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Benthic tube-building polychaetes which utilize sediment particles have been found to incorporate fly ash in their tubes. Experiments were conducted on North Sea specimens of Myriochele oculata Zachs and Pectinaria koreni (Malmgren) in artificial sediments offering a range of fly ash concentrations. A marked selection for non-ash particles was shown by Myriochele oculata, and a marginal selection against ash by Pectinaria koreni. It is suggested that this selection is based on the inorganic nature of fresh ash particles, assuming initial collection for feeding: as ash particles at the sea bed develop an organic component, such selection will disappear.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution, density and cover of small-scale natural disturbances was surveyed in semi-natural and set-aside vegetation in a hilly landscape in Central Germany in the spring of 1995. More of the landscape was disturbed on set-aside agricultural land in valley s (1.02 %) and on warm south-facing slopes(1.33 %) than on rocky hilltops (0.3 %) and cool north-facing slopes (0.56 %). The major agents of disturbance on set-aside fields were moles, rodents (and their predators) and wild boars. In surrounding semi-natural grasslands, rabbit warrens were common on south-facing slopes and mound-building ants on north-facing slopes. Disturbances were significantly clustered and frequently superimposed. In order to investigate the effects of disturbance quality on plant assemblages in set-aside fields, two common types of disturbances were compared. These were grazing lawns (0.4–1.0 m2) maintained throughout the summer by common voles (Microtus arvalis), and excavations, 0.7–1.6 m2 in area, where wild boars (Sus scrofd) grubbing for food had removed vegetation and top soil in early spring. Both types of disturbances increased plant species richness on the local scale. Wind-dispersed annual and pauciennial forbs of ruderal habitats (e.g. Carduus acanthoides, Cirsium vulgare, Matricaria maritima, Senecio vernalis) were most abundant on the superficial disturbances made by voles, whereas small, ephemeral field weeds (e.g. Polygonum aviculare, Anagallis arvensis, Chenopodium album, Fallopia convolvulus) predominated on patches grubbed by boars. This study confirms that small-scale disturbances by animals provide a variety of regeneration niches for field weeds and ruderals. The rate of decline in plant species richness on set-aside land is likely to be reduced where land is utilized by a variety of herbivorous and soil-moving mammals.  相似文献   

Michael Kaspari 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):265-273
Large-scale (>100 m2/day) raids by tropical army ants have been linked to litter ant patchiness and diversity. In three Neotropical forests, densities of litter ants vary 10–20 fold at the 1-m2 scale. A survey of Barro Colorado Island. Panama, revealed that most army ant raids also occur on a 1-m2 scale with fronts 1 m wide. To explore the role that such small scale disturbance may play in creating litter ant patchiness, all litter ant nests were removed from 1-m2 plots. Control and disturbance plots were resampled 3 months later. In contrast to a previous study of large litter gaps, ant foundresses did not appear to prefer these smaller gaps. Nest densities, species richness, and species composition differed most from controls in a dry hilltop forest in Panama, second most in a wetter ravine forest nearby, and least in a Costa Rican wet forest. Disturbance may not leave a lasting signature in the wetter forests due to higher background levels of disturbance, faster recovery, or both.  相似文献   

Two species of the genus Arctonoe occur as host-isolated populations in the tidal and subtidal areas of Puget Sound. A saponin has been isolated from Evasterias troschelii (Stimpson) which has deleterious physiological effects on Arctonoe pulchra (Johnson), a species not associated with the asteroid. This same substance has no adverse effect on the viability and only a slight positive effect on the respiration of Arctonoe fragilis (Baird), the normal companion of Evasterias. These results suggest a possible mechanism for the strict isolation of these polychaetes and provide additional evidence for the biological significance of asterosaponins.  相似文献   

Heavy rainfall caused a severe disturbance on the Thalassia testudinum meadows at Morrocoy National Park in December 1999, affecting its associated infauna and inducing responses to stress in opportunistic polychaetes belonging to the Spionidae Family. The changes were evaluated at four seagrass beds, examining the structure and species composition of the Spionid macrofauna over eight samplings: four prior and four after the disturbance. Immediately after the heavy rainfall the Spionids showed transient changes, expressed as large increases of species density and richness, reaching values of 875 individuals m− 2 (against the usual 20 individuals m− 2) and 7 species (against the previous 1–3 species) during February 2000. These abundance pulses were represented by selected species at each location. Opportunistic species, having limited dispersion (Streblospio gynobranchiata and polydorids) were commonly found in continentally-influenced locations whereas species having dispersal mechanisms were commonly found in stations under oceanic influence (species of the Genus Prionospio). Likewise, the observed recovery patterns indicate different rhythms: while the oceanic communities showed a fast recovery, the continentally ones returned to their original states slowly. Hence, the patterns observed in the benthic polychaete communities associated with the T. testudinum beds from Morrocoy N.P. clearly indicate that the recolonization processes, succession dynamics and recovery time depend on the spatial scale of disturbance, the life history of species involved and the particular conditions of the habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract. We used a spatially explicit simulation model to examine the impact of small-scale disturbance (created by the digging of aardvarks, Orycteropus afer, and bat-eared foxes, Otocyon megalotis or as a management action) on the temporal and spatial dynamics of a typical Karoo shrub plant community, and to gather insight into the interplay between disturbance structure and population dynamics. Establishment, growth, mortality, seed dispersal and competitive interactions were modelled over long time-scales in annual time-steps under the influence of stochastic and unpredictable rainfall. Three disturbance regimes were included, varying the type, rate and size of the small-scale disturbances. The impact of a disturbance regime on long-term community dynamics depends on complex interactions between disturbance characteristics and life-history attributes of component species. Plant density decreased with overall disturbance rates; this effect was independent of the type of disturbance. A given type and rate of disturbance did not influence all species within a guild (e.g. colonizer species) in the same way. The reason for these differences was that species responded not only to the disturbance but to changes in competition intensity from other species and changes in their reproductive potential relative to other species as well. Such interactions resulted in a sequential change in dominant species within guilds as disturbance rates increased. An increase in the overall disturbance rate did not always produce the trend in evenness expected from the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, but was influenced by the relative abundance of different types of disturbance.  相似文献   

Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to recover from disturbance without loss of essential function. Seagrass ecosystems are key marine and estuarine habitats that are under threat from a variety of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The ability of these ecosystems to recovery from disturbance will to a large extent depend on the internsity and scale of the disturbance, and the relative importance of sexual versus asexual reproduction within populations. Here, we investigated the resilience of Zostera muelleri seagrass (Syn. Zostera capricorni) to small‐scale disturbances at four locations in Lake Macquarie – Australia's largest coastal lake – and monitored recovery over a 65‐week period. Resilience of Z. muelleri varied significantly with disturbance intensity; Z. muelleri recovered rapidly (within 2 weeks) from low‐intensity disturbance (shoot loss), and rates of recovery appeared related to initial shoot length. Recovery via rhizome encroachment (asexual regeneration) from high‐intensity disturbance (loss of entire plant) varied among locations, ranging from 18‐35 weeks, whereas the ability to recover was apparently lost (at least within the time frame of this study) when recovery depended on sexual regeneration, suggesting that seeds do not provide a mechanism of recovery against intense small‐scale disturbances. The lack of sexual recruits into disturbed sites is surprising as our initial surveys of genotypic diversity (using nine polymorphic microsatellite loci) at these location indicate that populations are maintained by a mix of sexual and asexual reproduction (genotypic diversity [R] varied from 0.24 to 0.44), and populations consisted of a mosaic of genotypes with on average 3.6 unique multilocus genotypes per 300 mm diameter plot. We therefore conclude that Z. muelleri populations within Lake Macquarie rely on clonal growth to recover from small‐scale disturbances and that ongoing sexual recruitment by seeds into established seagrass beds (as opposed to bare areas arising from disturbance) must be the mechanism responsible for maintaining the observed mixed genetic composition of Z. muelleri seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

森林干扰度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰普遍存在于森林生态系统,是森林群落演替的驱动力之一。干扰对森林生态系统的影响程度,决定于干扰的频率、强度、空间范围等,过度频繁或不合理的干扰,可能导致森林生态系统的毁灭。森林对干扰的响应表现在多方面,其内在联系十分复杂,因此,很难用森林中某个现象或某几个现象反映森林生态系统对干扰的响应。为了准确、科学地评价现有森林生态系统对干扰的响应程度,本文提出应用森林干扰度(REFD)评价现有森林受干扰的程度。森林干扰度是由于干扰的存在造成森林生态系统结构与功能的改变程度,仅反映干扰后现有森林与目标森林(地带性顶极植被或原有森林等)的距离程度(差距),不反映干扰的种类、强度、性质等因素;在对森林干扰度内涵进行详细分析的基础上,确定了评价森林干扰度的原则及不同尺度条件下森林干扰度的评价指标。  相似文献   

Banner-tailed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) are prominent ecosystem engineers that build large mounds that influence the spatial structuring of fungi, plants, and some ground-dwelling animals. Ants are diverse and functionally important components of arid ecosystems; some species are also ecosystem engineers. We investigated the effects of patch disturbances created by D. spectabilis mounds on ant assemblages in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland in southern New Mexico by using pitfall traps in a paired design (mound vs. matrix). Although the disturbances did not alter species richness or harbor unique ant communities relative to the matrix, they did alter species composition; the abundances of 6 of 26 species were affected. The disturbances might also act to disrupt spatial patterning of ants caused by other environmental gradients. In contrast to previous investigations of larger-scale disturbances, we detected no effects of the disturbances on ants at the functional-group level. Whether ant communities respond to disturbance at a functional-group or within-functional-group level may depend on the size and intensity of the disturbance. Useful functional-group schemes also may be scale-dependent, however, or species may respond idiosyncratically. Interactions between disturbance-generating mammals and ants may produce a nested spatial structure of patches. Received: 11 October 1999 / Accepted: 11 March 2000  相似文献   

Predators may influence their prey populations not only through direct lethal effects, but also by causing behavioural changes. The natural expansion of the wolf (Canis lupus) into the Alps provided the rare opportunity to monitor the responses of a prey species to the return of a large predator. Density effects have rarely been considered in the study of antipredator strategies. We examined the effects of wolf recolonisation and density modifications on group size and use of safe areas by Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy), where no large terrestrial predator has been present for about a century. We documented that, in a few years, the variation in the factors affecting the landscape of fear caused significant modifications in ibex behavioural patterns that could not be accounted for by density changes only. Male groups decreased in size and moved closer to safer areas. The distance of female groups from refuge sites, instead, was not affected, and their propensity to live in groups was scarcely modified. Behavioural modifications likely caused a reduction in nutrient intake in adult male ibex, as they necessarily used lower‐quality feeding patches. Our results showed that male and female ibex, which are characterised by a strong dimorphism, adopted different strategies to solve the conflicting demands of foraging efficiently and avoiding predators.  相似文献   

We investigated whether plant diversity and productivity in small-scale soil disturbances, which is known to be higher than in undisturbed soil, decreases as the density of the disturbances increases. We studied this in an experiment with soil diggings (15 cm diameter and 15 cm depth) dug at a range of densities, on a north- and a south-facing slope of a watershed in the central Negev Desert of Israel. The diggings were similar to the commonly occurring pits made by porcupines (Hystrix indica) as they forage for below-ground plant parts. We used four levels of digging density, within the naturally occurring range in the region, represented by a rectangular plot with rows of diggings dug at four distances between diggings. The plots were laid out in a blocked design with three replications on both slopes, with each block containing all four levels of digging density. In the spring of 1992, 1994 and 1995 we measured plant density, species richness and plant productivity in the diggings, and in adjacent equal-sized undisturbed control areas (“soil matrix”) and on the mounds made by the removed excess soil. Plant density, species richness and productivity of annual plants were higher in the diggings than in the undisturbed matrix, while these responses were very low on the mounds. Plant density, species richness and productivity in the diggings, but not in the matrix or mounds, decreased as digging density increased. This effect varied slightly with location within a watershed and with annual rainfall. The density of seeds captured in the diggings from outside the digging during the 1995 dispersal season decreased with increasing digging density, but only on one of the slopes. At the highest digging density, plant density and species number in the diggings did not decrease down the slope, as expected if interference between diggings in runoff water capture were the cause of the digging density effect. There was a weak decrease in biomass production in 1994–1995 down the slope. We used a simple mathematical model to estimate whether the distribution of rainfall intensities that occurred during the winter of 1994–1995 could result in differences between digging densities in the amount of water captured by the diggings, and whether this could explain the observed effect of digging density. The model showed that there were four events during which less water was captured by the diggings at high digging densities, except in the topmost row of diggings. Soil moisture measurements, however, showed very little difference between diggings at different digging densities. We explain our findings as the result of the interaction between the properties of the disturbance patch with its surroundings, as the diggings capture resources in the form of runoff water, and seeds moved primarily by wind. The additional resources and seeds captured in diggings increase plant density, species richness and productivity relative to the undisturbed matrix. However, the contrast in plant responses between the disturbed patches and undisturbed soil diminishes at higher digging densities. We explain this as interference among diggings at close proximity. As we did not detect a decrease in plant responses down the slopes, we conclude that interference is due to interception of the wind-driven, non-directional flow of seeds. Interception of the down-slope flow of runoff water by upslope diggings is insufficient to affect plant density, determined at the beginning of the season. Later in the season, runoff interception may become important for biomass production. Received: 16 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 October 1997  相似文献   

Question: Can dissimilarity measures of individual plots be used to forecast the driving factors among various anthropogenic disturbances influencing understorey successional changes? Location: Yambulla State Forest, south‐eastern Australia (37°14'S, 149°38'E). Methods: Assessments of understorey vegetation communities were taken prior to anthropogenic disturbances and at three subsequent time periods representing a period of 15 years post‐disturbance. Dissimilarities were calculated from the original assessment and modelled in a Bayesian framework to examine the influence of logging, number of prescribed burns and time. Results: All sites underwent significant changes over time independently of the imposed management regimes. Logging resulted in an immediate change in vegetation assemblage which decreased in the subsequent assessments. The number of prescribed fires brought greater change in the shrub vegetation assemblages, but less change in the ground species vegetation assemblages. Conclusions: The anthropogenic disturbances did have some role in the changes of vegetation assemblages but these were minimal. The ongoing changes appear to be a natural response to the last wildfire, which passed through the study area in 1973 (13 years prior to the study). Forest management practices should consider the influence of wildfire succession when planning for the conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Qinfeng Guo 《Oecologia》1996,106(2):247-256
The effects of bannertail kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) mounds and associated soil-surface disturbance on plant species composition and diversity in the Chihuahuan Desert were examined with multivariate analysis. Kangaroo rat mounds created disturbance gaps and contributed to local species diversity by creating microhabitats that supported unique plant communities. These microhabitats supported populations of species that were relatively rare in surrounding areas. The diversity observed at the whole habitat level resulted from (1) local spatial heterogeneity, because the mounds offered microenvironments with distinctive nutrient, water, and light conditions; and (2) local patterning of disturbance, because the digging and traffic of the kangaroo rats maintained high levels of soil disturbance at and near the mounds. At a finer scale, species diversity was highest in the area immediately adjacent to active and inactive mounds, and was lower on both the highly disturbed soil of the mounds and in the relatively undisturbed area between mounds. Lowest species diversity occurred on inactive mounds. Annual plant biomass was much greater on mounds than in inter-mound areas. The results support the predictions that intermediate levels of disturbance and small-scale environmental heterogeneity contribute to supporting high species diversity.  相似文献   

Abstract Disturbances often lead to changes in average values of community properties; however, disturbances can also affect the predictability of a community's response. We performed a meta-analysis to determine how response predictability, defined as among-replicate variance in diversity and community abundance, is affected by species removals, species invasions, nutrient addition, temperature increase, and habitat loss/fragmentation, and we further determined whether response predictability differed according to habitat and trophic role. Species removals and nutrient addition decreased response predictability, while species invasions increased response predictability. In aquatic habitats, disturbances generally led to a decrease in response predictability, whereas terrestrial habitats showed no overall change in response predictability, suggesting that differences in food web and ecosystem structure affect how communities respond to disturbance. Producers were also more likely to show decreases in response predictability, particularly following species removals, highlighting widespread destabilizing effects of species loss at the producer level. Overall, our results show that whether disturbances cause changes in response predictability is highly contingent on disturbance type, habitat, and trophic role. The nature of changes in response predictability-for example, strong decreases following species invasions and increases following species removals-will likely play a major role in how communities recover from disturbance.  相似文献   

Measures of resilience: the response of coastal sage scrub to fire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measures of four components of resilience are developed and used to quantify the response of coastal sage scrub to fire in southern California: (1) elasticity (rate of recovery following disturbance), (2) amplitude (threshold of disturbance beyond which recovery to the original state no longer occurs), (3) malleability (extent of alteration of the new stable-state from the original) and (4) damping (extent and duration of oscillation in an ecosystem parameter following disturbance). Vegetation and soil properties measured before fire, and for the first 5–6 yr after fire on four coastal (Venturan association) and four inland (Riversidian association) sites of coastal sage were used to follow changes. In addition, results from a simulation model of post-fire succession in Venturan coastal sage scrub (the FINICS model of Malanson) were used to examine resilience behavior over a 200 yr period. Resilience behavior of coastal sage scrub is critically influenced by the presence of a competitive mix of inherently strongly and weakly resprouting species. Sites dominated by weak resprouters exhibit lower elasticity and less damping of year-to-year fluctuations in composition in the early post-fire years. Sites with a mixture of weak and strong resprouters have a lower threshold of disturbance (amplitude) before species extirpation occurs, a result intensified by a higher frequency of disturbance. Malleability is also greater in these systems under higher disturbance frequency.Nomenclature follows. P.A. Munz, 1974. A Flora of Southern California. Univ. California Press.  相似文献   

Eight forest types varying in disturbance frequencies were identified along an elevational gradient in Uttaranchal, central Himalaya. Low elevation forests were close to human habitation and had high disturbance frequency, while high elevation forests were situated far from the human habitation and had low disturbance. The dominant tree species at low elevation were Pinus roxburghii and Quercus leucotrichophora, while Q. floribunda and Q. semecarpifolia dominated the high elevation forests. Pyracantha crenulata was the shrub present in all the forests except in Q. semecarpifolia forest and Anaphalis contorta, a herb species, was present in all the forests. Disturbance decreased the dominance of single species and increased the plant biodiversity by mixing species of different successional status. Species richness and diversity for all the vegetation layers were higher in low elevation–high disturbance forests. Mean tree density decreased from high to moderate and increased in low disturbance. The shrub density decreased from high to low disturbance while the reverse occured for herbs. High proportion of early successional species in disturbed forests indicated that disturbance induces succession. The mean number of young individuals increasing from high to low disturbance indicates that disturbance adversely affects regeneration. But, however, the high number of young individuals of Coriaria nepalensis, a small non-leguminous nitrogen fixing tree, in disturbed forests shows that the forest is regenerating. This species could be helpful in the re-establishment of original vegetation through triggering the regeneration of these forests. High elevation–low disturbed forests separated from low elevation–high disturbed forests. Forest type and elevation may have more influence on tree richness while shrub and herb richness may be more sensitive to disturbance and forest types.  相似文献   

Less than 0.2% of all spider species live in close associations with conspecifics. Among these, subsocial spiders show characteristics of both solitary spiders (e.g., individuals disperse for breeding) and social spiders (e.g., prolonged cooperative behaviours at least prior to independent reproduction). Dispersing individuals build small webs, usually with one inhabitant, whereas colonies are large webs with plant debris and harbouring multiple females. We studied the spatiotemporal dynamics of dispersal in the subsocial spider Anelosimus baeza. We followed the occupancy of all colonies and dispersal webs over the breeding season by mapping the number and sex of spiders with respect to their location in three dimensions. We studied the settlement patterns of new webs and fluctuation in web occupancy through movement between occupied and abandoned webs of colonies and dispersal webs. The occupancy of webs was highly dynamic with changes occurring at small time scales. The similarity in the patterns of web occupancy by females among dispersal webs was partially explained by their spatial and their temporal proximity. Our results suggest that dispersal webs may be used by spiders as a temporary refuge by both sexes during the breeding season. Patterns described here suggest new approaches to dispersal studies in group living spiders.  相似文献   

喜旱莲子草营养繁殖特征对干扰的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
养分富集和物理干扰是人类活动影响下外来植物在入侵地所面对的重要生境特征,而克隆生长和营养繁殖是外来植物入侵高资源干扰生境的重要生活史特征。喜旱莲子草似(Alternanthera philoxeroides)是一个世界性的入侵种,它主要分布于暖温带-亚热带气候区各种淡水生态系统的水陆交界区域,这些生境易受养分富集和物理干扰的影响。喜旱莲子草在入侵地有性繁殖缺失,因而贮藏根形成、根芽萌发和分株生长等是其重要的生活史环节和营养繁殖特征。本文中通过种植实验研究了喜旱莲子草的营养繁殖特征对养分增加和物理干扰(贮藏根片段化和埋藏)的响应。结果表明:(1)高养分条件下喜旱莲子草的总生物量增加了约1.5倍,贮藏根分配(营养繁殖分配)增加了约15%,贮藏根平均长度增加了约1.5倍;(2)喜旱莲子草的根芽萌发数随贮藏根段大小的增加而增加,平均每克贮藏根(干重)能够萌发出约15个根芽,萌发出1个根芽只需要不到0.1g的贮藏根,埋藏深度不影响根芽萌发数;(3)贮藏根段大小和埋藏深度对喜旱莲子草分株的主枝长和平均相对生长率均没有显著影响。这些结果暗示,喜旱莲子草的营养繁殖特征对养分富集和物理干扰非常适应,能够促进其局域种群的快速增长和流域范围内集合种群的长期续存。  相似文献   

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