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Two new genera of lycodine zoarcid fish, Santelmoa and Bentartia, and two new species, Santelmoa carmenae and Bentartia cinerea, are described from 13 specimens collected from the Gerlache Strait, Southern Ocean, at 1,056-m depth. Santelmoa can be distinguished from all other lycodine genera by the combination of the following characters: anterior portion of frontals fused; scapular foramen open; ceratohyal–epihyal articulation interdigitating; cranium narrowed; supratemporal commissure and occipital pores absent; intercalar reaching the prootic; parasphenoid wing well developed; palatal arch well developed; posterior hyomandibular ramus short; post-temporal ventral ramus well developed; six branchiostegal rays; vertebrae asymmetrical; pelvic fin rays ensheathed; scales, lateral line, pyloric caeca, palatine and vomerine teeth present. Bentartia differs from the remaining lycodine genera by the following combination of characters: basioccipital and exoccipitals fused; supraoccipital–exoccipital articulation broadly contacting; ceratohyal–epihyal articulation interdigitating; post-temporal ventral ramus weak; two posterior nasal pores; cranium narrowed; supratemporal commissure and occipital pores absent; intercalar set posteriorly; palatal arch well developed; posterior hyomandibular ramus not elongate; parasphenoid wing high; six branchiostegal rays; vertebrae asymmetrical; pelvic fin rays ensheathed; scales, lateral line, pyloric caeca, palatine and vomerine teeth present. The relationships of the two new genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The cranial osteology (including the hyolaryngeal apparatus) of Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Anura: Rhinophrynidae) is described from whole skeletons and serial cross sections. Some unique features of the extensively ossified skull include the enlarged and protracted olfactory region, for which the nasals form part of the septum nasi; the relatively short maxillaries and broad premaxillaries, and the immense quadratojugal; the extreme forward position of the quadrate; the lack of a firm articulation of the pterygoid and quadrate with the neurocranium and crista parotica; the quadrate lacking the distinct processes typical of other frogs; a single foramen for Nn. II–VII; a large, distinct operculum; and a bipartite hyale. Rhinophrynus shares other unusual cranial characteristics with the other pipoid frogs, Xenopus, Pipa, Hemipipa, and Hymenochirus. Among these features are the presence of a single frontoparietal in the adult, and the absence of parasphenoid alae, palatines, and mentomeckelian bones. Rhinophrynus differs from the pipids in the lack of a columella and a palatine process on the premaxilla, and in the possession of a quadratojugal, parahyoid bone, paired prevomers, olfactory eminence, massive quadrate that lacks distinguishable processes, a modified squamosal, and a bipartite hyale. Although the cranium of Rhinophrynus is distinctive, the evolutionary significance of its unusual features will remain obscure until comparable data are gathered from other closely related groups, the Discoglossoidea and the Pelobatoidea.  相似文献   

Six quadrate bones, of which two almost certainly come from the Kem Kem beds (Cenomanian, Upper Cretaceous) of south-eastern Morocco, are determined to be from juvenile and adult individuals of Spinosaurinae based on phylogenetic, geometric morphometric, and phylogenetic morphometric analyses. Their morphology indicates two morphotypes evidencing the presence of two spinosaurine taxa ascribed to Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and? Sigilmassasaurus brevicollis in the Cenomanian of North Africa, casting doubt on the accuracy of some recent skeletal reconstructions which may be based on elements from several distinct species. Morphofunctional analysis of the mandibular articulation of the quadrate has shown that the jaw mechanics was peculiar in Spinosauridae. In mature spinosaurids, the posterior parts of the two mandibular rami displaced laterally when the jaw was depressed due to a lateromedially oriented intercondylar sulcus of the quadrate. Such lateral movement of the mandibular ramus was possible due to a movable mandibular symphysis in spinosaurids, allowing the pharynx to be widened. Similar jaw mechanics also occur in some pterosaurs and living pelecanids which are both adapted to capture and swallow large prey items. Spinosauridae, which were engaged, at least partially, in a piscivorous lifestyle, were able to consume large fish and may have occasionally fed on other prey such as pterosaurs and juvenile dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The African oystercatcher Haematopus moquini is a near‐threatened wader that is endemic to southern Africa. In the past, the species suffered a drastic decrease in nesting success due to human disturbance. We present the case report of an African oystercatcher that was hatched, hand‐reared, and released in the Western Cape, South Africa. African oystercatchers are semi‐altricial birds that tend to be highly sensitive to stress; as a result, strategies to minimize stress and the employment of surrogate parents and pre‐release acclimatization are important to ensure post‐release survival of hand‐reared chicks. Considering the lack of literature on the incubation and hand‐rearing of oystercatchers, this case report provides a basis for the development of hand‐rearing techniques that might be useful for the protection of this and other threatened wader species.  相似文献   

The palate and partial braincase of the holotype of Dimetrodon milleri (MCZ 1365) are preserved in three dimensions, but have yet to be described in detail. Here, we describe these structures for the first time for this species, and compare them with the better-known specimens of D. limbatus. Interesting characteristics of the morphology include the patterns of articulation of the palatal elements, including the palatine and vomer, and anatomy of the pterygoid in the posterior region of the palatal vacuities. Dimetrodon milleri is found to differ from D. limbatus in the lack of teeth on the ectopterygoid, the shape of the basal process of the epipterygoid, and the anterior extent of the palatine and pterygoid. The two species are similar in the relative position of the basicranial articulation, but differ significantly from that in other sphenacodontids, including Secodontosaurus and Sphenacodon. The evolution of these cranial features will be the subject of future phylogenetic analyses of sphenacodontids.  相似文献   


The taxonomy of New Zealand oyster‐catchers is controversial. Some authorities assign full species status to all three oystercatcher taxa breeding in New Zealand, whereas others classify the variable oystercatcher as a full species and the Chatham island oystercatcher and South island pied oystercatcher as distinct only at the subspecies level. The debate is not just of academic interest, as the IUCN lists the Chatham island oystercatcher as endangered and the New Zealand department of Conservation has carried an intensive management programme to conserve it. We obtained genetic data from four regions of the mitochondrial genome of all three taxa, and found support for classifying the Chatham island and South island pied oystercatchers as full species, rather than subspecies.  相似文献   

Siluroids are characterized by the presence of a palatine-maxillary mechanism, which enables a controlled mobility of the maxillary barbels. In Clarias gariepinus , the ontogeny of this mechanism is studied and described as well as those muscles related to the maxillary barbel. Two muscles are distinguished: (1) retractor tentaculi , connecting the maxilla to the suspensorium, and (2) extensor tentaculi , running from the ventro-lateral face of the skull to the posterior half of the palatine. These typical catfish muscles are derived from muscles that are present in generalized teleost fishes. The retractor muscle is believed to be derived from the A3 muscle of the adductor mandibulae complex. The extensor muscle is formed from the anterior fibres of the adductor arcus palatini. The palatine is rod-like in C. gariepinus and articulates with the orbitonasal lamina in larval specimens and with its ossification, the lateral ethmoid, in juvenile and adult specimens. The articulation occurs via a long cartilaginous strip on the dorsal face of the autopalatine, thereby enabling both a rotation and a restricted sliding.  相似文献   

Margaux Cave (Belgium) yielded a Pre‐Boreal Early Mesolithic burial covered by what resembled a burial mound. The hundreds of human bones excavated belonged to 7 to 10 adult females. Among these bones, the CR3 cranium presents numerous cutmarks on both zygomatic processes, on the frontal squama and along the two coronal sutures, as well as on the left part of the posterior cranium. The cutmarks on the zygomatic processes correspond to the removal of the mandible while those on the top of the forehead and the occipital may result from the removal of the scalp. Therefore, these cutmarks may be interpreted as part of a mortuary ritual. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Shorebirds foraging in the intertidal have been shown to exert a significant effect on assemblage level processes; this is particularly true of the oystercatcher–limpet–algae system. The African black oystercatcher (Haematopus moquini) is endemic to the southern African coastline, where it plays a significant role in ecosystem processes as a rocky‐shore predator, especially of mussels and limpets. This understanding was based on studies of a rocky shore environment that has since been considerably modified following invasion of an alien mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). This invasion has not only changed the relative proportions of different food types on the shore, but has also greatly increased overall food biomass. We tested the previous model that food selection by oystercatchers reflected prey abundance and that intake by male and female oystercatchers differed owing to bill morphology. We predicted that this difference would persist despite the changed nature of the food base. We also predicted that wave action would modify prey selection as a result of both its influence on prey behaviour and its impact on searching and handling times of the birds. Overall, both sexes consumed more limpets than expected by encounter rate alone, but contrary to prediction, the relative proportions of different prey types taken post invasion did not differ between the sexes. Dietary convergence is interpreted as a result of greatly increased food biomass on the shore, which is also reflected in increased oystercatcher densities since the invasion. Also contrary to prediction there was no evidence that waves acted as indirect modifiers of the interaction between oystercatchers and their prey. The results of this study indicate that models of trophic cascades will need to be altered in the event of a significant change in a trophic level, which then effects behavioural changes in the key predator.  相似文献   

The Chirocentridae is a family of highly specialized large predatory clupeomorphs composed of two species from coastal waters of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Peculiarities of the anatomy of these fishes have puzzled ichthyologists who attempted to resolve their phylogenetic relationships. Despite controversy, it is currently accepted that the Chirocentridae is a family of Clupeiformes, included with the Clupeidae in the superfamily Clupeoidea. New data support an alternative hypothesis. Seven previously unreported derived character states from the suspensorium, branchial arches, and infraorbitals strongly indicate a hitherto unsuspected sister group relationship between the Chirocentridae and Engrauloidea, which comprises approximately 140 species of the commercially important fishes known as anchovies. These are character states: (1) the anterior margin of metapterygoid located anterior to the quadrate; (2) the ventral limb of hyomandibula and quadrate not separated by the metapterygoid; (3) the posterodorsal margin of metapterygoid in line with the condyle of articulation of the hyomandibula with the opercle; (4) the presence of a laminar outgrowth of the anterior margin of the quadrate; (5) the endochondral portion of the quadrate in the shape of an isosceles triangle; (6) the presence and arrangement of autogenous tooth plates on ceratobranchials 1 to 3; and (7) posterior region of infraorbital 1 well developed and extending along the ventral margin of infraorbital 2. Three of those character states are further modified and hypothesized as synapomorphies of the Engrauloidea: (1′) a substantial portion of the metapterygoid situated anterodorsal to the quadrate, (2′) articulation between the ventral limb of the hyomandibula and the quadrate, and (7′) infraorbitals 1 and 3 articulating by means of a well‐developed laminar process of the posterior region of infraorbital 1. The separation of the dorsal, paired elements of the branchial arches of the Chirocentridae and representative Engrauloidea is apomorphic within the Clupeoidei, and constitutes circumstantial evidence for the sister group relationship between those clades. Microphagy within the Engrauloidea is secondary, homoplastic to the same condition present in other clades of the Clupeiformes. The decomposition of character complexes into discrete morphological characters and its use in phylogenetic inference is discussed. The sister group relationship between the Chirocentridae and Engrauloidea renders the Clupeoidea paraphyletic. A new classification of the Clupeoidei, with the inclusion of the Chirocentridae in the Engrauloidea, is proposed. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 363–383.  相似文献   

Cranial structure and relationships of the Liassic mammal Sinoconodon*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The skull of the 'Rhaeto-Liassic' mammal Sinoconodon changchiawaensis (Young) from the lower Lufeng Series of China is described. It is characterized by a relatively larger and more robust dentary condyle and a greater reduction of the post-dentary bones than are present in the Morganucodontidae, Kuehneotheriidae, and Dinnetherium. In other aspects Sinoconodon is more primitive; precise post-canine occlusion is lacking, the mandibular symphysis is deep, the jaw articulation lies below a line projected through the apices of the teeth, the pterygoparoccipital foramen is large and the post-canine teeth cannot be divided into molars and premolars. The jaw articulation and braincase of Sinoconodon are compared with those of the two cynodont therapsids Probainognathus and Thrinaxodon. It is concluded that in the transition from therapsid to mammal the medial surface of the groove in the squamosal housing the quadrate was lost and, as a result, in Sinoconodon, Morganucodon and Dinnetherium the hollow medial surface of the quadrate abutted directly against the paroccipital process. A definition for the Class Mammalia is given. It is suggested that the three-boned middle ear was present in Cretaceous triconodonts, and that it probably arose independently in the lines leading to multituberculates and Cretaceous therians. The structure of recently discovered 'Rhaeto-Liassic' mammals and that of Sinoconodon indicates that there was greater diversity among the earliest known mammals than was previously thought.  相似文献   

Kleptoparasitism involves the theft of resources such as food items from one individual by another. Such food‐stealing behaviour can have important consequences for birds, in terms of individual fitness and population sizes. In order to understand avian host–kleptoparasite interactions, studies are needed which identify the factors which modulate the risk of kleptoparasitism. In temperate European intertidal areas, Eurasian oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feed primarily on bivalve molluscs, which may be stolen by kleptoparasitic species such as carrion crows Corvus corone and herring gulls Larus argentatus. In this study we combined overwinter foraging observations of oystercatchers and their kleptoparasites on the Exe Estuary, UK, with statistical modelling to identify the factors that influence the likelihood of successful food stealing behaviour occurring. Across the winter, 16.4% of oystercatcher foraging attempts ended in successful kleptoparasitism; the risk of theft was lowest in February (10.8%) and highest in December (36.3%). Using an information theoretic approach to compare multiple logistic regression models we present evidence that the outcome of host foraging attempts varied with the number of kleptoparasites per host within the foraging patch for two out of five individual months, and for all months grouped. Successful, kleptoparasitism was more likely to occur when the total number of all kleptoparasites per host was greater. Across the entire winter study period, oystercatcher foraging attempts that resulted in kleptoparasitism were associated with a mean number of kleptoparasites per host that was more than double that for foraging attempts that ended in the oystercatcher successfully consuming the mussel. Conversely, the stage of the tidal cycle within the estuary did not affect the outcome of oystercatcher foraging attempts. Our study provides evidence that bird numbers influence the risk of kleptoparasitism within avian assemblages.  相似文献   

In order to verify the role of migrating birds as natural definitive hosts for Gymnophalloides seoi (Gymnophallidae), Palearctic oystercatchers, Haematopus ostralegus, were caught from several western coastal areas in the Republic of Korea and examined for intestinal flukes. Five (71.4%) of 7 oystercatchers were infected with 302-1,660 (mean 892) adult G. seoi. In intestinal sections of the host, worms were found in the intervillous space of the mucosal layer. We conclude that the oystercatcher is a natural definitive host for G. seoi.  相似文献   

The sequence of ossification of skeletal elements in the growth series of the acanthodian Acanthodes lopatini Rohon from the Lower Tournaisian of the Minusa Trough (Siberia) is described. Four formal ontogenetic stages are recognized. It is shown that even 20?30-mm-long juveniles have well-developed fin spines, scapulocoracoids, mandibular bones, branchiostegal rays, and incipient gill rakers. At this stage, scales cover the posterior part of the body and the orbits are marked by dark “eye stains” of uncertain nature. Further ontogenetic changes are connected with the development of sclerotic ring elements, sensory line system, squamation of the head region and fin webs, perichondral ossifications of the Meckel’s, quadrate, and palatine cartilages, and, finally, mineralization of the hyoid and gill arches. Ontogenetic features of A. lopatini are compared with those in other members of the genus and other acanthodiforms. Some developmental features shared by A. lopatini and Lodeacanthus gaujicus Upeniece suggest that acanthodids could have evolved from mesacanthids.  相似文献   

Despite the notoriety, phylogenetic significance, and large number of available specimens of Presbyornis, its cranial anatomy has never been studied in detail, and its quadrate has been partly misinterpreted. We studied five quadrates of Presbyornis that reveal features hitherto unknown in the anseriforms but otherwise present in galliforms. As a result, we analyzed the variable quadrate characters among all extant galloanserine families and identified synapomorphies and other morphological variation among the major galloanserine clades. In terms of quadrate morphology, Presbyornis is more plesiomorphic than any extant anseriform (including the Anhimidae) and shares ancestral galloanserine characters with the Megapodiidae, the earliest branch of extant galliforms. The quadrate's morphology is inconsistent with the currently accepted anseriform phylogeny that nests Presbyornis within the crown‐group as a close relative of the Anatidae. The presbyornithid quadrates exhibit an unusual variation in the presence of a caudomedial pneumatic foramen, which we interpret as a result of a discontinuous change in the growth path of the pneumatic diverticulum. Another episode of morphogenetic imbalance in the growth path of the pneumatic diverticulum may have accompanied the disappearance of the basiorbital pneumatic foramen (along with the pneumatization of the pterygoid) at the origin of the crown‐group anseriforms. This episode is marked by the striking individual variation in the presence and location of pneumatic foramina in the mandibular part of the quadrate in the Anhimidae. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The retaining ligaments of the cheek   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The zygomatic ligaments (McGregor's patch) anchor the skin of the cheek to the inferior border of the zygoma just posterior to the origin of the zygomaticus minor muscle. The mandibular ligaments tether the overlying skin to the anterior mandible. Both these ligaments are obstacles to surgical maneuvers intended to advance the overlying skin. They also restrain the facial skin against gravitational changes, and they delineate the anterior border of the "jowl" area. The platysma-auricular ligament is a thin fascial sheet that extends from the posterosuperior border of the platysma and that is intimately attached to the periauricular skin; it serves as a surgical guide to the posterosuperior border of the platysma. The anterior platysma-cutaneous ligaments are variable fascial condensations that anchor the SMAS and platysma to the dermis. They can cause anatomic disorientation with dissection of false planes into the dermis. These four ligaments are useful as anatomic landmarks during facial dissections. The tethering effects of the zygomatic and mandibular ligaments must be interrupted if a maximum upward movement of the facial skin is desired.  相似文献   

Global change, including invasive species introduction, has already had observable effects on migrant bird species, from northern breeding areas to wintering grounds. In this study we analyze the response of the Eurasian oystercatcher abundance to the density of an invasive clam species (Corbicula fluminea) and its potential role as biological control. As a case study, the oystercatcher population fluctuations over a 30‐yr time period, coupled with video‐recorded estimates of its feeding behavior on C. fluminea, and results from an exclosure experiment, were analyzed in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. Results showed that oystercatchers exert a top‐down control over C. fluminea density. In addition, oystercatchers doubled its wintering numbers in a C. fluminea invaded estuary where they actively feed upon this invasive clam. Given that, the facilitative interaction between the invasive C. fluminea and the migratory Eurasian oystercatcher seems to respond to bottom‐up forces. Altogether, our results suggest that control measures applied to long term biological invasions must be carefully analyzed since non‐native species may be sustaining dependent native communities.  相似文献   

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