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Asteromenia gen. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) is proposed with a single species, Asteromenia peltata (W. R. Taylor) comb. nov. (basionym: Fauchea peltata W. R. Taylor). Thalli of the proposed new genus are stipitate with dorsiventral, peltate blades that are initially circular in shape but with age become stellate with ligulate arms. Internally, the blades have a polystromatic medulla of large, hyaline cells, grading into a cortex of smaller, pigmented cells. Clusters of translucent cells occur on the dorsal surface of the blade. Tetrasporangia are formed by transformations of intercalary midcortical cells. Mature tetrasporangia have cruciately arranged spores and are densely aggregated in the cortex, mostly on the ventral surface, but occasional tetrasporangia also arise on the dorsal surface. Carpogonial branches are four-celled and arise on inner cortical cells. Auxiliary cells are borne on auxiliary mother cells attached to supporting cells of the carpogonial branches. Cystocarps are protuberant, with well-developed, ostiolate pericarps that often have extended, proboscis-like necks. The new genus differs from the previously described peltate or dorsiventral taxa in the Rhodymeniaceae by its polystromatic medulla (Maripelta and Sciadophycus have a monostromatic medulla), intercalary tetrasporangia formed in an unmodified cortex, and four-celled carpogonial branches (Halichrysis, as typified by H. depressa (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz, has terminal tetrasporangia in nemathecia and three-celled carpogonial branches).  相似文献   

Two new propagule-farming red algae from southern Australia, Deucalion levringii (Lindauer) gen. et comb. nov. and Anisoschizus propaguli gen. et sp. nov., are described and defined largely on their development in laboratory culture. Deucalion is included in the tribe Compsothamnieae on the basis of its subapical procarp and alternate distichous branching. It differs from the other genera included in that tribe in that it produces 3-celled propagules, polysporangia, a subapical cell of the fertile axis which bears 3 pericentral cells, and an apparently post-fertilization involucre which develops from the hypogenous and sub-hypogenous cells of the fertile axis. Its gametophyte morphology has been elucidated in culture, as only sporophytes are known from the field. Gametophytes do not appear to produce propagules. Anisoschizus is provisionally included in the tribe Spermothamnieae on the basis of its subdichotomous branching, possession of a prostrate system and the production of polysporangia. It differs from the other genera of the tribe in the production of 2-celled propagules. Observations on the germination of the “monosporangia” of Mazoyerella arachnoidea and Monosporus spp. indicate that they are analagous to the propagules of Deucalion and Anisoschizus. The nature of these propagules and their role in recycling the parent plant are discussed and contrasted with true monosporangia. It is recommended that Monosporus be maintained as a form genus containing representatives from more than one tribe, as exemplified by plants from Lord Howe I. provisionally identified as M. indicus Boergesen which have both prostrate and erect, as opposed to only erect, axes.  相似文献   

A detailed account of female reproductive features ofPlumariella yoshikawae is presented.Plumariella yoshikawae is recognized as morphologically similar toDelesseriopsis elegans in several features, particularly in the sequence of branch initiation, the presence of gland cells on the abaxial sides of the basal segments of the lateral branches, having carpogonial branches on the basal segments of unmodified lateral branches, and the maturation of the carposporophyte at well below the thallus apices. These features indicate thatPlumariella yoshikawae is best removed from the Ptiloteae and is correctly placed in the tribe Delesseriopsideae. The generaPlumariella andBalliella are retained along withDelesseriopsis within the tribe Delesseriopsideae.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of various aspects of the morphology and reproduction ofAntithamnion subcorticatum Itono andAntithamnion crouanioides Itono show that these species are incorrectly referred to as the genusAntithamnion. To include these species, a new genus,Balliella, is proposed. In addition, some other algae possibly referable to this genus are briefly discussed. The genusBalliella is here recognized as a member of the new tribeDelesseriopsieae which is most nearly related to the tribe Antithamnieae in the Ceramiaceae. The tribe Delesseriopsieae is now recognized to include the two genera, i.e.,Delesseriopsis andBalliella.  相似文献   

Using sequences of 5′ region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene, large subunit rDNA, and ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit gene as genetic markers to elucidate their phylogenetic positions, six unknown species from Western Australia, Tasmania, Lord Howe Is., and Norfolk Is. cluster with Meredithia in the Kallymeniaceae (Gigartinales), and are described as new members of this previously monospecific genus. Specimens from Bermuda referable to Kallymenia limminghei Mont. in the 20th century also clustered with this genetic grouping, not with the generitype of Kallymenia. The Bermudian specimens are further shown to be morphologically distinct from the type of K. limminghei (Guadeloupe, Caribbean Sea) and are described as a new species, Meredithia crenata. Using these Indo‐Pacific and Bermudian collections, our analyses further show that Psaromenia is closely related to Meredithia, and that Cirrulicarpus nanus sensu stricto should be returned to Meredithia.  相似文献   

Based upon COI‐5P, LSU rDNA, and rbcL sequence data and morphological characteristics, six new members of the noncalcified crustose genus of red algae Ethelia are described in a new family, Etheliaceae (Gigartinales), sister to the recently described Ptilocladiopsidaceae. The novel species are described from subtropical to tropical Atlantic and Indo‐Pacific Ocean basins; E. mucronata sp. nov. and E. denizotii sp. nov. from southern and northern Western Australia respectively, E. wilcei sp. nov. from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands of Australia, E. suluensis sp. nov. from the Philippines, E. umbricola sp. nov. from Bermuda and E. kraftii sp. nov. from Lord Howe Island, Australia. The generitype, Ethelia biradiata, originally reported from the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, is added to the Western Australian flora.  相似文献   

Dicroglossum gen. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) is a monotypic genus based on Delesseria crispatula, a species originally described by Harvey for plants collected from southwestern Western Australia. Distinctive features of the new genus include exogenous indeterminate branches; growth by means of a single transversely dividing, apical cell; absence of intercalary divisions in the primary, secondary, and tertiary cell rows; lateral pericentral cells not transversely divided; not all cells of the secondary cell rows producing tertiary cells rows; all tertiary initials reaching the thallus margin; midrib present but lateral nerves absent; determinate lateral bladelets arising endogenously; blades monostromatic, except, at the midrib; carpogonial branches restricted to primary cell rows, on both surfaces of unmodified blades; procarps produced on both blade surfaces, each procarp consisting of a supporting cell that bears two four-celled carpogonial branches and one sterile-cell group of three to four cells; and tetrasporangia borne in two layers, separated by a central row of sterile cells. The combination of exogenous indeterminate branching and bicarpogonial procarps is considered to warrant the recognition of a new tribe, the Dicroglosseae, within the subfamily Delesserioideae.  相似文献   

The flies of the genus Dicranosepsis from Vietnam were investigated and classified taxonomically. Six new species (D. longa sp. nov., D. kurahashii sp. nov., D. monoseta sp. nov., D. sinuosa sp. nov., D. barbata sp. nov., and D. vietnamensis sp. nov.) are described and illustrated. Dicranosepsis is redefined and a revised key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

A new genus, Augophyllum Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand gen. nov. related to Nitophyllum, tribe Nitophylleae, subfam. Nitophylloideae of the Delesseriaceae, is established to contain the type species Augophyllum wysorii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Caribbean Panama; Augophyllum kentingii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Taiwan; Augophyllum marginifructum (R. E. Norris et Wynne) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Myriogramme marginifructa R. E. Norris et Wynne 1987) from South Africa, Tanzania, and the Sultanate of Oman; and Augophyllum delicatum (Millar) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Nitophyllum delicatum Millar 1990 ) from southeastern Australia. Like Nitophyllum, Augophyllum is characterized by a diffuse meristematic region, the absence of macro‐ and microscopic veins, procarps consisting of a supporting cell bearing a slightly curved four‐celled carpogonial branch flanked laterally by a cover cell and a sterile cell, a branched multicellular sterile group after fertilization, absence of cell fusions between gonimoblast cells, and tetrasporangia transformed from multinucleate surface cells. Augophyllum differs from Nitophyllum by the blades becoming polystromatic inside the margins, often with a stipitate cylindrical base, the possession of aggregated discoid plastids neither linked by fine strands nor forming bead‐like branched chains, spermatangia and procarps initiated at the margins of blades, not diffuse, and a cystocarp composed of densely branched gonimoblast filaments borne on a conspicuous persistent auxiliary cell with an enlarged nucleus. Analyses of the rbcL gene support the separation of Augophyllum from Nitophyllum. An investigation of species attributed to Nitophyllum around the world is expected to reveal other taxa referable to Augophyllum.  相似文献   

An examination of cystocarps from the rarely collected southern Australian alga currently known as Lomentaria corynephora (J. Agardh) Kylin has shown it to be a member of the Rhodymeniales but incorrectly placed in Lomentaria. As it is not referable to any of the genera presently ascribed to the order, the new genus Semnocarpa is proposed to accommodate its suite of unique features. Semnocarpa closely resembles Lomentaria in habit and in having basally septate branches, a peripheral network of widely separated medullary filaments around the cell-free (but mucilage-filled) centres of the main and lateral axes, gland cells directed inwardly on scattered medullary cells, and tetrasporangia produced laterally from surface cortical cells that line deep cavities in the branch surfaces. Features of the mature cystocarp, however, strongly differentiate Semnocarpa from Lomentaria. The carposporophyte has a fusion cell in which outlines of the component cells remain discernible, as opposed to having a fully consolidated fusion cell, and is laxly enclosed in a system of filaments derived from surrounding inner cortical cells. The cystocarp is entirely submerged within the bearing branch, there being no protuberant pericarp derived from the outer cortex of the sort previously thought to be a uniform feature of the family Lomentariaceae and virtually all Rhodymeniales. These features suggest that Semnocarpa is likely to be a highly derived member of the Lomentariaceae. A second species is newly described from material collected in Western Australia. Semnocarpa minuta sp. nov. differs from S. corynephora in its exclusively epiphytic habit, two-layered medulla, smaller stature and extensive crustose holdfast.  相似文献   

A new species of Gelidiocolax Gardner, G. pustulata Oliveira and Yoneshigue, is described in the tropical western Atlantic from Brazil. The species usually grows on the basal portion of the main axis of Pterocladia capillacea (Gmelin) Bornet et Thuret. Abundant material was collected mainly from November to March at Cabo Frio Island, in the northeast part of the State of Rio de Janeiro, a marine area well known for its upwelling. Infection by the putative parasite seems to damage the host tissue, stimulating the development of a “gall-like” structure that leads to the outgrowth of adventitious branches. The new species has the vegetative features and reproductive structures of the genus Gelidiocolax. It can be distinguished from the other Gelidiocolax species mainly on the basis of its position on the host, size of pustula, the tetrasporangia and the development of spermatangia. Studies of this new taxon support the placement of Gelidiocolax in the Gelidiaceae and not the Choreocolacaceae, as has been suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Phyllomyza Fallén are revised. Four new species, Phyllomyza kanmiyai sp. nov., P. amamiensis sp. nov., P. proceripalpis sp. nov. and P. japonica sp. nov., are described and illustrated. P. securicornis Fallén is recorded from Japan for the first time. A key to the Japanese species of Phyllomyza is presented.  相似文献   

Two new species of Martensia (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) are described from Jeju Island, Korea. Martensia jejuensis is characterized by the thallus of long linear axes and a proximal membranous part (initial blade), the linear axes that are derived from the longitudinal lamellae of the latticework, the flabellate bladelets arising from the linear axes terminally and laterally, the leading margins of the latticework giving rise to spine‐like or spatulate projections at intervals, and tetrasporangia borne on the whole thallus except for the spatulate projections. Martensia bibarii is characterized by the fimbriate aspect, the ribbon‐like blade with lobes, the flabellate bladelets derived from the lobes of the blade, the bladelets bearing the fringe or the latticework distally, the fringe consisting of many fine and strap‐shaped lamellae, and tetrasporangia borne only on the blade.  相似文献   

The density of recruits of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Lord Howe Island, a small isolated sub-tropical island 630 km off the Australian coastline, was within the range of values reported for comparable studies on the Great Barrier Reef. However, there was a difference in the relative abundance of taxonomic groups, with recruitment at Lord Howe Island during the summer of 1990/91 dominated by corals from the Family Pocilloporidae, Family Poritidae, and sub-genus Acropora (Isopora) (in order of abundance). By contrast, on the Great Barrier Reef, recruits are generally predominantly species from the Family Acroporidae (other than the Acropora (Isopora) group). Both the recruits and the established coral communities at Lord Howe Island are dominanted by corals which release brooded planulae, as opposed to the pattern of mass-spawning with external fertilisation more typical of Great Barrier Reef corals. I hypothesise that the release of brooded planulae would be advantageous in an isolated reef community because (a) brooded larvae can travel large distances and survive the journey to the isolated reef and/or (b) brooded larvae have a shorter period before they are competent to settle and are therefore more likely to be retained on the parental reef once a population has been established.  相似文献   

Two species of Phycodrys, Phycodrys quercifolia (Bory) Skottsberg and Phycodrys profunda E.Y.Dawson were previously recorded from New Zealand. However, an examination of Phycodrys collections from the New Zealand region showed that all were morphologically different from P. quercifolia (Type locality: the Falkland Islands) and P. profunda (Type locality: CA, USA). RbcL sequence analyses established that the New Zealand Phycodrys species formed a natural assemblage within the genus, consisting of three new species: P. novae-zelandiae sp. nov., P. franiae sp. nov. and P. adamsiae sp. nov. Phycodrys novae-zelandiae is the largest of the three, up to 20 cm in height, with a distinct midrib and multicellular, opposite to subopposite lateral macroscopic veins. It has entirely monostromatic blades except near the midrib and veins, and its procarp contains a three-celled sterile group one (st1) and a one-celled sterile group two (st2). Phycodrys franiae was previously treated as a cryptic species among herbarium collections of P. ‘quercifolia’. It is smaller (4–11 cm high) with weakly developed midribs and veins, the blade is tristromatic throughout, except at the growing margins, and the procarp consists of a four-celled st1 and a two–three-celled st2. Phycodrys adamsiae, previously reported as P. profunda, is a small decumbent or prostrate plant, 1–8 cm long, with a midrib and inconspicuous lateral veins. The blades are tristromatic with serrated margins, two–four-celled surface spines and multicellular marginal holdfasts that differ from those of Californian specimens. The tetrasporangia are borne on marginal bladelets. Phylogenetic analyses place the New Zealand species in a separate group that is distantly removed from most other Phycodrys species.  相似文献   

Alice Wells 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3):221-230
Hydroptilid species are described from Lord Howe Island for the first time. All four species are in the endemic Australian genus Orphninotrichia, and all are endemic to Lord Howe Island. Modifications exhibited by these new species to the normally conservative Orphninotrichia features are suggestive of sympatric speciation and, for several, of a shift in larval niche.  相似文献   

Two new taxa of Liagoraceae (Nemaliales) are described from Western Australia. Gloiotrichus fractalis gen. et sp. nov. has been collected from 3–20 m depths at the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia. Plants are calcified, extremely lubricous, and grow to 17 cm in length. Carpogonial branches are straight, 6 or 7 cells in length, arise from the basal or lower cells of cortical fascicles, and are occasionally compound. Branched sterile filaments of narrow elongate cells arise on the lower cells of the carpogonial branch prior to gonimoblast initiation, at first on the basal cells, then on progressively more distal cells. Following presumed fertilisation the carpogonium divides transversely, with both cells giving rise to gonimoblast filaments. The distal cells of the carpogonial branch then begin to fuse, with fusion progressing proximally until most of the cells of the carpogonial branch are included. As fusion extends, the filaments on the carpogonial branch are reduced to the basal 2 or 3 cells. The gonimoblast is compact and bears terminal carposporangia. Spermatangial clusters arise on subterminal cells of the cortex, eventually displacing the terminal cells. The sequence of pre- and post-fertilisation events occurring in the new genus separates it from all others included in the Liagoraceae, although it appears to have close affinities with the uncalcified genus Nemalion. Ganonema helminthaxis sp. nov. was collected from 12 m depths at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Plants are uncalcified and mucilaginous, the axes consisting of a few (< 10) primary medullary filaments, each cell of which gives rise to a cortical fascicle at alternate forks of the pseudodichotomies borne on successive medullary cells. Subsidiary (adventitious) filaments and rhizoids comprise the bulk of the thallus. Carpogonial branches are straight, (3-)4(-6) cells in length, arise on the basal 1–4 cells of the cortical fascicles, and are frequently compound. Carposporophytes develop from the upper of two daughter cells formed by a transverse division of the fertilised carpogonium. Ascending and descending sterile filaments girdle the carpogonial branch cells and arise mostly on the supporting cell prior to fertilisation. Ganonema helminthaxis is the first completely non-calcified member of the genus, and its reproductive and vegetative morphology supports the recognition of Ganonema as a genus independent from Liagora. Liagora codii Womersley is a southern Australian species displaying features of Ganonema, to which it is transferred.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia sensu lato comprises approximately 200 species, which are currently assigned to several different genera. To date, one of these genera, namely, Polysiphonia, has been reported to have 17 species. Here, we describe for the first time P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. from Uljin and Ulleung Island, Korea, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. are characterized by having the typical Polysiphonia features. Polysiphonia freshwateri sp. nov. is further characterized by having abundant trichoblasts, conspicuous scar cells, and tetrasporangia arranged in spiral series. Polysiphonia koreana sp. nov. is further characterized by having very scarce scar cells placed between two pericentral cells, from which cicatrigenous branches arise. The results of our rbcL sequence analyses support the taxonomic placement of P. freshwateri sp. nov. and P. koreana sp. nov. within Polysiphonia.  相似文献   

A new member of Delesseriaceae (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) is described from Southern Taiwan and the Philippines. On the basis of comparative vegetative and reproductive morphology, and phylogenetic analysis inferred from nuclear-encoded large-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (LSU rDNA), we conclude that it belongs in the genus Drachiella, tribe Schizoserideae, subfamily Phycodryoideae. The new taxon shares with other Drachiella species the absence of macro- and microscopic veins; diffuse growth by marginal and intercalary meristematic cells; a polystromatic, lobed thallus; abundance of rhizoidal marginal proliferations used for attachment; convoluted plastids in surface cells; abundant secondary pit connections among adjacent vegetative cells; large intercellular spaces between surface cells; procarps confined to the upper side of the thallus, circular in outline, consisting of a supporting cell bearing a strongly curved carpogonial branch and two sterile groups that remain undivided; vertical division of gonimoblast initial from auxiliary cell, and unilateral, monopodial branching of gonimoblasts; and mature cystocarps with a massive candelabrum-like fusion cell of fused gonimoblasts bearing carposporangia in branched chains. It is distinguished from the other members of the genus by thalli that consist of extensive tangled mats of prostrate and overlapping decumbent blades, procarps confined to the upper side of the thallus, and the lack of basal stalks or stipes. Whereas the Schizoserideae is predominantly a Southern Ocean tribe, one of the tribe's four genera, Drachiella, was known only from the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. We herein report the first record of the genus for the Indo-Pacific Ocean, and describe Drachiella liaoii, sp. nov., as a fourth species in the genus.  相似文献   

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