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Flavodoxins are well known one-domain alpha/beta electron-transfer proteins that, according to the presence or absence of a approximately 20-residue loop splitting the fifth beta-strand of the central beta-sheet, have been classified in two groups: long and short-chain flavodoxins, respectively. Although the flavodoxins have been extensively used as models to study electron transfer, ligand binding, protein stability and folding issues, the role of the loop has not been investigated. We have constructed two shortened versions of the long-chain Anabaena flavodoxin in which the split beta-strand has been spliced to remove the original loop. The two variants have been carefully analyzed using various spectroscopic and hydrodynamic criteria, and one of them is clearly well folded, indicating that the long loop is a peripheral element of the structure of long flavodoxins. However, the removal of the loop (which is not in contact with the cofactor in the native structure) markedly decreases the affinity of the apoflavodoxin-FMN complex. This seems related to the fact that, in long flavodoxins, the adjacent tyrosine-bearing FMN binding loop (which is longer and thus more flexible than in short flavodoxins) is stabilized in its competent conformation by interactions with the excised loop. The modest role played by the long loop of long flavodoxins in the structure of these proteins (and in its conformational stability, see Lopez-Llano, J., Maldonado, S., Jain, S., Lostao, A., Godoy-Ruiz, R., Sanchez-Ruiz, Cortijo, M., Fernandez-Recio, J., and Sancho, J. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 47184-47191) opens the possibility that its conservation in so many species is related to a functional role yet to be discovered. In this respect, we discuss the possibility that the long loop is involved in the recognition of some flavodoxin partners. In addition, we report on a structural feature of flavodoxins that could indicate that the short flavodoxins derive from the long ones.  相似文献   

A flavodoxin from Azotobacter vinelandii is chosen as a model system to study the folding of alpha/beta doubly wound proteins. The guanidinium hydrochloride induced unfolding of apoflavodoxin is demonstrated to be reversible. Apoflavodoxin thus can fold in the absence of the FMN cofactor. The unfolding curves obtained for wild-type, C69A and C69S apoflavodoxin as monitored by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy do not coincide. Apoflavodoxin unfolding occurs therefore not via a simple two-state mechanism. The experimental data can be described by a three-state mechanism of apoflavodoxin equilibrium unfolding in which a relatively stable intermediate is involved. The intermediate species lacks the characteristic tertiary structure of native apoflavodoxin as deduced from fluorescence spectroscopy, but has significant secondary structure as inferred from circular dichroism spectroscopy. Both spectroscopic techniques show that thermally-induced unfolding of apoflavodoxin also proceeds through formation of a similar molten globule-like species. Thermal unfolding of apoflavodoxin is accompanied by anomalous circular dichroism characteristics: the negative ellipticity at 222 nM increases in the transition zone of unfolding. This effect is most likely attributable to changes in tertiary interactions of aromatic side chains upon protein unfolding. From the presented results and hydrogen/deuterium exchange data, a model for the equilibrium unfolding of apoflavodoxin is presented.  相似文献   

Flavodoxins, noncovalent complexes between apoflavodoxins and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), are useful models to investigate the mechanism of protein/flavin recognition. In this respect, the only available crystal structure of an apoflavodoxin (that from Anabaena) showed a closed isoalloxazine pocket and the presence of a bound phosphate ion, which posed many questions on the recognition mechanism and on the potential physiological role exerted by phosphate ions. To address these issues we report here the X-ray structure of the apoflavodoxin from the pathogen Helicobacter pylori. The protein naturally lacks one of the conserved aromatic residues that close the isoalloxazine pocket in Anabaena, and the structure has been determined in a medium lacking phosphate. In spite of these significant differences, the isoallozaxine pocket in H. pylori apoflavodoxin appears also closed and a chloride ion is bound at a native-like FMN phosphate site. It seems thus that it is a general characteristic of apoflavodoxins to display closed, non-native, isoalloxazine binding sites together with native-like, rather promiscuous, phosphate binding sites that can bear other available small anions present in solution. In this respect, both binding energy hot spots of the apoflavodoxin/FMN complex are initially unavailable to FMN binding and the specific spot for FMN recognition may depend on the dynamics of the two candidate regions. Molecular dynamics simulations show that the isoalloxazine binding loops are intrinsically flexible at physiological temperatures, thus facilitating the intercalation of the cofactor, and that their mobility is modulated by the anion bound at the phosphate site.  相似文献   

The secondary structures of the synthetic DNA fragments d(CGCGCGTTTTTCGCGCG) (T5), d(CGCGCGAAAAACGCGCG) (A5), d(CGCGCGTACGCGCG) (TA), and d(CGCGCGATCGCGCG) (AT) were investigated in a combined electrophoretic and spectroscopic study. All the oligomers exist, at low temperature and over a wide range of ionic strength (0.5-100 mM salt) and of nucleotide concentration [0.1-2.0 mM (phosphate)], as a mixture of two slowly interconverting species, identified as the dimeric duplex and the monomeric hairpin structure. The thermodynamic parameters for hairpin denaturation of T5, A5, TA, and AT and for duplex denaturation of d(CGCGCG) show that (a) the hairpins are more stable than the reference hexamer duplex at all accessible nucleotide concentrations; (b) the loop contributes favorably to the enthalpy change of hairpin denaturation in the four DNA fragments; (c) the base composition of the loop (A vs T) and the size of the loop (A5/T5 vs TA/AT) do not appreciably influence the enthalpic contents of the hairpins; (d) hairpins TA and AT, with two AT bases intervening in the CG self-complementary part of the molecule, exhibit a markedly higher thermal stability than hairpins T5 and A5, which is entropic in origin. These findings are consistent with the presence of two-residue loops in the tetradecamers TA and AT.  相似文献   

To understand how proteins fold in vivo, it is important to investigate the effects of macromolecular crowding on protein folding. Here, the influence of crowding on in vitro apoflavodoxin folding, which involves a relatively stable off-pathway intermediate with molten globule characteristics, is reported. To mimic crowded conditions in cells, dextran 20 at 30% (w/v) is used, and its effects are measured by a diverse combination of optical spectroscopic techniques. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy shows that unfolded apoflavodoxin has a hydrodynamic radius of 37+/-3 A at 3 M guanidine hydrochloride. F?rster resonance energy transfer measurements reveal that subsequent addition of dextran 20 leads to a decrease in protein volume of about 29%, which corresponds to an increase in protein stability of maximally 1.1 kcal mol(-1). The compaction observed is accompanied by increased secondary structure, as far-UV CD spectroscopy shows. Due to the addition of crowding agent, the midpoint of thermal unfolding of native apoflavodoxin rises by 2.9 degrees C. Although the stabilization observed is rather limited, concomitant compaction of unfolded apoflavodoxin restricts the conformational space sampled by the unfolded state, and this could affect kinetic folding of apoflavodoxin. Most importantly, crowding causes severe aggregation of the off-pathway folding intermediate during apoflavodoxin folding in vitro. However, apoflavodoxin can be over expressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli, where it efficiently folds to its functional native form at high yield without noticeable problems. Apparently, in the cell, apoflavodoxin requires the help of chaperones like Trigger Factor and the DnaK system for efficient folding.  相似文献   

Alpha helices, beta strands, and loops are the basic building blocks of protein structure. The folding kinetics of alpha helices and beta strands have been investigated extensively. However, little is known about the formation of loops. Experimental studies show that for some proteins, the formation of a single loop is the rate-determining step for folding, whereas for others, a loop (or turn) can misfold to serve as the hinge loop region for domain-swapped species. Computer simulations of an all-atom model of fragment B of Staphylococcal protein A found that the formation of a single loop initiates the dominant folding pathway. On the other hand, the stability analysis of intermediates suggests that the same loop is a likely candidate to serve as a hinge loop for domain swapping. To interpret the simulation result, we developed a simple structural parameter: the loop contact distance (LCD), or the sequence distance of contacting residues between a loop and the rest of the protein. The parameter is applied to a number of other proteins, including SH3 domains and prion protein. The results suggest that a locally interacting loop (low LCD) can either promote folding or serve as the hinge region for domain swapping. Thus, there is an intimate connection between folding and domain swapping, a possible cause of misfolding and aggregation.  相似文献   

Regions of secondary structure are predicted, without using information about the conformation of the protein itself, and compared with crystallographic assignments for seven proteins of recently published sequence and conformation (Table 1). It is observed in Table 3 that the prediction of helices is good (78.7% for %cor.ass.3), except for proteins having large antiparallel pleated sheets, and the prediction of β-structure is quite good (51.2% for %cor.ass.3) except for helix-rich proteins.The prediction of secondary structure from sequence, and a survey of all protein structures analysed so far by X-ray crystallography, suggest that nuceleation starts in almost all cases from interactions in the medium range between the regions having helical potential (α-candidate) and β-structural potential (β-candidate), which are very close to each other but separated by at least three hydrophilic or neutral residues in four consecutive residues on the polypeptide chain. Predictability of loops or turns is enhanced to 71.3% (%cor.ass.2) from 64.4% by taking into account the contiguous α-β interactions. Such a medium-range interaction is called here a probable nucleus. There are a lot of nuclei in large proteins such as carboxypeptidase Aα, while there exists at least one in small proteins like the trypsin inhibitor, Moreover, such an interaction could be a transitionary state towards a helix-rich protein, and towards a helix-deficient protein having a large antiparallel pleated sheet β-structure as well.The analysis of the relation between probable nuclei with regard to their mutual spatial proximity strongly suggests that the topological pathway of the polypeptide chain in three-dimensional space might be decided by the long-range interactions between an α-candidate and a β-candidate. An empirical rule is observed that almost all parallel pleated sheets are accompanied by helices in their neighbourhood. An accumulation of chemical facts, such as complementation experiments, combinations of disulphide bonds, etc., seems also to be elucidated by the proposed mechanism of protein folding.  相似文献   

Bollen YJ  Sánchez IE  van Mierlo CP 《Biochemistry》2004,43(32):10475-10489
The folding kinetics of the 179-residue Azotobacter vinelandii apoflavodoxin, which has an alpha-beta parallel topology, have been followed by stopped-flow experiments monitored by fluorescence intensity and anisotropy. Single-jump and interrupted refolding experiments show that the refolding kinetics involve four processes yielding native molecules. Interrupted unfolding experiments show that the two slowest folding processes are due to Xaa-Pro peptide bond isomerization in unfolded apoflavodoxin. The denaturant dependence of the folding kinetics is complex. Under strongly unfolding conditions (>2.5 M GuHCl), single exponential kinetics are observed. The slope of the chevron plot changes between 3 and 5 M denaturant, and no additional unfolding process is observed. This reveals the presence of two consecutive transition states on a linear pathway that surround a high-energy on-pathway intermediate. Under refolding conditions, two processes are observed for the folding of apoflavodoxin molecules with native Xaa-Pro peptide bond conformations, which implies the population of an intermediate. The slowest of these two processes becomes faster with increasing denaturant concentration, meaning that an unfolding step is rate-limiting for folding of the majority of apoflavodoxin molecules. It is shown that the intermediate that populates during refolding is off-pathway. The experimental data obtained on apoflavodoxin folding are consistent with the linear folding mechanism I(off) <==> U <==> I(on) <== > N, the off-pathway intermediate being the molten globule one that also populates during equilibrium denaturation of apoflavodoxin. The presence of such on-pathway and off-pathway intermediates in the folding kinetics of alpha-beta parallel proteins is apparently governed by protein topology.  相似文献   

Protein intermediates in equilibrium with native states may play important roles in protein dynamics but, in cases, can initiate harmful aggregation events. Investigating equilibrium protein intermediates is thus important for understanding protein behaviour (useful or pernicious) but it is hampered by difficulties in gathering structural information. We show here that the phi-analysis techniques developed to investigate transition states of protein folding can be extended to determine low-resolution three-dimensional structures of protein equilibrium intermediates. The analysis proposed is based solely on equilibrium data and is illustrated by determination of the structure of the apoflavodoxin thermal unfolding intermediate. In this conformation, a large part of the protein remains close to natively folded, but a 40 residue region is clearly unfolded. This structure is fully consistent with the NMR data gathered on an apoflavodoxin mutant designed specifically to stabilise the intermediate. The structure shows that the folded region of the intermediate is much larger than the proton slow-exchange core at 25 degrees C. It also reveals that the unfolded region is made of elements whose packing surface is more polar than average. In addition, it constitutes a useful guide to rationally stabilise the native state relative to the intermediate state, a far from trivial task.  相似文献   

Titin (first known as connectin) is a vast modular protein found in vertebrate striated muscle. It is thought to assist myofibrillogenesis and to provide a passive elastic restoring force that helps to keep the thick filaments properly centered in the sarcomere. We show that representative titin modules do indeed fold independently, and report their stabilities (i.e., delta G of unfolding and melting temperature) as measured by circular dichroism, fluorescence, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. We find that there is a region-dependent variation in stability, although we find no evidence to support a proposed elastic mechanism based on a molten-globular-like equilibrium folding intermediate, nor do our calculations support any mechanism based on the configurational entropy of the molecule itself; instead we suggest a model based on hydrophobic hinge regions that would not be strongly dependent on the precise folding pattern of the chain.  相似文献   

Group II introns: structure, folding and splicing mechanism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Group II introns are large autocatalytic RNAs found in organellar genomes of plants and lower eukaryotes, as well as in some bacterial genomes. Interestingly, these ribozymes share characteristic traits with both spliceosomal introns and non-LTR retrotransposons and may have a common evolutionary ancestor. Furthermore, group II intron features such as structure, folding and catalytic mechanism differ considerably from those of other large ribozymes, making group II introns an attractive model system to gain novel insights into RNA biology and biochemistry. This review explores recent advances in the structural and mechanistic characterization of group II intron architecture and self-splicing.  相似文献   

The early stages of the thermal unfolding of apoflavodoxin have been determined by using atomistic multi microsecond-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations complemented with a variety of experimental techniques. Results strongly suggest that the intermediate is reached very early in the thermal unfolding process and that it has the properties of an "activated" form of the native state, where thermal fluctuations in the loops break loop-loop contacts. The unrestrained loops gain then kinetic energy corrupting short secondary structure elements without corrupting the core of the protein. The MD-derived ensembles agree with experimental observables and draw a picture of the intermediate state inconsistent with a well-defined structure and characteristic of a typical partially disordered protein. Our results allow us to speculate that proteins with a well packed core connected by long loops might behave as partially disordered proteins under native conditions, or alternatively behave as three state folders. Small details in the sequence, easily tunable by evolution, can yield to one or the other type of proteins.  相似文献   

It is believed that the critical step in the pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is a transition of prion protein (PrP) from an alpha-helical conformation, PrP(C), to a beta-sheet-rich form, PrP(Sc). Native prion protein contains a single disulfide bond linking Cys residues at positions 179 and 214. To elucidate the role of this bridge in the stability and folding of the protein, we studied the reduced form of the recombinant human PrP as well as the variant of PrP in which cysteines were replaced with alanine residues. At neutral pH, the reduced prion protein and the Cys-free mutant were insoluble and formed amorphous aggregates. However, the proteins could be refolded in a monomeric form under the conditions of mildly acidic pH. Spectroscopic experiments indicate that the monomeric Cys-free and reduced PrP have molten globule-like properties, i.e. they are characterized by compromised tertiary interactions, an increased exposure of hydrophobic surfaces, lack of cooperative unfolding transition in urea, and partial loss of native (alpha-helical) secondary structure. In the presence of sodium chloride, these partially unfolded proteins undergo a transition to a beta-sheet-rich structure. However, this transition is invariably associated with protein oligomerization. The present data argue against the notion that reduced prion protein can exist in a stable monomeric form that is rich in beta-sheet structure.  相似文献   

Alanine substitutions were made for 15 amino acids in the cytoplasmic loop between transmembrane helices 6 and 7 (L6/7) of the human alpha(1)-subunit of Na,K-ATPase. Most mutations reduced Na,K-ATPase activity by less than 50%; however, the mutations R834A, R837A, and R848A reduced Na,K-ATPase activity by 75, 89, and 66%, respectively. Steady-state phosphoenzyme formation from ATP was reduced in mutants R834A, R837A, and R848A, and R837A also had a faster E(2)P --> E(2) dephosphorylation rate compared with the wild-type enzyme. Effects of L6/7 mutations on the phosphorylation domain of the protein were also demonstrated by (18)O exchange, which showed that intrinsic rate constants for P(i) binding and/or reaction with the protein were altered. Although most L6/7 mutations had no effect on the interaction of Na(+) or K(+) with Na,K-ATPase, the E825A, E828A, R834A, and R837A mutations reduced the apparent affinity of the enzyme for both Na(+) and K(+) by 1.5-3-fold. 1-Bromo-2,4,6-tris(methylisothiouronium)benzene (Br-TITU(3+)), a competitive antagonist of Rb(+) and Na(+) occlusion, was used to test whether charged residues in L6/7 are involved in binding monovalent cations and cation antagonists. Br-TITU(3+) inhibited ouabain binding to wild type Na,K-ATPase with an IC(50) of 30 microM. Ouabain binding to the E825A, E828A, R834A, or R837A mutants was still inhibited by Br-TITU(3+), indicating that Br-TITU(3+) does not bind to charged residues in L6/7. This observation makes it unlikely that L6/7 functions as a cytoplasmic cation binding site in Na,K-ATPase, and together with the effects of L6/7 mutations on phosphate interactions with the enzyme suggests that L6/7 is important in stabilizing the phosphorylation domain and its relationship to the ion binding sites of the protein.  相似文献   

Conformational stability and mechanism of folding of ribonuclease T1   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urea and thermal unfolding curves for ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) were determined by measuring several different physical properties. In all cases, steep, single-step unfolding curves were observed. When these results were analyzed by assuming a two-state folding mechanism, the plots of fraction unfolded protein versus denaturant were coincident. The dependence of the free energy of unfolding, delta G (in kcal/mol), on urea concentration is given by delta G = 5.6 - 1.21 (urea). The parameters characterizing the thermodynamics of unfolding are: midpoint of the thermal unfolding curve, Tm = 48.1 degrees C, enthalpy change at Tm, delta Hm = 97 kcal/mol, and heat capacity change, delta Cp = 1650 cal/mol deg. A single kinetic phase was observed for both the folding and unfolding of RNase T1 in the transition and post-transition regions. However, two slow kinetic phases were observed during folding in the pre-transition region. These two slow phases account for about 90% of the observed amplitude, indicating that a faster kinetic phase is also present. The slow phases probably result from cis-trans isomerization at the 2 proline residues that have a cis configuration in folded RNase T1. These results suggest that RNase T1 folds by a highly cooperative mechanism with no structural intermediates once the proline residues have assumed their correct isomeric configuration. At 25 degrees C, the folded conformation is more stable than the unfolded conformations by 5.6 kcal/mol at pH 7 and by 8.9 kcal/mol at pH 5, which is the pH of maximum stability. At pH 7, the thermodynamic data indicate that the maximum conformational stability of 8.3 kcal/mol will occur at -6 degrees C.  相似文献   

The ratio of short to long loop nephrons (SLNs and LLNs, respectively) in laboratory rodents (mice, rats, hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs) was investigated using the air cast method. In mice and rats, the percentage of SLNs was significantly higher than that of LLNs, while in hamsters and gerbils, the reverse was true (% of LLNs >% of SLNs). In guinea pigs, no significant difference in the percentages of LLNs and SLNs was noted.  相似文献   

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