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An adult male collared peccary (Dicotyles tajacu) caught from the wild was released into an outdoor enclosure containing 12 other wild adult peccaries. The introduced male died of severe infection as a result of scrotal wounds inflicted by resident peccaries.  相似文献   

Housing animals in groups that are typical of the normal social system can be very important to the success of captive husbandry. Collared peccaries normally live in mixed-sex territorial groups of 13–40 individuals with little evidence for movement between groups. We recorded 21–30 cases of infanticide in a captive group composed of animals from several wild groups. In five observed cases, the attacker was a female unrelated to the mother, but related females helped defend neonates. Victims did not differ in sex ratio or size from individuals that survived. We recommend that peccaries be housed as related female lineages.  相似文献   

Composition of collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) milk was described for samples obtained from a group of four captive females maintained on a high quality diet and four wild-caught females inhabiting semiarid rangelands in southern Texas. The gross composition of peccary and porcine milks are fairly similar, with some differences in mineral composition. Results suggest that bottle formulations developed for domestic swine piglets would provide adequate nutrition for hand-rearing nursling peccaries.  相似文献   

Humans, elephants, chimpanzees, and cetaceans show concern with the death of other members of their species and respond to death in particular ways. Science considers that these species are exceptions and that other mammal species show little or no reaction to the dead bodies of individuals of their species. Collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu; Tayassuidae) are social animals that live in groups of 5–50 individuals maintaining close and complex social relationships. The collared peccary occupies many different environments and it is widely distributed from the south of North America to the north of Argentina. Their behavior is well studied, but we know little about their behavior toward the dead. We directly observed and filmed with a camera trap the reactions of a five‐member herd of collared peccaries to the death of a herd member. We worked on a suburban forested area in the mountains of central Arizona. We found that the herd visited and spent time with the dead body for 10 days after the peccary died. The frequency of the visits declined until the cadaver was consumed by coyotes. Most of the videos showed two individuals visited the dead animal (44%), solitary records were also frequent (39%) and only 4% of the videos recorded three peccaries. Visits were more frequent during the night (64%). Peccaries do react to the death of a herd member by behaving in particular ways. Reactions include pushing at the dead individual, staring at it, biting it, and trying to pick it up by putting their snout under the corpse and pushing it up, and defending it from coyotes, among others. These levels of behavioral complexity for peccaries are beyond those known so far. The behaviors of this herd of peccaries resemble those of humans, cetaceans, chimpanzees, and elephants and show that these groups are not the only ones that react to death.  相似文献   

Ultrasound imaging has been used to elucidate certain aspects of the reproductive biology of wild or endangered species. However, to our knowledge, this tool has not been used for reproductive monitoring of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu). In this study, real-time ultrasonography was used in 16 collared peccary females to diagnose early pregnancy status and predict gestational age. Based on the detection of an embryo, the earliest pregnancy diagnosis was made on Day 18 after mating, with the mean time needed for diagnosis being 22 days. Overall accuracies on Days 22, 26 and 28 were 56, 93, and 100%, respectively. On Days 26 and 28, all pregnancy and non-pregnancy diagnoses, respectively, were correct. The fetal measurements that best correlated with gestational age were crown-rump-length (CRL) and the length and diameter of the thorax. CRL was considered the most practical measurement because, contrary to thoracic fetometry, it could be determined when the embryo was first detected. Our findings revealed real-time ultrasound scanning to be a very accurate method for early pregnancy diagnosis and prediction of gestational age in the collared peccary.  相似文献   

The histomorphometric and proliferative characteristics of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) placenta and uterus were analyzed. The material was examined by standard histological techniques and histochemistry (PAS, Perls and Alcian Blue pH 0.5 and 2.5%) and the cellular proliferation by AgNORs and flow cytometry. All the analyzed morphometric variables differed between pregnant and non-pregnant uteri in the luteal phase using the Dunnet test. Height and gland diameter of uterine glands increased linearly during pregnancy, with an intense positive PAS and Perls reaction in all stages. The cells with more than seven AgNORs per nuclei and the cells in the G2M cell cycle phase in the maternal tissue also increased after 70 days of pregnancy. The uteroplacental ridges had a linear increase in size with two distinct areas, base and top, with uterine epithelium and trophoblastic cells changing their morphology following the placental ridge development. Flow cytometry analysis showed the percentage of cells in each cell cycle phase with a quadratic behavior for stages G2/M in the maternal tissue, suggesting an increase in proliferative capacity of maternal tissue after 65 days of pregnancy. The same quadratic effect was observed in the G0/G1 phase in both maternal and fetal tissues. Cells in apoptosis showed cubic behavior in both tissues. The morphometric and cellular dynamic aspects observed in this study have not been previously described and they extend our knowledge of functions relating to maternal-fetal dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

The sustainability and production of collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) has been studied in the last few years; however, further information on its reproduction is necessary for breeding systems success. Understanding folliculogenesis aspects will contribute to effective reproductive biotechniques, which are useful in the preservation and production of wildlife. The aim of this study was-to evaluate the ovarian folliculogenesis in collared peccary. Ovaries from six adult females of collared peccary were obtained through ovariectomy and analyzed. These were fixed in aqueous Bouin's solution and sectioned into 7 microm slices, stained with hematoxilin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. The number of pre-antral and antral follicles per ovary was estimated using the Fractionator Method. The follicles, oocytes and oocyte nuclei were measured using an ocular micrometer. Results showed that the length, width, thickness, weight, and the gross anatomy of the right and left ovaries were not significantly different. However, the mean number of corpora lutea was different between the phases of the estrous cycle (p<0.05), with the highest mean in the luteal phase. Primordial follicles were found in the cortex; the oocytes were enveloped by a single layer of flattened follicular cells. In the primary follicles, proliferation of the follicular cells gave rise to cuboidal cells (granulosa cells). The secondary follicle was characterized by two or more concentric layers of cuboidal cells (granulosa), beginning of antrum formation, and the presence of pellucid zone and theca cells. Antral follicles were characterized by a central cavity (antrum), the presence of cumulus oophorus and theca layers (interna and externa). In the right ovary, the values of the primordial and primary follicles were similar, but significantly different from the secondary ones (p<0.05). In the left ovary, significant differences were observed between all follicles in the follicular phase (p<0.05); the mean number of primordial and primary follicles was similar in the luteal phase. The mean number of pre-antral follicles and antral follicles in the follicular phase was higher in the left ovary (p<0.05). The mean number of antral follicles in the luteal phase was similar in both ovaries. We also found significant differences in mean diameter of preantral follicles, oocyte, granulosa layer and oocyte nucleus during the estrous cycle. In the antral follicles a significant difference was observed only in follicular diameter (p<0.05). The predominance of active primordial and primary follicles was found in both phases; otherwise the secondary follicles and antral follicles showed a high degree of degeneration. The results obtained in the present work will strengthen the development of biotechnology programs to improve the productive potential and conservation of the collared peccary.  相似文献   

In the seminiferous epithelium, spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are located in a particular environment called the "niche" that is controlled by the basement membrane, key testis somatic cells, and factors originating from the vascular network. However, the role of Leydig cells (LCs) as a niche component is not yet clearly elucidated. Recent studies showed that peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) present a peculiar LC cytoarchitecture in which these cells are located around the seminiferous tubule lobes, making the peccary a unique model for investigating the SSC niche. This peculiarity allowed us to subdivide the seminiferous tubule cross-sections in three different testis parenchyma regions (tubule-tubule, tubule-interstitium, and tubule-LC contact). Our aims were to characterize the different spermatogonial cell types and to determine the location and/or distribution of the SSCs along the seminiferous tubules. Compared to differentiating spermatogonia, undifferentiated spermatogonia (A(und)) presented a noticeably higher nuclear volume (P < 0.05), allowing an accurate evaluation of their distribution. Immunostaining analysis demonstrated that approximately 93% of A(und) were GDNF receptor alpha 1 positive (GFRA1(+)), and these cells were preferentially located adjacent to the interstitial compartment without LCs (P < 0.05). The expression of colony-stimulating factor 1 was observed in LCs and peritubular myoid cells (PMCs), whereas its receptor was present in LCs and in GFRA1(+) A(und). Taken together, our findings strongly suggest that LCs, different from PMCs, might play a minor role in the SSC niche and physiology and that these steroidogenic cells are probably involved in the differentiation of A(und) toward type A(1) spermatogonia.  相似文献   

Results from data collected during the 1978–1979 breeding season on the reproduction of Lemur variegatus at the San Diego Zoo provide information which generally supports previously published reports on this species. Comparison of selected results from these data to a larger data base of which they are a part makes it possible to resolve some of the discrepancies between reports. Certain aspects of the reproductive biology of this species may then be generally characterized with confidence: The onset of seasonal breeding as evidenced by estrous behavior begins as early as mid-December in the northern hemisphere and may continue through March; genital changes associated with estrus in females last 9.85 ± 1.67 days (± SD); female receptivity occurs 7.0 ± 1.53 days after the onset of these genital changes and lasts 12-24 hours, during which breeding occurs; gestation averages 99.47 ± 4.19 days; the peak birth season is April–May; litters normally contain two to three offspring, with full-term neonates weighing an average of 104.63 ± 19.10 grams. In addition, L variegatus appears to be highly resistant to the impact of captivity on both its reproductive physiology and behavior, as indicated by the 100% breeding success of the diversely reared and managed groups of study animals.  相似文献   

Serum proteins of the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu) were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis for wild adult males and females, nursing young, and reproductively-active females in captivity. Electrophoretic profiles of the adult peccary showed at least six distinct protein bands corresponding to the fractions: albumin, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, beta-2, and gamma globulin. Globulin fractions of the peccary had different mobilities from the domestic swine. The only sexual dimorphisms were associated with the beta globulin:albumin ratio and the albumin:globulin ratio. Ingestion of colostrum in 1-day-old neonates was marked by a very large increase in gamma globulins. The only significant difference between pregnant and lactating females was in the alpha globulin:beta globulin ratio. Lactating females had higher concentrations of alpha-2 globulin than non-pregnant females.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effectiveness of a powdered coconut water-based extender (ACP-116c), plus various concentrations of egg-yolk and glycerol, as an alternative for cryopreservation of collared peccary semen. Twelve ejaculates were obtained from captive adult males by electroejaculation, and evaluated for sperm motility, kinetic rating, viability, morphology, and functional membrane integrity. The ejaculates were apportioned into aliquots that were diluted in Tris plus 10% egg yolk and 3% glycerol, or in ACP-116c plus 10 or 20% egg yolk and 1.5 or 3% glycerol. Samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and, after 1 mo, thawed at 37 °C for 1 min. After thawing, samples were evaluated as reported for fresh semen, and also for sperm membrane integrity (fluorescent probes) and kinematic parameters (computerized analysis). Results were presented as means ± SEM. Freezing and thawing decreased sperm characteristics relative to fresh semen. Overall, ACP-116c plus 20% egg yolk and 3% glycerol provided better (P < 0.05) sperm motility and kinetic rating (48 ± 6.1% and 2.8 ± 0.2, respectively) after thawing than Tris extender (30.4 ± 5.7% and 2.4 ± 0.2). However, there were no differences (P > 0.05) among treatments with regard to the other sperm characteristics. Based on computerized motion analysis, total (26.5 ± 5.9%) and progressive (8.1 ± 2.2%) motility were best preserved (P < 0.05) with the above-mentioned treatment. In conclusion, a coconut water-based extender, ACP-116c, plus 20% egg yolk and 3% glycerol, was effective for cryopreservation of semen from collared peccaries.  相似文献   

This study analyses reproductive parameters resulting from 74 parturitions in a population of captive collared peccaries in the eastern Amazon (Belém, State of Pará, Brazil) during a 65-month survey. Parturitions were homogeneously distributed throughout the year. The average litter size was 1.85 newborns per parturition. Collared peccary females had a newborn sex ratio of 52.6% females and 47.4% males. The mean age at first parturition was 639, although, the earliest first parturition occurred at age of 381 days. Estimated parturition-conception interval was 58 days. Mean farrowing interval was 196 days and mean production was 1.03 litters and 1.86 newborns per year per female. Mortality rate in newborns less than 2 months old was 26.9% of the total newborn population. Most identified causes of death were abandonment by the mother (22.2%) and trauma due to aggression (13.9%). Newborn deaths occurred mainly during the first two days of life. This study suggests that the collared peccary possesses interesting reproductive parameters for its introduction in captive breeding programmes in the Amazon region.  相似文献   

The onset of sexual cycle postpartum was described in the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu). Serum progesterone and 17beta-estradiol profiles, vaginal smears and external genitalia were analyzed in 20 animals housed with their piglets during the first postpartum month. The appearance of external genitalia showed no variation in any of the females: a shallow, reddish vulva, and vaginal mucus were constant features throughout the study. Based on hormonal profiles and vaginal smear cell patterns, 16 (80%) of the 20 peccaries showed signs of estrus and were considered cycling. The remaining four females (20%) did no show signs of estrus confirmed by low levels of progesterone (0.9+/-0.4 ng/mL) during the first postpartum month. In the cycling peccaries, a serum 17beta-estradiol peak (53.4+/-8.1 pg/mL) was observed on Day 7+/-1 postpartum, along with a linear increase in progesterone concentration from 3 (4.3+/-2.6 ng/mL) to 11 (30.8+/-4.9 ng/mL) days after this estradiol peak. Proportions of the different cells of the vaginal epithelium also changed in these females: superficial plus intermediate cells amounted to 76% of the cell total between Days 6 and 9 postpartum, corresponding to the estradiol peak. Nine (56%) of the 16 cycling females mated, indicated by the presence of sperm cells in their vaginal smears, and 6 (67%) became pregnant, reaching term. Non-pregnant cycling females (n=10) showed a steady decrease in serum progesterone concentration from 11 to 23 days after the estradiol peak, when basal levels were attained and a new estradiol peak registered, indicating the resumption of cyclicity in these females. The time interval between the two estradiol peaks was 23.5+/-2.1 days in these females. In pregnant females, progesterone concentrations continued to rise to levels of 60 ng/mL (n=6) 23 days after mating. These findings indicate that the lactating collared peccary female can become cycling and fertile during the early postpartum period, and that a predominance of superficial plus intermediate vaginal cells can be taken as the first sign of estrus.  相似文献   

Serial physiological responses were examined for 150 min from captive collared peccaries during immobilization with ketamine hydrochloride. Rectal temperatures decreased significantly (P less than 0.01) during anesthesia. Serum concentrations of total proteins, albumin, cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase, and calcium declined significantly (P less than 0.05) during the first 45 min post-immobilization before stabilizing. Concentrations of lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase in sera showed similar but nonsignificant (P greater than 0.05) trends. Inorganic phosphorus and aspartate aminotransferase concentrations increased significantly (P less than 0.05) throughout the trial. Concentrations of serum glucose and glucocorticoid during the immobilization period were highly variable between individuals. Serum electrolytes, urea nitrogen, creatinine, gammaglutamyl transferase and progesterone were not significantly (P greater than 0.05) affected by immobilization. Elevations in serum testosterone were noted. Results indicated appropriate sampling times relative to immobilization for assay of particular serum biochemicals and steroid hormones during investigations of the physiology of the collared peccary.  相似文献   

In 1989, a disease outbreak was observed among collared peccaries (javelina, Tayassu tajacu) in southern Arizona (USA) and canine distemper virus (CDV) was isolated from affected animals. Subsequently, 364 sera were collected from hunter-harvested javelina over a 4 yr period (1993-96) and were tested for antibody to CDV. Neutralizing antibody to CDV was detected in 58% of the serum samples suggesting that CDV infection is probably enzootic in the collared peccary populations of southern Arizona.  相似文献   

In this study, the microsatellite technique was used to evaluate the genetic variability in populations of collared and white-lipped peccaries kept in captivity. Six primers developed for domestic pigs were used and amplified in both species. They revealed the presence of five polymorphic loci and one monomorphic locus. The polymorphic loci included 4 of the 16 alleles in collared peccaries, and 3 of the 10 alleles in the white-lipped peccaries. Polymorphic information content (PIC) in both species and all the loci was highly informative. The probability of paternity exclusion (PEC), if one of the parents is known, was almost as high in white-lipped peccaries (95.53%) as in the collared (99,48%). The Fst values for collared (0.042) and white-lipped (0.1387) peccaries showed that both populations are not structured. The Fis values for all loci, except ACTG2 in white-lipped peccaries (-0.0275) and in both species (0.1985 to 0.9284 in collared peccaries and 0.3621 to 0.4754 in the white-lipped), revealed a high level of homozygosis, probably caused by inbreeding. Data on heterologous amplification and genetic variability in collared and white-lipped peccaries are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The Suidae and the Dicotylidae (or Tayassuidae) are related mammalian families, both belonging to the artiodactyl suborder Suiformes, which diverged more than 37 million years ago. Cross-species chromosome painting was performed between the domestic pig (Sus scrofa; 2n = 38), a representative of the Suidae, and two species of the Dicotylidae: the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu; 2n = 30) and the white-lipped peccary (T. pecari; 2n = 26). G-banded metaphase chromosomes of the two peccaries were hybridized with whole chromosome painting probes derived from domestic pig chromosomes 1-18 and X. For both peccary species, a total of 31 autosomal segments that are conserved between pig and peccary could be identified. The painting results confirm conclusions inferred from G-band analyses that the karyotypes of the collared peccary and the white-lipped peccary are largely different. The karyotypic heterogeneity of the Dicotylidae contrasts with the relative homogeneity among the karyotypes of the Suidae. For this difference between the Dicotylidae and the Suidae, a number of explanations are being postulated: 1) the extant peccaries are phylogenetically less closely related than is usually assumed; 2) the peccary genome is less stable than the genome of the pigs; and 3) special (e.g. biogeographical or biosocial) circumstances have facilitated the fixation of chromosome rearrangements in ancestral dicotylid populations.  相似文献   

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