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Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted by the infectious bite of Anopheles mosquitoes. Vector control of malaria has predominantly focused on targeting the adult mosquito through insecticides and bed nets. However, current vector control methods are often not sustainable for long periods so alternative methods are needed. A novel biocontrol approach for mosquito-borne diseases has recently been proposed, it uses maternally inherited endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria transinfected into mosquitoes in order to interfere with pathogen transmission. Transinfected Wolbachia strains in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the primary vector of dengue fever, directly inhibit pathogen replication, including Plasmodium gallinaceum, and also affect mosquito reproduction to allow Wolbachia to spread through mosquito populations. In addition, transient Wolbachia infections in Anopheles gambiae significantly reduce Plasmodium levels. Here we review the prospects of using a Wolbachia-based approach to reduce human malaria transmission through transinfection of Anopheles mosquitoes.  相似文献   



The stimulation of nerve or cortical tissue by magnetic induction is a relatively new tool for the non-invasive study of the brain and nervous system. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), for example, has been used for the functional mapping of the motor cortex and may have potential for treating a variety of brain disorders.  相似文献   

Tony Y. Hu 《Proteomics》2016,16(13):1947-1948
Comparative proteomics is increasingly used to detect biomarkers and therapeutic targets that differ between healthy and diseased populations; however, differences in posttranslational modifications have received less attention. In this issue, Yang et al. (Proteomics 2016, 16, 1872–1880) present data indicating that a glycoproteomics approach can detect N‐glycosylated membrane protein differences between non‐HIV‐infected and latently infected human CD4+ T‐cell lines, identifying 172 proteins differentially expressed by these cells. Latently infected CD4+ T cells are thought to represent the major barrier to eventual HIV cure, but do not express detectable levels of viral protein and have not been shown to express biomarkers that can distinguish them from the vastly more abundant uninfected CD4+ T‐cell population. The findings of Yang et al. suggest that glycoproteomic analyses may have untapped potential to identify novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets in cell populations not readily distinguishable be standard proteomic analyses.  相似文献   

Can ecological theory be used to improve water quality?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maciej Gliwicz  Z. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):283-291
The role of ecology in environmental management has been more to warn of the dangers of pollution than to propose technical solutions for environmental problems, this being mostly left to chemists and engineers. Only limited aspects of the broad and diverse theory of ecology have been applied in the present bottom-up-control approach to water management (nutrient reduction). Another aspect of ecological theory which has recently become applicable is the top-down-control approach known as biomanipulation (promoting efficient herbivores). Both approaches are likely to be reinforced in the future by further application of ecological theory to water management. Of the multiple possibilities of applying ecological theory to environmental problems, one is the use of our knowledge on chemical communication in aquatic habitats, the phenomena by which prey detect the presence of their predators. I postulate that the phytoplankton standing crop might be reduced by chemical regulation of the physiology and life cycles of algae and cyanobacteria, as well as by chemical regulation of the behaviour and life histories of planktonic herbivores and their predators. At present planktivorous fish seem to be the most logical target for such chemical manipulation. A desirable effect, i.e. a reduction in algal standing crop, could be achieved by scaring fish from the lake pelagial thus releasing predation pressure on the offshore herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

Can ribozymes be used to regulate procaryote gene expression?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The in vivo activity of ribozymes designed against mRNA coding for E. coli beta-galactosidase was tested both in intramolecular and in intermolecular conditions. When recombinant M13 phage DNA carrying on the same molecule the information for both the ribozyme and the target was transfected into bacterial cells, ribozyme activity was observed. Conversely, a ribozyme coded by a recombinant M13 vector, but targeted against an mRNA transcribed from the F episome including the remaining part of the beta-galactosidase gene, was inefficient.  相似文献   

Instrumented treadmills offer significant advantages for analysis of human locomotion, including recording consecutive steady-state gait cycles, precisely controlling walking speed, and avoiding force plate targeting. However, some studies of hemiparetic walking on a treadmill have suggested that the moving treadmill belt may fundamentally alter propulsion mechanics. Any differences in propulsion mechanics during treadmill walking would be problematic since recent studies assessing propulsion have provided fundamental insight into hemiparetic walking. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that there would be no difference in the generation of anterior/posterior (A/P) propulsion by performing a carefully controlled comparison of the A/P ground reaction forces (GRFs) and impulses in healthy adults during treadmill and overground walking. Gait data were collected from eight subjects walking overground and on a treadmill with speed and cadence controlled. Peak negative and positive horizontal GRFs in early and late stance, respectively, were reduced by less than 5% of body weight (p<0.05) during treadmill walking compared to overground walking. The magnitude of the braking impulse was similarly lower (p<0.05) during treadmill walking, but no significant difference was found between propulsion impulses. While there were some subtle differences in A/P GRFs between overground and treadmill walking, these results suggest there is no fundamental difference in propulsion mechanics. We conclude that treadmill walking can be used to investigate propulsion generation in healthy and by implication clinical populations.  相似文献   

Grenadiers Macrourus spp. are the main bycatch species in the exploratory longline fishery for toothfish Dissostichus spp. in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Ongoing monitoring tools are needed to assess stock status of grenadiers in the Ross Sea and to ensure ecological relationships are maintained. There may be potential to use fisheries acoustic methods to obtain estimates of grenadier abundance. Acoustic data collected during New Zealand??s International Polar Year Census of Marine Life survey in February?CMarch 2008 provide evidence that single targets close to the bottom over the Ross Sea slope are grenadiers. The acoustic target strength distribution of single targets was very similar to that predicted based on the measured size range of grenadiers. There are also positive correlations between acoustic backscatter and trawl and longline catches of grenadiers. Key uncertainties of the acoustic method are mark identification away from the bottom, and technical issues with low signal-to-noise ratio at depths greater than 1000 m and the acoustic dead-zone close to the bottom.  相似文献   

International legislation demands that statutory bodies report on the health of aquatic ecosystems. Traditionally, ecosystem components have been characterised according to species assemblages but with limited success in predicting health. On the other hand, many studies based upon functional groupings that include trophic relationships and bioturbation potential have shown response to pollution. However, these and other functional group responses have not yet been linked to broad scale physical variables. To date this has hindered the development of a predictive model of function based on abiotic factors. In addition, most functional studies ignore any potential role of body size when assessing the importance of each species to overall functional group measures. By weighting all species that belong to the same guild equally, the investigator risks overestimating the true importance of any one guild to the environment. This study compared the ability of different functional group approaches to discriminate between separate estuarine sites, whilst linking biotic data with abiotic factors. Using data for the Tamar Estuary, we show that no two methods of classifying the biotic data, according to function, produce the same groupings of sites; nor did any method produce groupings that matched clusters based on abiotic factors alone. Instead, results show that not only can choice of functional method alter our perception of site associations but also, can influence the strength of similarity relationships between abiotic and biotic datasets. Both the use of bioturbation measures and weighting species abundance data by body size provided better relationships between biotic and abiotic data than the use of trophic groups. Thus both methods merit further research to produce algorithms for modelling studies.  相似文献   

Despite widely acknowledged handicaps of the species approach to identifying priority conservation areas, many workers continue to use these flawed techniques as the backbone of their analyses. Species-based approaches address only a small part of biological diversity by ignoring different levels of organisation as well as the functional linkages among these levels. These data are often biased and incomplete and are often used in preference to data dealing with higher biological levels of organisation though the latter may be readily available. Within the framework of Noss's [(1990) Conservation Biology 4: 355–364] hierarchical definition of biodiversity (and Scott etal. [(1993) Wildlife Monographs 123: 1–31] gap analysis), we propose a top-down model dealing with broad organisational levels first, and finer-scale species distributions last. Note that we do not discard the latter approach, but merely argue for its use at a stage when, in our opinion, it adds most to the value of the prioritisation exercise. The model is flexible so that additional information, particularly those related to threats to biological diversity, can be added when they are available.  相似文献   

Species traits which facilitate introduction and predominance have been quantitatively ranked using interval arithmetic to search for common patterns among 113 marine macroalgae introduced in Europe. Three main categories were used: dispersal, establishment and ecological impact. These were further subdivided into more specific categories, a total of 13. Introduced species were compared with the same number of native species randomized from the same families as the introduced. Invasive species (i.e. species having a negative ecological or economical impact) were also compared with non-invasive introductions, separately for the three algal groups. In many categories, as well as when adding all species, the introduced species ranked more hazardous than the native species and the invasive species ranked higher than the non-invasive ones. The ranking within the three main categories differed, reflecting different strategies between the species within the three algal groups. When all categories (excluding salinity and temperature) were summed, the top five risk species, all invasive, were, in descending order, Codium fragile spp.tomentosoides, Caulerpa taxifolia, Undaria pinnatifida, Asparagopsis armata and Grateloupia doryphora, while Sargassum muticum ranked eight and Caulerpa racemosa ten. Fifteen of the twenty-six species listed as invasive were among the twenty highest ranked.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in modelling of species abundance data in addition to presence data. In this study, we assessed the similarities and differences between presence‐absence distributions and abundance distributions along similar environmental gradients, derived, respectively, from presence‐absence and abundance data. Moreover, we examined the possibility of using presence‐absence distribution models to derive abundance distributions. For this purpose, we used Braun‐Blanquet abundance scores for 243 vascular species at 10 996 French forest sites. Species distribution models were used to analyse the link between the patterns of occurrence, low abundance and high abundance for each species with regard to mean annual temperature, June water balance, and soil pH. For each species, differences in the modelled distributions were characterised by the ecological optimum and ecological amplitude. A comparison of the presence‐absence and abundance distributions for all species revealed similar optima and different amplitudes along the three ecological factors. An abundant‐centre distribution was observed in environmental space, with species abundance being greatest at the optimal conditions and lower at less favourable conditions of the species occurrence response. Geographical habitat mapping also shows centred, high‐abundance suitability within the presence habitat of each species. We conclude that species distribution models derived from presence‐absence data provide useful information about the ecological optima of abundance distributions but overestimate the range of habitats suitable for high species abundance. This study demonstrates the utility of presence‐absence data for ecologist and conservation biologist when they are interested in the optimal conditions of high species abundance.  相似文献   

Malaise traps are typically used to sample a range of flying insect groups; however non-target taxa such as spiders may also be collected in large numbers. In this study, spiders were sampled in peatlands and wet grasslands and catches in Malaise and pitfall traps were compared in order to determine the adequacy of Malaise traps for use in spider biodiversity assessment. Overall, the number of species and individuals caught in Malaise and pitfall traps were comparable, although more species were sampled in Malaise traps in locations with a greater structural diversity of the vegetation. The spider fauna sampled by the Malaise traps differed from that of the pitfall traps, but both methods consistently separated the species assemblages by biotope. These results demonstrate that Malaise traps are effective at sampling spiders and indicate that they can be used in biodiversity assessment. In addition the complementary species sampled by each method mean that employing both techniques will be useful where a full inventory of the species is required. The authors do not suggest that Malaise traps should be used solely to sample spiders; however, if traps are set to collect insects, identification of the spiders sampled may reduce the need to employ additional sampling techniques.  相似文献   



Osteonecrosis (ON) is a rare disease associated with alcohol and glucocorticoid use. Identifying additional risk factors is difficult as the number of cases at any single center is small. We investigated whether data available in large health care databases can be used to identify incident ON cases.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for explaining plant invasions have focused on a variety of factors that may influence invasion success, including propagule pressure, interactions of the introduced species with the biotic, abiotic, or disturbance properties of the new ecosystem, or the genetic characteristics of the invader itself. Evaluating the relative importance of these factors has been difficult because for most invaders key information about the introduced population or the introduction event is not available. We propose that natural experiments using model species is an important tool to test multiple invasion hypotheses at the same time, providing a complementary approach to meta-analysis and literature review. By focusing on a single candidate species, Pinus contorta, we explore several attributes that we propose constitute a good model, including: (a) intentional and relatively well documented introduction into a wide range of environments and countries across the world during the past century, where invasion success or failure has already occurred, (b) conspicuous growth form that simplifies assessment of growth rates, and comparisons across native and introduced ecosystems around the world, and, (c) documented and replicated variability of introduction intensity, genetic characteristics of the introduced populations, contrasting biotic communities present at sites of introduction, and abiotic conditions within and across introduced ecosystems. We propose that identifying model species with these characteristics will provide opportunities to disentangle the relative importance of different mechanisms hypothesized to influence invasion success, and thereby advance the field of invasion ecology.  相似文献   



Electrical capacitance, measured between an electrode inserted at the base of a plant and an electrode in the rooting substrate, is often linearly correlated with root mass. Electrical capacitance has often been used as an assay for root mass, and is conventionally interpreted using an electrical model in which roots behave as cylindrical capacitors wired in parallel. Recent experiments in hydroponics show that this interpretation is incorrect and a new model has been proposed. Here, the new model is tested in solid substrates.


The capacitances of compost and soil were determined as a function of water content, and the capacitances of cereal plants growing in sand or potting compost in the glasshouse, or in the field, were measured under contrasting irrigation regimes.

Key Results

Capacitances of compost and soil increased with increasing water content. At water contents approaching field capacity, compost and soil had capacitances at least an order of magnitude greater than those of plant tissues. For plants growing in solid substrates, wetting the substrate locally around the stem base was both necessary and sufficient to record maximum capacitance, which was correlated with stem cross-sectional area: capacitance of excised stem tissue equalled that of the plant in wet soil. Capacitance measured between two electrodes could be modelled as an electrical circuit in which component capacitors (plant tissue or rooting substrate) are wired in series.


The results were consistent with the new physical interpretation of plant capacitance. Substrate capacitance and plant capacitance combine according to standard physical laws. For plants growing in wet substrate, the capacitance measured is largely determined by the tissue between the surface of the substrate and the electrode attached to the plant. Whilst the measured capacitance can, in some circumstances, be correlated with root mass, it is not a direct assay of root mass.  相似文献   

Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells, which display both potent anti-tumor ability of T lymphocytes and non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restricted killing tumor cells capacity of natural killer (NK) cells are capable of recognizing and lysing a broad array of tumor targets. They have begun to be used in clinical care with good prospects for treatment success. CIK cells are a heterogeneous cell population that contain CD3+CD56+ cells, CD3CD56+ natural killer (NK) cells and CD3+CD56 T cells on which much attention has been focused. This review will summarize the connections and differences among CD3+CD56+CIK cells, CD3CD56+ NK cells and CD3+CD56 T cells in the following aspects: the main cell surface molecule, killing mechanism, and clinical applications so that treatment with CIK cells can be optimized and further to enhance the antitumor effect.  相似文献   

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