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The Birch effect is a pulse in soil C and N mineralization caused by the wetting of dry soils, but the role of the soil moisture increment (ΔSWC) is still poorly understood. We quantified the relationship between ΔSWC and the Birch effect, and its interactions with pre-wetting soil moisture (preSWC) and substrate supply.


Two soils (clay loam and sandy loam) under a Pinus halepensis forest were subjected to rewetting in laboratory treatments combining different ΔSWC and preSWC values, with or without additional substrate (5 mg g-1 P. halepensis needles). Respiration flush (ΔR), changes in microbial biomass C (MBC) and net N mineralization (NMIN) were measured.


Overall, we found a relationship with the form: ΔR?=?a ΔSWC?+?b, where the slope (a) was significant only when pre-wetting water potential was below a threshold value in the range of ?100 to ?1,200 kPa. However, the threshold alone does not fully describe the role of preSWC in slope variability. Substrate addition modified the ΔSWC sensitivity of Birch effect, enhancing it in the clay loam and suppressing it in the sandy loam.


The intensity of the wetting is a dominant factor regulating Birch effect, and ΔSWC is useful for its quantification.  相似文献   



Databases for either sequence, annotation, or microarray experiments data are extremely beneficial to the research community, as they centrally gather information from experiments performed by different scientists. However, data from different sources develop their full capacities only when combined. The idea of a data warehouse directly adresses this problem and solves it by integrating all required data into one single database – hence there are already many data warehouses available to genetics. For the model legume Medicago truncatula, there is currently no such single data warehouse that integrates all freely available gene sequences, the corresponding gene expression data, and annotation information. Thus, we created the data warehouse TRUNCATULIX, an integrative database of Medicago truncatula sequence and expression data.  相似文献   

Recent genomic studies showing abnormalities in the fibroblast growth factor system in the postmortem brains of people with major depressive disorder support previous indications of a role for growth factors in mood disorders. Similar molecular pathways, volumetric changes, and the effects of exercise on mood suggest a superficial analogy, and perhaps a deeper relationship, between muscle and brain functioning.  相似文献   

The uniformitarian principle is one of the most important foundations of all dendro- and paleo-sciences. Without it, no inferences about the past can be made. However, the use of this principle in our community is not consistent and partially incorrect, with the main confusion relating to the understanding of the “uniformitarian principle” as somehow implying a stable relationship between climate and tree growth. To solve this, we look briefly at the history of the term, show how we teach this principle in our textbooks, give some examples of incorrect applications of this principle in the recent literature and close with a simple, logical and straightforward interpretation of this principle to the dendro-community. Applying the principle of aggregate tree growth we show that instable climate-growth relationships and the “no-analogue problem” are not a violation of the uniformitarian principle, but rather reflect our incomplete understanding of tree growth processes. Simply stated: The “uniformitarian principle” is an a priori assumption of spatial and temporal invariance of law’s describing nature’s processes. Applied to the dendro-sciences it means that the principle of aggregate tree growth is valid in time and space.  相似文献   

The fascination of Antarctic scientists with Antarctic krill and their capabilities has a long and varied history, and prompted many scientists to maintain and manipulate krill under laboratory conditions. Starting in the Discovery era with Mackintosh at the King Edward Point labs on South Georgia, 1930, scientists have collected krill from sailing vessels, small boats, inflatable zodiacs and large ice-breaking vessels. Krill have been maintained in small and large jars, deep rectangular tanks, large round tanks and in flow-through and recycling systems. They have been maintained both on board research vessels and in laboratories, in flowing seawater systems at ambient conditions and in temperature-controlled environmental rooms. A few researchers have transported living krill back to their home laboratories, for example tropical laboratories in Japan (Murano) and Australia (Ikeda), temperate laboratories (Nicol) in Australia, a northern European laboratory in Germany (Marschall) and a sunny maritime laboratory in California (Ross and Quetin). The goals have been varied: short-term experiments to understand in situ physiological rates, long-term experiments to test the effects of manipulations or controlled changes in environmental conditions, and behavioral responses. We take you on a brief historical tour as we trace the lineage of modern day research on living Antarctic krill.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 300–400 nm is characteristic of sunlight at the earth surface and causes DNA damage mediated by energy transfer to O2 with the transformation of the latter in the singlet state. In connection with this, scavengers of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) are potential protectors against the genotoxic effect of this kind of radiation. It was found that the methylene blue dye at doses differing by several orders of magnitude from those that are toxic for humans is able to suppress completely the SOS response induced by UV with a wavelength of 300–400 nm in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   


Over the last three years we have successfully introduced snakes into group activities of children with disabilities, adolescents with behavior problems, and the elderly in nursing homes. This study presents data on the interaction of these groups with four placid and non-poisonous species of snakes of the Boidae and Colubridae families. The primary interactions (PI) included touching, holding, or petting; and the interaction rates during three meetings were recorded. Interaction rates with the children ranged from 50% to 100% and with the elderly from 67% to 86%. In the third encounter 9.5% more elderly agreed to interact with the snakes. When children in the study were offered the choice of a friendly dog, a rabbit, or a snake, 25% to 47% (mean 39%) chose the snake, whereas only 27% and 25% preferred the dog or the rabbit respectively. These results suggest that the affinity and desire of children with disabilities and the elderly to interact with snakes is strong and that this affinity and desire can outweigh cultural stereotypes, widespread fears, and negative attitudes. Many of the negative attitudes, including fear of snakes, are believed to be unconscious and unrelated to conditioned behavior. The psychological significance of the snake as a symbol in the human psyche and culture is discussed in relation to the potential future use of snakes in Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) with populations that have disabilities.  相似文献   

The treatment of mobile targets with scanned particle beams is challenging, and the effects of motion will be especially pronounced in hypo-fractionated treatment regimes due to the lack of statistical smoothing through fractionation and the prolonged delivery times per session. Therefore, motion mitigation techniques will play a major role for radiosurgery approaches. This article concentrates on the motion mitigation technique called rescanning. It alludes the existence of many scanning/rescanning flavors and raises awareness of the importance of an optimized flavor choice. Furthermore, it is discussed that rescanning can compensate for the lack of statistical wash-out, target dose conformity, however, will remain degraded. Therefore, especially in the context of radiosurgery, rescanning should be combined with other motion mitigation techniques like breath hold, gating and/or tracking.  相似文献   

Summary Wolf-ungulate interactions were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Bialowiea National Park in 1985–1989. The study period included two severe and two mild winters. The community of ungulates inhabiting Bialowiea National Park consisted of red deer Cervus elaphus, 55% of all ungulates; wild boar Sus scrofa, 42%; and roe deer Capreolus capreolus, moose Alces alces, and European bison Bison bonasus, about 1% each. The average size of red deer groups increased from 2.7 (SD 2.35) in spring and summer to 6.9 (SD 6.84) in autumn and winter. In winter the group size of red deer was positively correlated with the depth of snow cover and negatively correlated with the mean daily temperature. Average group size of wild boar did not change significantly between seasons; it was 6.8 (SD 5.16) in spring and summer and 5.7 (SD 4.67) in autumn and winter. Analysis of 144 wolf scats showed that wolves preyed selectively on red deer. In October–April, Cervidae (mostly red deer) constituted 91% of biomass consumed by wolves, while wild boar made up only 8%. In May–September deer formed 77% of prey biomass, and the share of wild boar increased to 22%. In all seasons of the year wolves selected juveniles from deer and boar populations: 61% of red deer and 94% of wild boar of determined age recovered from wolves' scats were young <1 year old. Analysis of 117 carcasses of ungulates found in Bialowiea National Park showed that predation was the predominant mortality factor for red deer (40 killed, 10 dead from causes other than predation) and roe deer (4 killed, none dead). Wild boar suffered most from severe winter conditions (8 killed, 56 dead). The percentage of ungulates that had died from undernutrition and starvation in the total mortality was proportional to the severity of winter.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the in vitro toxicity, impact on cell permeability and mucoadhesive potential of polymer-coated liposomes intended for use in the oral cavity. A TR146 cell line was used as a model. The overall aim was to end up with a selection of safe polymer coated liposomes with promising mucoadhesive properties for drug delivery to the oral cavity. The following polymers were tested: chitosan, low-methoxylated pectin (LM-pectin), high-methoxylated pectin (HM-pectin), amidated pectin (AM-pectin), Eudragit, poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-methacrylic acid) (p(NIPAAM-co-MAA)), hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose (HM-HEC), and hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (HM-EHEC). With chitosan as an exception, all the systems exhibited no significant effect on cell viability and permeability at the considered concentrations. Additionally, all the formulations showed to a varying degree an interaction with mucin (BSM type I-S); the positively charged formulations exhibited the strongest interaction, while the negatively and neutrally charged formulations displayed a moderate or low interaction. The ability to interact with mucin makes all the liposomal formulations promising for oromucosal administration. Although the chitosan-coated liposomes affected the cell viability, this formulation also influenced the cell permeability, which makes it an interesting candidate for systemic drug delivery from the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Poor control of postural muscles is a primary impairment in cerebral palsy (CP), yet core trunk and hip muscle activity has not been thoroughly investigated. Frequency analysis of electromyographic (EMG) signals provides insight about the intensity and pattern of muscle activation, correlates with functional measures in CP, and is sensitive to change after intervention. The objective of this study was to investigate differences in trunk and hip muscle activation frequency in children with CP compared to children with similar amounts of walking experience and typical development (TD). EMG data from 31 children (15 with CP, 16 with TD) were recorded from 16 trunk and hip muscles bilaterally. A time–frequency pattern was generated using the continuous wavelet transform and instantaneous mean frequency (IMNF) was calculated at each interval of the gait cycle. Functional principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that IMNF was significantly higher in the CP group throughout the gait cycle for all muscles. Additionally, stride-to-stride variability was higher in the CP group. This evidence demonstrated altered patterns of trunk and hip muscle activation in CP, including increased rates of motor unit firing, increased number of recruited motor units, and/or decreased synchrony of motor units. These altered muscle activation patterns likely contribute to muscle fatigue and decreased biomechanical efficiency in children with CP.  相似文献   

Carazolol (CZL) is a known agonist of β3 and antagonist of β1 and β2 adrenoceptors (AR), used in the animal production industry to improve meat quality by reducing animal stress and skeletal muscle (SM) proteolysis. Here we sought to better understand the direct effect CZL has on SM. We study CZL effect on calcium (Ca2+) regulation by enzymatic activity kinetics of the Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), in isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from SM and on the mechanical properties of isolated muscle. In isolated SR from SM previously incubated with 0.03 mM CZL, but absent during SR isolation and during SERCA activity determination, the activity was reduced by 45%. Thermal analysis of SERCA activity with CZL shifted the transition temperature of inactivation (Ti) from Ti = 47 to 44 °C. When isolated SR from fast and slow SM was exposed to CZL, inhibition of SERCA occurred in a dose dependent manner. Slow and fast SM Ti of SERCA shifted to a lower temperature in the presence of CZL and a second transition appears at temperatures <40 °C. In isolated extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles, CZL reduces the contraction force and increases susceptibility to fatigue. However, recovery force after fatigue in either muscle was higher. Our results suggest that Carazolol penetrates the plasma membrane and interacts with SERCA, thus having an important effect on skeletal muscle function. The inhibition of SERCA may lead to a decrement in SR Ca2+-release promoting further failure in muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFAs) acutely stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells, whereas impair β-cell function following long term exposure. GPR40, a FFAs receptor, has been demonstrated to be activated by both medium and long chain FFAs and played an important role in insulin release. This study was performed to determine the contribution of GPR40 to short- and/or long-term effects of FFAs on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and the expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in pancreatic β-cells, as well as the intervenient effects of pioglitazone on lipotoxicity of β-cells. βTC6 cell line stably expressing GPR40shRNA were established and the intervention of FFAs and pioglitazone on GSIS and expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in βTC6 cells was investigated. Results showed that 1-h exposure to FFAs significantly enhanced GSIS and increased expression of PDX-1 and GLUT2 in pSilencer-control transfected cells, but not in cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. While 48-h exposure to FFAs significantly impaired GSIS in pSilencer-control transfected cells as well as cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. Furthermore, pioglitazone enhanced insulin secretion in pSilencer-control transfected cells exposed to FFAs for 48 h, but not in cells transfected with GPR40shRNA. These results indicate that GPR40 mediates the short-term effects of FFAs on GSIS, but does not mediate the chronic lipotoxicity on β-cells. The reverse role of pioglitazone on lipotoxicity of β-cells may be related to GPR40.  相似文献   

In order to understand the effect of a nitrogen gradient on the intraspecific and interspecific competition between plants, the two species Erodium cicutarium and Geranium pusillum were grown in a response-surface competion experiment at three different densities along a nitrogen gradient consisting of four different nitrogen levels. Seed set data were estimated from biomass measurements and fitted to a generalized hyperbolic competition model, and the probabilities of different ecological scenarios were calculated. The model predicted that E. cicutarium is competitively superior along most of the nitrogen gradient. This prediction was contrary to our prior expectations which were based on the occurance of the two species in natural habitats.  相似文献   

Forty % of serum IgM and 47 % of dimeric colostral IgA were bound to protein A-Sepharose. Fab μ and Fabα fragments showed a reactivity similar to that of the whole immunoglobulins. Complete elutions of IgM and IgA from the protein A-Sepharose were obtained in lower concentrations of MgCl2 than the complete elution of IgG. However, IgM and IgA were completely eluted at higher concentrations of MgCl2 in the presence of IgG than in its absence. Parts of this work were presented at the4th European Immunology Meeating, Budapest, 1978, Abstracts p. 152 and at the12th FEBS Meeting, Dresden, 1978, Abstracts No. 727.  相似文献   

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