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Aurelia aurita is a cosmopolite species of scyphomedusae. Its anatomy and life cycle are well investigated. This work provides a detailed study on development and structure of A. aurita planula before and during its metamorphosis. Intravital observations and histology study during the settlement and metamorphosis of the planulae demonstrated that the inner manubrium lining of primary polyp (gastroderm) develops from the ectoderm of the planula posterior end. The spatial and temporal dynamics of serotonergic cells from the early embryonic stages until the formation of the primary polyp were studied for the first time. In addition, the distribution of tyrosinated tubulin and neuropeptide RF-amide at different stages of A. aurita development was traced.  相似文献   

Populations of the colonial hydroid Obelia geniculata in the White Sea reproduce asexually by frustule formation. Young medusae appear in the plankton during July and August. The number of medusae rarely exceeds 36 per m3, and the average number varies every year from 0.4 to 10 per m3. The size of medusae is smaller than reported from other regions. The umbrella of the largest recorded medusa was only 0.57 mm in diameter and the specimen had just 35 tentacles. Only a few mature medusae were found during the study. The colonies in the White Sea are epiphytic and grow only on laminarian thalli. At the beginning of July there are no colonies on thalli from the upper subtidal zone. By the end of August, colonies of O.␣geniculata had increased in density to 30 per m2. Hydroid recruitment was attributed to active frustule production by colonies living below that zone. The frustules detach from the stems of the hydroids and are found in plankton. Production of frustules on branches occurs continuously during colony growth until water temperatures climb above 0 °C. We found that water temperature in this Arctic environment is generally too low for medusa maturation and planula development in the species. Propagation by frustule formation is the principal means of reproduction in Obelia geniculata within the White Sea, and this phenomenon accounts for the species being a dominant epiphyte on laminarian thalli there.  相似文献   

Polyps of Aurelia aurita can transform into several medusae (jellyfish) in a process of sequential subdivision. During this transformation, two processes take place which are well known to play a key role in the formation of various higher metazoa: segmentation and metamorphosis. In order to compare these processes in bilaterians and cnidarians we studied the control and the kinetics of these processes in Aurelia aurita. Segmentation and metamorphosis visibly start at the polyp's head and proceed down the body column but do not reach the basal disc. The small piece of polyp which remains will develop into a new polyp. The commitment to the medusa stage moves down the body column and precedes the visible onset of segmentation by about one day. Segmentation and metamorphosis can start at the cut surface of transversely cut body columns, leading to a mirror-image pattern of sequentially developing medusae.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (hsp) in Aurelia identified by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE are of sizes 93,83,70,68,45, and 39 kD, the most rapidly labeled being hsp 70 in all developmental stages. Labeled hsp in the polyp are found mostly in the epidermis; gastrodermal nuclei are also labeled. The minimum temperature for induction of the proteins is about the same (27 degrees to 28 degrees C), regardless of whether polyps have been cultured at 15 degrees or 24 degrees C. Adults and planulae taken from natural water at 28 degrees C do not show accumulation of hsp 70. Induction of strobilation by raising polyps from 15 degrees to 25 degrees C is not associated with appreciable labeling of hsp. Polyps transferred to higher or lower salinity have decreased protein synthesis but do not synthesize stress proteins.  相似文献   

The structure forming in the area of contact between the oocyte and the germinal epithelium in the course of oocyte maturation of the scyphozoan Aurelia aurita is termed the contact plate. This study traces the successive stages of contact plate formation in the course of oocyte maturation at the light microscopic and ultrastructural levels. At early stages ofoocyte development, the appearance of granules is observed in the peripheral cytoplasm of the oocyte; these granules accumulate at the pole, which retains its connection with the germinal epithelium of the gonads. Two types of these granules are recognized: (1) granules with homogeneous content and (2) granules containing loose shapeless material in the form of thick cords. The transformation of type two granules into larger structures, as well as the consolidation of type one and type two granules at later stages of oocyte development, are probably the processes that lead to the formation of the characteristic structure and contact plate, visible in paraffin and semithin sections. It remains unclear where exactly the contact plate is localized at the moment of fertilization: inside or outside the oocyte. The content of granules and components of the plate specifically bind the antibodies (RA47) against mesoglein, the ZP domain-containing protein of the mesoglea of A. aurita. The contact plate, covering only the anomalous pole of the oocyte but detected by the presence of ZP domain-containing proteins, may prove to be the simplest egg membrane of the zona pellucida type.  相似文献   

Tentacles excised from syphistoma polyps of Aurelia aurita undergo rapid regeneration to form whole polyps following exposure to an excess or absence of specific ions. It has been shown that a 12–18 h exposure of isolated tentacles to 58 mM excess of Cs+ results in a rapid firing of nematocysts, followed by an accelerated, synchronous polyp morphogenesis. Absence of Mgt2+ from the culture solution for 4–24 h also led to an accelerated, synchronous polyp regeneration. In either experimental set-up, incubation in 5–10 mM hydroxyurea effectively halted regeneration. Exposure to an excess of Li+ (50–200 mm) or K+ (10–50 mM) caused no firing of nematocysts and a percentage of polyp regeneration only slightly higher than control tentacles. Use of the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA; 100–300 mM) lead to similar levels of regeneration. A Ca2+ or K+-reduced artificial culture solution did not enhance regeneration. Ouabain (1 mM) dampened the Cs+ induced acceleration of polyp morphogenesis, and when given without Cs+, elicited a control level response.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wildlife Research - Die Seren von Reh, Rothirsch und Gams zeigen bei der Kurzzeitelektrophorese auf CAF artspezifisch typische Elektrophorese-Kurven. Die bei den Kollektiven...  相似文献   

Polyorchis penicillatus exhibits outer, inner and endodermal nerve rings. The inner ring contains a number of giant axons with infolded plasma membranes and annular gap junctions. The existence of an innervation supplying the velar radial muscle strengthens the view that the steering mechanism is under nervous control. The basal portions of the cells of the endoderm canals form a muscle band which might enable the animal to regulate the flow of materials or could perform peristalsis.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the nervous system in Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the early planula to the polyp stage using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled anti-FMRFamide, antitaurine, and antityrosinated tubulin antibodies were used to visualize the nervous system. The first detectable FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in a narrow circumferential belt toward the anterior/aboral end of the ectoderm in the early planula. As the planula matures, the FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells send horizontal processes (i.e., neurites) basally along the longitudinal axis. Neurites extend both anteriorly/aborally and posteriorly/orally, but the preference is for anterior neurite extension, and neurites converge to form a plexus at the aboral/anterior end at the base of the ectoderm. In the mature planula, a subset of cells in the apical organ at the anterior/aboral pole begins to show FMRFamide-like and taurine-like immunoreactivity, suggesting a sensory function of the apical organ. During metamorphosis, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity diminishes in the ectoderm but begins to occur in the degenerating primary endoderm, indicating that degenerating FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are taken up by the primary endoderm. FMRFamide-like expression reappears in the ectoderm of the oral disc and the tentacle anlagen of the growing polyp, indicating metamorphosis-associated restructuring of the nervous system. These observations are discussed in the context of metazoan nervous system evolution.  相似文献   

The 131I isotope of iodine has been used to follow the uptake and metabolism of iodine during the process of strobilation in pre-conditioned polyps of Aurelia aurita L. Strobilating polyps accumulated free iodide from the media against a concentration gradient, the segmented portion of the polyps accumulating about three times as much as the basal portion. Almost all of the accumulated iodide appeared in the soluble portion of an acid-ethanol extract of polyp tissue as inorganic iodide. The time course of accumulation of iodine was not affected by previous exposure to either higher temperature or iodide. Inorganic iodide rather than organically bound iodine is thought to be the effective factor in the initiation of strobilation.  相似文献   

Spangenberg  D. B.  Lattanzio  F. A.  Navarro  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):355-363
Glutamate (MSG) causes low pulse numbers and swimming cessation in Aurelia jellyfish ephyrae. Ephyrae given MSG for 1h and subsequently maintained in artificial sea water (ASW) were observed at 1, 3, 24, and 48 h intervals. Abnormality of motility was found at all post-treatment periods but some ephyrae resumed swimming and normal pulsing within 48 h. Swimming and pulsing were impaired in a significant number of ephyrae within 15 min of MSG treatment. The mechanism of MSG action on ephyrae motility is unknown, but glutamate damage to neurons and hair cells of higher animals is partly attributed to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Laser confocal fluorescent microscopy of ephyrae following MSG treatment indicated an increase of calcium and free radicals in the ephyrae as early as 5 min following MSG exposure. To determine whether antioxidants could alleviate MSG effects, we exposed ephyrae to gold chloride before, during, and after treatment with MSG. Ephyrae given gold chloride pre-treatment for 1h and then transferred into gold chloride plus MSG for 1h showed statistically significant recovery from MSG impairment of pulsing at the 3, 24, and 48 h post-glutamate time periods and higher numbers of swimmers at 3 h and 24 h. Ephyrae groups given gold plus MSG but without gold pretreatment showed recovery of swimming at 24 h and pulsing at 48 h. d-methionine given simultaneously with MSG significantly improved the pulse numbers and swimming of ephyrae at the 3, 24, and 48h post-glutamate time periods compared to those receiving MSG alone. Both d-methionine and gold chloride accelerated the time of recovery from glutamate-induced motility impairment, possibly through their antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

The in situ behavior of three scyphomedusan species was videorecorded by scuba divers in natural daytime lighting with minimalinterference to the medusae. The mean percentage of time thatindividual medusae spent swimming ranged from 93 to 100%. Therewere no significant differences in the percent time spent swimmingbetween life stages of a species (ephyra, adult) or betweenspecies. The predominance of swimming activity by medusae indicatesthat swimming, and hence the creation of fluid motions responsiblefor prey entrainment and capture, plays a widespread functionalrole in feeding by scyphomedusae.  相似文献   

In Aurelia aurita, applied iodine induces medusa formation (strobilation). This process also occurs when the temperature is lowered. This was found to increase oxidative stress resulting in an increased production of iodine from iodide. One polyp produces several medusae (initially termed ephyrae) starting at the polyp's oral end. The spreading of strobilation down the body column is controlled by a feedback loop: ephyra anlagen decrease the tyrosine content in adjacent polyp tissue by producing melanin from tyrosine. Endogenous tyrosine is able to remove iodine by forming iodiferous tyrosine compounds. The reduced level of tyrosine causes the ephyra-polyp-border to move towards the basal end of the former polyp. We argue that an oxidant defence system may exist which makes use of iodide and tyrosine. Like other marine invertebrates, polyps of Aurelia contain iodide ions. Inevitably produced peroxides oxidise iodide into iodine. The danger to be harmed by iodine is strongly decreased by endogenous tyrosine which reacts with iodine to form iodiferous tyrosine compounds including thyroxin. Both substances together, iodide and tyrosine, form an efficient oxidant defence system which shields the tissue against damage by reactive oxygen species. In the course of evolution (from a species at the basis of the animal kingdom like Aurelia to a highly evolved species like man) the waste product thyroxin (indicating a high metabolic rate) has developed into a hormone which controls the metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Unsettled stoloniferous scyphopolyps ofAurelia aurita Lamarck were offered different substrates for settlement under defined conditions. On addition of different biogenic and abiotic substrates, a pure strain of bacteria, a species of Micrococcaceae, was observed to trigger the settlement of the stolon. The settlement reaction only takes place following direct contact with the bacteria; sterile filtrated culture medium of the same bacterial strain was not able to induce settlement. The bacteria were found to be effective on stolon settlement during the logarithmic growth phase, but not during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

The cyclostome bryozoans constitute an old and divergent group of bryozoans, whose muscle and nervous systems are poorly known. The entire neuromuscular system of the cyclostome Crisia eburnea is here mapped with phalloidin, DAPI and antibodies directed against acetylated α-tubulin and serotonin. Innervation of most muscles as well as the ganglion of C. eburnea is described, and several new details are reported, for example, on the additional and branched ectodermal muscles of the cystid, the presence of subtentacular muscles, the retractor muscles being distinctly striated and the presence of an additional pair of lateroabfrontal nerves in the proximal part of the tentacles. The serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of C. eburnea shares many features with those of the other bryozoans studied so far, which probably reflects a common ancestry of the neural architecture. However, the nervous system shows somewhat less complexity compared to that of the sister clade, Eurystomata, and contains fewer cells and nerves compared to the cyclostome Cinctipora which has much larger zooids and more than eight tentacles. No interzooidal neural connections were found in C. eburnea, which is in agreement with the individual response of the zooids.  相似文献   

The genus Aurelia is one of the major contributors to jellyfish blooms in coastal waters, possibly due in part to hydroclimatic and anthropogenic causes, as well as their highly adaptive reproductive traits. Despite the wide plasticity of cnidarian life cycles, especially those recognized in certain Hydroza species, the known modifications of Aurelia life history were mostly restricted to its polyp stage. In this study, we document the formation of polyps directly from the ectoderm of degenerating juvenile medusae, cell masses from medusa tissue fragments, and subumbrella of living medusae. This is the first evidence for back-transformation of sexually mature medusae into polyps in Aurelia sp.1. The resulting reconstruction of the schematic life cycle of Aurelia reveals the underestimated potential of life cycle reversal in scyphozoan medusae, with possible implications for biological and ecological studies.  相似文献   

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