献   

The spread of transgenes into the genome of wild soybean is a concern when transgenic and wild soybeans are planted sympatrically. The objectives of this study were to investigate the origin and fate of morphological intermediates between wild and cultivated soybeans in their natural habitats in Japan. Twenty nuclear microsatellite and two chloroplast dCAPS markers were used to evaluate genetic variation of 468 wild, 17 intermediate, and 12 cultivated soybean samples collected from six sites between 2003 and 2006. Allelic differentiation of microsatellite markers between wild and cultivated soybeans was sufficient to detect their hybrids. Based on levels of observed heterozygosity, intermediate soybean plants were from two generations: either F1 or an early segregating generation. Genetic admixture analysis and parentage assignment analysis revealed that the parents of all intermediate soybean plants could be assigned to a particular wild soybean plant and late‐maturing cultivar. The chloroplast DNA haplotypes revealed that all intermediate soybean plants originated from gene flow from cultivated to wild soybeans at all sites. Based on monitoring at both the phenotypic and molecular levels, hybrids quickly disappeared from natural habitats, and secondary gene flow from these plants to wild soybean was not detected. Thus, while gene flow from transgenic soybean into wild soybean can occur, gene introgression appears to be rare in natural habitats in Japan. This is the first report on the detection of gene flow from cultivated to wild soybean at the molecular level.  相似文献   

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