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Reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen have been collectively implicated in pulmonary oxygen toxicity, but the contributions of specific molecules are unknown. Therefore, we assessed the roles of several reactive species, particularly nitric oxide, in pulmonary injury by exposing wild-type mice and seven groups of genetically altered mice to >98% O2 at 1, 3, or 4 atmospheres absolute. Genetically altered animals included knockouts lacking either neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS(-/-)), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS(-/-)), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS(-/-)), extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3(-/-)), or glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1(-/-)), as well as two transgenic variants (S1179A and S1179D) having altered eNOS activities. We confirmed our earlier finding that normobaric hyperoxia (NBO2) and hyperbaric hyperoxia (HBO2) result in at least two distinct but overlapping patterns of pulmonary injury. Our new findings are that the role of nitric oxide in the pulmonary pathophysiology of hyperoxia depends both on the specific NOS isozyme that is its source and on the level of hyperoxia. Thus, iNOS predominates in the etiology of lung injury in NBO2, and SOD3 provides an important defense. But in HBO2, nNOS is a major contributor to pulmonary injury, whereas eNOS is protective. In addition, we demonstrated that nitric oxide derived from nNOS is involved in a neurogenic mechanism of HBO2-induced lung injury that is linked to central nervous system oxygen toxicity through adrenergic/cholinergic pathways.  相似文献   

Renal (peritubular) tissue hypoxia is a well-known physiological trigger for erythropoietin (EPO) production. We investigated the effect of rebound relative hypoxia after hyperoxia obtained under normo- and hyperbaric oxygen breathing conditions. A group of 16 healthy volunteers were investigated before and after a period of breathing 100% normobaric oxygen for 2 h and a period of breathing 100% oxygen at 2.5 ATA for 90 min (hyperbaric oxygen). Serum EPO concentration was measured using a radioimmunoassay at various time points during 24-36 h. A 60% increase (P < 0.001) in serum EPO was observed 36 h after normobaric oxygen. In contrast, a 53% decrease in serum EPO was observed at 24 h after hyperbaric oxygen. Those changes were not related to the circadian rhythm of serum EPO of the subjects. These results indicate that a sudden and sustained decrease in tissue oxygen tension, even above hypoxia thresholds (e.g., after a period of normobaric oxygen breathing), may act as a trigger for EPO serum level. This EPO trigger, the "normobaric oxygen paradox," does not appear to be present after hyperbaric oxygen breathing.  相似文献   

In immunity, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) are important antimicrobial agents and regulators of cell signaling and activation pathways. However, the cellular sources of ROS and NO are much debated. Particularly, there is contention over whether mast cells, key secretory cells in allergy and immunity, can generate these chemical species, and if so, whether they are of functional significance. We therefore examined directly by flow cytometry the capacity of mast cells to generate intracellular ROS and NO using the respective cell-permeable fluorescent probes dichlorodihydrofluorescein and diaminofluorescein and evaluated the effects of inhibitors of ROS and NO synthesis on cell degranulation. For each of three mast cell types (rat peritoneal mast cells, mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells, and human blood-derived mast cells), degranulation stimulated by IgE/antigen was accompanied by production of intracellular ROS but not NO. Inhibition of ROS production led to reduced degranulation, indicating a facilitatory role for ROS, whereas NO synthase inhibitors were without effect. Likewise, bacterial lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma over a wide range of conditions failed to generate intracellular NO in mast cells, whereas these agents readily induced intracellular NO in macrophages. NO synthase protein, as assessed by Western blotting, was readily induced in macrophages but not mast cells. We conclude that rodent and human mast cells generate intracellular ROS but not NO and that intracellular ROS but not intracellular NO are functionally linked to mast cell degranulation.  相似文献   

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO), e.g. pure oxygen breathing at supra-atmospheric pressures, represents a well-suited model for investigating oxidative stress-induced DNA damage as well as protective mechanisms. While the induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) seems to be crucial for this protection against this DNA damage, the role of nitric oxide (NO) remains unclear. HO-1 expression is a major regulator of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS), and therefore we investigated the effect of the interaction between HBO, NO, and HO-1 on DNA damage. Prior to exposure to HBO (3 h at 3 bar ambient pressure) rats randomly received vehicle (HBO alone, 1 mL 0.9% saline, n=8), the NO donor molsidomine (SIN-10, 40 mg/kg, n=8) or the HO-1 blocker tin-mesopophyrin (Sn-MP, 50 micromol/kg, n=8). Additional groups received SIN-10 without exposure to HBO, i.e. breathing air under normobaric conditions for 3h (SIN-10 alone, 40 mg/kg, n=6), vehicle without HBO (negative controls, n=6), and ethylmethanesulfonate without HBO (EMS, 200 mg/kg) (positive controls n=4). Immediately after the 3 h HBO or air breathing period blood was analysed for DNA strand breaks (tail moment in the alkaline comet assay) and nitrite+nitrate (chemoluminescence). Whereas the tail moment was ten-fold higher after EMS than in the negative controls, there was no effect of HBO nor SIN-10 alone. Together with HBO, pretreatment with SIN-10 doubled the tail moment, and Sn-MP increased it by 50%. In contrast to Sn-MP or HBO alone, SIN-10 resulted in a five-fold increase of nitrite+nitrate concentrations. We conclude that both HO-1 blockade and excess NO release promote DNA damage during HBO exposure in vivo. The effect of HO-1 inhibition is probably independent of the regulatory function of HO-1 for iNOS.  相似文献   

Recent investigations have elucidated some of the diverse roles played by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in events that lead to oxygen toxicity and defend against it. The focus of this review is on toxic and protective mechanisms in hyperoxia that have been investigated in our laboratories, with an emphasis on interactions of nitric oxide (NO) with other endogenous chemical species and with different physiological systems. It is now emerging from these studies that the anatomical localization of NO release, which depends, in part, on whether the oxygen exposure is normobaric or hyperbaric, strongly influences whether toxicity emerges and what form it takes, for example, acute lung injury, central nervous system excitation, or both. Spatial effects also contribute to differences in the susceptibility of different cells in organs at risk from hyperoxia, especially in the brain and lungs. As additional nodes are identified in this interactive network of toxic and protective responses, future advances may open up the possibility of novel pharmacological interventions to extend both the time and partial pressures of oxygen exposures that can be safely tolerated. The implications of a better understanding of the mechanisms by which NO contributes to central nervous system oxygen toxicity may include new insights into the pathogenesis of seizures of diverse etiologies. Likewise, improved knowledge of NO-based mechanisms of pulmonary oxygen toxicity may enhance our understanding of other types of lung injury associated with oxidative or nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

The goal of work was to reveal changes in microcirculation of the rat brain and the role of nitric oxide (NO) in development of seizures at hyperbaric oxygen exposure. The Wistar rats with implanted paired platinum electrodes in left and right striatum were used for experiments. The latency of seizures was defined by the EEG, the cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured by hydrogen clearance. One group of animals was exposed to a 5-ata oxygen, while the others before oxygen treatment were injected with: Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), blockator of constitutive NO synthase; 7-nitroindozol (7NI), specific inhibitor of neural NO synthase. The latency of seizures was 41 +/- 1.9 min at 5 ata oxygen exposure. CBF was decreased to 10-14% but before seizures it increased to 23 +/- 9%. L-NAME and 7NI prevented development of hyperoxygen hyperemia and onset of seizures. The results indicate occurrence of hyperbaric oxygen changes of the CBF that modulate neurotoxic effects of NO in neurons as well as in cerebral vessels.  相似文献   

The influence of LPS preincubation on hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-induced loss of epithelial barrier function was investigated in rat alveolar epithelial type II cells (ATII). Both apical and basolateral H(2)O(2) administration caused a manyfold increase in transepithelial [(3)H]mannitol passage. Apical but not basolateral preincubation of ATII with LPS did not influence control barrier properties but fully abrogated the H(2)O(2)-induced leakage response. The effect of apical LPS was CD14 dependent and was accompanied by a strong up-regulation of NO synthase II mRNA and protein and NO release. Inhibition of NO by N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine suppressed the LPS effect, whereas it was reproduced by exogenous application of gaseous NO or NO donor agents. Manipulation of the glutathione homeostasis (buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine) and the cGMP pathway (1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo[4,3-alpha]quinoxaline-1-one; zaprinast) did not interfere with the protective effect of LPS. Superoxide (O*(-)(2)) generation by ATII cells was reduced by exogenous NO and LPS preincubation. O*(-)(2) scavenging with exogenous superoxide dismutase, the intracellular superoxide dismutase analog Mn(III)tetrakis(4-benzoic acid) porphyrin, and the superoxide scavenger nitroblue tetrazolium and, in particular, hydroxyl radical scavenging with hydroxyl radical scavenger 1,3-dimethyl-thiourea inhibited the H(2)O(2)-induced epithelial leakage response. In conclusion, apical but not basolateral LPS preincubation of ATII cells provides strong protection against H(2)O(2)-induced transepithelial leakage, attributable to an up-regulation of epithelial NO synthesis. It is suggested that the LPS-induced NO formation is effective via interaction with reactive oxygen species, including superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. The polarized epithelial response to LPS may be part of the lung innate immune system, activated by inhaled endotoxin or under conditions of pneumonia.  相似文献   

We have already reported the identification of the endopolygalacturonase 1 (BcPG1) from Botrytis cinerea as a potent elicitor of defense responses in grapevine, independently of its enzymatic activity. The aim of the present study is the analysis of the signaling pathways triggered by BcPG1 in grapevine cells. Our data indicate that BcPG1 induces a Ca2+ entry from the apoplasm, which triggers a phosphorylation-dependent nitric oxide (NO) production via an enzyme probably related to a NO synthase. Then NO is involved in (i) cytosolic calcium homeostasis, by activating Ca2+ release from internal stores and regulating Ca2+ fluxes across the plasma membrane, (ii) plasma membrane potential variation, (iii) the activation of active oxygen species (AOS) production, and (iv) defense gene expression, including phenylalanine ammonia lyase and stilbene synthase, which encode enzymes responsible for phytoalexin biosynthesis. Interestingly enough, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation is independent of this regulation pathway that closely connects Ca2+, NO, and AOS.  相似文献   

Low oxygen sensing and balancing in plant seeds: a role for nitric oxide   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Storage product accumulation in seeds of major crop species is limited by their low internal oxygen concentration. Adjustment of energy and storage metabolism to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) in seeds is highly relevant for agriculture and biotechnology. However, the mechanisms of low-oxygen sensing and balancing remain a mystery. Here, it is shown that normal hypoxia in seeds of soybean (Glycine max) and pea (Pisum sativum) triggers a nitrite-dependent increase in endogenous nitric oxide (NO) concentrations. NO, in turn, reduces the oxygen consumption of seeds, generating a localized decrease in both ATP availability and biosynthetic activity. Increasing oxygen availability reduces endogenous NO concentrations, thereby abolishing mitochondrial and metabolic inhibition. This auto-regulatory and reversible oxygen balancing, via NO, avoids seed anoxia and suggests a key role for NO in regulating storage activity. This hypothesis is reinforced by changes in energy status (ATP:ADP ratio), steady-state metabolite concentrations and biosynthetic fluxes under NO treatment. The proposed mechanism of low-oxygen sensing and balancing in plants offers the prospect of a new field of study in crop biotechnology.  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) is a rare and progressive disease. Several processes are believed to lead to the fatal progressive pulmonary arterial narrowing seen in IPAH including vasoconstriction, cellular proliferation inflammation, vascular remodeling, abnormalities in the lung matrix, and in situ thrombosis. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by NO synthases (NOS) is a potent vasodilator and plays important roles in many other processes including platelet function. Reduced NO levels in patients with IPAH are known to contribute to the development of pulmonary hypertension and its complications. Platelet defects have been implied in IPAH, but original research supporting this hypothesis has been limited. Normal platelets are known to have NOS activity, but little is known about NOS expression and NO production by platelets in patients with IPAH. Here we characterized the phenotype of the platelets in IPAH and show a defect in their ability to be activated in vitro by thrombin receptor activating protein but not adenosine diphosphate. We also show that endothelial NOS (eNOS) levels in these platelets are reduced and demonstrate that NO is an important regulator of platelet function. Thus reduced levels of eNOS in platelets could impact their ability to regulate their own function appropriately.  相似文献   

Congenital cardiac defects associated with increased pulmonary blood flow (Q(p)) produce pulmonary hypertension. We have previously reported attenuated endothelium-dependent relaxations in pulmonary arteries (PA) isolated from lambs with increased Q(p) and pulmonary hypertension. To better characterize the vascular alterations in the nitric oxide-superoxide system, 12 fetal lambs underwent in utero placement of an aortopulmonary vascular graft (shunt). Twin lambs served as controls. PA were isolated from these lambs at 4-6 wk of age. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy on fourth-generation PA showed significantly increased superoxide anion generation in shunt PA that were decreased to control levels following inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) with 2-ethyl-2-thiopseudourea. Preconstricted fifth-generation PA rings were relaxed with a NOS agonist (A-23187), a nitric oxide donor [S-nitrosyl amino penicillamine (SNAP)], polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase (PEG-SOD), or H(2)O(2). A-23187-, PEG-SOD-, and H(2)O(2)-mediated relaxations were impaired in shunt PA compared with controls. Pretreatment with PEG-SOD significantly enhanced the relaxation response to A-23187 and SNAP in shunt but not control PA. Inhibition of NOS with nitro-L-arginine or scavenging superoxide anions with tiron enhanced relaxation to SNAP and inhibited relaxation to PEG-SOD in shunt PA. Pretreatment with catalase inhibited relaxation of shunt PA to A-23187, SOD, and H(2)O(2). We conclude that NOS catalyzes the production of superoxide anions in shunt PA. PEG-SOD relaxes shunt PA by converting these anions to H(2)O(2), a pulmonary vasodilator. The redox environment, influenced by the balance between production and scavenging of ROS, may have important consequences on pulmonary vascular reactivity in the setting of increased Q(p).  相似文献   

Studying the fate of duplicated genes provides informative insight into the evolutionary plasticity of biological pathways to which they belong. In the paralogous sex-determining genes complementary sex determiner (csd) and feminizer (fem) of honey bee species (genus Apis), only heterozygous csd initiates female development. Here, the full-length coding sequences of the genes csd and fem of the phylogenetically basal dwarf honey bee Apis florea are characterized. Compared with other Apis species, remarkable evolutionary changes in the formation and localization of a protein-interacting (coiled-coil) motif and in the amino acids coding for the csd characteristic hypervariable region (HVR) are observed. Furthermore, functionally different csd alleles were isolated as genomic fragments from a random population sample. In the predicted potential specifying domain (PSD), a high ratio of πN/πS=1.6 indicated positive selection, whereas signs of balancing selection, commonly found in other Apis species, are missing. Low nucleotide diversity on synonymous and genome-wide, non-coding sites as well as site frequency analyses indicated a strong impact of genetic drift in A. florea, likely linked to its biology. Along the evolutionary trajectory of ~30 million years of csd evolution, episodic diversifying selection seems to have acted differently among distinct Apis branches. Consistently low amino-acid differences within the PSD among pairs of functional heterozygous csd alleles indicate that the HVR is the most important region for determining allele specificity. We propose that in the early history of the lineage-specific fem duplication giving rise to csd in Apis, A. florea csd stands as a remarkable example for the plasticity of initial sex-determining signals.  相似文献   

Shelkovnikov S  Gonick HC 《Life sciences》2004,75(23):2765-2773
Nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite (ONOO) have been reported to destroy catecholamines. We compared the ability of NO donors and peroxynitrite to decompose epinephrine in both chemical and pharmacological experiments. Epinephrine (1 microM) was incubated with NO donors (SNAP and MAHMA NONOate) and ONOO at a concentration of 0.1 mM in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4; 0.1 M) or Krebs solution for 10 minutes at 37 degrees C. HPLC revealed that the concentration of epinephrine in the presence of NO donors was unaltered. In contrast, peroxynitrite decreased epinephrine concentration more than 20 fold. Similar relationships were obtained in the study of rat thoracic aorta ring contraction. The contractile activity (EC50) of epinephrine in control solutions and after incubation of NE with NO donors did not change. EC50 was measured at 8-10 nM in control solutions and after preincubation with NO donors. However when epinephrine was preincubated with peroxynitrite, no contractile effect was evoked. Therefore, under these experimental conditions peroxynitrite, but not NO donors, was capable of destroying epinephrine.  相似文献   

In plant cells, as in most eukaryotic organisms, peroxisomes are probably the major sites of intracellular H2O2 production, as a result of their essentially oxidative type of metabolism. Like mitochondria and chloroplasts, peroxisomes also produce superoxide radicals (O2*-) and there are, at least, two sites of superoxide generation: one in the organelle matrix, the generating system being xanthine oxidase, and another site in the peroxisomal membranes dependent on NAD(P)H. In peroxisomal membranes, three integral polypeptides (PMPs) with molecular masses of 18, 29, and 32 kDa have been shown to generate O2*- radicals. Besides catalase, several antioxidative systems have been demonstrated in plant peroxisomes, including different superoxide dismutases, the four enzymes of the ascorbate-glutathione cycle plus ascorbate and glutathione, and three NADP-dependent dehydrogenases. A CuZn-SOD and two Mn-SODs have been purified and characterized from different types of plant peroxisomes. The presence of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and its reaction product, nitric oxide (NO*), has been recently demonstrated in plant peroxisomes. Different experimental evidence has suggested that peroxisomes have a ROS-mediated cellular function in leaf senescence and in stress situations induced by xenobiotics and heavy metals. Peroxisomes could also have a role in plant cells as a source of signal molecules like NO*, O2*- radicals, H2O2, and possibly S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO). It seems reasonable to think that a signal molecule-producing function similar to that postulated for plant peroxisomes could also be performed by human, animal and yeast peroxisomes, where research on oxy radicals, antioxidants and nitric oxide is less advanced than in plant peroxisomes.  相似文献   

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