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本文利用姬姆萨染色空气干燥压片方法,对花蝽科小花蝽属中国2种小花蝽的性细胞核型进行了研究.研究结果表明该2种小花蝽的2倍体均具有24条染色体和X-Y性别机制,但2种间在染色体行为特征方面具有差别,主要表现在细胞减数分裂的晚终变期和中期常染色体以及性染色体的排列形状与位置等方面,该特征可以用于种间的细胞分类.  相似文献   

The survival, development and adult size of Orius vicinus were studied on five prey species, the mites Aculus schlechtendali, Panonychus ulmi and Tetranychus urticae, and larvae of the insects Dasineura mali and Thrips obscuratus. Survival was high (74-100%) and O. vicinus was able to complete development on all prey species in an average of 22-26 days at 20 C. The most rapid development occurred on T. obscuratus, T. urticae and P. ulmi. Adult size was estimated from the length of the fifth instar cast skin, which averaged 2.18 to 2.48 mm on different prey. The largest bugs were obtained from feeding on T. obscuratus or D. mali. O. vicinus, which were fed A. schlechtendali, were the slowest to develop and produced the smallest adults. The results are discussed in relation to prey availability and observed predation in the field, and are compared with previous feeding studies.  相似文献   

Laboratory trials were carried out in order to test the effects of 29 pesticides on the predatory bug, Orius laevigatus. To evaluate residual contact activity, newly moulted fourth instar nymphs of O. laevigatus were placed on treated Petri dishes and their mortality was checked after 7 days. The fecundity of surviving females was tested for 14 days. Young O. laevigatus adults were fed with eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, treated with the (above-mentioned) pesticides, to assess the effect of pesticides by ingestion. Adult mortality, female fecundity and egg hatching were recorded. Azadirachtin, granulosis virus products, mineral oil, pirimicarb, tebufenozide, clofentezine, hexythiazox and copper oxychloride had no significant effect on the survival and fecundity of O. laevigatus when predators were exposed to pesticide residues by contact or by ingestion. Triflumuron and diflubenzuron appeared to be harmless by contact, but diflubenzuron was slightly toxic when ingested. Buprofezin and teflubenzuron were slightly to moderately toxic, while hexaflumuron, flufenoxuron, and lufenuron showed a marked toxicity by contact as well as by ingestion. A number of organophosphates, endosulfan and deltamethrin were detrimental especially by contact. Imidacloprid was very toxic by contact but only slightly toxic when ingested. Indoxacarb and methoxyfenozide were less toxic than imidacloprid. These findings should be considered when releases of O. laevigatus are used in greenhouses or on outdoor crops.  相似文献   

南方小花蝽Orius strigicollis作为一种广食性捕食性天敌昆虫,可高效控制蓟马、蚜虫及螨类等多种害虫,极具生防潜能.但目前国内南方小花蝽商业化进程相对滞后,其中未找到适合的饲料来源是主要的限制因素之一.本研究以新鲜麦蛾Sitotroga cerealella卵和紫外线处理的麦蛾卵作为饲养南方小花蝽的替代猎物...  相似文献   

本文比较了果蝇Drosophila melanogaster(Meigen)幼虫和西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)2种活体饲料对东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri(Poppius)生长发育和生殖的影响。结果显示:果蝇幼虫饲喂的东亚小花蝽幼虫发育历期12.36d,与西花蓟马饲喂的(12.19d)相近。果蝇幼虫饲喂的东亚小花蝽产卵量(89.58粒)与西花蓟马饲喂(95.72粒)相当。表明果蝇幼虫与传统活体饲料西花蓟马饲养东亚小花蝽的效果相当,可以很好的满足东亚小花蝽生长发育和生殖的要求。由于西花蓟马饲喂成本比较高,实际操作中有一定困难,果蝇幼虫是一种较为理想的活体饲料。  相似文献   

东亚小花蝽人工饲料微胶囊剂型的研制及饲养效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭晓玲  王甦  李修炼  张帆 《昆虫学报》2010,53(8):891-900
通过正交试验对东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri人工饲料微胶囊进行了配方优化研究, 明确了海藻酸钠及壳聚糖的填充比例和芯壁比例在微胶囊产率、包埋率和含水率等方面的影响。各配方因素对产率的影响程度依次为: 芯壁比 > 海藻酸钠填充比 > 壳聚糖填充比; 而各因素对包埋率的影响程度依次为: 壳聚糖填充比 > 海藻酸钠填充比 > 芯壁比; 含水率受海藻酸钠填充比影响最大, 而后依次为壳聚糖填充比和芯壁比; 在海藻酸钠填充比为2.0%、壳聚糖填充比为0.6%及芯壁比为1∶3时, 所得人工饲料微胶囊感官评定得分最高。以包埋率作为基准考量下, 取最佳配比为海藻酸钠填充比为1.0%, 壳聚糖填充比为0.8%, 芯壁比为1∶1的配方, 制作人工饲料微胶囊饲喂东亚小花蝽, 与取食朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus组为对照, 进行了饲喂效果试验。结果表明: 与对照组相比, 取食人工饲料微胶囊后, 东亚小花蝽1、 2龄若虫发育历期显著延长, 雌成虫寿命显著缩短; 羽化率和产卵前期差异不显著, 但产卵期、产卵量和卵孵化率显著降低。此外, 取食人工饲料微胶囊的东亚小花蝽成虫呼吸墒显著低于对照, 运动速率则显著高于对照。  相似文献   

An artificial rearing method was designed for the generalist predator, Chrysopa pallens (Rambur). The rearing media were formulated based on, Orius strigicollis diets for feeding larvae, and two diets for adults were prepared with insect source and non‐insect as their main components. Development of the predators was successfully obtained with the diets for both larval and adult stages. The impact of these diets was recorded for growth during the larval stage and oviposition rates by the females. Total development period and mortality rate of, C. pallens were about 26.9 days and 11%, respectively. The females showed better reproduction with average of 2019 eggs over their life span of 89 days when the artificial diet with non‐insect source was provided. On overall basis the life expectancy and fecundity was better when compared with previous findings.  相似文献   

Decapsulated cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana were assessed as a factitious food for rearing the anthocorid predator Orius laevigatus. Developmental and reproductive traits of O. laevigatus reared for a single generation on A. franciscana from three geographical locations or on gamma-irradiated eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella were compared. There was no effect of diet on nymphal survival but nymphal period on E. kuehniella eggs (12.2 days) was 0.7-1.6 days shorter than on the Artemia diets. The predator developed 0.5-1 day faster on cysts from San Francisco Bay (USA) than on cysts from Great Salt Lake (USA) or Macau (Brazil). Fecundity on brine shrimp cysts from different locations was similar to that on flour moth eggs (142-187 eggs/female). The biochemical composition of decapsulated cysts from San Francisco Bay was compared with that of E. kuehniella eggs. Depending on the type of analysis, Artemia cysts contained higher or similar amounts of protein as compared with E. kuehniella eggs, but amino acid patterns were generally similar. Flour moth eggs were almost three times richer in fatty acids than brine shrimp cysts, with some marked differences in fatty acid profiles. Because nutrient imbalances in a diet may be expressed only after several generations of rearing, the predator was cultured for three consecutive generations on A. franciscana cysts from San Francisco Bay. In the third generation on brine shrimp cysts, nymphs took 18% longer to develop, and adults were shorted-lived and about 60% less fecund than those maintained on E. kuehniella eggs. Brine shrimp cysts may be used as a supplement in the mass production of O. laevigatus but may not be a suitable food for long-term culturing of the predator.  相似文献   

The phenology of the anthocorid, Orius vicinus and the mirid, Sejanus albisignata , was studied in apple orchards in Otago, New Zealand, from 1995 to 1998. The bugs were sampled on shoot and fruit clusters, and with beating trays and passive sticky traps. Three age classes of each bug were identified in the cluster and tray sampling, while the traps caught only adults. Both cluster and beating tray sampling successfully identified the generations. O. vicinus completed two generations per year with peak numbers of adults of each generation occurring in January and February/March, respectively. A very small partial third generation occurred in the warmest season. Adult females from the second generation overwintered. S. albisignata completed two full generations and a partial third generation each season. Peak adult numbers of each generation occurred, respectively, in December/January, February/March and April/May. S. albisignata overwinters in the egg stage but the proportions of these eggs from the three generations are not known. Both O. vicinus and S. albsignata are polyphagous and a range of their known prey species coexist with them on the apple trees in spring and summer.  相似文献   

The fumigant toxicity of 92 plant essential oils to adult Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Orius strigicollis Poppius (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was examined by using a vapor phase toxicity bioassay and compared with those of dichlorvos, emamectin benzoate, spinosad, and thiamethoxam, four commonly used insecticides. Responses varied according to oil type and insect species. As judged by 24-h LC50 values, pennyroyal oil (2.63 mg/liter air) was the most toxic fumigant and was 23.6-fold more toxic than dichlorvos (62.09 mg/liter air) against adult T. palmi. Potent fumigant toxicity (LC50, 11.03-19.21 mg/liter air) was observed in armoise, basil, cedarleaf, coriander, cypress, howood, hyssop, marjoram, myrtle, niaouli, rosemary, and sage (Dalmatia) oils. Neither emamectin benzoate, spinosad, nor thiamethoxam exhibited fumigant action. Against adult O. strigicollis, dichlorvos (LC50, 6.3 x 10(-6) mg/liter air) was the most toxic fumigant, whereas the LC50 values of the 13 essential oils ranged from 17.29 to 158.22 mg/liter air. O. strigicollis was 1.4-22.1 times less susceptible than T. palmi to the essential oils. The essential oils described merit further study as potential fumigants for the control of T. palmi in greenhouses.  相似文献   

南方小花蝽液体人工饲料的饲养效果评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张士昶  周兴苗  潘悦  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2008,51(9):997-1001
为评价一种液体人工饲料的饲养效果,以棉蚜饲养南方小花蝽作对照,用液体人工饲料连续两代饲养南方小花蝽若虫和成虫,对南方小花蝽各生长阶段的生长和发育指标进行调查。结果显示:用人工饲料饲养的南方小花蝽若虫历期(22~23天)与对照组(21天)之间不存在显著差异,说明液体人工饲料可以很好的满足南方小花蝽若虫生长的营养要求。然而,用棉蚜饲养的对照组南方小花蝽成虫获得率可达到63%,而人工饲料组连续两代的成虫获得率分别仅为45% 和43%。取食人工饲料的南方小花蝽成虫,在产卵前期、产卵量及寿命方面与对照组都没有显著差异,仅在产卵期方面有着显著差异,人工饲料组小花蝽的产卵期为13~16天,而对照组小花蝽的产卵期可达20天,说明液体人工饲料也可以很好的满足南方小花蝽成虫生殖发育的营养要求。  相似文献   

The mutual predation between two polyphagous predators, Orius majusculus (Reuter) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae) and Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae), was examined in laboratory experiments with and without presence of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Adults of O. majusculus preyed upon M. caliginosus in the absence and in some circumstances also in the presence of F. occidentalis, whereas neither nymphs nor adults of M. caliginosus preyed upon O. majusculus. Orius majusculus nymphs did not prey upon M. caliginosus. The predation of O. majusculus on F. occidentalis was unaffected by the presence of M. caliginosus suggesting that the presence of this mirid will not hamper biological control of F. occidentalis.  相似文献   

林涛  林硕  陈艺欣  杨风花  杨广  魏辉 《昆虫学报》2022,65(10):1295-1305
【目的】评估6种新烟碱类杀虫剂和1种新型杀虫剂三氟苯嘧啶对黄胸蓟马Thrips hawaiiensis及其天敌南方小花蝽Orius strigicollis的选择毒性,为杀虫剂与南方小花蝽联合防控黄胸蓟马提供依据。【方法】采用药膜法测定吡虫啉、呋虫胺、氟吡呋喃酮、氯噻啉、烯啶虫胺和噻虫嗪6种新烟碱类杀虫剂及三氟苯嘧啶对黄胸蓟马成虫的毒力及对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的急性毒性,并评估其对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的暴露风险。【结果】供试的7种杀虫剂对黄胸蓟马成虫的半致死用量(median lethal rate, LR50)均低于田间最大推荐用量。氯噻啉对黄胸蓟马成虫的LR50值最低(0.183 g a.i/hm2),显著低于其他杀虫剂;氟吡呋喃酮和三氟苯嘧啶对黄胸蓟马成虫的LR50值分别为3.066和3.949 g a.i/hm2,显著高于其他杀虫剂;两种烯啶虫胺制剂(20%烯啶虫胺可溶液剂和10%烯啶虫胺水剂)对黄胸蓟马成虫的LR50分别为0.327和0.201 g a.i/hm2;两种噻虫嗪制剂(70%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂和25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂)对黄胸蓟马成虫的LR50值分别为0.970和0.685 g a.i/hm2;不同剂型和含量的烯啶虫胺和噻虫嗪对黄胸蓟马成虫的毒力差异显著。测试的6种新烟碱类杀虫剂对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的LR50值均低于田间最大推荐用量,而三氟苯嘧啶对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的LR50值高于田间最大推荐用量。三氟苯嘧啶对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的毒性最低(LR50>65.736 g a.i/hm2),吡虫啉和呋虫胺次之(LR50值分别为21.317和24.486 g a.i/hm2)。吡虫啉、呋虫胺、三氟苯嘧啶对黄胸蓟马成虫和南方小花蝽5龄若虫具有较高的选择毒性。三氟苯嘧啶和吡虫啉对农田内、农田外南方小花蝽的风险均可接受,氯噻啉和噻虫嗪均不可接受。【结论】黄胸蓟马成虫对6种新烟碱类杀虫剂和三氟苯嘧啶均具极高的敏感性,其中以吡虫啉和三氟苯嘧啶对南方小花蝽5龄若虫的风险较低;三氟苯嘧啶与南方小花蝽兼容性较高,二者在黄胸蓟马的联合防控中具备良好的潜力。  相似文献   

温度对微小花蝽生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】明确温度对微小花蝽Orius minutus生长发育和繁殖的影响。【方法】本研究以腐食酪螨Tyrophagus putresceniae为猎物,分别在5个恒温(15,20,25,30和35℃)条件下室内饲养,调查了温度对微小花蝽各虫态发育历期、存活率、成虫繁殖力以及种群参数的影响。【结果】在15~35℃范围内,各虫态平均发育历期均随温度升高而缩短,15℃下完成一个世代发育需要52.45 d,而35℃下仅需14.85 d。直线回归分析表明,微小花蝽世代发育起点温度为8.89℃,有效积温为359.20日·度。世代存活率和单雌平均产卵量均在25℃时最高,分别为17.07%和41.00粒。种群趋势指数在15℃和35℃下小于1,种群呈负增长;20~30℃下大于1,且25℃时最高,为3.92。净增殖率、内禀增长率和周限增长率均在25℃时最高,分别为3.32,0.04和1.04;种群世代周期以15℃时最长,为57.76 d,35℃时最短,为17.50 d。【结论】取食腐食酪螨的微小花蝽发育适宜温度范围为25~35℃,存活、繁殖和种群增长的最适温度均为25℃。这些结果为利用腐食酪螨人工饲养微小花蝽提供了基础参考数据。  相似文献   

The relationship between the oviposition site preferences of predators in the face of intraguild competitors has received little attention, but it likely shapes the reproductive ecology of predatory species. In this study, oviposition intensity and the within-plant distribution of Orius insidiosus (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) and Nabis americoferus (Heteroptera: Nabidae) eggs on Phaseolus vulgaris plants was studied when the two species were present independently or in combination. Both predators laid more eggs in the presence of the other species relative to when they were only exposed to conspecifics. When only exposed to conspecifics, O. insidiosus preferred to lay eggs on leaves and petioles on the upper half of the plant, whereas N. americoferus laid eggs mostly on the petioles and petiolules equally throughout the height of the plant. But when both species were present, O. insidiosus preferred to lay eggs on the leaf, whereas N. americoferus altered their behavior to lay an even greater proportion of their eggs on the petioles and petiolules. They altered their preferences for different plant strata too: N. americoferus laid more eggs on the upper quarter of the plant when O. insidiosus was present, and O. insidiosus was marginally more likely to lay eggs lower on the plant in the presence of N. americoferus. This study indicates that these two Cimicomorpha can detect the presence of one another, and that they adjust their reproductive decisions, presumably to avoid potential competitive interactions.  相似文献   

本文利用姬姆萨染色压片法对花蝽科小花蝽属3个种:荷氏小花蝽Orius horvathi(Reuter),微小花蝽Oriusminutus Linnaeus和东亚小花蝽Orius sauteri(Poppius)的核型做了研究,结果表明3种小花蝽单倍体均具有12条染色体,X-Y性别决定机制,但3种核型行为具特定的差异,其核型特征可用于种间分类。  相似文献   



The flower bug Orius sauteri is an important polyphagous predator that is widely used for the biological control of mites and aphids. However, the optimal conditions for mass rearing of this insect are still unclear, thus limiting its application.


In this study, we investigated the optimal ingredients of an artificial diet for raising O. sauteri using a microencapsulation technique. The ingredients included egg yolk (vitellus), whole-pupa homogenate of the Tussah silk moth (Antheraea paphia), honey, sucrose, rapeseed (Brassica napus) pollen and sinkaline. We tested 25 combinations of the above ingredients using an orthogonal experimental design. Using statistical analysis, we confirmed the main effect factors amongst the components, and selected five optimal combinations based on different biological and physiological characters.

Principal Findings

The results showed that, although different artificial diet formats significantly influenced the development and reproductive ability of O. sauteri, the complete development of O. sauteri to sexual maturity could only be achieved by optimizing the artificial diet according to specific biological characters. In general, pupae of A. paphia had more influence on O sauteri development than did artificial components. The results of a follow-up test of locomotory and respiratory capacity indicated that respiratory quotient, metabolic rate and average creeping speed were all influenced by different diets. Furthermore, the field evaluations of mating preference, predatory consumption and population dispersion also demonstrated the benefits that could be provided by optimal artificial diets.


A microencapsulated artificial diet overcame many of the difficulties highlighted by previous studies on the mass rearing of O. sauteri. Optimization of the microencapsulated artificial diet directly increased the biological and physiological characters investigated. Successive physiological tests and field investigations were used to evaluate the outcome of different artificial diet combinations on the quality of the reared O. sauteri.  相似文献   

M Watanabe  K Miura  M S Hunter  E Wajnberg 《Heredity》2011,106(4):642-648
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) allows the intracellular, maternally inherited bacterial symbiont Wolbachia to invade arthropod host populations by inducing infertility in crosses between infected males and uninfected females. The general pattern is consistent with a model of sperm modification, rescued only by egg cytoplasm infected with the same strain of symbiont. The predacious flower bug Orius strigicollis is superinfected with two strains of Wolbachia, wOus1 and wOus2. Typically, superinfections of CI Wolbachia are additive in their effects; superinfected males are incompatible with uninfected and singly infected females. In this study, we created an uninfected line, and lines singly infected with wOus1 and wOus2 by antibiotic treatment. Then, all possible crosses were conducted among the four lines. The results indicated that while wOus2 induces high levels of CI, wOus1 induces very weak or no CI, but can rescue CI caused by wOus2 to a limited extent. Levels of incompatibility in crosses with superinfected males did not show the expected pattern. In particular, superinfected males caused extremely weak CI when mated with either singly infected or uninfected females. An analysis of symbiont densities showed that wOus1 densities were significantly higher than wOus2 densities in superinfected males, and wOus2 densities were lower, but not significantly, in superinfected relative to singly infected males. These data lend qualified support for the hypothesis that wOus1 interferes with the ability of wOus2 to cause CI by suppressing wOus2 densities. To our knowledge, this is the first clear case of non-additive CI in a natural superinfection.  相似文献   

Residual effects of abamectin (0.02%), propargite (0.1%), dichlorvos (DDVP) (0.15%) and pymetrozine (0.15%) were determined on Orius albidipennis at laboratory conditions. Planted cucumbers were sprayed with the highest recommended concentrations of all insecticides and experimental treatments were monitored during 20 days based on the period of pesticides residues. On the first day after spraying, the greatest of mortality belonged to dichlorvos and pymetrozine (97 ± 1.22, 57 ± 3.1, respectively, p < 0.01), while abamectin and propargite had the highest mortality after four (44 ± 1.87 and 24 ± 2.91, respectively, p < 0.01) and eight (51 ± 2.91 and 17 ± 2.23, respectively, p < 0.01) days after spraying. At day 16th, post treatment, abamectin had the highest residual mortalities on O. albidipennis (15 ± 1.58, p < 0.01) and finally mortality results at the 20th day showed there is no significant difference between insecticides (p < 0.01).  相似文献   

The predatory bug Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) overwinters in Israel as adults. Oviposition continues irrespective of day length, but stops almost completely when the mean temperature drops below 15 C (beginning in December). During winter months, the outdoor females enter reproductive diapause, and resume oviposition in during March and April. All first instar nymphs die at low temperatures, whereas approximately 20% of the nymphs of later instars may survive and mature. Dense populations of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, develop outdoors in Israel about a month before the peak in population of O. albidipennis, and have the opportunity to cause much damage. Since the Israeli O. albidipennis does not enter diapause under short day photophase, it might be an efficient predator of F. occidentalis in greenhouses in countries of northern latitude.  相似文献   

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