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Puberty represents the final stage of sexual differentiation during which time the individual acquires reproductive capacity. Puberty is not only characterized by maturation of sexual organs and the formation of oocytes and mature spermatozoa, but also by the development of secondary sexual dimorphism. In industrialized countries the age of puberty has decreased steadily over the last 150 years in association with improved socio-economic conditions. However, the decreased onset of puberty is, especially in the female sex, associated with problematic changes in behaviour such as early onset of sexual activity and resulting in high risk teenage pregnancies. First of all, the improved nutritional status during childhood is discussed as a major cause for the decrease of puberty onset, whereas the impact of nutritional status especially on female sexual maturity is discussed controversially. In our study we analysed the association between body composition (fat tissue and fat free body mass, estimated by BIA analyses), height, Body Mass Index and fat distribution, and signs of puberty such as the timing of menarche in 228 girls and voice breaking and facial hair growth in 191 boys ageing between 10 and 15 years. In both sexes signs of puberty were highly significantly associated with body composition parameters. Nevertheless, marked differences between the two sexes were observed: Female puberty was positively associated first of all with weight status and the absolute and relative amount of body fat, while in signs of male puberty were related positively with a higher amount of fat free body mass and a decreased fat mass. Male voice breaking was significantly associated with increased stature, body weight, waist and hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water, in contrast voice breaking was significantly negatively associated with the fat percentage, the total fat mass and the waist to hip ratio. Female menarche was significantly positively associated with increased body weight, weight status, waist and hip circumference but also with increased absolute and relative fat mass, relative hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water. Only the waist to hip ratio was significantly negatively associated with the onset of menarche.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of pubertal timing, particularly menarche in girls, is an important area of investigation owing to the many health, psychosocial, and demographic outcomes related to reproductive maturation. Traditional explanations emphasized the role of favorable nutrition in maturational acceleration. More recently, work has documented early maturity in relation to markers of familial and environmental instability (e.g. paternal absence), which are hypothesized to serve as cues triggering adaptive adjustment of life history scheduling. While these studies hint at an ability of human females to accelerate maturity in stressful environments, most have focused on populations characterized by energetic excess. The present study investigates the role of developmental nutrition alongside cues of environmental risk and instability (maternal absence, paternal absence, and sibling death) as predictors of menarcheal age in a well-characterized birth cohort born in 1983 in metropolitan Cebu, the Philippines. In this sample, which was marked by a near-absence of childhood overweight and obesity, we find that menarcheal age is not predicted by cues of risk and instability measured at birth and during childhood and early adolescence, but that infancy weight gain and measures of favorable childhood nutrition are strong predictors of maturational acceleration. These findings contrast with studies of populations in which psychosocial stress and instability co-occur with excess weight. The present findings suggest that infancy and childhood nutrition may exert greater influence on age at menarche than psychosocial cues in environments characterized by marginal nutrition, and that puberty is often delayed, rather than accelerated, in the context of stressful environments.  相似文献   

Puberty represents the final stage of sexual differentiation when the individual acquires reproductive capacity. Puberty is not only characterized by maturation of sexual organs and the formation of oocytes and mature spermatozoa, but also by the development of secondary sexual dimorphism. In industrialized countries, the age of puberty has decreased steadily over the last 150 years in association with improved socio-economic conditions. However, the decreased onset of puberty, especially in females, is associated with problematic changes in behaviour such as early onset of sexual activity resulting in high-risk teenage pregnancies. In our study, we analysed the association between body composition (fat tissue and fat-free body mass, estimated by BIA analyses), height, body mass index and fat distribution and signs of puberty such as the timing of menarche in 228 girls and voice breaking and facial hair growth in 191 boys ageing between 10 and 15 years. In both sexes, signs of puberty were associated, highly significantly, with body composition parameters. Nevertheless, marked differences between the two sexes were observed: Female puberty was positively associated with weight status and the absolute and relative amount of body fat, while in males, puberty was positively related with a higher amount of fat-free body mass and a decreased fat mass. Male voice breaking was significantly associated with increased stature, body weight, waist and hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water. In contrast, voice breaking was significantly negatively associated with the fat percentage, the total fat mass and the waist-to-hip ratio. Female menarche was significantly positively associated with increased body weight, weight status, waist and hip circumference and also with increased absolute and relative fat mass, relative hip circumference, lean body mass and total body water. Only the waist-to-hip ratio was significantly negatively associated with the onset of menarche.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread assumption that paternal investment is substantial in our species, previous studies have shown mixed results in relation to the impact of fathers on both offspring survival and reproductive outcomes. Using data from a large representative sample of British men, we tested whether father absence is associated with the timing of reproduction-related events among boys, while controlling for various cues denoting early childhood adversity. We further tested whether the loss of the father at different childhood stages matters, so as to assess whether early life is the most important period or if effects can be seen during later childhood. The results show that father absence before age seven is associated with early reproduction, while father absence between ages 11 and 16 only is associated with delayed voice-breaking (a proxy for puberty), even after adjusting for other factors denoting childhood adversity. We conclude that fathers do exert an influence on male reproductive outcomes, independently of other childhood adversities and that these effects are sensitive to the timing of father absence.  相似文献   

An evolutionary model of conditional reproductive strategies argues that girls whose fathers are absent or make little parental investment experience early puberty. However, such a conditional strategy cannot be adaptive unless the absence of the girl's father at the microlevel is predictive of some recurrent feature of the macrosocial system and early puberty is advantageous in the system. I argue that father absence is indicative of the degree of polygyny (simultaneous and serial) in society. Polygyny of both kinds creates a shortage of women in reproductive age, and thus, early puberty will be advantageous. Available comparative data indicate that the degree of polygyny is associated with a decrease in the mean age of menarche across societies, as is the divorce rate a presumptive index of serial polygyny, in strictly monogamous societies.  相似文献   

The assumption that the onset of puberty is a context-sensitive marker of a reproductive strategy is tested by comparing parental and filial childhood context and somatic development in West and East Germany. Sixty-eight mother-daughter dyads and 35 father-son dyads were taken from two samples of families from Osnabrück in West Germany and Halle in East Germany. According to the observed context discontinuity between the generations in the male dyads, linear regression models show that no indicator of male sexual maturation was influenced significantly by the somatic development of the father. Instead of an inherited timing of maturation, antecedent distal factors like socioeconomic childhood context variables and critical life events lead to an acceleration of male sexual maturation. Finally we test the effect of two different conditions of childhood context continuity on daughter’s age at menarche with maternal age at menarche controlled. Linear regression models show that mother’s age at menarche predicts daughter’s age at menarche only under the condition of contextual continuity between generations, which was the case in the West German sample only. In East Germany, where mother’s age at menarche had no significant effect, the amount of variance explained by childhood context variables was almost the same. These results indicate the context sensitivity of somatic development which seems to follow an evolutionary rationale.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the timing, magnitude and duration of the pubertal spurt for short normal and average height girls, to compare these with Tanner's standard and to investigate predictors of pubertal growth. METHODS: The growth of 46 short normal and 55 control girls, identified at school entry, was monitored throughout puberty. Height and weight were measured at 6-month intervals from which body mass index (BMI) was derived. Annual velocities were calculated and used to estimate the age and magnitude of peak height velocity (PHV). Age of menarche was recorded to the nearest month. Parents provided information on the child's medical and social history. RESULTS: The mean age at PHV, the magnitude of PHV and age at menarche were similar for both groups and close to Tanner's 50th centile values. Pre-pubertal BMI predicted age at menarche for short and control girls, accounting for 17% of the variance. There was a tendency for early maturing girls of average stature to have greater PHV. However, this relationship was not observed in short girls, nor did any other variable, genetic or environmental, predict the timing or magnitude of their pubertal spurt. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed puberty in short normal girls is unlikely and their growth during puberty is comparable to girls of average height. The pubertal variables measured remain close to Tanner's original standards for both groups, suggesting the lack of a secular trend towards earlier puberty in girls. The onset of menstruation is influenced by pre-pubertal BMI. However, the clinician should be aware that short normal girls have normal pubertal growth and that no genetic or environmental variable can predict the timing or magnitude of their growth spurt.  相似文献   

Researchers have claimed that the absence of a biological father accelerates the daughter’s menarche. This claim was assessed by employing a large and nationally representative sample of Indonesian women. We analyzed 11,138 ever-married women aged 15+ in the Indonesian Family Life Survey 2015. We regressed age at menarche on the interaction of father absence (vs. presence) and mother absence (vs. presence) at age 12 with or without childhood covariates. For robustness checks, we performed a power analysis, re-ran the same specification for various subgroups, and varied the independent variable of interest. All results produced a null relation between father absence and age at menarche. The power analysis suggests that a false negative was unlikely. Our review of the literature indicates that the claim of the relation between father absence and earlier menarche was based on weak statistical foundations. Other studies with higher-quality datasets tended to find no relation, and our results replicated this tendency. Therefore, the influence of father absence does not appear to be universal.  相似文献   

Age at menarche is associated with anthropometry in adolescence. Recently, there has been growing support for the hypothesis that timing of menarche may be set early in life but modified by changes in body size and composition in childhood. To evaluate this, a cohort of 255 girls aged <5 years recruited in 1988 were followed up in 2001 in Matlab, Bangladesh. The analysis was based on nutritional status as assessed by anthropometry and recalled age at menarche. Data were examined using lifetable techniques and the Cox regression model. The association between nutritional status indicators and age at menarche was examined in a multivariate model adjusting for potential confounding variables. Censored cases were accounted for. The median age at menarche was 15.1 years. After controlling for early-life predictors (birth size, childhood underweight, childhood stunting) it appeared that adolescent stunting stood out as the most important determinant of age at menarche. Adolescent stunting still resonates from the effect of stunting in early childhood (OR respectively 2.63 (p<0.01 CI: 1.32-5.24) and 8.47 (p<0.001 CI: 3.79-18.93) for moderately and severely stunted under-fives as compared with the reference category). Birth size was not a significant predictor of age at menarche. It is concluded that age at menarche is strongly influenced by nutritional status in adolescence, notably the level of stunting, which is in turn highly dependent on the level of stunting in early childhood. A 'late' menarche due to stunting may be detrimental for reproductive health in case of early childbearing because of the association between height and pelvic size.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the heritability of 11 traits in a mixed-longitudinal sample of Indian siblings, and to determine whether heritability estimates vary during the growth period and whether they are influenced by sex. The sample consisted of 245 brothers and 213 sisters from 138 nuclear families living in a semi-urban area in Kolkata, India. The age ranged between 5 and 19 years. The traits were standardised for age and sex using standard deviation scores (SDS) produced by the LMS method (Cole, T.J., 1988. Fitting smoothed centile curves to reference data. J. R. Stat. Soc. A 151, 385-418). The standard deviation scores were analysed by PCA. The two factors with eigenvalues above 1 explained 77.3% of the variance; they showed a high level of pleiotropism present among the studied traits and represented body lengths (PC1) and body weight and breadths (PC2). The heritability between all types of siblings (irrespective of sex) for the PC1 and PC2 was estimated. The heritability between various pairs of siblings showed variations along the whole ontogenetic period studied. During the childhood and pre-pubertal period, heritability between brothers, brother-sister pairs and any sibling pairs was mostly constant, with small and non-significant variations. All the pairs showed the lowest degree of heritability during puberty for PC1 but not for PC2, with significant changes of heritability estimates between adolescence and adulthood, in most of the analysed sibling pairs and in both PC factors. The highest heritability was generally observed at the end of the examined growth period in all pairs. A significant effect of sex on heritability was only detected for PC2 at 11 years of age.  相似文献   

Father absence is consistently associated with children’s reproductive outcomes in industrialized countries. It has been suggested that father absence acts as a cue to particular environmental conditions that influence life history strategies. Much less is known, however, about the effects of father absence on such outcomes in lower-income countries. Using data from the 1988 Malaysian Family Life Survey (n?=?567), we tested the effect of father absence on daughters’ age at menarche, first marriage, and first birth; parity progression rates; and desired completed family size in Malaysia, a country undergoing an economic and fertility transition. Father absence during later childhood (ages 8 to 15), although not during earlier childhood, was associated with earlier progressions to first marriage and first birth, after controlling for other confounders. Father absence does not affect age at menarche, desired family size, or progression from first to second birth. The patterns found in this transitional population partly mirror those in developed societies, where father absence accelerates reproductive events. There is, however, a notable contrast between the acceleration in menarche for father-absent girls consistently found in developed societies and the lack of any association in our findings. The mechanisms through which father absence affects reproduction may differ in different ecological contexts. In lower-income contexts, direct paternal investment or influence may be of more importance in determining reproductive behavior than whether fathers act as a cue to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Given the ambiguity surrounding the source of the continuing trend toward earlier menarche observed in Westernized nations, several competing explanatory models have emerged regarding variation in pubertal timing. While a biomedical model proposes that predominantly constitutional characteristics shape the maturation timetable, an alternative framework derived from Life History Theory (LHT) evolutionary principles emphasizes the influence of psychosocial factors on development. Working with a sample of women 19?C25?years of age (N?=?103) drawn from two Southeastern U.S. colleges, we combined cultural consensus analysis with retrospective self-report regarding childhood stress and menarcheal timing to investigate whether reported developmental experiences align with cultural models regarding factors that should drive pubertal timing. Results suggest a robust cultural model consistent with a biomedical framework concentrating principally on constitutional characteristics. However, participants?? personal developmental recollections support an association between higher childhood stress and earlier menarche. These findings support LHT predictions that early reproductive maturation is an evolutionary adaptive response to chronic childhood stress as well as clarify the extent to which cultural models of factors contributing to puberty concord with developmental experiences.  相似文献   

Fetal growth retardation appears to be associated with an increased risk of premature adrenarche, early puberty, polycystic ovary syndrome and associated fertility problems. In a rat model of intrauterine growth retardation, based on ligation of the uterine arteries, the onset of puberty was delayed in female pups, with anovulation during the first cycle. The ovaries showed a lower number of follicles. The onset of puberty was also delayed in male pups. Testosterone production was lower in these growth-retarded rats compared with controls. The relationship between birth weight and the onset of puberty and pubertal progression in different cohorts of healthy children has been examined. In girls, no differences were observed in timing and progression of puberty, including age of menarche, between groups of different birth weights. In boys, a relatively delayed onset of puberty was observed in those with low birth weight, with a normally timed progression. In children with low birth weight, particularly boys, higher dehydroepiandrosterone levels were found compared with children with a normal birth weight, indicating an overactive adrenal gland in children with low birth weight. These data indicate that impaired fetal growth may have long-lasting effects on pubertal development. The fact that results of human studies on the relationship between fetal growth and the onset of puberty are often controversial may be explained by the heterogeneity of children born small for gestational age with respect to the intrauterine insult that they experience. From rat studies, it is clear that a serious intrauterine insult associated with growth failure can lead to dysregulation of puberty and gonadal function.  相似文献   

Epigenetic age is an indicator of biological aging, capturing the impact of environmental and behavioral influences across time on cellular function. Deviance between epigenetic age and chronological age (AgeAccel) is a predictor of health. Pubertal timing has similarly been associated with cancer risk and mortality rate among females. We examined the association between AgeAccel and pubertal timing and adolescent breast composition in the longitudinal Growth and Obesity Cohort Study. AgeAccel was estimated in whole blood using the Horvath method at breast Tanner 2 (B2) and 4 (B4). Total breast volume, absolute fibro-glandular volume (FGV), and %FGV were evaluated at B4 using dual X-ray absorptiometry. The impact of AgeAccel (mean: 0; SD: 3.78) across puberty on the time to breast development (thelarche), menarche, and pubertal tempo (thelarche to menarche) was estimated using accelerated failure time models; generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate associations with breast density. A five-year increase in average adolescent AgeAccel was associated with a significant decrease in time to menarche [hazard ratio (HR): 1.37; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.04, 1.80] adjusting for birth weight, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, maternal height, maternal education, B2 height, fat percentage, and cell composition. AgeAccel displayed a stronger inverse association with pubertal tempo (HR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.10, 1.99). A five-year increase in AgeAccel was associated with 5% greater %FGV, adjusting for B4 percent body fat, and maternal traits (95% CI: 1.01, 1.10). Our study provides unique insight into the influence of AgeAccel on pubertal development in girls, which may have implications for adult health.  相似文献   

1866 girls aged 11-15 1/2 years in Northwest Slovakia were interviewed at their schools concerning the age at menarche, number of siblings, and altitude of their residence. 518 of the girls had undergone menarche. An angular transformation of the data was carried out, and an analysis of the variance of percentages of young girls who had attained puberty was performed. An increase in the number of girls attaining puberty with age was observed as expected, but decreases in the proportion attaining puberty at a given age corresponding with an increase in the number of siblings or of altitude were also observed. The age f pubety for those with 0-1 siblings was 14.32 years; for each additional 2 siblings, it increased by about .105 years, or about 5 weeks. The average age of puberty for girls whose homes were located at 450 m above sea level or less was 14.19 years, with each additional 100 meters of altitude adding about .253 years, or 3 months, to the age at menarche. The effects of both altitude and number of siblings were statistically significant.  相似文献   

Some, albeit not all studies on the relationship between intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and female pubertal development have found an earlier and rapidly progressing puberty as well as concomitant disorders of related functional systems such as polycystic ovary syndrome and short stature. These pubertal changes are part of a growing list of IUGR-related diseases, which includes non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. A pulsatile release of gonadotropin releasing hormone is thought to be a conditio-sinne-qua-non for the initiation of puberty. In the absence of prospective studies on gonadotropin releasing hormone pulse patterns in IUGR-children other markers of pubertal development such as age at menarche have been deployed. From these studies it is not clear, however, whether the findings of an earlier onset of puberty in IUGR-girls merely reflect a more rapid progression of puberty. Both the role for IUGR and the mechanisms behind the onset of puberty are still elusive. Assuming a connection between IUGR and pubertal development, parallels can be drawn between hypotheses on the longterm consequences of IUGR and hypotheses on the initiation of puberty. For example, the somatometer concept proposes a role for fat mass in the initiation of puberty, which is compatible with the hypothesis on non-skeletal catch-up growth after IUGR. The debate on the origins of puberty and the role of IUGR mainly focuses on nature and nurture. Judgmentally, studies in mono- and dizygotic twins discordant for birth weight may be of particular help.  相似文献   

Abstract: The semi-longitudinal collection of growth measurements in male and female hamadryas baboons has enabled documentation of the timing of puberty and the development of sexually dimorphic growth patterns in body weight, crown-rump length (CRL), limb lengths, and muscle mass. In addition, another sexually dimorphic characteristic appears to be the presence of a pubertal growth spurt in body weight, and possibly CRL, in male but not female baboons. Serum testosterone levels rose during male development; however, there was a progressive decrease in dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels indicating the absence of adrenarche. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and its major binding protein, IGFBP-3, both rose during pubertal development; however, a simultaneous rise in the IGF-I:IGFBP-3 molar ratio suggests other factors may enhance the bioactivity of IGF-I during puberty. A distinct rise in serum osteocalcin levels was also associated with puberty in male baboons. These growth and hormonal changes during puberty in the hamadryas baboon indicate that this species provides a close primate model for human puberty.  相似文献   

Puberty is a critical period in body composition development. The influence of puberty on the development of fat mass asks for further investigation. We investigated the development of fat mass during puberty in a longitudinal prospective study in 152 healthy nonobese white girls, initial ages between 9 to 12 years. The influence of menarcheal age and the existing of tracking of fat mass have been analyzed. In 10 years time, participants were measured on eight time points. Various anthropometric data were collected, breast development was staged according to Tanner and body composition was determined with the dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan. Calculations were made with the use of a linear mixed model. Fat mass increases from 7.9 kg (23.6%) at B1 to 18.5 kg (29.3%) at B5. Fat mass is higher in girls with an early menarche than in girls with a late menarche from B2. Girls in the quartile with initially the lowest fat mass have a chance of being in the same quartile after 10 years of 77% (P < 0.001). Girls in the quartile with initially the highest fat mass, have a risk of staying in the highest quartile of 55% (P < 0.001). Menarcheal age is of great influence on the development of fat mass. Girls with an early menarche, will have a bigger fat mass, especially at the end of puberty. Tracking of fat mass exists: a high amount of fat mass in early puberty will continue to exist at young adulthood.  相似文献   

The higher costs of sons compared with daughters extends to a negative effect of brothers on the lifetime reproductive success of their siblings in subsistence and preindustrial societies. In societies with fewer resource constraints, one might expect that these effects would be limited or non-existent. This study investigates the costs of brothers and sisters in a contemporary western society of adult Australians. Girls with elder brothers had a delayed age at menarche. Younger brothers were associated with delayed onset of sexual activity in sisters, but not in brothers. Neither younger nor elder brothers influenced fitness parameters (number of pregnancies, number of children, age at first pregnancy or age at first birth) in siblings of either sex. This study provides evidence that brothers negatively affect their sisters'' onset of reproductive maturity and sexual activity; however, this delay is not associated with a fitness cost in contemporary Australia. We suggest this is due to the long period of independence prior to child bearing.  相似文献   

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