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Significant release of the acrosomal enzymes arylsulfatase, β-N-acetylhexosaminidase and hyaluronidase was observed following the treatment of ejaculated rabbit spermatozoa for 12 hours in 20% rabbit serum for inducing in vitro capacitation, and these sperm were capable of in vivo fertilization; however, the treatment of sperm for 15 minutes in high ionic strength (380 mOsm/kg) or low ionic strength medium (305 mOsm/kg) for in vitro capacitation did not result in any significant release of the above enzymes nor were the sperm capable of in vivo fertilization. Serum-treated spermatozoa remained significantly motile following the 12 hour treatment, 51% underwent the acrosome reaction and were capable of fertilizing 66% of the ova in vivo. Identical serum treatment of lysosomes from rabbit liver resulted in a comparable release of the lysosomal enzymes. Serum treatment for in vitro capacitation resulted in vesiculation of the anterior margin of half the spermatozoa, but left their inner acrosomal membranes and equatorial segments intact. A biochemical relationship between the release of acrosomal enzymes and capacitation is suggested.  相似文献   

Methods for the investigation of cell-associated calcium and intracellular calcium were studied in washed ejaculated human spermatozoa. Experiments using 45Ca2+ indicated that human spermatozoa were permeant to calcium and that a significant proportion of the cellassociated calcium (approximately 50%) was accumulated in the mitochondrion. This necessitated the use of alternative procedures to measure cytoplasmic free calcium. The ability of human spermatozoa to accumulate and de-esterify the intracellular fluorescent calcium indicator Quin-2 was established. Using this technique, the resting level of free intracellular calcium in human spermatozoa was found to be 146.0 ± 19.9 nM, and was significantly elevated upon addition of the divalent cation ionophore ionomycin. In further experiments designed to illustrate the applications of the Quin technique, data was obtained suggesting that the mechanisms controlling intracellular calcium in human spermatozoa are temperature dependent but do not involve voltage-sensitive calcium channels.  相似文献   

Rabbit spermatozoa were labeled predominantely in their acrosomal glycoproteins by 1-3H-glucosamine during spermiogenesis. Ova fertilized in vivo by spermatozoa labeled 22 days earlier were analyzed by fine-structure autoradiography for the localization of the label. The latter was found associated with 1) the fused membranes of the acrosomal cap remaining on the zona pellucida surface, 2) the material released on the zona surface after the acrosome reaction and possibly detectable after tannic acid fixation, 3) the equatorial segment of the sperm head and the preequatorial swellings, and 4) other sperm components, eg, the sperm tail. No labeling, on the other hand, was detected on the denuded leading edge of spermatozoa found either in the penetration slit or in the perivitelline space. Our observations suggest the involvement of acrosomal glycoproteins in different mechanisms of sperm/zona pellucida interaction but are not in favor of a major role of (enzymatic) glycoproteins bound to the inner acrosomal membrane during the penetration of the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration through the zona pellucida and fusion of the sperm head with the vitellus were observed continuously and filmed under phase optics in cumulus-free living mouse eggs inseminated in vitro with capacitated epididymal sperm. Most spermatozoa penetrated the zona pellucida, traversed the perivitelline space, and fused with the vitellus at an angle nearly perpendicular to the surface. The mean duration required for sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida was 20 minutes with a range of 15–26 minutes. Sperm traversed the perivitelline space in less than one second. The initial contact of sperm with the vitellus generally took place at the tip of the sperm head. When the tip of the sperm head contacted the vitellus there was an immediate reduction in the rate of flagellation, followed by the gradual sinking of the sperm head into the vitellus.  相似文献   

The sperm head of many Australian hydromyine rodents has three curved hooks projecting from its anterior margin; the structure of the hooks has been characterized, but their function is unknown. In this study, we have investigated whether the hooks might have evolved to assist sperm penetration through more formidable egg vestments, particularly the zona pellucida. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were obtained from two species that possess a three-hooked sperm head (Pseudomys australis and P. nanus) and one species that does not (Notomys alexis) and examined by light and electron microscopy. After fixation in the presence of ruthenium red, the zona pellucida was found to consist of a fibrillar meshwork, but there were no interspecific structural differences. A corona radiata was absent, and the cumulus extracellular matrix was composed of filaments and electron-dense granules in each species. Measurements of the zona thickness in freshly ovulated, unfixed oocytes revealed that it was thinnest (7.8 μm) in P. australis. Which has a three-hooked sperm head, and thickest (11.4 μm) in N. alexis, the species in which the ventral hooks are absent. Hence, no correlation was found between the thickness of the zona pellucida or the structure of the cumulus-oocyte complex, and the presence of three hooks on the sperm head. We conclude, therefore, that it is unlikely that the evolution of the three-hooked sperm head is an adaptation for penetration of increased barriers around the oocyte.  相似文献   

ESP13.2 coats the entire surface of macaque sperm and remains until sperm become capacitated (Yudin et al., 2003: Biol Reprod 69: 1118-1128). Capacitation of macaque sperm is synchronized by treatment with dibutyrl cAMP (dbcAMP) and caffeine. ESP13.2 and PSP94 constituted approximately 95% of the proteins released from the sperm surface following treatment with caffeine + dbcAMP. Caffeine and dbcAMP alone induce different patterns of ESP13.2 release. As determined by ELISAs of supernatants and immuno-fluorescent labeling of sperm heads, caffeine alone and caffeine + dbcAMP induced comparable release of ESP13.2, while dbcAMP-treated sperm did not differ from controls. Sperm treated with caffeine + dbcAMP showed a reduction of ESP13.2 from the entire surface, while caffeine treatment alone induced removal of ESP13.2 from the sperm head and midpiece. As confirmed with immunofluorescence, ESP13.2 could be added back to the surfaces of sperm that had been previously exposed to caffeine. Treatment with caffeine significantly increased the number of sperm that bound tightly to the zona pellucida as compared with controls (42 +/- 9 and 13 +/- 3 sperm/zona, respectively; P < or = 0.01). This increase in binding was inhibited by "adding back" ESP13.2 to the sperm surface (12.8 +/- 3; P < or = 0.01). Alexa-conjugated anti-ESP13.2 Ig labeling of live sperm showed that only sperm lacking ESP13.2 over the head were capable of tight binding to the zona. Our results suggest that ESP13.2 masks zona pellucida ligands on the sperm surface and its release, as part of capacitation, is required for sperm-zona interaction.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the functions of PH‐20 and acrosin during the interaction of macaque sperm with the zona pellucida. Both of these sperm enzymes have been reported to be present on the inner acrosomal membrane of acrosome reacted sperm, and have been suggested to play a role during secondary sperm‐zona binding in other species. Anti‐macaque PH‐20 IgG, anti‐pig acrosin IgG and soybean trypsin inhibitor (SBTI) were used as probes for immunolocalization of the two proteins at the ultrastructural level, and as reagents for blocking sperm penetration of the macaque zona pellucida in vitro. As a control, we performed similar studies with antibodies to CD‐46, which is also located on the inner acrosomal membrane, but has no known function in sperm‐zona pellucida interaction. After labeling with anti‐acrosin IgG, gold label was not present on the sperm surface before the acrosome reaction, but was detected over the entire head of sperm that were induced to acrosome react with calcium ionophore A23187. In contrast, when sperm were induced to acrosome react by binding to intact zona pellucida, acrosin was present in the acrosomal shroud but not on the inner acrosomal membrane. Similar results were obtained when SBTI was used as a probe for enzyme localization. PH‐20 and CD‐46 were demonstrated on the inner acrosomal membrane of sperm induced to acrosome react by ionophore treatment and by zona binding. Neither anti‐acrosin IgG nor anti‐CD‐46 IgG affected sperm penetration of the zona at concentrations up to 300 μg/ml, but zona penetration was blocked completely when anti‐PH‐20 IgG (100 μg/ml) was present during sperm‐oocyte interaction. Ultrastructural observations of oocytes incubated with anti‐PH‐20 IgG showed that acrosomal shrouds were present on the zona surface but no sperm had begun to penetrate into the zona substance. We conclude that anti‐PH‐20 IgG prevented sperm penetration of the macaque zona pellucida by interference with secondary sperm‐zona binding, rather than primary sperm‐zona binding or the zona‐induced acrosome reaction. Acrosin was not detected on the inner acrosomal membrane of sperm that are induced to acrosome react after zona binding, and acrosin does not appear to be critical for sperm penetration of the macaque zona pellucida. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 53:350–362, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hamster spermatozoa are able to fertilize a high percentage of zona-intact hamster oocytes when they are preincubated for 2 hr in a chemically defined medium. From this time on, the longer the preincubation time the lower the percentage penetration. Spermatozoa preincubated for 6 or more hr are unable to cross the zona pellucida, retaining however their ability to fuse with zona-free hamster oocytes. Zona-intact hamster oocytes, as described above, were observed with the scanning electron microscope. When the oocytes were inseminated with spermatozoa preincubated for 1 to 5 hr the outer surface of the zona showed the penetrating spermatozoa and the sperm tracks made by those that failed to cross it. With longer preincubation times no penetrating spermatozoa were observed, and very few sperm tracks were present on the outer surface of the zona. Control experiments showed that neither eggs, spermatozoa, nor fertilization were affected by the medium recovered after long preincubations. These results show that care should be taken regarding the preincubation time when using the in-vitro fertilization technique.  相似文献   

The viviparous teleost Heterandria formosa is a remarkable species for its reproductive characters including: (a) the smallest oocyte in viviparous fish species; (b) a high level of matrotrophy with a complex placenta; and (c) the highest level of superfetation. Superfetation involves (d) the continuous development of oocytes and fertilization at the same time with embryos in gestation. The sequential fertilization of oocytes requires (e) storage of spermatozoa in the ovary. Among these characteristics, fertilization is of fundamental interest, specifically the intrafollicular fertilization of poeciliids, species that do not present micropyle, and the consequent formation of the fertilization plug, a structure developed at the periphery of the follicle where the entrance of spermatozoa occurs. Both processes intrafollicular fertilization and formation of the fertilization plug have been rarely described. There is only one study illustrating, the fertilization plug of H. formosa with a drawing. In the context of reproductive aspects of H. formosa, the goal of this study is to describe the morphology of the ovary during insemination, intrafollicular fertilization and development of the fertilization plug. After insemination, spermatozoa enter the ovary and occupy folds of the lamella near follicles of all stages of oogenesis, the delle, where the germinal epithelium establishes contact with the follicular epithelium. The results of the present study provide evidence that both epithelia open at the distal end of the delle, this morphological change allow that the spermatozoa to make contact with the zona pellucida of the oocyte. After fertilization, the delle becomes blocked by proliferation of cells of the germinal epithelium, to form the fertilization plug that persists throughout gestation. Abundant reticular fibers and blood vessels are seen around the fertilization plug. Persistence of the fertilization plug suggests that it could be the site where the juvenile will gain entrance to the ovarian lumen during birth.  相似文献   

The mammalian spermatozoon undergoes continuous modifications during spermatogenesis, maturation in the epididymis, and capacitation in the female reproductive tract. Only the capacitated spermatozoa are capable of binding the zona-intact egg and undergoing the acrosome reaction. The fertilization process is a net result of multiple molecular events which enable ejaculated spermatozoa to recognize and bind to the egg's extracellular coat, the zona pellucida (ZP). Sperm–egg interaction is a species-specific event which is initiated by the recognition and binding of complementary molecule(s) present on sperm plasma membrane (receptor) and the surface of the ZP (ligand). This is a carbohydrate-mediated event which initiates a signal transduction cascade resulting in the exocytosis of acrosomal contents. This step is believed to be a prerequisite which enables the acrosome reacted spermatozoa to penetrate the ZP and fertilize the egg. This review focuses on the formation and contents of the sperm acrosome as well as the mechanisms underlying the induction of the acrosome reaction. Special emphasis has been laid on the synthesis, processing, substrate specificity, and mechanism of action of the acid glycohydrolases present within the acrosome. The hydrolytic action of glycohydrolases and proteases released at the site of sperm-zona binding, along with the enhanced thrust generated by the hyperactivated beat pattern of the bound spermatozoon, are important factors regulating the penetration of ZP. We have discussed the most recent studies which have attempted to explain signal transduction pathways leading to the acrosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Mature sperm of the leafhopper Balclutha incisa (Matsumara) (Cicadellidae: Auchenorrhyncha: Hemiptera) are stored as a series of sperm bundles within seminal vesicles prior to ejaculation. During transfer, sperm are pumped from the vesicles into the ejaculatory duct to the complex aedeagus. Sperm transfer is marked by a c . 30-fold expansion of the spermatheca to accommodate both sperm and seminal fluid. Sperm number increases exponentially with male age, reaching a maximum of 700 000 after 14 days, while the number of sperm available on days 2–5 is between 70 000 and 100 000. During mating, maximum sperm transfer occurs after 7 min and mating is complete after about 10 min. Ejaculate size, defined by both sperm and associated accessory gland fluid, is influenced by male mating status and the interval since the previous mating. There is a positive correlation between duration of copulation and both ejaculate and the time to subsequent mating. Sperm are more likely to be retained in the testes during mating by males of 2–5 days post-emergence than older males. The number of sperm received by the female can be manipulated experimentally by mating males once (medium ejaculate) or twice (small ejaculate) immediately after their first mating. Females that receive small ejaculates from sperm-depleted males have a far shorter refractory period than females receiving medium to large ejaculates. Both ejaculate size and the time after males have mated influence the female post-mating refractory period as measured by the female's responsiveness to male sexual signalling.  相似文献   

Predispersal copulation and unpredictable environment facilitate the evolution of female-biased dispersal in species, where females are functionally monandrous. Females should migrate and reproduce over different habitats to spread their risks due to environmental fluctuation. On the other hand, males do not have to disperse because their risks are spread by their mating partners who produce their offspring in different habitats. However, when females are functionally polyandrous, it is expected that they will not contribute to spreading the male's risk extensively. Therefore, by simulation with the individual based model, the present study evaluated how female polyandry influences the sexual difference in dispersal timing. This model revealed that when females are polyandrous, the timing of female remating and sperm priority patterns have an important influence on the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Particularly when female remating is not synchronized with dispersal or when last-male sperm precedence does not exist, female-biased dispersal is evolved.  相似文献   

Effects of two different mating regimes on sperm precedencein the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, were studied usingthe polymorphic gene for melanism as a marker for paternity.Virgin nonmelanic females (homozygous recessive) were matedto nonmelanic male(s) and then, after laying fertilized eggs,were mated to a melanic male of known genotype. The resultsafter the two successive single matings showed a highly variabledegree of paternity of the second male. Initial multiple matingwith nonmelanic males did not alter the pattern of paternityafter the subsequent single mating with a melanic male, butit had two other effects: (1) the female showed an increasein rejection behavior, and (2) a longer copulation was requiredfor high success of the melanic male. Additional observationsin which families were reared from beetles collected in copulain the field demonstrated that sperm competition also occursunder natural conditions. The outcome of the competition wasvariable with frequent sperm mixing.  相似文献   

Acrosomal development in the early spermatid of the rufous hare wallaby shows evidence of formation of an acrosomal granule, similar to that found in eutherian mammals, the Phascolarctidae and Vombatidae. Unlike the other members of the Macropodidae so far examined, the acrosome of this species appears to be fully compacted at spermiation and extends evenly over 90% of the dorsal aspect of the nucleus. During spermiogenesis, the nucleus of the rufous hare wallaby spermatid showed evidence of uneven condensation of chromatin; this may also be related to the appearance of unusual nucleoplasm evaginations from the surface of the fully condensed spermatid. This study was unable to find evidence of the presence of Sertoli cell spurs or nuclear rotation during spermiogenesis in the rufous hare wallaby. The majority of spermatozoa immediately before spermiation had a nucleus that was essentially perpendicular to the long axis of the sperm tail. Nuclei of spermatozoa found in the process of being released or isolated in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule were rotated almost parallel to the long axis of the flagellum; complete parallel alignment occurred during epididymal maturation. At spermiation spermatozoa have characteristically small cytoplasmic remnants compared to those of other macropods. Unlike the majority of macropodid spermatozoa so far described, the spermatozoa of the rufous hare wallaby showed little evidence of morphological change during epididymal transit. There was no formation of a fibre network around the midpiece or of plasma membrane specializations in this region; the only notable change was a distinctive flattening of midpiece mitochondria and scalloping of the anterior mitochondrial sheath to accommodate the sperm head. Preliminary evidence from spermiogenesis and epididymal sperm maturation supports the classification of the rufous hare wallaby as a separate genus but also indicates that its higher taxonomic position may need to be re‐evaluated.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure has been described for several families of Squamata in which it has been considered a valuable character source for phylogenetic studies. However, sperm competition and mating systems have been demonstrated to influence variations in the sperm morphology and dynamics. The mating system of Boa constrictor occidentalis is likely to have a high degree of sperm competition. We investigated, for the first time, the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of B. c. occidentalis and, thus, of the family Boidae. Active mating groups were captured from the field, and the spermatozoa of the males was collected by ejaculation and processed to obtain transmission electron micrographs and fluorescence micrographs. The spermatozoa are filiform and their morphology fits the general model described for snakes, and several synapomorphies belonging to the squamates can be identified in these cells. Nevertheless, the head is 25% longer and the midpiece presents a lower frequency of mitochondrial transformations than that of other snakes. We propose that this last trait, along with the extraordinary elongation of the midpiece and the system of multilaminar membranes covering this section (both synapomorphies of the snake spermatozoa), are adaptive responses to processes of sperm competition and sperm storage.  相似文献   

To test if an increased sperm competition risk affects malebehavior and mating decisions of both sexes, we performed twoexperiments using the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, a nest-buildingfish with exclusive paternal care. In our first experiment,a nest-holding male, with a confined female, was sequentiallyexposed to a vial with a sneaker male or an empty vial. Whilemale courtship, nest building, displacement fanning, and timeoutside the nest were unaffected, individual males showed ahigher mucus preparation effort inside the nest in the presenceof a sneaker male than when alone. We found such mucus to containsperm, thus clearly suggesting an importance in sperm competition.In our second experiment, a female was free to spawn with twodifferent males, one of which was exposed to a confined sneakermale. Male mating success was not affected by the presence ofa sneaker male. However, the volume of sand the male had puton his nest was positively associated with female spawning decision,while nest-opening width was not. In a partial correlation offive traits thought to attract females (nest-opening width,sand volume, male courtship display, displacement fanning, andmale size), males that fanned well were found to also buildlarge nests or display intensely, but not both. This indicatesthat rather than being jacks-of-all-trades, individual malesfocus on a subset of traits for attracting females.  相似文献   

This study extends our analysis of rabbit recombinant Sp17 (rSp17) by examining whether rSp17 synthesized in transfected COS cells will show a particular localization within the cell and whether the COS cell will bind with zona pellucida. We show, using the cross-linking, reagent DSS that rSp17 can bind to rabbit zona glycoprotein R45 or R55. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Paternity of 22 green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) clutches from 13 females of the southern Great Barrier Reef breeding population was determined through microsatellite analyses at five loci, including the analysis of successive clutches for nine of the females. A large number of alleles per locus (10–40) provided probabilities of detecting multiple paternity that were quite high, particularly at all loci combined (99.9%). Although green turtles are promiscuous breeders and there was an expectation of finding extensive multiple paternity, only two clutches were multiply sired and, in these, very few eggs had been fertilized by a secondary male. The rarity of multiple paternity may reflect either a low proportion of multiple matings by females in this population, or sperm competition, possibly resulting from a first-male sperm preference. Additionally, the analysis of > 900 offspring provided data on mutations, which included 20 mutation events that were observed in 27 offspring and involved both maternal and paternal lineages. Most mutations ( n = 16) occurred at a single highly variable locus and their presence emphasizes the need to use multiple loci in paternity studies.  相似文献   

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