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Molecular mechanical energy refinement of double-helical pentanucleotide tetra-phosphates, d(CGCGC):d(GCGCG), dG5·dC5, d(TATAT):d(ATATA), and dA5 ·dT5 geometries, are presented in order to examine the energy required to open the Nl(purine) …? N3(pyrimidine) distance (base-pair opening) of a Watson-Crick base pair from its normal value of 3 Å to a value of 6 Å. The structural consequences of forcing base-pair opening is sequence dependent. For both dA5 ·dT5 and d(TATAT):d(ATATA), forcing the Nl (AdeKN3 (Thy) distance of the central base pair to a value of 6 Å slides the bases perpendicular to the helix axis forming a low-energy non-Watson-Crick base pair having an adenine amine hydrogen …? thymine carbonyl oxygen hydrogen bond. The two GC sequences behave differently from both AT sequences and differently from each other. Forcing the Nl(Gua) …? N3(Cyt) distance to 6 Å leads to unconventional structures in which hydrogen bonds are formed between the separated bases and the bases above or below them. These structures appear to be trapped in true local minima 6–10 kcal/mol higher in energy than the Watson-Crick structures. Preliminary simulations on d(CGCGC):d(GCGCG) in the Z geometry suggest the reason the Z form may be more refractory to proton exchange than the B form, consistent with experimental observations.  相似文献   

F H Arnold  S Wolk  P Cruz  I Tinoco 《Biochemistry》1987,26(13):4068-4075
The structures and hydrogen exchange properties of the mismatched DNA oligonucleotide duplexes d(CCCAGGG)2 and d(CCCTGGG)2 have been studied by high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance. Both the adenine-adenine and thymine-thymine mismatches are intercalated in the duplexes. The structures of these self-complementary duplexes are symmetric, with the two strands in equivalent positions. The evidence indicates that these mismatches are not stably hydrogen bonded. The mismatched bases in both duplexes are in the anti conformation. The mismatched thymine nucleotide in d(CCCTGGG)2 is intercalated in the duplex with very little distortion of the bases or sugar-phosphate backbone. In contrast, the bases of the adenine-adenine mismatch in d(CCCAGGG)2 must tilt and push apart to reduce the overlap of the amino groups. The thermodynamic data show that the T-T mismatch is less destabilizing than the A-A mismatch when flanked by C-G base pairs in this sequence, in contrast to their approximately equal stabilities when flanked by A-T base pairs in the sequence d(CAAAXAAAG.CTTTYTTTG) where X and Y = A, C, G, and T [Aboul-ela, F., Koh, D., & Tinoco, I., Jr. (1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 4811]. Although the mechanism cannot be determined conclusively from the limited data obtained, exchange of the imino protons with solvent in these destabilized heteroduplexes appears to occur by a cooperative mechanism in which half the helix dissociates.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of the water proton spin-lattice relaxation rate for aqueous solutions of the palindromic dodecamer, d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2, are reported as a function of the magnetic field strength. The magnitude of the relaxation rates at low magnetic field strengths and the shape of the relaxation dispersion curve permit assessment of the number of water molecules which may be considered bound to the DNA for a time equal to or longer than the rotational correlation time of the duplex. The data are examined using limiting models that arbitrarily use the measured rotational correlation time of the polynucleotide complex as a reference point for the water molecule lifetime. If it is assumed that water molecules are bound at DNA sites for times as long as or longer than the rotational correlation time of the duplex, then the magnitude of the relaxation rates at low field require that there may be only two or three such water sites. However, if the lifetime constraints is relaxed, and we assume that the number of water molecules bound to the DNA is more nearly the number identified in the X-ray structures, then the average water molecule lifetime is on the order of 1 ns. Measurements of 1H NOESY spectra demonstrate that some water molecules must have lifetimes sufficiently long that negative Overhauser effects are observed. Taken together, these results suggest a distribution of water molecule lifetimes in which most of the DNA-bound water molecule lifetimes are shorter than the rotational correlation time of the duplex, but where some have lifetimes of at least 1 ns under these concentrated conditions.Abbreviations DNA deoxyribonucleic acid - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy  相似文献   

The influence of one DNA region on the stability of an adjoining region (telestability) was examined. Melting curves of three block DNA's, d(C15A15)·d(T15G15), d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), and d(C20A10)·d(T10G20) were analyzed in terms of the nearest neighbor Ising model. Comparisons of predicted and experimental curves were made in 0.01 M and 0.1 M sodium ion solutions. The nearest neighbor formalism was also employed to analyze block DNA transition in the presence of actinomycin, a G·C specific molecule. The results show that nearest neighbor base-pair interaction cannot predict the melting curves of the block DNA's. Adjustments in theoretical parameters to account for phosphate repulsion assuming a B conformation throughout the DNA's do not alter this conclusion. Changes in the theoretical parameters, which provide good overall agreement, are consistent with a substantial stabilization of the A·T region nearest the G·C block. The melting temperature T A·T for the average A·T pari in d(C20A10)·d(T10G20), with 10 A·T pairs, appears to be 4°C greater than TA·T for d(C15A15)·d(T15G15) and d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), both with 15 A·T pairs. Actinomycin bound to the G·C end effectively stabilizes the A·T end by 9°C. These results indicate a long-range contribution to the interactions governing DNA stability. A possible mechanism for these interactions will be discussed.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the deoxy oligonucleotide dodecamer d(CGCGTTAACGCG) recently determined in our laboratory shows that the helical parameters of the central TTAA segment are significantly different compared to the central AATT in d(CGCGAATTCGCG). The roll in the central TA step of the T2A2 dodecamer opens towards the minor groove while the AT step of the A2T2 dodecamer opens towards the major groove. Also, the roll angles at the steps 4 and 8 (GT and AC in T2A2) and (GA and TC in A2T2) are in opposite directions. The high cup and helical twist angles at the central base-pair of T2A2 decreases the base stacking interactions compared to A2T2. Tilt angles within the tetranucleotide segments TTAA and AATT have opposite signs. In spite of the local differences caused by the sequence inversion (TTAA----AATT), the two dodecamers exhibit similar overall bending. The top third is more bent than the bottom third relative to the central segment. This asymmetric bending in the two dodecamers is mainly due to crystal packing interactions.  相似文献   

The binding of polyamines, including spermidine ( 1 ) and spermine ( 2 ), to poly[d(G-C) · d(G-C) ] was probed using spectroscopic studies of anthracene-9-carbonyl-N1-spermine ( 3 ); data from normal absorption, linear dichroism (LD), and circular dichroism (CD) are reported. Ligand LD and CD for transitions located in the DNA region of the spectrum were used. The data show that 3 binds to DNA in a manner characteristic of both its amine and polycyclic aromatic parts. With poly [(dG-dC) · (dG-dC)], binding modes are occupied sequentially and different modes correspond to different structural perturbations of the DNA. The most stable binding mode for 3 with poly[d(G-C) · d(G-C)] has a site size of 6 ± 1 bases, and an equilibrium binding constant of (2.2 ± 1.1) × 107 M?1 with the anthracene moiety intercalated. It dominates the spectra from mixing ratios of approximately 133:1 until 6:1 DNA phosphate: 3 is reached. The analogous data for poly [d(A-T) · d(A-T)] between mixing ratios 36:1 and 7:1 indicates a site size of 8.3 ± 1.1 bases and an equilibrium binding constant of (6.6 ± 3.3) × 105 M?1. Thus, 3 binds preferentially to poly [d(G-C) · d(G-C)] at these concentrations. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG) was the first oligonucleotide to be crystallized as a B-DNA duplex. Its structure was analyzed in detail in the early 1980s. Here we show that, in the presence of Ca(2+), it crystallizes in a different way (R3 space group). The dodecamers form parallel columns of straight duplexes with ten base pairs in the B form. The terminal cytosines in each molecule are disordered, whereas the terminal guanines are placed in the minor groove of neighbor duplexes. The central GAATTC region is practically identical to that found in the classic structure of the same dodecamer crystallized in the P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group in the presence of Mg(2+) and spermine. Its structure is thus independent of the crystallization conditions which have been used.  相似文献   

Infrared dichroism measurements of oriented films of poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly[d(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)] have been made under the conditions of low salts content and high humidity for which the geometry is known. The angles which the transition moments make with the helix axis are compared with the orientations of the corresponding bonds. Except for the in-plane base model of poly[(A-T)]·poly[d(A-T)], there is no agreement. This may imply either that a model which assumes bonds and transition moments to be colinear is not acceptable or that x-ray data are inaccurate. These possibilities are discussed especially with respect to phosphate group orientation. An appendix gives the derivations of dichroic-ratio expressions for helical molecules of different symmetry types.  相似文献   

Solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy has been used to investigate the dynamics of a DNA oligonucleotide with a defined sequence, [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2, which contains the EcoRI binding site. Quadrupole echo line shapes and spin-lattice relaxation times were obtained as a function of hydration on two different deuterated samples, both in the form of the Na salt. In one sample, the C8 protons of all purines in the self-complementary dodecamer were exchanged for deuterons. In the other sample, a specifically labeled thymidine (C6 deuterated) was synthetically incorporated at the seventh position (counting 5' to 3') in the sequence. The general trends for both samples were quite similar. At all levels of hydration, the data reveal the presence of a rapid, small-amplitude libration of the bases (tau c less than or equal to 1 ns, 6 degrees-10 degrees amplitude). At the higher hydration levels (80% relative humidity or higher), the results indicate the presence of a much slower motion (tau c approximately 10-100 microseconds), which at 80% relative humidity is of small amplitude (approximately 5 degrees) and at higher hydration levels may be of larger amplitude. There is no evidence for large-amplitude (greater than +/- 10 degrees) motion on a nanosecond or faster time scale under any hydration condition. The 2H NMR results were analyzed with a dynamical model which treats the oligonucleotide as a deformable filament and which can include collective torsional fluctuations. The slow motion observed at high hydration levels is attributed to the uniform twisting mode (of the entire helix).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Han F  Taulier N  Chalikian TV 《Biochemistry》2005,44(28):9785-9794
We employed ultrasonic velocimetry, high-precision densimetry, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, and isothermal titration calorimetry to characterize the binding of Hoechst 33258 to the d(CGCGAATTCGCG)(2) oligomeric duplex at 25 degrees C. We used this experimental combination to determine the full thermodynamic profile for the binding of Hoechst 33258 to the DNA. Specifically, we report changes in binding free energy, enthalpy, entropy, volume, and adiabatic compressibility accompanying the binding. We interpret our volumetric data in terms of hydration and evaluate the number of waters of hydration that become released to or taken up from the bulk. Our calorimetric data reveal that the drug-DNA binding event studied in this work is entropy-driven and proceeds with an unfavorable change in enthalpy. The favorable binding entropy predominantly results from hydration changes. In contrast to a large and positive change in hydrational entropy, the binding-induced change in configurational entropy is insignificant. The latter observation is consistent with the "lock-and-key" mode of minor groove binding.  相似文献   

The thermally induced helix-coil transitions of three A-T DNAs, d(A)n·d(T)n, d(A-T)n·d(A-T)n, and d(A-A-T)n·d(A-T-T)n, were studied. Experimental transition curves of the DNAs were analyzed using the loop entropy model of DNA melting. The calculation of the melting curve of d(A-A-T)n·d(A-T-T)n is presented using the integral equation formalism of Goel and Montroll. The aim of this work was to evaluate thermodynamic parameters which govern DNA stability and to test the theoretical model employed in the analysis. Our results show (1) an excellent over-all agreement between theory and experiment, (2) a loop entropy exponent k = 1.55 ± 0.05 provided the best fit to all the polymer transition curves, (3) the evaluated stacking free energies reflect the relative stability of the DNAs, and (4) the stacking energies of the ApA·TpT dimer evaluated from d(A)n·d(T)n and d(A-A-T)n·d(A-T-T)n differ. The last result is consistent with different conformations for the dimer in these two polymers.  相似文献   

In this study are reported the syntheses of three bis(diarylhydrazonecarbonyl)methylene derivatives [{ArPhCNNH C(O)}2CH2] [Ar = 2 C5H4N (5), C6H5 (6), and 2‐C4H3S (7)], obtained by condensation of corresponding hydrazones with carbon suboxide, C3O2. The solid‐state self‐assembly of these carbonyl derivatives, giving rise to polymeric and dimeric networks, is described. In the formation of these structural features, in addition to N—H· · ·OC intermolecular hydrogen bonds, stabilizing intramolecular NH· · · π (systems) and intermolecular CO· · ·π (systems) interactions also seem to play an important role. Solution 1H‐nmr data of compounds 5–7 indicate that the polymeric and dimeric structures are not maintained in solution and show the occurrence of keto‐enolic equilibria. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 49: 541–549, 1999  相似文献   

We have targeted the d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5] duplex for triplex formation at neutral pH with either d[G(AG)5] or d[G(TG)5]. Using a combination of gel electrophoresis, uv and CD spectra, mixing and melting curves, along with DNase I digestion studies, we have investigated the stability of the 2:1 pur*pur · pyr triplex, d[G(AG)5] * d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5], in the presence of MgCl2. This triplex melts in a monophasic fashion at the same temperature as the underlying duplex. Although the uv spectrum changes little upon binding of the second purine strand, the CD spectrum shows significant changes in the wavelength range 200–230 nm and about a 7 nm shift in the positive band near 270 nm. In contrast, the 1:1:1 pur/pyr*pur · pyr triplex, d[G(TG)5] * d[G(AG)5] · d[C(TC)5], is considerably less stable thermally, melting at a much lower temperature than the underlying duplex, and possesses a CD spectrum that is entirely negative from 200 to 300 nm. Ethidium bromide undergoes a strong fluorescence enhancement upon binding to each of these triplexes, and significantly stabilizes the pur/pyr*pur · pyr triplex. The uv melting and differential scanning calorimetry analysis of the alternating sequence duplex and pur*pur · pyr triplex shows that they are lower in thermodynamic stability than the corresponding 10-mer d(G3A4G3) · d(C3T4C3) duplex and its pur*pur · pyr triplex under identical solution conditions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics approach was used to examine the structure of complexes formed between the d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 duplex and netropsin, distamycin, and four carbocyclic analogues of netropsin and distamycin (1-4). The resulting structures of the ligand-DNA model complexes and their energetics were examined. It is predicted that the compounds 1-4 should have a decreased affinity for the minor groove of AT-rich regions in comparison to netropsin and distamycin. From the energetic analysis it appears that van der Waals and electrostatic interactions are more important than specific hydrogen bonds in stabilizing the ligand-duplex complexes. We predict that compounds 1 and 2 are effectively isohelical with the DNA minor groove. The superior DNA-binding afforded by 1 and 2 in comparison to 3 and 4 results from their more effective penetration into the minor groove and smaller perturbation of molecular structure upon complex formation.  相似文献   

The interaction of the enantiomeric complexes Lambda- and Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)(pbmz)](PF(6))(2) (bpy=2,2'-bipyridine, pbmz=2-(2'-pyridyl)benzimidazole) with the DNA duplex d(CGCGAATTCGCG)(2) was investigated by means of 2D NMR techniques. The synthesis of the enantiomers was based on the optically pure complexes Lambda- and Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)(py)(2)](2+) and were characterized by CD and NMR spectroscopy. NMR data indicate that both enantiomers bind weakly to the oligonucleotide, approaching from the minor groove at the centre of the helix. The perturbation of the B-DNA conformation is minor with an apparent absence of enantioselectivity. Molecular modelling calculations in conjunction with the NOE data support the suggestion that more than one binding modes are present. The imidazole amine group of the pbmz ligand is probably hydrogen bonded to the DNA phosphodiesteric backbone at the AATT step, and this may provide an explanation for the diminished enantioselectivity observed.  相似文献   

A N Lane  T C Jenkins  T Brown  S Neidle 《Biochemistry》1991,30(5):1372-1385
The conformation of the EcoRI dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 has been examined in solution by 1H and 31P NMR. Spin-spin coupling constants and nuclear Overhauser (NOE) enhancement spectroscopy show that all deoxyriboses lie in the south domain, with a small admixture of the north conformation (0-20%). The time dependence of the nuclear Overhauser enhancements also reveals a relatively uniform conformation at the glycosidic bonds (average angle, chi = -114 degrees). The average helical twist is 36.5 degrees (9.8 base pairs per turn). Tilt angles are small (in the range 0 to -10 degrees), and roll angles are poorly determined. Unlike single-crystal X-ray studies of the same sequence, there is no evidence for asymmetry in the structure. Both the NOE intensities and 31P relaxation data imply conformational anomalies at the C3-G4/C9-G10 and the A5-A6/T7-T8 steps. Berenil binds in 1:1 stoichiometry to the dodecamer with high affinity (Kd = 1 microM at 298 K) and causes substantial changes in chemical shifts of the sugar protons of nucleotides Ado 5-Cyt 9 and of the H2 resonances of the two Ado residues. No significant asymmetry appears to be induced in the DNA conformation on binding, and there is no evidence for intercalation, although the binding site is not centrosymmetric. NOEs are observed between the aromatic protons of berenil and the H1' of both Thy 7 and Thy 8, as well as to Ado 5 and Ado 6 H2. These results firmly establish that berenil binds via the minor groove and closely approaches the nucleotides Ado 6, Thy 7, and Thy 8. On the basis of quantitative NOE spectroscopy and measurements of spin-spin coupling constants, changes in the conformations of the nucleotides are found to be small. Using the observed NOEs between the ligand and the DNA together with the derived glycosidic torsion angles, we have built models that satisfy all of the available solution data. The berenil molecule binds at the 5'-AAT (identical to 5'-ATT on the complementary strand) site such that (i) favorable hydrogen bonds are formed between the charged amidinium groups and the N3 atoms of Ado 6 and Ado 18 and (ii) the ligand is closely isohelical with the floor of the minor groove.  相似文献   

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