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Ultraviolet light was shown to inactivate purified nitrate reductase in the presence of reduced benzyl viologen. Loss of activity was not complete, reaching 60 to 70%. Photolysis was maximum at 345 nm. The differential spectrum between native and irradiated enzyme exhibited absorption bands at 216, 275, 314 and 365 nm. The photosensitive electron carrier could be extracted by organic solvents. It had the following absorption bands: 225, 275 and 285 nm. It was reduced by Nile blue A but not by methylene blue. The precise nature of this light sensitive molecule could not be determined although the results support the idea that this chromophore might be a naphthoquinone.  相似文献   

I used a chlC-lac operon fusion to study regulatory mutations which affect nitrate reductase expression in Escherichia coli. A NarL- mutant apparently lacks a nitrate-specific positive regulatory component. Furthermore, an fnr (nirR) mutation prevented enzyme induction under any conditions. These data are consistent with a two-step, positive control model for nitrate reductase regulation.  相似文献   

The chlorate-resistant (chlR) mutants are pleiotropically defective in molybdoenzyme activity. The inactive derivative of the molybdoenzyme, respiratory nitrate reductase, present in the cell-free extract of a chlB mutant, can be activated by the addition of protein FA, the probable active product of the chlB locus. Protein FA addition, however, cannot bring about the activation if 10 mM sodium tungstate is included in the culture medium for the chlB strain. The inclusion of a heat-treated preparation of a wild-type or chlB strain prepared after growth in the absence of tungstate, restores the protein-FA-dependent activation of nitrate reductase. All attempts to activate nitrate reductase in extracts prepared from tungstate-grown wild-type Escherichia coli strains failed. It appears that during growth with tungstate, the possession of the active chlB gene product leads to the synthesis of a nitrate reductase derivative which is distinct from that present in the tungstate-grown chlB mutant. Heat-treated preparations from chlA and chlE mutants which do not possess molybdenum cofactor activity fail to restore the activation. Fractionation by gel filtration of the heat-treated preparation from a wild-type strain produced two active peaks in the eluate of approximate Mr 12000 and less than or equal to 1500. The active material in the heat-treated extract was resistant to exposure to proteinases, but after such treatment the active component, previously of approximate Mr 12000, eluted from the gel filtration column with the material of Mr less than or equal to 1500. The active material is therefore of low molecular mass and can exist either in a protein-bound form or in an apparently free state. Molybdenum cofactor activity, assayed by the complementation of the apoprotein of NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase in an extract of the nit-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa, gave a profile following gel filtration similar to that of the ability to restore respiratory nitrate reductase activity to the tungstate-grown chlB mutant soluble fraction. This was the case even after proteinase treatment of the heat-stable fraction. Analysis of the chlC (narC) mutant, defective in the structural gene for nitrate reductase, revealed that heat treatment is not necessary for the expression of the active component. Furthermore both the active component and molybdenum cofactor activity are present in corresponding bound and free fractions in the non-heat-treated soluble subcellular fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli strain carrying pTP 6-10 which was constructed in our previous work (Iwakura, M., et al. (1983) J. Biochem. 93, 927-930) produces more than 400-fold dihydrofolate reductase as compared with the strain without the plasmid. Dihydrofolate reductase was highly purified from the cell-free extract of the plasmid strain simply by two steps; ammonium sulfate fractionation and ion-exchange chromatography. By 10-fold purification, the enzyme was essentially homogeneous as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The restriction map of pTP 6-10 was also determined and the plasmid was shown to have an Ava I, an EcoR I, a Pst I, a Pvu I, and a Pvu II site. Our results indicate that the plasmid strain is suitable as a source of the enzyme and that plasmid pTP 6-10 is promising as a versatile plasmid vector for efficiently yielding the product of the cloned gene.  相似文献   

Periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapABC enzyme) has been characterized from a variety of proteobacteria, especially Paracoccus pantotrophus. Whole-genome sequencing of Escherichia coli revealed the structural genes napFDAGHBC, which encode NapABC enzyme and associated electron transfer components. E. coli also expresses two membrane-bound proton-translocating nitrate reductases, encoded by the narGHJI and narZYWV operons. We measured reduced viologen-dependent nitrate reductase activity in a series of strains with combinations of nar and nap null alleles. The napF operon-encoded nitrate reductase activity was not sensitive to azide, as shown previously for the P. pantotrophus NapA enzyme. A strain carrying null alleles of narG and narZ grew exponentially on glycerol with nitrate as the respiratory oxidant (anaerobic respiration), whereas a strain also carrying a null allele of napA did not. By contrast, the presence of napA+ had no influence on the more rapid growth of narG+ strains. These results indicate that periplasmic nitrate reductase, like fumarate reductase, can function in anaerobic respiration but does not constitute a site for generating proton motive force. The time course of phi(napF-lacZ) expression during growth in batch culture displayed a complex pattern in response to the dynamic nitrate/nitrite ratio. Our results are consistent with the observation that phi(napF-lacZ) is expressed preferentially at relatively low nitrate concentrations in continuous cultures (H. Wang, C.-P. Tseng, and R. P. Gunsalus, J. Bacteriol. 181:5303-5308, 1999). This finding and other considerations support the hypothesis that NapABC enzyme may function in E. coli when low nitrate concentrations limit the bioenergetic efficiency of nitrate respiration via NarGHI enzyme.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, aerobiosis inhibits the synthesis of enzymes for anaerobic respiration (e.g., nitrate reductase and fumarate reductase) and for fermentation (e.g., formate-hydrogen lyase). Anaerobically, nitrate induces nitrate reductase synthesis and inhibits the formation of both fumarate reductase and formate-hydrogen lyase. Previous work has shown that narL+ is required for the effects of nitrate on synthesis of both nitrate reductase and fumarate reductase. Another gene, narK (whose function is unknown), has no observable effect on formation of these enzymes. We report here our studies on the role of nar genes in fumarate reductase and formate-hydrogen lyase gene expression. We observed that insertions in narX (also of unknown function) significantly relieved nitrate inhibition of fumarate reductase gene expression. This phenotype was distinct from that of narL insertions, which abolished this nitrate effect under certain growth conditions. In contrast, insertion mutations in narK and narGHJI (the structural genes for the nitrate reductase enzyme complex) significantly relieved nitrate inhibition of formate-hydrogen lyase gene expression. Insertions in narL had a lesser effect, and insertions in narX had no effect. We conclude that nitrate affects formate-hydrogen lyase synthesis by a pathway distinct from that for nitrate reductase and fumarate reductase.  相似文献   

narL and narX mediate nitrate induction of nitrate reductase synthesis and nitrate repression of fumarate reductase synthesis. We report here the nucleotide sequences of narL and narX. The deduced protein sequences aid in defining distinct subclasses of regulators and sensors in the family of two-component regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

ChlD mutants of Escherichia coli are pleiotropic, lacking formate-nitrate reductase activity as well as formate-hydrogenlyase activity. Whole-chain formate-nitrate reductase activity, assayed with formate as the electron donor and measuring the amount of nitrite produced, was restored to wild-type levels in the mutants by addition of 10(-4)m molybdate to the growth medium. Under these conditions, the activity of each of the components of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase chain increased after molybdate supplementation. In the absence of nitrate, the activities of the formate-hydrogenlyase system were also restored by molybdate. Strains deleted for the chlD gene responded in a similar way to molybdate supplementation. The concentration of molybdenum in the chlD mutant cells did not differ significantly from that in the wild-type cells at either low or high concentrations of molybdate in the medium. However, the distribution of molybdenum between the soluble protein and membrane fractions differed significantly from wild type. We conclude that the chlD gene product cannot be a structural component of the formate-hydrogenlyase pathway or the formate-nitrate reductase pathway, but that it must have an indirect role in processing molybdate to a form necessary for both electron transport systems.  相似文献   

The FhuA protein in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli actively transports ferrichrome and the antibiotics albomycin and rifamycin CGP 4832 and serves as a receptor for the phages T1, T5, and phi80 and for colicin M and microcin J25. The crystal structure reveals a beta-barrel with a globular domain, the cork, which closes the channel formed by the barrel. Genetic deletion of the cork resulted in a beta-barrel that displays no FhuA activity. A functional FhuA was obtained by cosynthesis of separately encoded cork and the beta-barrel domain, each endowed with a signal sequence, which showed that complementation occurs after secretion of the fragments across the cytoplasmic membrane. Inactive complete mutant FhuA and an FhuA fragment containing 357 N-proximal amino acid residues complemented the separately synthesized wild-type beta-barrel to form an active FhuA. Previous claims that the beta-barrel is functional as transporter and receptor resulted from complementation by inactive complete FhuA and the 357-residue fragment. No complementation was observed between the wild-type cork and complete but inactive FhuA carrying cork mutations that excluded the exchange of cork domains. The data indicate that active FhuA is reconstituted extracytoplasmically by insertion of separately synthesized cork or cork from complete FhuA into the beta-barrel, and they suggest that in wild-type FhuA the beta-barrel is formed prior to the insertion of the cork.  相似文献   

The ' aeg46.5  ' operon was originally detected as an 'anaerobically expressed gene' located at minute 46.5 on the Escherichia coli linkage map. Subsequent results from the E. coli Genome Sequencing Project revealed that the ' aeg46.5  ' promoter was located in the centisome 49 (minute 47) region. Downstream from this promoter are 15 genes, seven of which are predicted to encode a periplasmic nitrate reductase and eight encode proteins homologous to proteins essential for cytochrome c assembly in other bacteria. All of these genes, together with the ' aeg46.5  ' promoter, have been subcloned on a 20 kb Eco RI fragment from Kohara phage 19D1. Evidence is presented that, as predicted, the region includes structural genes for two c -type cytochromes of mass 16 kDa and 24 kDa, which are transcribed from the previously described ' aeg46.5  ' promoter, and that the first seven genes encode a functional nitrate reductase. We, therefore, propose that they should be designated nap (nitrate reductase in the periplasm) genes. Plasmids encoding the entire 20 kb region, or only the downstream eight genes, complemented five mutations resulting in total absence of all five known c -type cytochromes in E. coli , providing biochemical evidence that these are ccm (for cytochrome c maturation) genes. The ccm region was transcribed both from the FNR-dependent, NarL- and NarP-regulated nap promoter (formerly the ' aeg46.5  ' promoter) and from constitutive or weakly regulated promoters apparently located within the downstream nap and ccm genes.  相似文献   

C Li  H D Peck  A E Przybyla 《Gene》1987,53(2-3):227-234
The structural genes for 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate (PAPS) reductase (cysH) and sulfite reductase (alpha and beta subunits; EC and cysJ) of Escherichia coli K-12 have been cloned by complementation. pCYSI contains two PstI fragments (18.3 and 2.9 kb) which complement cysH-, cysI-, and cysJ- mutants. Subcloning showed that the cysH gene is located on a 1.6-kb ClaI subfragment (pCYSI-3) whereas cysI and most of cysJ are carried on a 3.7-kb ClaI subfragment (pCYSI-5). The PAPS reductase gene is closely linked to the sulfite reductase genes, but its expression is regulated by a unique promoter. The cysI and cysJ genes, on the other hand, are transcribed as an operon and the promoter precedes the cysI gene. Maxicell analysis demonstrated that pCYSI encodes three polypeptides of Mr 27,000, 57,000, and 60,000, in addition to the tetracycline-resistance determinant. The 60- and 57-kDa proteins are most likely the alpha and beta subunits, respectively, of E. coli sulfite reductase while the 27-kDa protein is putatively identified as PAPS reductase. Preliminary data suggest that the alpha and beta subunits of sulfite reductase are encoded by cysI and cysJ, respectively.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that narL+ is required for nitrate induction of nitrate reductase synthesis and for nitrate inhibition of fumarate reductase synthesis in Escherichia coli. We cloned narL on a 5.1-kilobase HindIII fragment. Our clone also contained a previously unidentified gene, which we propose to designate as narX, as well as a portion of narK. Maxicell experiments indicated that narL and narX encode proteins with approximate MrS of 28,000 and 66,000, respectively. narX insertion mutations reduced nitrate reductase structural gene expression by less than twofold. Expression of phi (narL-lacZ) operon fusions was weakly induced by nitrate but was indifferent to aerobiosis and independent of fnr. Expression of phi (narX-lacZ) operon fusions was induced by nitrate and was decreased by narL and fnr mutations. A phi (narK-lacZ) operon fusion was induced by nitrate, and its expression was fully dependent on narL+ and fnr+. Analysis of these operon fusions indicated that narL and narX are transcribed counterclockwise with respect to the E. coli genetic map and that narK is transcribed clockwise.  相似文献   

The narL gene product, NarL, is the nitrate-responsive regulator of anaerobic respiratory gene expression. We used genetic analysis of narL mutants to better understand the mechanism of NarL-mediated gene regulation. We selected and analyzed seven nitrate-independent narL mutants. Each of three independent, strongly constitutive mutants had changes of Val-88 to Ala. The other four mutants were weakly constitutive. The narL505(V88A) allele was largely dominant to narL+, while narX+ had a negative influence on its constitutive phenotype, suggesting that NarX may play a negative role in nitrate regulation. We also constructed two narL mutations that are analogous to previously characterized constitutive degU alleles. The first, narL503(H15L), was a recessive null allele. The second, narL504(D110K), functioned essentially as wild type but was dependent on narX+ for full activity. We changed Asp-59 of NarL, which corresponds to the site of phosphorylation of other response regulators, to Asn. This change, narL502(D59N), was a recessive null allele, which is consistent with the hypothesis that NarL requires phosphorylation for activation. Finally, we tested the requirement for molybdate on regulation in a narL505(V88A) strain. Although narL505(V88A) conferred some nitrate-independent expression of fdnGHI (encoding formate dehydrogenase-N) in limiting molybdate, it required excess molybdate for full induction both in the absence and in the presence of nitrate. This finding suggests that narL505(V88A) did not confer molybdate-independent expression of fdnGHI.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of respiratory nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli K12   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Purified respiratory nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli is able to use either reduced viologen dyes or quinols as the electron donor and nitrate, chlorate, or bromate as the electron acceptor. When reduced viologen dyes act as the electron donor, the enzyme follows a compulsory-order, "Theorell-Chance" mechanism, in which it is an enzyme-nitrate complex that is reduced rather than the free enzyme. In contrast, if quinols are used as the electron donor, then the enzyme operates by a two-site, enzyme-substitution mechanism. Partial proteolysis of the cytochrome b containing holoenzyme by trypsin results in loss of cytochrome b and in cleavage of one of the enzyme's subunits. The cytochrome-free derivative exhibits a viologen dye dependent activity that is indistinguishable from that of the holoenzyme, but it is incapable of catalyzing the quinol-dependent reaction. The quinol-dependent, but not the viologen dye dependent, activity is inhibited irreversibly by exposure to diethyl pyrocarbonate and reversibly by treatment with 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide. We conclude that the holoenzyme has two independent and spatially distinct active sites, one for quinol oxidation and the other for nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Studies on the respiratory nitrate reductase (EC from Escherichia coli K12 by electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectroscopy indicate that its molybdenum centre is comparable with that in other molybdenum-containing enzymes. Two Mo(V) signals may be observed; one shows interaction of Mo(V) with a proton exchangeable with the solvent and has: A (1H) 0.9-1.2mT; g1 = 1.999; g2=1.985; g3 = 1.964; gav. = 1.983. Molybdenum of both signal-giving species may be reduced with dithionite and reoxidized with nitrate.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase (nitrite: (acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC and trimethylamine N-oxide reductase (NADH : trimethylamine-N-oxide oxidoreductase, EC activities were reconstituted by incubation of the association factor FA (the putative product of the chlB gene) with the soluble extract of the chlB mutant grown anaerobically in the presence of trimethylamine N-oxide. When soluble extracts of the chlB mutant grown on 10 mM sodium tungstate, a molybdenum competitor, were used in complementation systems, no enzymatic reactivation was observed. Heated extracts of the parental strain 541 were shown to contain a thermoresistant molybdenum cofactor by their ability to reactivate NADPH-nitrate reductase activity in the nit1 mutant of Neurospora crassa. By complementation of parental strain heated extract with association factor FA and soluble extract of the chlB mutant grown in the presence of sodium tungstate, we were able to show for the first time that the molybdenum cofactor is an activator common to the in vitro reconstitution of both nitrate reductase and trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase activities.  相似文献   

Two nitrate reductases, nitrate reductase A and nitrate reductase Z, exist in Escherichia coli. The nitrate reductase Z enzyme has been purified from the membrane fraction of a strain which is deleted for the operon encoding the nitrate reductase A enzyme and which harbours a multicopy plasmid carrying the nitrate reductase Z structural genes; it was purified 219 times with a yield of about 11%. It is an Mr-230,000 complex containing 13 atoms iron and 12 atoms labile sulfur/molecule. The presence of a molybdopterin cofactor in the nitrate reductase Z complex was demonstrated by reconstitution experiments of the molybdenum-cofactor-deficient NADPH-dependent nitrate reductase activity from a Neurospora crassa nit-1 mutant and by fluorescence emission and excitation spectra of stable derivatives of molybdoterin extracted from the purified enzyme. Both nitrate reductases share common properties such as relative molecular mass, subunit composition and electron donors and acceptors. Nevertheless, they diverge by two properties: their electrophoretic migrations are very different (RF of 0.38 for nitrate reductase Z versus 0.23 for nitrate reductase A), as are their susceptibilities to trypsin. An immunological study performed with a serum raised against nitrate reductase Z confirmed the existence of common epitopes in both complexes but unambiguously demonstrated the presence of specific determinants in nitrate reductase Z. Furthermore, it revealed a peculiar aspect of the regulation of both nitrate reductases: the nitrate reductase A enzyme is repressed by oxygen, strongly inducible by nitrate and positively controlled by the fnr gene product; on the contrary, the nitrate reductase Z enzyme is produced aerobically, barely induced by nitrate and repressed by the fnr gene product in anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

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