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Summary The nuclear inclusion is described in the epithelial cell lining in the oviduct of the laying hen. The majority of them show a layered structure in respect of variation of electron density. Some are situated in the centre of the nucleus, others in the nuclear membrane and similar bodies were observed in the cytoplasm of other cells. The nature of these inclusions is discussed including the possibility that they represent a form of nuclear secretion.  相似文献   

Summary This paper deals with the ultrastructure of two types of intranuclear inclusions, microfilamentous spindle-shaped and crystalloid, present in paraventricular nucleus neurons of adult normal rats. These inclusions appear occasionally in some non-secretory neurons of the parvocellular system, but have never been seen in neurosecretory cells of the magnocellular system. The microfilamentous spindle-shaped inclusions show a close spatial relationship with the granulofibrillar body and interchromatin granules.The distribution and functional significance of such structures are discussed in the light of recent ultrastructural and biochemical studies on nuclear inclusions.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy of the lining of the pituitary cleft was carried out in normal, lactating, castrated, adrenalectomized, and cyproterone-treated adult rats. Four cell types could be differentiated in the posterior wall in control and experimental animals: (1) cells with a smooth surface, (2) cells with microvilli located at the cellular borders, (3) ciliated cells, and (4) cells with evenly distributed microvilli. The anterior wall showed mainly cells with few microvilli located at their margins, and clusters of ciliated cells. In normal, and more frequently in experimental animals, the anterior wall showed shriveled cells, and variously sized cavities. Colloid appeared either as a network of finely granular material or as compact bodies adhering to the epithelial surface. These observations suggest that a compact component of the colloid is derived at least in part from degraded cells.Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina. The author owes many thanks to Professor I. Nouzeillez and Dr. J.C. Cavicchia for their assistance in translating this paper  相似文献   

The results of the effect of hypoxia or anoxia upon the rat neurohypophysis shows a decrease of the neurosecretory granules and the rise of the small vesicles.  相似文献   

A specific β-adrenergic-stimulated cyclic AMP generating system has been evidenced in rat posterior pituitary. This is clearly demonstrated by: 1) the adenylate cyclase (AC) affinity for stimulants was in the order ISO > NA > DA, and 2) propranolol, a specific β-adrenergic receptor blocker, was the only antagonist of the system. Clonidine and apomorphine were completely inactive, thus excluding an α-adrenergic and/or dopaminergic component in this AC system. Our data also indicate that dopaminergic receptors present in both pituitary lobes are not coupled to an AC.  相似文献   

We first describe the presence of iodothyronine 5-deiodinase (5D) in the neural lobe of rat pituitary. 6-n-Propyl-2-thiouracil (PTU), a specific inhibitor of type-I deiodinase, had no effect, showing that 5D in neurohypophysis is of type-III isozyme, which is specific for 5-deiodination and has been found only in the brain, placenta and skin. The presence of 5D (type-III) together with our previous report of 5'-deiodinase (type-I in euthyroidism and type-II in hypothyroidism) shows that the isozymes of deiodinases in the neurohypophysis are quite similar to those in the brain. These data suggest a previously unrecognized role of thyroid hormone in posterior pituitary physiology.  相似文献   

The epithelium of the pituitary cleft and its colloid have been studied at the ultrastructural level in normal, adrenalectomized, castrated, dehydrated and lactating adult rats. Both control and experimental animals showed cells in different stages of degradation inside the cleft and mixed with the colloid. These exfoliated cells seems to have originated from the cleft's epithelium or the adjacent granular cells.In adrenalectomized and castrated rats the rostral epithelium of the cleft had large intercellular spaces that in some instances appeared to open directly into the cleft. Occasionally the adenohypophysial canaliculi of the adrenalectomized rats were also seen connecting with the cleft. In lactating and castrated animals dark cells appeared more frequently in the rostral and caudal epithelium of the cleft.The results obtained suggest that the colloid is originated at least in part by involuted pituitary cells. There is also evidence that the follicular cavities of the Pars distalis and the cleft are continuous structures.  相似文献   

Summary The microtubules in the neurosecretory neurones of the posterior pituitary were studied using different electron microscopical techniques. Tannic acid staining indicated that the microtubules had a 13 protofilament substructure similar to that described for microtubules from other tissues and organisms; the dimensions of the microtubules were also similar to that previously reported. Albumen pretreatment clearly showed the microtubules running across axonal swellings, but not continuing across the nerve endings. The only organelles showing possible association with the microtubules were small vesicles and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, no association between hormone granules and microtubules could be seen. Acknowledgement: The author is grateful to P. Wilks for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase (AcPase) was localized by means of electron-microscopic histochemistry and estimated biochemically in the posterior pituitary of rats deprived of water, given 2% NaCl ad libitum, or given tap water ad libitum over 6 days. Autophagic vacuoles, some of which gave a positive AcPase reaction, often contained neurosecretory granules (NSG) in nerve endings of control animals on tap water. Nerve endings of water-deprived or salt-treated rats were depleted of NSG, but frequently contained dense membranous residual bodies, some of which appeared to enclose microvesicles. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum located in axons and terminals appears to be a source of hydrolytic enzymes for neurohypophysial lysosomes. The total amount of AcPase per posterior lobe increased progressively to 40% above control levels after 6 days of water deprivation or salt administration, and this increase may reflect accelerated production of neuronal components in neurohypophysial cells whose secretory rate has been stimulated by elevated body osmolarity.Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada.Medical Research Associate of the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Hemipituitary glands from 30 rats were isotransplanted under renal capsules. At 1, 2, 4, 7 and 20 days after transplantation, the grafts were examined by light and electron microscopy. Two days after transplantation, the central area of graft showed necrosis; however, the peripheral area, where marginal cells of Rathke's cleft were ingesting the remnants of necrotic glandular cells, survived. Four days after transplantation, mitotic figures of marginal cells were observed. Seven days after transplantation, the damaged area of the graft disappeared, and Rathke's cleft was completely lined by marginal cells. Remnants of necrotic glandular cells were not seen in intercellular spaces or in the cytoplasm of marginal cells. Cystlike structures formed in the grafts; some were connected to Rathke's cleft by narrow cavities. The cavity-lining cells of the cysts were agranular and similar to those that lined Rathke's cleft. At 20 days after transplantation, granular cavity-lining cells appeared. It is suggested that marginal cells of immature rats can differentiate into granular cells.  相似文献   

As a result of electron microscope observation of olfactory mucosa in the white rat, variability of structure of the supporting cells was established. Among these cells secretory ones and those rich in endoplasmic reticulum were discovered. The differences revealed in dendrites and rods of olfactory cells seem to be associated with functional condition of these cells.  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory granules (NSG) of rat posterior pituitary glands were prepared by differential centrifugation techniques mainly according to the procedure as described by Barer, Heller and Lederis (1963). As revealed by electron microscopy, the recovery of neurophysin and the contents of enzymes, purified NSG were obtained in a pellet at 30 000 g/60 min (0.44 M sucrose). Eighteen h after injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus 60% of the recovered radioactivity in the neural lobe was found in the NSG, whereas 20% was found in the final supernatant (100 000 g/120 min). Sixteen days after injection the NSG and the final supernatant fraction contained fairly equal amount of (35S) cysteine (approximately 40%). It is suggested that after a period of intragranular maturation neurophysin is extruded into an extragranular pool of neurosecretory material.With the use of conventional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis it was shown that the predominating proportion of radioactivity in the NSG after a hypothalamic injection of (35S) cysteine was located within the neurophysin fraction A and in fraction B. Fraction B is suggested to be partly bound to the NSG membranes. When the NSG soluble and NSG insoluble proteins, obtained after lysis of NSG, were separated on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate, the highly radioactive soluble protein was shown to consist of two components with average molecular weights of 12 300 and 14 600. Most of the proteins in the lysate were found in the NSG membranes, though less radioactive. A component with a mol.wt. of 37 000 was enriched in the membrane fraction. At longer times after isotope injection the high mol.wt. proteins, particularly those of the NSG membranes, contained increased amounts of radioactivity.Abbreviations NSG neurosecretory granule - NSM neurosecretory material - SON supraoptic nucleus The present investigation was supported by grants from Svenska Livförsäkringsbolags nämnd för medicinsk forskning from Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk forskning, from the Medical Faculty, University of Göteborg, and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B 72-12X-2543-04A).We are indebted to Mrs. Marie-Louise Eskilsson, Mrs. Wally Holmberg and Mrs. Ulla Svedin for technical assistance, and to Miss Gull Grönstedt for careful secreterial work.  相似文献   

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