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E T Rolls 《Chemical senses》2001,26(5):595-604
Approximately 35% of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex taste and olfactory areas with olfactory responses provide a representation of odour that depends on the taste with which the odour has been associated previously. This representation is produced by a slowly acting learning mechanism that learns associations between odour and taste. Other neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex respond to both the odour and to the mouth feel of fat. The representation of odour thus moves for at least some neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex beyond the domain of physico-chemical properties of the odours to a domain where the ingestion-related significance of the odour determines the representation provided. Olfactory neurons in the primate orbitofrontal cortex decrease their responses to a food eaten to satiety, but remain responsive to other foods, thus contributing to a mechanism for olfactory sensory-specific satiety. It has been shown in neuroimaging studies that the human orbitofrontal cortex provides a representation of the pleasantness of odour, in that the activation produced by the odour of a food eaten to satiety decreases relative to another food-related odour not eaten in the meal. In the same general area there is a representation of the pleasantness of the smell, taste and texture of a whole food, in that activation in this area decreases to a food eaten to satiety, but not to a food that has not been eaten in the meal.  相似文献   

Because passerine birds have a very small relative olfactory bulb size, they have been considered to have weak olfactory capacities for decades. Recent investigations however suggest that breeding female blue tits (Parus caeruleus) are sensitive to lavender odour in the reproductive context of building and maintaining the nest. Here, we present results of an olfactory conditioning experiment in blue tits held in semi-natural conditions during the breeding season. We show that captive male blue tits, trained to associate lavender odour with a food reward, are more attracted to an empty feeder box emitting lavender odour than an odourless empty feeder box. Females did not distinguish significantly between empty feeders with and without lavender odour during the test phase, although they responded positively at the end of the training phase. These results suggest that male blue tits can use olfaction in a context not related to nest building. Additional experiments will be required to better understand the observed sex differences in response to the experimental set up, and in what context free-ranging individuals use olfaction.  相似文献   

During the 1970s, the multiunit reactivity of the olfactory bulb to food odor was extensively shown to increase before their usual meal in rats habituated to having a single 2 h daily meal compared to the same rats recorded after their usual meal. More recently, we reported dramatic modifications of mitral cell single-unit reactivity in adult rats following a simple a manipulation of the olfactory environment--exposure to an odor. The present study aimed at testing the hypothesis that a simple behavioral change such as habituation to chronic food restriction may induce profound changes in olfactory bulb responsiveness compared to occasional fasting. We compared mitral cell reactivity in non-fasted rats, in rats fasted during 22 h for the very first time, and in rats habituated during 15 days to a chronic 22 h food restriction. Mitral cell single-unit reactivity was found to increase less in rats habituated to fasting than in newly fasted rats. Indeed, the proportion of mitral cell responses to food and non-food odors was significantly higher in rats habituated to fasting than in non-fasted rats, but lower than in newly fasted rats. The proportion of simple unsynchronized and synchronized responses of 1b and 2b types was also lower in habituated rats whereas the proportion of complex synchronized responses of 4b type increased. This decreased responsiveness in habituated rats, similar to that observed in rats repeatedly exposed for 20 min per day to an odor during six consecutive days in our previous studies, is discussed with respect to olfactory bulb plasticity.  相似文献   

Rabbit pups ingest food, in this case milk, once a day with circadian periodicity and are a natural model of food anticipatory activity. During nursing, several sensory systems receive information about properties of the food, one of them being the olfactory system, which has received little attention in relation to synchronization by food. In addition, the olfactory bulb has a circadian pacemaker that exhibits rhythms independently of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, but the biological functions of these rhythms are largely unknown. In the present contribution, we hypothesized that circadian suckling of milk synchronizes rhythms in the olfactory bulb. To this aim we explored by immunohistochemistry, rhythms of FOS and PER1 proteins, as indicators of activation and reporter of oscillations, respectively, through a complete 24-h cycle in periglomerular, mitral and granular cell layers of both the main and the accessory olfactory bulb. Subjects were 7-day-old rabbit pups scheduled to nurse during the night (02∶00 h) or day (10∶00 h), and also fasted subjects, to explore the possible persistence of oscillations. In the three layers of the main olfactory bulb, FOS was high at time of nursing, then further increased 1.5 h afterward, and then decreased to increase again in advance of the next nursing bout. This pattern persisted, without the postprandial increase, in fasted subjects with a shift in subjects nursed at 02∶00. PER1 was increased 2–8 h after nursing and this increase persisted in most cell layers, with a shift, in fasted subjects. In the accessory olfactory bulb we only observed a consistent pattern of FOS expression in the mitral cell layer of nursed subjects, similar to that of the main olfactory bulb. We conclude that the main olfactory bulb is synchronized during milk ingestion, but during fasting its oscillations perhaps are modulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus, as proposed for rodents.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of differentiating rat presumptive olfactory bulb in organ culture was investigated with particular reference to mitral cell differentiation and formation of synapses. The presumptive olfactory bulb and olfactory mucosa were dissected en bloc from rat embryos on the fifteenth day of gestation and cultured for 7 days, after which the expiants were examined by electron microscopy. The presumptive olfactory bulb had differentiated into a laminated structure with layers corresponding to the glomerular, external plexiform and mitral cell layers. Mitral-like cells were identified by their location and large cell size. Ultrastructural observations indicated that they were relatively well-differentiated. Their dendrites extended into the glomerular layer in which they were postsynaptic to incoming olfactory axons. The distal part of these dendrites frequently contained coated vesicles. Both asymmetrical and symmetrical synapses were found. The symmetrical synapses involved dendrodendritic contacts between periglomerular cells. Synapses in reciprocal arrangements were not observed in the organ cultures.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulb is a protruding structure formed at the rostral end of the telencephalon. Pax6-mutant mice and rats lack the olfactory bulb and, instead, develop an olfactory bulb-like structure at the lateral part of the telencephalon. Here, we report that ectopic formation of the olfactory bulb-like structure in these mutants is caused by the abnormal migration of mitral cell progenitors, which first differentiate within the olfactory bulb. Cell-tracing experiments in whole embryos in culture indicate that, in the mutants, the mitral cell progenitors that originate from the rostral part of the telencephalon migrate caudally toward the lateral part of the telencephalon. Cell transplantation demonstrates that the abnormal cell migration is not autonomous to the mitral cell progenitors themselves. The mislocation of the olfactory bulb in the mutant is not caused by loss of olfactory nerve innervation. Furthermore, transfection of a Pax6-expression vector to the mutant telencephalon restores the normal migration of mitral cell progenitors. These results provide evidence that Pax6 is required to position the mitral cell progenitors at the rostral end of the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Lateral inhibition of cells surrounding an excited area is a key property of sensory systems, sharpening the preferential tuning of individual cells in the presence of closely related input signals. In the olfactory pathway, a dendrodendritic synaptic microcircuit between mitral and granule cells in the olfactory bulb has been proposed to mediate this type of interaction through granule cell inhibition of surrounding mitral cells. However, it is becoming evident that odor inputs result in broad activation of the olfactory bulb with interactions that go beyond neighboring cells. Using a realistic modeling approach we show how backpropagating action potentials in the long lateral dendrites of mitral cells, together with granule cell actions on mitral cells within narrow columns forming glomerular units, can provide a mechanism to activate strong local inhibition between arbitrarily distant mitral cells. The simulations predict a new role for the dendrodendritic synapses in the multicolumnar organization of the granule cells. This new paradigm gives insight into the functional significance of the patterns of connectivity revealed by recent viral tracing studies. Together they suggest a functional wiring of the olfactory bulb that could greatly expand the computational roles of the mitral-granule cell network.  相似文献   

The following review focuses on neurobiological mechanisms responsible for the individual recognition of the olfactory signature of the young by the ewe at parturition. Steroids and vaginocervical stimulation are responsible for neurochemical and electrophysiological changes within the olfactory bulb that are part of the learning mechanisms of the individual lamb odour, thus allowing the establishment of a selective bond between the ewe and her lamb. There is an increase in the number of mitral cells, the principal cells of the olfactory bulb that respond to lamb odours, which is associated with increased release of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid from the dendrodendritic synapses between the mitral and granule cells. The relation between the release of the two transmitters after birth suggests an increased efficacy of glutamate evoked gamma-aminobutyric acid release. Parturition is also accompanied by increased oxytocinergic, cholinergic and noradrenergic neurotransmitter release that are essential for selective recognition of lambs. These increases in transmitter release depend on maternal experience, so that greater amounts have been found in multiparous than primiparous ewes. Therefore maternal experience seems to induce a neural maturation process that facilitates effective transmitter release in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

The interactions between excitatory mitral cells and inhibitory granule cells are critical for the regulation of olfactory bulb activity. Here we review anatomical and physiological data on the mitral cell-granule cell circuit and provide a quantitative estimate of how this connectivity varies as a function of distance between mitral cells. We also discuss the ways in which the functional connectivity can be altered rapidly during olfactory bulb activity.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dendritic signal processing by mitral cells in the olfactory bulb and its meaning for olfactory coding. The output signals of olfactory receptor neurones are sent to the olfactory bulb where they converge onto the secondary neurones, the mitral cells. On a short time scale, the connectivity between receptor and mitral cells can be assumed to be constant, whereas on a longer time scale, when considering the ongoing de- and regeneration, it is necessary to model the synaptical weights between receptor and mitral cells as variables. In a first approach we used Hebb's rule to this end and presumed that a mitral cell can be represented by one compartment only. In this case, and with a sequence of realistically modeled receptor activity signals, the synaptical weights of all mitral cells converged to the same point though every mitral cell had initial weights different from those of any other mitral cell. This means that a mitral cell, when modeled as one compartment, does not become sensitive to any particular odor quality. A similar lack of quality tuning turned out to occur when one-compartment mitral cells were connected among each other by laterally inhibiting interneurones. We therefore took into account the glomerular fine structure of mitral cell dendrites, assuming electrotonically decoupled dendritic subbranches. This feature together with local inhibitory circuitry at the subbranches led to a fundamentally different type of synaptical convergence pattern. In this case, mitral cells developed differential sensitivities for different odors. Mitral cells have thus to be regarded as multicompartment cells, and local, non-Hebbian learning rules for their afferent synapses are necessary to achieve a reasonable map of odors upon mitral cell activities.  相似文献   

Stereotypical connections between olfactory sensory neuron axons and mitral cell dendrites in the olfactory bulb establish the first synaptic relay for olfactory perception. While mechanisms of olfactory sensory axon targeting are reported, molecular regulation of mitral cell dendritic growth and refinement are unclear. During embryonic development, mitral cell dendritic distribution overlaps with olfactory sensory axon terminals in the olfactory bulb. In this study, we investigate whether olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory epithelium influence mitral cell dendritic outgrowth in vitro. We report a soluble trophic activity in the olfactory epithelium conditioned medium which promotes mitral/tufted cell neurite outgrowth. While the trophic activity is present in both embryonic and postnatal olfactory epithelia, only embryonic but not postnatal mitral/tufted cells respond to this activity. We show that BMP2, 5 and 7 promote mitral/tufted cells neurite outgrowth. However, the BMP antagonist, Noggin, fails to neutralize the olfactory epithelium derived neurite growth promoting activity. We provide evidence that olfactory epithelium derived activity is a protein factor with molecular weight between 50–100 kD. We also observed that Follistatin can effectively neutralize the olfactory epithelium derived activity, suggesting that TGF-beta family proteins are involved to promote mitral/tufted dendritic elaboration.  相似文献   

In mice, mitral cells are the major efferent neurons of the main olfactory bulb and elongate axons into a very narrow part of the telencephalon to form a fiber bundle referred to as the lateral olfactory tract (LOT). To clarify the mechanisms responsible for guidance of mitral cell axons along this particular pathway, we co-cultured mouse embryo main olfactory bulbs with the telencephalons, and analyzed the pathways taken by mitral cell axons. Ingrowth of mitral cell axons into the telencephalon was observed in those co-cultures in which the olfactory bulbs had been exactly combined to their normal pathway (the LOT position) of the telencephalon. The axons grew preferentially along the LOT position, and formed a LOT-like fiber bundle. When the olfactory bulbs were grafted at positions apart from their normal pathway, however, no mitral cell axons grew into the telencephalon. Neocortical fragments combined with the telencephalon projected fibers into the telencephalon in random directions. These results suggest that the LOT position of the telencephalon offers a guiding pathway for mitral cell axons and that guiding cues for mitral cell axons are extremely localized. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Viral upper respiratory infections are the most common cause of clinical olfactory dysfunction, but the pathogenesis of dysosmia after viral infection is poorly understood. Biopsies of the olfactory mucosa in patients that complain of dysosmia after viral infection fall into two categories: one in which no olfactory epithelium is seen and another in which the epithelium is disordered and populated mainly by immature neurons. We have used intranasal inoculation with an olfactory bulb line variant of MHV to study the consequences of viral infection on peripheral olfactory structures. MHV OBLV has little direct effect on the olfactory epithelium, but causes extensive spongiotic degeneration and destruction of mitral cells and interneurons in the olfactory bulb such that the axonal projection from the bulb via the lateral olfactory tract is markedly reduced. Moreover, surviving mitral cells apparently remain disconnected from the sensory neuron input to the glomerular layer, judging from retrograde labeling studies using Dil. The damage to the bulb indirectly causes a persistent, long-term increase in the turnover of sensory neurons in the epithelium, i.e. the relative proportion of immature to mature sensory neurons and the rate of basal cell proliferation both increase. The changes that develop after inoculation with MHV OBLV closely resemble the disordering of the olfactory epithelium in some patient biopsies. Thus, damage to the olfactory nerve or bulb may contribute to a form of post-viral olfactory dysfunction and MHV OBLV is a useful model for studying the pathogenesis of this form of dysosmia.  相似文献   

The activity of odor-evoked olfactory mitral cell response of the gecko was recorded extracellularly by glass microelectrodes. The activities of the mitral cell observed during the presentation of the odor (n-amyl acetate) could be described as excitation, suppression or zero. The present experiments were undertaken to study the neural activities of the mitral cell in the olfactory bulb by perfusion application of some drugs (cobalt chloride, carnosine, norepinephrine, GABA and D-L-homocysteate) on the olfactory bulb surface or iontophoretic application of some drugs (carnosine, norepinephrine, GABA and D-L-homocysteate) to the glomerulus and the external plexiform layer to change the physiological environment. The effect of the drugs suggested that the synaptic neurons on the mitral cell have different chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

J S Isaacson 《Neuron》1999,23(2):377-384
In the CNS, glutamate typically mediates excitatory transmission via local actions at synaptic contacts. In the olfactory bulb, mitral cell dendrites release glutamate at synapses formed only onto the dendrites of inhibitory granule cells. Here, I show excitatory transmission mediated solely by transmitter spillover between mitral cells in olfactory bulb slices. Dendritic glutamate release from individual mitral cells causes self-excitation via local activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Paired recordings reveal that glutamate release from one cell generates NMDA receptor-mediated responses in neighboring mitral cells that are enhanced by blockade of glutamate uptake. Furthermore, spillover generates spontaneous NMDA receptor-mediated population responses. This simultaneous activation of neighboring mitral cells by a diffuse action of glutamate provides a mechanism for synchronizing olfactory principal cells.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is released together with glutamate from sensory axons in the olfactory bulb, where it stimulates calcium signaling in glial cells, while responses in identified neurons to ATP have not been recorded in the olfactory bulb yet. We used photolysis of caged ATP to elicit a rapid rise in ATP and measured whole-cell current responses in mitral cells, the output neurons of the olfactory bulb, in acute mouse brain slices. Wide-field photolysis of caged ATP evoked an increase in synaptic inputs in mitral cells, indicating an ATP-dependent increase in network activity. The increase in synaptic activity was accompanied by calcium transients in the dendritic tuft of the mitral cell, as measured by confocal calcium imaging. The stimulating effect of ATP on the network activity could be mimicked by photo release of caged adenosine 5'-diphosphate, and was inhibited by the P2Y(1) receptor antagonist MRS 2179. Local photolysis of caged ATP in the glomerulus innervated by the dendritic tuft of the recorded mitral cell elicited currents similar to those evoked by wide-field illumination. The results indicate that activation of P2Y(1) receptors in the glomerulus can stimulate network activity in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Lin DM  Wang F  Lowe G  Gold GH  Axel R  Ngai J  Brunet L 《Neuron》2000,26(1):69-80
Olfactory neurons expressing the same odorant receptor converge to a small number of glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. In turn, mitral and tufted cells receive and relay this information to higher cortical regions. In other sensory systems, correlated neuronal activity is thought to refine synaptic connections during development. We asked whether the pattern of connections between olfactory sensory axons and mitral cell dendrites is affected when odor-evoked signaling is eliminated in mice lacking functional olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. We demonstrate that olfactory sensory axons converge normally in the CNG channel mutant background. We further show that the pruning of mitral cell dendrites, although slowed during development, is ultimately unperturbed in mutant animals. Thus, the olfactory CNG channel-and by inference correlated neural activity--is not required for generating synaptic specificity in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Pannexins form membrane channels that release biological signals to communicate with neighboring cells. Here, we report expression patterns of pannexin 1 (Panx1) and pannexin 2 (Panx2) in the olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb of adult mice. In situ hybridization revealed that mRNAs for Panx1 and Panx2 were both expressed in the olfactory epithelium and olfactory bulb. Expression of Panx1 and Panx2 was mainly found in cell bodies below the sustentacular cell layer in the olfactory epithelium, indicating that Panx1 and Panx2 are expressed in mature and immature olfactory neurons, and basal cells. Expression of Panx2 was observed in sustentacular cells in a few locations of the olfactory epithelium. In the olfactory bulb, Panx1 and Panx2 were expressed in spatial patterns. Many mitral cells, tufted cells, periglomerular cells and granule cells were Panx1 and Panx2 positive. Mitral cells located at the dorsal and lateral portions of the olfactory bulb showed weak Panx1 expression compared with those in the medial side. However, the opposite was true for the distribution of Panx2 positive mitral cells. There were more Panx2 mRNA positive mitral cells and granule cells compared to those expressing Panx1. Our findings on pannexin expression in the olfactory system of adult mice raise the novel possibility that pannexins play a role in information processing in the olfactory system. Demonstration of expression patterns of pannexins in the olfactory system provides an anatomical basis for future functional studies.  相似文献   

Fletcher ML 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29360
Odors are rarely composed of a single compound, but rather contain a large and complex variety of chemical components. Often, these mixtures are perceived as having unique qualities that can be quite different than the combination of their components. In many cases, a majority of the components of a mixture cannot be individually identified. This synthetic processing of odor information suggests that individual component representations of the mixture must interact somewhere along the olfactory pathway. The anatomical nature of sensory neuron input into segregated glomeruli with the bulb suggests that initial input of odor information into the bulb is analytic. However, a large network of interneurons within the olfactory bulb could allow for mixture interactions via mechanisms such as lateral inhibition. Currently in mammals, it is unclear if postsynaptic mitral/tufted cell glomerular mixture responses reflect the analytical mixture input, or provide the initial basis for synthetic processing with the olfactory system. To address this, olfactory bulb glomerular binary mixture representations were compared to representations of each component using transgenic mice expressing the calcium indicator G-CaMP2 in olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cells. Overall, dorsal surface mixture representations showed little mixture interaction and often appeared as a simple combination of the component representations. Based on this, it is concluded that dorsal surface glomerular mixture representations remain largely analytical with nearly all component information preserved.  相似文献   

Koulakov AA  Rinberg D 《Neuron》2011,72(1):124-136
Mitral/tufted cells of the olfactory bulb receive odorant information from receptor neurons and transmit this information to the cortex. Studies in awake behaving animals have found that sustained responses of mitral cells to odorants are rare, suggesting sparse combinatorial representation of the odorants. Careful alignment of mitral cell firing with the phase of the respiration cycle revealed brief transient activity in the larger population of mitral cells, which respond to odorants during a small fraction of the respiration cycle. Responses of these cells are therefore temporally sparse. Here, we propose a mathematical model for the olfactory bulb network that can reproduce both combinatorially and temporally sparse mitral cell codes. We argue that sparse codes emerge as a result of the balance between mitral cells' excitatory inputs and inhibition provided by the granule cells. Our model suggests functional significance for the dendrodendritic synapses mediating interactions between mitral and granule cells.  相似文献   

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