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Microbes are key players in both healthy and degraded coral reefs. A combination of metagenomics, microscopy, culturing, and water chemistry were used to characterize microbial communities on four coral atolls in the Northern Line Islands, central Pacific. Kingman, a small uninhabited atoll which lies most northerly in the chain, had microbial and water chemistry characteristic of an open ocean ecosystem. On this atoll the microbial community was equally divided between autotrophs (mostly Prochlorococcus spp.) and heterotrophs. In contrast, Kiritimati, a large and populated ( approximately 5500 people) atoll, which is most southerly in the chain, had microbial and water chemistry characteristic of a near-shore environment. On Kiritimati, there were 10 times more microbial cells and virus-like particles in the water column and these microbes were dominated by heterotrophs, including a large percentage of potential pathogens. Culturable Vibrios were common only on Kiritimati. The benthic community on Kiritimati had the highest prevalence of coral disease and lowest coral cover. The middle atolls, Palmyra and Tabuaeran, had intermediate densities of microbes and viruses and higher percentages of autotrophic microbes than either Kingman or Kiritimati. The differences in microbial communities across atolls could reflect variation in 1) oceaonographic and/or hydrographic conditions or 2) human impacts associated with land-use and fishing. The fact that historically Kingman and Kiritimati did not differ strongly in their fish or benthic communities (both had large numbers of sharks and high coral cover) suggest an anthropogenic component in the differences in the microbial communities. Kingman is one of the world's most pristine coral reefs, and this dataset should serve as a baseline for future studies of coral reef microbes. Obtaining the microbial data set, from atolls is particularly important given the association of microbes in the ongoing degradation of coral reef ecosystems worldwide.  相似文献   

High islands, with potentially greater habitat diversity, are expected to have greater species richness and diversity compared to low islands, typically atolls and coral islands of lower habitat diversity, within the same geographical area. Patterns of species similarity, richness, and diversity were compared among coral reef fishes between the low island of the Southwest Palau Islands (SWPI), and the low and high islands of the Main Palauan Archipelago (MPA). Data from diurnal visual transects accounted for approximately 64% and 69% of the shorefish faunas known from the SWPI and MPA, respectively. Two distinct fish faunas were representative of low and high islands. The first was confined to the coral islands of the SWPI. The second was partitioned into both low and high islands of the MPA, and Helen Reef, a large atoll in the SWPI. The second type was clustered into atolls, low islands with atoll-like barrier reef systems, a coral island, and three high island systems, one with an extensive barrier reef system. Contrary to the prediction that high islands, with relatively greater habitat diversity, would have greater species richness and diversity, species richness and diversity were greatest at Kossol, a large atoll-like low island locality at the northern end of a high island in the MPA, followed by two atolls, Kayangel (MPA, north of Kossol) and Helen Reef. In contrast, species richness and diversity were lower at high island localities and lowest at small coral islands. These results suggest that habitat diversity for reef fishes increases as a function of increasing area regardless of whether the locality is a high or low island.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, preserves a Pleistocene atoll physiography with the rim of the raised reef structure, supporting spur and groove topography, enclosing a central lagoon. Excellent preservation of coral reef communities occurs along the ancient atoll rim and within the central lagoon. The previously interpreted depositional nature of the fossil atoll structure is herein corroborated with geomorphologic and stratigraphic evidence from previously un-visited portions of the island. Stratigraphic and lateral facies relationships indicate a physiographic zonation which includes spur and grooves, outer reef flat, lagoon margin, and an interior lagoon with patch reefs. The in situ occurrence and zonation of reef coral communities around the periphery and within the interior of the island appear to reflect the original physiography of the atoll lagoon, with the most pronounced reef development on the SE side of the original atoll. Stratigraphic units which comprise the raised atoll lagoon structure represent different time intervals, so the atoll lagoon structure formed during various sea level fluctuations. The modern atolls of the Pitcairn Group, Oeno and Ducie, provide some comparisons (similarities and differences) with the fossil lagoon on top of Henderson Island.  相似文献   

The coral reef which surrounds two thirds of Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, consists of a reef flat, reef margin and fore-reef which slopes gradually into deeper water. The range of sublittoral habitats provided by this topography is limited, reflecting a low level of coral diversity. Spur and groove formations of the fore-reef are present around the northern end of the island which contrasts with the south-western corner, where, in the absence of a fringing reef platform, subaerial cliff faces are fronted by a cliff foot submarine 'trench'. In general, live coral cover on the fore-reef was estimated at between 10–30%, though at sites off the east coast it reached 80%. The associated communities, particularly of sessile filter-feeding groups, were found to be impoverished. The two factors of biogeographical isolation and of local bioerosion processes are proposed as being the main reasons for the depauperate nature of the island's reef. Brief notes are included on the lagoon and fore-reef bathymetry and habitats of Ducie and Oeno Atolls for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) are considered to be among the most pristine coral reef ecosystems remaining on the planet. These reefs naturally contain a high percent cover of algal functional groups with relatively low coral abundance and exhibit thriving fish communities dominated by top predators. Despite their highly protected status, these reefs are at risk from both direct and indirect anthropogenic sources. This study provides the first comprehensive data on percent coverage of algae, coral, and non-coral invertebrates at the species level, and investigates spatial diversity patterns across the archipelago to document benthic communities before further environmental changes occur in response to global warming and ocean acidification. Monitoring studies show that non-calcified macroalgae cover a greater percentage of substrate than corals on many high latitude reef sites. Forereef habitats in atoll systems often contain high abundances of the green macroalga Microdictyon setchellianum and the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata, yet these organisms were uncommon in forereefs of non-atoll systems. Species of the brown macroalgal genera Padina, Sargassum, and Stypopodium and the red macroalgal genus Laurencia became increasingly common in the two northernmost atolls of the island chain but were uncommon components of more southerly islands. Conversely, the scleractinian coral Porites lobata was common on forereefs at southern islands but less common at northern islands. Currently accepted paradigms of what constitutes a “healthy” reef may not apply to the subtropical NWHI, and metrics used to gauge reef health (e.g., high coral cover) need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Nui Atoll, an isolated atoll in Tuvalu, has a total vascular flora of 86 species, including a large number of introduced species. If only the 44 species considered indigenous are examined, there exists a strong linear relationship (r2= 0.94) between the total number of species and the logarithm of island area, over the entire wide range of island sizes from 0.01 ha to 138 ha. This relationship is strong for both three species and herb species, but weak for shrub species for which there is a limited pool of potential colonists. This relationship is stronger than on other Pacific atolls and does not support the existence of a ‘small island effect’. The strong linear relationship on Nui is attributed to uniformity of reef island substrate, distribution and isodimensionality of reef islands, stability of islands and infrequency of catastrophic events and the absence of large monospecific stands, especially of shrub species, characteristic of drier atolls.  相似文献   

Climate change-related disturbances are increasingly recognized as critical threats to biodiversity and species abundance. On coral reefs, climate disturbances have known consequences for reef fishes, but it is often difficult to isolate the effect of coral bleaching from preceding or simultaneous disturbances such as fishing, pollution, and habitat loss. In this study, pre-bleaching surveys of fish family assemblages in the remote Phoenix Islands in 2002 are compared to post-bleaching in 2005, following severe thermal stress. Post-bleaching, total coral cover decreased substantially, as did the combined abundance of all fish families. Yet, changes in abundance for specific fish families were not uniform, and varied greatly from site to site. Of the 13 fish families examined, 3 exhibited significant changes in abundance from 2002 to 2005, regardless of site (Carangidae, Chaetodontidae, and serranid subfamily Epinephelinae). For these families, we explored whether changes in abundance were related to island type (island vs atoll) and/or declining coral cover (percent change). Carangidae on islands experienced larger changes in abundance than those on atolls, though declines in abundance over time were not associated with changes in live coral cover. In contrast, for Chaetodontidae, declines in abundance over time were most dramatic on atolls, and were also associated with changes in live coral cover. The remoteness of the Phoenix Islands excludes many typical local anthropogenic stressors as drivers of short-term changes; observed changes are instead more likely attributed to natural variation in fish populations, or associated with coral loss following the 2002–2003 major thermal stress event.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) includes large areas of extensive coral reef development but its reefs are still poorly known. Yongle atoll is the biggest typical atoll in the Xisha Islands, central of SCS. Lingyang Reef is an isolated small atoll within the whole big Yongle atoll. A total of 144 and 119 coral species were recorded at big Yongle atoll and small Lingyang Reef, respectively. The real coral richness might be higher because species accumulation curve did not saturate. The coral diversity pattern was similar between big Yongle atoll and small Lingyang Reef. Coral communities fell into three clusters, consistent with their habitats on reef slope, reef flat and lagoon slope. The highest coral diversity was observed on reef slopes and the lowest coral diversity was found on lagoon slope. Genera richness was a better proxy for representing coral species diversity on both the big and small atoll but percent live coral cover was not a robust proxy on the small atoll, which only explained 24% of species diversity. This study demonstrated high coral diversity with consistent pattern along habitat types, as has been shown from many other reefs. While far from exhaustive, the study allows first glimpses on how much biodiversity is contained on SCS coral reefs, and hopes to give an impetus to their conservation. The study also suggests that simplified surveys at a small scale and the use of genera richness as an effective proxy for overall diversity can indeed provide important information to rapidly monitor and evaluate the coral diversity in remote locations.  相似文献   

Underwater effects on coral reefs of the six hurricanes which ravaged French Polynesia between December 82 and April 83 were observed by SCUBA diving around high islands and atolls during September and October 1983. Special attention was paid to Tikehau atoll reef formations (Tuamotu archipelago) where quantitative studies on scleractinians, cryptofauna and fishes were conducted in 1982 immediatly prior to the hurricanes. On outer reef slopes coral destruction, varying from 50 to 100%, was a function of depth. Upper slope coral communities composed of small colonies well adapted to high energy level environments, suffered less than deeper formations. However, there is a narrow erosional trough in this zone at a depth of 6 m that was probably the result of storm-wave action (plunge point). Coral destruction was spectacular at depths greater than 12 m: 60 to 80% between 12 m and 30 m and 100% beyond 35 m, whereas earlier living coral coverage ranged from 60 to 75% in these zones. The outer slope was transformed into a scree zone covered with coarse sand and dead coral rubble. Dives on different sites around steep outer slopes (>45°) of the atolls and more gentle slopes (<25°) of some parts of the high islands permitted the formulation of an explanatory hypothesis: direct coral destruction by hurricane-induced waves occurred between the surface and 18–20 m; on low-angle slopes broken colonies were thrown up on reef flats and beaches; on steep slopes avalanches destroyed much of the living corals and left scree slopes of rubble and sand.  相似文献   

Bioerosion experiments at Lizard Island,Great Barrier Reef   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The rates at which dead coral substrates are modified by bioerosional processes were determined by exposing recently killed corals for up to four years in a variety of reef environments at Lizard Island (northern Great Barrier Reef). Grazers were the major croding agents of these coral substrates and exhibited differences between sites that varied between sampling periods. Subtidal reef slopes and lagoon environments of water depths < 20 m were subjected to higher average rates of grazing erosion (0.30–1.96 kg/m2/y) than shallow depths less than 1 m (0.07–0.26 kg/m2/y). A deep site at 20 m experienced low average rates of grazing (0.08–0.29 kg/m2/y). Boring rates by worms (polychaetes and sipunculans), sponges and molluscs were relatively low and varied between sites, but increased with length of sampling period as larger borers succeeded the initial colonizing small polychaete worms. We hypothesize from these experiments that the extent of boring in reef substrates will be influenced by the interaction between the succession of the boring community and the rate at which the substrate is destroyed by grazing. We suggest that the level of grazing modifies the successional pattern of borers by removing the surface substrate and continually exposing bare substrate that can be colonized by early boring colonists. Thus, constant high levels of grazing may maintain the boring community at an early successional stage and prevent the development of a mature boring community. In order to establish large borer populations, reef substrates must be protected from extensive grazing bioerosion. This interaction of grazing and boring has important implications for the way dead coral is preserved in different reef environments.  相似文献   

We utilized a spatial and temporal analyses of genetic structure, supplemented with ecological and oceanographic analysis, to assess patterns of population connectivity in a coral reef fish Chromis margaritifer among the unique and remote atolls in the eastern Indian Ocean. A subtle, but significant genetic discontinuity at 10 microsatellite DNA loci was detected between atoll systems corresponding with a low (≤ 1%) probability of advection across the hundreds of kilometers of open ocean that separates them. Thus, although genetic connections between systems are likely maintained by occasional long-distance dispersal of C. margaritifer larvae, ecological population connectivity at this spatial scale appears to be restricted. Further, within one of these atoll systems, significant spatial differentiation among samples was accompanied by a lack of temporal pairwise differentiation between recruit and adult samples, indicating that restrictions to connectivity also occur at a local scale (tens of kilometers). In contrast, a signal of panmixia was detected at the other atoll system studied. Lastly, greater relatedness and reduced genetic diversity within recruit samples was associated with relatively large differences among them, indicating the presence of sweepstakes reproduction whereby a small proportion of adults contributes to recruitment in the next generation. These results are congruent with earlier work on hard corals, suggesting that local production of larvae drives population replenishment in these atoll systems for a range of coral reef species.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of the carcinological cryptofauna in Tikehau atoll in the Tuamotus, was made: (1) to determine whether Tikehau atoll has a diverse fauna; (2) to compare it with a high island Polynesian reef; (3) to identify the distribution pattern of crabs in relation to depth and to different structures of the atoll; and (4) to compare these results with those obtained in Madagascar, La Réunion and Mauritius. Sixty five species were collected at 13 sites. Cluster analysis based on Sanders' index of affinity revealed one main group of species occurring on outer slopes and another occurring on all reef-flat and lagoonal sites. The crustacean cryptofauna occurring in the atoll appears to be impoverished in comparison to that found on Polynesian high island reefs and on Malagasian reefs. However, all outer reef slope sites at the 3 localities studied share some species in common.  相似文献   

A new species of marine interstitial wormshrimp, Ingolfiella maldivensis, is described from coral sand on the inner and outer reef off Magoodhoo island, Faafu atoll, Maldives. Six females were found and compared to other species from the Maldives and those bordering the Indian Ocean and beyond. Morphological resemblance ties it to a species from the Caribbean island of Curaçao. Both species are found in shallow sublittoral interstitial spaces.  相似文献   


Most of the atolls found worldwide are under microtidal regimes, and their circulation mechanisms are widely documented and well known. Here, we describe the flushing mechanisms of a small-sized mesotidal atoll, based on water-level, wave and current data obtained during two different periods (total of 60 d). Rocas is the only atoll in the South Atlantic Ocean and is built primarily of coralline algae. Two reef passages connect the atoll lagoon to the ocean. Synchronous current profilers were deployed at the two reef passages, one inside and one outside the atoll, to characterize the influence of tides and waves on the circulation. Results showed that wind waves drove a setup on the exposed side of the atoll and that currents were predominately downwind, causing outflow at both reef passages. Waves breaking on the windward side supplied water to the atoll causing the lagoon water level to rise above ocean water level, driving the outflow. However, unlike microtidal atolls, at Rocas Atoll the water level drops significantly below the reef rim during low tides. This causes the reef rim to act as a barrier to water pumping into the lagoon by waves, resulting in periodic activation of the wave pumping mechanism throughout a tidal cycle. As result, inflow occurs in the wider passage during 27% of each tidal cycle, starting at low tides and reversing direction during mid-flood tide when the water level exceeded approximately 1.6 m (while overtopping the atoll’s rim). Our findings show that tides play a direct role in driving circulation on a mesotidal atoll, not only by modulating wave setup but also by determining the duration of wave pumping into the lagoon.


To examine the effects of echinoid grazing on shallow water coral community structure, the entire Diadema antillarum Philippi population (> 3000 individuals) was eliminated from a patch reef in Discovery Bay, Jamaica W.I. in January 1974. All remaining regular echinoids, notably including Echinometra viridis A. Agassiz (> 7000 individuals), were removed from one-half of the same reef 6 months later.Where Echinometra was present, its grazing was highly patchy, even at densities of up to 50/m2. On the other hand, the effects of grazing by Diadema were more uniformly distributed at equivalent or lower densities.Percent-cover of adult corals was enhanced in the presence of Echinometra viridis, however, it was greatly reduced in the absence of all echinoid grazing as a result of massive overgrowth by algae. Success of coral recruitment (density of coral spat) increased in the absence of Diadema due to the alleviation of biological disturbance imposed by this urchin's feeding activities. The presence of Echinometra viridis, even at the high densities naturally present on the reef, did not deter coral settlement.Coral diversity was highest in the presence of all echinoids, intermediate in the presence of E. viridis (without Diadema), and lowest in the absence of all echinoids. This was due to the disproportionately successful recruitment and resultant high relative abundance of Agaricia at low echinoid densities. Favia, Millepora, Helioseris and Acropora all exhibited universally low recruitment levels. Predation by Diadema and Echinometra is responsible for damaging larger coral colonies, particularly Porites.As echinoid species composition and density was altered, the species composition of benthic algae and associated invertebrates shifted. In this way, the array of species competing for space with coral spat shifted as did their competitive relationships. Major epifaunal competitors included spirorbid polychaetes, various foraminifera (particularly Gypsina), and sponges. Algal competitors included filamentous chlorophytes, corallines (e.g. Jania), and numerous other red algae; the species composition of algal competitors shifted through time. Competitive success in corals varied as echinoid density changed and was species-specific with respect to coral genus. Interspecific competition between coral spat (i.e., interspecific aggression via extracoelenteric digestion) was negligible under all treatments.The presence of Echinometra viridis in high densities (in the absence of Diadema) created conditions where growth and fusion in Agaricia spat were optimized. Under these conditions, fusion allows a young coral colony to attain a large enough size to survive damage incurred from grazing or from competitive overgrowth, decreasing the probability of whole-colony mortality during the early stages of development.  相似文献   

An analysis of the feeding habits of a diverse assemblage of predatory gastropods on a Guam fringing reef, shows that seven major prey categories are eaten, namely polychaetes, sipunculans, gastropods, bivalves, crustaceans, ophiuroids, and fish. The three largest feeding groups are the polychaete feeding guild which mainly consists of species of Conus, the gastropod guild dominated by species of the Muricidae and the sipunculan guild consisting mainly of the Mitridae. There is considerable dietary overlap between members of feeding guilds, but interaction between guilds is low and accounted for by the relatively few generalist species in the community.  相似文献   

Heads of the reef-building coral Porites lutea Milne Edwards & Haime are occasionally separated or torn loose from the substratum by bioerosion or mechanical stresses. Detached heads may survive and colonize down-slope or down-stream soft bottoms, forming incipient reefs in habitats unsuitable for colonization by larval settlement. One important result of this process is reef consolidation and growth on the lagoonward edge of truncated, inter-island reef flats on atolls. In some cases, portions of the detached colonies remain attached at the original site; thus there is asexual colony multiplication.  相似文献   

Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding, a technique for retrieving multispecies DNA from environmental samples, can detect a diverse array of marine species from filtered seawater samples. There is a growing potential to integrate eDNA alongside existing monitoring methods in order to establish or improve the assessment of species diversity. Remote island reefs are increasingly vulnerable to climate‐related threats and as such there is a pressing need for cost‐effective whole‐ecosystem surveying to baseline biodiversity, study assemblage changes and ultimately develop sustainable management plans. We investigated the utility of eDNA metabarcoding as a high‐resolution, multitrophic biomonitoring tool at the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia (CKI)—a remote tropical coral reef atoll situated within the eastern Indian Ocean. Metabarcoding assays targeting the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and CO1 genes, as well as the 18S rRNA nuclear gene, were applied to 252 surface seawater samples collected from 42 sites within a 140 km2 area. Our assays successfully detected a wide range of bony fish and elasmobranchs (244 taxa), crustaceans (88), molluscs (37) and echinoderms (7). Assemblage composition varied significantly between sites, reflecting habitat partitioning across the island ecosystem and demonstrating the localisation of eDNA signals, despite extensive tidal and oceanic movements. In addition, we document putative new occurrence records for 46 taxa and compare the efficiency of our eDNA approach to visual survey techniques at CKI. Our study demonstrates the utility of a multimarker metabarcoding approach in capturing multitrophic biodiversity across an entire coral reef atoll and sets an important baseline for ongoing monitoring and management.  相似文献   

Variation in diversity of coral reef fish between French Polynesian atolls   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The diversity of coral reef fish in seven atolls in French Polynesia is analyzed with respect to geomorphological characteristics of the atolls. The results show that size of the lagoon is more important than confinement in affecting overall fish diversity. This result suggests that island biogeographic theory, as developed by MacArthur and Wilson for terrestrial animals, also applies to reef fish in that more area gives more habitat complexity which, in turn, supports higher fish diversity. However, species diversity within a given family appears to be affected more by ecological parameters, such as living coral cover, food diversity, and reproductive behavior, than geomorphological features.  相似文献   

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