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Sex cell adhesion in isogamous chlamydomonads is caused by a complementarity between sex-specific mating type substances, glycoproteins anchored in the flagella membrane of (+) and (\documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \mathop - \limits^. $\end{document}) gametes. The systems of mating type substances are species-specific and condition, by their individuality, gametic incompatibility between species. The adhesion systems of several species share one common feature: the attainment of the agglutination capacity is sensitive to tunicamycin, but in one sex only. The effect is interpreted as due to the interference of tunicamycin with the synthesis of the mating type substances by blocking of their glycosylation in one but not in the other sex. It is postulated that the tunicamycin-sensitive gametic adhesiveness depends, within the mating-type-specific glycoprotein, on an N-glycosidically bound ligand of carbohydrate nature. A concept on the origin of sibling species by mutative modulations within the proper ligands of the glycoproteinaceous mating type substances is developed.  相似文献   

The aggregation-dependent loss of flagellar adhesiveness in Chlamydomonas reinhardi has been correlated with changes in flagellar tip morphology during adhesion and deadhesion. As aggregating mt? and impotent (able to adhere, but not fuse) mt+ gametes begin to disaggregate in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, there is a concomitant change in flagellar tip morphology from the activated bulbous form to the nonactivated tapered shape. The requirement of protein-synthetic activity for the maintenance of flagellar adhesiveness during aggregation may be due in part to turnover of proteins involved in formation or stabilization of activated flagellar tips. Incubation of aggregating gametes with tunicamycin indicates that, like protein synthesis inhibitors, this inhibitor of glycosylation also causes adhering gametes to deadhere. The results suggest that protein glycosylation may be essential for maintenance of adhesiveness during aggregation.  相似文献   

The role of glycoconjugates in cell surface and blood-borne implantation properties of murine metastatic melanoma sublines of low (B16-F1) or high (B 16-F10) potential to colonize lungs was investigated by treating melanoma cells with the antibiotic tunicamycin. This drug prevents glycosylation of glycoproteins by inhibiting the formation of lipid-linked oligosaccharide precursors. The degree of tunicamycin-mediated modifications in glycoproteins was assessed by monitoring the decrease in cell surface sialogalactoproteins by binding of 125I-labeled Ricinus communis agglutinin I. Scanning electron microscopy of tunicamycin-treated B16-F1 and B16-F10 cells showed morphologic changes such as cell rounding and formation of numerous surface blebs. Tunicamycin-treated B16-F1 and B16-F10 cells lost their lung colonization abilities when injected intravenously into C57BL/6 mice, concomitant with lowered rates of adhesion to endothelial cell monolayers, endothelial extracellular matrix (basal lamina), and polyvinyl-immobilized fibronectin in vitro, suggesting that this drug inhibits experimental metastasis by modifying the surface glycoproteins involved in determining the adhesive properties of malignant cells.  相似文献   

We have characterized a 140-kDa glycoprotein complex purified by a monoclonal antibody and implicated in cell adhesion to the extracellular molecule fibronectin. Three major polypeptide components were purified by monoclonal antibody JG22E, which had apparent molecular weights of 155,000 (band 1), 135,000 (band 2), and 120,000 (band 3). In two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, each subunit migrated as either a broad band or a series of spots at acidic isoelectric points. After treatment with neuraminidase, the spots became focused around pH 6.2 (band 1), pH 5.6 (band 2), and pH 5.3 (band 3). These three major bands were compared by two-dimensional peptide mapping in a series of pairwise combinations and were found to be distinct proteins. In sucrose gradients, these proteins co-migrated as a complex sedimenting at approximately 8.4 S either before or after affinity purification, whereas separated subunits migrated at 4.7 to 5.8 S. Amino acid analysis revealed no detectable hydroxyproline and a composition characterized by a substantial number of cysteine residues compared to the average protein. Our results suggest that a noncovalent complex of structurally distinct glycoproteins is involved in adhesive interactions of fibronectin with cells.  相似文献   

Summary The deffects of a purified homologue of tunicamycin (B2-tunicamycin) on the biosynthesis of lipid-linked intermediates participating in protein glycosylation in normal embryonic fibroblasts, 3T3 and virally transformed (simian virus 40 and polyoma virus) mouse fibroblasts grown in culture were investigated. Long incubations (20 h) with the antibiotic caused a higher degree of inhibition of sugar incorporation into glycoproteins in transformed cells. However, the formation of lipid-linked intermediates was inhibited to a similar level in both cell types. When time dependent inhibition experiments were carried out using transformed cells, an earlier and stronger inhibition of the formation of lipid-oligosaccharides occurred (70% inhibition at 30 min). In 3T3 cells, prolonged incubation (6–8 h) was necessary in order to reach a similar degree of inhibition. Formation of lipid-sugar was also inhibited to a greater extent by B2-tunicamycin in transformed cells. This inhibition was not clearly time dependent. Analysis of the newly synthesized glycolipids in 3T3 and in transformed cells after B2-tunicamycin treatment have shown reduction in dolichyl-P-P-sugars as well as in other glycolipids. Dimethylsulfoxide (10%) and linoleic acid (0.5 mg/ml) markedly increased the level of tunicamycin activity in 3T3 cells while phosphatidylcholine (2 mg/ml) partially reversed it. The stronger and faster inhibition of the formation of lipid intermediates of the dolichyl-phosphate cycle caused by B2-tunicamycin in transformed cells, described here for the first time, may therefore be due to differences in penetration of the antibiotic into these cells.Abbreviations DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - MF mouse fibroblasts from Balb/c mouse embryos - 3T3 Balb/3T3 mouse fibroblastic line - SV40 Simian virus 40 - PY polyoma virus - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies that cause changes in the morphology of cultured chick myogenic cells have been described previously [8]. In this paper, these antibodies are shown to interact with the same 140Kd protein. The 140Kd protein has been further characterized as a cell-surface glycoprotein by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodinations and lectin affinity chromatography. The protein is resistant to digestion by trypsin and collagenase and has been shown to be unrelated to fibronectin by immunoprecipitation studies and by peptide mapping. A second protein, of approximately 170Kd MW, is also immunoprecipitated by the monoclonal antibodies. This protein is probably unrelated to the 140Kd protein since the peptide maps are quite distinct.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction data are important to understand how organisms can replenish their populations and proliferate on coral reefs. Despite the importance of such data, the reproductive characteristics of most soft coral species are still unknown. Here, we examined the reproductive strategies of a species from the often-dominant genus Sclerophytum in a coral reef on subtropical Okinawa Island, Japan. DNA barcoding and histological examinations of the tissues were conducted to confirm colony conspecificity and identify reproductive characteristics, respectively, between March 2020 and March 2021. Results indicated that the studied species, identified as Sclerophytum cf. heterospiculatum, exhibits gonochorism with longer oogenesis and shorter spermatogenesis. Female colonies produced immature oocytes throughout the year, with mature oocytes observed from late July to early September, and thus, extended spawning is likely characteristic of this species. In male colonies, spermatogenesis took place over ~5 months, with spermaries present from April through August. Mature spermaries were noted beginning in July and the inferred peak of sperm release was between late August and early September, which suggests that spermatogenesis duration was ~5 months. The largest mean oocyte and spermary sizes (628.45 ± 61.36 and 240.04 ± 49.49 μm, respectively) were both recorded in August. Gamete spawning presumably occurred during the summer season, which suggests seasonality in reproduction as influenced by changes in seawater temperature. However, the proximate cue for exact dates of spawning could be the lunar period because the inferred release of spawning materials seemed to occur between full moon and last-quarter moon phases in both the months of August and September. The results of this study represent the first detailed report of reproductive characteristics of the genus Sclerophytum in Japan.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a large, adhesive glycoprotein which is found in a number of locations, most notably on cell surfaces, in extracellular matrixes, and in blood. Fibronectin has been detected in all vertebrates tested and in many invertebrates. Its presence in sponges is significant because this suggests that fibronectin may have appeared very early in evolution, possibly with the most primitive multicellular organisms. Cellular and plasma fibronectins have many striking similarities. However, the locations of the polypcptide chain differences between these two proteins indicate that plasma fibronectin cannot be derived from cellular fibronectin by means of simple post-translational proteolysis. Instead, these different types of fibronectin may be products of different genes or of differentially spliced messenger RNA molecules. Amniotic fluid fibronectin is possibly a third form of the protein. Cellular and plasma fibronectins are composed of at least six protcaseresistant domains which contain specific binding sites for actin, gelatin, heparin, Staphylococcus aureus, transglutarninase, fibrin, DNA, and a cell surface receptor. The relative locations of these domains have been mapped in the primary structure of fibronectin. The cell surface receptor for fibronectin has not been positively identified, but may be a glycoprotein, a glycolipid, or a complex of the two. Although cell-substratum adhesion is mediated by fibronectin, the locations of the areas of closest approach of the cell to the substratum (the adhesion plaques) and fibronectin are not coincident under conditions of active cell growth. Under conditions of cell growth arrest in low scrum concentrations, some fibronectin may become localized at the adhesion plaques. Models describing the domain structure of fibronectin and the molecular organization of the adhesion plaque area are presented.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild-type cells are surrounded by the insoluble cell wall component, a sac-like framework of cross-linked glycoproteins containing 22% hydroxyproline. The chaotrope-soluble cell wall glycoprotein GP1 is the only polypeptide with an even higher proportion of hydroxyproline (35%) occurring in vegetative C. reinhardtii cells. Mass spectrometric analyses of peptides released from the purified insoluble cell wall fraction by trypsin treatment and epitope analyses of polyclonal antibodies raised against different deglycosylation products of this particular wall fraction using 181 chemically synthesized GP1-derived pentadecapeptides revealed evidence that GP1 is indeed a constituent of the insoluble wall component.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from murine lymph node, cultured in the presence of an optimally mitogenic dose of phytohaemagglutinin, were stained with fluoresceinated lectins and analysed by flow cytometry. A marked increase in the ability of lymphocytes to bind wheat-germ agglutinin was observed that is particularly pronounced for the blast cells, reaching a maximum at about 40 h, when they are 5.5-times brighter than cells at zero time. The corresponding intensification of the small cells is 2-fold. Much smaller increases in binding accompanying blast transformation were observed when fluoresceinated concanavalin A or Lens culinaris haemagglutinin were used. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of plasma membranes followed by treatment of the gels with radioactively labelled lectins and autoradiography also showed a very distinct increase in the binding of wheat-germ agglutinin to membranes from mitogen-stimulated porcine lymphocytes. Less marked changes in the binding of concanavalin A Lens culinaris heamagglutin and Ricinus communis agglutinin 120 were also noted. The apparent multiplicity of glycoproteins that bind each lectin, suggests that in each case the sites are heterogeneous. We conclude that lymphocytes stimulated by the T-cell mitogen phytohaemagglutinin expose new glycoprotein receptors for wheat-germ agglutinin that are most abundant on blast cells at 40 h. Attempts to characterize the receptor biochemically suggest that the carbohydrate moiety recognised by wheat-germ agglutinin is present on a glycoprotein of approx. 120 kDa molecular mass and also possibly on glycoproteins of 170–190 kDa.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction requires genome haploidization by the two divisions of meiosis and a differentiation program to generate gametes. Here, we have investigated how sporulation, the yeast equivalent of gamete differentiation, is coordinated with progression through meiosis. Spore differentiation is initiated at metaphase II when a membrane‐nucleating structure, called the meiotic plaque, is assembled at the centrosome. While all components of this structure accumulate already at entry into meiosis I, they cannot assemble because centrosomes are occupied by Spc72, the receptor of the γ‐tubulin complex. Spc72 is removed from centrosomes by a pathway that depends on the polo‐like kinase Cdc5 and the meiosis‐specific kinase Ime2, which is unleashed by the degradation of Spo13/Meikin upon activation of the anaphase‐promoting complex at anaphase I. Meiotic plaques are finally assembled upon reactivation of Cdk1 at entry into metaphase II. This unblocking‐activation mechanism ensures that only single‐copy genomes are packaged into spores and might serve as a paradigm for the regulation of other meiosis II‐specific processes.  相似文献   

The recent cloning of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRH-R) cDNA from rainbow trout showed that it contains several in-frame ATG codons, one of which, ATG2, corresponds to that found in other species. However, an upstream codon, ATG1, could give rise to a protein with a larger extracellular domain. Using S1 nuclease assay and a method combining primer extension and RACE-PCR, we characterized a second population of mRNA, termed mRNA-2, with a distinct 5'untranslated region and lacking ATG1. The genomic origin of the two mRNAs was determined by establishing the complete gene structure, which shows, for the first time in a vertebrate species that an alternative splicing and promoter usage generate two GnRH-R mRNA variants whose 5' extremities are encoded by two different exons. The analysis of the tissue distribution indicated that mRNA-2 presents a broader pattern of expression and is detected at higher levels than mRNA-1. Interestingly, it was found that those two mRNAs are differentially expressed in male and female gonads during gametogenesis. In particular, the variations of mRNA-1 levels parallel those of sGnRH expression during spermatogenesis, indicating that tissue-specific processing of the GnRH-R mRNA may underlie the effects of GnRH as a paracrine/autocrine regulator of gonadal functions.  相似文献   

Examination of the gametogenic cycle of the deep-sea Goniasterid starfish Paragonaster subtilis and Pseudarchaster parelii suggests that accessory cell activity takes place in a meshwork surrounding the developing oocyte. This meshwork develops as vitellogenesis proceeds and reaches a maximum thickness of 150 μm. Accessory cell activity is distinctly different from that observed in deep-sea Astropectinid and Benthopectinid starfish, suggesting parallel evolution in these phanerozoan asteroids.  相似文献   

As obligate intracellular parasites, viruses must traverse the host-cell plasma membrane to initiate infection. This presents a formidable barrier, which they have evolved diverse strategies to overcome. Common to all entry pathways, however, is a mechanism of specific attachment to cell-surface macromolecules or ‘receptors’. Receptor usage frequently defines viral tropism, and consequently, the evolutionary changes in receptor specificity can lead to emergence of new strains exhibiting altered pathogenicity or host range. Several classes of molecules are exploited as receptors by diverse groups of viruses, including, for example, sialic acid moieties and integrins. In particular, many cell-adhesion molecules that belong to the immunoglobulin-like superfamily of proteins (IgSF CAMs) have been identified as viral receptors. Structural analysis of the interactions between viruses and IgSF CAM receptors has not shown binding to specific features, implying that the Ig-like fold may not be key. Both proteinaceous and enveloped viruses exploit these proteins, however, suggesting convergent evolution of this trait. Their use is surprising given the usually occluded position of CAMs on the cell surface, such as at tight junctions. Nonetheless, the reason for their widespread involvement in virus entry most probably originates in their functional rather than structural characteristics.  相似文献   

c-Src is normally associated with the plasma membrane, but upon activation by tyrosine kinase receptors it translocates to the cytoskeleton. Activation of c-Src alters its conformation and induces the association of c-Src with cytoskeletal proteins. c-Src is implicated in tyrosine phosphorylation of cytoskeletal proteins, which might affect the cytoskeletal architecture. Rearrangements of the cytoskeleton affect cell-matrix adhesion and cell migration. In this study NIH3T3 fibroblasts, that overexpress c-Src, were used to analyze the effect of c-Src on both cell-matrix adhesion and cell migration. Upon PDGF stimulation translocation of c-Src to the cytoskeleton was detected. PDGF treatment also increased cell-matrix adhesion and cell migration. The cell line with the highest c-Src expression showed the largest increases in both phenomena. These findings suggest that translocation of c-Src to the cytoskeleton results in enhanced cell-matrix adhesion and cell migration.  相似文献   

In the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellar adhesion between gametes of opposite mating types leads to rapid cellular changes, events collectively termed gamete activation, that prepare the gametes for cell-cell fusion. As is true for gametes of most organisms, the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie gamete activation are poorly understood. Here we report on the regulated movement of a newly identified protein kinase, Chlamydomonas aurora/Ipl1p-like protein kinase (CALK), from the cell body to the flagella during gamete activation. CALK encodes a protein of 769 amino acids and is the newest member of the aurora/Ipl1p protein kinase family. Immunoblotting with an anti-CALK antibody showed that CALK was present as a 78/80-kDa doublet in vegetative cells and unactivated gametes of both mating types and was localized primarily in cell bodies. In cells undergoing fertilization, the 78-kDa CALK was rapidly targeted to the flagella, and within 5 min after mixing gametes of opposite mating types, the level of CALK in the flagella began to approach levels normally found in the cell body. Protein synthesis was not required for targeting, indicating that the translocated CALK and the cellular molecules required for its movement are present in unactivated gametes. CALK was also translocated to the flagella during flagellar adhesion of nonfusing mutant gametes, demonstrating that cell fusion was not required for movement. Finally, the requirement for flagellar adhesion could be bypassed; incubation of cells of a single mating type in dibutyryl cAMP led to CALK translocation to flagella in gametes but not vegetative cells. These experiments document a new event in gamete activation in Chlamydomonas and reveal the existence of a mechanism for regulated translocation of molecules into an intact flagellum.  相似文献   

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