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The Precautionary Principle aims to anticipate and minimize potentially serious or irreversible risks under conditions of uncertainty. Thus it preserves the potential for future developments. It has been incorporated into many international treaties and pieces of national legislation for environmental protection and sustainable development. However the Precautionary Principle has not yet been applied systematically to novel Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and their potential environmental, social, and health effects. In this article we argue that precaution is necessary in this field and show how the general principle of precaution can be put in concrete terms in the context of the information society. We advocate precautionary measures directed towards pervasive applications of ICT (Pervasive Computing) because of their inestimable potential impacts on society.  相似文献   

Pervasive Computing will bring about both additional loads on and benefits to the environment. The prevailing assessment of positive and negative effects will depend on how effectively energy and waste policy governs the development of ICT infrastructures and applications in the coming years. Although Pervasive Computing is not expected to change the impact of the technosphere on the environment radically, it may cause additional material and energy consumption due to the production and use of ICT as well as severe pollution risks that may come about as a result of the disposal of electronic waste. These first-order environmental impacts are to be set off against the second-order effects, such as higher eco-efficiency due to the possibility to optimize material and energy intensive processes or to replace them by pure signal processing (dematerialization). The potential environmental benefits from such second-order effects are considerable and can outweigh the first-order effects. But changes in demand for more efficient services (third-order effects) can counterbalance these savings. The experience gained thus far with ICT impacts has shown that such a rebound effect occurs in most cases of technological innovations.  相似文献   

This article examines the use of uncertainty factors (UFs) by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) when developing health guidance values known as minimal risk levels (MRLs) in environmental risk analysis as it applies to children. Improvements in the chemical-specific databases often reveal new information and thereby reduce uncertainty or alternatively raise new concerns. As a result, MRLs can and will change. Children, in particular, are not “small adults” and in some instances demonstrate greater risks of exposure to environmental toxicants and greater susceptibility for adverse health effects once exposed. Recent experience with risk analysis for three toxicants (organic mercury, dioxin, and manganese) is recounted to demonstrate how ATSDR has revised MRLs as the emerging science generates greater knowledge and awareness of children's special vulnerabilities to toxic substances in the environment.  相似文献   

The production of vaccines in transgenic plants was first proposed in 1990 however no product has yet reached commercialization. There are several risks during the production and delivery stages of this technology, with potential impact on the environment and on human health. Risks to the environment include gene transfer and exposure to antigens or selectable marker proteins. Risks to human health include oral tolerance, allergenicity, inconsistent dosage, worker exposure and unintended exposure to antigens or selectable marker proteins in the food chain. These risks are controllable through appropriate regulatory measures at all stages of production and distribution of a potential plant-made vaccine. Successful use of this technology is highly dependant on stewardship and active risk management by the developers of this technology, and through quality standards for production, which will be set by regulatory agencies. Regulatory agencies can also negatively affect the future viability of this technology by requiring that all risks must be controlled, or by applying conventional regulations which are overly cumbersome for a plant production and oral delivery system. The value of new or replacement vaccines produced in plant cells and delivered orally must be considered alongside the probability and severity of potential risks in their production and use, and the cost of not deploying this technology – the risk of continuing with the status quo alternative.  相似文献   

This editorial on safety evaluation and risk assessment for the human superorganism introduces a series of papers arguing for a fundamental shift in how we approach human health risk assessment. In this series emphasis is placed on the risk of infectious disease. Our 21stst century understanding of human biology is that, as holobionts, we possess a majority of microbial cells and genes. In fact, our microbes fundamentally affect our interactions with the external environment, metabolism, physiology, and risk of both pathology and disease. As holobionts, we require our microbial partners for us to be both complete and healthy. Using the 20th century understanding of human biology, we failed to capture the effects of the microbiome in evaluating health risks. But 21st century risk assessments such as those associated with exposure to specific microbial pathogens need to include the human microbiome. Microbiome status will be central in determining the health risks for both individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Fernando de Noronha (FN) is a marine protected area off the coast of Brazil. The study of risks caused by nearby ship routes is new to authorities concerned with preserving FN. We identify nearby ship routes that cause FN to be potentially exposed to oil spills from tankers. A coral species is chosen as a bioindicator of the ecosystem's health, which aids quantitative approaches. We simulate oil leakage scenarios with pessimistic occurrence frequencies and corals' mortality in case of accident. A metapopulation coral model is integrated to quantify measures of ecological risk under the potential occurrence of accidental scenarios. The categorization of risk results according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature quantitative criteria shows that risks are negligible. Due to the considerable uncertainty in the results, we propose a more conservative categorization of risks based not on total metapopulation extinction, but on half loss. As a result, risks were considered not acceptable. The presented methodology and results are useful in supporting authorities in their preservation efforts such as the prioritization of sources of hazard as well as selection of the best cost-effective conservation measures for maintaining good environmental health on a realistic budget, using this methodology as an exploratory tool.  相似文献   

Brownfield redevelopment is sustainable only when it is a transparent process protective of public health. The objective of the brownfield health risk screening matrix is to provide a scientifically based, transparent process to evaluate human health risks on proposed redevelopment sites as well as a framework that can be critically evaluated by both environmentalists and the community in general. Public discussion and understanding of current health risk assessment, as well as the risks specific to each brownfield redevelopment site, are essential for an effective brownfield redevelopment program.

The Brownfields Redevelopment Program was started by the EPA in 1995 and seeks to use already contaminated sites rather than contaminate even more greenfields. Two of the biggest difficulties are making redevelopment profitable and protecting human health. Traditional human health risk assessment evaluates single chemical exposures and identifies the level below which no adverse effect will occur to the most sensitive subgroups of the population. For cancer–causing chemicals the risk must be lower than 1:1,000,000. When brownfield redevelopment sites are associated with high cost, extensive time and unmanageable uncertainty, additional greenfield sites will become contaminated and the contamination on current brownfield sites will remain un-remediated.

The citizens' advisory group addressing brownfields in a southern New York county has developed a risk matrix to evaluate the uncertainty of the available data, the toxicity of the known or suspected contaminants and the likely exposure routes for each brownfield site in the county. The matrix categorizes sites as high, medium or low risk according to exposure groups. The risk matrix complements the triad approach currently being developed by EPA to identify and manage project decision uncertainties, addresses uncertainty as well as toxicity and has the potential to reduce the cost of traditional health risk assessment at brownfield redevelopment sites.  相似文献   

Background: Biomedical science is producing an avalanche of data about risk factors, often with a small predictive value, associated with a broad diversity of diseases. Prevention and screening are increasingly moving from public health into the clinic. Therefore, the question of which risk factors to investigate and disclose in the individual patient, becomes ethically increasingly urgent. In line with Wilson and Jungner's public health‐related 10 principles for screening, it seems crucial to distinguish important from unimportant health risks. Aim: to explore the ways in which clinicians distinguish important from unimportant health risks. Methods: We interviewed 36 respondents (gastroenterologists and gynaecologists/obstetrics) in 5 focus group interviews and 15 open in‐depth interviews on their interpretation of what makes a health risk important. Results: Physicians primarily interpreted importance as the severity of the possible harm, less often its probability. Possibilities of prevention or reassurance strongly influenced their judgment on importance. Discussion: It is not likely that interpreting ‘important’ as ‘severe’ will help in differentiating meaningful from meaningless risk knowledge. A more fundamental change in our ways of dealing with risk may be called for. We discuss existing literature on resilience as an alternative way to deal with risk. Balancing prevention and risk reduction with resilience could be a fruitful direction.  相似文献   

Advances in genetic medicine may have implications for how we should think about personal responsibility for health, because they may show how it is possible to exert some control over risk factors that were previously thought as beyond the individual's control. Although we cannot control the genes that we are born with, we can often make decisions concerning genetic testing, disease prevention, and treatment. One might argue, therefore, that individuals should be treated as morally responsible for taking effective action in response to genetic risks factors, since genetically based health risks are similar to other health risks. While this argument makes sense as an abstract, philosophical position, it is not a useful guide to public policy. Given these concerns, there is little society can or should do to encourage individuals to address their genetic risk factors, other than praising those who make prudent choices.  相似文献   

在秀丽隐杆线虫中首次发现双链RNA(dsRNA)能特异性地导致基因沉默(RNAi)现象后,人们开始大量地研究RNAi技术,并将其应用于功能基因的研究,来提高作物的抗性和改良遗传育种等。本文详细介绍了RNAi的技术原理,并且对RNAi技术与传统转基因技术的区别进行分析,阐述了该技术具有重要的生物学意义,以及在农作物害虫防治领域的占据独特优势。基于RNAi技术存在的潜在脱靶效应,从改良植物、靶标生物和生态环境的3个方面具体分析该技术可能存在的风险,为RNAi技术的风险评估提供参考。由于RNAi技术仍存在风险,为了维护生态多样性和保障人们的人身安全,应尽快建立起符合实际需求的安全性评价方法,本文针对RNAi转基因作物的环境安全和食用安全2个方面的评估方案进行概述。RNAi技术对减少害虫数量、提高水稻产量、降低种植成本以及减少化学农药污染、促进农业可持续发展来说具有重要意义,但该技术仍存在风险,需要进一步监管和研究,建立完善的生态评价系统,让RNAi技术在农业生产上发挥作用。  相似文献   

Genomics information has great potential to enhance assessment of risks to human health and the environment. Although understanding genomic responses with respect to adverse ecological and human health outcomes is not, as yet, established, it is important to consider the likely future impacts of genomics technologies on risk assessment and decision-making. Four areas are identified as those likely to be influenced by the generation of genomics information within, and the submission of such information to, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA): risk assessment, prioritization of contaminants and contaminated sites, monitoring, and reporting provisions. For each of these risk assessment and regulatory applications, representative activities are presented to illustrate the application. Three major challenges for the USEPA associated with genomics are also identified in the areas of research, technical development, and capacity. The USEPA's initial activities to address these challenges are discussed. The Agency recognizes it must be prepared to use genomics information, and that many scientific, policy, ethical, and legal concerns will need to be addressed. The USEPA also recognizes it is essential to continue to collaborate with other federal agencies, academia, the regulated community, and other stakeholders in order to benefit from ongoing advances in genomics in the wider scientific and regulatory communities.  相似文献   

Visions of Pervasive Computing and ambient intelligence involve integrating tiny microelectronic processors and sensors into everyday objects in order to make them “smart.” Smart things can explore their environment, communicate with other smart things, and interact with humans, therefore helping users to cope with their tasks in new, intuitive ways. Although many concepts have already been tested out as prototypes in field trials, the repercussions of such extensive integration of computer technology into our everyday lives are difficult to predict. This article is a first attempt to classify the social, economic, and ethical implications of this development.  相似文献   

The public thinks about (i.e., defines) environmental human health risks in different terms than the “experts.”; And because the manner in which we conceive of risk goes a long way in determining how risk management is conceived and carried out, any definition of risk has important normative elements. I argue that environmental policy based on the public's conception of risk fails to adequately protect fundamental human rights to health and liberty, by taking undue account of certain psychological factors that enter into the public's perception of risk. A survey of some of these factors is offered in an attempt to determine their policy relevance. The traditional scientific conception of risk, although not adequate to entirely define risk policy, serves as an important anchor for the protection of these rights by focusing on the probability or number of adverse health effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Managers and other stakeholders may rely on wildlife-related risk communication campaigns to prevent or reduce risks associated with human-wildlife conflict. The operating environment or the sphere of activity within which a campaign functions can influence a campaign's ability to achieve outcomes. Between 1 May 2005 and 30 October 2005, we studied human-black bear conflict in southeastern New York and the wildlife-related risk communication campaign, the New York NeighBEARhood Watch (NYNW). Based on the social amplification of risk framework, our goal was to determine whether mass media affected the operating environment of the campaign, and if so, identify the magnitude and direction of the effect. We used a self-administered mail survey (N = 2,800) in 4 southeastern New York, USA, towns to collect data about residents’ perceived black bear-related risks, bear-related behavior, and exposure to the NYNW. We also conducted a content analysis of mass media coverage about black bears. Exposure to the NYNW from newspapers was positively correlated (R = 0.39, P < 0.01) with respondents’ decreased acceptance of black bear-related risks. Our results showed a small social amplification of risk associated with black bears from exposure to mass media, specifically newspapers. Mass media can influence the operating environment of a wildlife-related risk communication campaign, including through amplification of risk perception. Characterizing the operating environment of campaigns is key to HWC-intervention planning, evaluation, and policy. Wildlife practitioners can consider media effects, as well as other biological and social factors, as potential influences on a campaign's operating environment and be aware that interaction effects may occur.  相似文献   

Risk assessments inevitably extrapolate from the known to the unknown. The resulting calculation of risk involves two fundamental kinds of uncertainty: uncertainty owing to intrinsically unpredictable (random) components of the future events, and uncertainty owing to imperfect prediction formulas (parameter uncertainty and error in model structure) that are used to predict the component that we think is predictable. Both types of uncertainty weigh heavily both in health and ecological risk assessments. Our first responsibility in conducting risk assessments is to ensure that the reported risks correctly reflect our actual level of uncertainty (of both types). The statistical methods that lend themselves to correct quantification of the uncertainty are also effective for combining different sources of information. One way to reduce uncertainty is to use all the available data. To further sharpen future risk assessments, it is useful to partition the uncertainty between the random component and the component due to parameter uncertainty, so that we can quantify the expected reduction in uncertainty that can be achieved by investing in a given amount of future data. An example is developed to illustrate the potential for use of comparative data, from toxicity testing on other species or other chemicals, to improve the estimates of low-effect concentration in a particular case with sparse case-specific data.  相似文献   


Shallow groundwater contaminated with nitrates may result in human health risks. Groundwater quality in the Beni Amir irrigation perimeter in Tadla plain, Morocco, is influenced by agriculture and farming-related activities. This study was carried out to assess the nitrate contamination of groundwater for drinking purposes by comparing it to Moroccan and WHO guidelines, and by estimating the potential human health effect of nitrates using the model recommended by the USEPA. The results showed that the nitrate content of groundwater fall between 0 and 82.08?mg L?1 (mean 24.73?mg L?1), with 38.10% of groundwater samples exceed the Moroccan and WHO limits for drinking. Groundwater nitrates mainly originated from intensive agricultural practices. The health effects of oral exposure to nitrate are higher than those of dermal exposure. For non-carcinogenic risks, 57.14% of samples showed hazard index (HI) values >1, indicating potential risks. The non-carcinogenic risk for infant and female are higher than that for females and males. The results of this study will offer a health risk reference for local residents and can help to propose suitable management ensuring safe drinking water.  相似文献   

This overview paper provides the historical context for the incorporation of lifestage‐specific concerns in human health risk assessment, briefly explains the process employed in a lifestage framework for risk assessment, and discusses the scientific rationale for how utilizing lifestage data will strengthen the overall risk assessment process. This risk assessment approach will add value by: (1) providing a more complete evaluation of the potential for vulnerability at different lifestages, including a focus on the underlying biological events and incorporation of mode of action information related to different critical developmental periods; (2) evaluating the potential for toxicity during all lifestages after early lifestage exposure; (3) reviewing the importance of integrating exposure information and adverse health effects across lifestages; and (4) serving as a basis to extend some aspects of the children's health risk assessment framework to all lifestages. Birth Defects Res (Part B), 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The perception of risks for environment and health deriving from globalization processes and an uncontrolled use of modern technologies is growing everywhere. The greater the capacity of controlling living conditions, the larger is the possibility of misusing this power. In environmental and occupational health research we tend to reduce the complexity of the observed phenomena in order to facilitate conclusions. In social and political sciences complexity is an essential element of the context, which needs to be continuously considered. The Precautionary Principle is a tool for facing complexity and uncertainty in health risk management. This paper is aimed at demonstrating that this is not only a problem of technical risk assessment. Great attention should also be paid to improve risk communication. Communication between the stakeholders (experts, decision makers, political and social leaders, media, groups of interest and people involved) is possibly the best condition to be successful in health risk management. Nevertheless, this process usually runs up against severe obstacles. These are not only caused by existing conflicts of interest. Differences in values, languages, perceptions, resources to have access to information, and to express one's own point of view are other key aspects.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization's International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have developed a collaborative partnership to foster integration of assessment approaches for human health and ecological risks. This paper presents the framework developed by that group. Integration provides coherent expressions of assessment results, incorporates the interdependence of humans and the environment, uses sentinel organisms, and improves the efficiency and quality of assessments relative to independent human health and ecological risk assessments. The paper describes how integration can occur within each component of risk assessment, and communicates the benefits of integration at each point. The goal of this effort is to promote the use of this internationally accepted guidance as a basis for harmonization of risk assessment.  相似文献   

Recent reports in the scientific literature and the media, related to elevated levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diethyl ethers (PBDEs) in farmed and wild salmon have had significant impacts on public opinion and consumer behavior, influencing the sales of farmed salmon in North America and Europe. The assessment of contaminants in fatty fish, an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, is therefore an exercise in balancing risks and benefits. Human health risk assessors and risk managers will benefit from an understanding of the level of uncertainty that is integrated into all aspects of evaluating risk in this context. Significant variability exists in the way in which analyses are conducted, how data are reported, and how they are used in risk assessments. We conducted an analytical review of PCB and PBDE data in farmed and wild salmon, and identified critical issues having implications on human health risk assessment from fish consumption. These issues include: analytical methodologies used, quantification issues, reporting of QA/QC information, tissue sampling, nature of tissue analyzed, and laboratory competence. This article reviews and outlines these issues, discusses their implications for human health risk assessment, and recommends the consistent application of analytical fish tissue data in human health risk assessment.  相似文献   

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