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Hypaphorine, the major indolic compound isolated from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius, controls the elongation rate of root hairs. At inhibitory concentrations (100 μM), hypaphorine induced a transitory swelling of root hair tips of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. bicostata. When the polar tip growth resumed, a characteristic deformation was still visible on elongating hairs. At higher hypaphorine concentrations (500 μM and greater), root hair elongation stopped, only 15 min after application. However, root hair initiation from trichoblasts was not affected by hypaphorine. Hypaphorine activity could not be mimicked by related molecules such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or tryptophan. While IAA had no activity on root hair elongation, IAA was able to restore the tip growth of root hairs following inhibition by hypaphorine. These results suggest that hypaphorine and endogenous IAA counteract in controlling root hair elongation. During ectomycorrhiza development, the absence of root hairs might be due in part to fungal release of molecules, such as hypaphorine, that inhibit the elongation of root hairs. Received: 27 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Summary. Root hairs are tubular cells resulting from a tip-localized growth in which calcium ions play a key role. Hypaphorine, an indole alkaloid secreted by the fungus Pisolithus microcarpus during the formation of ectomycorrhizae with the host plant Eucalyptus globulus, inhibits root hair tip growth. Hypaphorine-induced inhibition is linked to a transient depolarization of the plasma membrane and a reorganization of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Here we investigated the activity of hypaphorine on calcium distribution in E. globulus root hairs with the ratiometric fluorochrome calcium indicator Indo-1. In 85% of actively growing root hairs, a significant but modest calcium gradient between the apex and the base was observed due to an elevated cytoplasmic calcium concentration at the apical tip. Following exposure to 1 mM hypaphorine, the apical and basal cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration increased in 70 and 77% of the hairs, respectively, 10 min after treatment. This led to a reduced calcium gradient in 81% of the cells. The hypothetical links between calcium concentration elevation, regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics, and root hair growth inhibition in response to hypaphorine treatment are discussed. Correspondence and reprints: UMR 1136 Interactions Arbres–Microorganismes, Faculté des Sciences, Université Nancy I, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre Cedex, France.  相似文献   

Hypaphorine, an indole alkaloid from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius Coker & Couch., counteracts indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) activity and controls the rate of root hair elongation in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata. The present investigation shows that hypaphorine changes cytoskeletal organisation in elongating root hairs of the host. The actin cytoskeleton was investigated by two different fixation and labelling procedures, which gave similar results. In control root hairs, actin organisation was characterised by (i) an actin cap at the very tip region, (ii) a subapical region with reduced labelling and containing fine actin filaments, and (iii) axial bundles of actin filaments running from the subapical part to the base of the root hair. In the hypaphorine-treated root hairs no actin cap was distinguished. The fine actin filaments occurring in the subapical region were replaced by a few thick actin filament bundles that extended from the subapical region toward the root hair tip. In the hypaphorine-treated hairs the total number of actin filament bundles along most of the root hair length was significantly reduced, presumably due to aggregation of pre-existing actin filaments. The first signs of alteration to the cytoskeleton could be detected as soon as 15 min after hypaphorine treatment. In hypaphorine-treated, but not in control root hairs, a patch of aggregated microtubules regularly occurred at a distance of approximately 10 m from the tip, possibly as a consequence of changes induced by hypaphorine in the actin cytoskeleton. The hypaphorine-induced aggregations in the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons could stabilise the structure of cytoskeletal elements, which in turn could hinder the vesicle delivery at the tip necessary for elongation. Such cytoskeletal alterations may be a consequence of the antagonism between IAA and hypaphorine. The latter view was supported by restoration of the actin cytoskeleton in hypaphorine-treated root hairs by IAA application.  相似文献   

Specific cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions direct the growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi to their host root targets. These elaborate mechanisms lead to the differentiation of distinct multihyphal structures, the mantle, and the Hartig net. In the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Pisolithus tinctorius, the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunocytochemical microscopy, and RNA blot analysis has demonstrated the differential expression of cell wall proteins (CWPs), such as hydrophobins, adhesins, and mannoproteins, during symbiotic interaction. In other fungi, these CWPs have been suggested to play a role in hyphae aggregation, intracellular signaling cascades, and cytoskeletal changes. The recent cloning of the genes for several of these CWPs in P. tinctorius allows us to address their function in symbiosis. This review summarizes our knowledge of CWPs in P. tinctorius and considers parallels with other biotrophic fungi as a possible framework for future work.  相似文献   

Culture solutions of the ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius and Paxillus involutus are shown to reduce a high valency oxide of manganese at a range of pH values from 3.0 to 13.0. Manganese reduction in unmoculated culture media was confined to pH values below 5.0 and above 10.0. The results are consistent with the release of a reducing substance from the fungal mycelium.  相似文献   

Symbiosis between fungi and plant roots forming a mycorrhiza involves extensive interactions at the molecular level between both partners. The role of plant hormones in the regulation of mycorrhizal infection is not known to involve jasmonates. Their endogenous levels increase during pathogen attack; however, little has been done on their involvement in mycorrhizae. In our recent work, root growth patterns of 2-month-old spruce seedlings after inoculation withPisolithus tinctorius and/or jasmonic acid (JA) treatment were studied using a paper-sandwich technique. Changes in root length, the degree of branching, presence and length of root hairs, and infection parameters were followed using a stereomicroscope. The first mycorrhizal contact of hyphae with roots was significantly accelerated upon treatment with 0.5 M JA. Interactions between root hairs and fungal hyphae were seen by scanning electron microscopy. The multiplication of root hairs of non-mycorrhized seedlings treated with 5.0 M JA and changes of the root surface were observed by the same technique.  相似文献   

The Ci-Dll-B gene is an early regulator of ectodermal development in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis (Imai et al., 2006). Ci-Dll-B is located in a convergently transcribed bigene cluster with a tandem duplicate, Ci-Dll-A. This clustered genomic arrangement is the same as those of the homologous vertebrate Dlx genes, which are also arranged in convergently transcribed bigene clusters. Sequence analysis of the C. intestinalis Dll-A-B cluster reveals a 378 bp region upstream of Ci-Dll-B, termed B1, which is highly conserved with the corresponding region from the congener Ciona savignyi. The B1 element is necessary and sufficient to drive expression of a lacZ reporter gene in a pattern mimicking the endogenous expression of Ci-Dll-B at gastrula stages. This expression pattern which is specific to the entire animal hemisphere is activated preferentially in posterior, or b-lineage, cells by a central portion of B1. Expression in anterior, or a-lineage cells, can be activated by this central portion in combination with the distal part of B1. Anterior expression can also be activated by the central part of B1 plus both the proximal part of B1 and non-conserved sequence upstream of B1. Thus, cis-regulation of early Ci-Dll-B expression is activated by a required submodule in the center of B1, driving posterior expression, which works in combination with redundant submodules that respond to differentially localized anterior factors to produce the total animal hemisphere expression pattern. Interestingly, the intergenic region of the cluster, which is important for expression of the Dlx genes in vertebrates, does not have a specific activating function in the reporter genes tested, but acts as an attenuator in combination with upstream sequences.  相似文献   

The expression pattern of the salT gene was analyzed in different cell types and organs of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in response to saline and hormonal treatments to obtain detailed information on the physiological cues controlling gene expression. Gel blot analysis of RNA and in-situ hybridization performed on seedlings grown for 10 ds in the presence of 1% NaCl revealed that salT was expressed mainly in the younger tissues of the plant. In contrast, 6-week-old plants exhibited maximal salT mRNA accumulation in sheaths of older leaves. In addition, salT was normally expressed in rapidly dividing suspension-cultured cells, but not in quiescent ones. Altogether, these results may indicate that salT expression in each region of the plant is dependent on the metabolic activity of the cells as well as on whether or not they are stressed. The effects of two growth regulators, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid, were investigated in combination with the effects of NaCl. Gibberellic acid had a synergistic effect on the induction of the salT gene when combined with 0.5% NaCl, but did not induce salT on its own. At 10 μM, ABA induced salT both in the absence of NaCl and in its presence. Whereas 1 μM ABA acted additively with NaCl to induce gene expression, 5 μM ABA with NaCl was only as effective as NaCl alone. This may indicate that the two stimuli act independently and possibly through antagonistic signal transduction pathways. Received: 26 March 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

The tropical black bolete Phlebopus portentosus is highly favored in the cuisine of northern Thailand. It is suspected to form ectomycorrhizae with many host trees. Mycelium of P. portentosus isolated from a basidiome in Chiang Rai Province in 2003 grew well on modified Gamborg, modified Melin–Norkans, and Murashige and Skoog media at 30°C and at pH 4. In vitro fructification of P. portentosus on sorghum grain medium without a host plant is presented for the first time. Basidiomes emerged 3 months after inoculation on the medium, and the produced basidiospores germinated on agar, indicating the completion of its life cycle in vitro without a host. Five putative host plants (Castanopsis tribuloides, Dipterocarpus alatus, Dimocarpus longan, Pinus kesiya, and Syzygium cumini) were inoculated with mycelium on sorghum grain medium in a greenhouse to confirm its ectomycorrhizal status. Ectomycorrhizal roots were observed only on Pinus kesiya, suggesting that P. portentosus may be facultatively ectomycorrhizal. Identification of the synthesized ectomycorrhizae was confirmed by PCR amplification of ITS with a designed specific primer (HAR2A).  相似文献   

The constitutive accumulation of tobacco neutral PR-5 (osmotin-like protein; OLP, PR-5d) in roots and cultured cells was studied in transgenic tobacco plants harboring the OLP promoter::GUS gene. This construct showed strong β-glucuronidase expression in vascular tissues and cortex of roots as well as in cultured cells. Analysis using a mutated promoter showed that ethylene-responsive elements (AGCCGCC) were necessary for constitutive expression in roots and cultured cells. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay indicated that ERF3 (EREBP3), an ethylene-responsive-element-binding factor that was reported to be expressed in roots and in cultured cells as well as in ethephon-treated leaves, could bind to the AGCCGCC sequences of the OLP gene. These findings suggest that AGCCGCC sequences and ERFs mediate the constitutive expression of the OLP gene in roots and cultured cells of tobacco. Received: 14 November 1997 / Revision received: 29 May 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   

Increasing its root to shoot ratio is a plant strategy for restoring water homeostasis in response to the long-term imposition of mild water stress. In addition to its important role in diverse fundamental processes, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is involved in root growth and development. Recent extensive characterizations of the YUCCA gene family in Arabidopsis and rice have elucidated that member’s function in a tryptophan-dependent IAA biosynthetic pathway. Through forward- and reverse-genetics screening, we have isolated Tos17 and T-DNA insertional rice mutants in a CONSTITUTIVELY WILTED1 (COW1) gene, which encodes a new member of the YUCCA protein family. Homozygous plants with either a Tos17 or T-DNA-inserted allele of OsCOW1 exhibit phenotypes of rolled leaves, reduced leaf widths, and lower root to shoot ratios. These phenotypes are evident in seedlings as early as 7–10 d after germination, and remain until maturity. When oscow1 seedlings are grown under low-intensity light and high relative humidity, the rolled-leaf phenotype is greatly alleviated. For comparison, in such conditions, the transpiration rate for WT leaves decreases approx. 5- to 10-fold, implying that this mutant trait results from wilting rather than being a morphogenic defect. Furthermore, a lower turgor potential and transpiration rate in their mature leaves indicates that oscow1 plants are water-deficient, due to insufficient water uptake that possibly stems from that diminished root to shoot ratio. Thus, our observations suggest that OsCOW1-mediated IAA biosynthesis plays an important role in maintaining root to shoot ratios and, in turn, affects water homeostasis in rice.  相似文献   

Nancy Kerk  L. Feldman 《Protoplasma》1994,183(1-4):100-106
Summary Using roots of maize, we tested the hypothesis that the origin and maintenance of the quiescent center (QC) are a consequence of polar auxin supply. Exposing roots to the polar auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), or to low temperature (4 °C, with subsequent return to 24 °C), enhances mitotic frequency within the QC. In both treatments, the QC most typically is activated at its distal face, and the protoderm/dermatogen undergoes several periclinal divisions. As a result, the root body penetrates and ruptures the root cap junction and the characteristic closed apical organization changes to open. A QC persists during these changes in apical organization, but it is diminished in size. The data from the TIBA-treated roots suggest a role for auxin in the origin and maintenance of the QC, and further, that alterations in QC dimensions are a consequence of polar auxin supply. We hypothesize that the root cap, and specifically the root cap initials, are important in regulating polar auxin movements towards the root apex, and hence are important in determining the status of the QC.Abbreviations QC quiescent center - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

In order to study the mechanism and regulation of K+ resorption from the xylem by the cells that border the xylem vessels (the xylem parenchyma cells), K+ inward-rectifying channels (KIRCs) in the plasma membrane of xylem parenchyma cells from Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Apex were studied using the patch-clamp technique. In the inside-out configuration, three different types of K+ channel and a further K+ conductance could be identified. Two of these channels, named KIRC1 and KIRC2, were activated by guanosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]triphosphate (Gpp(NH)p; 150 μM), a non-hydrolyzable derivative of GTP, indicating that channel activity was up-regulated by G-proteins; modulation of channel activity occurred via a membrane-delimited pathway, since the effect could be demonstrated in cell-free patches. At 100 mM external K+, KIRC1 had a conductance of 8 pS. There was no effect of ATP on channel activity. Likewise, addition of 150 μM guanosine 5′-[β-thio]diphosphate (GDPβS) or adenosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (ATPγS) failed to activate KIRC1, indicating nucleotide specificity of the effect. A second K+ channel, activated by Gpp(NH)p (KIRC2) with gating properties clearly different from the first one was less frequently observed. Four different substates could be identified; the main level had a conductance of about 2 pS. Gating below the Nernst potential of K+ (EK) was voltage-independent. The channel closed at potentials more positive than EK. A third, hyperpolarization-activated K+ channel, KIRC3, with a low open probability was encountered in inside-out patches. It had a conductance of 45 pS in 100 mM K+. Channel activity was not affected by the addition of G-protein modulators. Moreover, slowly activating inward currents carried by K+ were recorded in several patches that are ascribed to a `subpicosiemens conductance'. Neither GDPβS nor Gpp(NH)p appeared to have an effect on the currents. Whole-cell measurements with these G-protein modulators included in the pipette solution were in general agreement with the results obtained on cell-free patches. A statistical evaluation revealed that time-dependent inward currents were larger when the G-protein activator Gpp(NH)p was included in the pipette medium compared to measurements with the inhibitor GDPβS. With the GTP analogue, an additional instantaneous component was elicited that was ascribed to KIRC2 activity. Data are discussed with respect to the putative role of G-proteins in conveying hormonal signals. Regulation by G-protein may either serve to fine-tune K+ uptake by xylem parenchyma cells or to initiate depolarization, followed by salt-efflux through depolarization-activated cation and anion channels. Received 11 October 1996 / Accepted: 21 April 1997  相似文献   

The host range of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in Britain was examined by compilation of a data matrix from published literature sources, based primarily on accounts of sporocarp associations with particular host genera. Information was gathered for 577 species of ECM fungi belonging to 51 genera, and 25 genera of host trees, representing the majority of ECM fungal species and host genera recorded in Britain.
Pronounced variation was recorded in the number of ECM fungal species associated with different host genera, with over 200 species recorded with Betula , Fagus , Pinus and Quercus . There was a positive linear relationship ( r 2=0·47, P =0·007) between the number of species of ECM fungi associated with different host genera and the total area occupied by each tree genus in Britain (both values log-transformed). There was also variation in the number of species of ECM fungi which were apparently specific to particular host genera, values ranging from zero (in 15 genera) to >40 in the case of Betula and Fagus . In total, 233 fungal species appeared to be specific to a single host genus (i.e. 40% of those surveyed). Comparison of the ECM mycota associated with different host genera by PCA accounted for 17% of the total variation, with genera belonging to the Fagaceae ( Quercus , Fagus and Castanea ) tending to cluster together, indicating a degree of overlap in their ECM associates. Exotic conifer species, which displayed a lower ECM diversity than would be expected from their distributional areas, were characterized by a high degree of overlap with the ECM associates of Pinus and Betula .
These results indicate that the abundance of different genera of host trees and variation in host specificity could provide a basis for understanding patterns of diversity in ECM fungi within Britain.  相似文献   

A single-copy extensin gene (atExt1) has been isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The deduced amino acid sequence consists of 374 amino acids which are organised into highly ordered repeating blocks in which Ser(Pro)4 and Ser(Pro)3 motifs alternate. Two copies of the Tyr-X-Tyr-Lys motif and 13 copies of the Val-Tyr-Lys motif are present, showing that this extensin may be highly cross-linked, possessing the capacity for both intra and inter-molecular bond formation. The gene atExt1 is normally expressed in the root and is silent in the leaf; wounding reverses this pattern, turning on the gene in the leaf and repressing it in the root. The promoter contains motifs which have been found to activate plant defence genes in response to salicylic acid, abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate; when these compounds are applied to the roots, the atExt1 gene is activated in the leaf. Received: 11 September 1998 / Accepted: 20 December 1998  相似文献   

Björkman T  Cleland RE 《Planta》1988,176(4):513-518
In order to determine the role of the epidermis and cortex in gravitropic curvature of seedling roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Merit), the cortex on the two opposite flanks was removed from the meristem through the growing zone; gravitropic curvature was measured with the roots oriented horizontally with the cut flanks either on the upper and lower side, or on the lateral sides as a wound control. Curvature was slower in both these treatments (53° in 5 h) than in intact roots (82°), but there was no difference between the two orientations in extent and rate of curvature, nor in the latent time, showing that epidermis and cortex were not the site of action of the growth-regulating signal. The amount of cortex removed made no difference in the extent of curvature. Curvature was eliminated when the endodermis was damaged, raising the possibility that the endodermis or the stele-cortex interface controls gravitropic curvature in roots. The elongation rate of roots from which just the epidermis had been peeled was reduced by 0.01 mM auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) from 0.42 to 0.27 mm h-1, contradicting the hypothesis that only the epidermis responds to changes in auxin activity during gravistimulation. These observations indicate that gravitropic curvature in maize roots is not driven by differential cortical cell enlargement, and that movement of growth regulator(s) from the tip to the elongating zone is unlikely to occur in the cortex.Abbreviations df degrees of freedom - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

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