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Fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21) signaling requires the presence of β-Klotho, a co-receptor with a very short cytoplasmic domain. Here we show that FGF21 binds directly to β-Klotho through its C-terminus. Serial C-terminal truncations of FGF21 weakened or even abrogated its interaction with β-Klotho in a Biacore assay, and led to gradual loss of potency in a luciferase reporter assay but with little effect on maximal response. In contrast, serial N-terminal truncations of FGF21 had no impact on β-Klotho binding. Interestingly, several of them exhibited characteristics of partial agonists with minimal effects on potency. These data demonstrate that the C-terminus of FGF21 is critical for binding to β-Klotho and the N-terminus is critical for fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) activation.

Structured summary

MINT-6799939: FGFR1c (uniprotkb:P11362) binds (MI:0407) to β-Klotho (uniprotkb: Q86Z14) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)MINT-6799907, MINT-6799922: FGF21 (uniprotkb: Q9NSA1) binds (MI:0407) to β-Klotho (uniprotkb: Q86Z14) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)  相似文献   

Summary Mesoderm formation is a result of cell-cell interactions between the vegetal and animal hemisphere and is thought to be mediated by inducing peptide growth factors including members of the FGF and TGF superfamilies. Our immunochemical study analyses the distribution of FGF receptors coded by the human flg gene during embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis. Immunostaining was detected in the dorsal and ventral ectoderm and also in the marginal zone of early cleavage, blastula and gastrula stages. Signals were very strong in the mid and late blastula (stage 8 and 9) and declined slightly in the early gastrula (stage 10). A dramatic decrease was observed up to the late gastrula (stage 11+). In stage 13 embryos, immunostaining was only found in cells around the blastopore. Isolated ectoderm cultured in vitro showed a similar temporal expression and decrease of the signal as the normal embryos. These results indicate that receptor expression is independent of the interaction of the animal cells with the vegetal part of the embryo. Of interest is the fact that the signal cannot only be found at or near the cell surface but also within the cell. This suggests the presence of an intracellular isoform of the receptor resulting from the endogenous expression of splice variants and the internalization of transmembrane receptor. Taken together our results suggest that the loss of competence (for bFGF around stage 10) is not directly correlated with the presence of receptors. The possible roles of heparan sulphate glucosaminoglycans (low affinity receptors) and control mechanisms in the intracellular signalling pathway downstream of the receptor level should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The expression of all four fgfr genes was extensively examined throughout early embryogenesis of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). fgfr1 alone was expressed maternally throughout the blastoderm, and then zygotically in the anterior neural plate and presomitic mesoderm. fgfr4 expression was first detected in late blastulae and was gradually restricted to the brain. fgfr2 and fgfr3 expression were initiated in early and late gastrulae, respectively; fgfr2 was expressed in the anterior neural plate and somitic mesoderm, whereas fgfr3 was activated in the axial mesoderm and then in the midbrain and somitic mesoderm. During somitogenesis, each of these fgfr genes was expressed in a characteristic manner in the brain. Using an FGF signal inhibitor, dominant-negative FGF receptors and fgf8.1/fgf8a mutants, we found that fgfr expression is directly or indirectly regulated by FGF signaling during epiboly and at the end of somitogenesis, revealing the presence of an autoregulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

The formation of cartilage elements in the developing vertebrate limb, where they serve as primordia for the appendicular skeleton, is preceded by the appearance of discrete cellular condensations. Control of the size and spacing of these condensations is a key aspect of skeletal pattern formation. Limb bud cell cultures grown in the absence of ectoderm formed continuous sheet-like masses of cartilage. With the inclusion of ectoderm, these cultures produced one or more cartilage nodules surrounded by zones of noncartilaginous mesenchyme. Ectodermal fibroblast growth factors (FGF2 and FGF8), but not a mesodermal FGF (FGF7), substituted for ectoderm in inhibiting chondrogenic gene expression, with some combinations of the two ectodermal factors leading to well-spaced cartilage nodules of relatively uniform size. Treatment of cultures with SU5402, an inhibitor FGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity, rendered FGFs ineffective in inducing perinodular inhibition. Inhibition of production of FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2) by transfection of wing and leg cell cultures with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides blocked appearance of ectoderm- or FGF-induced zones of perinodular inhibition of chondrogenesis and, when introduced into the limb buds of developing embryos, led to shorter, thicker, and fused cartilage elements. Because FGFR2 is expressed mainly at sites of precartilage condensation during limb development in vivo and in vitro, these results suggest that activation of FGFR2 by FGFs during development elicits a lateral inhibitor of chondrogenesis that limits the expansion of developing skeletal elements.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) play a critical role in bone growth and development affecting both chondrogenesis and osteogenesis. During the process of intramembranous ossification, which leads to the formation of the flat bones of the skull, unregulated FGF signaling can produce premature suture closure or craniosynostosis and other craniofacial deformities. Indeed, many human craniosynostosis disorders have been linked to activating mutations in FGF receptors (FGFR) 1 and 2, but the precise effects of FGF on the proliferation, maturation and differentiation of the target osteoblastic cells are still unclear. In this report, we studied the effects of FGF treatment on primary murine calvarial osteoblast, and on OB1, a newly established osteoblastic cell line. We show that FGF signaling has a dual effect on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. FGFs activate the endogenous FGFRs leading to the formation of a Grb2/FRS2/Shp2 complex and activation of MAP kinase. However, immature osteoblasts respond to FGF treatment with increased proliferation, whereas in differentiating cells FGF does not induce DNA synthesis but causes apoptosis. When either primary or OB1 osteoblasts are induced to differentiate, FGF signaling inhibits expression of alkaline phosphatase, and blocks mineralization. To study the effect of craniosynostosis-linked mutations in osteoblasts, we introduced FGFR2 carrying either the C342Y (Crouzon syndrome) or the S252W (Apert syndrome) mutation in OB1 cells. Both mutations inhibited differentiation, while dramatically inducing apoptosis. Furthermore, we could also show that overexpression of FGF2 in transgenic mice leads to increased apoptosis in their calvaria. These data provide the first biochemical analysis of FGF signaling in osteoblasts, and show that FGF can act as a cell death inducer with distinct effects in proliferating and differentiating osteoblasts.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulation of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin stimulating the development of mammary gland, the Kunming mice were used as experimental animals in this study. Through the experiment in vitro, the effect of mammogenic hormones were systematically investigated on expression of FGF7 and FGF10 and their receptor in different periods. The results are as follows: in mammary glands of mice, 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF7; progesterone did not affect the expression of FGF7; prolactin up-regulated the expression of FGF7 significantly in pregnancy and lactation. 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF10; progesterone and prolactin reduced the expression of FGF10 significantly in virgin; prolactin significantly increased the expression of FGF10 in pregnancy. When 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively high proportion, it would lower the expression of KGFR; while 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively low proportion, it would increase the expression of KGFR. Low concentration of progesterone increased the expression of KGFR and high progesterone did not affect the expression of KGFR. Prolactin increased the expression of KGFR significantly in pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Four fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR1-4) constitute a family of transmembrane tyrosine kinases that serve as high affinity receptors for at least 22 FGF ligands. Gene targeting in mice has yielded valuable insights into the functions of this important gene family in multiple biological processes. These include mesoderm induction and patterning; cell growth, migration, and differentiation; organ formation and maintenance; neuronal differentiation and survival; wound healing; and malignant transformation. Furthermore, discoveries that mutations in three of the four receptors result in more than a dozen human congenital diseases highlight the importance of these genes in skeletal development. In this review, we will discuss recent progress on the roles of FGF receptors in mammalian development and congenital diseases, with an emphasis on signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS) comprises a structurally diverse group of glycosaminoglycans present ubiquitously on cell surfaces and in the extracellular matrix. The spatially and temporally regulated expression of specific HS structures is essential for various developmental processes in the nervous system but their distributions in the mouse olfactory system have not been explored. Here, we examined the spatiotemporal distribution of particular HS species in the developing mouse olfactory system using three structure‐specific monoclonal antibodies (HepSS‐1, JM403 and NAH46). The major findings were as follows. (i) During olfactory bulb morphogenesis, the HepSS‐1 epitope was strongly expressed in anterior telencephalic cells and coexpressed with fibroblast growth factor receptor 1. (ii) In early postnatal glomeruli, the JM403 epitope was expressed at different levels among individual glomeruli. The expression pattern and levels of the JM403 epitope were both associated with those of ephrin‐A3. (iii) In the vomeronasal system, the JM403 epitope was expressed in all vomeronasal axons but became increasingly restricted to vomeronasal axons terminating in the anterior region of the accessory olfactory bulb by 3 weeks of age. Our results demonstrate that each HS epitope exhibits a unique expression pattern during the development of the mouse olfactory system. Thus, each HS epitope is closely associated with particular developmental processes of the olfactory system and might have a particular role in developmental events.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of FGF regulation by cell surface heparan sulfates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heparin/heparan sulfate-like glycosaminoglycans (HSGAGs) modulate the activity of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of proteins. Through interactions with both FGFs and FGF receptors (FGFRs), HSGAGs mediate FGF-FGFR binding and oligomerization leading to FGFR phosphorylation and initiation of intracellular signaling cascades. We describe a methodology to examine the impact of heparan sulfate fine structure and source on FGF-mediated signaling. Mitogenic assays using BaF3 cells transfected with specific FGFR isoforms allow for the quantification of FGF1 and FGF2 induced responses independent of conflicting influences. As such, this system enables a systematic investigation into the role of cell surface HSGAGs on FGF signaling. We demonstrate this approach using cell surface-derived HSGAGs and find that distinct HSGAGs elicit differential FGF response patterns through FGFR1c and FGFR3c. We conclude that this assay system can be used to probe the ability of distinct HSGAG species to regulate the activity of specific FGF-FGFR pairs.  相似文献   



Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are ubiquitously expressed on cell surfaces and in extracellular matrices, and are engaged in heparin-binding growth factor-related signal transduction. Thus, changes in the amounts, structures, and chain lengths of heparan sulfate have profound effects on aspects of cell growth controlled by heparin-binding growth factors such as FGF2. Exostosin glycosyltransferases (EXT1, EXT2, EXTL1, EXTL2, and EXTL3) control heparan sulfate biosynthesis, and the expression levels of their genes regulate the amounts, chain lengths, and sulfation patterns of heparan sulfate. Unlike EXT1, EXT2, and EXTL3, EXTL2 functions chain termination of heparan sulfate. Here, we examined the importance of EXTL2 in FGF2-dependent signaling.


We investigated heparan sulfate biosynthesis and FGF2 signaling using four cell lines, EXT1-deficient cells, EXT2-, EXTL2-, or EXTL3-knockdown cells, by HPLC, qRT-PCR, flow cytometry, and western blotting.


Reduced expression of either EXT1, EXT2, or EXTL3 decreased heparan sulfate biosynthesis, and consequently suppressed the FGF2-dependent proliferation of mouse L fibroblasts. In contrast, although knockdown of EXTL2 increased the amounts of heparan sulfate, FGF2-dependent proliferation was significantly inhibited because the increased heparan sulfate enhanced the incorporation of FGF2 into the cells.


EXTL2 controls FGF2 signaling through regulation of heparan sulfate biosynthesis in a manner distinct from that of other exostosins.

General significance

This study provides new insights into the regulatory mechanisms of FGF2 signaling by EXTL2.  相似文献   

Using a radioimmunoassay for bovine pituitary fibroblast growth factor (FGF), we have established the presence of the immunoreactive mitogen in extracts of a transplantable mouse chondrosarcoma. Both neutral and acidic extracts of the tumor contain an immunoreactive FGF (ir-FGF) that cross-reacts in a parallel and dose-dependent fashion in the radioimmunoassay. The ir-FGF is retained on heparin-Sepharose affinity columns and can be detected in the same molecular weight forms as rat pituitary FGF. Mice (C57/Bl) inoculated with the tumor (10 mg, im) show a decreased rate of tumor growth when passively immunized with the antiserum to FGF. The results establish the presence of FGF in this tumor and implicate its role in the etiology of its development.  相似文献   

FGF and FGFR signaling in chondrodysplasias and craniosynostosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first experimental mouse model for FGF2 in bone dysplasia was made serendipitously by overexpression of FGF from a constitutive promoter. The results were not widely accepted, rightfully drew skepticism, and were difficult to publish; because of over 2,000 studies published on FGF‐2 at the time (1993), only a few reported a role of FGF‐2 in bone growth and differentiation. However, mapping of human dwarfisms to mutations of the FGFRs shortly, thereafter, made the case that bone growth and remodeling was a major physiological function for FGF. Subsequent production of numerous transgenic and targeted null mice for several genes in the bone growth and remodeling pathways have marvelously elucidated the role of FGFs and their interactions with other genes. Indeed, studies of the FGF pathway present one of the best success stories for use of experimental genetics in functionally parsing morphogenetic regulatory pathways. What remains largely unresolved is the pleiotropic nature of FGF‐2. How does it accelerate growth in one cell then stimulate apoptosis or retard growth for another cell in the same type of tissue? Some of the answers may come through distinguishing the FGF‐2 protein isoforms, made from alternative translation start sites, these appear to have substantially different functions. Although we have made substantial progress, there is still much to be learned regarding FGF‐2 as a most complex, enigmatic protein. Studies of genetic models in mice and human FGFR mutations have provided strong evidence that FGFRs are important modulators of osteoblast function during membranous bone formation. However, there is some controversy regarding the effects of FGFR signaling in human and murine genetic models. Although significant progress has been made in our understanding of FGFR signaling, several questions remain concerning the signaling pathways involved in osteoblast regulation by activated FGFR. Additionally, little is known about the specific role of FGFR target genes involved in cranial bone formation. These issues need to be addressed in future in in vitro and in vivo approaches to better understand the molecular mechanisms of action of FGFR signaling in osteoblasts that result in anabolic effects in bone formation. J. Cell. Biochem. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Signaling by fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is essential is for trophoblast stem (TS) cells and preimplantation embryos. FGF4 provides essential signaling, but the expression of the complete set of 23 FGF family members has not been analyzed. Here, semi-quantitative RT-PCR and microarray analyses were used to define expression of all FGF ligand mRNA. RT-PCR was done for developmentally important FGF subfamilies, FGF10/FGF22 and FGF8/FGF17/FGF18 as well as FGF11. FGF4 and FGF18 are detected at highest levels by RT-PCR and microarrays. FGF10 was detected at low levels in both assays. FGF11 was detected at moderate levels by microarray, but not by RT-PCR. FGF17 was detected at low levels by array and moderate levels by RT-PCR. FGF8 and FGF22 were detected by RT-PCR, but not by microarrays during late cleavage divisions. FGF8, FGF5, and FGF9 were detected in the oocyte by microarray. FGF2, FGF3, and FGF7 were not detected by RT-PCR or microarrays and FGF13, FGF14, and FGF23 were not detected by microarray. Since a major role of FGF is to maintain TS cells, we tested human and mouse placental cell lines and early gestation human placenta for expression of FGF ligands. Expression in mouse TS cells was compared with preimplantation embryos, and human placental cell line expression was compared with human placenta, to infer which ligands are expressed in placental lineage vs. other cell lineages. The data suggest that human and mouse placenta share FGF18 and its high expression suggests preimplantation and early placental function.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulation of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin stimulating the development of mammary gland, the Kunming mice were used as experimental animals in this study.Through the ex-periment in vitro, the effect of mammogenic hormones were systematically investigated on expression of FGF7 and FGF10 and their receptor in different periods.The results are as follows:in mammary glands of mice, 17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF7;progesterone did not affect the expression of FGF7;prolactin up-regulated the expression of FGF7 significantly in pregnancy and lac-tation.17 beta-estradiol increased the expression of FGF10;progesterone and prolactin reduced the expression of FGF10 significantly in virgin;prolactin significantly increased the expression of FGF10 in pregnancy.When 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively high proportion, it would lower the ex-pression of KGFR;while 17 beta-estradiol in the body was in relatively low proportion, it would increase the expression of KGFR.Low concentration of progesterone increased the expression of KGFR and high progesterone did not affect the expression of KGFR.Prolactin increased the expression of KGFR significantly in pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Recent studies from our laboratory have begun to elucidate the role of agrin in zebrafish development. One agrin morphant phenotype that results from agrin knockdown is microphthalmia (reduced eye size). To begin to understand the mechanisms underlying the role of agrin in eye development, we have analyzed retina development in agrin morphants. Retinal differentiation is impaired in agrin morphants, with retinal lamination being disrupted following agrin morpholino treatment. Pax 6.1 and Mbx1 gene expression, markers of eye development, are markedly reduced in agrin morphants. Formation of the optic fiber layer of the zebrafish retina is also impaired, exhibited as both reduced size of the optic fiber layer, and disruption of retinal ganglion cell axon growth to the optic tectum. The retinotectal topographic projection to the optic tectum is perturbed in agrin morphants in association with a marked loss of heparan sulfate expression in the retinotectal pathway, with this phenotype resembling retinotectal phenotypes observed in mutant zebrafish lacking enzymes for heparan sulfate synthesis. Treatment of agrin morphants with a fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) receptor inhibitor, rescue of the retinal lamination phenotype by transplantation of Fgf8-coated beads, and disruption of both the expression of Fgf-dependent genes and activation of ERK in agrin morphants provides evidence that agrin modulation of Fgf function contributes to retina development. Collectively, these agrin morphant phenotypes provide support for a crucial role of agrin in retina development and formation of an ordered retinotectal topographic map in the optic tectum of zebrafish.  相似文献   

Vertebrate lens development depends on a complex network of signaling molecules to coordinate cell proliferation, migration and differentiation. In this study, we have investigated the role of heparan sulfate in lens specific signaling by generating a conditional ablation of heparan sulfate modification genes, Ndst1 and Ndst2. In this mutant, N-sulfation of heparan sulfate was disrupted after the lens induction stage, resulting in reduced lens cell proliferation, increased cell death and defective lens fiber differentiation in later lens development. The loss of Ndst function also prevented the assembly of Fgf/Fgfr complexes on the lens cell surface and disrupted ERK signaling within the lens. We further demonstrated that Ndst mutation completely inhibited the FGF1 and Fgf3 overexpression phenotypes, but Kras reactivation was sufficient to reverse the Ndst deficient lens differentiation defect. The epistatic relationship between Ndst and FGF–Ras signaling demonstrates that FGF signaling is the predominant signaling pathway controlled by Ndst in lens development.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are abundant in the pericellular matrix of both developing and mature cartilage. Increasing evidence suggests the action of numerous chondroregulatory molecules depends on HSPGs. In addition to specific functions attributed to their core protein, the complexity of heparan sulfate (HS) synthesis provides extraordinary structural and functional heterogeneity. Understanding the interactions of chondroregulatory molecules with HSPGs and their subsequent outcomes has been limited by the absence of a detailed analysis of HS species in cartilage. In this study, we characterize the distribution and variety of HS species in developing cartilage of normal mice. Cryo-sections of femur and tibia from normal mouse embryos were evaluated using immunostaining techniques. A panel of unique phage display antibodies specific to particular HS species were employed and visualized with secondary antibodies conjugated to Alexa-fluor dyes. Confocal microscopy demonstrates that HS species are dynamic structures within developing growth plate cartilage and the perichondrium. GlcNS6S-IdoUA2S-GlcNS6S species are down regulated and localization of GlcNS6S-IdoUA-GlcNS6S species within the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate is lost during normal development. Regional differences in HS structures are present within developing growth plates, implying that interactions with and responses to HS-binding proteins also may display regional specialization.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal expression pattern of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) genes was investigated in mouse finger bones during development by an in situ hybridization method with riboprobes synthesized from a human cDNA of the RAR-alpha. We found that the RAR genes are expressed intensively and specifically in calcifying fronts of the mouse finger bones, whereas the expression pattern is rather uniform in the limb buds and cartilage matrices of the embryonic fingers. Our findings are consistent with the fact that vitamin A is essential for normal mammalian bone development.  相似文献   

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