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We report the thermal broadening of the Soret band in heme-CO, heme-OH and protoporphyrin IX in the temperature range 300–20 K. For protoporphyrin IX the temperature dependent Gaussian line broadening follows the behavior predicted by the harmonic approximation in the entire temperature range investigated. In contrast, for heme-CO and heme-OH the harmonic behavior is obeyed only up to about 180 K and an anomalous line broadening increase is observed at higher temperatures. This effect is attributed to the onset of anharmonic motions of the iron atom with respect to the porphyrin plane. Comparison with previously reported analogous data for heme proteins enables us to suggest that the onset of substate interconversions in these latter systems can be reflected in motions of the iron atom with respect to the porphyrin plane. Correspondence to: L. Cordone  相似文献   

In this work we study the temperature dependence of the Soret band lineshape of deoxymyoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin, in the range 300–20 K. To fit the measured spectra we use an approach originally proposed by Champion and coworkers (Srajer et al. 1986; Srajer and Champion 1991). The band profile is modelled as a Voigt function that accounts for the coupling with low frequency vibrational modes, whereas the coupling with high frequency modes is responsible for the vibronic structure of the spectra. Moreover, owing to the position of the iron atom out of the mean heme plane, inhomogeneous broadening brings about a non-Gaussian distribution of 0–0 electronic transition frequencies. The reported analysis enables us to isolate the various contributions to the overall bandwidth, and their temperature dependence points out the relevance of low frequency vibrations and of large scale anharmonic motions starting at temperatures higher than 170 K. Information on the mean iron-heme plane distance and on its temperature dependence, as well as on the heme pocket conformational disorder, is also obtained.Abbreviations Cc Carbon monoxide - Hb Human deoxyhemoglobin A - HbCO human carbonmonoxyhemoglobin A - SWMb spermwhale deoxymyoglobin - SWMbCO spermwhale carbonmonoxymyoglobin - HbO2 human oxyhemoglobin A - SWMb3+-H2O spermwhale aquometmyoglobin  相似文献   

The amide II vibrational CD (VCD) spectra of poly (L-glutamic acid) and poly (L-lysine) in various conformational forms and those of several proteins in H2O have been measured. Characteristic VCD patterns have been observed in the amide II region due to helix, beta-sheet, and coil conformations in polypeptides. Based on their x-ray crystal structures, the proteins studied have been assigned to six categories. Proteins in the same category give rise to similar amide II VCD. While the protein conformational type is indicated using the amide II VCD, discrimination between types is less characteristic than with the previously studied amide I' VCD in D2O.  相似文献   

In this work the temperature dependence of the Soret band line shape in carbon-monoxy myoglobin is re-analyzed by using both the full correlator approach in the time domain and the frequency domain approach. The new analyses exploit the full density of vibrational states of carbon-monoxy myoglobin available from normal modes analysis, and avoid the artificial division of the entire set of vibrational modes coupled to the Soret transition into "high-frequency" and "low-frequency" subsets; the frequency domain analysis, however, makes use of the so-called short-times approximation, while the time domain one avoids it. Time domain and frequency domain analyses give very similar results, thus supporting the applicability of the short-times approximation to the analysis of hemeprotein spectra; in particular, they clearly indicate the presence of spectral heterogeneity in the Soret band of carbon-monoxy myoglobin. The analyses also show that a temperature dependence of the Gaussian width parameter steeper than the hyperbolic cotangent law predicted by the Einstein harmonic oscillator and/or a temperature dependence of inhomogeneous broadening are not sufficient to obtain quantitative information on the magnitude of an-harmonic contributions to the iron-heme plane motion. However, the dependence of the previous two quantities may be used to obtain semiquantitative information on the overall coupling of the Soret transition to the low-frequency modes and therefore on the dynamic properties of the heme pocket in different states of the protein.  相似文献   

A sensitive method for obtaining the zero-field crystalline field splitting is described and applied to ferrimyoglobin (H2O) and ferrimyoglobin (F). The high accuracy (1–2%) with which the splitting can be determined should make it possible to explore the environmental (conformatinal) changes at the Fe3+ site.  相似文献   

Li W  Chen L  Fan W  Feng C 《FEBS letters》2012,586(2):159-162
The FMN-heme interdomain (intraprotein) electron transfer (IET) kinetics in full length and oxygenase/FMN (oxyFMN) construct of human iNOS were determined by laser flash photolysis over the temperature range from 283 to 304K. An appreciable increase in the rate constant value was observed with an increase in the temperature. Our previous viscosity study indicated that the IET process is conformationally gated, and Eyring equation was thus used to analyze the temperature dependence data. The obtained magnitude of activation entropy for the IET in the oxyFMN construct is only one-fifth of that for the holoenzyme. This indicates that the FMN domain in the holoenzyme needs to sample more conformations before the IET takes place, and that the FMN domain in the oxyFMN construct is better poised for efficient IET.  相似文献   

Two hydrated carbonyl myoglobin (MbCO) films, one containing (0.30 g water)/(g MbCO) from MbCO solution in water at pH 5.5 and the other (0.32 g water)/(gMbCO) from 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer solution at pH 6.8, were studied by FTIR spectroscopy from 293 K to 78 K at selected temperatures on cooling and reheating. Above approximately 180 K the general trend in temperature dependence of half-bandwidths, peak maxima, and band area ratios of the A1 and A3 conformer bands is similar to those reported by Ansari et al. (1987. Biophys. J. 26:337) for MbCO in 75% glycerol/water solution, but abrupt changes in slopes at approximately 180-200 K and freezing-in of conformer populations, which could be taken as indicator for glass transition of the solvent or the protein, are absent for the hydrated MbCO films. This is interpreted in terms of an exceptionally broad distribution of relaxation times, and is in accord with conclusions from recent calorimetric annealing studies of hydrated protein powders (Sartor et al. 1994. Biophys. J. 66:249). Exchange between the three A conformers does not stop at approximately 180-200 K but occurs over the whole temperature region studied. These results are then discussed with respect to MbCO's behavior in the glass-->liquid transition region of glass-forming solvents, and it is concluded that, in analogy to the behavior of low-molecular-weight compounds with a distribution of rapidly interconverting conformers, freezing-in of MbCO's A conformer populations by the solvent should not be mistaken for a glass transition of MbCO.  相似文献   

Abstrac A method for calculating the Stark broadening and shift of the spectral lines was developed based on a combination of the ion plasma model and new theoretical and computational methods for taking the Stark effect into account. Theoretical results are compared with experimental data on the broadening and shift of the spectral lines in a strongly nonideal plasma. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 30, No. 10, 2004, pp. 944–947. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2004 by Denisov, Orlov, Fortov, Kulish, Gryaznov, Mintsev.  相似文献   

Using laser light scattering, we have measured the static and dynamic structure factor of two different superhelical DNAs, p1868 (1868 bp) and simian virus 40 (SV40) (5243 bp), in dilute aqueous solution at salt concentrations between 1 mM and 3 M NaCl. For both DNA molecules, Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations were also performed, using a previously described model. A Fourier mode decomposition procedure was used to compute theoretical light scattering autocorrelation functions (ACFs) from the BD trajectories. Both measured and computed autocorrelation functions were then subjected to the same multiexponential decomposition procedure. Simulated and measured relaxation times as a function of scattering angle were in very good agreement. Similarly, computed and measured static structure factors and radii of gyration agreed within experimental error. One main result of this study is that the amplitudes of the fast-relaxing component in the ACF show a peak at 1 M salt concentration. This nonmonotonic behavior might be caused by an initial increase in the amplitudes of internal motions due to diminishing long-range electrostatic repulsions, followed by a decrease at higher salt concentration due to a compaction of the structure.  相似文献   

Incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering is applied to study the local diffusion and chain dynamics of L-alpha-diplamiotylphosphatidylcholine molecules in oriented model membranes. Different motions are distinguished by changing the hydration of the multilayers as well as by measuring below and above the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition. The time range of the utilized time-of-flight spectrometer permits to observe two types of motion to be observed more closely: chain defect motions and the local diffusion of the whole molecule in its solvation cage. Oriented lipid membranes are a useful system for the observation of chain defects, as they can be macroscopically oriented, in contrast to most polymers. As a representative model for a chain defect a kink is chosen and the corresponding scattering functions are derived. The kink motion can explain the entire dynamics seen in the gel phase, and the lifetime of such a defect was found to be 10-15 ps, in good agreement with theoretical predictions. On the other hand the dynamics in the liquid crystalline phase cannot be explained even by a superposition of several kinks and thus requires the consideration of an additional motion: the local diffusion of the molecule in its solvation cage. The size of the solvation cage is increasing with multilayer hydration and reduced temperature. Particularly interesting in view of recent discussions about the origin of the short-range repulsive forces between membranes is the experimental finding of an out-of-plane motion with an amplitude of 1-1.5 A, which cannot be explained by the undulation of the whole membrane.  相似文献   

By varying the pH, the influence of the ionization degree on the structure and dynamics of aqueous dispersions of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DOPS) was studied, using 2H-NMR methods. For this purpose DOPS was synthesized with deuterium labels incorporated either stereospecifically at the beta-position of the serine headgroup ([2-2H]DOPS) or at the 11-position of both acyl chains ([11,11-2H2]DOPS), allowing the effects of pH on headgroup and acyl chains to be measured in parallel. A large scale synthesis procedure of stereospecific 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-[2-2H]-L- serine is described. The quadrupolar splitting (delta nu q) of [2-2H]DOPS is shown to be a sensitive sensor for the degree of protonation of the molecule. Whereas the delta nu q of [2-2H]DOPS decreases upon lowering the pH, that of [11,11-2H2]DOPS gradually increases, indicating an increase in acyl chain ordering. In the pH range below the pKa value, DOPS exhibits a temperature-dependent bilayer to hexagonal HII phase transition, apparent from the 31P-NMR spectra and the occurrence of a second component in the [11,11-2H2]DOPS 2H-NMR spectrum, with a much smaller delta nu q. The HII phase component in spectra from [2-2H]DOPS coincides with the isotropic position and has no defined delta nu q. In the bilayer organization delta nu q and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) values for the acyl chain deuterated DOPS are similar to those obtained for other lipid systems. In contrast the PS headgroup region displays a relatively rigid structure as evidenced by a large delta nu q and very small T1 values. Upon adopting the HII phase the T1 values of the acyl chain deuterons are hardly affected. The uniqueness of the PS headgroup with respect to structure and motional properties is reinforced by the occurrence of a T1 minimum at 45 degrees C in the measurement of the temperature dependence of T1 for [2-2H]DOPS in the hexagonal HII configuration. Quantitative analysis yields a correlation time (tau c) for the motions determining T1 under these conditions, of 3.45 ns.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Weak interactions of graphene surface with reactive molecular impurities are the subject of many studies since noncovalent functionalization of surface via molecular...  相似文献   

H Q Li  S H Chen    H M Zhao 《Biophysical journal》1990,58(5):1313-1320
Investigations have been made on the reaction kinetics of proteins and enzymes by the statistical methods of random walks on fractal structures. From the point of view of networks of Trap (R) and Free (T) sites, the relationships between the Hill coefficients (h) and the fractal (df) as well as spectral (ds) dimensions of protein molecules are obtained. For example, h = (1 + 2/df) for the one-step conformational changes and hb = (2 + 2/ds) for the multistep conformational changes, respectively. In comparison with that of the literature, the theoretical value is reasonable, thus suggesting a new mechanism for the allosteric effects of proteins and enzymes.  相似文献   

Heteronuclear NMR relaxation measurements and hydrogen exchange data have been used to characterize protein dynamics in the presence or absence of stabilizing solutes from hyperthermophiles. Rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas was selected as a model protein and the effect of diglycerol phosphate on its dynamic behaviour was studied. The presence of 100 mM diglycerol phosphate induces a fourfold increase in the half-life for thermal denaturation of D. gigas rubredoxin. A model-free analysis of the protein backbone relaxation parameters shows an average increase of generalized order parameters of 0.015 reflecting a small overall reduction in mobility of fast-scale motions. Hydrogen exchange data acquired over a temperature span of 20 degrees C yielded thermodynamic parameters for the structural opening reactions that allow for the exchange. This shows that the closed form of the protein is stabilized by an additional 1.6 kJ x mol(-1) in the presence of the solute. The results seem to indicate that the stabilizing effect is due mainly to a reduction in mobility of the slower, larger-scale motions within the protein structure with an associated increase in the enthalpy of interactions.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman spectra of cytochrome oxidase solubilized in Tween 20 and sodium cholate, and excited at 413.1 nm have been recorded. Differences in the resonance Raman spectra of the two preparations are minimal indicating that the local environment of the hemes is similar in the two preparations. As in the work of Salmeen, et al. (1973) (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 52, 1100) the strongest band appears at 1358 cm-1. Some of the other bands differ slightly in their band shapes and frequencies when compared to their spectra; these differences can be accounted for by differences in resonance enhancement of the various bands wnen exciting at 441.6 and 413.1 nm. A study of the region from 1350 to 1380 cm-1 as a function of laser intensity (10--130 mW on sample) indicate that the doublet reported by Salmeen, et al. at 1358 and 1372 cm-1 is a result of photoreduction of the preparations. In samples to which potassium ferricyanide had been added, broad luminescence bands appear at 476 and 641 nm from which it is inferred that catalytic amounts of flavin in the preparations are photoreduced providing reducing equivalents to cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Hen-egg white lysozyme was used for studying the influence of temperature on crystallization. The reaction was initiated at variable temperatures, covering the range between 5–50 °C, and was monitored with photon correlation spectroscopy. When aggregation was induced by addition of NaCl, the clusters formed exhibited diffusion limited aggregation behavior and crystals appeared in less than two days. In contrast, (NH4)2SO4 induced aggregation took place mostly in the cross-over regime. In this case, solutions either remained transparent and void of crystals or formed gels within a few weeks. In both cases the kinetics could be dynamically scaled into master curves indicating that the precrystallization formed aggregates are fractals resulting from different collision processes.  相似文献   

Fran Adar  T. Yonetani 《BBA》1978,502(1):80-86
Resonance Raman spectra of cytochrome oxidase solubilized in Tween 20 and sodium cholate, and excited at 413.1 nm have been recorded. Differences in the resonance Raman spectra of the two preparations are minimal indicating that the local environment of the hemes is similar in the two preparations. As in the work of Salmeen, et al. (1973) (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 52, 1100) the strongest band appears at 1358 cm?1. Some of the other bands differ slightly in their band shapes and frequencies when compared to their spectra; these differences can be accounted for by differences in resonance enhancement of the various bands when exciting at 441.6 and 413.1 nm. A study of the region from 1350 to 1380 cm?1 as a function of laser intensity (10–130 mW on sample) indicate that the doublet reported by Salmeen, et al. at 1358 and 1372 cm?1 is a result of photoreduction of the preparations. In samples to which potassium ferricyanide had been added, broad luminescence bands appear at 476 and 641 nm from which it is inferred that catalytic amounts of flavin in the preparations are photoreduced providing reducing equivalents to cytochrome oxidase.  相似文献   

Huang X  Zhou HX 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(7):2451-2463
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to unfold a homologous pair of thermophilic and mesophilic cold shock proteins at high temperatures. The two proteins differ in just 11 of 66 residues and have very similar structures with a closed five-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel. A long flexible loop connects the N-terminal side of the barrel, formed by three strands (beta1-beta3), with the C-terminal side, formed by two strands (beta4-beta5). The two proteins were found to follow the same unfolding pathway, but with the thermophilic protein showing much slower unfolding. Unfolding started with the melting of C-terminal strands, leading to exposure of the hydrophobic core. Subsequent melting of beta3 and the beta-hairpin formed by the first two strands then resulted in unfolding of the whole protein. The slower unfolding of the thermophilic protein could be attributed to ion pair formation of Arg-3 with Glu-46, Glu-21, and the C-terminal. These ion pairs were also found to be important for the difference in folding stability between the pair of proteins. Thus electrostatic interactions appear to play similar roles in the difference in folding stability and kinetics between the pair of proteins.  相似文献   

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