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To discover the details of the effects of magnesium (Mg) deficiency on kidney function, the course of changes in N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) activity in the urine and in urinary albumin excretion were examined in rats fed a Mg-deficient diet. NAG activity in the urine and urinary albumin excretion in rats fed the Mg-deficient diet significantly increased from 7 d until the end of the feeding period. We suggest that Mg-deficient diet rapidly induces kidney function insufficiency.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal injection of 40 μg of dibutyryl cyclic AMP to homozygous Brattleboro rats fasted for 12 hours but having free access to water resulted in an increase in urine flow and in the rates of excretion of Na, K, PO4 and urea. Similar results were obtained in Brattleboro rats having free access to food and water which received 200 μg of nucleotide. The injection of 20 μg of dibutyryl cyclic AMP or 40 μg 5′-AMP to homozygous Brattleboro rats with free access to food and water or the administration of 40 μg of 5′-AMP to homozygous rats fasted for 12 hours but with free access to water did not alter renal excretion patterns. These results indicate that dibutyryl cyclic AMP may depress tubular reabsorption of water, Na and PO4 as has been shown to be the case in the intact dog.In homozygous Brattleboro rats fasted for 24 hours but allowed free access to water, 40 μg of dibutyryl cyclic AMP resulted in a tendency to reduced urine flow and diminished excretion of Na, K and urea. The explanation for these results is not apparent from these data.  相似文献   

Hypervitaminosis A induces the following changes in rat kidney: decrease in sodium and potassium excretion and an increase of urinary volume. In order to determine the possible reversibility of these alterations, the authors allowed the hypervitaminotic animal to recover for 30 and 60 days. After a 30-day recovery period for urinary volume, a 20-day recovery period for sodium excretion, and a 10-day recovery period for potassium excretion, the alterations were reverted to normal.  相似文献   

Summary This study followed the time course of urinary taurine and hypotaurine excretion after two-thirds hepatectomy in rats. The excretion of both taurine and hypotaurine was elevated during 18th following the hepatectomy, with maximal excretion during the first 6h. Twelve and 24h after partial hepatectomy, the hepatic hypotaurine concentration was increased but liver taurine did not differ significantly from controls. No changes were observed in hypotaurine and taurine concentrations of heart, kidney, lung, muscle tissue and spleen. We postulate that partial hepatectomy induces a rapid increase of hepatic (hypo)taurine synthesis from precursor amino acids. The increased (hypo)taurine concentrations spill over into urine.  相似文献   

In 8 freely moving rats the circadian variation in the eletrolyte excretion was studied. Food was available during either the dark or the light period. The lights were on from 0800–2000 hr. Potassium, phosphate and magnesium showed peak excretion values during the dark period under both feeding conditions, although the maxima occurred 2.5 hr earlier when the rats were fed during the light period; minimum excretion was recorded just prior to feeding. Sodium excretion followed a different pattern; for animals fed during the night, maximum excretion occurred almost at the end of the dark period and minimum excretion at the start of the feeding period. For day-fed animals these values were recorded 5 and 4 hours earlier, respectively. Calcium excretion reached a maximum after the feeding period and a minimum shortly after the onset of feeding. From this study it can be concluded that the peak excretions of potassium, phosphate and magnesium are only slightly influenced by the feeding regimen, indicating that they depend mainly on an endogenous rhythm. In contrast, the minimum excretion of these ions is determined by feeding. For calcium maximum as well as minimum excretion is correlated with the feeding regimen. The excretion pattern of sodium differs from that of calcium, as well as potassium, phosphate and magnesium, indicating that it is controlled by a different mechanism.  相似文献   

Twenty four young (mean age 29.2 years, range 25-35) and 21 elderly (mean age 66.5, range 60-80) healthy subjects collected their urine in timed aliquots over 24 hours. The elderly subjects had been selected for their fitness by clinical and laboratory examinations and all lived independently at home. Sodium and potassium excretions were reduced in the elderly subjects compared with the young subjects, potassium excretion considerably so. This was despite similar 24 hour urine volumes and total solute excretion by both groups. The ratios of rates of excretion of water, electrolytes, and solutes during the night to the rates of excretion during the day were found to be higher in the elderly than the young subjects. Reduced day to night ratios of urinary excretion may be partly responsible for complaints of nocturia and sleep disturbance in elderly people.  相似文献   

Mature sheep receiving supplements of sodium chloride into the rumen were given intravenous infusions of arginine vasopressin at rates varying from 4-6-23 pmol/min (2-10 mU/min). Infusion of the hormone led to an increase in urine flow and to increases in the amounts of sodium and chloride excreted, the effect on flow was, however, the greater so that the osmolality of the urine fell during the infusions. In sheep given intravenous infusions of a hypertonic sodium chloride solution addition of vasopressin to the infusate led to the formation of a larger volume of urine containing a higher proportion of the infused salt load compared to when the salt solution alone was given. As before the effect on flow was the greater and hence the osmolality of the urine was lower when the hormone was given. In other experiments intravenous infusion of a hypertonic sodium chloride solution at rates providing 2-8 mmol NaCl/min led to increases in urine flow and increases in sodium and chloride excretion, the size of these increases being proportional to infusion rate. Plasma vasopressin levels markedly increased during these infusions, the levels seen being similar to those seen in sheep given vasopressin in amounts which increased both urine flow and electrolyte excretion. This suggests that during hypertonic salt loading vasopressin probably contributes directly to the increases in urine flow and the increases in electrolyte excretion which are seen. Further evidence in support of this was obtained in experiments in which a greater natriuretic response was seen in sheep given a hypertonic sodium chloride solution into the carotid artery as opposed to the given a hypertonic sodium chloride solution into the carotid artery as opposed to the jugular vein and where it was shown that plasma vasopressin levels were indeed higher when the solution was given into the artery.  相似文献   

Rats were injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) or i.v. with [14C]homocarnosine (250 nmol). Distribution of the dipeptide in brain structures, transport from the brain to the blood, distribution in peripheral organs, and excretion in the urine were studied by measuring radioactivity in tissue, plasma, and urine samples by liquid scintillation counting 15–120 min after injection. After i.c.v. injection, [14C]homocarnosine was taken up into all parts of the brain investigated (highest uptake in structures close to the site of injection), it was transported to the blood, and radioactive substances were found in low concentration in muscle, spleen, and liver, in high concentration in the kidneys, and very high concentration in the urine. Investigations using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) showed that no degradation took place in the brain, all radioactivity was found in the homocarnosine fraction. In the plasma 86% of the radioactivity was found in the GABA fraction presumed to be formed by cleavage of the peptide, while in the kidneys 35% and in the urine 40% was found in the GABA fraction. After i.v. injection of [14C]homocarnosine, no radioactivity was measured in hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum and cerebral cortex 15 min after injection, however, 60 min after injection a very low activity was detected in these structures (estimated intravascular radioactivity subtracted). A low activity was also measured in the spinal cord both 15 and 60 min after injection. When homocarnosine and GABA were separated on HPLC, all radioactivity in brain tissue was found in the GABA fraction, indicating either that [14C]homocarnosine did not cross the blood-brain barrier in amounts that could be measured with the method used, or that peptide entering the brain was rapidly transported back to the blood. [14C]Homocarnosine was not taken up either into crude synaptosomal preparations from hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum, cortex and spinal cord, or into slices prepared from the hippocampus and striatum. Transport from the brain to the kidneys and excretion in the urine seems to be a major route for disposal of this peptide in the rat.  相似文献   

G Meisenberg  W H Simmons 《Life sciences》1984,34(13):1231-1240
Behavioral excitation induced by intracerebroventricularly administered vasopressin in mice is very short-lasting, suggesting a half-life of the injected peptide of only a few minutes. The results of the present study suggest that vasopressin and related peptides are too hydrophilic to penetrate lipid membranes readily by passive diffusion and that passive diffusion from the extracellular space into cells or the bloodstream is an unlikely mechanism of inactivation. Pharmacological desensitization (tachyphylaxis) occurs after higher doses, but does not seem to be the major factor responsible for the short duration of action. Some deaminoanalogs of vasopressin, however, show a prolonged action, suggesting that degradation by (an) aminopeptidase(s) is a major route of inactivation. These results also suggest that vasopressin-degrading aminopeptidases are accessible from the extracellular space.  相似文献   

In SLJ-1 we proposed to study three major objectives. They were; 1. hormonal changes associated with fluid and electrolyte metabolism, 2. the effect of space flight on the circadian rhythms of endocrine and metabolic systems, 3. the changes in the indices of the bone and muscle metabolism during space flight. In this report, the changes in the bone metabolism during Spacelab-J will be presented with a special emphasis on urinary excretion of pyridinium cross-links. Timed urine samples from three Japanese payload specialists were obtained for 3 days from May 19 to 21, 1991 (one year before the launch = L-1 year). Immediately before the launch (L-3 to L-0), urine samples were obtained from a payload specialist who was on board the Space Shuttle Endeavor (PS). During the inflight period (flight from September 3 to 10 in 1992), urine samples from the PS were collected by using Urine Monitoring System (UMS). After the landing, they were obtained from the PS for three days (R+0-R+2). Various parameters related to bone metabolism such as hydroxyproline, pyridinium cross-links and calcium were determined. It was noted that excretion of hydroxyproline decreased during the preflight periods when compared with that in the control L-1 year period. The average excretory rate during control period was 846.2 +/- 198.7 milligrams/hour (mean +/- SD), while those in the preflight 474.6 +/- 171.1 milligrams/hour, suggesting the diminished collagen intake during the preflight period. Average excretion rate of pyridinium cross-links during the first 4 mission days (MD0-MD3) was similar to that of preflight and control L-1 year period. However, it was significantly increased during the last 4 mission days (MD4-MD7). It returned to the preflight level during postflight days (R+0-R+2). Increased urinary excretion of calcium during the last 4 mission days were also observed. These results suggest that increase in bone resorption could occur during relatively short stay in microgravity.  相似文献   

The effects of HgCl2 on urinary excretion of Zn, Cu and metallothionein at different time intervals were observed in male Wistar rats. The rats were given a daily intraperitoneal injection of203HgCl2 (0.5 or 1.0 mg Hg kg–1) for 2 days.203Hg, Zn, Cu and metallothionein in urine, kidney and liver were analyzed. Significant increases in urinary Zn and Cu concentrations were found in HgCl2-dosed groups. Elevated urinary Zn and Cu concentrations were accompanied by an increased metallothionein excretion in urine at different time periods. Zn concentration in urine remained elevated during the entire observation period of 7 days. There were also increased concentrations of Cu and Zn in the renal cortex in one of the two exposed groups. The results indicate that urinary Cu and Zn are related to the manifestation of renal toxicity and/or the synthesis of metallothionein in kidney induced by mercury.  相似文献   

Strees sensitive molecules exhibit great variation in concentration in the circulation and it may often be advantageous to quantify these in urine or feces rather than in serum or plasma. We advocate that all urine-or feces-should be collected, and that excretion of stress sensitive molecules should be expressed as amounts excreted per time unit per kg body-weight, rather than being expressed as concentrations in samples. Urine and feces excretion varies significantly within and between animals over time, which may render simple concentration measures of molecules of little biological relevance.  相似文献   

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