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The distribution of macroinvertebrates and fishes in Tasmanian estuaries   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distributions of 390 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates collected in forty-eight estuaries and 101 fish species collected in seventy-five Tasmanian estuaries were related to geographical and environmental variables. Distribution patterns for the two taxonomic groups were largely congruent at both between and within-estuary scales. Faunal composition and the number of species collected at a site were primarily related to site salinity, the biomass of seagrass and tidal range. At the broader estuary scale, the distributions of macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages were primarily correlated with the presence of an entrance bar. Species richness varied with geographical location for both macrofauna and fishes, with highest numbers of species occurring in the Furneaux Group, north-eastern Tasmania and south-eastern Tasmania. These patterns primarily reflected differences in estuary type between regions rather than concentrations of locally endemic species. Although the majority of species collected during the study were marine vagrants, they constituted a very low proportion of total animal densities within estuaries. Only four species considered exotic to Tasmania were identifed. Nearly all species recorded from Tasmanian estuaries occurred widely within the state and have also been recorded in south-eastern Australia. Only 1% of estuarine fish species and < 5% of invertebrate species were considered endemic to the state. The generally wide ranges of species around Tasmania were complicated by (i) the absence of most species from the west coast (ii) a small (< 10%) component of species that occurred only in the north-east and Furneaux Group (eastern Bass Strait), and (iii) a few species (< 5%) restricted to other regions. The low number of species recorded from estuaries along the western Tasmanian coast reflected extremely low faunal biomass in that area. This depression in biomass on the west coast was attributed to unusually low concentrations of dissolved nutrients in rivers and dark tannin-stained waters which greatly restricted algal photosynthesis and primary production.  相似文献   

Aim Cross‐system comparisons of species richness of benthic macrofauna and environmental factors were made of estuaries and adjacent sea areas in order to reveal possible regulating factors of estuarine biodiversity. Location Denmark. Methods Annual species abundance and biomass data from four years, from unvegetated soft sea/estuary floors were used from 26 grids, of which 15 were situated in estuaries. Bottom water data for oxygen concentration, salinity, and temperature were obtained from stations in or close to, the grids. Data on nutrient loading, water residence time and morphology were obtained for whole estuaries. Species richness from the grids, standardized to the same sample size, were related to environmental variables using linear regression. Results Species richness was unrelated to oxygen deficiency and productivity, but positively related to salinity. However, an equally high degree of explanation (R2 ~ 0.70) was obtained using a model where richness was positively related to saltwater flux, which was computed from estuary volume and residence time and corrected for freshwater flux. The relationship was present for the dominating groups with pelagic dispersal, Annelida and Mollusca, but not for Crustacea, where recruitment is mainly by benthic pathways. Saltwater flux was strongly positively correlated with salinity, illustrating the high importance of flux from adjacent sea areas for water renewal in Danish estuaries. Similarity of species composition was greater for sites within than between saltwater current pathways, and the increases of richness with saltwater flux and salinity in the estuaries was largely due to marine species occurring in the open sea areas. Conclusion Danish estuaries are largely open systems where a part of estuarine species richness is sustained by dispersal from a species pool in adjacent seas. Results are consistent with the barrier prediction of island biogeography theory, but not the island size prediction.  相似文献   

Kelp beds support diverse and productive benthic coastal ecosystems and are often perceived as cold water analogs of tropical coral reefs, yet the levels of species richness in polar regions have remained largely unexplored. The present study aims to assess the magnitude of macrozoobenthic species richness associated with the macroalgae in an Arctic kelp forest. The study was conducted in Hornsund, a high latitude Arctic fjord off west Spitsbergen (76–77°N). A total of 403 samples (i.e., individual algae) were collected by scuba divers at three sites located along the fjord axis at varying depths (5–10 m). The most common invertebrate species and the sample species richness (mean 11.5 species per sample) were consistent among the most common algal species (Laminaria digitata, Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta, Desmarestia aculeta, Odonthalia dentata, Phycodrys rubens). Fauna associated with overstory kelps was concentrated on the holdfasts. A total of 208 species were identified; Bryozoa, Polychaeta and Hydrozoa yielded the highest numbers of species (70, 52 and 37, respectively). The non-parametric Chao2 estimator of true species richness gave an estimate of 259 species (with 95% confidence intervals from 234 to 308). Despite the high sampling effort, the total species richness was not captured. This may stem from the high level of rarity within the fauna associated with kelps; 38% of the species occurred only in one or two samples. The studied fauna was much less diverse than similar assemblages surveyed at lower latitudes. The high numbers of species and the common occurrence of colonial forms (Bryozoa, Hydrozoa) in the current study show that these taxa cannot be omitted in macrobenthic diversity surveys performed within kelp habitats.  相似文献   

Thirteen seagrass beds located over a 80-km range in the brackish waters of SW, Finland, northern Baltic Sea were investigated in order to determine the environmental variables important for univariate community measures and for number, composition and redundancy of functional groups of benthic macrofauna. For species assemblages, fetch and shore angle were the best explanatory variables, followed by sediment granulometry (fine gravel) and then sediment organics. Similarly, fetch, shore angle and Zostera marina shoot density were the best explanatory variables for functional group patterns. Small (< 50 m2) inner-archipelago beds were functionally and structurally equal to the most extensive (500 to > 1000 m2) seagrass beds in the study area. Community measures (density, number of species and diversity) and functional diversity (number of functional groups) equalled or exceeded levels previously recorded in deeper, non-vegetated communities in the northern Baltic Sea. In comparison with marine seagrass assemblages, the total number of species and number of species per function were low. However, species density and derived diversity measures (Shannon-Wieners index H′) equalled or exceeded those reported for other seagrass ecosystems. It is concluded that in terms of seagrass infauna, the Baltic Sea should not be regarded species poor, as is often generally stated, and that conservation initiatives and management strategies should consider both minor as well as more extensive occurrences of seagrasses in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Biomass and species diversity (richness and evenness) of littoral organisms were explored in 27 sites in three basins of the large Lake Saimaa system in eastern Finland. The basins differed in degree of nutrient loading and trophic status. Six organismal groups, i.e., phytoplankton, periphyton, macrophytes, crustacean zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish were studied. Factors affecting the biomass and diversity of these groups were explored by multiple stepwise regression analysis. The biomass of different groups was explained by the same variables, mainly nutrients, while diversity was associated with different environmental factors among the studied groups. The biomass of periphyton, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish correlated significantly with each other. There was also an apparent association between the biomass of macrophytes and that of benthic invertebrates. However, no significant correlations were found among the diversity of the studied groups. In accordance with previous studies, our results did not support the existence of species-rich hotspots or the possibility of using any surrogate taxon to reveal overall biodiversity. Thus, for conservation planning, biological surveys should include extensive collection of taxonomic groups and organisms at all trophic levels.  相似文献   

In addition to producing extensive coastal infrastructure, urbanized estuaries are also often littered with large amounts of waste material. This can be used as habitat by fish and benthic plants and animals. Apart from studies of colonization of artificial reefs, which are usually deployed specifically to enhance populations of fish or to replace degraded habitat, there have been few studies that have specifically examined the use of waste material as habitat. Neither have previous studies compared different types of waste material that one characteristically finds in urbanized estuaries, nor the use of small patches of habitat typically created by waste. Spatial comparisons of species found on previously dumped artificial material may be confounded by the fact that different types of waste may be dumped in different places, or may be of different age. This study built small patch reefs of three different types of widespread waste material (tyres, wood or metal) and compared colonization of these over 19 months to colonization of patch reefs of similar age and size made from natural sandstone. Algal assemblages were similar among the different types of reefs, with all showing more cover and diversity on horizontal surfaces. Invertebrates similarly showed few differences among reefs, although there was greater diversity, primarily due to bryozoans, on the vertical surfaces of wooden reefs. Fish rapidly colonized and used all reefs, with cryptic species showing no differences among types of reefs. Schooling species were, however, more common on all of the waste reefs than on the natural sandstone reefs. Small patches of waste material dumped in estuaries can therefore provide useable habitat for a wide range of estuarine organisms and may form a valuable resource if natural habitats continue to be degraded or lost. Although we are not advocating that rubbish simply be discarded into estuaries with the excuse that it provides habitat, removal of existing rubbish should be considered in terms of multiple changes and disturbances to the environment.  相似文献   

Maike Isermann   《Flora》2008,203(4):273-280
The study analysed the effects of shrub expansion on vegetation composition and plant species diversity in coastal grey dunes on the North Sea island Spiekeroog, comparing Rosa rugosa and Hippophaë rhamnoides. Species composition was recorded in plots of two spatial scales, 1 and 16 m2, considering the full range of shrub cover from less than 10 to almost 100%. Although R. rugosa and H. rhamnoides established and spread in the same grey dune environment, the vegetation of the two shrubland types was much different. While the H. rhamnoides plots were relatively species-rich, characterised by remnant grey dune vegetation with many small, often annual, light-demanding species except in the densest shrubs, the R. rugosa plots were clearly species-poorer due to the loss of many typical grey dune species, including only few shade-tolerant taxa. The total number of species, the number of herbaceous species and of species typical for grasslands decreased with increasing cover of H. rhamnoides and R. rugosa at both spatial scales. For the number of shrubs and shrubland species, hardly any significant effects of shrub cover were observed in R. rugosa, while there were positive effects in H. rhamnoides. Both the Shannon index and evenness decreased with increasing cover of the two shrub species at both spatial scales. Here, the decline in species diversity was more improved in R. rugosa than in H. rhamnoides.  相似文献   

In Europe there is an extensive history of the derivation and use of benthic indicators which parallels similar developments in North America and elsewhere. Most recently, this has increased because major European Union Directives require that indicators of marine benthic change are used to confirm good ecological status quality (as in the Water Framework Directive) and favourable conservation status (as in the Habitats and Species Directive). Furthermore, these indicators have to fit within the current philosophy of the Ecosystem Approach requiring the development and use of Ecological Quality Objectives and Standards. Despite this, comparisons of families of indicators derived by differing methods have not been carried out such that the robust nature of the indicators on differing spatial scales and under differing benthic conditions has not been rigorously assessed. Using case studies from the Portuguese coasts and estuaries, this paper compares and contrasts univariate and multivariate macrobenthic indicators to quantify comparisons of change. The studies indicate the relative value of those indicators at contrasting spatial scales, e.g. in the transition from small areas around coastal submarine outfalls, to the local and regional estuarine and coastal scale. The analysis indicates the difficulties of deriving and using qualitative and quantitative indicators from benthic communities in stable, and in moderately and highly variable environmental conditions in estuarine, coastal and open sea habitats. In some areas, the variability in the indicators and indices within a station and site is as large as that between stations and sites. For those areas studied, there is an adequate quality and quantity of benthic data available for making management decisions but this is unlikely to be the case for all areas. Similarly, the interrogation of the methods shows that while their use and interpretation rely on a good understanding of the biology of the individual species and their responses to physical and polluting stress, that understanding is not yet available for many of the species. Most notably, while the indices and integrative indicators are becoming increasingly sophisticated, many are still dependent on the Pearson-Rosenberg model for organic enrichment hence they require to be validated for physical disturbance and for chemical pollution. Because of these features, the outcome of the analysis has repercussions for the management of coastal and estuarine areas. Although the present study indicates the value of indicators of benthic change for making management decisions at the various scales, further validation is required especially, for example, where one indicator over-estimates the ecological status for poor areas and underestimates it for good areas.  相似文献   

In muddy intertidal sediments, there are reported complex interactions between the biological, physical and chemical properties of the sediment and the benthos that live in and on it. These are expected to be reflected in strong relationships between benthic animals and particular properties of the sediment, although some research has shown these relationships to be relatively weak. This study investigates the relationships between benthic macrofauna and biogeochemical properties of sediments within and among different habitats in multiple mangrove forests in a temperate estuary, in order to address the generality of any such relationships. Matched samples of benthos and sediment were collected from three habitats, which differed with respect to shading, the amounts of algae and leaf litter and the presence of pneumatophores. The sediment was sampled for water content, grain size, organic matter, chlorophylls a and b and colloidal and total carbohydrate.Spatial variation in sediment and benthos were significantly correlated across habitats in two of the three bays, but the sediment properties that contributed to differences between habitats and those that best correlated with the benthos varied among bays. In all bays, the single taxon that best correlated with the sediment was spionid polychaetes, but correlations were generally weak. There was no generality in the patterns of variation among the benthos or sedimentary properties among habitats. The benthos differed significantly among bays in all habitats, with large variation within and among sites. The sediment varied significantly at small scales in all habitats, but significant differences among bays were only found in two habitats. All spatial scales contributed to the total amount of variability in the sediment and there was little predictability from the patterns shown in one habitat to those in other habitats, or from one component of sediment to other components. Such variability suggests that there may be structural redundancy in this fauna, with different components of the benthos contributing to similar functions in different places. Such variability must be considered in experiments designed to understand relationships between ecological structure and function in these complex habitats and in any sampling studies to identify environmental impacts in these habitats.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is a multifaceted concept but most studies examining the association between the biodiversity of a community and its productivity focus only on species richness. Consequently, studies are needed to examine how other facets of biodiversity vary with productivity if we want to have a better understanding of the distribution of biodiversity across our planet. We evaluated how a number of biodiversity measures (species richness, evenness, dominance, rarity, Simpson’s diversity, and Shannon–Weiner diversity) varied across natural productivity gradients at 6 grassland sites in the continental US. Variation in productivity did not account for a substantial amount of variation in any measure of biodiversity at small spatial scales (≈1 m2) at most sites. When productivity accounted for substantial variation in biodiversity, different measures of biodiversity responded to productivity in different ways. For example, dominance changed in a U-shaped fashion along a productivity gradient whereas richness increased in an asymptotic fashion. Consequently, diversity indices, which account for both species richness and evenness, varied in a hump-shaped fashion along the productivity gradient. Our results highlight that an exclusive focus on the association between species richness and productivity provides an incomplete picture of how a community’s biodiversity is related to its functioning.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relative influence of forest continuity, environmental differences and geographical context on vegetation and species richness in ancient and recent forests? Location: Himmerland and Hornsherred in Denmark. Methods: Lists of forest species from deciduous forests were subjected to CCA with variation partitioning to quantify the relative amount of variation in species composition attributable to historical, present geographical and environmental variables. GLM was used to estimate the importance of the variables to species richness. Results: The importance of temporal forest continuity in one region was negligible but was considerable in the other. The variation in species composition explained by geographical, environmental and historical variables showed little overlap in both regions, particularly at the fine scale. Conclusions: This paper does not support the idea that differences in the flora between ancient and recent forests is mainly caused by environmental differences. Furthermore, species richness seemed unaffected by isolation and forest connectivity.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of various phosphorus (P) forms and their relation to physico-chemical properties of estuary sediment material were studied to better understand the potential release and burial of P. Core samples were taken from two dissimilar estuaries in the Baltic Sea: one in the Archipelago Sea (AS) and one in the Gulf of Finland (GoF). The P reserves were characterized by a sequential extraction procedure including the analysis of simultaneously dissolved elements in two extraction steps. The sediment material was also analysed for particle size distribution and total elements. In addition, several environmental variables were determined. The occurrence of the various forms of P varied with sediment depth among different sites. Reductant soluble, iron (Fe) bound P was the most dynamically changing P form in the sediment, while P bound to other metal oxides and apatite-P were the most stable fractions. High sedimentation rate was a dominating factor for sediment P burial. In addition, the content of organic matter, the amount of erosion-transported sorption components, and the oxygen (O2) conditions in the near-bottom water were important determinants of the behaviour of sediment P. The results indicate that, over the long term, both estuaries have acted as sinks for deposited P and restricted the transport of P to the AS and the open GoF, thereby partly alleviating the eutrophication process.  相似文献   

Relationships between fish and otolith measurements were analyzed in nine demersal fishes from the north‐eastern Tasmanian waters: Foetorepus calauropomus, Trachurus declivis, Parequula melbournensis, Neosebastes scorpaenoides, Platycephalus aurimaculatus, Platycephalus bassensis, Platycephalus conatus, Lepidotrigla mulhalli and Lepidotrigla vanessa. The values of exponent b from the relationships between fish weight and fish total length, total length and otolith length, total length and otolith width, and fish weight and otolith length were estimated. All above relationships were statistically significant. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the effect of the categorical factor of species in the fish length and otolith length relationship. Significant differences in fish length and otolith length relationship between species were highlighted in both gurnards and flatheads. Results from this study will provide novel information on quantitative biometric relationships between body and otolith measurements of fish species in Australian waters.  相似文献   

中国分布有跳鼠总科(Dipodoidea)动物3科12属22种,是世界上跳鼠总科物种丰富度最高的国家之一.近年来,随着新种的发现和分类地位的修正,我国跳鼠总科物种的系统发育关系和分布格局也亟待更新.本文通过GenBank下载12个特定基因,串联构建基因矩阵,以贝叶斯法和最大似然法重建22个物种的系统发育树,明确了我国跳...  相似文献   

There is a lack of understanding on factors influencing the occurrence of high species heterogeneity at fine scale in the Brazilian cerrado. Soil is a major determinant of vegetation in the Brazilian cerrado and an important candidate to influence species distribution at fine scales, since soil features vary at very small distances, whereas many environmental variables are relatively homogeneous at such scale. We tested plant-soil relationships at fine scales in a cerrado site. We placed 100 contiguous 25 m2 plots, where we identified all woody individuals and measured several soil features. We did partial redundancy analysis, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, to test for relationships between soil features and floristic composition. We also did multiple regressions or spatial autoregressive models to test for relationships between soil features and: (1) the abundance of the five most common species, (2) total abundance, (3) richness, (4) evenness, and (5) diversity. We found weak relationships between soil and floristic composition, richness, and total abundance, which, coupled with also weak relationship found in another study with plant available water, indicate there is no major environmental variable influencing vegetation at fine scales, but several of them interacting. Organic matter was positively related with the abundance of Myrsine umbellata and was negatively related to evenness. Although a causal relationship cannot be inferred with certainty, the dominance of Myrsine umbellata seems to be related to a positive feedback with soil.  相似文献   

Macrofauna samples were taken in May 1996–1998 at 28 stations on the Dogger Bank (central North Sea) to describe species composition, spatial distribution and trophic structure of the macrofaunal communities. In general, five communities could be distinguished depending on the influence of different water masses, depth, type of sediment and food availability. Except for those species which feed in the sediment, macrofauna communities did not show any correlation to the measured sediment variables. In fact, macrofauna communities of the Dogger Bank were mainly structured by lateral food supply via frontal systems. This was indicated by the dominance of interface feeders foraging in the benthic boundary layer, which are able to switch from surface deposit to suspension feeding depending on flow conditions. The importance of sandlickers in the shallowest parts of the Dogger Bank hints at an important contribution of benthic primary production to the nutritional and energetic needs of the benthic community. Electronic Publication  相似文献   


Conservation strategies increasingly refer to indicators derived from large biological data. However, such data are often unique with respect to scale and species groups considered. To compare richness patterns emerging from different inventories, we analysed forest species richness at both the landscape and the community scales in Switzerland. Numbers of forest species were displayed using nationwide distributional species data and referring to three different definitions of forest species. The best regression models on a level of four predictor variables ranged between adj. R 2 = 0.50 and 0.66 and revealed environmental heterogeneity/energy, substrate (rocky outcrops) and precipitation as best explanatory variables of forest species richness at the landscape scale. A systematic sample of community data (n = 729; 30 m2, 200 m2, 500 m2) was examined with respect to nationwide community diversity and plot species richness. More than 50% of all plots were assigned to beech forests (Eu-Fagion, Cephalanthero-Fagion, Luzulo-Fagion and Abieti-Fagion), 14% to Norway spruce forests (Vaccinio-Piceion) and 13% to silver fir forests (Piceo-Abietion). Explanatory variables were derived from averaged indicator values per plot, and from biophysical and disturbance factors. The best models for plot species richness using four predictor variables ranged between adj. R 2 = 0.31 and 0.34. Light (averaged L-indicator, tree canopy) and substrate (averaged R-indicator and pH) had the highest explanatory power at all community scales. By contrast, the influence of disturbance variables was very small, as only a small portion of plots were affected by this factor. The effects of disturbances caused by extreme events or by management would reduce the tree canopies and lead to an increase in plant species richness at the community scale. Nevertheless, such community scale processes will not change the species richness at the landscape scale. Instead, the variety of different results derived from different biological data confirms the diversity of aspects to consider. Therefore, conservation strategies should refer to value systems.  相似文献   

Drought conditions have prevailed in many areas of NSW since 2002. On the mid-north coast, below-average rainfall resulted in reduced riverine flows and the extended closure of intermittent estuaries within the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Patterns of structure of benthic infaunal communities were evaluated at the height of the drought to determine if they differed between closed, intermittent estuaries and permanently open estuaries within the region. Replicate van Veen grab samples were taken in the upper, mid- and lower reaches of six intermittent and three permanently open estuaries and sieved to retain the macrofauna. A range of physico-chemical measures was also taken at each sampling time. Multivariate analyses of assemblage data revealed a significant difference between the structure of the two estuary types and also among estuaries within each type. Differences between estuary types were attributable to small differences in the abundance of a number of taxa but also to the absence of the amphipod Urohaustorius metungi from most of the intermittent estuaries. In contrast, these small amphipods dominated communities in the lower reaches of the permanently open estuaries. Physico-chemical variables were highly variable among estuaries and were not strongly correlated with assemblage patterns. Correlations with catchment size were the strongest and, as most of the intermittent estuaries in the region are smaller than the permanently open estuaries, this confounds the interpretation of assemblage patterns in this preliminary study. In order to differentiate between the effects of catchment size and entrance status, the same estuaries need to be resurveyed during periods when at least some of the intermittent estuaries are open.  相似文献   

Although many ecologists have described relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, changes in functioning after disturbance and during recovery are not well documented. Diversity-functioning theory predicts a decline in functioning with decreased diversity (e.g., following disturbance) and a gradual increase in functioning coincident with biotic recovery. We tested this theory empirically by measuring primary production and nutrient release (indices of sandflat functioning) at three sites at the beginning, middle and end of a year-long recovery period. Although microphytobenthos stock (sediment chlorophyll a content) recovered quickly, rates of gross photosynthetic oxygen production were reduced in disturbed plots, relative to controls, in 7 of 9 comparisons. Plots with high macrofaunal richness had enhanced ammonium efflux, and greater efflux of ammonium likely increased rates of primary production. The site with the highest bioturbation potential, which was dominated by large bivalves, exhibited the largest decline in functioning immediately after disturbance. This site also had the most persistent treatment-control differences during recovery, probably because the large bivalves remained at low abundance in treated plots throughout the year-long experiment.  相似文献   

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