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Summary The design and development of specific substrates for proteolytic enzymes is reviewed. Particular attention is given to substrates containing the leaving groups 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (MNA) and 7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (AFC). The MNA substrates are used for histochemical and cytochemical purposes, and they yield a coloured final reaction product when azo-coupled with a diazonium salt, an osmiophilic product for electron microscopy when coupled with hexazotized Pararosaniline, or a fluorescent final reaction product when coupled with 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde. AFC substrates are considerably more sensitive, and they yield the fluorescent product AFC after enzymatic cleavage of the substrate. AFC is not sufficiently water-insoluble to allow (intra)cellular localization, but AFC substrates are successfully used for incubations in microwells (Immu-Probe technique) and for the demonstration of banding patterns after gel electrophoresis (enzyme-directed overlay membrane technique). The methods are discussed with the example of the elucidation of the role of dipeptidylpeptidase IV in autoimmune diseases.As presented by R.E.S. for the Pearse Prize Lecture at the Annual Histochemistry Meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society on 8 January 1991 in London, UK. The oral presentation appeared in written form inProc. Roy. Microsc. Soc. 26, 135–43 (1991).  相似文献   

As shown in Part I, the Vespertilioninae have on the average the lowest encephalization index (EI) of all the Vespertilionid subfamilies available, and the average size indices (Sis) of most of their brain parts are also lowest. There are, however, clear differences between the genera. The highest indices for the total brain and for many brain parts (OBL, DIE, TEL, PAL, SEP, STR, SCH) were found in Myotis, the highest Sis for NEG and MES in Scotophilus, for CER in Lasiurus, for BOL in Rhogeessa, and for HIP in Cbalinolobus. The lowest values for all brain parts except BOL were found in Tylonycteris (for BOL in Glauconycteris). The average EI of the flat-headed bamboo bats Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula was 60, i. e., 2/5 less than that of the non-Tylonycteris Vespertilionids, which, as the reference group, have an average EI of 100. The brain size reduction may well be related to the adaptation to extreme flat-headedness. The amount of reduction in the various brain parts differs: it is strongest (about 1/2) in higher but more dispensable brain parts (STR, HIP, NEO) and distinctly lower (about 1/4) in structures closely involved in the fundamental vegetative functions (OBL, MES). Genera with conservative skull characteristics may have derivative characteristics of the brains, and vice versa.  相似文献   

An investigation of 272 non-human primates (75 Macacca cynomolgus, 97 Macacca mulatta and 100 Cercopithecus aethiops) revealed a high incidence of respiratory disease caused by Corynebacterium ulcerans, Staphylococci, Diplococci and Streptococci. Escherichia coli was also found as a secondary invader. Most of the infections occurred during winter in Macaca cynomolgus and were caused by Corynebacterium ulcerans and Diplococcus pneumoniae. The C. ulcerans strains were phage type VI G. A phage type III C strain was isolated from a Macacca mulatta. The high incidence of C. ulcerans suggests that this organism plays a significant role in the pathology of respiratory disease in the non-human primate.  相似文献   

In an attempt to clarify the nature of the "menopausal syndrome" a survey of symptoms was carried out by means of postal questionnaires in a population sample of 1120 women and 510 men. Special care was taken to avoid letting the participants know that the survey was mainly concerned with the menopause. Response rates were 72% for women and 68% for men. Analysis of patterns of symptoms by age and sex showed that peaks of prevalence of flushing and sweating were closely associated with the mean age of menopause, coinciding with it or occurring a little after it. Less impressive peaks of prevalence of a group of minor mental symptoms were associated with an age just preceding the mean age of menopause. Complaints about aching breasts, irritability, and low backache diminished after the menopause. No association with the menopause was found for various other symptoms. The results of this study support the view that the menopausal syndrome exists but do not, of course, provide any evidence concerning the effectiveness (or safety) of hormone treatment.  相似文献   

Excessive weight gain occurred in a patient who was taking sodium valproate and phenytoin. The sodium valproate was therefore withdrawn but the rapid weight loss that ensued led to phenytoin intoxication. Hence a retrospective analysis was conducted of 100 children with epilepsy treated with sodium valproate. Fit control improved in 77 and was best in children with generalised epilepsy. None of the reported severe side effects, such as acute liver disease and pancreatitis, were encountered. Milder but troublesome side effects, however, occurred in 65 patients. The commonest was increased weight gain, which occurred in 44 cases. Others were transient gastrointestinal disturbances (20), lassitude (nine), transient hair loss (six), transient enuresis (seven), and aggressive behaviour (four).  相似文献   

The author is with the DSM-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Mascheroder Weg 1b, D-3300 Braunschweig, Germany.  相似文献   

Journal of Genetics - 1. Blood-group work for India is reviewed. Until 1934 nearly all samples were from mixed ethnological groups. 2. New data from lower Bengal show that the percentages ofA andB...  相似文献   

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