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Bishop TC 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(3):1007-1017
Nucleosome stability is largely an indirect measure of DNA sequence based on the material properties of DNA and the ability of a sequence to assume the required left-handed superhelical conformation. Here we focus attention only on the geometry of the superhelix and present two distinct mathematical expressions that rely on the DNA helical parameters (Shift, Slide, Rise, Tilt, Roll, Twist). One representation requires torsion for superhelix formation; the other requires shear. To compare these mathematical expressions to experimental data we develop a strategy for Fourier-filtering the helical parameters that identifies necessary and sufficient conditions to achieve a high-resolution model of the nucleosome superhelix. We apply this filtering strategy to 24 high-resolution structures of the nucleosome and demonstrate that all structures have a highly conserved distribution of Roll, Slide and Twist that involves two length scales. One length scale spans the entire length of nucleosomal DNA. The other is associated with the helix repeat. Our strategy also enables us to identify ground state or simple nucleosomes and altered nucleosome structures. These results form a basis for characterizing structural variations in the emerging family of nucleosome structures and a method for further developing structure-based models of nucleosome stability.  相似文献   

Supercoiled DNA is interwound in liquid crystalline solutions.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
J Torbet  E DiCapua 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(13):4351-4356
Two structures have been proposed for supercoiled DNA: it is idealized either as a toroidal ring or as a rod of two interwound duplex chains. The latter model is the most widely depicted but the evidence remains controversial. We have worked with monomers and dimers of two plasmids, pUC8 and pKS414, of similar size and natural superhelical density. pKS414 contains a bend promoting sequence whereas pUC8 does not. In concentrated solutions these plasmids form a partially ordered liquid crystalline phase which is found, using neutron diffraction, to consist of a hexagonally packed assembly of parallel rod-like particles. This shape strongly suggests an interwound conformation for which some structural parameters are deduced. The mass/unit length obtained by combining the area of the hexagonal lattice and the concentration is approximately 3.6 times that of linear DNA. This implies a shallow superhelical pitch angle approximately 36 degrees which, when combined with the known number of supercoil turns, yields the pitch approximately 360 A and radius approximately 80 A for the supercoil. Oriented X-ray fibre diffraction patterns at 92% relative humidity indicate a B type duplex structure. Nicked circular plasmids also form liquid crystals but their behaviour, as a function of concentration, differs from that of the superhelical plasmids.  相似文献   

Closed circular molecules of SV40 DNA can be quantitatively converted to the open circular form by digestion with endonucleases in the presence of ethidium bromide. Under these conditions almost no molecules were digested beyond the open circular form, whereas in the absence of the dye the DNA was completely fragmented.  相似文献   

PcrA helicase, a member of the superfamily 1, is an essential enzyme in many bacteria. The first crystal structures of helicases were obtained with PcrA. Based on structural and biochemical studies, it was proposed and then generally believed that PcrA is a monomeric helicase that unwinds DNA by an inchworm mechanism. But a functional state of PcrA from unwinding kinetics studies has been lacking. In this work, we studied the kinetic mechanism of PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding with fluorometric stopped-flow method under both single- and multiple-turnover conditions. It was found that the PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding depended strongly on the PcrA concentration as well as on the 3′-ssDNA tail length of the substrate, indicating that an oligomerization was indispensable for efficient unwinding. Study of the effect of ATP concentration on the unwinding rate gave a Hill coefficient of ~2, suggesting strongly that PcrA functions as a dimer. It was further determined that PcrA unwound DNA with a step size of 4 bp and a rate of ~9 steps per second. Surprisingly, it was observed that PcrA unwound 12-bp duplex substrates much less efficiently than 16-bp ones, highlighting the importance of protein-DNA duplex interaction in the helicase activity. From the present studies, it is concluded that PcrA is a dimeric helicase with a low processivity in vitro. Implications of the experimental results for the DNA unwinding mechanism of PcrA are discussed.  相似文献   

J J Le Brun  F Rentier-Delrue  L Mercier 《BioTechniques》1988,6(9):834, 837-834, 838
We describe a simple, rapid, inexpensive method for isolation of covalently closed circular plasmid DNA. The method involves the electrophoresis of crude DNA preparations in an agarose gel, electrotransfer onto a dialysis membrane and elution of the highly purified circular covalently closed plasmid DNA. Native and recombinant plasmid DNA have been purified by this method and shown to be suitable for restriction enzyme digestion and transformation of bacteria. The yield of this rapid purification procedure makes it a good alternative method to standard centrifugation in cesium chloride ethidium bromide gradients.  相似文献   

J E Shaw 《Journal of virology》1985,53(3):1012-1015
Selective DNA extraction and hybridization procedures were used to estimate the relative number of covalently closed circular viral genomes in cultures of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed cells. In virus-producing P3HR-1 cultures that were exposed for 11 days to phosphonoacetic acid or to acyclovir, the content of covalently closed circular EBV DNA was reduced ca. 70% relative to a control culture without drug. The EBV plasmid content of Raji, a virus nonproducer cell line, was not reduced by exposure to these compounds. When P3HR-1 cultures were exposed to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, the number of circular genomes per cell increased. These findings indicate that two enzyme activities synthesize circular EBV DNA and that the virus-associated DNA polymerase synthesizes most of the circular EBV DNA in a virus producer culture. It is suggested that the circular genomes synthesized by the viral enzyme are intermediates in the syntheses of linear virus DNA.  相似文献   

The location of the DNase I-sensitive sites along the DNA of the 140 base-pair nucleosome core have been determined by using DNase I to digest nucleosome cores labelled at either the 5′ or 3′ ends of their DNA. The frequency of enzyme attack at each site has also been determined from a kinetic analysis of this data. It is found that most of the sites spaced 10n bases apart (where n is an integer) on a single strand of the DNA are attacked, but at widely differing rates.It is proposed that the pattern of relative rates of attack reflects the common protection or exposure of sites on the two turns of a DNA super helix which has about 80 base-pairs per turn and can be correlated with X-ray crystallographic studies. Furthermore, the asymmetric distribution of frequencies of attack from one end of a strand to the other can be interpreted in terms of a left-handed super helix.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase activity was detected in extensively washed membranes prepared from rat and guinea pig synaptosomes. When these preparations were treated with the non-ionic detergent Triton X-114 and heated to 37°C to cause phase separation, a significant percentage was found to associate with the detergent-rich phase, indicating that the enzyme might be an integral membrane-bound protein. In guinea pigs receiving septal lesions, a large reduction in both total and in Triton X-114-extractable choline acetyltransferase in hippocampal synaptosomes was observed indicating that the detergent-extracted form is associated with cholinergic nerve terminals. When membrane-bound choline acetyltransferase from lysed, washed synaptosomes was incubated in Triton X-114, 30% of the membrane-associated enzyme could be extracted into the detergent-rich phase. This extraction could be improved by reducing the chloride content of the extraction medium. When the chloride content of synaptosomes, prepared from rat cerebral cortex, was manipulated, by either exposure to γ-aminobutyric acid, muscimol or to a medium containing reduced levels of chloride, the ability of antibodies against choline acetyltransferase to specifically immunolyse (in the presence of complement) the cholinergic synaptosome population was enhanced. These results suggest that the choline acetyltransferase found in the nerve terminal region exists in at least two forms (a soluble and a lipophilic form) which are partially interconvertible. The conversion between the two forms can be influenced by chloride ions.  相似文献   

By incubating covalently-closed circular DNA in the presence of calf thymus topoisomerase and unwinding ligands (intercalating drugs and proteins) DNAs of different superhelix density can be produced. These changes in superhelix density can be monitored by an ethidium fluorescence assay, since the level of ethidium binding varies with the superhelix density of a DNA. Thus the equivalence point, in a titration between an unwinding ligand and a supercoiled DNA, can be found. This forms the basis for an extremely rapid method for measuring unwinding angles and superhelix densities. Results are presented which agree well with those reported by previous authors using different techniques. The present method compares very favourably with others when evaluated in terms of rapidity, cost of materials, cost of equipment, accuracy and also applicability.  相似文献   

Complementary circular single strands of plasmid PβG or bacteriophage PM2 DNA but not of single-stranded φX174 DNA associate under hybridisation conditions, giving rise to a two-stranded complex. This DNA, which we call form V, has well-defined physico-chemical properties. It sediments as a sharp peak in neutral sucrose gradients; its electrophoretic mobility in agarose gels is between that of covalently closed (form I) and denatured DNA. In the electron microscope form V appears as highly folded duplex molecules indistinguishable from form I. However, increasing concentrations of ethidium bromide which lead to relaxation and recoiling of form I DNA have no comparable effect upon form V. At 260 nm form V PβG DNA has a hypochromicity of 18.6%, as compared to 23.4% in the case of PβG form II DNA and 10.5% in the case of single-stranded φX174 DNA. The thermal melting of form V is non-cooperative with gradual increase in absorbance similar to that of single-stranded DNA. The circular dichroism spectrum of form V DNA differs from that of form I, circular nicked (form II) and single-stranded φX174 DNA in that it shows a negative band at 295 nm and a shift for the main positive band from 273 to 266 nm. We propose that form V consists of right-handed Watson-Crick type double-helices which are compensated by an equal number of left-handed duplex turns and negative supercoils. Wo cannot decide whether left-handed duplex turns are stabilised by base-stacking and hydrogen bonding, as for example in the models described by Rodley et al. (1976) or Sasisekharan &; Pattabiraman (1976), or whether they are merely compensatory turns without inherent stability.  相似文献   

Very-short-patch repair (Vsr) enzymes occur in a variety of bacteria, where they initiate nucleotide excision repair of G:T mismatches arising by deamination of 5-methyl-cytosines in specific regulatory sequences. We have now determined the structure of the archetypal dcm-Vsr endonuclease from Escherichia coli bound to the cleaved authentic hemi-deaminated/hemi-methylated dcm sequence 5′-C-OH-3′ 5′-p-T-p-A-p-G-p-G-3′/3′-G-p-G-p-T-pMe5C-p-C formed by self-assembly of a 12mer oligonucleotide into a continuous nicked DNA superhelix. The structure reveals the presence of a Hoogsteen base pair within the deaminated recognition sequence and the substantial distortions of the DNA that accompany Vsr binding to product sites.  相似文献   

Double-forked circular molecules of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from rat tissues, indicated by their form and size to be replicative intermediates, are of two structurally distinct classes. Molecules of the first class are totally double stranded. Molecules of the second class are defined by one daughter segment being totally or partially single stranded. Length histograms of daughter segments measuring between 2% and 44% of the total 5-µm molecular contour were constructed from samples of both classes of replicating molecules derived from mtDNA or Novikoff rat ascites hepatoma cells. For single strand-containing molecules, the lengths fell into eight distinct, reproducible groups with mean values separated by 4.1–7.6% of the circular contour length. For totally double stranded molecules, the lengths fell into seven groups, corresponding to seven of the groups found for single strand-containing molecules. These results suggest that along at least 44% of the contour of mtDNA molecules there exist discrete points at which DNA synthesis tends to be arrested. This may indicate that there are pauses in normal mtDNA synthesis. However, as the DNA used in these experiments was isolated from mitochondrial fractions, the findings may indicate that continuation of synthesis beyond specific points on the nucleotide strands requires a factor which is not available after cell disruption.  相似文献   

Residual hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA can be detected in serum and liver after apparent recovery from transient infection. However, it is not known if this residual HBV DNA represents ongoing viral replication and antigen expression. In the current study, ducks inoculated with duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) were monitored for residual DHBV DNA following recovery from transient infection until 9 months postinoculation (p.i.). Resolution of DHBV infection occurred in 13 out of 15 ducks by 1-month p.i., defined as clearance of DHBV surface antigen-positive hepatocytes from the liver and development of anti-DHBV surface antibodies. At 9 months p.i., residual DHBV DNA was detected using nested PCR in 10/11 liver, 7/11 spleen, 2/11 kidney, 1/11 heart, and 1/11 adrenal samples. Residual DHBV DNA was not detected in serum or peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Within the liver, levels of residual DHBV DNA were 0.0024 to 0.016 copies per cell, 40 to 80% of which were identified as covalently closed circular viral DNA by quantitative PCR assay. This result, which was confirmed by Southern blot hybridization, is consistent with suppressed viral replication or inactive infection. Samples of liver and spleen cells from recovered animals did not transmit DHBV infection when inoculated into 1- to 2-day-old ducklings, and immunosuppressive treatment of ducks with cyclosporine and dexamethasone for 4 weeks did not alter levels of residual DHBV DNA in the liver. These findings further characterize a second form of hepadnavirus persistence in a suppressed or inactive state, quite distinct from the classical chronic carrier state.  相似文献   

A cosmid library and physical maps of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha, were constructed using the cosmid clones. Electrophoresis profile and the physical maps indicated that the liverwort mtDNA was approximately 183 kb long, the smallest among plant mtDNAs, and that it consisted of a single circular molecule. Southern hybridization analysis showed that genes typical to the mitochondrial genome existed in a single copy, and also that there was no incorporation of chloroplast DNA fragments into the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

The major component of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in the protozoan Crithidia acanthocephali is an association of approximately 27,000, 0.8 micrometers (1.58 x 10(6) dalton) circular molecules apparently held together in a particular structural configuration by topological interlocking. We have carried out hybridization experiments between kDNA samples containing one or the other of the two complementary (H and L) strands of purified 0.8 micrometers molecules derived from mechanically disrupted associations and RNA samples prepared either from whole C. acanthocephali cells or from a mitochondrion-enriched fraction. The results of experiments involving cesium sulfate buoyant density centrifugation indicate that whole cell RNA contains a component(s) complementary to all kDNA H strands, but none complementary to kDNA L strands. Similar results were obtained using mitochondrion-associated RNA. Digestion of RNA/DNA hybrids and suitable controls with the single-strand-specific nuclease S1 indicated that 10% of the kDNA H strand is involved in hybrid formation. Visualization of RNA/DNA hybrids stained with bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein revealed that hybridation involves a single region of each kDNA H strand, equal to approximately 10% of the molecule length. These data suggest that at least 10% of the small circular component of kDNA of Crithidia acanthocephali is transcribed.  相似文献   

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