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The species of inorganic carbon (CO2 or HCO3) taken up a source of substrate for photosynthetic fixation by isolated Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells is investigated. Discrimination between CO2 or HCO3 transport, during steady state photosynthesis, is achieved by monitoring the changes (by 14C fixation) which occur in the specific activity of the intracellular pool of inorganic carbon when the inorganic carbon present in the suspending medium is in a state of isotopic disequilibrium. Quantitative comparisons between theoretical (CO2 or HCO3 transport) and experimental time-courses of 14C incorporation, over the pH range of 5.2 to 7.5, indicate that the specific activity of extracellular CO2, rather than HCO3, is the appropriate predictor of the intracellular specific activity. It is concluded, therefore, that CO2 is the major source of exogenous inorganic carbon taken up by Asparagus cells. However, at high pH (8.5), a component of net DIC uptake may be attributable to HCO3 transport, as the incorporation of 14C during isotopic disequilibrium exceeds the maximum possible incorporation predicted on the basis of CO2 uptake alone. The contribution of HCO3 to net inorganic carbon uptake (pH 8.5) is variable, ranging from 5 to 16%, but is independent of the extracellular HCO3 concentration. The evidence for direct HCO3 transport is subject to alternative explanations and must, therefore, be regarded as equivocal. Nonlinear regression analysis of the rate of 14C incorporation as a function of time indicates the presence of a small extracellular resistance to the diffusion of CO2, which is partially alleviated by a high extracellular concentration of HCO3.  相似文献   

Light-driven protein synthesis in isolated plastids was studiedduring the greening of etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)seedlings. The process was divided into five phases (I to V)according to the recovery of plastids from the leaf tissue.The activity was not detected in the etioplasts, but rapidlyincreased to the maximum level in phase I and remained at thislevel through phase II. During the transition from phase IIto III, the activity rapidly decreased to one-third and thencontinued to decrease slowly. The plastid polypeptides synthesizedduring the greening were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis. In phase I, membrane polypeptides having molecularweights of about 21k were synthesized, while 23 k membrane polypeptidewas synthesized in phases III, IV and V. Synthesis of solublepolypeptides of 50–60 k and membrane polypeptides of 15k and 30–35 k was active in phases I and II, but decreasedbetween phases II and III. (Received October 31, 1983; Accepted May 14, 1984)  相似文献   

Glick RE  Sears BB 《Plant physiology》1994,106(1):367-373
Comparision of chloroplast from plants with one of four plastome types (I, II, III, IV) in the nuclear background of Oenothera elata strain Johansen addressed the effects of plastome-genome incompatibility with respect to leaf pigmentation, plastid ultrastructure, chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio, and photosynthetic electron transport. Previous observations of plastomes I, II, and IV in this nuclear background have revealed no indications of incompatibility, but the studies reported here demonstrate that chloroplasts of plastome IV have subtle alterations in their photosynthetic abilities, in particular, deficiencies in photosystem II. The well-characterized "hybrid bleaching" of plants with the AA genotype and plastome III involves leaves that become bleached in the center while remaining green at the tips, edges, and veins. Electron transport assays performed on fractionated bleached and green tissue from the same plants show photosynthetic defects in both the green and bleached regions, although defects in the latter are more severe. Ultrastructural studies show that chloroplasts in the bleached areas enlarge, thylakoid membranes become swollen and vesiculated, and production of new thylakoids is blocked, with chloroplasts appearing to undergo a programmed senescence. A time course revealed that the senescence is actually a reversible dedifferentiation. Alterations in the composition of medium to which AA/III seedlings were transferred showed that the presence of auxin can prevent the development of the typical incompatibility response, with leaf tissue remaining green rather than bleaching. It is proposed that differences in concentrations of plant growth regulators may be responsible for the persistence of normal chloroplasts near the vascular tissue and leaf blade edges and that seasonal fluctuations in auxin levels could explain the periodic bleaching that occurs in older plants.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of SB-P cells of soybean (Glycine max) provide a novel, reproducible, and readily manipulable greening system useful for inducing chloroplast differentiation. The cells are subcultured and grown heterotrophically (3% sucrose) in the dark for at least three successive 14-day periods, subcultured and grown in the dark for 7 days more, and finally placed under white light and grown photoautotrophically. Chlorophyll begins to accumulate by 1 hour of light and continues up to 12 days. The chlorophyll a:chlorophyll b ratio is 3:1. Dark-grown cells contain a small amount of total carotenoids which increase 10-fold during greening. Chloroplast differentiation is strictly light dependent, with photosynthetic pigments accumulating in the light and being lost from cells returned to the dark. In the dark, the chloroplasts dedifferentiate to amyloplasts as the organized thylakoid network is lost and starch accumulates. Under continuous light, the amyloplasts differentiate into mature chloroplasts as the organelle elongates, becomes spanned by several bands of thylakoids, and undergoes grana formation. Chloroplast differentiation in SB-P cells is similar to that in intact angiosperms developing under normal light-dark cycles.  相似文献   

Friable callus tissue of Centaurea cyanus L. was grown on a solidified synthetic nutrient medium (EBM-1) to produce a tissue with a low frequency of differentiated tracheary elements. Tissues were then suspended in liquid nutrient medium with agitation to produce a suspension which was filtered and the single-cell suspension resulting was used as inoculum for either cell suspension cultures or for plating of cells into solidified medium in Petri plates. Media for the suspension cultures were selected to favor cytodifferentiation of tracheary elements. Differentiated tracheary elements formed as early as 10 days and numbers of tracheary elements increased with time roughly in relation to the increase in total cell number. From plating experiments it was shown conclusively that single isolated parenchyma cells differentiated directly into single isolated tracheary elements, although this event was rare. More usual was the division of isolated cells to form small colonies and then the differentiation of one, several or all of the cells into tracheary elements. Comparisons are made between results with cell plating experiments and cell suspension cultures. Optimism is expressed for finding a cell suspension culture system for studying cytodifferentiation.  相似文献   

In vitro folliculogenesis of primordial and early preantral follicles is necessary for increment of reproductive efficiency in domestic animals, humans and endangered species. Recent study in phosphatase and tensin homolog (Pten) -knockout mice has revealed that this phosphatase acts as an inhibitory factor in follicle activation of primordial pool with the resultant inhibition of oocyte growth. To test in vitro effect of a phosphatase inhibitor on growth initiation of isolated non-growing oocytes in neonatal ovaries, we applied a specific inhibitor (bpV (HOpic)) for PTEN in culturing system. Non-growing oocytes isolated from the ovaries of newborn BDF1 (C57BL/6 × DBA/2) pups were divided to four culture groups. Five days after culture, the oocytes in 14 μmol/l bpV only, 14 μmol/l bpV plus 100 ng/ml Kit Ligand (KL), and 100 ng/ml KL groups showed significantly (P<0.05) growth (19.3±0.55, 25.8±0.53 and 21.6±0.29 μm, respectively) compared with that of the control (no additive) (16.9±0.53 μm). In addition, western blotting in those groups showed enhanced expression of phosphorylated Akt. In conclusion, we clearly demonstrate that isolated non-growing oocytes develop in phosphatase inhibitor, especially to PTEN, incorporated culturing system, and show first as we know that oocytes with zona Pellucidae can be obtained in vitro from isolated non-growing oocytes.  相似文献   

Tubulin degradation in isolated Zinnia mesophyll cells in culturewas investigated by pulse-chase labeling with [35S]-methionineand two-dimensional electrophoresis. Tubulin degradation changesdynamically during culture. Almost no tubulin degradation occursin the cells on the first day in culture. Treatment of thesecells with colchicine activates the degradation of tubulin,but not of proteins other than tubulin. In the presence of colchicine,the and ß-subunits of tubulin are degraded togetherand the half life of each subunit is approximately 6 h. After2 d in culture, there is active degradation of tubulin evenin the absence of colchicine. Colchicine did not inhibit new synthesis of tubulin in Zinniacells. This is very different from the results reported in culturedmammalian cells, whereby unpolymerized tubulin elevated by colchicine-treatmentdepresses its own synthesis. These and previous results dealing with changes in the leveland synthesis of tubulin in cultured Zinnia cells (Fukuda 1987),are discussed in relation to the regulation of tubulin metabolismin cultured Zinnia cells. 1Present address: Biological Institute, Faculty of Science,Tohoku University, Aoba-yama, Sendai, 980 Japan. (Received September 5, 1988; Accepted December 20, 1988)  相似文献   

Mechanically Activated Currents in Chick Heart Cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
As predicted from stretch-induced changes of rate and rhythm in the heart, acutely isolated embryonic chick heart cells exhibit whole-cell mechanosensitive currents. These currents were evoked by pressing on cells with a fire polished micropipette and measured through a perforated patch using a second pipette. The currents were carried by Na+ and K+ but not Cl, and were independent of external Ca2+. The currents had linear I/V curves reversing at −16 mV and were completely blocked by Gd3+≥ 30 μm and Grammostola spatulata venom at a dilution of 1:1000. Approximately 20% of cells showed time dependent inactivation. In contrast to direct mechanical stimulation, hypotonic volume stress produced an increase in conductance for anions rather than cations—the two stimuli are not equivalent. The cells had two types of stretch-activated ion channels (SACs): a 21 pS nonspecific cation-selective reversing at −2 mV and a 90 pS K+ selective reversing at −70 mV in normal saline. The activity of SACs was strongly correlated with the presence of whole-cell currents. Both the whole-cell currents and SACs were blocked by Gd3+ and by Grammostola spatulata spider venom. Mechanical stimulation of spontaneously active cells increased the beating rate and this effect was blocked by Gd3+. We conclude that physiologically active mechanosensitive currents arise from stretch activated ion channels. Received: 8 April 1996/Revised: 8 August 1996  相似文献   

利用制备的豌豆完整叶绿体研究了离体条件下蛋白质合成的条件。结果表明:叶绿体蛋白质合成的饱和光强为450μmol-2s-1,合成的速率在最初5min内最大,此后随时间延长而合成速率下降;K 对蛋白质合成有促进作用,其最适浓度为30-40mmol/L,进一步增加浓度其促进作用反而降低;Mg2 在1mmol/L以下对蛋白质合成有轻微的促进作用,当浓度超过1.5mmol/L则开始产生明显的抑制;叶绿体的蛋白质合成随着外源氨基酸浓度的增加而很快地增加,但赵过200μmol/L以后蛋白质合成随浓度增加而有所降低。DCMU抑制叶绿体蛋白质的合成,当浓度达10μmol/L时,其抑制作用达41%。荧光自显影结果表明,叶绿体合成的主要问质蛋白为Rubisco大亚基,合成的类囊体膜蛋白中以32kD蛋白较为明显。  相似文献   

石刁柏胚性细胞诱导过程中的内源激素和多胺含量变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用高效液相色谱法分析石刁柏愈伤组织胚性细胞诱导过程中不同时期内源激素和多胺含量的结果表明,在胚性细胞诱导过程中,Put和GA3一直呈上升趋势,胚性细胞出现时,IAA、Put和GA3含量都达到最高水平,显示高含量的IAA以及高比例的Pu“(Spd+Spm)可能有利于胚性细胞的形成。  相似文献   

The kinetics of 14C-labeling of compounds produced during photosynthesis by chloroplast preparations isolated from the green alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula were studied. After 10 minutes photosynthesis sucrose contained more 14C than any other product, and continued to accumulate radioactivity during the whole hour of incubation. Glucose-6-phosphate and alanine also behaved as end products and continued to accumulate label during the period. In these organelles, glucose-6-phosphate replaced triose phosphate as the main compound exported from the chloroplast during shorter periods of photosynthesis. When either glucose-6-phosphate or 3-phosphoglycerate was supplied to the isolated chloroplasts, they were metabolized, but were not converted to either sucrose or alanine. It is proposed that many of the differences in metabolism which distinguish these algal chloroplasts from those isolated from higher plants are due to their isolation in the form of cytoplasts, i.e. chloroplasts surrounded by a thin layer of extrachloroplastic material which is membrane-bound. The restriction of diffusion of intermediates from the chloroplast by this cytoplast membrane appears to be at least as important as the rather small amount of cytoplasm present in determining the properties observed.  相似文献   

现阶段干细胞的来源常具有侵入性,该文旨在研究新来源于经血的经血源子宫内膜干细胞(menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells,MenSCs)的基本生物学特性及分化潜能。采用密度梯度法从女性经血中分离MenSCs,测定MenSCs群体倍增时间,流式细胞仪鉴定细胞表面抗原,免疫荧光法检测MenSCs nestin阳性表达情况,体外验证其成骨成脂分化潜能。结果表明,MenSCs具有典型的梭状结构,细胞倍增时间为32.2 h,均一地高表达CD29、CD90及CD105,不表达CD14、CD45、HLA-DR。免疫荧光表明,MenSCs为nestin阳性。MenSCs成脂诱导后,油红O染色为阳性。成骨诱导前期诱导组细胞胶原表达量升高,诱导两周后MenSCs形成钙结节,诱导组细胞ALP(alkaline phosphatase)活性连续3周呈上升趋势。以上证明,MenSCs具有来源广泛的优势,具有较高的增殖能力、较低免疫原性、nestin阳性及多向分化潜能等特性,可成为干细胞治疗的理想种子细胞。  相似文献   

Changes in morphology of chloroplast nuclei (cp-nuclei), totalcp-DNA content, number of cp-nuclei, oxygen-evolution activityand chlorophyll (a and b) content were examined during the degenerationand development of chloroplasts, using Chlamydomonas reinhardiicells which had been incubated on solid medium for various periods. Under 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) epifluorescence microscopy,each cell that had been incubated for 7 days had one cell nucleus,one cup-shaped chloroplast and about 10 small, dispersed cp-nucleiin the chloroplast. One day after incubation of these cellson fresh medium, the cell volume and cp-nuclei increased insize 2-3 fold, but rapidly decreased in size after cell division.After about 7 days of incubation, cells ceased to divide andcp-nuclei began to associate with each other. At about 20 daysthey formed a ring-shaped structure surrounding the pyrenoid,followed by condensation into one cp-nuclear particle near thepyrenoid. When 41-day-old cells, having only one cp-nucleus,were reinoculated on fresh solid medium, the cp-nucleus increasedin size 2–3 fold, divided into several cp-nuclear particlesand then dispersed into the chloroplast, forming a bead-likestructure, before cell division. From microscopic fluorometry,a 4-fold increase in total cp-DNA content per chloroplast, withoutan increase in the number of cp-nuclear particles per chloroplast,occurred one day after the start of the experiment and one dayafter reinoculation of 41-day-old cells onto fresh medium. Theprocess of condensation of dispersed cp-nuclear particles intoone cp-nucleus during degeneration of the chloroplast was notaccompanied by any change in total cp-DNA content per chloroplast.A large peak of oxygen-evolution (0.6–0.9 pmoles/cell/hour)was seen one day after inoculation and reinoculation of thecells. The chlorophyll content (a+b) was high (1.2–2.2pg/cell) during the first week of incubation, after which itgradually decreased. (Received December 18, 1985; Accepted April 2, 1986)  相似文献   

ABC50 is an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein, which, unlike most ABC proteins, does not possess membrane-spanning domains. ABC50 interacts with eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), which plays a key role in translation initiation and its control. ABC50 binds to ribosomes, and this interaction requires both the N-terminal domain and at least one ABC domain. Knockdown of ABC50 by RNA interference impaired translation of both cap-dependent and -independent reporters, consistent with a positive role for ABC50 in the function of eIF2, which is required for both types of translation initiation. Mutation of the Walker box A or B motifs in both ABC regions of ABC50 yielded a mutant protein that exerted a dominant-interfering phenotype with respect to protein synthesis and translation initiation. Importantly, although dominant-interfering mutants of ABC50 impaired cap-dependent translation, translation driven by certain internal ribosome entry segments was not inhibited. ABC50 is located in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm but not in the nucleolus. Thus, ABC50 is not likely to be directly involved in early ribosomal biogenesis, unlike some other ABC proteins. Taken together, the present data show that ABC50 plays a key role in translation initiation and has functions that are distinct from those of other non-membrane ABC proteins.ABC50 was first reported as a protein whose expression is increased following treatment of synoviocytes with tumor necrosis factor α (1). ABC50 was subsequently identified independently as a protein that co-purified extensively with eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2)2 (2). In common with other members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family of proteins, ABC50 contains two ATP-binding cassettes (also termed nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs)) (1). Unlike most other members of the group, however, it lacks recognizable trans-membrane domains.Sequence analysis revealed that ABC50 is a close relative of the yeast protein Gcn20p, which is required for the control by amino acids of the yeast eIF2 kinase, Gcn2p, which is activated by binding to uncharged tRNA molecules (3). Gcn20p is thought to cooperate with Gcn1p to bring uncharged tRNAs to Gcn2p during the elongation process; this couples the availability of amino acids for tRNA charging to the control of Gcn2p (4). However, Gcn20p and ABC50 differ in important respects. For example, whereas Gcn20p associates with ribosomes that are engaged in elongation, ABC50 apparently binds ribosomes involved in initiation as well as elongation (2). Its association with ribosomes is stimulated by ATP. In addition, although Gcn20p and ABC50 are similar in their ABC domains, they differ markedly in their N termini. Since it is only the N terminus of Gcn20p that is required to support the function of Gcn2p in yeast (4), it seems likely that ABC50 and Gcn20p play distinct roles.Tyzack et al. (2) have provided initial data indicating that ABC50 stimulates the formation of complexes between eIF2, GTP, and the initiator methionyl-tRNA in vitro. It did so without affecting the binding of guanine nucleotides to eIF2, indicating that the effect is likely to be on the association of initiator methionyl-tRNA with eIF2. The available data thus suggested that ABC50 might play a positive role in the initiation of protein synthesis. However, no data for this have previously been presented. Similarly, the manner in which ABC50 binds to ribosomes, the significance of its ABC domains, and other features remained unclear.The two NBDs of ABC proteins are involved in nucleotide binding/hydrolysis and contain a number of conserved features, including the Walker box A and B motifs and the “ABC signature motif” (usually LSGGQ) (5, 6). The NBDs of eukaryotic ABC proteins “dimerize” such that the two ATP-binding/hydrolytic sites involve Walker box A of one NBD and the ABC signature motif of the other.Certain other non-membrane ABC proteins are known to be involved in translation or its control (7). Indeed, three of the eukaryotic ABCF classes contain proteins involved in the control of protein translation. Class I proteins are exemplified by ABC50 (also termed ABCF1). Class III proteins (exemplified by yeast Gcn20p) can interact with the ribosome in an ATP-dependent manner (4). The proteins of Class IVA (elongation factor 3) mediate translation elongation in certain fungi. eEF3 stimulates binding of the eEF1·GTP·aminoacyl-tRNA ternary complex to the ribosomal A site by facilitating the release of the deacylated tRNA from the E site, thus stimulating protein synthesis (8, 9). On the other hand, Class IVB contains proteins thought to be important for the export of mRNAs from the nucleus in yeast (10).The ABCE1 gene product was originally identified for its inhibition of ribonuclease L (11) and is hence also termed RLI1. Yeast Rli1p associates with 40 S ribosomal subunits in vivo and can interact with eIF3 and eIF5 independently of ribosomes (12). The available data indicate that ABCE1 is involved in both ribosome biogenesis and mRNA translation and shuttles between cytoplasm and nucleus, possibly as a nucleocytoplasmic transporter (1317).Here, we report the first detailed investigation into the function and interactions of ABC50. The data described here identify features of ABC50 that are required for its interaction with ribosomes. Most importantly, we provide the first evidence that ABC50 is required for efficient translation initiation in living cells and show that the requirement for ABC50 differs between cap-dependent and internal ribosome entry segment (IRES)-dependent translation. These and other data indicate that the function of ABC50 is distinct from those of other ABC proteins.  相似文献   

小肠上皮细胞作为肠道的主要功能细胞,在多种肠道疾病和上皮间质转化的研究中发挥着重要的作用。采取组织块消化和肠绒毛消化两种方法对新生仔猪小肠上皮细胞进行分离培养,传代后通过细胞形态学及免疫荧光等方法对其进行鉴定,结果表明:肠绒毛消化法所获得的小肠上皮细胞要远好于组织块消化法所得细胞,细胞在24~48h贴壁,呈现出典型的三角形或多角形样,10~12d细胞汇合成片、单层生长、互不重叠;细胞角蛋白18(cytokeratin-18)和尾型同源盒基因2(Cdx2)阳性,碱性磷酸酶检测阴性,扫描电镜下可以清楚地看到均匀分布的肠绒毛。以上结果表明,该实验成功建立出可连续传代并符合小肠上皮细胞鉴定标准的仔猪小肠上皮细胞。  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy reveals a decreased particle concentration on the inner fracture face of acclimated thylakoids, suggestive of some alteration(s) in the hydrophobic region. Sonic oscillation causes a reversal of the altered particle concentration in acclimated thylakoids and suggests that increases in unsaturation of fatty acids can, at most, account for only part of the altered particle concentration. The particles on the inner fracture face of acclimated thylakoids are of one size group (+/- 140 A) as compared to two size groups (+/- 100 A and +/- 165 A) for nonacclimated thylakoids. The paracrystalline array might be associated with the acclimated state of thylakoids. Nonacclimated thylakoids require 50 mm sucrose for maximum protection of light-dependent proton uptake, while acclimated thylakoids require 25 mm sucrose, and the protection afforded acclimated thylakoids during a freeze-thaw cycle is greater. Sucrose is required for alterations in acclimated thylakoids to be manifested. Apparently increased hardiness is not only associated with changes in cellular environment but also alterations in membranes.  相似文献   

Resident human lamina propria immune cells serve as powerful effectors in host defense. Molecular events associated with the initiation of an intestinal inflammatory response in these cells are largely unknown. Here, we aimed to characterize phenotypic and functional changes induced in these cells at the onset of intestinal inflammation using a human intestinal organ culture model. In this model, healthy human colonic mucosa was depleted of epithelial cells by EDTA treatment. Following loss of the epithelial layer, expression of the inflammatory mediators IL1B, IL6, IL8, IL23A, TNFA, CXCL2, and the surface receptors CD14, TLR2, CD86, CD54 was rapidly induced in resident lamina propria cells in situ as determined by qRT-PCR and immunohistology. Gene microarray analysis of lamina propria cells obtained by laser-capture microdissection provided an overview of global changes in gene expression occurring during the initiation of an intestinal inflammatory response in these cells. Bioinformatic analysis gave insight into signalling pathways mediating this inflammatory response. Furthermore, comparison with published microarray datasets of inflamed mucosa in vivo (ulcerative colitis) revealed a significant overlap of differentially regulated genes underlining the in vivo relevance of the organ culture model. Furthermore, genes never been previously associated with intestinal inflammation were identified using this model. The organ culture model characterized may be useful to study molecular mechanisms underlying the initiation of an intestinal inflammatory response in normal mucosa as well as potential alterations of this response in inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

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