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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive skeletal muscle disease that is associated with severe cardiac complications in the late stages. Significant mitochondrial dysfunction is reportedly responsible for the development of cardiomyopathy with age. At the same time, adaptive changes in mitochondrial metabolism in cardiomyocytes were identified in the early stages of DMD. In this work, we evaluate the functioning of calcium transport systems (MCU and NCLX), and MPT pore in the heart mitochondria of young dystrophin-deficient mice. As compared to wild-type animals, heart mitochondria of mdx mice have been found to be more efficient both in respect to Ca2+ uniport and Na+-dependent Ca2+ efflux. The data obtained indicate that the increased rate of Ca2+ uptake by heart mitochondria of mdx mice may be due to an increase in the ratio of MCU and MCUb subunits. In turn, an increase in the rate of Ca2+ efflux from organelles in DMD may be the result of a significant increase in the level of NCLX. Moreover, the heart mitochondria of mdx mice were more resistant to MPT pore opening, which may be due to an increase in the microviscosity of mitochondrial membranes of DMD mice. At the same time, the level of putative MPT pore proteins did not change. The paper discusses the effect of rearrangements of the mitochondrial proteome involved in the transport and accumulation of calcium on the adaptation of this organ to DMD.  相似文献   

The Tl+-induced opening of the MPTP in Ca2+-loaded rat liver mitochondria energized by respiration on the substrates succinate or glutamate plus malate was recorded as increased swelling and dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential as well as decreased state 4, or state 3, or 2,4-dinitrophenol-stimulated respiration. These effects of Tl+ increased in nitrate media containing monovalent cations in the order of Li+ < NH4+ ≤ Na+ < K+. They were potentiated by inorganic phosphate and diminished by the MPTP inhibitors (ADP, CsA, Mg2+, Li+, rotenone, EGTA, and ruthenium red) both individually and more potently in their combinations. Maximal swelling of both non-energized and energized Ca2+-loaded mitochondria in rotenone-free media is an indication of Ca2+ uptake driven by respiration on mitochondrial endogenous substrates. It is suggested that Tl+ (distinct from Cd2+, Hg2+, and other heavy metals and regardless of the used respiratory substrates) can stimulate opening of the MPTP only in the presence of Ca2+. We discuss the possible participation of Ca2+-binding sites, located near the respiratory complex I and the adenine nucleotide translocase, in inducing opening of the MPTP.  相似文献   

The peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) is an 18 kDa mitochondrial membrane protein with still elusive function in cell death. Here, we studied whether PBR is involved in Ca2+-induced permeability transition pore (PTP) opening in isolated rat brain mitochondria (RBM). PTP opening is important in mitochondrial events leading to programmed cell death. Immunoblots revealed a single 18 kDa anti-PBR antibody-immunoreactive band in purified RBM. Adenine nucleotide transporter, a key PTP component, was found in the PBR-immunoprecipitate. In isolated intact RBM, addition of a specific anti-PBR antibody [H. Li, Z. Yao, B. Degenhardt, G. Teper, V. Papadopoulos, Cholesterol binding at the cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus (CRAC) of the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor and inhibition of steroidogenesis by an HIV TAT-CRAC peptide, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98 (2001) 1267-1272] delayed Ca2+-induced dissipation of membrane potential (psi(m)) and diminished cyclosporine A-sensitive Ca2+ efflux, which are both indicative for the suppression of PTP opening. Moreover, anti-PBR antibody caused partial retention of Ca2+ in the mitochondrial matrix in spite of psi(m) dissipation, and reduced activation of respiratory rate at Ca2+-induced PTP opening. A release of pro-apoptotic factors, AIF and cytochrome c, from RBM was shown at threshold Ca2+ load. Anti-PBR antibody blocked the release of AIF but did not affect the cytochrome c release. Addition of ATP was able to initiate PTP closing, associated with psi(m) restoration and Ca2+ re-accumulation. At the same time mitochondrial protein phosphorylation (incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP) occurred and anti-PBR antibody was able to inhibit phosphorylation of these proteins. The endogenous PBR ligand, protoporphyrin IX, facilitated PTP opening and phosphorylation of the mitochondrial proteins, thus, inducing effects opposite to anti-PBR antibody. This study provides evidence for PBR involvement in PTP opening, controlling the Ca2+-induced Ca2+ efflux, and AIF release from mitochondria, important stages of initiation of programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The differential scanning microcalorimetry and fluorescence methods, using probes ANS and pyrene, have been employed to study thermotropic behaviour of rat liver microsomes in the presence and absence of Mg2+. Addition of Mg2+ yields three partially reversible phase transitions at 18, 27 and 32 degrees C, respectively. A character of Mg2+-induced rearrangements in a membrane and their relation to a catalytic function of a cytochrome P-450-dependent enzymatic system is discussed.  相似文献   

In diseases associated with neuronal degeneration, such as Alzheimer's or cerebral ischemia, the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) is pathologically elevated. It is still unclear, however, under which conditions Ca2+ induces either apoptotic or necrotic neuronal cell death. Studying respiration and morphology of rat brain mitochondria, we found that extramitochondrial [Ca2+] above 1 M causes reversible release of cytochrome c, a key trigger of apoptosis. This event was NO-independent but required Ca2+ influx into the mitochondrial matrix. The mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP), widely thought to underlie cytochrome c release, was not involved. In contrast to noncerebral tissue, only relatively high [Ca2+] (is approximately equal to 200 M) opened PTP and ruptured mitochondria. Our findings might reflect a fundamental mechanism to protect postmitotic neuronal tissue against necrotic devastation and inflammation.  相似文献   

Ca2+-uptake accompanied with mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening is studied in rat liver mitochondria. In conditions of MPTP opening, as well as in conditions of MPTP blockage by cyclosporine A (CsA), Ca2+-uptake in mitochondria is counterbalanced by proton efflux into incubation medium. Independent of MPTP opening, observed stoichiometry of this exchange is 1Ca2+ : 1H+. MPTP opening dramatically decreases Ca2+-uptake in mitochondria: from approximately 400 nmol/mg protein in the presence of CsA to approximately 80-100 nmol/mg protein due to the increased mitochondrial membrane permeability. In the absence of CsA Ca2+-uptake is accompanied by the insensitive to Ca2+-uniporter blocker, ruthenium red (RR), release of Ca2+ from mitochondria which corresponds to as well RR-insensitive, but sensitive to CsA uptake of H+ into mitochondrial matrix. This calcium-proton exchange resulting from MPTP opening is observed only when Ca2+ uptake into matrix exceeds some basal level. The data are consistent with an assumption that, contrary to Ca2+-uniporter, MPTP has its own proton conductance. MPTP opening provides exchange of Ca2+ between mitochondria and medium which is coupled to the counterflow of protons into matrix space. Obtained data elucidate the physiological role of MPTP as regulatory mechanism for control of Ca2+-uptake level and intramitochondrial pH.  相似文献   

Rats with experimental hypoparathyrosis showed an increase in the content of Ca2+ in liver and brain mitochondria, discovered by fluorescent testing with chlorotetracycline. That increase correlated with the degree of hypofunction of the parathyroid glands.  相似文献   

A rapid loss of accumulated Ca2+ is produced by addition of H+ to isolated heart mitochondria. The H+-dependent Ca+ efflux requires that either (a) the NAD(P)H pool of the mitochondrion be oxidized, or (b) the endogenous adenine nucleotides be depleted. The loss of Ca2+ is accompanied by swelling and loss of endogenous Mg2–. The rate of H+-dependent Ca2+ efflux depends on the amount of Ca2+ and Pi taken up and the extent of the pH drop imposed. In the absence of ruthenium red the H+-induced Ca2+-efflux is partially offset by a spontaneous re-accumulation of released Ca2+. The H+-induced Ca2+ efflux is inhibited when the Pi transporter is blocked withN-ethylmaleimide, is strongly opposed by oligomycin and exogenous adenine nucleotides (particularly ADP), and inhibited by nupercaine. The H+-dependent Ca2+ efflux is decreased markedly when Na+ replaces the K+ of the suspending medium or when the exogenous K+/H+ exchanger nigericin is present. These results suggest that the H+-dependent loss of accumulated Ca2+ results from relatively nonspecific changes in membrane permeability and is not a reflection of a Ca2+/H+ exchange reaction.  相似文献   

Ropinirole, an agonist of the post-synaptic dopamine D2-receptor, exerts neuroprotective activity. The mechanism is still under discussion. Assuming that this neuroprotection might be associated with inhibition of the apoptotic cascade underlying cell death, we examined a possible effect of ropinirole on the permeability transition pore (mtPTP) in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Using isolated rat liver mitochondria, the effect of ropinirole was studied on Ca2+-triggered large amplitude swelling, membrane depolarization and cytochrome c release. In addition, the effect of ropinirole on oxidation of added, membrane-impermeable NADH was investigated. The results revealed doubtlessly, that ropinirole can inhibit permeability transition. In patch-clamp experiments on mitoplasts, we show directly that ropinirole interacts with the mtPTP. Thus, ropinirole reversibly inhibits the opening of mtPTP with an IC50 of 3.4 µM and a Hill coefficient of 1.3. In both systems (i.e. energized mitochondria and mitoplasts) the inhibitory effect on permeability transition was attenuated by increasing concentrations of inorganic phosphate. In addition, we showed with antimycin A-treated mitochondria that ropinirole failed to suppress respiratory chain-linked reactive oxygen species release. In conclusion, our data suggest that the neuroprotective activity of ropinirole is due to the blockade of the Ca2+-triggered permeability transition.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin D (cypD)-deficient mice exhibit resistance to focal cerebral ischemia and to necrotic but not apoptotic stimuli. To address this disparity, we investigated isolated brain and in situ neuronal and astrocytic mitochondria from cypD-deficient and wild-type mice. Isolated mitochondria were challenged by high Ca(2+), and the effects of substrates and respiratory chain inhibitors were evaluated on permeability transition pore opening by light scatter. In situ neuronal and astrocytic mitochondria were visualized by mito-DsRed2 targeting and challenged by calcimycin, and the effects of glucose, NaCN, and an uncoupler were evaluated by measuring mitochondrial volume. In isolated mitochondria, Ca(2+) caused a large cypD-dependent change in light scatter in the absence of substrates that was insensitive to Ruthenium red or Ru360. Uniporter inhibitors only partially affected the entry of free Ca(2+) in the matrix. Inhibition of complex III/IV negated the effect of substrates, but inhibition of complex I was protective. Mitochondria within neurons and astrocytes exhibited cypD-independent swelling that was dramatically hastened when NaCN and 2-deoxyglucose were present in a glucose-free medium during calcimycin treatment. In the presence of an uncoupler, cypD-deficient astrocytic mitochondria performed better than wild-type mitochondria, whereas the opposite was observed in neurons. Neuronal mitochondria were examined further during glutamate-induced delayed Ca(2+) deregulation. CypD-knock-out mitochondria exhibited an absence or a delay in the onset of mitochondrial swelling after glutamate application. Apparently, some conditions involving deenergization render cypD an important modulator of PTP in the brain. These findings could explain why absence of cypD protects against necrotic (deenergized mitochondria), but not apoptotic (energized mitochondria) stimuli.  相似文献   

It was earlier shown that the calcium load of rat liver mitochondria in medium containing TlNO3 and KNO3 resulted in the Tl+-induced mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening in the inner membrane. This opening was accompanied by an increase in swelling and membrane potential dissipation and a decrease in state 3, state 4, and 2,4-dinitrophenol-uncoupled respiration. This respiratory decrease was markedly leveled by mersalyl (MSL), the phosphate symporter (PiC) inhibitor which poorly stimulated the calcium-induced swelling, but further increased the potential dissipation. All of these effects of Ca2+ and MSL were visibly reduced in the presence of the MPTP inhibitors (ADP, N-ethylmaleimide, and cyclosporine A). High MSL concentrations attenuated the ability of ADP to inhibit the MPTP. Our data suggest that the PiC can participate in the Tl+-induced MPTP opening in the inner membrane of Ca2+-loaded rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

The presence and significance of Na+-induced Ca2+ release from rat liver mitochondria was investigated by the arsenazo technique. Under the experimental conditions used, the mitochondria, as expected, avidly extracted Ca2+ from the medium. However, when the uptake pathway was blocked with ruthenium red, only a small rate of 'basal' release of Ca2+ was seen (0.3 nmol Ca2+ X min-1 X mg-1), in marked contrast to earlier reports on a rapid loss of sequestered Ca2+ from rat liver mitochondria. The addition of Na+ in 'cytosolic' levels (20 mM) led to an increase in the release rate by about 1 nmol Ca2+ X min-1 X mg-1. This effect was specific for Na+. The significance of this Na+-induced Ca2+ release, in relation to the Ca2+ uptake mechanism, was investigated (in the absence of uptake inhibitors) by following the change in the extramitochondrial Ca2+ steady-state level (set point) induced by Na+. A five-fold increase in this level, from less than 0.2 microM to more than 1 microM, was induced by less than 20 mM Na+. The presence of K+ increased the sensitivity of the Ca2+ homeostat to Na+. The effect of Na+ on the extramitochondrial level was equally well observed in an K+/organic-anion buffer as in a sucrose buffer. Liver mitochondria incubated under these circumstances actively counteracted a Ca2+ or EGTA challenge by taking up or releasing Ca2+, so that the initial level, as well as the Na+-controlled level, was regained. It was concluded that liver mitochondria should be considered Na+-sensitive, that the capacity of the Na+-induced efflux pathway was of sufficient magnitude to enable it to influence the extramitochondrial Ca2+ level biochemically and probably also physiologically, and that the mitochondria have the potential to act as active, Na+-dependent regulators of extramitochondrial ('cytosolic') Ca2+. It is suggested that changes of cytosolic Na+ could be a mediator between certain hormonal signals (notably alpha 1-adrenergic) and changes in this extramitochondrial ('cytosolic') Ca2+ steady state level.  相似文献   

Rasola A  Bernardi P 《Cell calcium》2011,50(3):222-233
A variety of stimuli utilize an increase of cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration as a second messenger to transmit signals, through Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum or opening of plasma membrane Ca2+ channels. Mitochondria contribute to the tight spatiotemporal control of this process by accumulating Ca2+, thus shaping the return of cytosolic Ca2+ to resting levels. The rise of mitochondrial matrix free Ca2+ concentration stimulates oxidative metabolism; yet, in the presence of a variety of sensitizing factors of pathophysiological relevance, the matrix Ca2+ increase can also lead to opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP), a high conductance inner membrane channel. While transient openings may serve the purpose of providing a fast Ca2+ release mechanism, persistent PTP opening is followed by deregulated release of matrix Ca2+, termination of oxidative phosphorylation, matrix swelling with inner membrane unfolding and eventually outer membrane rupture with release of apoptogenic proteins and cell death. Thus, a rise in mitochondrial Ca2+ can convey both apoptotic and necrotic death signals by inducing opening of the PTP. Understanding the signalling networks that govern changes in mitochondrial free Ca2+ concentration, their interplay with Ca2+ signalling in other subcellular compartments, and regulation of PTP has important implications in the fine comprehension of the main biological routines of the cell and in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Ruthenium red and/or EGTA prevent cyclic uptake and release of Ca2+ in mitochondria. These compounds inhibit but do not prevent the swelling of liver mitochondria induced by Ca2+ plus t-butyl hydroperoxide or Ca2+ plus N-ethylmaleimide. Ruthenium red and/or EGTA have complex effects on the release rate of Ca2+ and other cations induced by t-butyl hydroperoxide or N-ethylmaleimide. To determine the relationship between permeability changes and Ca2+ release in the absence of Ca2+ cycling, a novel method of data collection and analysis is developed which allows the relative time courses of Ca2+ release and Mg2+ release or swelling to be accurately and quantitatively compared. This method eliminates errors in time course comparisons which arise from the aging of mitochondrial preparations and allows data from different preparations to be directly contrasted. Using the method, it is shown that permeability changes caused by Ca2+-releasing agents are not secondary effects arising from Ca2+ cycling between uptake and release carriers. In the absence of Ca2+-cycling inhibitors, Ca2+ release induced by t-butyl hydroperoxide or N-ethylmaleimide is, in part, carrier-mediated. In the presence of EGTA and ruthenium red, Ca2+ release induced by either agent is mediated solely by the permeability pathway. No differences are apparent in the solute selectivity of the inner membrane permeability defect induced by Ca2+ plus t-butyl hydroperoxide or Ca2+ plus N-ethylmaleimide. A novel type of Ca2+ release from energized liver mitochondria is reported. This release is induced by EGTA, occurs in the absence of other releasing agents or nonspecific permeability changes, and is rapid (greater than or equal to 50 nmol/min/mg protein).  相似文献   

Mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) is correlated with the opening of a nonspecific pore, the so-called transition pore, that triggers bidirectional traffic of inorganic solutes and metabolites across the mitochondrial membrane. This phenomenon is caused by supraphysiological Ca(2+) concentrations and by other compounds leading to oxidative stress, while cyclosporin A, ADP, bongkrekic acid, antioxidant agents and naturally occurring polyamines strongly inhibit it. The effects of polyamines, including the diamine agmatine, have been widely studied in several types of mitochondria. The effects of monoamines on MPT have to date, been less well-studied, even if they are involved in a variety of neurological and neuroendocrine processes. This study shows that in rat liver mitochondria (RLM), monoamines such as tyramine, serotonin and dopamine amplify the swelling induced by calcium, and increase the oxidation of thiol groups and the production of hydrogen peroxide, effects that are counteracted by the above-mentioned inhibitors. In rat brain mitochondria (RBM), the monoamines do not amplify calcium-induced swelling, even if they demonstrate increases in the extent of oxidation of thiol groups and hydrogen peroxide production. In these mitochondria, the antioxidants are not at all or scarcely effective in suppressing mitochondrial swelling. In conclusion, we hypothesize that different mechanisms induce the MPT in the two different types of mitochondria evaluated. Calcium and monoamines induce oxidative stress in RLM, which in turn appears to induce and amplify MPT. This process is not apparent in RBM, where MPT seems resistant to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of several low molecular mass proteins (3.5, 17, 23 and 29kDa) was observed in rat brain mitochondria (RBM) at ATP concentration close to that in the mitochondrial matrix. Furthermore, regulatory effects of Ca2+ on phosphorylation of these proteins were investigated. Protein phosphorylation was found to be modulated by Ca2+ in the physiological concentration range (10(-8) to 10(-6)M free Ca2+). Incorporation of 32P from [gamma-32P]ATP into the 17kDa protein was dramatically increased within the 10(-7) to 10(-6)M free Ca2+ range, whereas an opposite effect was observed for the 3.5kDa polypeptide. Strong de-phosphorylation of the 3.5kDa polypeptide and enhanced 32P-incorporation into the 17 and 23kDa proteins were found with supra-threshold Ca2+ loads and these effects were eliminated or reduced in the presence of cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of Permeability Transition Pore (PTP) opening. In the presence of calmidazolium (Cmz), a calmodulin antagonist, enhanced levels of phosphorylation of the 17 and 3.5kDa polypeptides were observed and the 17kDa protein phosphorylation was suppressed by H-8, a protein kinase A inhibitor. It is concluded that Ca2+ in physiological concentrations, as a second messenger, can control phosphorylation of the low molecular mass phospoproteins in RBM, in addition to well known regulation of some Krebs cycle dehydrogenases by Ca2+. The protein phosphorylation was strongly dependent on the Ca2+-induced PTP opening.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity associated with pathophysiological Ca(2+) overload (e.g. in stroke) appears mediated by an event termed the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT). We built and solved a kinetic model of the mPT in populations of isolated rat liver mitochondria that quantitatively describes Ca(2+)-induced mPT as a two-step sequence of pre-swelling induction followed by Ca(2+)-driven, positive feedback, autocatalytic propagation. The model was formulated as two differential equations, each directly related to experimental parameters (Ca(2+) flux/mitochondrial swelling). These parameters were simultaneously assessed using a spectroscopic approach to monitor multiple mitochondrial properties. The derived kinetic model correctly identifies a correlation between initial Ca(2+) concentration and delay interval prior to mPT induction. Within the model's framework, Ru-360 (a ruthenium complex) and Mg(2+) were shown to compete with the Ca(2+)-stimulated initiation phase of mPT induction, consistent with known inhibition at the phenomenological level of the Ca(2+) uniporter. The model further reveals that Mg(2+), but not Ru-360, inhibits Ca(2+)-induced effects on a downstream stage of mPT induction at a site distinct from the uniporter. The analytical approach was then applied to promethazine, an FDA-approved drug previously shown to inhibit both mPT and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Kinetic analysis revealed that promethazine delayed mPT induction in a manner qualitatively distinct from that of lower concentrations of Mg(2+). In summary, we have developed a kinetic model to aid in the quantitative characterization of mPT induction. This model is consistent with/informative about the biochemistry of several mPT inhibitors, and its success suggests that this kinetic approach can aid in the classification of agents or targets that modulate mPT induction.  相似文献   

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