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对金龟子绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)AS3.4606产壳聚糖酶进行了固态发酵条件优化及酶学部分特征的研究。正交实验结果表明,以麸皮为碳源,日本根霉菌丝体粉末为氮源,在起始pH5.0,m(碳):m(氨)为1:4,m(干重):m(液体)为1:1.4,27℃下培养120h,壳聚糖酶活性可达35.08U/g(干培养基)。粗酶液的最适反应温度为40℃,最适反应pH为5.0,酶在pH5.0~6.0条件下稳定性最高。该酶不能水解固体甲壳素和纤维素粉末,最适底物为胶体壳聚糖。  相似文献   

金龟子绿僵菌固态培养生物变量优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金龟子绿僵菌属于真菌类生物杀虫剂,本文研究了接种量、种龄、菌种代数等生物因素对金龟子绿缰菌生长及产孢量的影响,并对液-固两步发酵工艺进行了研究.经过优化,得到金龟子绿僵菌产孢的最佳生物参数是:接种量为2.5g/100g、种龄为5~6天;采用固体二代种,培养6天,孢子产量可达1.531×1010孢子/g干培养基.  相似文献   

绿僵菌作为一种广为人知的虫生真菌,在农业绿色防控中担任重要角色,是害虫综合治理的重要组成部分。近年来对绿僵菌的深入研究发现,其也可作为植物内生菌,通过介导昆虫植物碳氮元素交换、分泌代谢产物、诱导植物抗性等途径促进植物生长。本文以绿僵菌根际定植和对植物的促生效果以及分子机理为主要内容,对已有文献进行回顾梳理,并对目前研究局限和未来发展方向进行讨论,为绿僵菌与植物互作研究提供理论参考,同时为制备促生防虫于一体的新型生物制剂提供帮助。  相似文献   

绿僵菌Ma83几丁质酶的发酵研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验从虫生真菌中筛选出金龟子绿僵菌M a83菌株,它的几丁质酶合成能力最强。其产酶的适宜条件是,碳源为胶体几丁质加葡萄糖,氮源为NaNO3,培养温度为28℃,培养基起始pH 6.0;接种量为5 mL液态种,最适装液量为5 mL,添加维生素C可以提高酶活;正交实验表明培养因子的最佳组合是:NaNO31 g/L,胶体几丁质0.6 g/L,酵母膏0.05 g/L,葡萄糖0.10 g/L。根据液态培养产酶过程结果可知,当M a83菌培养6天时,几丁质酶活力达到8.1 U/mL。  相似文献   

金龟子绿僵菌原生质体形成和再生的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
用0.5%纤维素酶和0.5%蜗牛酶的混合酶液,以0.6mol/L KCl为渗透压稳定剂,pH6.5时,30℃处理菌龄为24小时的金龟子绿僵菌3-4小时,可从1克湿菌丝获得5×107个以上的原生质体。原生质体在祭氏培养基上再生率仅为0.1—1.2%。但原生质体先在液体中培养再转移到固体平皿上,再生率可提高到8%。实验还观察和确证了原生质体的形成及其再生。  相似文献   

绿僵菌属血清学的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用凝集试验和免疫电泳的方法对不同来源的七株绿僵菌属真菌进行了免疫学对比研究。抗原是孢子悬液和菌丝体清液,通过对角兔接种抗原而获得抗血清。每一种抗原与其同源抗血清和异源抗血清进行交叉试验,并对凝集试验的结果以及免疫电泳反应产生的沉淀弧数目和免疫电泳图谱加以对比分析,试验结果表明:不同菌株间存在明显的抗原类似性,同时各菌株间也表现出一定的抗原专一性。根据试验数据对供试菌株进行血清学分型的结果与形  相似文献   

研究了金龟子绿僵菌菌株M a83液体培养最佳营养及环境条件,为无纺布培养提供良好的液体种子。以生物量为指标,通过液体摇瓶试验确定了绿僵菌M a83菌株液体种子培养参数,对不同的氮源、碳源及其浓度和初始pH进行单因素分析。结果表明,绿僵菌M a83菌株液体种子培养最佳营养条件为4%黄豆粉,2%白砂糖,0.5%MgSO4.7H2O,0.05g/LKC l,0.1g/L FeSO4.7H2O,1.0g/L KH2PO4,pH6.3~6.5。70L发酵罐培养,干生物量第三天可达35g/L,显著优于筛选前培养基(SDA,28g/L,a=0.05)。  相似文献   

研究了金龟子绿僵菌菌株Ma83液体培养最佳营养及环境条件,为无纺布培养提供良好的液体种子.以生物量为指标,通过液体摇瓶试验确定了绿僵菌Ma83菌株液体种子培养参数,对不同的氮源、碳源及其浓度和初始pH进行单因素分析.结果表明,绿僵菌Ma83菌株液体种子培养最佳营养条件为4%黄豆粉,2%白砂糖,0.5%MgSO4·7H2O,0.05g/LKCl,0.1g/L FeSO4·7H2O,1.0g/L KH2PO4,pH6.3~6.5.70L发酵罐培养,干生物量第三天可达35g/L,显著优于筛选前培养基(SDA,28g/L,a=0.05).  相似文献   

绿僵菌属的三个新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者从广东、贵州、北京等地收集的虫生真菌中,发现在我国具有绿僵菌属特征的真菌可分为四个种。根据菌落颜色、分生孢子团块大小、紧密和牢固程度、孢子链连接方式、分生孢子形状等,将我们收集的属于本属的菌株分为四个种。本文报道绿僵菌属三个新种的描述。金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae(Metsch.)Sorokin为最常见的甘蔗金龟子致病菌,是本属的模式种。平沙绿僵菌Metarhizium pingshaense Chen et Guo sp.nov.、柱孢绿僵菌Metarhizium cylindrosporae Chen et Guo sp.nov.和贵州绿僵菌Metarhizium guizhouense Chen et Guo sp.nov.是三个新种。  相似文献   

绿僵菌属的一个新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导从贵州省贵阳罹病梨虎Rhynchites Coreanus Kono幼虫虫尸分离的一种绿僵菌新种的鉴定结果,该菌与绿僵菌属模式种金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch) s-orkin 有明显区别,根据菌落颜色、分生孢子团块大小、连接紧密和牢固程度、孢子链连接方式和分生孢子形态等,我们鉴定为新种——翠绿绿僵菌Metarhizium iadini chen、Guo et zhou sp.nov.  相似文献   

Metarhizium anisopliae was grown by solid-state fermentation on a series of compositions of rice, rice bran, or rice husk media for the production of cyclodepsipeptides, destruxins A and B. The best yield for destruxin A and destruxin B were 2.9 mg kg–1 substrate and 227 mg kg–1 substrate, respectively, after 14 days cultivation with rice/bran/husk medium at 71% water content together with water activity of 0.921.  相似文献   

绿僵菌对小麦纹枯病菌的抑制作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下,研究了金龟子绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)对小麦纹枯病菌(Rhizoctonia cerealis)的拮抗作用及其机理。结果表明,金龟子绿僵菌与小麦纹枯病菌对峙培养以及在培养基中加入金龟子绿僵菌孢子悬浮液,对小麦纹枯病菌菌丝生长均有较好的抑制作用。测定了培养不同天数的金龟子绿僵菌Ma55发酵液对小麦纹枯病菌菌丝生长、菌核产生量及菌核萌发率的影响。结果表明,液体振荡培养25 d的金龟子绿僵菌Ma55发酵液对小麦纹枯病菌的菌丝生长、菌核产生量及菌核萌发具有显著的抑制作用,且Ma55发酵液中的抑菌活性物质具有较好的热稳定性。在光学显微镜下,未观察到Ma55对小麦纹枯病菌的重寄生现象,但发现金龟子绿僵菌与小麦纹枯病菌对峙培养处小麦纹枯病菌营养菌丝的细胞质变稀薄、菌丝部分消解或断裂。上述结果显示,金龟子绿僵菌对小麦纹枯病菌的拮抗机制主要是营养竞争、空间竞争及抗生作用等。  相似文献   

Mortality of Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) larvae at 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC following treatment with 107conidia ml“1suspensions of six Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin isolates was temperature dependent. In all cases, the LT50s were inversely related to temperature, but the nature of this response varied between isolates. Strain 101-82 was the most virulent isolate at 25oC with an LT50 of 3.7 days, but it was the least virulent isolate at 15oC and it failed to kill any O. sulcatus larvae at 10oC. In contrast, strain 159-83 had the lowest virulence at both 20oC and 25oC, whereas it was the most virulent isolate at 10oC with an LT50 of 20.0 days. The mortality rates followed a similar pattern and were positively related to temperature in all cases with the exception of strain 159-83 at 25oC. Mycosis development was examined on larvae treated with strain 275-86 and significant differences were obtained between all four temperatures. Sporulation commenced after approximately 2.75 days at 25oC, but took nearly 11 days at 10oC. The infection rates also varied between temperatures; sporulation occurred on 98% of the treated larvae at 25oC, but only on 93%, 87% and 49% of the larvae at 20oC, 15oC and 10oC, respectively. The results of these bioassays demonstrate that temperature has a significant effect on the virulence of M. anisopliae. The differences between fungal strains also emphasises the importance of selecting isolates for specific situations on the basis of their temperature profiles.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae has very recently been shown to produce microsclerotia (MS) – compact, heavily melanised, hyphal aggregates – in liquid media. Soil incorporation bioassays of dried MS preparations of three isolates of M. anisopliae were conducted using third instar Tetanops myopaeformis (sugarbeet root maggot) in clay and/or clay loam field soils as a model system to demonstrate efficacy. At rates as low as 23 mg MS granules/100 g dry soil, the biocontrol efficacy of MS granules of M. anisopliae Strain F52 produced in liquid media with a high carbon concentration (36 g/L) and high C:N ratios (30:1, 50:1) were superior to MS preparations produced in low carbon (8 g carbon/L) media and a high carbon medium with a 10:1 C:N ratio. Bioassays using MS formulations of M. anisopliae strains MA1200 and TM109 produced in high carbon and high C:N ratio media were superior in efficacy to the other MS production media tested. MS preparations of M. anisopliae F52 showed superior efficacy against the sugarbeet root maggot in comparison with more conventional, conidia-covered nutritive (corn grit) granules in a clay and clay soil. The MS granules were also highly efficacious against the sugarbeet root maggot at soil moisture levels as low as 0.983 A w (?2.33 MPa). Granular preparations incorporating Metarhizium MS can serve as a viable formulation for the use of this fungus against soil insects.  相似文献   

Studies on adaptations of Metarhizium anisopliae to life in the soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metarhizium anisopliae is an important fungal model for elucidating the basis of entomopathogenicity. A field trial conducted in 2000 with a strain expressing the gfp gene as a marker unexpectedly identified the rhizosphere (the root-soil interface) as the site where insects and pathogen most likely interact. However, the implications of rhizosphere events in maintaining large populations of M. anisopliae remain unclear. The extent to which plant ecology is impacted by the rhizosphere competence of M. anisopliae is also uncertain, but it could be considerable with implicit co-evolutionary implications. Rhizosphere competence may need to be considered as a feature for selecting fungal strains for biocontrol and this raises the possibility of managing the rhizosphere microflora to achieve insect control. Rhizosphere competence also raises some concerns, particularly if it resulted in introduced or hypervirulent transgenic strains persisting in the environment. It is hoped that field trials and other studies currently underway to extend our knowledge of host-pathogen-plant interactions will help identify containment strategies as well as lead to new and important ways of exploiting insect pathogenic fungi for crop protection.  相似文献   

目的:克隆人趋化因子MIP3α,进行原核表达并初步鉴定其趋化活性。方法:从人扁桃体中提取总RNA,进行RTPCR,扩增MIP3α成熟蛋白基因,重组于pET32a(+)载体,转化大肠杆菌BL21TrxB(DE3),进行融合表达,Westernblot验证融合蛋白,金属离子亲和层析,肠激酶酶切,弱阳离子交换层析,得到纯化的MIP3α蛋白,趋化试验鉴定其趋化活性。结果:成功构建了MIP3α天然蛋白的硫氧还蛋白融合表达载体,表达并纯化出MIP3α蛋白,Westernblot证明融合蛋白能与羊抗人MIP3α抗体结合,纯化的MIP3α蛋白能趋化HEK293CCR6稳定转染细胞。结论:构建的天然MIP3α融合表达载体以可溶性蛋白的方式稳定表达MIP3α,初步纯化得到的MIP3α具有趋化HEK293CCR6稳定转染细胞的活性。  相似文献   

用Real-Time PCR评价花生田间金龟子绿僵菌的存活能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能够对金龟子绿僵菌在花生田间的存活能力进行精确的定量研究,通过比对真菌ITS序列,设计出针对金龟子绿僵菌的特异性引物,并建立金龟子绿僵菌Real-Time PCR反应体系。结果表明,标准品在拷贝数为8.49×103–8.49×109copies/μL之间,线性关系良好,线性方程为y=-3.257x+6.969,相关系数为R=0.9980,扩增效率E=102.8%,检出痕量为20个孢子/g土壤。以Real-Time PCR方法和平板稀释法,分别对花生根部施用金龟子绿僵菌后不同时期的土壤进行定量分析,结果表明两种方法检测的金龟子绿僵菌数量变化趋势相似,施用的金龟子绿僵菌在根围与根际都呈现先快速下降后缓慢回升的趋势,90d时金龟子绿僵菌DNA量和CFU值均下降至初始的10%以下,之后出现回升;根际的金龟子绿僵菌相对地下降较慢而回升较快,在120d时可恢复到初始的52.17%和38.65%,显著高于根围的数量。试验建立的Real-Time PCR体系可用于金龟子绿僵菌土壤宿存的定量检测,而且适用于低含量的检测。  相似文献   

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