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干旱胁迫下四倍体刺槐幼苗水分利用效率及稳定碳同位素组成的研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在模拟自然干旱的条件下,测定2个四倍体刺槐品种(K2、K3)和普通二倍体刺槐(K1)一年生组培苗的长期和瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)及其稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C),以探讨四倍体刺槐的抗旱机理.结果表明,K2、K3的长期水分利用效率(WUEL)在不同水分胁迫条件下都显著高于K1,它们在同等供水条件下比K1具有更大的生物量产出;3个材料叶片的瞬时水分利用效率(WUEI)均随干旱胁迫的加剧表现先升后降的趋势,且胁迫处理均高于适宜水分处理.随水分胁迫的加剧,各品种刺槐苗木叶片的δ13C显著升高;K2、K3的δ13C在各水分条件下均高于K1;各材料叶片的δ13C与其WUEL有良好的正相关性,可以作为筛选高WUE刺槐品种的指标. 相似文献
滨海盐生植物叶片δ13C与主要养分元素化学计量的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高盐环境与土壤贫瘠成为限制滨海湿地植被生长的主要因素,盐分稀释(salt-dilution)与盐分抵御(salt-exclusion)为盐生植物普遍的两种适生策略,这些策略影响植物水分与养分利用效率的权衡过程。以江苏盐城滨海湿地常见稀盐盐生植物、拒盐盐生植物为研究对象,通过探讨滨海湿地不同盐生植物叶片δ13C(水分利用效率的直接反映参数),与主要养分元素(N、P、K)及化学计量特征的关系,以揭示不同盐生植物养分利用策略及养分利用效率与水分利用效率之间的权衡关系。研究结果表明:滨海湿地盐生植物叶片N/P为15.3,较全球陆生植物平均值低,表现出N、P共同限制特征。两种盐生植物叶片δ13C与N、P含量显著正相关,表明盐生植物采取N、P光合相关型策略适应不良环境。拒盐盐生植物叶片δ13C与K+正相关,采取K+渗透调节相关型策略,以减小细胞渗透势、增加水分吸收,减轻植物体内盐分毒害。两种不同耐盐型植物δ13C与C/N成反比,表明植物采取扩大水分利用效率以代偿减小的... 相似文献
植物呼吸释放CO2碳同位素变化研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
稳定性碳同位素是研究碳循环的有效手段。植物呼吸释放CO_2的碳同位素(δ~(13)C_R)变化是研究植物或生态系统与大气碳交换的重要方法,并可以揭示植物的生理过程、碳分配方式及其对环境变化的响应。介绍了目前国内外关于植物δ~(13)C_R变化的研究概况,植物不同器官δ~(13)C_R值及其日变化幅度趋势一致:叶片根系树干/茎,不同功能群植物其呼吸释放CO_2碳同位素组成存在差异。但植物δ~(13)C_R值日变化与呼吸底物的相关性在不同的研究中结果并不一致。导致植物呼吸δ~(13)C_R发生变化的主要原因为光合同位素效应、呼吸底物的供给及呼吸代谢中间产物利用、碳代谢相关酶的活性、LEDR(light enhanced dark respiration)、植物的遗传特性及外部环境改变。目前国际上已有较多关于导致植物呼吸δ~(13)C_R发生变化原因的研究,但内在机制的研究尚未完善。该领域研究在国内鲜有报道,因此,亟需加强我国关于植物δ~(13)C_R短期变化及其潜在呼吸代谢机制的研究。 相似文献
目前, 在中国区域关于植物碳稳定性同位素组成(δ13C)已经有了很多的研究, 同时, δ 13C作为植物水分利用效率(WUE)的替代指标, 得到了越来越广泛的应用。而这些研究多集中在站点或小的区域尺度, 那么在整个中国区域尺度上, δ13C能否作为植物WUE的替代指标值得探讨。该文通过对文献资料的收集整理, 研究了中国区域187个采样点478种C3植物叶片的δ13C, 统计分析结果表明δ13C的变化范围为-33.50‰- -22.00‰, 均值为-(27.10 ± 1.70)‰。在乔木、灌木和草本3种不同的生活型间, 叶片δ13C的差异达到极显著水平, 其中以草本的δ13C最高, 乔木最低, 这与在站点或小的区域尺度上的研究结果不同。对不同系统发育类型的植物而言, 种子植物的δ13C极显著地大于蕨类植物; 祼子植物与被子植物间的差异未达到显著水平; 单子叶植物极显著地大于双子叶植物。叶片δ13C值随经度的变化没有明显的规律, 但是随纬度的增加, δ 13C极显著地升高。随年均温度和年均降雨量的降低, 叶片δ13C值极显著升高。年均降雨量与δ13C间的这种极显著的负相关关系, 与WUE和降水量间的关系一致, 这表明在大的区域尺度上, δ13C可以作为植物WUE的指示指标。 相似文献
稳定碳同位素技术在土壤-植物系统碳循环中的应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
碳作为重要的生命元素,在土壤 植物系统物质循环中发挥重要作用.作为一种天然的示踪物,稳定碳同位素(13C)较放射性同位素具有安全、无污染、易控制的优点,在土壤 植物生态系统碳循环研究中得到广泛应用.通过检测土壤 植物体系中稳定碳同位素的自然丰度或采用稳定碳同位素标记有机材料,能够较真实地了解植物的光合特性、光合产物在土壤 植物体系中的运转及其在土壤中的分解、转化等过程.本文概述了稳定碳同位素技术在植物光合作用及光合产物运转、古气候重建、土壤有机质周转以及植物 根际微生物相互作用等方面的研究进展,并针对当前研究中存在的问题提出了今后的研究展望. 相似文献
作为森林生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,树干呼吸的时空变异性直接决定着全球碳库对气候变化的响应和反馈。然而,目前关于树干呼吸的时间变化特征,尤其是树干呼吸碳同位素组成(δ13C)变化的控制机理还存在很大的不确定性。为探明树干呼吸及其碳同位素的时间变化特征,采用气室法并利用基于光腔衰荡光谱(CRDS)技术组装的Picarro观测系统,于2018年8月—2019年10月对6棵马尾松进行树干呼吸及其同位素的监测,同时测定树干液流速率和树干温度。结果表明:(1)树干呼吸速率及其δ13C值均不存在明显的日变化模式,且与树干液流、树干温度相关性不显著;(2)树干呼吸速率季节变化趋势明显,变化范围为0.08~1.61μmol·m-2·s-1,且树干温度解释了树干呼吸速率季节变化的82%;(3)树干呼吸δ13C呈现先升高后下降的季节变化模式,非生长季的平均δ13C为-23.25‰±0.91‰,显著高于生长季的-27.93‰±0.25‰。研究表明,树干呼吸及其碳同位素组成在不... 相似文献
以广泛分布于新疆荒漠地区的建群种植物——梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)为研究对象,通过对23个样地101份梭梭同化枝样品δ~(13)C值的测定,分析了梭梭稳定碳同位素组成的变化特征及其与环境因子(海拔、日照时数、潜在蒸散量、年平均降水量和年平均温度)的关系,并讨论了不同生境下梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值的变化特征。研究结果显示:(1)梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C平均值为-14.15‰,其在95%置信区间的变化范围为-13.14‰—-15.38‰,表明梭梭是C_4光合途径的植物。(2)梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值与年平均降水量和年平均温度呈显著负相关关系,而与日照时数、潜在蒸散量和海拔呈显著正相关关系。我们推测梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值对各环境因子响应趋势的不同,可能是由气孔限制因素造成的,它是梭梭适应干旱荒漠环境的一种策略。(3)在不同生境下,梭梭同化枝的碳同位素组成存在显著差异。当梭梭群落中的主要伴生种为白刺、红砂时,其δ~(13)C值最高,当主要伴生种为沙拐枣和假木贼时,其δ~(13)C值最低。在灰漠土与灰棕漠土样地中的梭梭δ~(13)C值高于棕钙土、风沙土、石质土样地;盆地中梭梭同化枝δ~(13)C值低于平原、山地、丘陵地形条件下的样地。以上结果表明:梭梭水分利用效率在不同环境梯度和生境中,存在着显著不同,表现出显著的适应策略差异。 相似文献
内陆黑河流域植物稳定碳同位素变化及其指示意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对黑河流域山地、绿洲和荒漠区木本植物叶片或同化枝进行稳定碳同位素分析得出,山地植物稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)在-23‰~-29‰之间,平均值为-26.3‰;绿洲植物在-26‰~-30‰之间,平均值为-27.2‰;荒漠植物在-23‰~-28‰和-12‰~-15‰两个范围,平均值分别为-26.0‰和-13.8‰,严酷生境植物δ13C 值较高.同种植物在不同生境下的δ13C值,也表现为较差生境高于较好生境.荒漠河岸林树种胡杨(Populus euphratica)柳树形叶的δ13C值低于杨树形叶.无论是山区还是荒漠区,随着海拔高度增加,有些植物稳定碳同位素辨别力(Δ)减小,有些变化不明显,青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)的△值随着海拔升高线性递减显著.研究得出,荒漠植被中高水分利用效率(WUE)的C4植物占有一定比例.严酷生境下植物WUE高于较好生境.胡杨长条形叶的WUE最低,圆形叶的最高,由幼苗时期的柳树形叶向杨树形叶的演变中WUE在提高.青海云杉为黑河上游山区环境变化的重要指示植物.同种植物过高的δ13C值指示着植物的衰退和生境的严重胁迫.植物适应干旱环境是沿着有利于提高水分利用效率的方向发展. 相似文献
外源氮素(N)输入陆地生态系统后会引起植物和土壤各碳库的变化,但是对不同化学形态氮素的长期输入如何影响光合碳在植物组织、土壤、土壤呼吸中的分配及转运知之甚少,尤其是对于氮输入引起光合碳分配变化进而作用于植物和土壤碳库的机制的认识还非常匮乏。基于在青藏高原矮嵩草草甸开展的不同化学形态氮素添加的长期实验,利用13C示踪方法揭示了光合碳在植物地上、地下组织的分配,及其随时间在土壤中的滞留和随土壤呼吸的释放。研究结果表明,外源氮素添加10年后,与对照未添加氮素处理相比,氨态氮处理下的地上生物量增加了49.5%,氨态氮处理下的地下生物量增加了111.3%。土壤中滞留的13C整体呈下降趋势,氨态氮处理下的土壤碳库显著高于硝态氮处理下的值。不同处理下的土壤呼吸中13C的滞留量随时间呈指数衰减的变化趋势,其中,硝态氮处理下的13C衰减最快。13C同位素标记后第1天测定植物茎和叶内的13C约占刚刚标定完茎和叶内13C的80%,不同处理之间没有显著性差异... 相似文献
The characteristic surface lipid compositions of several C3 and C4 plants are discussed. C4 plants produce surface lipids (epicuticular waxes) made up of the ubiquitous classes of aliphatic compounds: free fatty acids, aldehydes, primary alcohols, alkanes and aliphatic linear esters. C3 plants synthesize surface lipids comprising the ubiquitous classes and either of the two following groups of compound: (i) lβ-diketones, hydroxy lβ-diketones, alkan-2-ol esters; (il) ketones and secondary alcohols with the functional group in the middle of the hydrocarbon chain. These features are suggested to represent physioIogical characteristics of the plant and to be related to ecological adaptations. Wax class compositions might also be an ancillary method for defining the C3 or C4 mechanism of CO2 assimilation in cases where uncertainty exists. 相似文献
C3与C4植物的环境调控 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
环境条件决定着不同光合类型植物的地理分布范围和区域 ,一般来说 ,C4 植物分布于高温、强光的环境而 C3植物分布于阴凉、湿润的环境 ,且 C4 比 C3植物光合速率高。但环境条件影响着不同光合类型植物的光合潜能的发挥 ,C4 植物在高温、强光、干旱条件下所表现出来的优势在其它环境条件下未必就显现出来。环境条件甚至可以引起 C3、C4 光合途径间的相互转化 ,这使得目前几种鉴别植物光合类型的方法出现不一致的结果。因此 ,在判断植物的光合类型时 ,要注意多种手段的综合利用 ,同时注意植物所处环境条件的影响。 相似文献
Jen-Hsien Weng 《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》2009,31(3):639-647
Two C3 dicotyledonous crops and five C4 monocotyledons treated with three levels of nitrogen were used to evaluate quantitatively the relationship between the allocation
of absorbed light energy in PSII and photosynthetic rates (P
N) in a warm condition (25–26°C) at four to five levels [200, 400, 800, 1,200 (both C3 and C4) and 2,000 (C4 only) μmol m−2 s−1] of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). For plants of the same type (C3 or C4), there was a linear positive correlation between the fraction of absorbed light energy that was utilized in PSII photochemistry
(P) and P
N, regardless of the broad range of their photosynthetic rates due to species-specific effect and/or nitrogen application;
meanwhile, the fraction of absorbed light energy that was dissipated through non-photochemical quenching (D) showed a negative linear regression with P
N for each level of PPFD. The intercept of regression lines between P and P
N of C3 and C4 plants decreased, and that between D and P
N increased with increasing PPFD. With P and D as the main components of energy dissipation and complementary to each other, the fraction of excess absorbed light energy
(E) was unchanged by P
N under the same level of PPFD. At the same level of P
N, C4 plants had lower P and higher D than C3 plants, due to the fact that C4 plants with little or no photorespiration is considered a limited energy sink for electrons. Nevertheless there was a significant
negative linear correlation between D and P when data from both C3 and C4 plants at varied PPFD levels was merged. The slope of regression lines between P and D was 0.85, indicating that in plants of both types, most of the unnecessary absorbed energy (ca. 85%) could dissipate through
non-photochemical quenching, when P was inhibited by low P
N due to species-specific effect and nitrogen limitation at all levels of illumination used in the experiment. 相似文献
The Mrs of glycollate oxidase (EC (GAO) determined soon after extraction from the leaves of several C3 and C4 plants are reported. The enzyme isolated from the C3 plants wheat, barley, spinach, pea and tobacco has Mr in the range 160–180 000 and is probably a homotetramer. GAO purified from pea was previously reported as a dimer and as an octamer from spinach leaves. Therefore the quaternary structure of these GAOs soon after extraction differs from that of the purified proteins. The enzymes from the C4 plants maize and sugar cane have Mrs ca twice this value in the range 290–310 000, whilst that of the C4 grass Panicum maximum has an Mr of 162 000. An improved spectrophotometric assay for GAO, using a non-carcinogenic dye, is described. 相似文献
用5种实验方法对东北草原区233种植物光合类型进行鉴定,并对其相对分布随纬度变化关系及其与土壤含盐量和PH值的关系进行分析.在此基础上对几种典型C3、C4牧草适应于盐碱环境的生理特点进行深入研究结果表明,在所鉴定的233种植物中,C3植物有144种,隶属于28科94属,C4植物有89种;隶属于17科55属,在高纬度地区C3植物表现出更高的生长优势,在纬度较低和盐碱化区域,C4植物分布具相对优势.尤其在盐碱化程度较重的地区,C4植物成为明显的优势种,分布上的差别决定于它们对环境适应机制上的差异C3植物对盐碱环境适应机制主要通过积累脯氨酸等有机溶质进行渗透调节,而C4植物主要通过液泡中离子区域化积累作用进行调节,并且与C3植物相比对盐碱环境具更强的适应能力. 相似文献
Antony Beaujean Emmanuelle Issakidis-Bourguet Manuella Catterou Frdric Dubois Rajbir Singh Sangwan Brigitte Singh Sangwan-Norreel 《Plant science》2001,160(6):1199-1210
We have integrated two cDNAs expressing Sorghum photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (C4-PEPC) and NADP-malate dehydrogenase (cpMDH), two key enzymes involved in the primary carbon fixation pathway of NADP-malic enzyme-type C4 plants, separately or together into a C3 plant (potato). Analysis of the transgenic plants showed a 1.5-fold increase in PEPC and cpMDH activities compared to untransformed plants. Immunolocalization confirmed an increase at the protein level of these two enzymes in the transgenic plants and indicated that the Sorghum cpMDH was specifically addressed to the chloroplasts of potato mesophyll cells. However, integration of either or both of the cDNAs into the potato genome did not appear to significantly modify either tuber starch grain content or the rate of photosynthetic O2 production compared to control untransformed plants. The low level of transgene expression probably explains the lack of influence on carbon metabolism and photosynthetic rates. This general observation suggests that some complex mechanism may regulate the level of production of foreign C4 metabolism enzymes in C3 plants. 相似文献
Numerous studies focus on the measurement of conductances for CO2 transfer in plants and especially on their regulatory effects on photosynthesis. Measurement accuracy is strongly dependent on the model used and on the knowledge of the flow of photochemical energy generated by light in chloroplasts. The only accurate and precise method to quantify the linear electron flux (responsible for the production of reductive energy) is the direct measurement of O2 evolution, by 18O2 labelling and mass spectrometry. The sharing of this energy between the carboxylation (P) and the oxygenation of photorespiration (PR) depends on the plant specificity factor (Sp) and on the corresponding atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and O2 ( André, 2013). The concept of plant specificity factor simplifies the equations of the model. It gives a new expression of the effect of the conductance (g) between atmosphere and chloroplasts. Its quantitative effect on photosynthesis is easy to understand because it intervenes in the ratio of the plant specificity factor (Sp) to the specificity of Rubisco (Sr). Using this ‘simple’ model with the data of 18O2 experiments, the calculation of conductance variations in response to CO2 and light was carried out. 相似文献
Jesse B. Nippert Philip A. Fay Alan K. Knapp 《Environmental and Experimental Botany》2007,60(3):412-420
The North American tallgrass prairie is composed of a diverse mix of C3 and C4 plant species that are subject to multiple resource limitations. C4 grasses dominate this ecosystem, purportedly due to greater photosynthetic capacity and resource-use efficiency associated with C4 photosynthesis. We tested the hypothesis that intrinsic physiological differences between C3 and C4 species are consistent with C4 grass dominance by comparing leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence variables for seven C4 and C3 herbaceous species (legumes and non-legumes) in two different settings: experimental mesocosms and natural grassland sites. In the mesocosms, C4 grasses had higher photosynthetic rates, water potentials and water-use efficiency than the C3 species. These differences were absent in the field, where photosynthetic rates declined similarly among non-leguminous species. Thus, intrinsic photosynthetic advantages for C4 species measured in resource-rich mesocosms could not explain the dominance of C4 species in the field. Instead, C4 dominance in this ecosystem may depend more on the ability of the grasses to grow rapidly when resources are plentiful and to tolerate multiple limitations when resources are scarce. 相似文献