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unc-94 is one of about 40 genes in Caenorhabditis elegans that, when mutant, displays an abnormal muscle phenotype. Two mutant alleles of unc-94, su177 and sf20, show reduced motility and brood size and disorganization of muscle structure. In unc-94 mutants, immunofluorescence microscopy shows that a number of known sarcomeric proteins are abnormal, but the most dramatic effect is in the localization of F-actin, with some abnormally accumulated near muscle cell-to-cell boundaries. Electron microscopy shows that unc-94(sf20) mutants have large accumulations of thin filaments near the boundaries of adjacent muscle cells. Multiple lines of evidence prove that unc-94 encodes a tropomodulin, a conserved protein known from other systems to bind to both actin and tropomyosin at the pointed ends of actin thin filaments. su177 is a splice site mutation in intron 1, which is specific to one of the two unc-94 isoforms, isoform a; sf20 has a stop codon in exon 5, which is shared by both isoform a and isoform b. The use of promoter-green fluorescent protein constructs in transgenic animals revealed that unc-94a is expressed in body wall, vulval and uterine muscles, whereas unc-94b is expressed in pharyngeal, anal depressor, vulval and uterine muscles and in spermatheca and intestinal epithelial cells. By Western blot, anti-UNC-94 antibodies detect polypeptides of expected size from wild type, wild-type-sized proteins of reduced abundance from unc-94(su177), and no detectable unc-94 products from unc-94(sf20). Using these same antibodies, UNC-94 localizes as two closely spaced parallel lines flanking the M-lines, consistent with localization to the pointed ends of thin filaments. In addition, UNC-94 is localized near muscle cell-to-cell boundaries.  相似文献   

Mutations in the unc-104 gene of the nematode C. elegans result in uncoordinated and slow movement. Transposon insertions in three unc-104 alleles (e2184, rh1016, and rh1017) were used as physical markers to clone the unc-104 gene. DNA sequence analysis of unc-104 cDNAs revealed an open reading frame capable of encoding a 1584 amino acid protein with similarities to kinesin heavy chain. The similarities are greatest in the amino-terminal ATPase and microtubule-binding domains. Although the primary sequence relatedness to kinesin is weak in the remainder of the molecule, the predicted secondary structure and regional isoelectric points are similar to kinesin heavy chain.  相似文献   

The anthelmintic drug levamisole causes hypercontraction of body wall muscles and lethality in nematode worms. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a genetic screen for levamisole resistance has identified 12 genes, three of which (unc-38, unc-29, and lev-1) encode nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunits. Here we describe the molecular and functional characterization of another levamisole-resistant gene, unc-63, encoding a nAChR alpha subunit with a predicted amino acid sequence most similar to that of UNC-38. Like UNC-38 and UNC-29, UNC-63 is expressed in body wall muscles. In addition, UNC-63 is expressed in vulval muscles and neurons. We also show that LEV-1 is expressed in body wall muscle, thus overlapping the cellular localization of UNC-63, UNC-38, and UNC-29 and suggesting possible association in vivo. This is supported by electrophysiological studies on body wall muscle, which demonstrate that a levamisole-sensitive nAChR present at the C. elegans neuromuscular junction requires both UNC-63 and LEV-1 subunits. Thus, at least four subunits, two alpha types (UNC-38 and UNC-63) and two non-alpha types (UNC-29 and LEV-1), can contribute to levamisole-sensitive muscle nAChRs in nematodes.  相似文献   

Beg AA  Ernstrom GG  Nix P  Davis MW  Jorgensen EM 《Cell》2008,132(1):149-160
Muscle contraction is normally mediated by the release of neurotransmitters from motor neurons. Here we demonstrate that protons can act as a direct transmitter from intestinal cells to stimulate muscle contraction. During the C. elegans defecation motor program the posterior body muscles contract even in the absence of neuronal inputs or vesicular neurotransmission. In this study, we demonstrate that the space between the intestine and the muscle is acidified just prior to muscle contraction and that the release of caged protons is sufficient to induce muscle contraction. PBO-4 is a putative Na+/H+ ion exchanger expressed on the basolateral membrane of the intestine, juxtaposed to the posterior body muscles. In pbo-4 mutants the extracellular space is not acidified and the muscles fail to contract. The pbo-5 and pbo-6 genes encode subunits of a "cys-loop" proton-gated cation channel required for muscles to respond to acidification. In heterologous expression assays the PBO receptor is half-maximally activated at a pH of 6.8. The identification of the mechanisms for release and reception of proton signals establishes a highly unusual mechanism for intercellular communication.  相似文献   

The unc-45 gene of the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, is essential for muscle organization and embryonic development. Genetic evidence suggests the unc-45 gene product controls muscle thick filament assembly. We report here on the determination of the gene's chromosomal location and the isolation and sequencing of its cDNA. The amino terminus of the predicted unc-45 protein contains three tandem repeats that belong in the tetratricopeptide repeat family. Tetratricopeptide motifs have been shown to be involved in protein interactions, and some of the closest homologues have chaperone-like activity. The carboxy terminus of the protein has homology with the related fungal proteins, CRO1 and She4p, which have been postulated to play a role in assembly of or interactions with a cytoplasmic myosin. We have also determined the sequence of the homologous gene from C. briggsae, which demonstrates a high level of conservation. We show that the unc-45 gene promoter can drive reporter gene expression, which is limited to muscle tissues (pharyngeal, body wall, vulval, and anal muscles), consistent with a role for the unc-45 gene in muscle development or function.  相似文献   

Cell migration and outgrowth are thought to be based on analogous mechanisms that require repeated cycles of process extension, reading and integration of multiple directional signals, followed by stabilisation in a preferred direction, and renewed extension. We have characterised a C. elegans gene, unc-53, that appears to act cell autonomously in the migration and outgrowth of muscles, axons and excretory canals. Abrogation of unc-53 function disrupts anteroposterior outgrowth in those cells that normally express the gene. Conversely, overexpression of unc-53 in bodywall muscles leads to exaggerated outgrowth. UNC-53 is a novel protein conserved in vertebrates that contains putative SH3- and actin-binding sites. unc-53 interacts genetically with sem-5 and we demonstrated a direct interaction in vitro between UNC-53 and the SH2-SH3 adaptor protein SEM-5/GRB2. Thus, unc-53 is involved in longitudinal navigation and might act by linking extracellular guidance cues to the intracellular cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Myosin purified from the body-wall muscle-defective mutant E675 of the nematode. Caenorhabditis elegans, has heavy chain polypeptides which can be distinguished on the basis of molecular weight. On SDS-polyacrylamide gels, bands are found at 210,000 and 203,000 daltons. This is in contrast to myosin from the wild-type, N2, which has a single heavy chain band at 210,000 daltons. Both heavy chains of E675 are found in body-wall muscle (Epstein, Waterston and Brenner, 1974).When native myosin from E675 is fractionated on hydroxyapatite, it is separated into myosin containing predominantly one or the other molecular weight heavy chain and myosin containing a mixture of the heavy chains. Comparison of the CNBr fragments of myosin that contains predominantly 210,000 dalton heavy chains with those of myosin that contains predominantly 203,000 dalton heavy chains reveals multiple differences. These differences are not explained by the difference in molecular weight of the heavy chains, but may be explained if each type of heavy chain is the product of a different structural gene. Furthermore, because there are fractions which exhibit >80% 210,000 or >80% 203,000 dalton heavy chain, there is myosin which is homogeneous for each of the heavy chains.Although N2 myosin has only a single molecular weight heavy chain, it too is fractionated by hydroxyapatite. By comparing the CNBr fragments of different myosin fractions, we show that N2, like E675, has two kinds of heavy chains.E190, a body-wall muscle-defective mutant in the same complementation group as E675, is lacking the myosin heavy chain affected by the e675 mutation. This property has allowed us to determine by co-purification of labeled E190 myosin in the presence of excess, unlabeled E675 myosin that most, if not all, of the myosin that contains two different molecular weight heavy chains is due to the formation of complexes between homogeneous myosins and not to a heterogeneous myosin.  相似文献   

Assembly and maintenance of myofibrils require dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. In Caenorhabditis elegans, UNC-60B, a muscle-specific actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin isoform, is required for proper actin filament assembly in body wall muscle (Ono, S., D.L. Baillie, and G.M. Benian. 1999. J. Cell Biol. 145:491--502). Here, I show that UNC-78 is a homologue of actin-interacting protein 1 (AIP1) and functions as a novel regulator of actin organization in myofibrils. In unc-78 mutants, the striated organization of actin filaments is disrupted, and large actin aggregates are formed in the body wall muscle cells, resulting in defects in their motility. Point mutations in unc-78 alleles change conserved residues within different WD repeats of the UNC-78 protein and cause less severe phenotypes than a deletion allele, suggesting that these mutations partially impair the function of UNC-78. UNC-60B is normally localized in the diffuse cytoplasm and to the myofibrils in wild type but mislocalized to the actin aggregates in unc-78 mutants. Similar Unc-78 phenotypes are observed in both embryonic and adult muscles. Thus, AIP1 is an important regulator of actin filament organization and localization of ADF/cofilin during development of myofibrils.  相似文献   

To examine the in vivo functions of protein kinase N (PKN), one of the effectors of Rho small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), we used the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a genetic model system. We identified a C. elegans homologue (pkn-1) of mammalian PKN and confirmed direct binding to C. elegans Rho small GTPases. Using a green fluorescent protein reporter, we showed that pkn-1 is mainly expressed in various muscles and is localized at dense bodies and M lines. Overexpression of the PKN-1 kinase domain and loss-of-function mutations by genomic deletion of pkn-1 resulted in a loopy Unc phenotype, which has been reported in many mutants of neuronal genes. The results of mosaic analysis and body wall muscle-specific expression of the PKN-1 kinase domain suggests that this loopy phenotype is due to the expression of PKN-1 in body wall muscle. The genomic deletion of pkn-1 also showed a defect in force transmission. These results suggest that PKN-1 functions as a regulator of muscle contraction-relaxation and as a component of the force transmission mechanism.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster genes Passover and l(1)ogre and the Caenorhabditis elegans gene unc-7 define a gene family whose function is not known. We have isolated and characterized the C. elegans gene eat-5, which is required for synchronized pharyngeal muscle contractions, and find that it is a new member of this family. Simultaneous electrical and video recordings reveal that in eat-5 mutants, action potentials of muscles in the anterior and posterior pharynx are unsynchronized. Injection of carboxyfluorescein into muscles of the posterior pharynx demonstrates that all pharyngeal muscles are dye-coupled in wild-type animals; in eat-5 mutants, however, muscles of the anterior pharynx are no longer dye-coupled to posterior pharyngeal muscles. We show that a gene fusion of eat-5 to the green fluorescent protein is expressed in pharyngeal muscles. unc-7 and eat-5 are two of at least sixteen members of this family in C. elegans as determined by database searches and PCR-based screens. The amino acid sequences of five of these members in C. elegans have been deduced from cDNA sequences. Polypeptides of the family are predicted to have four transmembrane domains with cytoplasmic amino and carboxyl termini. We have constructed fusions of one of these polypeptides with beta-galactosidase and with green fluorescent protein. The fusion proteins appear to be localized in a punctate pattern at or near plasma membranes. We speculate that this gene family is required for the formation of gap junctions.  相似文献   

调节Ryanodine受体的相关蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ryanodine受体(RyR)是存在于内质网/肌浆网上(ER/SR)的一种钙释放经能迅速地将Ca^2+从ERSR中释放出来。从而发挥一系列的生理功能。RyR是一种颇复杂的分子,其位于胞质的亚基上有大量可供作用物结合的位点,控制构成离子通道的亚基上有大量可供作用物结合的位点。控制构成离子通道的亚基的活性。其中,一些内源性蛋白对RyR的活性有重要的调节作用。本文主要介绍DHPRs、TKBP等这些与R  相似文献   

Two isoforms of the ryanodine receptor subtype 3 (RYR3) have been described in smooth muscle. The RYR3 short isoform (RYR3S) negatively regulates the calcium-induced calcium release mechanism encoded by the RYR2, whereas the role of the full length isoform of RYR3 (RYR3L) was still unclear. Here, we describe RYR-dependent spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations measured in 10% of native duodenum myocytes. We investigated the role of RYR3 isoforms in these spontaneous Ca(2+) signals. Inhibition of RYR3S expression by antisense oligonucleotides revealed that both RYR2 and RYR3L were able to propagate spontaneous Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable by frequency analysis. When RYR3L expression was inhibited, the spontaneous Ca(2+) oscillations were never observed, indicating that RYR3S inhibited the function of RYR2. RYR2 expression inhibition led to Ca(2+) oscillations identical to those observed in control cells suggesting that RYR3S did not functionally interact with RYR3L. The presence and frequency of RYR3L-dependent Ca(2+) oscillations were dependent on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) content as revealed by long-term changes of the extracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Our study shows that, in native duodenal myocytes, the spontaneous Ca(2+) waves are encoded by the RYR3L alone, which activity is regulated by sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) loading.  相似文献   

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