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Nuclear intermolecular duplexes appear to be a general feature of nucleated cells. Most of these duplexes are formed between large RNA as well as between large and small RNA molecules. A significant portion of the large molecules belong to a special class of RNA that is restricted to the nucleus and, therefore, not designated for export. These molecules are assembled with proteins and form a structure of a higher order. The possibility that these molecules and a set of small nuclear RNAs are components of a complex machine, “the transportosome”, which functions in nucleocytoplasmic traffic, is discussed.  相似文献   

Hohjoh H 《FEBS letters》2002,518(1-3):195-199
G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) phosphorylates G protein-coupled receptors resulting in uncoupling from G proteins. Receptors modulate GRK2 expression, however the mechanistic basis for this effect is largely unknown. Here we report a novel mechanism by which receptors use the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade to regulate GRK2 cellular levels. ERK activation by receptor stimulation elevated endogenous GRK2 while antagonist treatment decreased cellular GRK2. Activating ERK by overexpressing constitutive active MEK-1 or Ras elevated GRK2 protein levels while blocking ERK using PD98059 or dominant negative Ras abolished this effect. These data suggest ERK is a critical regulator of GRK2 levels.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of single mismatches in RNA duplexes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kierzek R  Burkard ME  Turner DH 《Biochemistry》1999,38(43):14214-14223
The thermodynamic properties and structures of single mismatches in short RNA duplexes were studied in optical melting and imino proton NMR experiments. The free energy increments at 37 degrees C measured for non-GU single mismatches range from -2.6 to 1.7 kcal/mol. These increments depend on the identity of the mismatch, adjacent base pairs, and the position in the helix. UU and AA mismatches are more stable close to a helix end, but GG mismatch stability is essentially unaffected by the position in the helix. Approximations are suggested for predicting stabilities of single mismatches in short RNA duplexes.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - Small RNA-mediated gene silencing encompasses diverse developmental events, stress responses, defense against pathogens, and maintenance of genome integrity. Extensive...  相似文献   

Snoussi K  Leroy JL 《Biochemistry》2001,40(30):8898-8904
Using NMR magnetization transfer from water and ammonia-catalyzed exchange of the imino proton, we have measured the base-pair lifetimes and the dissociation constants of six RNA duplexes: [r(CGCGAUCGCG)](2), [r(CGCGAAUUCGCG)](2), [r(CCUUUCGAAAGG)](2), [r(CGCACGUGCG)](2), [r(GGU(8)CC).r(GGA(8)CC)], and [poly(rA).poly(rU)], and we compare them with those of their DNA homologues. As predicted by a two-state (closed/open) model of the pair, the imino proton exchange times decrease linearly vs. the inverse of catalyst concentration. As in DNA duplexes, base pairs open one at a time, and the kinetics is in most cases insensitive to the nature of the adjacent residues. The lifetime of the r(G.C) pairs, 40 to 50 ms, is longer than that of the equivalent in the corresponding oligodeoxynucleotides, and the dissociation constants, about 10(-)(7), are slightly smaller. The r(A.U) opening and closing rates are much larger than those of the d(A.T) pairs, but the stabilities are comparable.  相似文献   

RNA silencing in plants by the expression of siRNA duplexes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

2′-aminonucleosides are commonly used as sites of post-synthetic chemical modification within nucleic acids. As part of a larger cross-linking strategy, we appended alkyl groups onto the N2′ position of 2′-amino-modified RNAs via 2′-ureido and 2′-amido linkages. We have characterized the thermodynamics of 2′-amino, 2′-alkylamido and 2′-alkylureido-modified RNA duplexes and show that 2′-ureido-modified RNAs are significantly more stable than analogous 2′-amido-modified RNAs. Using NMR spectroscopy and NMR-based molecular modeling of 2′-modified RNA duplexes, we examined the effects that 2′-nitrogen modifications have on RNA helices. Our data suggest that the 2′-ureido group forms a specific intra-nucleoside interaction that cannot occur within 2′-amido-modified helices. These results indicate that 2′-ureido modifications are superior to analogous 2′-amido ones for applications that require stable base pairing.  相似文献   

Rapidly sedimenting hnRNA complexes contain regions of stable intermolecular duplex. Disruption of such complexes, as judged by a reduction in sedimentation rate, requires conditions sufficient to denature the duplex regions. Rapidly sedimenting molecules reappear only when the complementary sequences reanneal — that is, the formation of such complexes is dependent upon time and the concentration of homologous RNA. These experiments lead us to the conclusion that rapidly sedimenting hnRNA complexes consist of two or more largely single-stranded RNA molecules held together by short duplex regions. Precisely such structures have been visualized in the electron microscope. Rapidly sedimenting fractions of native nuclear RNA from preparative sucrose gradients consist primarily of large, multi-molecular complexes interconnected by duplex regions averaging 300 base pairs in length. Exposure of the RNA to severely denaturing conditions eliminates such complexes. Reannealing of the RNA reconstitutes complexes which are indistinguishable from those observed in preparations before denaturation.  相似文献   

Local base dynamics and local structural features in RNA and DNA duplexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S C Kao  A M Bobst 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5465-5469
Local base motion and local structural base information are derived with a simple motional model from site specifically spin-labeled polyribo- and polydeoxyribonucleotides. The model was developed earlier for some nucleic acids and has now been applied to analyze 22 different nucleic acid systems. We conclude that the base motion of the spin-labeled nucleotide in single-stranded RNA, DNA, or non-base-paired bases in duplexes is of the order of 1 ns and that its base mobility decreases by about a factor of 4 upon base pairing. Also, the tether motion of the probe is slower in an RNA than in a DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Sugimoto N  Nakano M  Nakano S 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11270-11281
Thermodynamics of 66 RNA/DNA duplexes containing single mismatches were measured by UV melting methods. Stability enhancements for rG. dT mismatches were the largest of all mismatches examined here, while rU.dG mismatches were not as stable. The methyl group on C5 of thymine enhanced the stability by 0.12 approximately 0.53 kcal mol(-)(1) depending on the identity of adjacent Watson-Crick base pairs, whereas the 2'-hydroxyl group in ribouridine stabilized the duplex by approximately 0.6 kcal mol(-)(1) regardless of the adjacent base pairs. Stabilities induced by the methyl group in thymine, the 2'-hydroxyl group of ribouridine, and an nucleotide exchange at rG.dT and rU.dG mismatches were found to be independent of each other. The order for the mismatch stabilities is rG.dT > rU. dG approximately rG.dG > rA.dG approximately rG.dA approximately rA. dC > rA.dA approximately rU.dT approximately rU.dC > rC.dA approximately rC.dT, although the identity of the adjacent base pairs slightly altered the order. The pH dependence stability and structural changes were suggested for the rA.dG but not for rG.dA mismatches. Comparisons of trinucleotide stabilities for G.T and G.U pairs in RNA, DNA, and RNA/DNA duplexes indicate that stable RNA/DNA mismatches exhibit a stability similar to RNA mismatches while unstable RNA/DNA mismatches show a stability similar to that of DNA mismatches. These results would be useful for the design of antisense oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Synthetic RNA poly[r(A-T)] has been synthesized and its CD spectral properties compared to those of poly[r(A-U)], poly[d(A-T)], and poly[d(A-U)] in various salt and ethanolic solutions. The CD spectra of poly[r(A-T)] in an aqueous buffer and of poly[d(A-T)] in 70.8% v/v ethanol are very similar, suggesting that they both adopt the same A conformation. On the other hand, the CD spectra of poly[r(A-T)] and of poly[r(A-U)] differ in aqueous, and even more so in ethanolic, solutions. We have recently observed a two-state salt-induced isomerization of poly[r(A-U)] into chiral condensates, perhaps of Z-RNA [M. Vorlícková, J. Kypr, and T. M. Jovin, (1988) Biopolymers 27, 351-354]. It is shown here that poly[r(A-T)] does not undergo this isomerization. Both the changes in secondary structure and tendency to aggregation are different for poly[r(A-T)] and poly[r(A-U)] in aqueous salt solutions. In most cases, the CD spectrum of poly[r(A-U)] shows little modification of its CD spectrum unless the polymer denatures or aggregates, whereas poly[r(A-T)] displays noncooperative alterations in its CD spectrum and a reduced tendency to aggregation. At high NaCl concentrations, poly[r(A-T)] and poly[r(A-U)] condense into psi(-) and psi(+) structures, respectively, indicating that the type of aggregation is dictated by the polynucleotide chemical structure and the corresponding differences in conformational properties.  相似文献   

We have performed NMR experiments in supercooled water in order to decrease the temperature-dependent exchange of protons in RNA duplexes. NMR spectra of aqueous samples of RNA in bundles of narrow capillaries that were acquired at temperatures as low as -18 degrees C reveal resonances of exchangeable protons not seen at higher temperatures. In particular, we detected the imino protons of terminal base pairs and the imino proton of a non-base-paired pseudouridine in a duplex representing the eukaryotic pre-mRNA branch site helix. Analysis of the temperature dependence of chemical shift changes (thermal coefficients) for imino protons corroborated hydrogen bonding patterns observed in the NMR-derived structural model of the branch site helix. The ability to observe non-base-paired imino protons of RNA is of significant value in structure determination of RNA motifs containing loop and bulge regions.  相似文献   

Six different fluorobenzene or fluorobenzimidazole ribonucleosides and one abasic site were incorporated in oligoribonucleotides. Individual contributions of base stacking and solvation of the modified nucleosides could be determined. In fluorobenzene.fluorobenzimidazole-modified base pairs a duplex stabilizing force was found that points to a weak F...H hydrogen bond. The lipophilicity of the unprotected nucleosides were investigated by determination of 1-octanol water partition coefficients.  相似文献   

Using DNA and RNA heptanucleotides containing an unnatural L-nucleotides as well as the complementary strands, effects of the introduction of an L-nucleotide on the structure of DNA/DNA, RNA/RNA, and DNA/RNA duplexes were investigated by circular dichroism experiments and RNase H-mediated RNA strand cleavage reaction. The results suggested that the substitution of the central D-nucleotide with an L-nucleotide in the duplexes causes the significant structural alterations as the duplex structures change to conformations with more B-form similarities.  相似文献   

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