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We analyzed sequence variation for the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene family in Carex section Acrocystis (Cyperaceae) to reconstruct Adh gene trees for Acrocystis species and to characterize the structure of the Adh gene family in Carex. Two Adh loci were included with ITS and ETS sequences in a combined Bayesian inference analysis of Carex section Acrocystis to gain a better understanding of species relationships in the section. In addition, we comment on how the results presented here contribute to our knowledge of the birth-death process of the Adh gene family in angiosperms. It appears that the structure of the Adh gene family in Carex is complex with possibly six loci present in the gene family. Additionally, variation among Acrocystis species within loci is quite low, and there is little phylogenetic resolution in the individual datasets. Bayesian inference analysis of the combined ITS, ETS, Adh1, and Adh2 datasets resulted in a moderately well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships in the section which is discussed in relation to previous hypotheses of relationships.  相似文献   

Stefan Andersson 《Oecologia》1989,80(4):540-545
Summary Populations of the monocarpic plant Crepis tectorum were grown in a series of uniform environments to test the hypothesis that weedy populations are more r-selected than populations from a more natural habitat. Weedy populations exhibited a combination of r- and K-selected traits. The relatively rapid growth, the potential for a summer annual habit, and the relatively high fecundity that characterized at least one of the two weed populations studied were considered as r-selected traits favored in habitats of unpredictable duration. However, high levels of competition from other weedy species or from the crop in arable fields may explain at least some presumably K-selected traits observed in the weedy populations, e.g. relatively large seeds and late flowering in the summer. Results indicated that stress due to abiotic factors (strong winds, desiccation and nutrient deficiency) has been a more important selective factor than r- or K-selection, in non-weedy populations from calcareous grasslands (alvars) on the Baltic islands.  相似文献   

The sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) within the genes coding for cytoplasmic ribosomal (r) RNAs on the A chromosome complement of 34 members of the higher plant genus Brachycome (synonym Brachyscome) have been compared. The ITS1 sequence of species within the B. lineariloba complex contains a 56 bp tract that is absent from at least 12 Brachycome species but is present in other species within Brachycome as well as other Asteraceae. Phylogenetic data support the suggestion that the number of chromosomes reduced in several independent Brachycome lineages during speciation. Comparisons with the B chromosome ITS2 of B. dichromosomatica cytodeme A1 suggests an origin of the B chromosome at a time prior to the divergence of the four cytodemes of B. dichromosomatica.  相似文献   

Runs of identical amino acids encoded by triplet repeats (homopolymers) are components of numerous proteins, yet their role is poorly understood. Large numbers of homopolymers are present in the Drosophila melanogaster mastermind (mam) protein surrounding several unique charged amino acid clusters. Comparison of mam sequences from D. virilis and D. melanogaster reveals a high level of amino acid conservation in the charged clusters. In contrast, significant divergence is found in repetitive regions resulting from numerous amino acid replacements and large insertions and deletions. It appears that repetitive regions are under less selective pressure than unique regions, consistent with the idea that homopolymers act as flexible spacers separating functional domains in proteins. Notwithstanding extensive length variation in intervening homopolymers, there is extreme conservation of the amino acid spacing of specific charge clusters. The results support a model where homopolymer length variability is constrained by natural selection.Correspondence to: B. Yedvobnick  相似文献   

The homologous genomic region that contains two paralogous genes,Adh andAdh-dup, was compared in severalDrosophila species. Sequences were analyzed as follows: a) At the nucleotide level, Ka and Ks values were determined for each pair of species. Ka-Adh and Ka-Adh-dup are not significantly different. However, Ks-Adh values are significantly lower than Ks-Adh-dup, which are more variable. In agreement with other reports, lower Ks values forAdh correlate with a high level of gene expression and relatively high percentage of G+C content in the third codon position, while the opposite applies toAdh-dup. b) At the protein level, amino acid comparisons reveal conserved regions shared by ADH and ADH-DUP, which have been assigned to known functional domains. Key residues for dehydrogenasic function are also found in ADH-DUP, thus pointing to a dehydrogenase activity for ADH-DUP, albeit very different from that of ADH.  相似文献   

The chromosomal locations of the 45S (18S-5.8S-26S) and 5S ribosomal DNA in theBrachyscome lineariloba complex and two related species have been determined by the use of multicolor fluorescencein situ hybridization (McFISH). TheBrachyscome lineariloba complex includes five cytodemes with 2n=4, 8, 10, 12 and 16. Each of the 5S and 45S rDNA loci occurs at two sites on chromosomes in cytodemes with 2n=4. While in cytodemes with 2n=8, 10, 12 and 16, the number of 5S rDNA sites increases from four to eight paralleled to the genomic addition of diploid (4 chromosomes) or haploid (2 chromosomes) dosage. Of the 5S rDNA sites, only one pair is major, except for the cytodeme with 2n=10. The remaining 5S rDNA sites are minor and seem to have reduced the unit number of the 5S rDNA during the successive genomic additions. The 45S rDNA site is detected only at two nucleolar organizing regions in all cytodemes regardless of successive genomic addition. The loss or diminution of 45S rDNA sequences seem to have proceeded more rapidly than 5S rDNA sequences in theB. lineariloba complex.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of quantitative characters were undertaken to examine the pattern of variation resulting from adaptive radiation ofTetramolopium in Hawaii and to investigate the systematics of an undescribed species in the Cook Islands and a group of populations of uncertain affinity on Kalaupapa Peninsula in Hawaii. Taxa differentiated on quantitative characters in the absence of qualitative characters. Differentiation was observed in multiple characters which could be organized into a few principal components. The analyses supported the species rank of the Cook Islands plants. The relationship of the Kalaupapa Peninsula populations to the rest of the taxa needs further study.  相似文献   

Iva s.str. (comprising ten species) was examined by cpDNA restriction site variation to determine phyletic relationships within the group. The results were compared with relationships proposed from other data. A total of 86 restriction site mutations was detected, 47 of which proved phylogenetically informative. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained using both Wagner and Dollo parsimony. The tree revealed three main lineages that are congruent with the three chromosome lineages (base numbers of x = 16, 17, 18). The monophyly of the x = 16 and 18 groups was supported strongly by molecular data, while the monophyly of x = 17 lineage was only supported moderately. Relationships among the three lineages indicate that the sect.Iva is paraphyletic because sect.Linearbractea is nested within it. Both morphological data and the secondary chemical data are in agreement with the proposed cpDNA phylogeny. Because of this agreement, sect.Iva is revised such that,I. axillaris was excluded and positioned within the newly proposed sect.Rhizoma. Patterns and rates of cpDNA evolution were also examined. The results indicated an uneven evolution in the chloroplast genome with different rates of cpDNA evolution in at least a few species ofIva. However, the evolutionary clock hypothesis can not be rejected within most of the lineages inIva.  相似文献   

Canonical variate analysis of plants raised in a uniform environment was used to study the pattern of geographical variation in leaf shape ofCrepis tectorum (Asteraceae). The diversity in leaf shape was much greater among populations confined to areas with exposed bedrock in the Baltic region than among weed populations scattered throughout Europe and Canada. A Ward's clustering linked outcrop populations from the archipelago of SW. Finland and the islands of Öland (Sweden) and Saaremaa (Estonia) due to the deeply lobed leaves characterizing these populations, while outcrop populations along the coast of E. Sweden were grouped due to their weakly lobed, narrow and dentate leaves. Most of the weed populations were grouped together but there was no tendency for the variation in this group to be related to habitat or geographical location. A mosaic of variation reflected in sharp (random) differentiation among local populations was superimposed on the large-scale ecogeographical pattern.—Crossing data indicated that most of the variation in degree of leaf dissection is governed by one major gene with deeply lobed leaves dominant over weakly lobed leaves. I suggest that the simple pattern of inheritance may have favoured rapid evolutionary changes in leaf shape, particularly in the Baltic area which emerged relatively late from the sea. Genetic correlations may have constrained the pattern of variation at higher taxonomic levels, since some of the trait associations detected in a segregating F2 generation were also found at the among-population level.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

Compositae (Asteraceae) are remarkably homogenous in basic type of inflorescence, flower and fruit. TheCichorioideae are more closely related to the other groups than usually realized. The classical concept of theAsteroideae tribes has been confirmed in general, but recent investigations (using palynology, carpology, phytochemistry etc.) suggest numerous corrections, and some genera (e.g.Liabum, Echinops, Tarchonanthus, Arnica) do not fit into the scheme. The tribes ofAsteroideae may be divided into two groups characterized by several common characters and common tendencies. The oldest reliable fossils are known from the borderline Oligocene/Miocene. Looking for the nearest relatives,Campanulales (incl.Calyceraceae) and—because of interesting phytochemical agreements—Araliales have to be discussed.This paper was read at the XIIth International Botanical Congress, Leningrad, July 1975.  相似文献   

Plastid sequences are among the most widely used in phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies in flowering plants, where they are usually assumed to evolve like non-recombining, uniparentally transmitted, single-copy genes. Among others, this assumption can be violated by intracellular gene transfer (IGT) within cells or by the exchange of genes across mating barriers (horizontal gene transfer, HGT). We report on HGT of a plastid region including rps2, trnL-F, and rbcL in a group of non-photosynthetic flowering plants. Species of the parasitic broomrape genus Phelipanche harbor two copies of rps2, a plastid ribosomal gene, one corresponding to the phylogenetic position of the respective species, the other being horizontally acquired from the related broomrape genus Orobanche. While the vertically transmitted copies probably reside within the plastid genome, the localization of the horizontally acquired copies is not known. With both donor and recipient being parasitic plants, a possible pathway for the exchange of genetic material is via a commonly attacked host.  相似文献   

Helianthus petiolaris andH. niveus are polytypic species which are morphologically distinct at the periphery of their ranges but intergrade in areas of sympatry.Helianthus niveus includes both annual and perennial members, whereasH. petiolaris is strictly annual. Chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA restriction site data were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations of the two species. Cladistic analyses reveal the following: (1) neither species is monophyletic; (2) the annual habit is derived once in this complex; and (3) the region of morphological intergradation appears to be primary in origin. The significance of interbreeding versus common descent in defining species concepts is discussed in relation to the above cladistic analyses.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in an insular endemic plantAster asa-grayi was examined using enzyme electrophoresis. Distribution ofA. asa-grayi is restricted to only four subtropical islands of Japan, and this species is listed as vulnerable to extinction in the Red Data Book of Japanese wild plants. A total of 161 individuals were sampled from five populations on four islands. Genetic diversity values at the population level were very low, compared to other plant species with a similar life history. Genetic variability at the species level is comparable to the mean value of endemic species. Genetic differentiation among populations is extremely high (GST= 0.71), indicating that the gene flow among populations is highly impeded, and pollen and seed dispersal is limited due to the pollinators and the seed morphology. This is because the four islands are geographically isolated. Fixation indices suggested that most populations do not randomly cross. To conserve the genetic diversity of the species, artificial crossings among different island populations are necessary.  相似文献   

As determined by computer sequence analysis, the average exon length in Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Homo sapiens genes decreases with an increasing number of introns. In A. thaliana and O. sativa, variations in intron and exon lengths with an increasing number of introns are highly correlated. Linear correlation is observed between the total exon length and the number of introns, while the gene length increases in proportion to the number of introns. In human, the average intron and gene lengths depended on the gene density in DNA.  相似文献   

Flagellin gene (fliC) sequences from 18 strains of Pseudomonas sensu stricto representing 8 different species, and 9 representative fliC sequences from other members of the gamma sub-division of proteobacteria, were compared. Analysis was performed on N-terminal, C-terminal and whole fliC sequences. The fliC analyses confirmed the inferred relationship between P. mendocina, P. oleovorans and P. aeruginosa based on 16S rRNA sequence comparisons. In addition, the analyses indicated that P. putida PRS2000 was closely related to P. fluorescens SBW25 and P. fluorescens NCIMB 9046T, but suggested that P. putida PaW8 and P. putida PRS2000 were more closely related to other Pseudomonas spp. than they were to each other. There were a number of inconsistencies in inferred evolutionary relationships between strains, depending on the analysis performed. In particular, whole flagellin gene comparisons often differed from those obtained using N- and C-terminal sequences. However, there were also inconsistencies between the terminal region analyses, suggesting that phylogenetic relationships inferred on the basis of fliC sequence should be treated with caution. Although the central domain of fliC is highly variable between Pseudomonas strains, there was evidence of sequence similarities between the central domains of different Pseudomonas fliC sequences. This indicates the possibility of recombination in the central domain of fliC genes within Pseudomonas species, and between these genes and those from other bacteria.  相似文献   

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