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Summary This study describes the neural basis of respiratory behavior in a pulmonate mollusc, Lymnaea stagnalis. We describe and identify muscles of the respiratory orifice (pneumostome) and mantle cavity as well as relevant motor neurons innervating these muscles. All of these identified motor neurons are active during spontaneously occurring respiratory behavior and a sporadically occurring synaptic input, termed Input 3, controls the activities of these motor neurons. This spontaneous input can also be recorded from isolated brain preparations, suggesting that the respiratory motor program is generated centrally. However, evidence is also presented that in semi-intact preparations the role of peripheral feedback is important for the initiation and termination of respiratory behavior in Lymnaea.  相似文献   

Summary Previously (Syed et al. 1991) we described the ventilatory behavior of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis and identified motor neurons that innervate various muscles involved in this behavior. In the present study we describe an interneuronal network that controls ventilatory behavior in Lymnaea. An identified interneuron, termed the input 3 interneuron (Ip.3.I), was found to be involved in the opening movement of the pneumostome (expiration), whereas another identified interneuron known as visceral dorsal 4 (V.D.4) caused its closure (inspiration). These cells have reciprocal inhibitory connections with each other, which accounts for their opposing effects on common follower motor neurons. In isolated brain preparations a third identified interneuron, right pedal dorsal 1 (R.Pe.D.1) initiated the respiratory cycle by the excitation of Ip.3.I. Whereas Ip.3.I in turn excited R.Pe.D.1, the connections between R.Pe.D.1 and V.D.4 were mutually inhibitory. Both Ip.3.I and V.D.4 were active during spontaneously occurring respiratory behavior as recorded from semi-intact preparations, and selective hyperpolarization of V.D.4 during such spontaneous activity disrupted the respiratory behavior. Regarding peripheral feedback, the mechanical stimulation of the pneumostome during its opening movements not only caused closure but also inhibited Ip.3.I in the middle of its discharge. Ip.3.I and V.D.4 were also found to be multifunctional, inhibiting both locomotor and whole body withdrawal neural networks. We conclude from these results that the rhythmic patterned activity underlying respiratory behavior in Lymnaea is generated centrally, and that the network described here therefore comprises a central pattern generator.  相似文献   

Morphological and histochemical examination of the blood and connective tissue of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis injected with various types of foreign particulate materials has shown the existence of free as well as fixed phagocytic cells. The morphology of the fixed phagocytes is described, and the phagocytic system of the snail is compared with that of other molluscan species.  相似文献   


Male copulatory behavior of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis is a complex one: the appetitive behavior consists of a number of elements which do not always appear in the same sequence and have variable durations. Backfills of the penis nerve revealed the neurons that send projections to the male copulatory apparatus. Immunocytochemical experiments have demonstrated that these neurons contain at least ten different messenger molecules. Based on in situ hybridization and chemical purification data, it is suspected that this number will probably be doubled. How the different neurons and the molecules they contain might be involved in generation of the different elements of male copulatory behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Behavior genetics studies in mice demand efficient training protocols for rapid phenotypic screening. However, the capacity of neonatal mice to form and retain associative memories has been difficult to study due to their limited sensorimotor capacities. The present study describes a method for robust, naturalistic associative learning in neonatal mice as young as 3 days old. After removal of the dam from the home cage for 2 h, preweanling CD-1 mice of ages 3, 5, and 10 days postnatal were conditioned to associate an arbitrary odorant with the suckling and milk delivery that ensued upon her return to the home cage. After a second maternal deprivation, neonates were tested on their acquired preference for that odorant. Neonates exhibited a learned preference for the conditioned odorant over a novel control odorant. No learning was observed without deprivation, that is, when the dam was removed only briefly for scenting. One-trial learning sufficed to show clear preferences for the conditioned odorant, although repeated training (three sessions over 8 days) significantly increased the expression of preference. The development of neonatal associative learning protocols requiring minimal human intervention is important for the behavioral phenotyping of mutant and transgenic strains, particularly those modeling developmental disorders.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting techniques demonstrated that the nervous system and foot of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis are rich sources of tubulin, which can be extracted and assembled in vitro in the presence of taxol. Various broad-spectrum antibodies raised against -tubulin and -tubulin yielded qualitatively similar results. One monoclonal antibody to trypanosome -tubulin, however, labelled -tubulin more strongly on both probed sections and Western blots. Cytochemistry and immunoblotting revealed that tyrosinated tubulin constitutes a large proportion of total -tubulin in locomotor cilia of the foot and in axons of the nervous system. Detyrosinated tubulin also appeared to be abundant in the foot cilia but only a very faint band of detyrosinated tubulin was found on protein blots extracted from the central ganglia, and staining was barely detectable in central ganglia or peripheral nerves. Similarly, acetylated tubulin appeared to be abundant in foot cilia, but Western blotting indicated only low levels of acetylated tubulin in the nervous system. Immunocytochemistry indicated that, while most neurons possessed little or no acetylated tubulin, a small number of axons contained significant amounts of this isoform. Thus, while a large amount of tubulin was expected in the nervous system and locomotor cilia of L. stagnalis, the observed distribution of isoforms was unanticipated. Specifically, neurons of other organisms have generally been reported to contain substantial amounts of both detyrosinated -tubulin and acetylated -tubulin. Our results indicate that such findings cannot be generalized across all species. L. stagnalis, with its well studied nervous system and unusual distribution of tubulin isoforms, may prove to be particularly useful for studying the roles of tubulin isoforms in microtubule function and cell activity.  相似文献   

The attachment of the body of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis to the shell was studied by histochemistry and light and electron microscopy. Muscles of the body wall insert into the connective tissue by way of long thin projections of sarcolemma. The muscle cells end under the basement membrane of a specialised area of the epidermis, the adhesive epithelium. The cells of this epithelium are filled with microfilaments and possess characteristic knob-like microvilli. The epithelium is attached to the shell by way of an adhesive substance containing proteins and mucopolysaccharides.This research was made possible by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Pure Research (Z.W.O.)  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs of pore cells of Lymnaea stagnalis suggest that these cells produce and store haemocyanin.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1986,145(2):201-218
A galactan, isolated from the spawn of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis, contained d-galactose and 0.9% of nitrogen, but neither l-galactose nor phosphate groups. The [α]D20 values of the galactan and its first Smith-degradation product were +19.5° and +20°, respectively. During each of two consecutive Smith-degradations of the galactan, 1 mol of periodate was consumed and 0.45 mol of formic acid was liberated per mol of “anhydrogalactose” unit. Methylation analyses of the galactan and its first Smith-degradation product yielded equal proportions of 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl- and 2,4-di-O-methyl-galactose. Only small quantities of 2,4,6- (4.9 mol%) and 2,3,4-tri-O-methylgalactose (0.7 mol%) were formed from the galactan, whereas the first Smith-degraded product gave 15.6 and 20.4 mol%, respectively. The product of the second Smith-degradation disintegrated and the following oligosaccharides were identified: β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, β-d-Gal-(1→3)-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, β-d-Gal-(1→6)-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, β-d-Gal-(1→6)-d-Gal-β-d-Gal-(1→3)-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, β-d-Gal-(1→3)-[β-d-Gal-(1→6)]-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, β-d-Gal-(1→3)-β-d-Gal-(1→6)-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro, and β-d-Gal-(1→3)-β-d-Gal-(1→3)-β-d-Gal-(1→1)-l-Gro. Thus, the galactan is highly branched with the backbone containing sequences of either exclusively (1→6)-linked or of more or less regularly alternating (1→3)- and (1→6)-linked units. The side chains vary in length and in the degree of branching. In immunoprecipitin studies, a high degree of species-specificity was seen when various snail galactans were tested with the antiserum to the Lymnaea stagnalis galactan.  相似文献   

InLymnaea stagnalis, oral uptake of ambient medium was studied using51Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. In normal snails Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid uptake showed two components: a high uptake rate within the first hour followed by moderate uptake proportional with time. The tracer accumulated mainly in the digestive system. All animals showed initial, transient uptake. Moderate uptake proportional with time did not occur in snails in which the buccal ganglia had been extirpated, in which both the buccal ganglia had been extirpated and the oesophagus was sectioned, or in snails provided with an oesophageal fistula. These snails did not accumulate tracer in the intestinal system. This type of tracer accumulation clearly represented oral ingestion of surrounding water. The oral water ingestion rate ranged from 8 to 12 μl·h−1·g−1. Assuming complete absorption, this accounts for 20–30% of the urine production rate. At low external concentrations the contribution of oral water ingestion to Na+ balance is negligible. However, its importance will grow with increasing external concentrations and becomes a major factor at higher concentrations. The ingestion rate increased almost sixfold when starving snails were allowed to feed. It is suggested that oral water ingestion is a consequence of making bite cycles and swallowing.  相似文献   

Variation in and amplification conditions for nine polymorphic microsatellite loci identified from Lymnaea stagnalis, a hermaphroditic pulmonate snail, are described. Eight populations from central Finland were studied, which varied in terms of both observed polymorphism and heterozygosity. The number of alleles at each locus is moderate (two to seven), except for one exceptional locus having 16 alleles, and for which null alleles are possible. There is no evidence for genotypic disequilibrium in the populations for all pairs of loci. Heterozygosity levels are indicative of outcrossing in L. stagnalis, whose mating system will be characterized further using these markers.  相似文献   

This study compares the actions of the intravenous anaesthetics propofol and ketamine on animal behaviour and neuronal activity in the snail Lymnaea stagnalis, particularly in relation to excitatory effects observed clinically. When injected into the whole animal, neither agent induced total anaesthesia. Rather, behavioural activity was enhanced by propofol (10(-5) M) and ketamine (10(-7) M), indicating excitatory effects. When superfused over the isolated central nervous system (CNS), differential effects were produced in two identified neurons, right pedal dorsal 1 (RPeD1) and visceral dorsal 4 (VD4). Resting membrane properties were largely unaffected. However, spike after hyperpolarisation was significantly reduced in RPeD1, but not VD4, with some evidence of increased excitability. In addition, an intrinsic bursting property (post-stimulus burst) in VD4 was altered by propofol (10(-7) M). The results suggest significant excitatory components in the actions of some intravenous anaesthetics, as well as a potential role in modifying excitation and bursting mechanisms in the CNS.  相似文献   

The osphradium of molluscs is assumed to be a sensory organ. The present investigation in Lymnaea stagnalis has established two ultrastructurally different types of dendrites in the sensory epithelium. Cells immunoreactive to leucine-enkephalin and FMRFamide send processes to the sensory epithelium. These neurons of the osphradial ganglion are thus considered to be part of the sensory system, as are methionine-enkephalin-immunoreactive cells in the mantle wall in the vicinity of the osphradium. The complexity of the osphradial ganglion is further demonstrated by serotonin-immunoreactive neurons innervating the muscular coat around the osphradial canal and methionine-enkephalin-immunoreactive cells sending projections to the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Determinants of macrophyte palatability to the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary 1. This study aimed to identify the chemical and structural determinants of macrophyte palatability to the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis . Eleven macrophyte species were investigated, and one of them ( Potamogeton lucens ) was collected at four sites, on two different dates in the year, to study palatability determinants at an intra-specific level.
2. Plant palatability to L. stagnalis was determined through non-choice feeding assays. Dry matter content (DMC), total phenolic content and protein content were measured for each macrophyte species. These parameters, and soluble carbohydrate content, were also measured for each sample of P. lucens .
3. The palatability of macrophytes was positively related to their protein content (between species only) and negatively related to their DMC (both between species and within P. lucens ). No simple relationship was found between the palatability of macrophytes and their phenolic content, but highly palatable macrophytes consistently exhibited a low phenolic content.
4. These results emphasise that macrophyte palatability is a multifactorial attribute, potentially depending on both structural and chemical traits. Because some of these traits were correlated, further investigations are required to assess their respective influence on macrophyte palatability.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Final urine is intermittently released from the pneumostome of the pulmonate freshwater snail Lymnaea slagnalis. A technique is described to sample this fluid.
  • 2.2. The ionic composition of final urine greatly differs from that of haemolymph; Na+ and Cl are reabsorbed to a considerable degree. In lettuce fed snails K+ is excreted.
  • 3.3. The urine Na+ and Cl concentrations are about 38 and 31 mM lower, respectively, than the haemolymph concentrations, also when the latter concentrations vary.

Ultrastructural characteristics of muscle fibers and neuromuscular contacts were investigated during two stages of embryogenesis of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The first muscle cells appear as early as during metamorphosis (50-55% of embryonic development), whereas previously, in the trochophore/veliger stages (25-45%), muscular elements cannot be detected at all. The first muscle fibers contain large amounts of free numbers, a well-developed rER system and only a few irregularly arranged contractile elements. The nucleus is densely packed with heterochromatine material. At 75% adult-like postmetamorphic stage, the frequency of muscle fibers increases significantly, but, bundles of muscle fibers cannot yet be observed. Furthermore the muscle cells are characterized by large numbers of free ribosomes and numerous rER elements. Fine axon bundles and single axon processes, both accompanied by glial elements, can already be found at this time. Axon varicosities with different vesicle and/or granule contents form membrane contacts with muscle fibers, but without revealing membrane specialization on the pre- or postsynaptic side. The late development of the muscle system and neuromuscular contacts during Lymnaea embryogenesis correlates well with the maturation of different forms of behavior of adult, free-living life, and also with the peripheral appearance of chemically identified components of the embryonic nervous system of central origin.  相似文献   

Summary Three neuronal systems of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis were immunocytochemically investigated at the ultrastructural level with the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. Preliminary electrophysiological and cell-filling investigations have shown that a cluster of neurons which reacts positively with an antiserum against the molluscan cardio-active peptide FMRFamide, sends axons to the penis retractor muscle. In this muscle anti-FMRF-amide (aFM) positive axons form neuro-muscular synapses with (smooth) muscle fibers. The morphological observations suggest the aFM immunoreactive system to be involved in peptidergic neurotransmission. In the right parietal ganglion a large neuron (LYAC) is penetrated by aFM positive axons which form synapse-like structures (SLS) with the LYAC. The assumption that the SLS represent the morphological basis for peptidergic transmission is sustained by the observation that iontophoretical application of synthetic FMRFamide depolarizes the LYAC. The axons of a group of pedal anti-vasopressin (aVP) positive cells run in close vicinity to the cerebral ovulation (neuro-)-hormone producing cell system (CDC system) Synapses or SLS between the two systems were not observed. The fact that (bath) application of arg-vasopressin induces bursting in the CDC, may indicate that the vasopressin-like substance of the aVP cells is released non-synaptically.  相似文献   

Snails exposed to the general anaesthetic halothane show an increase in biting plus mouthing movements. Perfusion of the isolated CNS with halothane leads to a period of increased spiking activity, followed by suppression of activity in identified feeding motoneurones in the buccal ganglia. Synaptic inputs to motoneurones from interneurones of the buccal feeding pattern generator are differentially affected. Possible mechanisms underlying the generation of motoneuronal bursting in the presence of halothane are examined.  相似文献   

This study examines the interaction between the caudodorsal cell hormone (CDCH) and schistosomin, a peptide secreted by the central nervous system of the snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) infected with the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata. Non-infected snails were injected with synthetic as well as native CDCH in the absence or presence of purified schistosomin. The response to 2 pmol of synthetic CDCH was blocked for 90% by coinjection with 3.5 pmol of schistosomin. The ovulation-inducing activity of extracts of cerebral commissures (the storage area of native CDCH) was also blocked by schistosomin. The degree of inhibition (65%), however, was less than that observed with synthetic CDCH. These results show that schistosomin inhibits ovulation and egg laying in Lymnaea. This explains the decrease or absence of egg laying in schistosome-infected freshwater snails.  相似文献   

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