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Background: We hypothesized that due to the absence of a dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids, the essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency model leads to an overestimate of linoleic acid (LA) requirements. Methods: over 7 wk, young rats consumed an EFA diet containing either 0 en% linoleate (0LA) and 0 en% α-linolenate (0LNA) or a diet containing 0.5 en% LNA plus one of seven levels of added LA (0.12–4.0 en%; n=6/group).Results: Rats consuming the 0LA–0LNA diet had the lowest final body weight, 34–68% lower LA and arachidonate in plasma and liver, 87% lower LA in epididymal fat, and an 8–20 fold higher eicosatrienoate in plasma, liver and muscle lipids. 0.5LNA completely prevented the lower growth and partly prevented the rise in eicosatrienoate seen in the 0LA–0LNA group.Conclusion: Providing dietary LNA at 0.5 en% reduces the rat's physiological requirement for LA by an estimated factor of at least four (0.5 en% instead of 2 en%). Since LA requirements in humans are also based on the same flawed model of EFA deficiency, it is plausible that they too have been overestimated and should therefore be reinvestigated.  相似文献   

The metabolic demand for docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3, DHA) is increased during pregnancy because of the extra needs of the fetus, expanded maternal cell mass and placenta. In Western countries maternal dietary DHA intake in pregnancy is low and it is not clear whether adaptive metabolic mechanisms, such as increased DHA synthesis from precursor fatty acids, are capable of meeting the increased DHA need in pregnancy. Consequently randomized controlled trials are important to determine whether additional dietary DHA in pregnancy modifies maternal or infant health outcomes. The available randomized comparisons of DHA supplements vs placebo have assessed outcomes as diverse as maternal depression, infant visual acuity and development, and infant growth and allergy. The outcomes of these trials have not been conclusive because they have often been limited by small sample size. On the other hand, large-scale trials assessing marine oil supplementation with large doses indicate that DHA supplementation in pregnancy is safe.  相似文献   

Green cells of Chlorella protothecoides grown in nitrogen-rich low glucose media may be reversibly transformed to entirely chlorophyll-less cells in low nitrogen high glucose media. Photosynthetic rates and fatty ester compositions were determined during light and dark bleaching and during greening. Linolenic acid content remained unchanged during greening or bleaching. During light greening chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity increased while oleic acid content decreased dramatically. As a result, the percent composition of linolenate appeared to parallel photosynthetic capability. Implication of alpha-linolenate in oxygen production, therefore, can not be based upon fatty acid percentage composition data alone.  相似文献   

Many glycine peptides support growth of a glycine auxotroph of Escherichia coli. If the alpha-amino group of these peptides is methylated, the products are still utilized for growth, and also retain comparable ability with the unsubstituted peptides to compete with natural peptides for transport into the cell. In contrast, glycine peptides devoid of an alpha-amino group, or that have the alpha-amino group substituted by one of a number of acyl groups are not utilized, although E. coli possesses intracellular enzymic activity able to release glycine from such compounds; further, these derivatives do not compete with natural peptides for transport into the cell.  相似文献   

In previous research the concentration of α-MSH within the septal region of rabbits increased with fever. This finding raises the possibility that the septal concentration of this peptide, which reduces fever when given both peripherally and intracerebroventricularly, is important to limitation of fever. To test this idea, rabbits with cannulas in the septal region were made febrile by IV injections of leukocytic pyrogen (LP). Injection of α-MSH (1 μg bilaterally) into the septal region did reduce fever, consistent with the idea that the increase in septal α-MSH concentration which occurs naturally in fever limits the febrile response. We also noted late rises in body temperature when experimental and control septal injections were given close together in time. These increases in temperature were similar to those known to occur after injections into the primary temperature control in the PO/AH region. This commonality further strengthens the possibility that septal neurons are important to central modulation of body temperature.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the major source of vitamin D should come from dietary sources and not sun exposure. However, the major fortified dietary source of vitamin D is milk which often does not contain at least 80% of what is stated on the label. Fish has been touted as an excellent source of vitamin D especially oily fish including salmon and mackerel. Little is known about the effect of various cooking conditions on the vitamin D content in fish. We initiated a study and evaluated the vitamin D content in several species of fish and also evaluated the effect of baking and frying on the vitamin D content. Surprisingly, farmed salmon had approximately 25% of the vitamin D content as wild salmon had. The vitamin D content in fish varied widely even within species. These data suggest that the tables that list the vitamin D content are out-of-date and need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) binds a coreceptor GDNF family receptor α1 (GFRα1) and forms a signaling complex with the receptor tyrosine kinase RET. GDNF-GFRα1-RET signaling activates cellular pathways that are required for normal induction of the ureteric bud (UB) from the Wolffian duct (WD). Failure of UB formation results in bilateral renal agenesis and perinatal lethality. Gfrα1 is expressed in both the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the developing kidney while Ret expression is specific to the epithelium. The biological importance of Gfrα1’s wider tissue expression and its role in later kidney development are unclear. We discovered that conditional loss of Gfrα1 in the WD epithelium prior to UB branching is sufficient to cause renal agenesis. This finding indicates that Gfrα1 expressed in the nonepithelial structures cannot compensate for this loss. To determine Gfrα1’s role in branching morphogenesis after UB induction we used an inducible Gfrα1-specific Cre-deletor strain and deleted Gfrα1 from the majority of UB tip cells post UB induction in vivo and in explant kidney cultures. We report that Gfrα1 excision from the epithelia compartment after UB induction caused a modest reduction in branching morphogenesis. The loss of Gfrα1 from UB-tip cells resulted in reduced cell proliferation and decreased activated ERK (pERK). Further, cells without Gfrα1 expression are able to populate the branching UB tips. These findings delineate previously unclear biological roles of Gfrα1 in the urinary tract and demonstrate its cell-type and stage-specific requirements in kidney development.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the major source of vitamin D should come from dietary sources and not sun exposure. However, the major fortified dietary source of vitamin D is milk which often does not contain at least 80% of what is stated on the label. Fish has been touted as an excellent source of vitamin D especially oily fish including salmon and mackerel. Little is known about the effect of various cooking conditions on the vitamin D content in fish. We initiated a study and evaluated the vitamin D content in several species of fish and also evaluated the effect of baking and frying on the vitamin D content. Surprisingly, farmed salmon had approximately 25% of the vitamin D content as wild salmon had. The vitamin D content in fish varied widely even within species. These data suggest that the tables that list the vitamin D content are out-of-date and need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Vitamin D and vitamin D receptor (VDR) deficiency results in severe symptoms of experimental inflammatory bowel disease in several different models. The intraepithelial lymphocytes of the small intestine contain large numbers of CD8αα(+) T cells that have been shown to suppress the immune response to Ags found there. In this study, we determined the role of the VDR in the development of CD8αα(+) T cells. There are fewer total numbers of TCRαβ(+) T cells in the gut of VDR knockout (KO) mice, and that reduction was largely in the CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells. Conversely TCRγδ(+) T cells were normal in the VDR KO mice. The thymic precursors of CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells (triple-positive for CD4, CD8αα, and CD8αβ) were reduced and less mature in VDR KO mice. In addition, VDR KO mice had a higher frequency of the CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) precursors (double-negative [DN] TCRαβ(+) T cells) in the gut. The proliferation rates of the DN TCRαβ(+) gut T cells were less in the VDR KO compared with those in wild type. Low proliferation of DN TCRαβ(+) T cells was a result of the very low expression of the IL-15R in this population of cells in the absence of the VDR. Bone marrow transplantation showed that the defect in VDR KO CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells was cell intrinsic. Decreased maturation and proliferation of CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) cells in VDR KO mice results in fewer functional CD8αα(+) TCRαβ(+) T cells, which likely explains the increased inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract of VDR KO and vitamin D-deficient mice.  相似文献   



This paper concerns the Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) and the implementing measures (IM) in which ecodesign requirements are set up for energy-using and energy-related products. Previous studies have found that the requirements have a unilateral focus on energy consumption and the use phase. This is not in line with the scientific understanding of ecodesign, where attention should be put on all life cycle phases and all relevant environmental impact categories. This study focuses on the requirements for televisions (TV). A life cycle assessment (LCA) is carried out on two TVs to analyse if other environmental hotspots and life cycle phases should be included in the requirements in the IM of the Ecodesign Directive besides energy consumption in the use phase analysis.


The consequential approach is used. The data for the LCA have been gathered from two manufacturers of TVs. In one case, the data were delivered in Excel spreadsheets; in the other case, the authors of this paper together with the manufacturer disassembled a TV and collected the data manually.

Results and discussion

When applying the consequential approach, the production phase has the highest environmental impact, which is in contradiction with the focus area of the IM. The result of the sensitivity analysis is that the source of electricity is a potentially significant contributor of uncertainty. However, even in a coal-based scenario, the contribution from the production phase is approximately 30 %.


Based on these results, it is concluded that for future requirement setting in IM, it is necessary to set up requirements that cover more life cycle phases of the product in order to address the most important impacts.  相似文献   

The bioactivity of 5α-reduced sex steroids such as 5α-dihydrotestosterone has increased interest in an analagous role for 5α-reduced mineralocorticoids in hypertensive syndromes. In view of its relatively high mineralocorticoid receptor affinity despite relatively low electrolyte-altering effects, 5α-dihydro-11-deoxycorticosterone, or 5αDHDOC (2) was compared to 11-deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) for blood pressure-altering ability by continuous subcutaneous infusion into uninephrectomized saline-drinking Sprague-Dawley male rats, at doses selected on the basis of relative mineralocorticoid receptor affinity. After three weeks of treatment, DOCA significantly raised blood pressure, body weight, heart and kidney weight, and produced a discernible increase in fluid intake; 5αDHDOC failed to affect any of these parameters commonly influenced by mineralocorticoids. We conclude that 1) the ability of 5αDHDOC to affect blood pressure was not predicted by its relatively high affinity for the mineralocorticoid receptor, and 2) these data do not support a role for 5αDHDOC in mineralocorticoid hypertension, although differences in protein binding and clearance could affect its blood pressure-altering activity.  相似文献   

Various strategies have been developed to increase the cellular level of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in animals and humans. In the present study, we investigated the effect of dietary myristic acid, which represents 9% to 12% of fatty acids in milk fat, on the storage of α-linolenic acid and its conversion to highly unsaturated (n-3) fatty acid derivatives. Five isocaloric diets were designed, containing equal amounts of α-linolenic acid (1.3% of dietary fatty acids, i.e. 0.3% of dietary energy) and linoleic acid (7.0% of fatty acids, i.e. 1.5% of energy). Myristic acid was supplied from traces to high levels (0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% of fatty acids, i.e. 0% to 6.6% of energy). To keep the intake of total fat and other saturated fatty acids constant, substitution was made with decreasing levels of oleic acid (76.1% to 35.5% of fatty acids, i.e. 16.7% to 7.8% of energy) that is considered to be neutral in lipid metabolism. After 8 weeks, results on physiological parameters showed that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol did not differ in the diets containing 0%, 5% and 10% myristic acid, but were significantly higher in the diet containing 30% myristic acid. In all the tissues, a significant increasing effect of the substitution of oleic acid for myristic acid was shown on the level of both α-linolenic and linoleic acids. Compared with the rats fed the diet containing no myristic acid, docosahexaenoic acid significantly increased in the brain and red blood cells of the rats fed the diet with 30% myristic acid and in the plasma of the rats fed the diet with 20% myristic acid. Arachidonic acid also increased in the brain of the rats fed the diet with 30% myristic acid. By measuring Δ6-desaturase activity, we found a significant increase in the liver of the rats fed the diet containing 10% of myristic acid but no effect at higher levels of myristic acid. These results suggest that an increase in dietary myristic acid may contribute in increasing significantly the tissue storage of α-linolenic acid and the overall bioavailability of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain, red blood cells and plasma, and that mechanisms other than the single Δ6-desaturase activity are involved in this effect.  相似文献   

β1 integrin has been shown to contribute to vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation, adhesion and mechanosensation in vitro. Here we showed that deletion of β1 integrin at the onset of smooth muscle differentiation resulted in interrupted aortic arch, aneurysms and failure to assemble extracellular matrix proteins. These defects result in lethality prior to birth. Our data indicates that β1 integrin is not required for the acquisition, but it is essential for the maintenance of the smooth muscle cell phenotype, as levels of critical smooth muscle proteins are gradually reduced in mutant mice. Furthermore, while deposition of extracellular matrix was not affected, its structure was disrupted. Interestingly, defects in extracellular matrix and vascular wall assembly, were restricted to the aortic arch and its branches, compromising the brachiocephalic and carotid arteries and to the exclusion of the descending aorta. Additional analysis of β1 integrin in the pharyngeal arch smooth muscle progenitors was performed using wnt1Cre. Neural crest cells deleted for β1 integrin were able to migrate to the pharyngeal arches and associate with endothelial lined arteries; but exhibited vascular remodeling defects and early lethality. This work demonstrates that β1 integrin is dispensable for migration and initiation of the smooth muscle differentiation program, however, it is essential for remodeling of the pharyngeal arch arteries and for the assembly of the vessel wall of their derivatives. It further establishes a critical role of β1 integrin in the protection against aneurysms that is particularly confined to the ascending aorta and its branches.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration may take place after liver injury through replication of hepatocytes or hepatic progenitor cells called oval cells. Interferons (IFN) are natural cytokines with pleiotrophic effects including antiviral and antiproliferative actions. No data are yet available on the physiology and cellular source of natural IFNs during liver regeneration. To address this issue, we have analyzed the levels and biologic activities of IFN-α/IFN-γ in two models of partial hepatectomy. After 2/3rd partial hepatectomy (PH), hepatic levels of IFN-α and IFN-γ declined transiently in contrast to a transient increase of the IFN-γ serum level. After administration of 2-acetylaminofluorene and partial hepatectomy (AAF/PH model), however, both IFN-α and IFN-γ expression were up-regulated in regenerating livers. Again, the IFN-γ serum level was transiently increased. Whereas hepatic IFN-γ was up-regulated early (day 1–5), but not significantly, in the AAF/PH model, IFN-α was significantly up-regulated at later time points in parallel to the peak of oval cell proliferation (days 7–9). Biological activity of IFN-α was shown by activation of IFN-α-specific signal transduction and induction of IFN-α specific-gene expression. We found a significant infiltration of the liver with inflammatory monocyte-like mononuclear phagocytes (MNP) concomitant to the frequency of oval cells. We localized IFN-α production only in MNPs, but not in oval cells. These events were not observed in normal liver regeneration after standard PH. We conclude that IFN-γ functions as an acute-phase cytokine in both models of liver regeneration and may constitute a systemic component of liver regeneration. IFN-α was increased only in the AAF/PH model, and was associated with proliferation of oval cells. However, oval cells seem not to be the source of IFN-α. Instead, inflammatory MNP infiltrating AAF/PH-treated livers produce IFN-α. These inflammatory MNPs may be involved in the regulation of the oval cell compartment through local expression of cytokines, including IFN-α.  相似文献   

A reciprocal relationship exists between the cytochrome P-450 content and delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity in adult rats. In young rats the basal delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase activity is higher and the cytochrome P-450 content is lower compared with the adult rat liver. Administration of allylisopropylacetamide neither induces the enzyme nor causes degradation of cytochrome P-450 in the young rat liver, unlike adult rat liver. Allylisopropylacetamide fails to induce delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase in adrenalectomized-ovariectomized animals or intact animals pretreated with successive doses of the drug, in the absence of cortisol. The cortisol-mediated induction of the enzyme is sensitive to actinomycin D. Allylisopropylacetamide administration degrades microsomal haem but not nuclear haem. Haem does not counteract the decrease in cytochrome P-450 content caused by allylisopropylacetamide administration, but there is evidence for the formation of drug-resistant protein-bound haem in liver microsomal material under these conditions. Phenobarbital induces delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase under conditions when there is no breakdown of cytochrome P-450. On the basis of these results and those already published, a model is proposed for the regulation of delta-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction in rat liver.  相似文献   

A peptide isolated from porcine gut according to its glucagon-like activity in liver (bioactive enteroglucagon) has been characterized immunologically, biologically and chemically: its potency relative to pancreatic glucagon in interacting with an antiglucagon antibody, hepatic glucagon-binding sites and hepatic adenylate cyclase was ~100%, 20% and 10%, respectively. In contrast, it is ~20-times more potent than glucagon in oxyntic glands, justifying the term ‘oxyntomodulin’. Chemically, it consists in the 29 amino acid-peptide glucagon elongated at its C-terminal end by the octapeptide Lys—Arg—Asn—Lys—Asn—Asn—Ile &;—Ala; accordingly, it is called ‘glucagon-37’  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana KCH 1065, as was recently demonstrated, is unusual amongst fungal biocatalysts in that it converts C19 3-oxo-4-ene and 3β-hydroxy-5-ene as well as 3β-hydroxy-5α-saturated steroids to 11α-hydroxy ring-D lactones. The Baeyer–Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO) of this strain is distinguished from other enzymes catalyzing BVO of steroidal ketones by the fact that it oxidizes solely substrates with 11α-hydroxyl group. The current study using a series of 5α-saturated steroids (androsterone, 3α-androstanediol and androstanedione) has highlighted that a small change of the steroid structure can result in significant differences of the metabolic fate. It was found that the 3α-stereochemistry of hydroxyl group restricted “normal” binding orientation of the substrate within 11α-hydroxylase and, as a result, androsterone and 3α-androstanediol were converted into a mixture of 7β-, 11α- and 7α-hydroxy derivatives. Hydroxylation of androstanedione occurred only at the 11α-position, indicating that the 3-oxo group limits the alternative binding orientation of the substrate within the hydroxylase. Only androstanedione and 3α-androstanediol were metabolized to hydroxylactones. The study uniquely demonstrated preference for oxidation of equatorial (11α-, 7β-) hydroxyketones by BVMO from B. bassiana. The time course experiments suggested that the activity of 17β-HSD is a factor determining the amount of produced ring-D lactones. The obtained 11α-hydroxylactones underwent further transformations (oxy-red reactions) at C-3. During conversion of androstanedione, a minor dehydrogenation pathway was observed with generation of 11α,17β-dihydroxy-5α-androst-1-en-3-one. The introduction of C1C2 double bond has been recorded in B. bassiana for the first time.  相似文献   

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