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Preliminary evidence on inefficient selection has indicated that asexual (=parthenogenetic) animals suffer from a greater accumulation of deleterious mutations compared with their closest sexual sister taxa. However, previous work on bdelloid rotifers did not completely rule out the confounding effects of sample size and habitat differences. Here, we present further evidence of inefficient selection against deleterious mutations in the bdelloid rotifers in comparison with their closest clade, the monogononts, by taking account of larger samples. However, the analysis of samples from both clades co-occurring in the same location seems to contradict the hypothesis. Both groups show evidence of the accumulation of deleterious mutations in mitochondrial DNA, but further population sampling and inclusion of additional genes is needed to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Filariasis is a widespread tropical disease caused by a group of nematode parasites that can survive for many years in immunocompetent hosts. The paradox of filariasis has always been the inverse association between parasite density, in terms of circulating microfilariae in the blood, and severe pathology. In this review, Rick Maizels and Rachel Lawrence argue that microfilariae and adult parasites induce a form of immunological tolerance which prevents both parasite elimination and progression to disease. The breakdown of this unresponsiveness is seen as the critical step towards pathogenesis. However, not every exposed individual progresses through infection to disease. The authors discuss evidence for protective immunity acting on antigens from the mosquito-borne infective larva, and propose that this stage represents a vulnerable target outside the scope of tolerance and pathogenesis. Stage-specific larval antigens, to which asymptomatic hosts are known to respond, may therefore represent the most effective and safe choice for an anti filarial vaccine.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly suggested that primates trade social services for fitness benefits in their relationships with the opposite sex. We tested this proposal in a colony of captive chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, by examining behavioural data on grooming, agonistic support and food sharing in relation to genetically established paternity. We found no support for the notion of trade. First, males did not sire more offspring with females that they actively groomed more frequently, that they supported more often or with which they shared food more frequently. Correspondingly, females did not give birth to more offspring sired by males from which they received more services. Second, males that showed more affiliative behaviour towards females in general did not sire more progeny. Furthermore, females did not bear more offspring sired by males to which they themselves directed more sociopositive behaviour. Results from this captive colony are compatible with those reported for chimpanzees under natural conditions. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus L. are usually considered to show only testa-imposed dormancy, but a transient embryo dormancy has also been identified at the time of fruit dispersal. Even embryos that did not show full dormancy at this stage possessed low germinative vigour. Removal of embryo dormancy and the development of increased germination potential did not require the low temperatures necessary for the removal of testa-imposed dormancy in this species. Germination rates of embryos from freshly harvested or briefly stored fruits were accelerated by removal of cotyledonary tissue, the most rapid responses occurring in isolated embryonic axes following complete removal of both cotyledons. Longer storage reduced this effect because of the increases in germinative vigour of whole embryos. Abscisic acid (ABA) reinforced embryo dormancy in embryos from freshly harvested or briefly stored fruits and also reduced germination rates in similarly derived isolated embryonic axes. This response to ABA also became progressively less marked as the storage period was extended. Loss of embryo dormancy was correlated with a reduction in endogenous abscisic acid levels in both whole embryos and cotyledons, suggesting that endogenous ABA contributes to the regulation of embryo dormancy in these seeds. There are no indications, however, that endogenous ABA is directly implicated in the low temperature processes associated with the removal of testa-imposed dormancy. The relevance of embryo dormancy in the intact seed of A. pseudoplatanus is discussed.  相似文献   

Excess adipose tissue brings with it a number of adverse consequences, many of which may stem from the development of insulin resistance. An emerging view is that inflammatory changes occurring in expanding adipose tissue are associated with the secretion of peptide and other factors that can adversely affect metabolic processes in other key insulin-target tissues, especially liver and skeletal muscle. However, there is still a commonly-expressed view that the adverse changes in other tissues are ultimately due to an excess of fatty acids, liberated by a metabolically-challenged adipose tissue. Our own studies of adipose tissue metabolism and physiological function (especially blood flow) IN VIVO suggest that these two views of adipose tissue function may be closely linked. Enlarged adipocytes are less dynamic in their responses, just as 'enlarged adipose tissue' is less dynamic in blood flow regulation. Adipocytes seem to be able to sense the appropriate level of fat storage. If the normal mechanisms regulating adipocyte fat storage are interfered with (either in genetically-modified animals or by increasing the size of the adipocytes), then perhaps some sort of cellular stress sets in, leading to the inflammatory and endocrine changes. Some evidence for this comes from the effects of the thiazolidinediones, which improve adipose tissue function and in parallel reduce inflammatory changes.  相似文献   

Technology is a social practice that embodies the capacity of societies to transform themselves by creating and manipulating not only physical objects, but also symbols and cultural forms. It is an illusion that scientific and socioeconomic drivers are the sole elements determining the destiny of a technology. Although they are important, what is really crucial is the way in which a human community 'metabolizes' a new technology, that is the way in which a new technology becomes part of the mental landscape of people living in that society. In this paper I argue that today, fear of technology mainly emerges from a lack of meaning surrounding the technology revolution. Present technology is developing without a sound cultural framework that could give technology a sense beyond mere utilitarian considerations. Frightening stories then end up being a privileged way to incorporate technology into a meaningful context. However, fear is not the sole emotion that can enable integration of new concepts into mental schemes, two other powerful emotional forces should be considered: wonder and curiosity.  相似文献   

Anorexia and body weight loss are characteristic of many diseases, including cancer and AIDS. Recent studies indicate that inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 1, the interleukin 6 subfamily and tumor necrosis factor, induce anorexia and cachexia by inhibiting the normal adaptive feeding response to energy deficits. Here, I discuss the evidence for and against a central role for neuropeptide Y and leptin in anorexia and cachexia.  相似文献   

Summary.  Protein misfolding and aberrant polymerization are salient features of virtually all central neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease, triplet repeat disorders, tauopathies, and prion diseases. In many instances, a single amino acid change can predispose to disease by increasing the production and/or changing the biophysical properties of a specific protein. Possible pathogenic similarities among the cerebral proteopathies suggest that therapeutic agents interfering with the proteopathic cascade might be effective against a wide range of diseases. However, testing compounds preclinically will require disease-relevant animal models. Numerous transgenic mouse models of β-amyloidosis, tauopathy, and other aspects of AD have now been produced, but none of the existing models fully recapitulates the pathology of AD. In an attempt to more faithfully replicate the human disease, we infused dilute AD-brain extracts into Tg2576 mice at 3-months of age (i.e. 5–6 months prior to the usual onset of β-amyloid deposition). We found that intracerebral infusion of AD brain extracts results in: 1) Premature deposition of β-amyloid in eight month-old, β-amyloid precursor protein (βAPP)-transgenic mice (Kane et al., 2000); 2) augmented amyloid load in the injected hemisphere of 15 month-old transgenic mice; 3) evidence for the spread of pathology to other brain areas, possibly by neuronal transport mechanisms; and 4) tau hyperphosphorylation (but not neurofibrillary pathology) in axons passing through the injection site. The seeding of β-amyloid in vivo by AD brain extracts suggests pathogenic similarities between β-amyloidoses such as AD and other cerebral proteopathies such as the prionoses, and could provide a new model for studying the proteopathic cascade and its neuronal consequences in neurodegenerative diseases. Received June 28, 2001 Accepted August 6, 2001 Published online June 26, 2002  相似文献   

The impressive performance of the research in mitochondrial genetics and human aging in the last decade outlines a new scenery in which the inherited variation of the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) may play a role in rate and quality of aging. This variation in humans was initially looked at as nearly neutral, and useful just for the reconstruction of human population history. However, recent data suggest that different mtDNA molecules are qualitatively different from each other. The aim of this paper is to discuss current ideas on the relationships among mitochondrial function, mtDNA inherited variation, and aging. The main processes where the mitochondrion is involved and the importance these processes have on aging and death of individuals will be described. A possible connection between programmed death phenomena (mitoptosis, apoptosis, phenoptosis) and rate and quality of aging will be discussed. Finally, the possible role played in these processes by the mtDNA germline variation will be explored.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of amino acid metabolism caused by severe deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, leading to the accumulation of phenylalanine and its metabolites in blood and tissues of affected patients. Phenylketonuric patients present as the major clinical feature mental retardation, whose pathomechanisms are poorly understood. In recent years, mounting evidence has emerged indicating that oxidative stress is possibly involved in the pathology of PKU. This article addresses some of the recent developments obtained from animal studies and from phenylketonuric patients indicating that oxidative stress may represent an important element in the pathophysiology of PKU. Several studies have shown that enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses are decreased in plasma and erythrocytes of PKU patients, which may be due to an increased free radical generation or secondary to the deprivation of micronutrients which are essential for these defenses. Indeed, markers of lipid, protein, and DNA oxidative damage have been reported in PKU patients, implying that reactive species production is increased in this disorder. A considerable set of data from in vitro and in vivo animal studies have shown that phenylalanine and/or its metabolites elicit reactive species in brain rodent. These findings point to a disruption of pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance in PKU. Considering that the brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative attack, it is presumed that the administration of appropriate antioxidants as adjuvant agents, in addition to the usual treatment based on restricted diets or supplementation of tetrahydrobiopterin, may represent another step in the prevention of the neurological damage in PKU.  相似文献   

The DNA–membrane complex has been the subject of intensive investigation for over 35 years as the possible site for DNA replication in the prokaryotic cell and the site through which newly synthesized chromosomes are segregated into daughter cells. However, the molecular mechanisms which control these phenomena are, for the most part, poorly understood despite genetic, biochemical, and morphologic evidence in favour of their existence. This is probably due to the transient nature and non-covalent interactions that occur between DNA and the membrane. In addition, there is a paucity of knowledge concerning the nature of the membrane receptors for DNA and whether the membrane plays simply a structural or metabolic role in the two processes. Plasmids can provide important insights into the role of the membrane in replication and partitioning because the plasmid life cycle is relatively simple, with replication occurring during the cell cycle and partitioning during cell division. The replicon model of Jacob et al. (1963, Cold Spring Harbor Symp Quant Biol 28: 329–348) still represents a good conceptual framework (with modifications) to explain how plasmid replication and partitioning are linked by the membrane. In its simplest form, the model focuses on specific membrane binding sites (possibly along the equator of the cell) for plasmid (or bacterial) replication, with the membrane acting as a motive force to separate the newly synthesized replicons and their attached sites into daughter cells. Indeed, proteins involved in both plasmid replication and partitioning have been found in membrane fractions and some plasmids require membrane binding for initiation and an active partitioning. We propose that several factors are critical for both plasmid DNA replication and partitioning. One factor is the extent of negative supercoiling (brought about by an interplay of various topoisomerases, but most importantly by DNA gyrase). Supercoiling is known to be critical for initiation of DNA replication but may also be important for the formation of a partition complex in contact with the cell membrane. Another factor is the presence of specific subdomains of the membrane which can interact specifically with origin DNA and possibly other regions involved in partitioning. Such domains may be induced transiently or be present at all times during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The relationship between offspring size and offspring number is crucial to life history evolution. To examine how these two life history variables are coupled and whether an altered balance between them will result in changes in maternal fitness, we manipulated clutch size of the Chinese cobra (Naja atra) by using the techniques of hormonal manipulation and follicle ablation. Females receiving exogenous follicle-stimulating hormone produced more but smaller eggs, and females undergoing follicle ablation produced fewer but larger eggs. Neither body size (body mass and snout-vent length) at hatching nor egg mass at oviposition had a role in determining hatchling survival and growth. Female hatchlings were more likely to die in early post-hatching days and grew more slowly than male hatchlings. Our data show that: (1) there is a nonlinear continuum of egg size-number trade-offs in N. atra within which there is a single inflexion where the rate at which egg size decreases with increasing clutch size, or clutch size increases with decreasing egg size, is maximized; (2) there is a fixed upper limit to egg size for a given-sized female, and the limit is not determined by her body volume; (3) egg size has no role in determining hatchling survival and growth; and (4) the extent to which females may enjoy reproductive benefits in a given reproductive episode depends on how well egg size and egg number are balanced.  相似文献   

The natriuretic peptide system of a euryhaline teleost, the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica), consists of three types of hormones [atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), ventricular natriuretic peptide (VNP), and C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP)] and four types of receptors [natriuretic peptide receptors (NPR)-A, -B, -C, and -D]. Although ANP is recognized as a volume-regulating hormone that extrudes both Na(+) and water in mammals, ANP more specifically extrudes Na(+) in eels. Accumulating evidence shows that ANP is secreted in response to hypernatremia and acts to inhibit the uptake and to stimulate the excretion of Na(+) but not water, thereby promoting seawater (SW) adaptation. In fact, ANP is secreted immediately after transfer of eels to SW and ameliorates sudden increases in plasma Na(+) concentration through inhibition of drinking and intestinal absorption of NaCl. ANP also stimulates the secretion of cortisol, a long-acting hormone for SW adaptation, whereas ANP itself disappears quickly from the circulation. Thus ANP is a primary hormone responsible for the initial phase of SW adaptation. By contrast, CNP appears to be a hormone involved in freshwater (FW) adaptation. Recent data show that the gene expression of CNP and its specific receptor, NPR-B, is much enhanced in FW eels. In fact, CNP infusion increases (22)Na uptake from the environment in FW eels. These results show that ANP and CNP, despite high sequence identity, have opposite effects on salinity adaptation in eels. This difference apparently originates from the difference in their specific receptors, ANP for NPR-A and CNP for NPR-B. VNP may compensate the effects of ANP and CNP for adaptation to respective media, because it has high affinity to both receptors. On the basis of these data, the authors suggest that the natriuretic peptide system is a key endocrine system that allows this euryhaline fish to adapt to diverse osmotic environments, particularly in the initial phase of adaptation.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana F-box protein MAX2 has been discovered in four separate genetic screens, indicating that it has roles in leaf senescence, seedling photosensitivity, shoot outgrowth and seed germination. Both strigolactones and karrikins can regulate A. thaliana seed germination and seedling photomorphogenesis in a MAX2-dependent manner, but only strigolactones inhibit shoot branching. How MAX2 mediates specific responses to both classes of structurally-related signals, and the origin of its dual role remains unknown. The moss Physcomitrella patens utilizes strigolactones and MAX2 orthologs are present across the land plants, suggesting that this signaling system could have an ancient origin. The seed of parasitic Orobanchaceae species germinate preferentially in response to strigolactones over karrikins, and putative Orobanchaceae MAX2 orthologs form a sub-clade distinct from those of other dicots. These observations suggest that lineage-specific evolution of MAX2 may have given rise to specialized responses to these signaling molecules.Key words: karrikins, strigolactones, F-box protein, seed germination, photomorphogenesis, parasitic weeds, mycorrhiza, moss, axillary branching  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis (OC) is the most important developmental orthopaedic disease in the horse. Despite some decades of research, much of the pathogenesis of the disorder remains obscure. Increasing knowledge of articular cartilage development in juvenile animals led to the presumption that the role of collagen in OC might be more important than previously thought. To study collagen characteristics of both cartilage and subchondral bone in young (5 and 11 months of age) horses, samples were taken of subchondral bone and articular cartilage from a group of 43 Dutch Warmblood foals and yearlings that suffered from varying degrees of OC. Based on a histological classification, lesions were graded as early, middle and end stage. Collagen content and some posttranslational modifications (lysyl hydroxylation, hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) and lysylpyridinoline (LP) cross-links) were determined, as was proteoglycan content. Data were compensated for site effects and analysed for differences due to the stage of the lesion. In early lesions total collagen was significantly decreased in both cartilage and subchondral bone of 5- and 11-month-old foals. Also in cartilage, HP cross-linking was reduced in the early lesions of 5- and 11-month-old foals, while LP cross-linking was decreased in subchondral bone of the end-stage lesions of both 5- and 11-month-old foals. Hydroxylysine content was unaffected. Collagen content remained reduced in cartilage from middle- and end-stage lesions, but returned to normal in subchondral bone. In cartilage there was a decrease in proteoglycan content in the end-stage lesions of both age groups. Thus, alterations of the collagen component, but not of the proteoglycan component, of the extracellular matrix might play a role in early OC. More severe lesions show a more general picture of an unspecific repair reaction. Biomarkers of collagen metabolism can be expected to be good candidates for early detection of OC.  相似文献   

For many years, the physiological significance of Ca(2+) oscillations has been a matter of debate, but the potential to encode and transduce information in the pattern of an oscillation is obvious. In this review, we only consider transients and oscillations observed during fertilization in plants with the major focus on flowering plants. After presenting data related to algae, fertilization mechanisms in flowering plants are defined as a multi-step phenomenon, starting with pollination during which calcium plays a key role, especially during pollen-stigma interactions (compatible and incompatible reactions). The pollen tube serves as a guide and a pathway for the sperm cells on their course towards their female target cells. For many years, the pollen tube has also been studied as an easily accessible in vitro model to elucidate the role of calcium on tip growth. Finally, in flowering plants, a unique double fertilization system is present. Interesting data obtained from an in vitro fertilization system in maize are presented and discussed. In addition, the new approaches made possible by Arabidopsis and Torenia and their potential limitations are covered.  相似文献   

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