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We have investigated the propensity to form fibrillar aggregates of a variety of fragments and variants of the tau protein under the influence of a tau fibrillization inducer: coenzyme Q(0). To better identify fibrillization hotspots, we compare the polymerization propensity of tau fragments containing the sequence of putative hotspots with that of tau variants with that same sequence deleted. We also investigate the effects of biologically occurring modifications such as phosphorylation and deamidation. We found that residues 305 to 335 are essential for in vitro tau fibrillization. Residues 306 to 311 facilitate in vitro assembly, but are not sufficient to mimic the in vivo fibrillization of tau. Furthermore, the propensity of the 306-311 sequence to form fibrils is highly decreased by chemical modifications of tyrosine 310 that are commonly found in vivo.  相似文献   

Hyperphosphorylation of tau protein is associated with neurofibrillary lesion formation in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathic neurodegenerative diseases. It fosters lesion formation by increasing the concentration of free tau available for aggregation and by directly modulating the tau aggregation reaction. To clarify how negative charge incorporation into tau directly affects aggregation behavior, the fibrillization of pseudophosphorylation mutant T212E prepared in a full-length four-repeat tau background was examined in vitro as a function of time and submicromolar tau concentrations using electron microscopy assay methods. Kinetic constants for nucleation and extension phases of aggregation were then estimated by direct measurement and mathematical simulation. Kinetic analysis revealed that pseudophosphorylation increased tau aggregation rate by increasing the rate of filament nucleation. In addition, it increased aggregation propensity by stabilizing mature filaments against disaggregation. The data suggest that incorporation of negative charge into the T212 site can directly promote tau filament formation at multiple steps in the aggregation pathway.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is defined in part by the intraneuronal accumulation of filaments comprised of the microtubule-associated protein tau. In vitro, fibrillization of recombinant tau can be induced by treatment with various agents, including phosphotransferases, polyanionic compounds, and fatty acids. Here we characterize the structural features required for the fatty acid class of tau fibrillization inducer using recombinant full-length tau protein, arachidonic acid, and a series of straight chain anionic, cationic, and nonionic detergents. Induction of measurable tau fibrillization required an alkyl chain length of at least 12 carbons and a negative charge consisting of carboxylate, sulfonate, or sulfate moieties. All detergents and fatty acids were micellar at active concentrations, due to a profound, taudependent depression of their critical micelle concentrations. Anionic surfaces larger than detergent micelles, such as those supplied by phosphatidylserine vesicles, also induced tau fibrillization with resultant filaments originating from their surface. These data suggest that anionic surfaces presented as micelles or vesicles can serve to nucleate tau fibrillization, that this mechanism underlies the activity of fatty acid inducers, and that anionic membranes may serve this function in vivo.  相似文献   

Filamentous tau protein deposits are a pathological hallmark of a group of neurodegenerative disorders (tauopathies). Tau protein in these aggregates is highly phosphorylated at different phosphorylation sites. Although tau filaments can be formed by heparin-induced aggregation of unphosphorylated recombinant tau, it is not known how tau phosphorylation modulates aggregation behaviour. Analysis of the effect of tau phosphorylation at defined single or multiple sites is hampered by the low specificity of protein kinases and the highly dynamic turnover of phosphorylation in vivo. To overcome this problem we employed site-directed mutagenesis to convert serine and threonine to aspartic acid or glutamic acid, which introduce a negative charge and conformational change that mimic phosphorylation. We tested 14 different mutated tau proteins for their propensity for self-aggregation and formation of tau filaments. Tau aggregation was monitored with thioflavin S fluorescence in the presence of different inducers such as heparin, Al3+, Fe2+ and Fe3+. We found that mutations in the N-terminal portion up to amino acid 208 mainly suppress tau aggregation, whereas mutations in the C-terminal region mainly lead to an enhanced aggregation. Mutations in the middle portion of tau showed a mixed picture of suppression and enhancement of aggregation. A single amino acid change Ser422Glu has aggregation-favouring properties with all four inducers.  相似文献   

Li W  Lee VM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(51):15692-15701
Tau proteins are building blocks of the filaments that form neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related neurodegenerative tauopathies. It was recently reported that two VQIXXK motifs in the microtubule (MT) binding region, named PHF6 and PHF6*, are responsible for tau fibrillization. However, the exact role each of these motifs plays in this process has not been analyzed in detail. Using a recombinant human tau fragment containing only the four MT-binding repeats (K18), we show that deletion of either PHF6 or PHF6* affected tau assembly but only PHF6 is essential for filament formation, suggesting a critical role of this motif. To determine the amino acid residues within PHF6 that are required for tau fibrillization, a series of deletion and mutation constructs targeting this motif were generated. Deletion of VQI in either PHF6 or PHF6* lessened but did not eliminate K18 fibrillization. However, removal of the single K311 residue from PHF6 completely abrogated the fibril formation of K18. K311D mutation of K18 inhibited tau filament formation, while K311A and K311R mutations had no effect. These data imply that charge change at position 311 is important in tau fibril formation. A similar requirement of nonnegative charge at this position for fibrillization was observed with the full-length human tau isoform (T40), and data from these studies indicate that the formation of fibrils by T40K311D and T40K311P mutants is repressed at the nucleation phase. These findings provide important insights into the mechanisms of tau fibrillization and suggest targets for AD drug discovery to ameliorate neurodegeneration mediated by filamentous tau pathologies.  相似文献   

New methods for analyzing tau fibrillization have yielded insights into the biochemical transitions involved in the process. Here we review the parallels between the sequential progression of tau fibrillization observed macroscopically in Alzheimer's disease (AD) lesions and the pathway of tau aggregation observed in vitro with purified tau preparations. In addition, pharmacological agents for further dissection of fibrillization mechanism and lesion formation are discussed.  相似文献   

At low surface concentrations that permit formation of impermeable membranes, neuronal soluble N-ethyl maleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins form a stable, parallel, trans complex when vesicles are brought into contact by a low concentration of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG). Surprisingly, formation of a stable SNARE complex does not trigger fusion under these conditions. However, neuronal SNAREs do promote fusion at low protein/lipid ratios when triggered by higher concentrations of PEG. Promotion of PEG-triggered fusion required phosphatidylserine and depended only on the surface concentration of SNAREs and not on the formation of a trans SNARE complex. These results were obtained at protein surface concentrations reported for synaptobrevin in synaptic vesicles and with an optimally fusogenic lipid composition. At a much higher protein/lipid ratio, vesicles joined by SNARE complex slowly mixed lipids at 37 degrees C in the absence of PEG, in agreement with earlier reports. However, vesicles containing syntaxin at a high protein/lipid ratio (>or=1:250) lost membrane integrity. We conclude that the neuronal SNARE complex promotes fusion by joining membranes and that the individual proteins syntaxin and synaptobrevin disrupt membranes so as to favor formation of a stalk complex and to promote conversion of the stalk to a fusion pore. These effects are similar to the effects of viral fusion peptides and transmembrane domains, but they are not sufficient by themselves to produce fusion in our in vitro system at surface concentrations documented to occur in synaptic vesicles. Thus, it is likely that proteins or factors other than the SNARE complex must trigger fusion in vivo.  相似文献   

Microhemorrhages are common in the aging brain, and their incidence is correlated with increased risk of neurodegenerative disease. Past work has shown that occlusion of individual cortical microvessels as well as large-scale hemorrhages can lead to degeneration of neurons and increased inflammation. Using two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy in anesthetized mice, we characterized the acute and chronic dynamics of vessel bleeding, tissue compression, blood flow change, neural degeneration, and inflammation following a microhemorrhage caused by rupturing a single penetrating arteriole with tightly-focused femtosecond laser pulses. We quantified the extravasation of red blood cells (RBCs) and blood plasma into the brain and determined that the bleeding was limited by clotting. The vascular bleeding formed a RBC-filled core that compressed the surrounding parenchymal tissue, but this compression was not sufficient to crush nearby brain capillaries, although blood flow speeds in these vessels was reduced by 20%. Imaging of cortical dendrites revealed no degeneration of the large-scale structure of the dendritic arbor up to 14 days after the microhemorrhage. Dendrites close to the RBC core were displaced by extravasating RBCs but began to relax back one day after the lesion. Finally, we observed a rapid inflammatory response characterized by morphology changes in microglia/macrophages up to 200 μm from the microhemorrhage as well as extension of cellular processes into the RBC core. This inflammation persisted over seven days. Taken together, our data suggest that a cortical microhemorrhage does not directly cause significant neural pathology but does trigger a sustained, local inflammatory response.  相似文献   

The conversion of the cellular isoform of the prion protein (PrP(C)) into the pathologic isoform (PrP(Sc)) is the key event in prion diseases. To study the conversion process, an in vitro system based on varying the concentration of low amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) has been employed. In the present study, the conversion of full-length PrP(C) isolated from Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-PrP(C)) was examined. CHO-PrP(C) harbors native, posttranslational modifications, including the GPI anchor and two N-linked glyco-sylation sites. The properties of CHO-PrP(C) were compared with those of full-length and N-terminally truncated recombinant PrP. As shown earlier with recombinant PrP (recPrP90-231), transition from a soluble α-helical state as known for native PrP(C) into an aggregated, β-sheet-rich PrP(Sc)-like state could be induced by dilution of SDS. The aggregated state is partially proteinase K (PK)-resistant, exhibiting a cleavage site similar to that found with PrP(Sc). Compared to recPrP (90-231), fibril formation with CHO-PrP(C) requires lower SDS concentrations (0.0075%), and can be drastically accelerated by seeding with PrP(Sc) purified from brain homogenates of terminally sick hamsters. Our results show that recPrP 90-231 and CHO-PrPC behave qualitatively similar but quantitatively different. The in vivo situation can be simulated closer with CHO-PrP(C) because the specific PK cleave site could be shown and the seed-assisted fibrillization was much more efficient.  相似文献   

Potent inhibition of tau fibrillization with a multivalent ligand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Small-molecule inhibitors of tau fibrillization are under investigation as tools for interrogating the tau aggregation pathway and as potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's disease. Established inhibitors include thiacarbocyanine dyes, which can inhibit recombinant tau fibrillization in the presence of anionic surfactant aggregation inducers. In an effort to increase inhibitory potency, a cyclic bis-thiacarbocyanine molecule containing two thiacarbocyanine moieties was synthesized and characterized with respect to tau fibrillization inhibitory activity by electron microscopy and ligand aggregation state by absorbance spectroscopy. Results showed that the inhibitory activity of the bis-thiacarbocyanine was qualitatively similar to a monomeric cyanine dye, but was more potent with 50% inhibition achieved at approximately 80nM concentration. At all concentrations tested in aqueous solution, the bis-thiacarbocyanine collapsed to form a closed clamshell structure. However, the presence of tau protein selectively stabilized the open conformation. These results suggest that the inhibitory activity of bis-thiacarbocyanine results from multivalency, and reveal a route to more potent tau aggregation inhibitors.  相似文献   

The tangles of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are comprised of the tau protein displaying numerous alterations, including phosphorylation at serine 422 (S422) and truncation at aspartic acid 421 (D421). Truncation at the latter site appears to result from activation of caspases, a class of proteases that cleave specifically at aspartic acid residues. It has been proposed that phosphorylation at or near caspase cleavage sites could regulate the ability of the protease to cleave at those sites. Here, we use tau pseudophosphorylated at S422 (S422E) to examine the effects of tau phosphorylation on its cleavage by caspase 3. We find that S422E tau is more resistant to proteolysis by caspase 3 than non-pseudophosphorylated tau. Additionally, we use antibodies directed against the phosphorylation site and against the truncation epitope to assess the presence of these epitopes in neurofibrillary tangles in the aged human brain. We show that phosphorylation precedes truncation during tangle maturation. Moreover, the distribution of the two epitopes suggests that a significant length of time (perhaps as much as two decades) elapses between S422 phosphorylation and cleavage at D421. We further conclude that tau phosphorylation at S422 may be a protective mechanism that inhibits cleavage in vivo.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause deep impacts on ecosystems worldwide, contributing to the decline and extinction of indigenous species. Effective defences against native biological threats in indigenous species, whether structural or inducible, often seem inoperative against invasive species. Here, we show that tadpoles of the Iberian green frog detect chemical cues from indigenous predators (dragonfly nymphs) and respond by reducing their activity and developing an efficient defensive morphology against them (increased tail depth and pigmentation). Those defensive responses, however, were not activated against a highly damaging invasive predator (red swamp crayfish). Induced defences increased tadpole survival when faced against either indigenous dragonflies or invasive crayfish, so its inactivation in the presence of the invasive predator seems to be due to failure in cue recognition. Furthermore, we tested for local adaptation to the invasive predator by comparing individuals from ponds either exposed to or free from crayfish. In both cases, tadpoles failed to express inducible defences against crayfish, indicating that ca 30 years of contact with the invasive species (roughly 10-15 frog generations) have been insufficient for the evolution of recognition of invasive predator cues.  相似文献   

Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly and stability. In Alzheimer's disease and related tauopathies, tau fibrillizes and aggregates into neurofibrillary tangles. Recently, oleocanthal isolated from extra virgin olive oil was found to display non-steroidal anti-inflammatory activity similar to ibuprofen. As our unpublished data indicates an inhibitory effect of oleocanthal on amyloid β peptide fibrillization, we reasoned that it might inhibit tau fibrillization as well. Herein, we demonstrate that oleocanthal abrogates fibrillization of tau by locking tau into the naturally unfolded state. Using PHF6 consisting of the amino acid residues VQIVYK, a hexapeptide within the third repeat of tau that is essential for fibrillization, we show that oleocanthal forms an adduct with the lysine via initial Schiff base formation. Structure and function studies demonstrate that the two aldehyde groups of oleocanthal are required for the inhibitory activity. These two aldehyde groups show certain specificity when titrated with free lysine and oleocanthal does not significantly affect the normal function of tau. These findings provide a potential scheme for the development of novel therapies for neurodegenerative tauopathies.  相似文献   

Yin H  Kuret J 《FEBS letters》2006,580(1):211-215
Proteolytic post-translational modification has been proposed as an early stage event in the aggregation of τ protein and formation of neurofibrillary lesions in Alzheimer’s disease. Caspases and other proteases cleave τ in vivo at discrete locations including Asp421 and Glu391. Both cleavage products are prone to aggregation relative to wild-type, full-length τ protein. To determine the mechanism underlying this effect, the fibrillization of τ truncated after Asp421 and Glu391 residues was characterized in a full-length four-repeat τ background using quantitative electron microscopy methods under homogeneous nucleation conditions. Both C-terminal truncations decreased critical concentration relative to full-length τ, resulting in more filament mass at reaction plateau. Moreover, truncation directly augmented the efficiency of the nucleation reaction. The results suggest the mechanism through which C-terminal proteolysis can modulate τ filament accumulation depending on whether it precedes or follows nucleation.  相似文献   

Restoration presents a global challenge in drylands (arid and semiarid ecosystems) where uses can range from exclusive conservation to open‐pit mining and restoration practices are constrained by scarce, unpredictable precipitation, and high ambient temperatures. Adding woodchip amendments to soils is a common strategy for mitigating soil degradation as amendments may enhance soil carbon and increase plant cover. We assessed the effect of surface or incorporated woodchip addition and incorporated wood‐derived biochar on soil carbon dynamics and microbial activities as well as plant cover in semiarid soils that had been removed and replaced. We found that woodchips at the soil surface increased soil organic carbon (SOC), and both surface and incorporated woodchips increased the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content. The incorporation of woodchips inhibited plant cover yet increased soil CO2 efflux and dissolved organic matter stoichiometry. Surface woodchips also significantly enhanced microbial activities but not plant cover. A significant amount of the soil efflux in response to incorporating woodchips was explained by plant cover and exoenzyme activities, but this was not the case for other amendment treatments. Biochar, thought to be more resistant to decomposition, neither stimulated nor reduced microbial activities or plant cover and did not influence SOC or DOC. Our findings demonstrate that the influence of woodchip amendments on microbial processes and soil carbon dynamics depends on the location of application and that coarse fast‐pyrolysis biochar has limited influence on soil processes over a 22‐month study in a water‐limited ecosystem.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease most closely correlates with the appearance of the neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), intracellular fibrous aggregates of the microtubule-associated protein, tau. Under native conditions, tau is an unstructured protein, and its physical characterization has revealed no clues about the three-dimensional structural determinants essential for aggregation or microtubule binding. We have found that the natural osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) induces secondary structure in a C-terminal fragment of tau (tau(187)) and greatly promotes both self-aggregation and microtubule (MT) assembly activity. These processes could be distinguished, however, by a single-amino acid substitution (Tyr(310) --> Ala), which severely inhibited aggregation but had no effect on MT assembly activity. The inability of this mutant to aggregate could be completely reversed by TMAO. We propose a model in which TMAO induces partial order in tau(187), resulting in conformers that may correspond to on-pathway intermediates of either aggregation or tau-dependent MT assembly or both. These studies set the stage for future high-resolution structural characterization of these intermediates and the basis by which Tyr(310) may direct pathologic versus normal tau function.  相似文献   

A self-perpetuating conformational conversion of the prion protein (PrP) is believed to underlie pathology and transmission of prion diseases. Here we explore the effects of N-terminal pathogenic mutations (P102L, P105L, A117V) and the residue 129 polymorphism on amyloid fibril formation by the human PrP fragment 23-144, an in vitro conversion model that can reproduce certain characteristics of prion replication such as strains and species barriers. We find that these amino acid substitutions neither affect PrP23-144 amyloidogenicity nor introduce barriers to cross-seeding of soluble protein. However, the polymorphism strongly influences the conformation of the amyloid fibrils, as determined by infrared spectroscopy. Intriguingly, unlike conformational features governed by the critical amyloidogenic region of PrP23-144 (residues 138-139), the structural features distinguishing Met-129 and Val-129 PrP23-144 amyloid fibrils are not transmissible by cross-seeding. While based only on in vitro data, these findings provide fundamental insight into the mechanism of prion-based conformational transmission, indicating that only conformational features controlling seeding specificity (e.g. those in critical intermolecular contact sites of amyloid fibrils) are necessarily transmissible by cross-seeding; conformational traits in other parts of the PrP molecule may not be "heritable" from the amyloid template.  相似文献   

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