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The centromere is an essential structure in the chromosomes of all eukariotes and is central to the mechanism that ensures proper segregation during mitosis and meiosis. The comparison of DNA sequence motifs, organization and kinetocore components from yeast to man is beginning to indicate that, although centromeres are highly variable DNA elements, a conserved pattern of sequence arrangement and function is emerging. We have identified and characterized the first satellite DNA (P.k.SAT) from microbat species Pipistrellus kuhli. The presence of mammalian CENP-B box and yeast CDEIII box could indicate the participation of P.k.SAT in centromere organization.  相似文献   

Summary The echolocation and hunting behavior ofPipistrellus kuhli was studied in the field using multi-exposure photography synchronized with high-speed tape recordings. During the search phase, the bats used 8–12 ms signals with sweeps (sweep width 3–6 kHz) and pulse intervals near 100 ms or less often near 200 ms (Figs. 1 and 2). The bats seemed to have individual terminal frequencies that could lie between 35 and 40 kHz. The duty cycle of searching signals was about 8%. The flight speed of hunting bats was between 4.0 and 4.5 m/s. The bats reacted to insect prey at distances of about 70 to 120 cm. Given the flight speed, the detection distance was estimated to about 110 to 160 cm. Following detection the bat went into the approach phase where the FM sweep steepened (to about 60 kHz bandwidth) and the repetition rate increased (to about 30 Hz). The terminal phase or buzz, which indicates prey capture (or attempted capture), was composed of two sections. The first section contained signals similar to those in the approach phase except that the pulse duration decreased and the repetition rate increased. The second section was characterized by a sharp drop in the terminal frequency (to about 20 kHz) and by very short pulses (0.3 ms) at rates of up to 200 Hz (Figs. 1 and 3). Near the beginning of the buzz the bat prepared for capturing the prey by extending the wings and forming a tail pouch (Fig. 4). A pause of about 100 ms in sound emission after the buzz indicated a successful capture (Fig. 4). Pulse duration is discussed in relation to glint detection and detection distance. It is argued that the minimum detection distance can be estimated from the pulse duration as the distance where pulse-echo overlap is avoided.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

Abstract This review summarizes the history of research on mesenchymal–epithelial interactions in prostatic development from the first studies in 1970 to the present. From this study we have learned that prostatic development requires a reciprocal interaction between epithelium and mesenchyme in which urogenital sinus mesenchyme induces and patterns epithelial development and differentiation, while developing prostatic epithelium induces and patterns mesenchymal differentiation into smooth muscle and other resident cell types in the stroma. Prostatic development requires androgen action mediated by the androgen receptor (AR). Through analysis of tissue recombinants composed of wild-type and AR-null epithelium and mesenchyme, we have learned that many "androgenic effects" on prostatic epithelium do not require epithelial AR, but instead are elicited by the paracrine action of AR-positive mesenchyme. Present and future studies reviewed in this issue deal with the molecular mechanisms in this developmental communication between epithelium and mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The retinal pigment epithelium located between the neurosensory retina and the choroidal vasculature is critical for the function and maintenance of both the photoreceptors and underlying capillary endothelium. While the trophic role of retinal pigment epithelium on choroidal endothelial cells is well recognized, the existence of a reciprocal regulatory function of endothelial cells on retinal pigment epithelium cells remained to be fully characterized. Using a physiological long‐term co‐culture system, we determined the effect of retinal pigment epithelium‐endothelial cell heterotypic interactions on cell survival, behaviour and matrix deposition. Human retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells were cultured on opposite sides of polyester transwells for up to 4 weeks in low serum conditions. Cell viability was quantified using a trypan blue assay. Cellular morphology was evaluated by H&E staining, S.E.M. and immunohistochemistry. Retinal pigment epithelium phagocytic function was examined using a fluorescent bead assay. Gene expression analysis was performed on both retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells by quantitative PCR. Quantification of extracellular matrix deposition was performed on decellularized transwells stained for collagen IV, fibronectin and fibrillin. Our results showed that presence of endothelial cells significantly improves retinal pigment epithelium maturation and function as indicated by the induction of visual cycle‐associated genes, accumulation of a Bruch's membrane‐like matrix and increase in retinal pigment epithelium phagocytic activity. Co‐culture conditions led to increased expression of anti‐angiogenic growth factors and receptors in both retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cells compared to monoculture. Tube‐formation assays confirmed that co‐culture with retinal pigment epithelium significantly decreased the angiogenic phenotype of endothelial cells. These findings provide evidence of critical interdependent interactions between retinal pigment epithelium and endothelial cell involved in the maintenance of retinal homeostasis.  相似文献   

Distributions of Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii), common pipistrelle, (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), and soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) were investigated along and altitudinal gradient of the Lledr River, Conwy, North Wales, and presence assessed in relation to the water surface condition, presence/absence of bank‐side trees, and elevation. Ultrasound recordings of bats made on timed transects in summer 1999 were used to quantify habitat usage. All species significantly preferred smooth water sections of the river with trees on either one or both banks; P. pygmaeus also preferred smooth water with no trees. Bats avoided rough and cluttered water areas, as rapids may generate high‐frequency echolocation‐interfering noise and cluttered areas present obstacles to flight. In lower river regions, detections of bats reflected the proportion of suitable habitat available. At higher elevations, sufficient habitat was available; however, bats were likely restricted due to other factors such as a less predictable food source. This study emphasizes the importance of riparian habitat, bank‐side trees, and smooth water as foraging habitat for bats in marginal upland areas until a certain elevation, beyond which bats in these areas likely cease to forage. These small‐scale altitudinal differences in habitat selection should be factored in when designing future bat distribution studies and taken into consideration by conservation planners when reviewing habitat requirements of these species in Welsh river valleys, and elsewhere within the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Summary Intercellular junctions in the uterine epithelium of the ovoviviparous urodele Salamandra salamandra were studied in pregnant and non-pregnant females by freeze-fracture technique. Junctional complexes consist of zonulae occludentes (tight junctions) and numerous maculae adhaerentes (desmosomes); z. adhaerentes and nexuses (gap junctions) could not be identified. Tight junctions are of the flexible type exhibiting loosely interconnected fibrils. The fibrillary network appears stretched more often in pregnant females possibly due to the mechanical stress of pregnancy. The structure and occurrence of the junctions identified, especially that of the tight junctions, is discussed with regard to the functions of the uterus during pregnancy.Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe der Gefrierbruchtechnik wurden im Uterus-epithel trächtiger und nichtträchtiger Feuersalamanderweibchen (Salamandra salamandra) Zonulae occludentes und Maculae adhaerentes, jedoch keine Z. adhaerentes sowie Nexus identifiziert. Die Z. occludentes sind flexibel. Ihr fibrilläres Netzwerk ist bei trächtigen Weibchen öfter gestreckt; das ist möglicherweise auf die stärkere Ausdehnung des Uterusgewebes während der Trächtigkeit zurückzuführen. Das Vorkommen der verschiedenen Kontakt-strukturen, namentlich das der Z. occludentes, wird im Hinblick auf die Funktionen des Uterus während der Trächtigkeit diskutiert.We are indebted to Mrs. K. Ott for excellent technical assistance and to Miss Dr. U. Beigel for linguistic help  相似文献   

Occludin, an integral protein associated with the mammalian tight junction, has for the first time been identified in the uterus of squamate reptiles. The tight junction is made up of anastamosing strands and forms a selective barrier that regulates paracellular diffusion of solutes across uterine epithelium. Occludin exclusively labels tight junctional strands and is an excellent marker for tight junction permeability. Using western blotting and immunohistochemistry, occludin expression was examined in the uterine epithelium of five species of Australian skinks at different stages of gestation. More occludin was detected during late stage pregnancy/gravidity compared to the lower levels of occludin detected in vitellogenic and post-parturient females in three of the five species. We conclude that the paracellular permeability of the squamate uterine epithelium decreases as gestation progresses. As placental transport of ions and solutes to the embryo is highest during the last third of pregnancy in viviparous squamates, it is likely that a decrease in paracellular permeability is compensated by an upregulation of other transporting mechanisms such as histotrophy.  相似文献   

The fluid that surrounds the embryo in the uterus contains important nourishing factors and secretions. To maintain the distinct microenvironment in the uterine lumen, the tight junctions between uterine epithelial cells are remodeled to decrease paracellular movement of molecules and solutes. Modifications to tight junctions between uterine epithelial cells is a common feature of pregnancy in eutherian mammals, regardless of placental type. Here we used immunofluorescence microscopy and western blot analysis to describe distributional changes to tight junctional proteins, claudin‐1, ‐3, ‐4, and ‐5, in the uterine epithelial cells of a marsupial species, Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed claudin‐1, ‐3, and ‐5 in the tight junctions of the uterine epithelium of S. crassicaudata during pregnancy. These specific claudins are associated with restricting passive movement of fluid between epithelial cells in eutherians. Hence, their function during pregnancy in S. crassicaudata may be to maintain the uterine luminal content surrounding developing embryos. Claudin‐4 disappears from all uterine regions of S. crassicaudata at the time of implantation, in contrast with the distribution of this claudin in some eutherian mammals. We conclude that like eutherian mammals, distributional changes to claudins in the uterine epithelial cells of S. crassicaudata are necessary to support pregnancy. However, the combination of individual claudin isoforms in the tight junctions of the uterine epithelium of S. crassicaudata differs from that of eutherian mammals. Our findings suggest that the precise permeability of the paracellular pathway of the uterine epithelium is species‐specific.  相似文献   

The pipistrelle ( Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) occurs as two phonic types in Britain, its echolocation calls falling into two distinct frequency bands, with mean frequencies of maximum energy at 55 kHz and 46 kHz. These are termed the 55 kHz and 45 kHz phonic types here for simplicity. Songflight calls produced by males in the mating season, probably to attract females, differed between the two phonic types in the number of components in the calls and the call parameters measured. Songflight calls of the 55 kHz phonic type, which generally consisted of three components, were of higher frequencies than those of the 45 kHz phonic type, usually of four components. There were also significant differences in call parameters among individuals. A discriminant analysis of songflight calls classified 100% of individuals to the correct phonic type. The relationships between echolocation call frequency and songflight call frequency differed significantly between phonic types. Social calls produced during flight also differed between phonic types, in the number of components and call parameters measured. Social calls were compared to songflight calls of each phonic type. Social calls of the 55 kHz phonic type did not differ significantly from songflight calls; there were small but significant differences between the two types of calls of the 45 kHz phonic type. The study provides support for the hypothesis that the phonic types should be treated as sibling species. If songflight calls are used for mate choice, the differences may allow reproductive isolation between the two phonic types. The functions of songflight calls and social calls need to be investigated through experimental studies to explain the implications of the differences between phonic types.  相似文献   

The process of spermiogenesis and the structure of spermatozoa in the mite, Hafenrefferia gilvipes (Koch) were studied ultrastructurally. Spermiogenesis was divided into six stages. The spermatids at stage 1 have the usual structure. At stage 2 the structure of the mitochondria and their distribution in the spermatid start to change, leading to the formation of specific mitochondrial derivatives which are subsequently incorporated into the nucleus of the spermatozoon. Parallel to the transformation of mitochondria occurs a reorganization of the nuclear material. The fully formed spermatozoon has a tadpole-like shape, with the cell nucleus located in the distended part of the cell, and containing mitochondrial derivatives in its karyoplasm. Acrosome, flagellum and centrioles are absent. The participation of peripherally distributed microtubules, present in spermatids at stages 4 to 6, in the shaping of the spermatozoon has been suggested.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopical study of olfactory epithelium of a mud-dwelling catfish,Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) shows receptor, supporting, goblet and basal cells. The receptor cells are of ciliated and microvillous type. Both ciliated and microvillous receptor cells are provided with olfactory knob. The dendrite of all the receptor cells bears many longitudinally arranged microtubules. Occurrence of the rod cell and its function is quite debatable. Specialized juctional complexes between the receptor and adjacent cells are clearly noted. The supporting cells are both ciliated and nonciliated. The ciliated supporting cells are responsible for water ventilation in the olfactory chamber as well as in the inter-lamellar spaces. This facilitates better perception of odours by the receptor cells. In addition to providing mechanical support to other cells, the nonciliated supporting cells also have a secretory function which is evident from the present study. The different stages of maturity of goblet cells are well documented. The presence of white cells in the olfactory epithelium is a very rare finding.  相似文献   

Aim The Mediterranean Basin is a centre of radiation for numerous species groups. To increase our understanding of the mechanisms underlying speciation and radiation events in this region, we assessed the phenotypic variability within the Pipistrellus pipistrellus–pygmaeus–hanaki species complex. Although bats form the second largest mammalian order, studies of insular evolution in this group are scarce. We approached this problem from a microevolutionary perspective and tested for the recurrence of the insular syndrome. Location The Mediterranean Basin, with a special focus on isolated populations from Corsica, the Maghreb, Cyprus, Cyrenaica and Crete. Methods Phenotypic variability was assessed by cranial morphometrics using the coordinates of 41 3D landmarks and associated geometric‐morphometric methods. We analysed 125 specimens representing all of the lineages in the species complex. Differences between taxa and between insular and continental populations in cranial size, shape, form and allometries were tested using analyses of variance and visualized using boxplots and canonical variate analysis. Relationships between molecular data from a previous study (cytochrome b sequences) and morphometric data were tested with co‐inertia analyses (RV test) and multivariate regressions. Results The three species were relatively well differentiated in cranial size and shape, and each species showed a significant amount of inter‐population variability. Comparisons of pairs of insular versus continental populations revealed heterogeneities in cranial patterns among island phenotypes, suggesting no recurrent insular syndrome. Molecular and phenotypic traits were correlated, except for molecular and lateral cranium shape. Main conclusions The Pipistrellus pipistrellus pygmaeus hanaki species complex exhibits phenotypic variability as a result of the fragmentation of its distribution (especially on islands), its phylogenetic and phylogeographic history and, most probably, other evolutionary factors that were not investigated in this study. We found no recurrent pattern of evolution on islands, indicating that site‐specific factors play a prevailing role on Mediterranean islands. The correlation between molecular and phenotypic data is incomplete, suggesting that factors other than phylogenetic relationships, potentially connected with feeding ecology, have played a role in shaping cranial morphology in this species complex.  相似文献   

Maglio M  Putti R 《Tissue & cell》1998,30(6):672-683
The endocrine pancreas of the teleost fish Blennius gattoruggine was studied by immunochemistry using both light and electron microscopy. Generally, one large Brockmann body, along with intermediate and small islets, was found. Cells immunoreactive (IR) to anti-insulin (B), anti-glucagon (A) anti-somatostatin (D) anti-pancreatic polypeptide and anti-PYY sera were detected with B cells located at the center of the islet and the other cell types forming a peripheral mantle. The B-cell cytoplasm showed rows of microtubules close to the secretory granules and perpendicular to the plasmalemma. The ultrathin section images revealed exocytotic and endocytotic features, and the presence of intercellular gap junctions between the plasmalemma of contiguous cells, suggesting intercellular routes of communication, e.g. via autocrine and/or paracrine mechanism. These features were observed in all of the cell types, and were abundant in D cells. D cells were particularly numerous in the islets and were disposed close to A and B cells, as observed in other teleost species. The most peripheral B cells, in closer contact with D cells than the central ones, appeared strongly immunolabeled, perhaps owing to the inhibitory action of somatostatin. Some D cells exhibited a long protrusion directed towards the center of the islet. In view of their cytological characteristics and their secretion, D cells might have an important role in the modulation of A and B-cell secretion in an endocrine and/or paracrine fashion.  相似文献   

We monitored bats hibernating in the Tatra Mountains during winters between 1997 and 2012. The Tatras are Central Europe’s second-highest massif after the Alps. Our winter censuses identified 14 species of bats hibernating in caves of the Polish Tatras. The most characteristic features of these winter bat assemblages were the dominance of Myotis mystacinus and high numbers of Eptesicus nilssonii. During the monitoring period, we noted qualitative and quantitative changes in the hibernating bat fauna. Two thermophilous species not recorded earlier and absent during the entire Holocene appeared: Rhinolophus hipposideros and Myotis emarginatus. The abundance of M. mystacinus, M. daubentonii, E. nilssonii and Plecotus auritus increased. We found no such changes in the abundance of M. myotis or M. nattereri. The Tatra Mountains are a key region for the occurrence of bats of the mystacinus group (particularly M. mystacinus sensu stricto) in Europe, and for E. nilssonii an important region in Central Europe.  相似文献   

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