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马文儒 《生物学通报》1993,28(4):6-7,15
据统计地球上的植物约30万种,而以植物为食的昆虫约48万种,几乎没有一种植物能免受昆虫的危害。也许人们很容易认为,植物不能运动,对取食者毫无招架之功,只能充当随时光顾的昆虫的美餐。事实上植食性昆虫可谓冒着“杀身之祸”顶着巨大的选择压力、和植物共同经历了上亿年的发展进化才“保住”了今日的饭  相似文献   

昆虫介体行为与植物病毒的传播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大多数植物病毒都是依赖昆虫介体进行传播,其中超过80%的传毒介体昆虫都是属于半翅目同翅亚目。昆虫介体识别寄主植物和取食的过程与病毒的传播密切相关,本文主要综述了同翅亚目昆虫、蓟马等介体昆虫取食行为与植物病毒的相互作用方面的研究进展,着重于介绍昆虫不同取食阶段的行为对植物病毒传播的影响,病毒侵染对介体取食和识别寄主行为的影响。  相似文献   

昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
秦秋菊  高希武 《昆虫学报》2005,48(1):125-134
植物被昆虫取食后可产生直接防御或间接防御。直接防御通过增加有毒的次生代谢产物或防御蛋白对昆虫生理代谢产生不利的影响,但对植物的消耗较大。间接防御通过释放挥发性化合物吸引天敌昆虫,并以此控制植食性昆虫。特异性的昆虫激发子(insect specific elicitors)能够诱导挥发性化合物的释放。多种信号途径参与昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应,它们之间的相互作用协同或拮抗。了解昆虫取食诱导的植物防御反应,对于害虫综合治理策略的完善具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

诠释植食性昆虫是怎样选择食料植物的   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
昆虫对食料植物的选择,是各种昆虫行为最为明显的表现,和人类的农林生产有密切的关系。在蝗虫、甲虫等昆虫种类中,幼虫和成虫常取食相同的植物,但鳞翅目、双翅目等昆虫的幼虫的食料植物与成虫的不同,常在成虫产卵时决定幼虫取食的植物。昆虫对植物的选择依靠感觉器官的功能,而植物除合有昆虫所需的营养成分外,还合有种类特异性的代谢次生物质,它们对昆虫产生感觉刺激,是昆虫对植物进行选择的主要因素。有些昆虫在选择植物时嗅觉、味觉、触觉起着比较严格的限制作用,称为寡食性或单食性的种类。另一些昆虫虽然感觉作用也很灵敏,但适应的范围较广,能取食多种植物,称为多食性昆虫。以飞蝗、棉铃虫与烟青虫为例,介绍了昆虫的感觉器官和神经系统在选择食料植物时所起的作用。  相似文献   

中科院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所最近在植物抗虫与生物技术领域的研究工作取得突破性进展。该所研究员、中国科学院院士陈晓亚和他的博士研究生毛颖波发明了一种植物介导的昆虫RNA干扰技术,可以有效、特异地抑制昆虫基因的表达,从而抑制害虫的生长。该技术利用植物表达与昆虫特定基因匹配的双链RNA分子,当昆虫取食这类植物后,其靶基因的表达被明显降低。  相似文献   

植物蛋白酶抑制素抗虫作用的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
王琛柱  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1997,40(2):212-218
植物自身为抵抗昆虫等的为害,在长期进化过程中形成了复杂的化学防御体系,其中起主导作用的是一些植物化学物质。这些化合物能影响昆虫(或其它有机体)的生长、行为和群体生物学,因而又称为它感素(allelochemics)[1~3]。大多数它感素为植物的利己素,可以单一或协同对害虫起作用,构成植物的抗虫性。根据植物对昆虫取食的反应,可将植物的化学防御概括为两类:一类是组成型防御[4],即抗虫物质不依赖于昆虫的取食而存在于植物组织中;另一类是诱导型防御[5~9],即植物仅当昆虫取食时才大量合成抗虫物质。诱导型抗虫物质当然亦可以组…  相似文献   

在我们居住的地球上,有着无以数计的昆虫,它们以各种方式获取生存和繁衍。其中以植物为食的,被称作植食性昆虫,它们与植物存在着一种食与被食的关系,并且取食时表现出种种有趣的行为。 一、选择行为 植食性昆虫对取食植物的选择是经过长期适应并遗传下来的。尽管它们存在着狭食性和广食性的区别,有的能移取食两种或两种以上的植物,但它们喜食的植物和喜食的程度仍然不同。  相似文献   

昆虫对植物蛋白酶抑制素的诱导及适应机制   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
宗娜  阎云花  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2003,46(4):533-539
植物蛋白酶抑制素是植物重要的防御物质之一,一般是分子量较小的多肽或蛋白质,能够与昆虫消化道内的蛋白酶形成复合物,阻断或削弱蛋白酶对食物中蛋白的水解,使昆虫厌食或消化不良而致死。植物蛋白酶抑制素在植物体内一般是诱导表达的,昆虫取食危害后,导致某些植物在伤口产生一种寡聚糖信息素-蛋白酶抑制素诱导因子,蛋白酶抑制素诱导因子诱导叶片局部产生植物蛋白酶抑制素,并刺激产生信号物质系统肽,通过十八烷酸途径在一系列酶的作用下产生茉莉酸,茉莉酸与受体结合,活化植物蛋白酶抑制素基因。昆虫在长期取食植物蛋白酶抑制素后会在生理及行为上产生适应性而导致不敏感,适应方式主要包括:(1)改变肠道蛋白酶对蛋白酶抑制素的敏感性;(2) 水解蛋白酶抑制素;(3)过量取食及干扰产生蛋白酶抑制素的信号通道。由于昆虫能够对植物蛋白酶抑制素产生适应,因此合理利用植物蛋白酶抑制素的抗虫作用显得十分重要。  相似文献   

植物与昆虫之间的关系一直被人们作为重要的研究目标。昆虫依靠绿色植物生存,植物通过自身的化学物质影响昆虫的进化方向,两者形成了复杂的协同进化关系。本文阐述了昆虫在定居、产卵、取食过程中运用不同的嗅觉、味觉、触觉刺激标准来选择适宜的寄主或寄主位置的方法,以及植物体内的化学成分对昆虫的营养作用和通过毒杀、拒食、招引天敌寄生蜂等方式抵御昆虫的进攻。  相似文献   

昆虫对植物抗虫性的诱导   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
吕仲贤  胡萃 《昆虫知识》1995,32(1):38-40
植物的抗虫性主要表现为受遗传因素控制的遗传抗性和受环境因素控制的生态抗性两个方面。植物的抗性主要由遗传因素决定,但其抗性表达和抗虫幅度又受到环境因子的影响。环境因子可改变植物的生理状态和理化性质,使植物不合适作为某种昆虫的寄主,从而提高了植物的抗性水平。植食性昆虫对植物抗虫性的诱导是环境影响抗性表达的一个重要方面,它是植物对取食者的一种重要的防御策略,同时也是植物与植食者协同进化的结果,进一步了解和充分发挥诱导抗性的作用,对抗虫有种工作和害虫的综合治理都有指导意义。三植食性昆虫对植物抗虫性的诱导…  相似文献   

Plants may respond both to feeding and oviposition by herbivorous insects. While responses of plants to feeding damage by herbivores have been studied intensively during the past decades, only a few, but growing number of studies consider the reactions of plants towards egg deposition by herbivorous insects. Plants showing defensive response to oviposition by herbivores do not `wait' until being damaged by feeding, but may instead react towards one of the initial steps of herbivore attack, the egg deposition. Direct plant defensive responses to feeding act directly against the feeding stages of the herbivores. However, a plant may also show direct defensive responses to egg deposition by (a) formation of neoplasms, (b) formation of necrotic tissue (= hypersensitive response), and (c) production of oviposition deterrents. All these plant reactions have directly negative effects on the eggs, hatching larvae, or on the ovipositing females. Indirect plant defensive responses to feeding result in the emission of volatiles (= synomones) that attract predators or parasitoids of the feeding stages. A few recent studies have shown that plants are able to emit volatiles also in response to egg deposition and that these volatiles attract egg parasitoids. Studies on the mechanisms of induction of synomones by egg deposition show several parallels to the mechanisms of induction of plant responses by feeding damage. When considering induced plant defence against herbivores from an evolutionary point of view, the question arises whether herbivores evolved the ability to circumvent or even to exploit the plant's defensive responses. The reactions of herbivores to oviposition induced plant responses are compared with their reactions to feeding induced plant responses.  相似文献   

Pare PW  Tumlinson JH 《Plant physiology》1997,114(4):1161-1167
In response to insect feeding on the leaves, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants release elevated levels of volatiles, which can serve as a chemical signal that attracts natural enemies of the herbivore to the damaged plant. Pulse-labeling experiments with [13C]CO2 demonstrated that many of the volatiles released, including the acyclic terpenes (E,E)-[alpha]-farnesene, (E)-[beta]-farnesene, (E)-[beta]-ocimene, linalool, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, and (E/E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene, as well as the shikimate pathway product indole, are biosynthesized de novo following insect damage. However, other volatile constituents, including several cyclic terpenes, butyrates, and green leaf volatiles of the lipoxygenase pathway are released from storage or synthesized from stored intermediates. Analysis of volatiles from artificially damaged plants, with and without beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hubner) oral secretions exogenously applied to the leaves, as well as volatiles from beet armyworm-damaged and -undamaged control plants, demonstrated that the application of caterpillar oral secretions increased both the production and release of several volatiles that are synthesized de novo in response to insect feeding. These results establish that the plant plays an active and dynamic role in mediating the interaction between herbivores and natural enemies of herbivores.  相似文献   

In response to feeding by phytophagous arthropods, plants emit volatile chemicals. This is shown to be an active physiological response of the plant and the released chemicals are therefore called herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPV). One of the supposed functions of HIPV for the plant is to attract carnivorous natural enemies of herbivores. Depending on which plant and herbivore species interact, blends of HIPV show qualitative and quantitative variation. Hence, one may ask whether this allows the natural enemies to discriminate between volatiles from plants infested by herbivore species that are either suitable or unsuitable as a food source for the natural enemy. Another question is whether natural enemies can also recognise HIPV when two or more herbivore species that differ in suitability as a food source simultaneously attack the same plant species. By reviewing the literature we show that arthropod predators and parasitoids can tell different HIPV blends apart in several cases of single plant–single herbivore systems and even in single plant–multiple herbivore systems. Yet, there are also cases where predators and parasitoids do not discriminate or discriminate only after having learned the association between HIPV and herbivores that are either suitable or non-suitable as a source of food. In this case, suitable herbivores may profit from colonising plants that are already infested by another non-suitable herbivore. The resulting temporal or partial refuge may have important population dynamical consequences, as such refuges have been shown to stabilise otherwise unstable predator–prey models of the Lotka-Volterra or Nicholson-Bailey type.  相似文献   

1. Plant–plant communication has been found to affect interactions between herbivores and plants in several model systems. In these systems, herbivore‐induced volatile chemical cues are emitted and perceived by other plants (receivers), which subsequently change their defensive phenotypes. Most studies have focused on how the effects of volatile cues affect plant damage, whereas herbivore performance has rarely been examined. 2. In this study, it is shown that plant–plant communication between willows reduced the growth rate, feeding rate, and conversion efficiency of some individuals but not others of a generalist caterpillar, Orgyia vetusta. 3. Using a paired, no‐choice trial design, there was substantial variation between caterpillar individuals in their response to willows that had been induced with a volatile plant–plant cue. This variation was explained by feeding parameters of the individual herbivores. Individuals behaved similarly when fed induced and non‐induced willow leaves. Specifically, growth rates of caterpillars that grew rapidly on non‐induced willow leaves were negatively affected by plant–plant cues, but growth rates of caterpillars that grew slowly on non‐induced willow leaves were not affected by the responses to volatiles from neighbouring willows. 4. Induction by volatile plant–plant cues reduced the growth rates of those individual herbivores that caused the greatest damage to willow, but had little effect on weak growers.  相似文献   

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are commonly emitted from plants after herbivore attack1,2. These HIPVs are mainly regulated by the defensive plant hormone jasmonic acid (JA) and its volatile derivative methyl jasmonate (MeJA)3,4,5. Over the past 3 decades researchers have documented that HIPVs can repel or attract herbivores, attract the natural enemies of herbivores, and in some cases they can induce or prime plant defenses prior to herbivore attack. In a recent paper6, I reported that feeding by gypsy moth caterpillars, exogenous MeJA application, and mechanical damage induce the emissions of volatiles from blueberry plants, albeit differently. In addition, blueberry branches respond to HIPVs emitted from neighboring branches of the same plant by increasing the levels of JA and resistance to herbivores (i.e., direct plant defenses), and by priming volatile emissions (i.e., indirect plant defenses). Similar findings have been reported recently for sagebrush7, poplar8, and lima beans9..Here, I describe a push-pull method for collecting blueberry volatiles induced by herbivore (gypsy moth) feeding, exogenous MeJA application, and mechanical damage. The volatile collection unit consists of a 4 L volatile collection chamber, a 2-piece guillotine, an air delivery system that purifies incoming air, and a vacuum system connected to a trap filled with Super-Q adsorbent to collect volatiles5,6,10. Volatiles collected in Super-Q traps are eluted with dichloromethane and then separated and quantified using Gas Chromatography (GC). This volatile collection method was used n my study6 to investigate the volatile response of undamaged branches to exposure to volatiles from herbivore-damaged branches within blueberry plants. These methods are described here. Briefly, undamaged blueberry branches are exposed to HIPVs from neighboring branches within the same plant. Using the same techniques described above, volatiles emitted from branches after exposure to HIPVs are collected and analyzed.  相似文献   

Plants respond to herbivory through different defensive mechanisms. The induction of volatile emission is one of the important and immediate response of plants to herbivory. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) are involved in plant communication with natural enemies of the insect herbivores, neighboring plants, and different parts of the damaged plant. Release of a wide variety of HIPVs in response to herbivore damage and their role in plant-plant, plant-carnivore and intraplant communications represents a new facet of the complex interactions among different trophic levels. HIPVs are released from leaves, flowers, and fruits into the atmosphere or into the soil from roots in response to herbivore attack. Moreover, HIPVs act as feeding and/or oviposition deterrents to insect pests. HIPVs also mediate the interactions between the plants and the microorganisms. This review presents an overview of HIPVs emitted by plants, their role in plant defense against herbivores and their implications for pest management.  相似文献   

It is widely reported that plants emit volatile compounds when they are attacked by herbivorous insects, which may be used by parasitoids and predators to locate their host or prey. The study of herbivore-induced plant volatiles and their role in mediating interactions between plants, herbivores and their natural enemies have been primarily based on aboveground systems, generally ignoring the potential interactions between above and belowground infochemical- and food webs. This study examines whether herbivory by Delia radicum feeding on roots of Brassica nigra (black mustard) affects the behaviour of Cotesia glomerata , a parasitoid of the leaf herbivore Pieris brassicae , mediated by changes in plant volatiles. In a semi-field experiment with root-damaged and root-undamaged plants C. glomerata prefers to oviposit in hosts feeding on root-undamaged plants. In addition, in a flight-cage experiment the parasitoid also prefers to search for hosts on plants without root herbivores. Plants exposed to root herbivory were shown to emit a volatile blend characterized by high levels of specific sulphur volatile compounds, which are reported to be highly toxic for insects, combined with low levels of several compounds, i.e. beta-farnesene, reported to act as attractants for herbivorous and carnivorous insects. Our results provide evidence that the foraging behaviour of a parasitoid of an aboveground herbivore can be influenced by belowground herbivores through changes in the plant volatile blend. Such indirect interactions may have profound consequences for the evolution of host selection behaviour in parasitoids, and may play an important role in the structuring and functioning of communities.  相似文献   

In response to herbivore attack, plants release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that represent important chemical cues for herbivore natural enemies. Additionally, HIPVs have been shown to mediate other ecological interactions with herbivores. Differently from natural enemies that are generally attracted to HIPVs, herbivores can be either attracted or repelled depending on several biological and ecological parameters. Our study aimed to assess the olfactory response of fall armyworm-mated female moths toward odors released by mechanically and herbivore-induced corn at different time intervals. Results showed that female moths strongly respond to corn volatiles, although fresh damaged corn odors (0?C1?h) are not recognized by moths. Moreover, females preferred volatiles released by undamaged plant over herbivore-induced plants at 5?C6?h. This preference for undamaged plants may reflect an adaptive strategy of moths to avoid competitors and natural enemies for their offspring. We discussed our results based on knowledge about corn volatile release pattern and raise possible explanations for fall armyworm moth behavior.  相似文献   

捕食螨化学生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文霞  王国昌  孙晓玲  陈宗懋 《生态学报》2010,30(15):4206-4212
捕食螨是重要的生物防治因子。早在20世纪70年代就发现了捕食螨的性信息素,许多研究证明植物挥发物在捕食螨向猎物定位过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,影响捕食螨寻找猎物的植物挥发物来源于未受害植物、机械损伤植物、猎物危害植物、非猎物危害植物。人工合成的植物挥发物组分对捕食螨具有引诱作用,但引诱活性低于虫害诱导植物释放的挥发性混合物。捕食螨的饲养条件、饥饿程度、学习与经验行为等会影响捕食螨对植物挥发物的反应。介绍了信息素与植物挥发物对捕食螨的作用,并讨论了目前存在的问题和研究前景。  相似文献   

1. A tritrophic perspective is fundamental for understanding the drivers of insect–plant interactions. While host plant traits can directly affect insect herbivore performance by either inhibiting or altering the nutritional benefits of consumption, they can also have an indirect effect on herbivores by influencing rates of predation or parasitism. 2. Enhancing soil nutrients available to trees of the genus Eucalyptus consistently modifies plant traits, typically improving the nutritional quality of the foliage for insect herbivores. We hypothesised that resulting increases in volatile essential oils could have an indirect negative effect on eucalypt‐feeding herbivores by providing their natural enemies with stronger host/prey location cues. 3. Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith seedlings were grown under low‐ and high‐nutrient conditions and the consequences for the release of volatile cues from damaged plants were examined. The influence of 1,8‐cineole (the major volatile terpene in many Eucalyptus species) on rates of predation on model caterpillars in the field was then examined. 4. It was found that the emission of cineole increased significantly after damage (artificial or herbivore), but continued only when damage was sustained by herbivore feeding. Importantly, more cineole was emitted from high‐ than low‐nutrient seedlings given an equivalent amount of damage. In the field, predation was significantly greater on model caterpillars baited with cineole than on unbaited models. 5. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that any performance benefits insect herbivores derive from feeding on high‐nutrient eucalypt foliage could be at least partially offset by an increased risk of predation or parasitism via increased emission of attractive volatiles.  相似文献   

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