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The tumor suppressor gene p53 has been identified as the most frequent target of genetic alterations in human cancers. Most of these mutations occur in highly conserved regions in the DNA-binding core domain of the p53 protein, suggesting that the amino acid residues in these regions are critical for maintaining normal p53 structure and function. We previously used molecular dynamics calculations to demonstrate that several amino acid substitutions in these regions that are induced by environmental carcinogens and found in human tumors produce certain common conformational changes in the mutant proteins that differ substantially from the wild-type structure. In order to determine whether these conformational changes are consistent for other p53 mutants, we have now used molecular dynamics to determine the structure of the DNA-binding core domain of seven other environmentally induced, cancer-related p53 mutants, namely His 175, Asp 245, Asn 245, Trp 248, Met 249, Ser 278, and Lys 286. The results indicate that all of these mutants differ substantially from the wild-type structure in certain discrete regions and that some of these conformational changes are similar for these mutants as well as those determined previously. The changes are also consistent with experimental evidence for alterations in structure in p53 mutants determined by epitope detectability using monoclonal antibodies directed against these regions of predicted conformational change.  相似文献   

p53 immunostaining has been advocated as a marker of malignancy in pleural biopsies and serous fluids. The object of this study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of p53 immunostaining for the detection of malignant cells in pleural fluids with a technique designed to detect p53 gene mutations in exons 5, 6, 7 and 8 by SSCP and nucleotide sequencing. Five out of eight pleural fluids containing adenocarcinoma showed p53 immunostaining and two of these also showed polymorphisms on SSCP and a mutation on sequencing. None of the 10 benign pleural fluids showed immunostaining for p53 or polymorphisms on SSCP. We believe that the poor sensitivity of p53 gene mutation by SSCP is mainly due to DNA from the background reactive cells 'swamping' the mutant DNA. We do not advocate its use as a diagnostic aid.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor is implicated in cell cycle control, DNA repair, replicative senescence and programmed cell death. Inactivation of the p53 contributes to the wide range of human tumors, including glial neoplasms. In this review, we describe the regulation and biochemical properties of p53 protein that may explain its ability to activate various genetic programs underlying cellular responses to stress conditions. The overall spectrum of p53 mutations is rather shared between tumor types indicating that these mutations are not tumor type-specific. However, there is one example of germ-line mutation of p53 gene (the deletion of the codon 236) that is associated with a familiar brain tumor syndrome. We compare the frequency and type of most common mutations among various brain tumours (focusing on glioblastomas) and their consequences on protein functions. Furthermore, we discuss the most promising approaches of potential brain tumor therapy, including an adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer. Human glioblastomas are highly sensitive to the effects of p53 activity when the wild-type p53 is introduced ectopically. It suggests that the genetic or pharmacological modulation of the p53 pathway is potentially important strategy in the treatment of human cancers.  相似文献   

大肠癌中p53基因突变的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)──单链构型多态性(SSCP)结合银染法对14例大肠癌p53基因的第4、第5─6和第7外显子进行了点突变的研究,结果共检测出6例点突变,而且发现各外显子的突变频率存在差异。另外,利用购自ATCC的两个探针 (p53cDNA探针和pYNZ22探针)对大肠癌中p53基因的杂合性失去进行了研究,在14例大肠癌中共检出6例杂合性丢失。将点突变检测结果同杂合性丢失结果进行比较分析, 并着重探讨了大肠癌中p53基因失活导致肿瘤的作用方式。 Abstract:The exons 4-7 of p53 gene were examined in 14 colorectal Cancer patients by using PCR-SSCP-silver staining method.The results showed 6 cases of point mutation and the mutation frequencies of exons were different from each other.p53 cDNA and pYNZ22 VNTR were used as probes to examine LOH(Loss of heterozygosity)of 14 colorectal cancers.6 cases with LOH were found.The results of present research suggest that mutation and LOH of p53 gene are critical events in the progress and development of Cancer.There were different kinds of inactivation model of p53 gene in the process of development of cancer and transformation of cells.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor gene p53 has been identified as the most frequent target of genetic alterations in human cancers. Vinyl chloride, a known human carcinogen that induces the rare sentinel neoplasm angiosarcoma of the liver, has been associated with specific A T transversions at the first base of codons 249 and 255 of the p53 gene. These mutations result in an ArgTrp amino acid substitution at residue 249 and an IlePhe amino acid substitution at residue 255 in a highly conserved region in the DNA-binding core domain of the p53 protein. To determine the effects of these substitutions on the three-dimensional structure of the p53 protein, we have performed molecular dynamics calculations on this core domain of the wild-type and the Trp-249 and Phe-255 mutants to compute the average structures of each of the three forms. Comparisons of the computed average structures show that both mutants differ substantially from the wild-type structure in certain common, discrete regions. One of these regions (residues 204–217) contains the epitope for the monoclonal antibody PAb240, which is concealed in the wild-type structure but accessible in both mutant structures. In order to confirm this conformational shift, tumor tissue and serum from vinyl chloride-exposed individuals with angiosarcomas of the liver were examined by immunohistochemistry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Individuals with tumors that contained the p53 mutations were found to have detectable mutant p53 protein in their tumor tissue and serum, whereas individuals with tumors without mutations and normal controls did not.  相似文献   

P53 acetylation requires p300-docking to two contiguous sites in the activation domain that in turn mediates DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer. In an attempt to further define the mechanism of DNA-dependent acetylation of p53, an in vitro system has been reconstituted with distinct p53 isoforms and has been used to reveal conformational constraints on p53 acetylation. Two native p53 tetrameric isoforms purified from Sf9 cells differing by the extent of phosphorylation within the C-terminal acetylation site are both acetylated in a sequence-specific DNA-dependent manner. By contrast, p53 purified from an Escherichia coli expression system is in a largely denatured conformation and its acetylation is DNA-independent. Heating native p53 to destroy the folded structure restores DNA-independent acetylation similar to that seen with bacterially expressed p53. There are at least two sites of conformational flexibility in the p53 tetramer: the first in the flexible S10 beta-sheet within the MDM2 ubiquitination sequence and the second in the C-terminal regulatory domain. We analysed therefore whether DNA-dependent acetylation correlated with conformational changes in either of these two regions. DNA-dependent acetylation of p53 is maintained in a dose-dependent manner by low concentrations of consensus site DNA under conditions where flexibility in the S10 beta-sheet region is maintained. Oligonucleotide DNAs that promote acetylation stimulate the binding of monoclonal antibodies PAb421 and ICA-9; two antibodies whose contiguous epitopes overlap the C-terminal acetylation motif. By contrast, bent oligonucleotide DNAs that conceal both the S10 beta-sheet from binding of the monoclonal antibody DO-12 and attenuate binding of the monoclonal antibody PAb421 can preclude acetylation. These data suggest that, in the absence of DNA, the acetylation motif of p53 is in a cryptic state, but after DNA binding, allosteric effects mediate an exposure of the acetylation motif to allow DNA-dependent acetylation of the tetramer.  相似文献   

抗癌基因──p53和Rb基因甲基化的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍p53和Rb基因甲基比研究的最新进展.CpG序列是DNA甲基化和基因突变的频发位点.p53和Rb基因的CpG序列易发生甲基化.其高度甲基化可能与基因功能失活有关,从而丧失抑制细胞增殖的功能,可能为肿瘤等发生的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

TP53 is highly mutated in human cancers, thus targeting this tumor suppressor pathway is highly desirable and will impact many cancer patients.1,2 Iwakuma T, Lozano G, Flores ER. Li-Fraumeni syndrome: a p53 family affair. Cell Cycle 2005; 4:865-7; PMID:15917654; http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/cc.4.7.1800 Muller PA, Vousden KH. p53 mutations in cancer. Nat Cell Biol 2013; 15:2-8; PMID:23263379; http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncb2641  Therapeutic strategies to reactivate the p53-pathway have been challenging,3,4 Martins CP, Brown-Swigart L, Evan GI. Modeling the therapeutic efficacy of p53 restoration in tumors. Cell 2006; 127:1323-34; PMID:17182091; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2006.12.007 Ventura A. Restoration of p53 function leads to tumour regression in vivo. Nature 2007; 445:661-5; PMID:17251932; http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature05541  and no effective treatment exists.5 Khoo KH, Verma CS, Lane DP. Drugging the p53 pathway: understanding the route to clinical efficacy. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2014; 13:217-36; PMID:24577402; http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrd4288[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] We utilized the p53-family members, p63 and p73, which are not frequently mutated in cancer, to treat p53-defective cancers. The N-terminal splice variants of p63 and p73 are denoted as the TA and ΔN isoforms. We recently demonstrated that deletion of either ΔNp63 or ΔNp73 in p53-deficient mouse tumors results in tumor regression mediated by metabolic programming. Using this strategy, we identified pramlintide, a synthetic analog of amylin, as an effective treatment for p53 deficient and mutant tumors. Here, we show the utility of using pramlintide, as a potential cancer preventive option for p53-deficient tumors in mouse models. Additionally, we found that in vivo inhibition of both ΔNp63 and ΔNp73 in combination accelerates tumor regression and increases survival of p53-deficient mice. We report that inhibition of both ΔNp63 and ΔNp73 in combination results in upregulation of 3 key metabolic regulators, IAPP, GLS2, and TIGAR resulting in an increase in apoptosis and tumor regression in ΔNp63/ΔNp73/p53 deficient thymic lymphomas. These data highlight the value of generating inhibitors that will simultaneously target ΔNp63 and ΔNp73 to treat cancer patients with alterations in p53.  相似文献   

Lung cancer development involves multiple genetic abnormalities leading to malignant transformation of the bronchial epithelial cells, followed by invasion and metastasis. One of the most common changes is mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The frequency of p53 alterations in lung cancer is highest in small cell and squamous cell carcinomas. A genetic “signature” of the type of p53 mutations has been associated with carcinogens in cigarette smoke. The majority of clinical studies suggest that lung cancers with p53 alterations carry a worse prognosis, and may be relatively more resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. An understanding of the role of p53 in human lung cancer may lead to more rational targeted approaches for treating this disease. P53 gene replacement is currently under clinical investigation but clearly more effective means of gene deliver to the tumor cells are required. Novel approaches to lung cancer therapy are needed to improve the observed poor patient survival despite current therapies.  相似文献   

The p53 tumour suppressor protein lies at the crossroads of multiple cellular response pathways that control the fate of the cell in response to endogenous or exogenous stresses and inactivation of the p53 tumour suppressor signalling pathway is seen in most human cancers. Such aberrant p53 activity may be caused by mutations in the TP53 gene sequence producing truncated or inactive mutant proteins, or by aberrant production of other proteins that regulate p53 activity, such as gene amplification and overexpression of MDM2 or viral proteins that inhibit or degrade p53. Recent studies have also suggested that inherited genetic polymorphisms in the p53 pathway influence tumour formation, progression and/or response to therapy. In some cases, these variants are clearly associated with clinico-pathological variables or prognosis of cancer, whereas in other cases the evidence is less conclusive. Here, we review the evidence that common polymorphisms in various aspects of p53 biology have important consequences for overall tumour susceptibility, clinico-pathology and prognosis. We also suggest reasons for some of the reported discrepancies in the effects of common polymorphisms on tumourigenesis, which relate to the complexity of effects on tumour formation in combination with other oncogenic changes and other polymorphisms. It is likely that future studies of combinations of polymorphisms in the p53 pathway will be useful for predicting tumour susceptibility in the human population and may serve as predictive biomarkers of tumour response to standard therapies.  相似文献   

利用p53蛋白质核心区晶体结构作分子动力学发现,除了生化方面的稳定性之外,该区还具有分子力学上的高度稳定性.在此基础上作的R249残基替换分子动力学研究显示,p53蛋白质核心区249位点精氨酸被其他残基替换后能引起p53蛋白质核心区L2、L3结构域间的密切联系趋于松散,正常的空间构象发生改变并使整个核心区结构稳定性受到破坏.这一研究从三维结构变化上,直观地解释了R249残基替换造成的p53蛋白质免疫和生化特性改变的结构机制.  相似文献   

SRY盒基因在斑马鱼和胡子鲇中的保守性分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文采用人类SRY基因探针,与EcoRI消化的中国的胡子鲇(Clarias fusc us)和美国的斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)基因组DNA进行了Southern印迹杂交分析。首次在这两种鱼中发现了SRY盒基因及其存在特征;在斑马鱼中发现了明显的限制性片段长度多态性; 并深入分析了SRY盒基因的进化保守性。 Abstract:Using,Southern bloting analysis,EcoRI-digested genomic DNA from Clarias fuscus and Brachydanio rerio were hybridizae to human SRY probe.Hybridization occurred in both male and female of the two species.RFLP associated with SRY-box genes was observed in Brachydanio rerio.The conservation of SRY-box genes was analysed.  相似文献   

中国汉族群体vWF基因40内含子VNTR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文将Amp-FLP与RFLP结合起来,检测vWF基因40内含子VNTR。调查长沙地区156名无亲缘关系汉族人,发现vWF基因40内含子VNTR基因136个。基因型152个,全部为杂合子,分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。此VNTR杂合率为0.9884,PIC为0.9883,是现已检出Amp-FLP中多态性最高的遗传标记。家系分析显示VNTR无遗传重组,依照常染色体共显性遗传。用高分辨  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma has poor prognosis because of its high metastatic potential and resistance to chemotherapy. A possible approach to more effective therapy is induction of p53-dependent apoptosis. This approach is promising, since the wild-type p53 is expressed in most melanomas. An attempt was made to estimate the functional activity of p53 in several malignant melanoma cell lines. Most lines were characterized by a high protein level and nuclear localization of p53. All cell lines expressing the wild-type p53 showed stabilization of p53, its translocation into the nucleus, and activation of several target genes in response to DNA-damaging agents, suggesting that p53 was functionally active. A high-molecular-weight protein localized in the cytoplasm and mimicking a p53 epitope was found in several cell lines. It was shown that the DO-1 epitope is not derived from p53, ruling out cytoplasmic retention of p53 in melanoma cell lines. A mechanism of camptothecin-induced stabilization of p53 by decreasing the level of the HDM2 mRNA was described for melanoma cells but not for normal melanocytes, suggesting a differential effect of camptothecin on tumor-derived and primary cells.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 3, 2005, pp. 445–456.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Razorenova, Agapova, Chumakov.  相似文献   

应用PCR产物直接银染测序技术检测大肠癌p53基因点突变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何友吉  李明发 《遗传》1998,20(1):0-10
应用PCR-SSCP结合PCR产物直接银染测序技术对24例大肠癌p53基因第5-7外显子进行点突变的研究。结果检出5例(26.7%)阳性,均为错义突变;其中3例为碱基GC到 AT的转换, 1例为GC到TA的颠换,另1例为AT到CG的颠换,后者尚未见报道。突变位点分布在p53基因第141、175、245、248和258位密码子,其中4例发生在CpG位点。本文对p53基因点突变谱的分析为大肠癌的病因学研究提供了科学依据, 并讨论了PCR产物直接银染测序技术的优越性。 Abstract:Mutations in exon 5~7 of p53 were screened in 24 cases of colorectal carcinoma by a combination of PCR-SSCP and PCR-product DNA silver sequencing.The results showed that all 5(26.7%) cases of point mutations detected were missense mutations,including 3 cases of GC to AT transitions,1 case of GC to TA transversion and another case of AT to CG transversion.The latter has not been reported before.The mutations occurred at codons 141,175,245,248 and 258 respectively,and 4 cases of these five mutations occurred at CpG dinucleotides.The analysis of p53 mutation spectra can provide clues to the etiology of colorectal carcinoma.The advantages of DNA silver sequencing are also discussed.  相似文献   

Tumor-specific alterations at the p53 gene locus were analyzed in 40 human brain tumor samples. Gliomas were more prevalent in young males and meningiomas in old females. Structural changes at the intron 1 region of the p53 gene were analyzed in these tumors by Southern blotting. Among the 40 tumors, 33 were informative and 21 of these (63.6%) informative cases showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH). This is the first report showing LOH at the intron 1 region of p53 gene in human brain tumors. The level of p53 mRNA, p53 protein and Ser 392 phosphorylated p53 protein were also analyzed in all tumor samples. Normal sized p53 mRNA and protein were present in all the tumor samples; however, their levels were 1.5- to 4-fold higher compared to the control suggesting deregulated p53 pathway in these tumors. No correlation was found between LOH status and the levels of p53 mRNA and protein. In all high-grade glioblastomas majority of the p53 protein existed as Ser 392 phosphorylated form as compared to low-grade gliomas. In addition, the percentage of Ser 392 phosphorylated form of p53 protein was lower in meningiomas and other brain tumor types irrespective of tumor grade. These results suggest involvement of Ser 392 phosphorylated form of p53 protein during the later stages of glioma development. These results also indicate that deregulation of p53 gene could occur at various steps in p53 pathway and suggest an overall deregulation of p53 gene in most brain tumor types.  相似文献   


Phosphorylation of protein is critical for various cell processes, which preferentially happens in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). How phosphorylation modulates structural ensemble of disordered peptide remains largely unexplored. Here, using replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) and Markov state model (MSM), the conformational distribution and kinetics of p53 N-terminal transactivation domain (TAD) 2 as well as its dual-site phosphorylated form (pSer46, pThr55) were simulated. It reveals that the dual phosphorylation does not change overall size and secondary structure element fraction, while a change in the distribution of hydrogen bonds induces slightly more pre-existing bound helical conformations. MSM analysis indicates that the dual phosphorylation accelerates conformation exchange between disordered and order-like states in target-binding region. It suggests that p53 TAD2 after phosphorylation would be more apt to bind to both the human p62 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and the yeast tfb1?PH domain through different binding mechanism, where experimentally it exhibits an extended and α-helix conformation, respectively, with increased binding strength in both complexes. Our study implies except binding interface, both conformation ensemble and kinetics should be considered for the effects of phosphorylation on IDPs. Abbreviations IDPs intrinsically disordered proteins

REMD replica exchange molecular dynamics

MSM Markov state model

TAD transactivation domain

PH pleckstrin homology

PRR proline-rich region

DBD DNA-binding domain

TET Tetramerization domain

REG regulatory domain

MD molecular dynamics

PME particle-mesh Ewald

TICA time-lagged independent component analysis

CK Chapman–Kolmogorov

GMRQ generalized matrix Rayleigh quotient

SARW self-avoiding random walk

KID kinase-inducible domain

MFPT mean first passage time

DSSP definition of secondary structure of proteins

RMSD root mean square deviation

Rg radius of gyration

Ree end to end distance

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

分离自冬虫夏草可培养真菌的多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冬虫夏草是生长于青藏高原的一种名贵中药材。天然冬虫夏草及其微环境中生活着多种真菌。作者使用常规分离培养方法对冬虫夏草的真菌区系进行研究。从天然冬虫夏草的子座、菌核和菌膜3个部位共分离到572个真菌菌株,并根据形态特征将大部分菌株鉴定到37个不同的属。这些菌株经SSCP(single-strand conformation polymorphism)分析后,再根据nrDNAITS序列的相似性(以97%为阈值)共区分出92种不同的分类单元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)。其中,属于子囊菌的菌株数及OTU数均比接合菌和担子菌多。从菌膜分离的菌株数及OTU数都明显多于子座和菌核。分离自子座的优势真菌是产黄青霉Penicillium chrysogenum,而分离自菌核和菌膜的优势真菌均为玫红假裸囊菌Pseudogymnoascus roseus。尚未最终鉴定的部分真菌可能为新的真菌物种。  相似文献   

Tumor protein p53 (TP53) is a tumor suppressor gene and TP53 mutations are associated with poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer. However, the in-depth classification of TP53 and its relationship with treatment response and prognosis in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutant tumors treated with EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors are unclear. Circulating tumor DNA was prospectively collected at baseline in advanced treatment-naïve EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma patients treated with gefitinib in an open-label, single-arm, prospective, multicenter, phase 2 clinical trial (BENEFIT trial) and analyzed using next-generation sequencing. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method. Of the 180 enrolled patients, 115 (63.9%) harbored TP53 mutations. The median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of patients with TP53-wild type tumors were significantly longer than those of patients with TP53-mutant tumors. Mutations in exons 5–8 accounted for 80.9% of TP53 mutations. Mutations in TP53 exons 6 and 7 were significantly associated with inferior PFS and OS compared to wild-type TP53. TP53 mutation also influenced the prognosis of patients with different EGFR mutations. Patients with TP53 and EGFR exon 19 mutations had significantly longer PFS and OS than patients with TP53 and EGFR L858R mutations, and both groups had worse survival than patients with only EGFR mutations. Patients with TP53 mutations, especially in exons 6 and 7, had a lower response rate and shorter PFS and OS when treated with gefitinib. Moreover, TP53 exon 5 mutation divided TP53 mutations in disruptive and non-disruptive types.  相似文献   

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