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Effect of salinity on fertilization and early development of the polychaeta Nereis virens (Sars) from the White Sea was examined in laboratory experiments. The comparison of salinity resistance of different developmental stages of N. virens showed gradual increase of euryhalinity during ontogenesis—from fertilized eggs to juveniles.Successful fertilization and effective development (≥70-75%) was possible in narrow salinity range 22-34‰. The salinity range of successful development for trochophore and nectochaete larvae reached 14-45‰. This increase of the limits of salinity tolerance in trochophore and nectochaete larvae probably was due to the formation of protonephridium system.Rate of metamorphosis of N. virens was tested under temperature 5, 10, 17 and 23 °C and salinity 22-14‰. The highest rate of metamorphosis was marked at the temperature of 23 °C in salinities higher than 14‰.Our data confirms that N. virens originates from warm seas with oceanic salinity.  相似文献   

Marine toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Gambierdiscus are the causative agents of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), a seafood poisoning that is widespread in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In the main island of Japan, distributions of Gambierdiscus australes, Gambierdiscus scabrosus and two phylotypes of Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3, have been reported. To discuss the bloom dynamics of these Japanese species/phylotypes of Gambierdiscus, first we tested six culture media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature and salinity and temperature–salinity interactions on growth. All strains of the species/phylotypes tested showed the highest cell yields when they were cultivated in IMK/2 medium. G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in the range 17.5–30 °C, whereas Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in 15–25 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≥80% of the maximal growth rate) of the former three species/phylotypes were 19–28 °C, 24–31 °C and 21–28 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter phylotype was 22–25 °C. Hence, Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 may be adapted to relatively lower water temperatures of ≤25 °C. In contrast, G. australes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 presumably possess adaptability to relatively high water temperatures. The optimal temperature for G. scabrosus was 30 °C, whereas the optimal temperature for the others was 25 °C. G. australes and Gambierdiscus sp. type 3 grew in a salinity range of 25–40 whereas G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew in salinity 20–40. Furthermore, the semi-optimal salinity range of G. australes, G. scabrosus, Gambierdiscus spp. type 2 and type 3 were salinity 27–38, 24–36, 22–36 and 29–37, respectively. Among the species/phylotypes, G. scabrosus and Gambierdiscus sp. type 2 grew even at salinity 20 where the others did not grow, thus possessing adaptability to low salinity waters. Our results clearly demonstrate that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among Japanese Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes. Considering these results, temperature–salinity interactions may play an important role in bloom dynamics and the distribution of the Gambierdiscus species/phylotypes in Japanese coastal waters.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity (15, 25, 35, 45, and 55‰) on growth, biochemical composition, and lipid productivity of Nannochloropsis oculata CS 179 was investigated under controlled cultivation in a 19‐day study. The results demonstrate that the dry biomass of N. oculata was the highest at a salinity of 25‰ among the treatments in the first 10‐day cultivation (P<0.05). During days 14–19 (stage III), the dry biomass productivity was the highest at a salinity of 35‰ (P<0.05). The algae had the highest chlorophyll a content (26.47 mg g?1) at 25‰ in stage I, and it decreased continuously at stage III. Protein content (as% of dry biomass) of algae reached the highest value of 42.25 ± 2.10% at 15‰, and the lipid content was the highest of 32.11 ± 1.30% of dry biomass at 25‰. However, the lipid productivity of these algae was the highest at 35‰ (64.71 mg L?1 d?1; P<0.001). C16 series content was the highest among the total fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), and eicosapentaenoic acid C20:5n‐3 (EPA) content was high at the low salinity. Fatty acid profiles of N. oculata varied significantly under different salinities.  相似文献   

饥饿对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼体发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对刚孵化的中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体经不同时间的饥饿后再投喂,发现饥饿可以明显降低幼体的存活率和延长幼体的发育期。实验表明:对中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体的饥饿时间(t)和发育期长(D)呈线性关系(D=4.6303+1.3226t r=0.970p<0.01)。对于中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体,当起始饥饿时间超过了4d,再予以投饵,幼体均不能恢复正常的发育和蜕皮功能,得出中华绒螯蟹的不可恢复点(the point of no-return,PNR)大约为4d。通常以产生50%的幼体死亡的饥饿期即PNR50,来表明幼体对饥饿的抵抗能力,实验得出中华绒螯蟹第一期的蚤状幼体的PNR50大约为48h。  相似文献   

The combined effect of salinity and temperature on Spirorbis spirorbis L. and Circeus spirillum L. larvae from the White Sea was studied in the laboratory experiments. In the White Sea, S. spirorbis is distributed through the depth of 1-20 m and is affected by all varieties of fluctuations in salinity and temperature. C. spirillum lives in more wide range of depths 1-55 m and is more stenohaline. S. spirorbis larvae are sufficiently more resistant to the low salinity (10‰) than C. spirillum larvae. Both species are stenothermic. Highest survivorship of S. spirorbis larvae was marked under 5 °C in all experimental salinities. Under temperature treatments of 10-15 °C, the larval survivorship was sufficiently restricted in all salinities. Highest survivorship of C. spirillum larvae was also marked under 5 °C but in more narrow salinity range.The number of larvae undergoing metamorphosis in both species was very low, only about 10% of the total number. Highest number of successful attachments in both species was marked in high salinities (25-30‰) and does not exceed 25% of survivors. Experimental data suggests that salinity and temperature affect directly general survivorship of the larvae and secondary-attachment and metamorphosis processes.  相似文献   

Survival, duration of intermoult cycle and respiratory metabolism were evaluated as a function of salinity (0–35‰; 25° C) in early zoeae of the cinnamon shrimp, Macrobrachium amazonicum. Zoeae are extremely resistant to salinity, mortality occurring only in fresh and sea-water after several days. Moulting occurs in all salinities, longer cycles being recorded in 0 and 35‰ S. The metabolism-salinity curve is broadly U-shaped between 0 and 28‰ S but declines sharply in sea-water. Such physiological responses characterise the early zoeae as strongly euryhaline and typically estuarine. Data are discussed in relation to the degree of adaptation of the organism to the freshwater biotope and the position of the species within the generic pattern of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temperature on the growth and development of embryonic and early larval stages of a western North American amphibian, the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa). We assigned newt eggs to different temperatures (7, 14, or 21 °C); after hatching, we re-assigned the newt larvae into the three different temperatures. Over the course of three to four weeks, we measured total length and developmental stage of the larvae. Our results indicated a strong positive relationship over time between temperature and both length and developmental stage. Importantly, individuals assigned to cooler embryonic temperatures did not achieve the larval sizes of individuals from the warmer embryonic treatments, regardless of larval temperature. Our investigation of growth and development at different temperatures demonstrates carry-over effects and provides a more comprehensive understanding of how organisms respond to temperature changes during early development.  相似文献   

Ye L  Yang S Y  Zhu X M  Liu M  Lin J Y  Wu K C 《农业工程》2011,31(5):241-245
To understand the physiological and ecological responses of marine fishes to the change of water temperature, newly-hatched larvae of Yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii were reared in captivity at water temperatures of 23, 26 and 29 °C till they completed the metamorphosis to juvenile phase, and larval survival, development, growth and feeding were evaluated during the experimental period. The results showed that water temperature influenced the physiological performance of larvae of A. clarkii significantly. The survival and growth rates of larvae of A. clarkii increased significantly with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Water temperature also influenced larval development of A. clarkii significantly and larvae reared at 23 °C took longer time for post-larval development and metamorphosis compared to 26 and 29 °C (P < 0.05). Total length and body weight for post-larval development and metamorphosis decreased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Q10 in developmental rate was higher than in daily growth rate at the same rearing temperature, indicating that at water temperature had greater influence on larval development than on growth. Water temperature also influenced larval feeding of A. clarkii significantly with feed ration (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) increased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between FR and specific growth rate (SGR) (P < 0.05) but not between FCE and SGR (P > 0.05), indicating that FR influenced growth rate significantly in larvae of A. clarkii. This study demonstrated that the physiological responses of larvae of A. clarkii to the change of water temperature and confirmed that water temperature influenced larval survival, development, growth and feeding significantly. This study suggests that the decline of larval survival and growth rates, extension of pelagic larval duration and reduction of larval feeding at lower temperature have ecological impacts on larval dispersal and metamorphosis, juvenile settlement and population replenishment in A. clarkii in the wild.  相似文献   

To understand the physiological and ecological responses of marine fishes to the change of water temperature, newly-hatched larvae of Yellowtail clownfish Amphiprion clarkii were reared in captivity at water temperatures of 23, 26 and 29 °C till they completed the metamorphosis to juvenile phase, and larval survival, development, growth and feeding were evaluated during the experimental period. The results showed that water temperature influenced the physiological performance of larvae of A. clarkii significantly. The survival and growth rates of larvae of A. clarkii increased significantly with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Water temperature also influenced larval development of A. clarkii significantly and larvae reared at 23 °C took longer time for post-larval development and metamorphosis compared to 26 and 29 °C (P < 0.05). Total length and body weight for post-larval development and metamorphosis decreased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). Q10 in developmental rate was higher than in daily growth rate at the same rearing temperature, indicating that at water temperature had greater influence on larval development than on growth. Water temperature also influenced larval feeding of A. clarkii significantly with feed ration (FR) and feed conversion efficiency (FCE) increased with the increase of water temperature from 23 to 29 °C (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between FR and specific growth rate (SGR) (P < 0.05) but not between FCE and SGR (P > 0.05), indicating that FR influenced growth rate significantly in larvae of A. clarkii. This study demonstrated that the physiological responses of larvae of A. clarkii to the change of water temperature and confirmed that water temperature influenced larval survival, development, growth and feeding significantly. This study suggests that the decline of larval survival and growth rates, extension of pelagic larval duration and reduction of larval feeding at lower temperature have ecological impacts on larval dispersal and metamorphosis, juvenile settlement and population replenishment in A. clarkii in the wild.  相似文献   

盐分胁迫对杨树苗期生长和土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过盐分胁迫下杨树2个无性系的盆栽试验,发现盐分对苗木的生长有一定的抑制作用.随着盐分浓度的提高,苗高、地上与地下部分生物量都呈下降趋势;当盐分浓度为0.2%、0.4%、0.6%和0.8%时,P1、P2的新稍生长量分别比对照下降23.24%、48.56%、70.76%、83.33%和71.77%、83.25%、86.28%、91.39%;P2地上生物量分别比对照下降72.44%、82.92%、92.82%和94.41%.回归分析发现,盐分浓度与叶片叶绿素含量之间存在线性相关关系,与脯氨酸含量之间存在抛物线形相关关系.土壤中盐分的增加不仅影响到植物的生长发育,而且对土壤自身的物理、化学性状也产生不良效应.同时测定了盆栽土壤中葡萄糖苷酶和左旋天门冬酰胺酶活性的变化.结果表明,两种酶活性都随土壤中盐分浓度的提高而下降.当盐分浓度为0.2%、0.4%、0.6%和0.8%时,P1土壤中葡萄糖苷酶活性分别比对照下降了10.96%、20.07%、30.96%和37.44%;而P2土壤中葡萄糖苷酶活性分别比对照下降11.21%、18.94%、34.89%和41.31%,说明盐分对土壤的理化性状和肥力状况都产生了不良影响.参试的2个无性系中,P1的耐盐能力强于P2.  相似文献   

Benthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis spp. are known as producers of palytoxin and its analogs, resulting occasionally in human health problems worldwide. Although distribution of Ostreopsis spp. along the Thai coasts has been reported, little is known about their growth characteristics. To discuss the bloom dynamics of Ostreopsis spp. in Thailand, first we tested four kinds of media to optimize growth conditions and then clarified the effects of temperature, salinity and temperature–salinity interaction on the growth of strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade, Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7. We showed that the f/2 medium was a suitable medium which gave the highest cell yields for all the strains tested. The strains of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 grew in the temperature range 20–32.5 °C, whereas the strain of Ostreopsis sp. 7 grew in 20–30 °C. The semi-optimal temperature ranges (≧80% of the maximal growth rate) for the former three strains were 22.7–27.4 °C, 27.9–30.8 °C and 23.5–26.4 °C, respectively, whereas that of the latter strain was 23–27.2 °C. The optimal temperature for the O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade was 30 °C, whereas for the others it was 25 °C. All the Ostreopsis strains tested could grow in a salinity range of 20–40. The semi-optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 were 28.7–35, 23.8–30.8, 29.8–36 and 28–36, respectively. The optimal salinities for the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade and O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade were 30 and 25, respectively, whereas for Ostreopsis sp. 6 and Ostreopsis sp. 7 it was 35. In this study, our results suggested that the optimal and tolerable temperature–salinity conditions differ among the Thai Ostreopsis species/clades/subclades. Tolerances of the O. cf. ovata Thailand subclade, O. cf. ovata South China Sea subclade and Ostreopsis sp. 6 to the high temperature of 32.5 °C may allow these organisms to be distributed in the tropical areas, where the water temperature often reaches >30 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, pH, and NaCl concentrations on the infectivity of zoospores of Leptolegnia chapmanii (Argentine isolate) were determined for Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens under laboratory conditions. Zoospores of L. chapmanii were infectious at temperatures between 10 and 35 degrees C but not at 5 or 40 degrees C. At the permissive temperatures, mortality rates in young instars were much higher than in older instars and larvae of Ae. aegypti were more susceptible to L. chapmanii than larvae of Cx. pipiens. At 25 degrees C, Ae. aegypti larvae challenged with L. chapmanii zoospores resulted in 100% infection at pH levels ranging from 4 to 10. Larvae of Cx. pipiens exposed to similar pH and zoospore concentrations resulted in increasing mortality rates from 62% to 99% at pH 4 to 7, respectively, and then decreased to 71% at pH 10. Aedes aegypti larvae exposed to L. chapmanii zoospores in NaCl concentrations ranging from 0 to 7 parts per thousand (ppt) at 25 degrees C resulted in 100% mortality while mortality rates for Cx. pipiens decreases from 96% in distilled water to 31.5% in water with 6 ppt NaCl. Control Cx. pipiens larvae died when exposed at a NaCl concentration of 7 ppt. Vegetative growth of L. chapmanii was negatively affected by NaCl concentrations. These results have demonstrated that the Argentinean isolate of L. chapmanii tolerated a wide range of temperatures, pH, and salinity, suggesting that it has the potential to adapt to a wide variety of mosquito habitats.  相似文献   


Emigration and immigration of decapod larvae from estuaries depend on timing of larvae occurrence in the water column relative to the tidal, tidal amplitude and day cycles. The phase relation of these natural cycles varies with tidal regime and geographically, resulting in different time-patterns of hatching of first stage larvae and of presence of late stage larvae in the water column. Vertical migration behaviour according to phase of tide also controls transport inside estuaries. These mechanisms were investigated in a field study conducted on the northwest coast of Portugal where neap ebb tides occur during the night around the quarters of the moon. Flux of decapod larvae through one sampling station was measured during one lunar month at the Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro) in the spring of 1990. The sampling programme was comprised of a set of 25-h fixed station studies, separated by 25-h intervals during which no sampling took place. Plankton samples were collected with a pump every hour at three depths. Current velocity and direction at the standard depths, as well as height of the water column, were also measured every hour. Hourly instantaneous flux of larvae through a 1-m-wide vertical section of the Canal de Mira was calculated for the most abundant forms. A total number of 13 combinations of species and larval stages were analyzed, belonging to the families Atelecyclidae, Pirimelidae, Portunidae, Pilumnidae, Grapsidae, Palaemonidae, Crangonidae and Thalassinidae. Patterns of net larval flux along the lunar month could be grouped into three types. Type 1 includes first zoeas that were consistently exported to the sea. Type 2 comprises late zoeas, megalops and juveniles that were consistently imported into the estuary. First zoeas that were imported during some of the 25-h studies but were exported during the others were included in Type 3; in species of this type import periods appeared to alternate with export periods according to lunar phase. Flux of Type 1 larvae followed a semi-lunar pattern. Release activity of Type 1 zoeas took place during the night and started during neap tides around the quarters of the moon, but maximum releases occurred 3–4 h after high tide of average amplitude tides, 3–4 days after the quadratures. These observations agree with the hypothesis that hatching is timed to occur on ebb tides of the largest possible amplitude so that larvae are easily dispersed from areas with a high density of predator fishes. However, based on other observations on the Portuguese coast, it cannot be ruled out that hatching might depend on a minimum number of hours of darkness experienced by the females. Larvae included in Type 2 comprise forms that may have been retained inside the estuary for the entire larval phase, as well as one form that was imported from shelf waters. No semi-lunar pattern of import was detected in this last form. Fluctuations of net flux observed in Type 3 larvae, as well in other forms that were not included in any of the types, were more difficult to explain. These larvae were first zoeas of species belonging to different taxonomic, morphological and ecological groups and may show a diversity of adaptations to the way of life of the adults. Imports and exports of larvae depended not only on time-patterns of abundance, but also on time-patterns of larval vertical distribution. As a general rule, larval stages showed patterns of depth distribution that were consistent with vertical migration rhythmic behaviours synchronized with the tidal cycle. Though the effect was not always statistically significant, first-stage larvae were closer to the surface during ebb, especially during the night, enhancing seaward transport. On the contrary, later zoeal stages, megalops and juveniles were usually closer to the surface during flood, suggesting migration to the water column during this phase of the tide and landward transport.  相似文献   

The effect of saline irrigation (ECiw 6 dS m?1 and 9 dS m?1) on the roots of Cicer arietinum L. genotypes was examined at morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular levels. Reduction in root growth due to salinity was observed, but less effect was seen on the roots of genotypes KWR 108, ICCV 10, CSG 8962, and S7 as compared to the other genotypes. Cell turgor was maintained in tolerant genotypes through optimum water relations and osmoprotectants (proline and total soluble sugars) than the sensitive cultivars. Salinity caused oxidative stress as increased hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde were noticed, where low accumulation was observed in tolerant genotypes due to the higher activity of enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and peroxidase). Na+/K+ ratio increased, but more increment was reported in sensitive cultivars. Gene expression studies depicted that genes encoding pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase got upregulated and that of proline dehydrogenase was downregulated and more fold change with respect to control was in the salt tolerant check CSG 8962 and the genotype KWR 108. Higher expression of the genes encoding reactive oxygen species scavenging enzymes namely, superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, and those involved in the ascorbate–glutathione cycle was noticed in KWR 108 and CSG 8962 than ICC 4463. Enhanced expression of sodium transporter HKT1 due to salinity can be correlated with ion homeostasis maintenance. Cumulative effects of osmolytes, enzymatic antioxidants and maintaining ion homeostasis in root enable chickpea plants to survive in saline environments.  相似文献   

The seasonal and spatial dynamics of two groups of macroalgae, drift algae and rhizophytes, commonly found in tropical seagrass meadows were studied. The aim of this study was to provide insight into how freshwater discharges may be altering seagrass-dominated nearshore tropical habitats. Species composition, biomass, and percent cover of macroalgae were collected at six Thalassia testudinum König dominated sites within Biscayne Bay, Florida, representing three salinity regimes: canal-influenced, natural sheet-flow, and oceanic conditions. Mean annual salinities in these three regimes correspond to 10, 25 and 35 psu, respectively, with much greater variability in the canal and sheet-flow regimes, than in the oceanic condition. There were distinct changes in the composition of the macroalgal community along this salinity gradient. Drift algae (Chondria spp., Laurencia spp.) were most commonly found at canal-disturbed sites (10–85 g m−2), while rhizophytic calcareous green algae (Halimeda spp., Penicillus spp.) were most abundant at the higher salinity oceanic sites (20–105 g m−2). Seasonal patterns exhibited by the two groups differed also, with drift algae being more abundant in the cooler dry-season months, while rhizophytic algae were more abundant during the warmer wet-season months. These periods of higher abundance correlated with higher growth rates (drift = 2.3% day−1, rhizophytes = 0.85% day−1) measured in representative species for each group. Grazing rates on drift algae were found to be low for tropical habitats and did not differ much between canal (0.44% h−1) and oceanic sites (0.42% h−1).  相似文献   

In the present study, effects of salinity stress were evaluated in the leaves and roots of two pistachio cultivars (Badami-Rize-Zarand (BZ) and Badami-e-Sefid (BS)). In overall, salinity negatively affects growth of both cultivars with more pronounced effects on BS. The physiological reason of the reduction could be attributed to some extent to more depletion of photosynthetic pigment in BS. In both cultivars, salinity increased proline content. Moderate and high salinities increased the soluble sugar contents in BZ. In both cultivars, Na+ content increased in plant organs with increasing Na+ in the media. Salinity treatment decreased the Fe and Pi contents in BS cultivar, while they remained unchanged in BZ. These results show that BZ cultivar exhibits more tolerance to salinity stress than BS cultivar possibly by better growth performance, accumulating more osmolytes, lesser accumulation of toxic sodium ion and lower Na+/K+ in the shoots as well as maintaining nutrient contents.  相似文献   

G. -W. Guse 《Protoplasma》1980,105(1-2):53-67
Summary The sensilla are associated with 6 enveloping cells. The innermost enveloping cell (e 1) secretes the dendritic sheath (=thecogen cell). All other enveloping cells are involved in the formation of the outer cuticular apparatus in secreting the cuticle of a definite region of the new hair shaft.The development of the new sensilla begins when an exuvial space expands between old cuticle and epithelium. The newly forming hair shafts lie folded back in an invagination of the epidermal tissue. Only a distal shaft part projects into the free exuvial space. The cuticle of the distal and middle shaft region is secreted by the three middle enveloping cells (e 2–e 4) (=trichogen cells), which are arranged around the dendritic sheath.The wall of the cylinder, in which the distal shaft is situated, is formed by the cuticle of the future proximal shaft region. It is secreted by the outer enveloping cells (e 5 and e 6). Furthermore, both enveloping cells form the hair socket (=trichogen-tormogen cells).The outer dendritic segments encased within a dendritic sheath run up through the newly formed hair shaft and continue to the old cuticular apparatus. The connection between sensory cells and old hair shaft is maintained until ecdysis. On ecdysis the old cuticle is shed and the newly formed shaft of the sensillum is everted like the invaginated finger of a glove. The dendritic sheath and the outer dendritic segments break off at the tip of the new hair shaft. Morphologically this moulting process ensures that the sensitivity of the receptors is maintained until ecdysis.The internal organization of the sensory cells shows no striking changes during the moulting cycle. An increased number of vesicles is accumulated distally within the inner dendritic segments and distributed throughout the outer segments of the dendrites. The cytoplasmic feature of the enveloping cells indicates that synthesis and release of substances for the cuticular apparatus of the new sensillum take place.  相似文献   

Fluctuating hydrochemistry, as a result of extreme hydrological regimes, imposes major physiological constraints on the biota of ephemeral saline lakes. While the inverse relationship between salinity and zooplankton species richness is well-known across salinity gradients, few studies have documented closely the response of zooplankton to seasonal changes in salinity. Weekly sampling during two flood seasons at Sua Pan, an intermittent saline lake in central Botswana demonstrated the importance of spatial and temporal salinity gradients for crustacean community composition, associated with a decline in species richness, from 11 to three species. Conductivity ranged between 320 and 125,800 μS cm−1 during seasonal flooding; changing from dominance by and , Ca2+ and Mg2+, at the beginning of the floods, to NaCl dominated waters as the lake dried out and salinities increased. pH estimates generally ranged between 8.6 and 10, with maximum values recorded during initial flooding. Crustaceans comprised mainly Branchinella spinosa, Moina belli, Lovenula africana and Limnocythere tudoranceai, all of which occurred across a wide range of salinities, while halotolerant freshwater species (Metadiaptomus transvaalensis, Leptestheria striatochonca and the ostracods Plesiocypridopsis aldabrae, Cypridopsis newtoni and a newly identified Potamocypris species) disappeared above conductivities of 1,500 μS cm−1. A unique crustacean composition in southern Africa was attributed to Sua Pans’ rare chemical composition among southern African saline lakes; flood waters on Sua Pan contained a higher proportion of Na+ and , and less K+, Mg2+ and than over 80% of records from salt pans elsewhere in southern African. The freshwater species of crustaceans in Sua Pan were similar to those found in other southern Africa lakes, and these similarities decreased in lakes with higher pH and proportions of Na, and less SO4 and Mg in their chemical composition. The predominant saline tolerant species on Sua Pan, however, showed a greater similarity to those in saline lakes in southern and East Africa with higher proportions of and, particularly, Mg2+ in their chemical composition. Handling editor: J. M. Melack  相似文献   

The haptophyte microalga Tisochrysis lutea was heterotrophically grown in F2 medium with different combinations of pH and salinity. Growth, oil content and fatty acids (FAs) profile were determined under each set of conditions. The salinity was adjusted using NaCl at concentrations of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, or 1.0 M, while pH was adjusted at 7, 8, or 9, and heterotrophic growth was performed using organic carbon in the form of sugar cane industry waste (CM). Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified by gas chromatography. The results showed that pH of 8.0 was the optimal for dry weight and oil production, regardless of the salinity level. At pH 8.0, growth at a salinity of 0.4 M NaCl was optimal for biomass accumulation (1.185 g L-1). Under these conditions, the maximum growth rate was 0.055 g L-1 d-1, with a doubling time of 17.5 h and a degree of multiplication of 2.198. Oil content was maximal (34.87%) when the salinity was 0.4 M and the pH was 9.0. The ratio of saturated to unsaturated FAs was affected by the pH value and salinity, in that unsaturated FAs increased to 58.09% of the total FAs, considerably greater than the value of 40.59% obtained for the control (0.4 M NaCl and pH 8.0).  相似文献   

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