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研究表明雌激素通过其受体对海马神经元的发育和可塑性以及学习记忆、认知、情绪等高级脑功能发挥了重要调节作用。GPR30是近年才鉴定的一种雌激素受体,它在海马内的表达和功能研究尚属空白。本实验应用免疫组化及免疫电镜技术,对GPR30在生后不同发育阶段大鼠海马内的表达及其免疫阳性产物在神经元内的定位进行了初步研究,结果显示GPR30免疫阳性产物主要位于海马CA区的锥体层神经元与齿状回颗粒层的神经元内,其表达水平随发育呈增加趋势。  相似文献   

雌激素在生殖系统、认知记忆系统、骨骼和神经的发育及其功能维持等多种生理功能中扮演了重要的作用。雌激素可以通过结合到核雌激素受体Erα、Erβ来完成其生理功能。最近通过ER敲除鼠和选择性的抑制剂研究表明Erα在海马中具有重要作用。Erα在海马中的表达是否具有年龄和性别差异的研究较少,该文研究了Erα在不同年龄、不同性别的小鼠海马中的表达,并进一步比较了Erα在卵巢去除小鼠和对照小鼠中的表达差异。研究结果揭示了Erα在海马中的表达具有年龄和性别差异,暗示了Erα的表达受到外周雌激素水平的调控。这些结果为进一步研究雌激素和Erα在海马组织中基因表达的调控过程以及相关疾病的临床治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

雌激素Beta受体在大鼠脑内表达的免疫组化定位研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨雌激素作用于神经系统的机理,采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了新的雌激素受体(ER-β)在成年雌雄大鼠脑内的分布。研究证实ER-β免疫阳性物质主要位于神经元的细胞核内,但在个别脑区也可在胞浆甚至突起内检测到。最强的ER-β免疫阳性信号见于前嗅核、大脑皮质、小脑浦肯野细胞、斜角带垂直部、蓝斑和三叉神经运动核等部位;中等强度的染色见于隔内侧核、杏仁外侧核、黑质、中央灰质等部位;较弱的阳性反应见于下丘脑与杏仁复合体的部分核团。在一些部位还存在表达水平甚至细胞内定位模式的性别差异,如前庭上核内的表达只见于雌性;雄性大鼠三叉神经运动核内ER-β蛋白主要表达于胞浆内,细胞核为阴性;而在雌性大鼠该部位ER-β蛋白主要位于细胞核等。以上结果表明ER-β蛋白在大鼠脑内分布广泛并具有一定的性别差异,在与学习记忆有关的脑区如大脑皮质和基底前脑内有很高的表达,提示在脑组织内雌激素可能通过ER-β这一新的信号途径发挥多种重要的调控作用,如学习记忆等。  相似文献   

为了探讨雌激素作用于神经系统的机理,采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了新的雌激素受体(ER-β)在成年雌雄大鼠脑内的分布。研究证实ER-β免疫阳性物质主要位于神经元的细胞核内,但在个别脑区也可在胞浆甚至突起内检测到。最强的ER-β免疫阳性信号见于前嗅核、大脑皮质、小脑浦肯野细胞、斜角带垂直部、蓝斑和三叉神经运动核等部位;中等强度的染色见于隔内侧核、杏仁外侧核、黑质、中央灰质等部位;较弱的阳性反应见于下丘脑与杏仁复合体的部分核团。在一些部位还存在表达水平甚至细胞内定位模式的性别差异,如前庭上核内的表达只见于雌性;雄性大鼠三叉神经运动核内ER-β蛋白主要表达于胞浆内,细胞核为阴性;而在雌性大鼠该部位ER-β蛋白主要位于细胞核等。以上结果表明ER-β蛋白在大鼠脑内分布广泛并具有一定的性别差异,在与学习记忆有关的脑区如大脑皮质和基底前脑内有很高的表达,提示在脑组织内雌激素可能通过ER-β这一新的信号途径发挥多种重要的调控作用,如学习记忆等。  相似文献   

目的:检测雌激素受体β(ERβ)在胃组织的存在状况并研究其在人胃腺癌中的作用。方法:使用免疫组化方法,在蛋白水平对配对的原发性胃腺癌患者的癌组织及其癌旁非癌组织的ERB亚型进行检测,采用20例正常胃粘膜作为对照。结果:ERβ蛋白在部分胃腺癌及其癌旁非癌组织表达,但ERβ阳性率及表达模式不同。与配对的非癌组织相比,部分癌组织发生了ERβ表达减少或丢失,而且ERβ表达减少与低分化程度相关(P=0.041),丢失的ERβ仅见于低分化癌。结论:ERβ可作为识别某些进展期胃腺癌发生发展的标志物,ERβ表达改变在低分化癌中更常见,也提示ERβ阳性胃腺癌可能比ERp表达丢失者预后更好;另外,在非癌组织腺上皮存在E邢的表达提示在正常胃组织中ERB很可能具有一种保护性作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨雌激素对成年和老年雌性大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)雌激素受体α(ERα)表达的影响及其机制。方法采用RT-qPCR、Western blot及重硫酸盐修饰后测序(BSP)的方法,检测体外培养的3-4代成年(2-3月龄)和老年(≥20月龄)雌性SD大鼠VSMC在无或有生理剂量(10-10 mol/L、10-8 mol/L)17β-雌二醇(E2)存在下,ERα的表达及其启动子区CpG岛甲基化水平的变化。结果成年雌性大鼠VSMC无论在有或无雌激素存在时均表达ERα,且表达水平随雌激素浓度增加而上升。而老年雌性大鼠VSMC无论是在mRNA水平还是蛋白质水平几乎检测不到ERα表达,即使补充雌激素达最高生理剂量也无法诱导ERα的重新表达,其ERα基因启动区CpG岛呈现高水平甲基化。结论成年大鼠VSMC表达ERα,且生理剂量雌激素对其表达具有诱导作用。而老年大鼠VSMC ERα基因由于CpG岛已发生高度甲基化而抑制,生理剂量雌激素对ERα表达的诱导作用丧失。  相似文献   

雌激素受体在小鼠睾丸表达的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观察雌激素受体在小鼠睾丸的定位与分布。取A/J系小鼠睾丸, 制备石蜡切片。用间接酶标免疫组织化学和高温处理抗原暴露技术显示雌激素受体的所在部位。睾丸所有Leydig 细胞和约20% 的肌样细胞的胞核呈雌激素受体阳性反应。睾丸支持细胞和生精细胞为阴性。本研究首次用免疫组织化学技术证明了睾丸中雌激素受体的存在,并定位于Leydig 细胞和部分肌样细胞的胞核。为研究雌激素对雄性生殖功能的调节提供了形态学依据。  相似文献   

了解雌激素受体α(estrogen receptor alpha, ERα)在大鼠脑的分布及大鼠下丘脑视前区雌激素受体样阳性神经元的生后发育规律.用免疫组织化学反应方法结合图像分析仪检测雌性大鼠下丘脑视前区雌激素受体样阳性神经元的数量和灰度值.ERα分布于Calleja岛、梨形核、外侧隔核、基底前脑胆碱能神经元各群、终纹床核、下丘脑内侧视前区、室周核、腹内侧核、弓状核和结节乳头核、再连合和前内侧丘脑核、杏仁核复合体、梨形皮质和穹窿下器官.相比之下,皮质和海马内仅见几个分散的 ERα样阳性神经元.而纹状体内未见ERα样阳性神经元.ERα免疫反应产物主要位于细胞核内,蓝黑色.在成年雌性大鼠下丘脑内侧视前区(medial preoptic area, MPA)神经元的胞浆和突起内可见较弱的ERα免疫反应产物.在MPA内,生后1天可见ERα表达,随着大鼠的生后发育,成年时达到高峰.与成年大鼠比较,老年雌性大鼠雌激素受体样阳性神经元数量减少10.05%,P>0.05,差异无显著性;平均灰度减少41.57%,P<0.05,差异有显著性.老年雌性大鼠下丘脑MPA内ERα表达下调,可能与卵巢功能减退而导致情感、记忆变化有关.  相似文献   

研究发现小鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVN)内雌激素β受体(ER-β)的表达与在大鼠等一些实验动物脑PVN的表达有差异,提示其在小鼠PVN内的表达可能有特定的生理意义。为了深入探讨ER-β在小鼠PVN内的功能,本文采用硫酸镍铵增强显色的免疫组化SP法研究了ER-β在生后雌性小鼠PVN内的表达。结果发现ER-β免疫阳性物质主要见于PVN的大细胞部,在小细胞部和背侧帽部免疫阳性细胞数目较少。免疫阳性物质主要位于细胞核内,未发现明显的胞浆或突起阳性,但在发育的某些时期可见免疫阳性细胞核局部呈现阴性反应。最高表达见于生后早期(第1-9天),随后表达降低,生后一个月即达到成年水平。PVN内ER-β的表达模式表现为生后早期表达高、随后降低,提示在该部位ER-β可能主要参与了对生后早期PVN的神经内分泌活动以及神经结构的发育与完善的调控,并可能与生后早期动物的应激、体重增加和脂肪代谢等有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨粉刺性乳痈患者雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)的表达及临床意义。方法:选择我院2017年1月~2018年12月收治的80例粉刺性乳痈患者,采用免疫组化法检测其乳腺病变组织ER、PR的表达,酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血清白介素-1β(interleukin-1β, IL-1β)、IL-6及肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α)水平,分析乳腺病变组织ER、PR的表达与血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平的相关性。结果:与普通乳腺炎组、乳腺导管扩张组比较,肉芽肿组、脓肿组血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平明显升高,与肉芽肿组比较,脓肿组血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平亦明显升高(P0.05)。普通乳腺炎组、乳腺导管扩张组血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。普通乳腺炎组、乳腺导管扩张组、肉芽肿组、脓肿组ER、PR的表达水平依次降低(P0.05)。普通乳腺炎组、乳腺导管扩张组ER、PR的表达与血清IL-1β、IL-6水平均呈显著负相关,而与血清TNF-α水平无显著相关性(P0.05);肉芽肿组、脓肿组ER、PR表达与血清IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α水平均呈显著负相关(P0.05)。结论:粉刺性乳痈患者ER、PR呈低表达或失表达,且与炎症因子及病情严重程度具有良好相关性。  相似文献   

The estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2) modulates dendritic spine plasticity in the cornu ammonis 1 (CA1) region of the hippocampus, and GPR30 (G-protein coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER1)) is an estrogen-sensitive G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that is expressed in the mammalian brain and in specific subregions that are responsive to E2, including the hippocampus. The subcellular localization of hippocampal GPR30, however, remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that GPR30 immunoreactivity is detected in dendritic spines of rat CA1 hippocampal neurons in vivo and that GPR30 protein can be found in rat brain synaptosomes. GPR30 immunoreactivity is identified at the post-synaptic density (PSD) and in the adjacent peri-synaptic zone, and GPR30 can associate with the spine scaffolding protein PSD-95 both in vitro and in vivo. This PSD-95 binding capacity of GPR30 is specific and determined by the receptor C-terminal tail that is both necessary and sufficient for PSD-95 interaction. The interaction with PSD-95 functions to increase GPR30 protein levels residing at the plasma membrane surface. GPR30 associates with the N-terminal tandem pair of PDZ domains in PSD-95, suggesting that PSD-95 may be involved in clustering GPR30 with other receptors in the hippocampus. We demonstrate that GPR30 has the potential to associate with additional post-synaptic GPCRs, including the membrane progestin receptor, the corticotropin releasing hormone receptor, and the 5HT1a serotonin receptor. These data demonstrate that GPR30 is well positioned in the dendritic spine compartment to integrate E2 sensitivity directly onto multiple inputs on synaptic activity and might begin to provide a molecular explanation as to how E2 modulates dendritic spine plasticity.  相似文献   

为了探讨雌激素对发育期大鼠海马NMDA受体活性的快速影响,对出生后18d的雄性大鼠进行苯甲酸雌二醇皮下注射,1h后用WesternBlot检测海马NMDA受体NR1和NR2B亚基、雌激素β受体、ERK1/2蛋白的表达,以及NR2B和ERK1/2的磷酸化水平;并通过海马内给予雌激素受体拮抗剂ICI182,780和MEK1/2抑制剂U0126预处理,进一步分析苯甲酸雌二醇影响NR2B和ERK1/2磷酸化的作用机制。结果显示,苯甲酸雌二醇不影响NR1、NR2B、ERβ和ERK1/2的表达,但能快速增强NR2B和ERK1/2的磷酸化水平。雌激素受体拮抗剂ICI182,780和MEK1/2抑制剂U0126均能明显抑制苯甲酸雌二醇诱导的NR2B和ERK1/2磷酸化水平的增加。以上结果提示,雌激素可能通过雌激素受体的非基因组机制激活ERK/MAPK信号转导通路,快速诱导NMDA受体NR2B亚基磷酸化,激活NMDA受体。  相似文献   

Estrogen hormones are important for cartilage homeostasis, but nothing is known regarding the expression and role of the membrane G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), in adult articular chondrocytes. Using immunohistochemistry of cartilage sections, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot of chondrocyte extracts, we found that these cells express GPR30. Nonetheless, the pattern of bands detected by two distinct antibodies does not overlap, suggesting that the proteins detected represent partially degraded forms of the receptor. Treatment with GPR30 agonists did not induce Akt or ERK1/2 phosphorylation, two known GPR30-activated signaling pathways, suggesting that GPR30 is not functional in human chondrocytes. Therefore, the protective anti-osteoarthritic role of estrogen hormones in cartilage homeostasis is likely independent of GPR30. This study was performed using human cartilage collected from the distal femoral condyles of multiorgan donors at the Bone and Tissue Bank of the University and Hospital Center of Coimbra.  相似文献   

As GPR30 has been implicated in mediating cancer cell proliferation, this study aimed to examine the antitumor effect of the GPR30 antagonist G15 in human oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). G15 induced dose-dependent cytotoxicity, apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest in a panel of OSCC cells. The results showed that G15 could inhibit the growth of the oral cancer cells with IC50 value 11.2 μM for SCC4, 15.6 μM for SCC9, and 7.8 μM for HSC-3, respectively. Flow cytometric analysis and Comet assay indicated that G15 suppressed the viability of SCC4 and HSC-3 cells by inducing apoptosis and G2/M arrest. In addition, G15 down regulated the expression of Akt, cell cycle-related proteins, and mitogen-activated protein kinases, but increased the levels of LC3B-II and the accumulation of autophagosomes. Inhibition of autophagy by chloroquine does not affect the G15-induced apoptosis in SCC4 cells. Mechanistic evidence indicated that the antiproliferative effect was mediated through the downregulation of cdc2, cdc25c and NF-κB expression. Taken together, our findings suggest the potential of G15 in treating OSCC.  相似文献   

孤儿G蛋白偶联受体hGPCRc的亚细胞定位及组织分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用相关生物信息学软件,对从人结肠组织克隆所得某一孤儿G蛋白偶联受体(orphanGprotein_coupledreceptors ,oGPCRs)成员hGPCRc的氨基酸序列进行分析显示,hGPCRc对应的氨基酸序列组成了七个跨膜区段的结构域,具备GPCR的结构特征;然后,将hGPCRc之cDNA与绿色荧光载体pEGFP-N1 构建GFP_hGPCRc表达载体,以空白质粒pEGFP-N1 作对照,转染CHO-K1 细胞,在激光扫描共聚焦显微镜下观察到空白质粒pEGFP-N1 转染的细胞表达了GFP并均匀分布于整个细胞,而GFP_hGPCRc转染的细胞观察到荧光清晰聚集于细胞膜和各细胞器质膜上,因而hGPCRc蛋白定位于膜上并稳定表达,与软件分析结果相一致;最后,以RT_PCR检测hGPCRc在2 0周龄胎儿重要组织器官及部分成人组织中的表达情况,结果显示hGPCRc在人心、肾、小脑及结肠等组织均有表达,但在肝、大脑、小肠及肌肉等组织里未检测到表达。该表达谱对于进一步认识hGPCRc在胚胎发育中的作用及生理功能提供了线索。  相似文献   

Mammalian oocyte restores meiosis can be stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) under normal physiological conditions. G-protein coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), an non-classical estrogen membrane receptor, has been widely reported in teleost oocyte maturation. However, it remains unknown whether GPR30 involves the role of FSH in mammalian cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation. Here, we used mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) as a model to investigate how FSH affects the in vitro maturation of mouse oocytes mediated by 17β-estradiol (E2)/GPR30 signaling. Our study reveals that FSH starts regulating mouse cumulus expansion precisely at 8 h in in vitro culture. ELISA measurement of E2 levels in culture medium revealed that FSH activated aromatase to promote E2 production in vitro in cultured mouse COCs. Moreover, the results of real-time quantitative PCR indicated that FSH-induced in vitro maturation of mouse oocytes was regulated by the estrogen-signaling pathway mediated by GPR30; FSH treatment markedly increased the mRNA expression of HAS2, PTGS2, and GREM1 in COCs. Exploration of the underlying mechanism suggested that E2 produced by mouse COCs regulated the phosphorylation level of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) through GPR30 and thereby promoted mouse cumulus-cell expansion and oocyte maturation. In conclusion, our study reveals that FSH induced estrogen production in mouse COCs through aromatase, and that aromatase/GPR30/ERK1/2 signaling is involved in FSH-induced cumulus expansion.  相似文献   

Follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHCGR) were demonstrated to impact upon survival of patients suffering from epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Though structure wise the G-protein coupled estrogen receptor (GPER/GPR30) is related to FSHR/LHCGR, its prognostic impact in EOC remains controversial. We recently found that FSHR negative patients represent a specific EOC subgroup that may behave differently in respect to both treatment response and prognosis. Hence, the current study aimed to analyze how GPER may interact with the FSHR/LHCGR system in EOC and whether the prognostic significance of GPER in EOC cases (n = 151) may be dependent on the FSHR/LHCGR immunophenotype of the tumor. Ovarian cancer cell lines were used to study how FSH and LH regulate GPER and whether GPER activation differentially affects in vitro cell proliferation in presence/absence of activated FSHR/LHCGR. In EOC tissue, GPER correlated with FSHR/LHCGR and was related to prolonged overall survival only in FSHR/LHCGR negative patients. Although GPER was found to be specifically induced by LH/FSH, GPER agonists (4-Hydroxy-Tamoxifen, G1) reduced EOC cell proliferation only in case of LH/FSH unstimulated pathways. To the same direction, only patients characterized as LHCGR/FSHR negative seem to gain from GPER in terms of survival. Our combined tissue and in vitro results support thus the hypothesis that GPER activation could be of therapeutic benefit in LHCGR/FSHR negative EOC patients. Further studies are needed to evaluate the impact of GPER activation on a clinical scheme.  相似文献   

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