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China, as one of the most important Range States of orchids in the world, has about 1300 species withabundant varieties of orchids. However, owing to over, abuse harvest and illegal trades, the wild populations ofthese species have declined dramatically, even bringing some species to the edge of extinction. In response to such challenges, the Chinese government has put conservation of orchids as a priority agenda, taking a series of Innovative and effective measures to protect the orchids in the wild.[第一段]  相似文献   

China,as one of the most important Range States of orchids in the world, has about 1300 species with abundant varieties of orchids. However, owing to over, abuse harvest and illegal trades, the wild populations of these species have declined dramatically, even bringing some species to the edge of extinction. In response to such challenges, the Chinese  相似文献   

Orchid classification has undergone a series of significant changes during the past decade as molecular phylogenetic studies have examined relationships at all taxonomic levels in the family. Today, the 750 genera and 25,000 species of Orchidaceae are organized into five subfamilies, the two largest of which (Epidendroideae and Orchidoideae) are further divided into 19 tribes and 43 subtribes. Whereas some of these groups are relatively small in terms of total species numbers, and may be of little horticultural or medicinal value, they are especially important for understanding orchid evolution and may deserve to be conserved for this reason alone. The question of which orchids to conserve is a complex one, but the science of systematics, including taxonomy and phylogenetics, has an undeniable role to play in answering that question. Among the many ways that phylogenetic trees can assist biologists in setting conservation priorities are by: 1) guiding taxonomists in naming species, which is essential for creating checklists within floras, monographs, and inventories; 2) discovering overlooked, rare or cryptic species that deserve recognition and protection; 3) determining whether or not a taxon is actually a species or simply a variant or hybrid; 4) predicting species that may be of value to humans for economic value; 5) identifying species that may have particularly important scientific value for better understanding the biology of plants. In the same way that we cannot protect all habitats, we may not be able to save every orchid species. Priorities must be established. The Yachang Orchid Reserve has been recognized as important not only because of the number of individual orchid plants that grow there, but also because of its great orchid diversity. Diversity is a product of evolution by natural selection, and the science of phylogenetics has a role to play in better understanding that process.  相似文献   

China has over 1,200 species of native orchids in nearly 173 genera. About one fourth of native species are of horticultural merit. Some species are of Chinese medicinal value. In fact, the demand on orchid species with high Chinese medicinal values such as Gastrodia elata, Dendrobium offcinale, along with demands on species of cultural importance, such as those in the genus of Cymbidium, is a major factor causing wild populations to diminish and in some cases, drive wild populations to the brink of extinction. These market demands have also driven studies on the role of mycorrhizal fungi in orchid seed germination, seedling and adult growth, and reproduction. Most of these mycorrhizal studies of Chinese orchids, however, are published in Chinese, some in medical journals, and thus overlooked by the mainstream orchid mycorrhizal publications. Yet some of these studies contained interesting discoveries on the nature of the mycorrhizal relationships between orchids and fungi. We present a review of some of these neglected publications. The most important discovery comes from the mycorrhizal studies on G. elata, in which the researchers concluded that those fungi species required to stimulate seed germination are different from those that facilitate the growth of G. elata beyond seedling stages. In addition, presence of the mycorrhizal fungi associated with vegetative growth of post-seedling G. elata hindered the germination of seeds. These phenomena were unreported prior to these studies. Furthermore, orchid mycorrhizal studies in China differ from the mainstream orchid studies in that many epiphytic species (in the genus of Dendrobium, as medicinal herbs) were investigated as well as terrestrial orchids (mostly in the genus Cymbidium, as traditional horticultural species). The different responses between epiphytic and terrestrial orchid seeds to fungi derived from roots suggest that epiphytic orchids may have a more general mycorrhizal relationship with fungi than do terrestrial orchid species during the seed germination stage. To date, orchid mycorrhizal research in China has had a strongly commercial purpose. We suggest that this continuing research on orchid mycorrhizal relationships are a solid foundation for further research that includes more rare and endangered taxa, and more in-situ studies to assist conservation and restoration of the endangered orchids. Knowledge on the identities and roles of mycorrhizal fungi of orchids holds one of the keys to successful restoration and sustainable use of Chinese orchids.  相似文献   

Invertebrates are generally regarded with apathy, distaste, and fear in Western society. These negative sentiments likely contribute to the disparity in wildlife conservation efforts, which largely favor vertebrate organisms. Bees represent one of the most ecologically and economically important invertebrate groups, yet bee diversity and abundance is declining worldwide, mirroring the general decline of invertebrate biodiversity. Developing and implementing successful conservation efforts requires interdisciplinary research that considers the ecological and social realities of today’s world. To better inform conservation efforts related to bees, we examined adolescents’ experiences and knowledge of, and attitudes toward, bees and investigated how these dimensions related to one another. A total of 794 eighth-grade science students from the suburbs of Chicago, USA completed a 48-item, paper questionnaire. The results indicated that adolescents were only somewhat knowledgeable about bee biology and services, and they confused bees with other flying insects, especially those with black-and-yellow coloration. Adolescents regarded bees with a generally neutral attitude; their knowledge and attitudes were correlated in a positive manner. Various bee-related experiences were linked to adolescents’ knowledge and attitudes and may have influenced bee-related behavior. In particular, students who engaged in gardening and lawn-care activities demonstrated higher levels of knowledge and more positive attitudes. This study provides insight into the relationships between experiences and knowledge of, and attitudes toward, invertebrates and suggests that engaging in certain outdoor activities may promote positive attitudes toward bees among adolescents.  相似文献   

Singapore is located near the equator, off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. The whole country consists mostly of lowland. It has many interesting types of natural habitats such as primary rain forest, freshwater swamp forest, mangroves, secondary forests, shrub, grasslands, and urban parks and fields. The climate is equatorial with relatively uniform temperature and high humidity. Unfortunately, many of the natural habitats and the native orchids which thrive there have disappeared due to habitat destruction. Some 226 species of native orchids have been recorded in Singapore. However, of these 178 are considered to be extinct, and only five are common. The orchid conservation programme aims to monitor existing species, explore ways to conserve their germplasm, and increase their numbers in natural, semi-natural, and urban environments through ex-situ seedling culture and subsequent re-introduction into appropriate habitats, including roadside trees, parks and natural areas. In the first phase of the programme, we have successfully propagated and carried out experiments of re-introduction on five species of native orchids, namely, Grammatophyllum speciosum, Bulbophyllum vaginatum, Bulbophyllum membranaceum, Cymbidium finlaysonianum and Cymbidium bicolor. Survival percentages 8-yr after the reintroduction events ranged from 10 to 95 for G. speciosum, the target species of the earliest re-introduction experiments. Size of the seedlings at reintroduction, host trees, and relative humidity seemed to play significant roles in the success rate of the reintroductions.  相似文献   

In the last decade improvements in the histological processing of cortical tissue in conjunction with the investigation of additional mammalian species in comparative brain studies has expanded the information available to guide theories of cortical organization. Here I review some of these recent findings in the somatosensory system with an emphasis on modules related to specializations of the peripheral sensory surface. The diversity of modular representations, or cortical “isomorphs” suggest that information from the sensory sheet guides many of the features of cortical maps and suggest that cortex is not constrained to form circular units in the form of a traditional cortical column.  相似文献   

Tigray (region) is one of the major finger millet growing regions in Ethiopia and an important site from an archeobotanical point of view. Three zones of Tigray (east, central and west) were identified as representative sites in the region and a total of 14 districts/ ‘Woreda’ were surveyed. Thirty-seven landraces/farmers’ varieties of finger millet were identified/recorded. Farmers in Tigray undertake pre and post harvest selection in finger millet and sometimes they also select seeds from storage based on a number of attributes. Farmers maintain diversity as a way to ensure harvest security or stability of production, to promote diversity of diet and income sources, minimize crop failure risk, reduce insect and disease incidences and ensure efficient use of labour. The traditional management of finger millet in the entire study area is generally found to be demand driven, showing the existence of potential sites for on-farm conservation. The high morphological diversity (H =0.76 ± 0.09) found in the gene bank collections of Tigrayan origin also reveals the importance of linking ex situ with in situ conservation activities. Furthermore, the enhancement and conservation significance of the crop is discussed.  相似文献   

Forest–woodland–savannah mosaics are a common feature in the East African landscape. For the conservation of the woody species that occur in such landscapes, the species patterns and the factors that maintain it need to be understood. We studied the woody species distribution in a forest–woodland–savannah mosaic in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. The existing vegetation gradients were analyzed using data from a total of 591 plots of 400 or 500 m2 each. Remotely sensed data was used to explore current vegetation cover and the gradients there in for the whole area. A clear species gradient exists in the study area ranging from forest, where there is least disturbance, to wooded grassland, where frequent fire disturbance occurs. Most species are not limited to a specific part of the gradient although many show a maximum abundance at some point along the gradient. Fire and accessibility to the protected area were closely related to variation in species composition along the ordination axis with species like Cynometra alexandri and Uvariopsis congensis occurring at one end of the gradient and Combretum guenzi and Lonchocarpus laxiflorus at the other. The vegetation cover classes identified in the area differed in diversity, density and, especially, basal area. All vegetation cover classes, except open woodland, had indicator species. Diospyros abyssinica, Uvariopsis congensis, Holoptelea grandis and all Celtis species were the indicator species for the forest class, Terminalia velutina and Albizia grandbracteata for closed woodland, Grewia mollis and Combretum mole for very open woodland and Lonchocarpus laxiflorus, Grewia bicolor and Combretum guenzi for the wooded grassland class. Eleven of the species occurred in all cover classes and most of the species that occurred in more than one vegetation cover class showed peak abundance in a specific cover class. Species composition in the study area changes gradually from forest to savannah. Along the gradient, the cover classes are distinguishable in terms of species composition and vegetation structure. These classes are, however, interrelated in species composition. For conservation of the full range of the species within this East African landscape, the mosaic has to be managed as an integrated whole. Burning should be varied over the area with the forest not being burnt at all and the wooded grassland burnt regularly. The different vegetation types that occur between these two extremes should be maintained using a varied fire regime.  相似文献   

Tourism accounts for 9% of global GDP and comprises 1.1 billion tourist arrivals per annum. Visits to wildlife tourist attractions (WTAs) may account for 20–40% of global tourism, but no studies have audited the diversity of WTAs and their impacts on the conservation status and welfare of subject animals. We scored these impacts for 24 types of WTA, visited by 3.6–6 million tourists per year, and compared our scores to tourists’ feedback on TripAdvisor. Six WTA types (impacting 1,500–13,000 individual animals) had net positive conservation/welfare impacts, but 14 (120,000–340,000 individuals) had negative conservation impacts and 18 (230,000–550,000 individuals) had negative welfare impacts. Despite these figures only 7.8% of all tourist feedback on these WTAs was negative due to conservation/welfare concerns. We demonstrate that WTAs have substantial negative effects that are unrecognised by the majority of tourists, suggesting an urgent need for tourist education and regulation of WTAs worldwide.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spatial patterns of resource use by small-bodied fishes in the San Juan River were examined using stable isotopes. Using δ15N of fishes as an index of trophic position, our data suggest both native and non-native fishes primarily consumed macro-invertebrates. The δ13C of these fishes further suggested a detritus-based food web, from which most species fed on chironomids in low-velocity habitats. A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between trophic level of fish species and longitudinal position in the river. This interaction was primarily attributed to a decline in trophic level of non-native red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis, relative to other species, in upstream reaches of the river. In addition, ANCOVA results suggest trophic position of fishes was dependent on channel type (primary vs. secondary), as there was less variability in resource use in secondary channels. These data provided a spatial framework of trophic interactions that can be used to predict the outcome of management actions. Overall, we confirmed high overlap in resource used between native and non-native fishes. However, spatial variation in trophic interactions both longitudinally and laterally in the river present a challenge to resource managers attempting to managing entire river systems.  相似文献   

Surgeons whose practice involves many infants and children should be acquainted with all abnormalities of pancreatic malformation and function. Conditions amenable to surgical treatment are few, but serious.Trauma to the pancreas in childhood is most commonly diagnosed by fever, leukocytosis, rectus spasm and elevated serum amylase. Drainage of the lesser sac and debridement of devitalized tissue may prevent the sequelae of pseudocyst formation which seems to follow the untreated injury. True congenital cysts are characterized by an epithelial lining.Mucoviscidosis complicated by meconium ileus remains a challenging disease of the newborn that requires early operation. Ten per cent of infants with cystic fibrosis may be threatened by intestinal obstruction from this cause. Some children surviving the newborn period go on to develop obstruction later.Annular malformation of pancreas may produce upper intestinal (duodenal) obstructive symptoms immediately after birth. Surgical correction by duodenojejunostomy should be postponed only long enough to correct severe fluid or electrolyte imbalances.Idiopathic spontaneous hypoglycemia has the most serious prognosis if convulsions are allowed to recur. Increased metabolic rates in infants increase the need for control of blood sugar levels by either administration of cortisone or pancreatic resection. If adenoma is the cause, a conservative resection of the tumor suffices. If serial frozen section fails to reveal either tumor or hypertophy of insulin-producing cells, blind pancreatectomy may be indicated, for irreversible brain damage develops early in uncontrolled hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Factors Influencing Diversity of Farmers’ Varieties of Sweet Potato in Uganda: Implications for Conservation. There is increasing concern that agricultural intensification is causing loss of crop biodiversity due to displacement of traditional farmers’ varieties by a small number of improved cultivars. Using ethnobotanical surveys, we assessed the implication of adoption of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars on the maintenance of farmers’ varieties in Uganda. Other factors influencing varietal diversity were also assessed. A total of 102 farmer households distributed in the top three sweet potato production agro-ecological zones were interviewed. With the exception of released cultivars, very few varieties appeared in more than one region. The majority of the respondents indicated that they continue to plant some of the existing varieties when they adopt new cultivars. Loss of planting materials due to drought was a major constraint to maintaining varietal diversity for this vegetatively propagated crop. Limited land and lack of access to best management practices were also key constraints to maintenance of farmers’ varieties. The primary criteria for adopting new cultivars were higher yield, taste, and duration to maturity. Yield stability, tolerance to native biotic and abiotic stresses, and good taste were important for maintenance of currently grown varieties. Overall, criteria for variety selection varied with household characteristics including farmer age and gender, uses of the crop, micro-climatic conditions in the farmers’ fields, and level of access to agricultural extension. The observed heterogeneity in selection criteria, influence of social ties, and the role of environment in varietal maintenance have important implications for establishing breeding priorities and preservation of crop diversity.  相似文献   

Numerous Mediterranean geophytes are hysteranthous, i.e. they flower in a leafless stage during autumn. On the basis of their life cycles and other features two types can be recognized: In the Crocus type flowers with subterranean ovary develop at the start of the new reproductive cycle from an annual storage organ; seed dispersal and germination are delayed to the spring and the next autumn. In the Urginea type, flowers with supraterranean ovary originate from a perennial storage organ at the end of the life cycle; seed dispersal and germination follow flowering immediately. Similar rhythms exist in other seasonal climates. Field observations and some experiments demonstrate flower stimulation by temperature decrease or increase in different geophytes, and relationships between water supply and synanthous versus hysteranthous leaf development. The origin, ecological importance, and horticultural implication of the hysteranthous syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

There are four distinct pain entities which may be treated by injection of local anesthetic or neurolytic agents. These entities are somatic, visceral, sympathetic mediated and myofascial pain. Each entity should be recognized as separate from other types of pain and the appropriate therapeutic approach prescribed.  相似文献   

Three major classes of respiratory proteins are known, hemoglobin, molluscan and arthropod hemocyanin, and hemerythrin (Hr). Similar to hemoglobin, respiratory Hr is packed into erythrocytes floating in the coelomic fluid and is only known from sipunculids, brachiopods, and priapulids. Owing to this scattered distribution, the presence of Hr is generally assumed to be the plesiomorphic condition without phylogenetic importance. By sequencing 2000 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) from Sipunculus nudus, we found 75 Hr-coding ESTs assembled to 20 cDNA contigs classified as four distinct Hr isoforms: three polymeric Hrs (subunit A, A', and B) and the monomeric myo-hemerythrin (myoHr). Phylogenetic analyses revealed a clade of annelid and sipunculan monomeric Hrs, distinct from polymeric Hrs. Monomeric Hrs from annelids and sipunculids can be clustered together using Maximum Likelihood tree-building and network analyses, as well as applying Bayesian methods. Three distinct Hr clusters were found for S. nudus, suggesting a new monomeric Hr isoform.  相似文献   

The Galápagos giant tortoise is an icon of the unique, endemic biodiversity of Galápagos, but little is known of its parasitic fauna. We assessed the diversity of parasitic nematode communities and their spatial distributions within four wild tortoise populations comprising three species across three Galápagos islands, and consider their implication for Galápagos tortoise conservation programmes. Coprological examinations revealed nematode eggs to be common, with more than 80% of tortoises infected within each wild population. Faecal samples from tortoises within captive breeding centres on Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal islands also were examined. Five different nematode egg types were identified: oxyuroid, ascarid, trichurid and two types of strongyle. Sequencing of the 18S small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene from adult nematodes passed with faeces identified novel sequences indicative of rhabditid and ascaridid species. In the wild, the composition of nematode communities varied according to tortoise species, which co-varied with island, but nematode diversity and abundance were reduced or altered in captive-reared animals. Evolutionary and ecological factors are likely responsible for the variation in nematode distributions in the wild. This possible species/island-parasite co-evolution has not been considered previously for Galápagos tortoises. We recommend that conservation efforts, such as the current Galápagos tortoise captive breeding/rearing and release programme, be managed with respect to parasite biogeography and host-parasite co-evolutionary processes in addition to the biogeography of the host.  相似文献   



The intra-hepatic vascular anatomy in rodents, its variations and corresponding supplying and draining territories in respect to the lobar structure of the liver have not been described. We performed a detailed anatomical imaging study in rats and mice to allow for further refinement of experimental surgical approaches.


LEWIS-Rats and C57Bl/6N-Mice were subjected to ex-vivo imaging using μCT. The image data were used for semi-automated segmentation to extract the hepatic vascular tree as prerequisite for 3D visualization. The underlying vascular anatomy was reconstructed, analysed and used for determining hepatic vascular territories.


The four major liver lobes have their own lobar portal supply and hepatic drainage territories. In contrast, the paracaval liver is supplied by various small branches from right and caudate portal veins and drains directly into the vena cava. Variations in hepatic vascular anatomy were observed in terms of branching pattern and distance of branches to each other. The portal vein anatomy is more variable than the hepatic vein anatomy. Surgically relevant variations were primarily observed in portal venous supply.


For the first time the key variations of intrahepatic vascular anatomy in mice and rats and their surgical implications were described. We showed that lobar borders of the liver do not always match vascular territorial borders. These findings are of importance for the design of new surgical procedures and for understanding eventual complications following hepatic surgery.  相似文献   

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