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Magnetic field systems were added to existing electric field exposure apparatuses for exposing cell suspensions in vitro and small animals in vivo. Two horizontally oriented, rectangular coils, stacked one directly above the other, have opposite electric currents. This configuration minimizes leakage fields and allows sham- and field-exposure systems to be placed in the same room or incubator. For the in vitro system, copper plates formed the loop-pair, with up to 900 A supplied by a 180:1 transformer. Electric fields were supplied via electrodes at the ends of cell-culture tubes, eight of which can be accommodated by each exposure system. Two complete systems are situated in an incubator to allow simultaneous sham and field exposure up to 1 mT. For the in vivo system, four pairs of 0.8 x 2.7-m coils made of copper bus bar are employed. This arrangement is energized from the power grid via a 30:1 transformer; horizontal magnetic flux densities up to 1 mT can be generated. Pairs of electrode plates spaced 30.5 cm apart provide electric field exposure of up to 130 kV/m. Four systems with a capacity of 48 rats each are located in one room. For both the in vitro and in vivo systems, magnetic exposure fields are uniform to within +/- 2.5%, and sham levels are at least 2,500-fold lower than exposure levels. Potential confounding factors, such as heating and vibration, were examined and found to be minimal.  相似文献   

The biological effects of extremely low-frequency electric fields (ELF) on living organisms have been explored in many studies, but the results are controversial and only a few studies investigated the influence of the intensity of the applied field on seedling growth. Here we assess the effects of a 50 Hz sinusoidal electric field on the early growth of Vigna radiata seedlings while varying the field intensity. Experiments performed in a dark, constant-climate chamber on several thousands of seedlings show that the field produces an inhibitory effect at a low field intensity and an enhancing one at a higher intensity. The maximum negative effect occurs at about 450 V/m, which is an intensity much lower than the exposure limits currently in force in the safety regulations.  相似文献   

We conducted a pilot study to assess magnetic field levels in electric compared to gasoline‐powered vehicles, and established a methodology that would provide valid data for further assessments. The sample consisted of 14 vehicles, all manufactured between January 2000 and April 2009; 6 were gasoline‐powered vehicles and 8 were electric vehicles of various types. Of the eight models available, three were represented by a gasoline‐powered vehicle and at least one electric vehicle, enabling intra‐model comparisons. Vehicles were driven over a 16.3 km test route. Each vehicle was equipped with six EMDEX Lite broadband meters with a 40–1,000 Hz bandwidth programmed to sample every 4 s. Standard statistical testing was based on the fact that the autocorrelation statistic damped quickly with time. For seven electric cars, the geometric mean (GM) of all measurements (N = 18,318) was 0.095 µT with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.66, compared to 0.051 µT (N = 9,301; GSD = 2.11) for four gasoline‐powered cars (P < 0.0001). Using the data from a previous exposure assessment of residential exposure in eight geographic regions in the United States as a basis for comparison (N = 218), the broadband magnetic fields in electric vehicles covered the same range as personal exposure levels recorded in that study. All fields measured in all vehicles were much less than the exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Future studies should include larger sample sizes representative of a greater cross‐section of electric‐type vehicles. Bioelectromagnetics 34:156–161, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Short-circuit currents, surface electric fields, and axial current densities were measured in electrically grounded guinea pigs exposed to a uniform, vertical, ELF electric field. These data are 70–110% of corresponding values obtained in grounded rats exposed to the same electric field.  相似文献   

An analysis is given of the interaction between extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric fields and animals of arbitrary body shape. This analysis is based on three approximations which are valid in the ELF range: In living tissues, capacitive (displacement) currents are negligible compared to conduction currents; effects resulting from the finite velocity of propagation of electromagnetic fields are negligible; skin effect in living tissues is negligible. Major conclusions of the analysis are: (a) The electric field outside the body, the induced charge on the surface of the body, and the total current crossing any section through the body (eg, through the neck or limbs) are completely determined by the characteristics of the applied ELF electric field, the shape of the body, its location relative to ground and other conductors, and any conduction currents from the body to ground or other conductors. (b) All of the quantities in (a) can be measured using conducting animal models. (c) The magnitudes of the electric field outside the body and the induced charge density on the surface of the body are independent of frequency, in the ELF range, when the body is either insulated from or shorted to ground (and any other conductors in the system). (d) The only quantities affected by the electrical properties of the tissues comprising the body are the current density and electric field inside the body. (e) The electric field outside and inside a body will be unchanged by a scaled change in its size.  相似文献   

Published and new data for grounded humans, swine, and rats exposed to vertical, 60-Hz electric fields are used to determine field strengths at the surfaces of the bodies and average components of induced-current density along the axes of the bodies. At the tops of the bodies, surface electric fields are increased (enhanced) over the unperturbed field strength present before the subjects entered the field by factors of 17,7, and 4 for humans, swine, and rats, respectively. For an unperturbed field strength of 10 kV/m, average induced axial current densities in the neck, chest, abdomen, and feet are: 550, 190, 250, and 2000 nA/cm2, respectively, for humans; 40, 13, 20, and 1100 nA/cm2, respectively, for swine; and 28, 16, 2, and 1400 nA/cm2, respectively, for rats. These data are used to show that the actual electric fields experienced by animals depend strongly on the shape of the body and its orientation relative to the electric field and ground plane. This fact must be taken into account if biological data obtained with laboratory animals are to be used for the assessment of possible hazards to humans exposed to 60-Hz electric fields.  相似文献   

A three-year investigation was conducted on the biological effects of high-intensity electric field exposures of rats for up to 18% of their life span. Two hundred and forty adult male rats, divided into groups of 20 animals each, were exposed at ground potential for 8 h/ day at 25-kV/m and 100-kV/m 50-Hz electric fields or were sham exposed for 280, 440, and 1240 h. The corresponding ages at sacrifice were 140, 164, and 315 days. An additional group of 40 rats was investigated under similar experimental conditions after 440 h of exposure at floating potential. Independent of exposure duration, mode of grounding, and field strength, no statistical differences in body weight, morphology, and histology of the liver, heart, mesenteric lymph nodes, and blood variables (hematology and serum chemistry) were found in comparison with sham-exposed animals. Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone (TS)at sacrifice varied widely among experimental animals in the same group but did not differ in exposed compared with sham-exposed rats. A nonsignificant tendency toward a decrease in the testes/body weight ratio was found after 1240 h of exposure. Microscopic examination of a large number of specimens showed no quantitative or qualitative statistical differences in testes alterations either among exposed animals or between exposed and their corresponding sham-exposed groups. We conclude that 50-Hz electric field exposure, even of long duration at very high field strengths, does not induce harmful effects on tissues with high cellular turnover rates and does not impair the reproductive function of rats. Moreover, after exposure, all variables investigated were well within the normal physiological range. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate occupational exposure to electric fields, and current densities and contact currents associated with tasks at air-insulated 110 kV substations and analyze if the action value of EU Directive 2004/40/EC was exceeded. Four workers volunteered to simulate the following tasks: Task (A) maintenance of an operating device of a disconnector at ground or floor level, Task (B) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker at ground or floor level, Task (C) breaker head maintenance from a man hoist, and Task (D) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker from a service platform. The highest maximum average current density in the neck was 1.8 mA/m(2) (calculated internal electric field 9.0-18.0 mV/m) and the highest contact current was 79.4 μA. All measured values at substations were lower than the limit value (10 mA/m(2)) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC and the 2010 basic restrictions (0.1 and 0.8 V/m for central nervous system tissues of the head, and all tissues of the head and body, respectively) of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).  相似文献   

In most previous 50/60-Hz experiments, subjects were placed in a dielectric cage and the electric field was applied from outside the cage. Although the field outside the cage was kept uniform in space and constant in time, the field inside the cage undergoes undesirable temporal and spatial variations. We have designed an electric-field exposure system that overcomes these problems by having a metal cage constitute a part of the field generating electrodes. The uniformity along the diameter of the cages for mice and cats are more than 84.2% and 74.3%, respectively.  相似文献   

Several authors have concluded that thermal electromagnetic noise will be of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm electric and/or magnetic fields induced by environmentally generated, power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the membranes of living cells located in the bodies of humans. Yet, there are research reports that indicate that living cells may respond to power frequency electric and/or magnetic field levels well below the limits set by these thermal noise arguments. The purpose of this study is to suggest that published thermal arguments may not make a full accounting of all membrane force fields of thermal origin, and that when such an accounting is made, the net thermal noise fields may be smaller in the power frequency range than previously thought. If this analysis is correct, there may be no thermal noise barrier that precludes the possibility of cellular membranes of human cells responding to environmental levels of power frequency electric or magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields during various work tasks at seven 110 kV substations in Finland's Tampere region was studied. The aim was to investigate if the action values (10 kV/m for the E‐field and 500 µT for the B‐field) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC were exceeded. Electric and magnetic fields were measured during the following work tasks: (1) walking or operating devices on the ground; (2) working from a service platform; (3) working around the power transformer on the ground or using a ladder; and (4) changing a bulb from a man hoist. In work task 2 “working from a service platform” the measured electric field (maximum value 16.6 kV/m) exceeded 10 kV/m in three cases. In the future it is important to study if the limit value (10 mA/m2) of Directive 2004/40/EC is exceeded at 110 kV substations. The occupational 500 µT action value of the magnetic flux density field (B‐field) was not exceeded in any working situation. Bioelectromagnetics 31:252–254, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We aimed to provide a systematic evaluation of magnetic field (MF) exposure of staff working in the offices located above or close to transformer stations (TS) and electric enclosures (EE). Occupational short-term “spot” measurements with Narda EFA-300 and isotropic magnetic field probe were carried out in two National Banks and one Industrial Company having more than 500 employees. Extremely low-frequency (ELF) MFs up to several tens of μT were measured in the mentioned working environments. 25% of the measured MFs were found less than 0.3 μT, the background exposure level that staff receive at home, 75% were above 0.3 μT with the highest value of 6.8 μT. The mean and median personal exposures were calculated to be 1.19 μT and 0.56 μT, respectively. Most of the staff (83%) is under risk based on epidemiological studies that reported a statistically significant association between risk of leukemia and averaged magnetic fields of 0.2 μT or over. Results showed that risk evaluation should be considered to minimize the possibility of the workers being harmed due to exposure to work-related electromagnetic sources.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of vector current densities induced by vertical, uniform, 60-Hz electric fields in the torsos of homogeneous models of swine and rats. The observed data were a strong function of the five grounding configurations invested: all four feet grounded, only front feet grounded, only rear feet grounded, left front and right rear feet grounded, and right front and left rear feet grounded. In the first configuration and with an exposure field strength of 10 kV/m, average total current densities induced in the torsos of pigs and rats were 34 nA/cm2 and 20 nA/cm2, respectively. The corresponding value for human exposure is about 250 nA/cm2, 7.3 and 12.5 times larger than for swine and rats, respectively. Current densities measured at 60 Hz can be linearly extrapolated to frequencies in a range extending from at least 1 Hz to 1 MHz. Human and animal current-density data can provide an improved rationale for extrapolating biological data across species. In addition, these data can be used to validate the predictions of numerical models.  相似文献   

Residential magnetic and electric fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A magnetic flux density (MFD) and electric-field (E-field) data-acquisition system was built for characterizing extremely low-frequency fields in residences. Every 2 min during 24-h periods, MFD and E-field measurements were made in 43 homes in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties of Washington State. The total electrical energy used in each residence during the 24-h measurement period was also recorded, and maps were drawn to scale of the distribution wiring within 43 m (140 ft) of these homes. Finally, on a separate date, field measurements were made in each home during an epidemiological interview. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) 24-h-average MFD measured at two separate points in the family room were correlated, as were a 24-h-average bedroom measurement and the mean of the two family-room measurements. 2) The 24-h-average family-room MFD and E-field measurements were uncorrelated. 3) The 24-h-average total harmonic distortions of family-room MFD and E-fields were less than about 24% and 7%, respectively. 4) Residential MFD exhibited a definite 24-h (diurnal) cycle. 5) The 24-h-average and interviewer-measured MFD were correlated. 6) Residential 24-h-average MFD were correlated with the wiring code developed by Wertheimer and Leeper. 7) An improved prediction of 24-h-average residential MFD was obtained using the total number of service drops, the distance to neighboring transmission lines, and the number of primary phase conductors.  相似文献   

A miniaturized probe was designed and built to provide detailed data on fields induced by a uniform 60-Hz magnetic field in homogeneous models of rat and human. The probe employed three silver wires twisted and potted in an 8-cm hypodermic needle. The exposed tips of the wires formed three sensing electrodes with a centered ground; highly sensitive voltage measurements were enabled by a lock-in amplifier. Tests were conducted in a 1-mT rms field that was uniform within +/- 5%. The models were made by casting 1.5% agar at 1-S/m conductivity into plastic-foam molds. The rat model was scaled 1:1 as an adult (22 cm length; mass about 640 g). The human model was scaled 1:4 as an adult (height = 46.5 cm; mass 1.4 kg). The probe was inserted into each model in several regions, and readings of induced fields were made under different exposure geometries. Maximal strengths of fields induced near the surface of the torso were as high as 120 microV/cm in the laterally exposed rat model. Data extrapolated from the quarter-scale human model revealed that an induced field as high as 700 microV/cm could occur at the torso of a frontally exposed human adult. An overall size-scale factor of about 5 appears to be appropriate for experimental exposures of rats that are intended to simulate currents induced in human beings by magnetic fields. The average strength of electric fields induced in the torso by a 1-mT magnetic field is comparable to that by a vertical electric-field at 60 kV/m and 28 kV/m, respectively, for the rat and human.  相似文献   

The incomplete understanding of the relation between power-frequency fields and biological responses raises problems in defining an appropriate metric for exposure assessment and epidemiological studies. Based on evidence from biological experiments, one can define alternative metrics or effects functions that embody the relationship between field exposure patterns and hypothetical health effects. In this paper, we explore the application of the “effects function” approach to occupational exposure data. Our analysis provides examples of exposure assessments based on a range of plausible effects functions. An EMDEX time series data set of ELF frequency (40–800 Hz) magnetic field exposure measurements for electric utility workers was analyzed with several statistical measures and effects functions: average field strength, combination of threshold and exposure duration, and field strength changes. Results were compared for eight job categories: electrician, substation operator, machinist, welder, plant operator, lineman/splicer, meter reader, and clerical. Average field strength yields a different ranking for these job categories than the ranks obtained using other biologically plausible effects functions. Whereas the group of electricians has the highest exposure by average field strength, the group of substation operators has the highest ranking for most of the other effects functions. Plant operators rank highest in the total number of field strength changes greater than 1 μT per hour. The clerical group remains at the lowest end for all of these effects functions. Our analysis suggests that, although average field strength could be used as a surrogate of field exposure for simply classifying exposure into “low” and “high,” this summary measure may be misleading in the relative ranking of job categories in which workers are in “high” fields. These results indicate the relevance of metrics other than average field strength in occupational exposure assessment and in the design and analysis of epidemiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics 18:365–375, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The facility consists of a 12 × 11.5 × 2.4 m high room containing six sets of exposure apparatus and the other equipment necessary to maintain a pathogen-free system. The apparatus sets produced 5 mT (rms), 0.5 mT, or a sham exposure. The apparatus was arranged in the room to minimize the fringing field of the 5 mT set at the sham position. Each set was 3.85 × 1.80 × 0.66 m in outside dimension, containing 24 cages in the magnetically homogeneous region. The apparatus was designed using Harvey's figure-eight-configuration and generated a horizontal sinusoidal alternating field. In order to save electric power, the coil of the apparatus constituted a 50 Hz LC resonance circuit with a condensor bank to which electric power was supplied to compensate losses. Magnetic flux density was kept constant by controlling the coil current. Although mild steel was used in the skeleton of the building, the fringing flux at the sham was as low as 0.1 to 1 μT. Stainless steel was used for ventilating ducts, racks for the cages, cage covers, feeder baskets, and watering nozzles. The homogeneity of the field was measured to be ± 10% in the animal residence area, and food and water consumption was found to be unaffected by the field. At 5 mT, the coil current was 370 A, and the hollow coil was cooled by a stream of 20°C water to prevent both heat and dew on the coil surface. Vibration and acoustic noise was prevented by fiber reinforced plastic framework of the coil. High harmonic distortion was not observed at the output terminal of the coil driver. The facility has operated without trouble for 2 years. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effect of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the human heart. The electrocardiograms of 27 transmission-line workers and 26 male volunteers were recorded with a Holter recorder both in and outside the fields. The measurements took from half an hour to a few hours. The electric field strength varied from 0.14 to 10.21 kV/m and the magnetic flux density from 1.02 to 15.43 μT. Analysis of the ECG recordings showed that extrasystoles or arrhythmias were as frequent outside the field as in the field. In some cases a small decrease in heart rate was observed after field exposure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A discussion of the general implication of the existance of non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields is presented.  相似文献   

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