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The possible relationship of the pathways by which two inducers, retinoic acid and DMSO, cause myeloid differentiation of HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells was studied. HL-60 cells were first exposed to retinoic acid and then washed free of it. As reported previously, this brief exposure results in no subsequent G0 growth arrest or phenotypic differentiation. When these cells were subsequently exposed to DMSO, onset of G1/0 growth arrest but not phenotypic differentiation occurred within 24 h. Since in these cells retinoic acid or DMSO normally requires 48 h of continuous exposure for onset of significant G0 growth arrest and phenotypic differentiation, it appears that retinoic acid and DMSO induce similar early cellular events needed for subsequent G0 growth arrest but not for phenotypic differentiation. While onset of growth arrest and differentiation occur together when the cells are exposed for 48 h to retinoic acid, the present results indicate that their occurrence can be uncoupled by this split dosage to inducers. The results are discussed in terms of a previously hypothesized model of cellular response to the inducers.  相似文献   

Based on solubility properties, the human myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen exists as at least two distinct populations. Most is easily extracted from isolated nuclei in 0.35 M NaCl, while 20 percent resists such treatment. Compared to undigested nuclei, both the amount of myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) released from nuclei after DNase I treatment and the amount resisting further extraction in 0.35 M NaCl increased after DNA was digested with DNase I. Under these conditions, there was a concomitant decrease in the amount of MNDA that was extractable with 0.35 M NaCl. Mixing nuclear protein extracts that contain MNDA with nuclei from cells that do not express this protein demonstrated that the MNDA redistributes from the freely soluble form to the nuclear residual fraction as a consequence of DNase I digestion. These data are consistent with a model in which the amount of MNDA that is tightly bound to salt-washed nuclei is held constant in the presence of an excess of unassociated MNDA in the nucleus, and that the level of MNDA binding to this nuclear fraction increases in proportion to the extent of DNA damage resulting from DNase I digestion.  相似文献   

Retinoids induce the promyelocytic cell line, HL-60, to differentiate along the granulocytic pathway in vitro. A number of water-soluble and nitrogen-containing retinoids were synthesized in our laboratory [retinoyl-glucose (RAGL), retinyl-glucose (ROGL), retinoyl-adenosine (RADS), retinoyl-adenine (RAD), retinoyl-beta-glucuronide (beta RAG), and retinoyl-alpha-glucuronide (alpha RAG)]. These retinoids (10(-5) to 10(-8) M), as well as retinoic acid (RA) and retinol (ROL), were tested for their ability to induce the differentiation of HL-60 cells in vitro and to affect cell growth and viability during a 24- to 72-h incubation period. Differentiation was assessed by measuring the percentage of cells expressing the Mac-1 antigen on their cell surfaces. RA and the conjugates of RA were all quite active in inducing HL-60 cell differentiation, whereas ROL and ROGL had much less activity at equimolar concentrations. beta RAG, alpha RAG, RADS, and RAD were less toxic, whereas the glucose conjugates of retinol and retinoic acid (ROGL and RAGL) were both considerably more toxic than either RA or ROL at equimolar concentrations. All retinoids affected cell growth in a dose-dependent fashion. At 24 h, free RA or ROL was not detected in the cells after incubation with any of the retinoid conjugates.  相似文献   

PSL(p55) is a nuclear 55kD antigen present in various mammalian cell systems, which has been first identified by use of human autoimmune antibodies (Barque et al. 1983, EMBO J. 2, 743). It has been shown to be associated with interphase chromatine and to be synthesized in during the S phase of the cell cycle. In this work, we have analysed the status of PSL in promyelocytic HL-60 human cells in exponential or stationary growth, or undergoing granulocytic differentiation in presence of Retinoic acid. By use of 2-dimensional electrophoresis, PSL was found to be composed of two acidic proteins designated p55A and p55B. Unexpectedly, estimated 10-20 fold higher amounts of each species were found in cells treated for 5 days with 10(-6)M Retinoic acid, than in asynchronously growing cells or resting cells. Moreover, the p55A protein was phosphorylated during the process. On the basis of these results, PSL appears to be involved in some steps of the granulocytic differentiation process.  相似文献   

The expression of c-myc and two calcium-binding proteins, MRP8 and MRP14, has been analyzed in wild-type and differentiation-resistant HL-60 variants. In HL-R5 cells, resistant to the induction of differentiation by retinoic acid but not DMSO, the characteristic c-myc down-regulation which is associated with HL-60 differentiation, as well as increased levels of MRP8 and MRP14, is detectable only after DMSO treatment. By contrast HL-D4 cells, which were selected for resistance to the induction of differentiation by DMSO alone, are actually resistant to both DMSO and retinoic acid. However, treatment of HL-D4 cells with DMSO results in a transient c-myc down-regulation in the absence of either growth arrest or induction of differentiation. Neither agent can induce an increase in the level of either MRP8 or MRP14 in HL-D4. The resistance of HL-D4 cells to DMSO and retinoic acid, and the different effects of these agents on c-myc RNA levels, despite their common effect on the expression of MRP8 and MRP14, suggest that the two agents act through different pathways which coverage before the onset of myeloid differentiation in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

Magnolol (MG) and honokiol (HK), two lignans showing anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties and abundantly available in the medicinal plants Magnolia officinalis and M. obovata, were found to enhance HL-60 cell differentiation initiated by low doses of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (VD3) and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). Cells expressing membrane differentiation markers CD11b and CD14 were increased from 4% in non-treated control to 8-16% after being treated with 10-30 microM MG or HK. When added to 1 nM VD3, MG or HK increased markers expressing cells from approximately 30% to 50-80%. When either MG or HK was added to 20 nM ATRA, only CD11b, but not CD14, expressing cells were increased from 9% to 24-70%. Under the same conditions, adding MG or HK to VD3 or ATRA treatment further enlarged the G0/G1 cell population and increased the expression of p27(Kip1), a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Pharmacological studies using PD098059 (a MEK inhibitor), SB203580 (a p38 MAPK inhibitor) and SP600125 (a JNK inhibitor) suggested that the MEK pathway was important for VD3 and ATRA-induced differentiation and also its enhancement by MG or HK, the p38 MAPK pathway had a inhibitory effect and the JNK pathway had little influence. It is evident that MG and HK are potential differentiation enhancing agents which may allow the use of low doses of VD3 and ATRA in the treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.  相似文献   

The cDNA for a novel gene, PL48, isolated by subtractive hybridization between undifferentiated human term cytotrophoblast and differentiating cytotrophoblast, has been cloned and sequenced. PL48 contains an open reading frame coding for a 537-amino-acid protein, has multiple potential PKC, casein kinase II, and cAMP/cGMP-dependent kinase phosphorylation sites, and N-linked glycosylation sites. It is not present in a wide variety of proliferating cancer cells, but PL48 mRNA shows marked expression during cytotrophoblast and granulocyte lineage-specific HL-60 promyelocytic cell differentiation induced by DMSO.  相似文献   

Tiazofurin and retinoic acid synergistically induced differentiation and inhibited colony formation in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells in cell culture. The synergism was the result of different mechanisms of action, since the effect of tiazofurin, unlike that of retinoic acid, was prevented by addition of guanosine. Since it has been shown that tiazofurin down-regulated the expression of c-Ki-ras oncogene, and retinoic acid that of the myc oncogene, the joint impact of these drugs is of clinical interest particularly in end-stage leukemia where the therapeutic usefulness of tiazofurin has recently been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ceramide kinase (CerK) has important roles in leukocyte functions, including the role in degranulation of mast cells and the phagocytosis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, so its expression levels should be strictly regulated. Here, we report that the mRNA expression and enzyme activity of CerK were decreased during macrophage-like cell differentiation of the leukemia cell line HL-60, yet neither was altered during granulocytic differentiation of the same cells. Our findings demonstrate that HL-60 cells are useful for studying CerK functions in leukocyte differentiation, and they also suggest that CerK might have an important role in such differentiation.  相似文献   

Therapeutic nucleoside analogue 3-deazauridine (DU) exerts cytotoxic activity against cancer cells by disruption of DNA synthesis resulting in cell death. The present study evaluates whether DU alone at doses 2.5-15 microM or in combination with all trans retinoic acid (RA) or dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) is effective against myelogenous leukemia. The data of this study indicate that DU induces dose-dependent cell death by apoptosis in myeloid leukemia cell lines HL-60, NB4, HEL and K562 as demonstrated by cell staining or flow cytometry and agarose gel electrophoresis. 24h-treatment with DU produced dose-dependent HL-60 cell growth inhibition and dose-independent S phase arrest that was not reversed upon removal of higher doses of DU (10-15 microM). Exposition to nontoxic dose of DU (2.5 microM) for 24h followed by RA or dbcAMP and 96 h-cotreatment with DU significantly enhanced RA- but not dbcAMP-mediated granulocytic differentiation. Cell maturation was paralleled with an increase in the proportion of cells in G1 or G2+M phase. We conclude that, depending on the dose or the sequence of administration with RA, an inhibitor of DNA replication, DU triggers a process of either differentiation or apoptosis in myeloid leukemia cells.  相似文献   

The relationships between replicative DNA synthesis and retinoic acid (RA)-induced differentiation of human promyelocytic leukaemic (HL-60) cells are evaluated with the use of Aphidicolin, a specific and reversible inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha (alpha). Addition of a sublethal concentration of Aphidicolin (0.4 microM) in culture for 3 days suppresses DNA synthesis to a similar level of the resting stage (day 8) in control cultures. DNA synthesis is reactivated to the level observed in the growing stage of control cultures once Aphidicolin is removed after 3 days in culture. The level of DNA synthesis at the early stage of RA-induction (day 3) is suppressed by only 17% when compared to control cultures. The inhibitory effect of Aphidicolin on DNA synthesis in both control cultures and RA-induced cell cultures is similar. However, no reactivation of DNA synthesis is observed after removal of Aphidicolin on day 3 from RA-induced cell cultures. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content on day 3 reveals that cells accumulate in G1 and early S phases of the cell cycle after exposure to Aphidicolin with or without RA. Of interest is the fact that, while Aphidicolin alone did not induce cells to differentiate, neither did it interfere with RA-induced cell differentiation (the rate of RA-induced cell differentiation in the presence of Aphidicolin is similar to that of RA-treated cultures in the absence of Aphidicolin). These results suggest that the combined use of Aphidicolin and RA may inhibit leukaemic cell proliferation more effectively without causing severe cytotoxicity and without interfering with RA-induced cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of cells with staurosporine, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, was found to potentiate the granulocytic differentiation induced by a brief (2 h) retinoic acid treatment. By cell cycle analysis, staurosporine was found to have little effect on the cell cycle. Retinoic acid was distributed equally in the nuclei (40%) and in the plasma membrane (40%) of staurosporine-pretreated cells while less than 20% of retinoic acid was found in the membrane of control non-staurosporine-pretreated cells during the retinoic acid-induced differentiation. These results indicate that the enhancing effect of staurosporine may be somehow associated with the localization of retinoic acid in the plasma membrane of the cell. -1This work is dedicated to Prof. Harris Busch (Baylor College of Medicine, Tex., USA) for his 33 wonderful years at Baylor and 50 years in medicine.  相似文献   

The vitamin A derivative, retinoic acid (RA) has various biological effects in mammalian cells and tissues. It is well known that RA induces differentiation of leukemia cells and inhibits cell growth. There are two pathways for RA action; one via RA nuclear receptors (RARs), and one via acylation of proteins by RA (retinoylation). However, an understanding of which actions of RA occur via RARs and which occur via retinoylation is lacking. Thus, we undertook the examination of HL60 proteins using anti-RA monoclonal antibodies (ARMAs). These ARMAs showed specific binding to proteins in a saturable manner depending on protein and antibody concentration. Proteins eluted by Mono Q anion exchange chromatography and separated using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were detected by ARMAs. One of these ARMA-bound proteins in HL60 cells was identified as alpha-actinin. These results indicate that retinoylated proteins in HL60 cells can be recognized by ARMAs and that alpha-actinin modified by RA may play a significant role in RA-induced differentiation, including the promotion of cytomorphology changes.  相似文献   

Cells of the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 as well as HL-60 granulocytes induced in vitro by retinoic acid were examined for lipid composition. One of our original aims was to clarify how human granulocyte (differentiated HL-60 cells) synthesized enough precursors of lipid mediators, such as prostaglandins and/or platelet activating factor. Comparison studies yielded the following results. 1) After granulocyte differentiation, total phospholipid of HL-60 cells decreased to about 70% of that of untreated cells, while the content of triglyceride increased to about 200% of the original level. 2) The subclass composition of ethanolamine-containing glycerophospholipid was greatly altered during differentiation; 1-alkenyl-2-acyl glycerophosphoethanolamine (GPE) increased to 166% of that in the untreated cells, while 1,2-diacyl GPE decreased to 46% of the original value. The resultant profile became very similar to that of human peripheral polymorphonuclear leukocytes. 3) During differentiation, the amount of arachidonic acid stored in both phospholipid and triglyceride of retinoic acid-treated HL-60 cells significantly increased. Its distribution was also modified; arachidonic acid in 1,2-diacyl GPE decreased to 63%, while those of 1-alkenyl-2-acyl GPE, choline-containing glycerophospholipids, and phosphatidylinositol increased to 169, 154, and 153%, respectively. These results suggested that the regulatory mechanism of lipid turnover in HL-60 cells was modified during retinoic acid-induced granulocyte differentiation. The alterations were not enough to explain fully the capability of differentiated HL-60 cells to produce lipid mediators upon stimulation, but they were probably one of the factors that regulate these reactions.  相似文献   

In vitro terminal differentiation in a female myeloid leukaemia cell line (HL-60) was induced by either of the two inducing agents, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and dimethylformamide (DMF). A higher frequency of more mature myeloid cells was noted with increasing concentrations of the inducing agents up to the optimal dose limits for cell viability, and with longer post-induction incubation periods. The highest percentage of polymorphs was obtained at 8 days post-induction with 1.25% DMSO and after 6 and 8 days exposure to 90 mM DMF. A proportion of polymorphs showed non-sex specific drumstick-like nuclear appendages, which were morphologically similar to the sex-specific drumsticks found in polymorphs from normal females in vivo. The correlation between the nuclear lobe counts and the frequencies of drumstick-like appendages in polymorphs was also similar to that reported for drumsticks in blood cells in vivo. The various stages of terminal differentiation and nuclear appendage formation in polymorphs under induced differentiation were similar to those occurring in vivo. Chromosomal analyses of this cell line indicated that individual cells had lost one X chromosome, and no portion of the missing X was detected in any of the rearranged chromosomes. Since no truly sex-specific drumsticks appeared to be present in the polymorphs of this cell line containing only one X chromosome, the study supports the accepted notion that there is a correlation between drumstick frequency and the presence of one versus two X chromosomes.  相似文献   

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