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The alpha-2-antiplasmin influence on the Glu-plasminogen activation by tissue activator both on fibrin and fibrin(ogen) fragments was investigated. The kinetics of activation was studied and velocity of this process in the absence and presence of the inhibitor was calculated. It was established that alpha-2-antiplasmin decreased the velocity of Glu-plasminogen activation on desAABBfibrin, DDE-complex and DD-dimer and did no influence upon proenzyme activation on fibrinogen fragment--Ho1-DSK. In the presence of fibrin plasminogen activation linear related to the amount added tissue activator in limit concentration from 5 before 50 units/ml. It was shown that alpha-2-antiplasmin reduced the activation velocity with used concentration of tissue activator. Fibrin hydrolysis by plasmin, forming on its surface during the plasminogen activation by tissue activator, was also inhibited with alpha-2-antiplasmin. The obtained results are explained by the influence of the inhibitor on formation of the triple complex between plasminogen, tissue activator and fibrin, and competition of the alpha-2-antiplasmin for lysine-binding sites of tissue activator kringle 2 or for binding sites of the activator on fibrin.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the hydrodynamic volume change accompanying the reversible unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease have been observed by size-exclusion chromatography at 4 degrees C and pH 7.0 using the denaturant guanidine hydrochloride. The observed chromatographic profiles have been simulated by a six-component unfolding/refolding mechanism using a consistent set of equilibrium and kinetic parameters. The native protein is an equilibrium mixture of the cis and trans isomers of the peptide bond preceding proline-117. The native conformation containing the cis isomer dominates the equilibrium mixture, is more stable, and unfolds more slowly at its transition midpoint. The denatured protein is an equilibrium mixture of at least four components, the cis/trans isomers of proline-117 and one of the five remaining prolines. The dominant refolding pathway is initiated from the denatured component containing the trans isomer of proline-117. The six-component mechanism is consistent with tryptophan fluorescence kinetic measurements of the wild-type protein and with chromatographic measurements of a mutant P117G protein.  相似文献   

The specific cellular receptor for urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) is found on a variety of cell types and has been postulated to play a central role in the mediation of pericellular proteolytic activity. We have studied the kinetics of plasminogen (Plg) activation catalyzed by uPA specifically bound to its receptor on the human monocytoid cell-line U937 and demonstrate this process to have properties differing widely from those observed for uPA in solution. The solution-phase reaction was characterized by a Km of 25 microM and for the cell-associated reaction this fell 40-fold to 0.67 microM, below the physiological Plg concentration of 2 microM. A concomitant 6-fold reduction in kcat resulted in an increase in the overall catalytic efficiency, kcat/Km, of 5.7-fold. This high affinity Plg activation was abolished in the presence of a Plg-binding antagonist. In contrast to intact cells, purified uPA receptor (isolated from phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated U937 cells) was observed to partially inhibit uPA-catalyzed Plg activation, although activity against low molecular weight substrates was retained. Therefore, the cellular binding of Plg appears to be of critical importance for the efficient activation of Plg by receptor-bound uPA. Plasmin generated in the cell-surface Plg activation system described here was also observed to be protected from its principal physiological inhibitor alpha-2-antiplasmin. Together, these data demonstrate that the cell surface constitutes the preferential site for Plg activation when uPA is bound to its specific cellular receptor, which therefore has the necessary characteristics to play an efficient role in the generation of pericellular proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which yeast ras2 mutant hyperaccumulates glycogen has been investigated. Total glycogen synthase activity was between and 1.3 times higher in the ras2 mutant than in an isogenic strain. In addition, while in the normal strain the glycogen synthase activation state decreased along the exponential phase, in the mutant strain the opposite behaviour was observed: glycogen synthase activation state rose continuously reaching full activation at the beginning of the stationary phase. Glycogen phosphorylase a activity was up to 40 times higher in the mutant than in the normal strain. Glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 2,6-bisphosphate levels were slightly more elevated in the mutants. The increase in total glycogen synthase and, particularly, the full activation of this enzyme may explain glycogen hyperaccumulation in the ras2 mutant even in the presence of elevated levels of glycogen phosphorylase a.  相似文献   

Bovine Procarboxypeptidase A (PCPD) has only until recently been considered catalytically inert. PCPD, however, will hydrolyze the amide bond in simple acylated amino acids. Trifluoroacetyl-L-phenylalanine is a very good substrate for the zymogen exhibiting normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Vmax near 2 × 103 min?1 and a Km of 2.6 mM. Comparison of the pH-rate profiles for the zymogen-enzyme pair suggest that the same or similar groups are involved in the catalytic process in both proteins further suggesting the pre-existance of a considerable part of the enzyme active site in the zymogen. Moreover, TFAc-D-Phe is a competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of TFAc-L-Phe and would appear a suitable analogue to study E (or zymogen)-I interactions by 19F-nmr during activation.  相似文献   

The activation kinetics of purified Rhodospirillum rubrum ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase were analysed. The equilibrium constant for activation by CO(2) was 600 micron and that for activation by Mg2+ was 90 micron, and the second-order activation constant for the reaction of CO(2) with inactive enzyme (k+1) was 0.25 X 10(-3)min-1 . micron-1. The latter value was considerably lower than the k+1 for higher-plant enzyme (7 X 10(-3)-10 X 10(-3)min-1 . micron-1). 6-Phosphogluconate had little effect on the active enzyme, and increased the extent of activation of inactive enzyme. Ribulose bisphosphate also increased the extent of activation and did not inhibit the rate of activation. This effect might have been mediated through a reaction product, 2-phosphoglycolic acid, which also stimulated the extent of activation of the enzyme. The active enzyme had a Km (CO2) of 300 micron-CO2, a Km (ribulose bisphosphate) of 11--18 micron-ribulose bisphosphate and a Vmax. of up to 3 mumol/min per mg of protein. These data are discussed in relation to the proposed model for activation and catalysis of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanisms of the 2-oxoglutarate and pyruvate dehydrogenease complexes from pig heart mitochondria were studied at pH 7.5 and 25 degrees. A three-site ping-pong mechanism for the actin of both complexes was proposed on the basis of the parallel lines obtained when 1/v was plotted against 2-oxoglutarate or pyruvate concentration for various levels of CoA and a level of NAD+ near its Michaelis constant value. Rate equations were derived from the proposed mechanism. Michaelis constants for the reactants of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex reaction are: 2-oxoglutarate, 0.220 mM; CoA, 0.025 mM; NAD+, 0.050 mM. Those of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex are: pyruvate, 0.015 mM; CoA, 0.021 mM; NAD+, 0.079 mM. Product inhibition studies showed that succinyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA was competitive with respect to CoA, and NADH was competitive with respect to NAD+ in both overall reactions, and that succinyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA and NADH were uncompetitive with respect to 2-oxoglutarate or pyruvate, respectively. However, noncompetitive (rather than uncompetitive) inhibition patterns were observed for succinyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA versus NAD+ and for NADH versus CoA. These results are consistent with the proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ca2+ + Mg2+-dependent ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum was inhibited by preincubation with vanadate. When the inhibited enzyme was preincubated in the presence of vanadate and assayed in its absence, a slow reactivation process was observed. This slow, hysteretic, process was exploited to study the influence of Ca2+ and ATP on the dissociation of vanadate. Ca2+ alone slowly displaced vanadate from the inhibited enzyme, and a rate constant of 0.1 min-1, at 25 degrees C, was calculated for this re-activation process. However, ATP re-activated with an apparent constant that hyperbolically depended on ATP concentration, and from it a rate constant for vanadate dissociation induced by ATP of 0.5 min-1 was calculated. It is deduced from the kinetic studies that ATP binds to the enzyme-vanadate complex, forming a ternary complex, with a dissociation constant of 4 microM, and that this binding accelerates vanadate dissociation. Binding experiments with [14C]ATP showed that ATP binds to the enzyme-vanadate complex with a dissociation constant of 12 microM, i.e. the affinities calculated with the isotope technique and the kinetic procedure are of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The allosteric properties of AMP deaminase [EC] from chicken erythrocytes have been qualitatively and quantitatively accounted for by the concerted transition theory of Monod et al., on the assumption that this enzyme has different numbers of binding sites for each ligand. Theoretical curves yield a satisfactory fit for all experimental saturation functions with respect to activation by alkali metals and inhibition by Pi, assuming that the numbers of binding sites for AMP, alkali metals, and Pi are 4, 2, and 4, respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by concentrations of ATP and GTP below 0.1 and 0.25 mM, respectively, whereas activation of the enzyme was observed at ATP and GTP concentrations above 0.4 and 1.5 mM, respectively. These unusual kinetics with respect to ATP and GTP could be also accounted for by assuming 2 inhibitory and 4 activating sites for each ligand.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine the effect of the Ras suppressor Rsu-1 on Ras signal transduction pathways in two different cell backgrounds. An expression vector containing the mouse rsu-1 cDNA under the control of a mouse mammary tumor virus promoter was introduced into NIH 3T3 cells and the pheochromocytoma cell line PC12. Cell lines developed in the NIH 3T3 background expressed p33rsu-1 at approximately twice the normal endogenous level. However, PC12 cell clones which expressed p33rsu-1 at an increased level in a regulatable fashion in response to dexamethasone were isolated. Analysis of proteins involved in regulation of Ras and responsive to Ras signal transduction revealed similar changes in the two cell backgrounds in the presence of elevated p33rsu-1. There was an increase in the level of SOS, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor, and an increase in the percentage of GTP-bound Ras. In addition, there was an increase in the amount of p120 Ras-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and GAP-associated p190. However, a decrease in Ras GTPase-activating activity was detected in lysates of the Rsu-1 transfectants, and immunoprecipitated p120 GAP from the Rsu-1 transfectants showed less Ras GTPase-activating activity than GAP from control cells. Activation of Erk-2 kinase by growth factor and tetradecanyol phorbol acetate was greater in the Rsu-1 transfectants than in control cells. However, c-Jun amino-terminal kinase activity (Jun kinase) was not activatable by epidermal growth factor in Rsu-1 PC12 cell transfectants, in contrast to the PC12 vector control cell line. Transient expression of p33rsu-1 in Cos1 cells following cotransfection with either hemagglutinin-tagged Jun kinase or hemagglutinin-tagged Erk-2 revealed that Rsu-1 expression inhibited constitutive Jun kinase activity while enhancing Erk-2 activity. Detection of in vitro binding of Rsu-1 to Raf-1 suggested that in Rsu-1 transfectants, increased activation of the Raf-1 pathway occurred at the expense of activation of signal transduction leading to Jun kinase. These results indicate that inhibition of Jun kinase activation was sufficient to inhibit Ras transformation even in the presence of activated Erk-2.  相似文献   

The enzymic reaction mechanism of a manganese-containing superoxide dismutase from Bacillus stearothermophilus was studied by using pulse radiolysis. During catalysis (pH 8.9; 25 degrees C), changes occurring in the kinetics of substrate disappearance and in the visible absorption of the enzyme at 480 nm established that the simple two-step mechanism found for copper- and iron-containing superoxide dismutases is not involved. At a low ratio (less than 15) of substrate concentration to enzyme concentration the decay of O2--is close to exponetial, whereas at much higher ratios (greater than 100) the observed decay is predominantly zero-order. The simplest interpretation of the results invokes a rapid one-electron oxidation-reduction cycle ('the fast cycle') and, concurrently, a slower reaction giving a form of the enzyme that is essentially unreactive towards O2-- but which undergoes a first-order decay to yield fully active native enzyme ('the slow cycle'). The fast cycle involves the native enzyme EA and a form of the enzyme EB which can be obtained also by treating the form EA with H2O2. Computer calculations made with such a simple model predict behaviour in excellent agreement with the observed results.  相似文献   

The kinetics of reconstitution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin from its apoprotein and copper(II) salts have been studied using absorbance at 625 nm and fluorescence emission at 308 nm as monitors of the process. At low Cu(II) concentrations the rates of both absorbance and fluorescence changes are linearly dependent on Cu(II) concentration. At higher Cu(II) concentrations the rate of absorbance change is independent of Cu(II) concentration. The rates of both absorbance and fluorescence changes as a function of pH suggest that the titration of a single ionizable group is important for the Cu(II)-dependent reaction. Overall analysis of the kinetics suggests that the fluorescence change and the absorbance change are associated with at least two steps in the overall pathway of the formation of the metal-protein complex, and that the copper(II) and tryptophan environments in this protein, though perhaps spatially close, may be distinct.  相似文献   

J Tsuzuki  J A Kiger 《Biochemistry》1978,17(15):2961-2970
Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and its regulatory subunit were isolated from Drosophila melanogaster embryos. The profiles of cyclic AMP binding by these proteins were significantly different. In order to explain such a difference and to find the mode of enzyme activation by cyclic AMP, a kinetic study of cyclic AMP binding was carried out. First, the association rate constant k1 and dissociation rate constant k-1 in the cyclic AMP-regulatory subunit interaction at 0 degrees C were estimated to be 2.3 X 10(6)M-1s-1 and 1.1 X 10(-3)s-1, respectively. Secondly, the three possible modes of enzyme activation by cyclic AMP were mathematically considered and could be described by a unique formula: r=APt + BQt (A + B=1) in which the parameters A, B, P, and Q are equivalent to rate constants in the sense that the rate constants are simply expressed by these parameters. Thirdly, the values of the parameters and subsequently the values of rate constants involved in the possible mechanisms were evaluated using a curve-fitting technique and compared with experimental observation. It was then found that the following mechanism was the only one which fitted the experimental observations. Namely, RC + L k3 equilibrium k-3 LRC k4 equilibrium k-4 RL + C where R, C, and L represent the regulatory and catalytic subunits and cyclic AMP as a ligand. Thus, our results indicate that in the presence of cyclic AMP the active enzyme (C) is released from a ternary intermediate which is the primary product of the cyclic AMP-holoenzyme interaction. The estimated values of the rate constants are: k3=3.5 X 10(6)M-1s-1;k-3=7.3 X 10(-1)s-1;and k4=3.8 X 10(-2)s. These estimates indicate that the reaction LRC leads to RL + C is relatively slow and limits the rate of the overall reaction. By comparing k-3 and k4, it is apparent that a large part of newly formed ternary intermediate reverts to the holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase was reacted with glutaraldehyde under various reaction conditions. The reaction product was, in a second step, bound covalently to aminohexyl groups attached to Sepharose particles. The influence of pH, time and the concentration ratio of enzyme:glutaraldehyde on the reaction was evaluated. A first step reaction with 100-fold molar excess of glutaraldehyde to horseradish peroxidase at pH 9.5 for 2 hr at room temperature results in a high yield of conjugated enzyme with well preserved enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

1. The kinetic properties of the 5'-nucleotidase (EC present in the cytosol of rat liver were investigated in relation to the conversion of adenine nucleotides into uric acid, with particular reference to the stimulation of this process by fructose. The enzyme was assayed by the release of Pi and by a new and more sensitive radiochemical procedure. 2. When IMP was used as substrate, the partially purified enzyme displayed almost hyperbolic kinetics (h = 1.1) with S0.5 = 1.2 mM. Similar kinetics were observed with GMP and other nucleoside 5'-monophosphates, except AMP. 3. Vmax. of the enzyme for AMP was about the same as for IMP, but the kinetics were sigmoidal (h = 1.6) with S 0.5 = 10 mM. 4. The hydrolysis of IMP was inhibited competitively by GMP. IMP, at concentrations up to 0.5 mM, had a paradoxical stimulatory action on the hydrolysis of 2-5 mM-AMP and was inhibitory at higher concentrations. 5. The activity of the enzyme towards AMP and IMP was stimulated by ATP and GTP, and inhibited by Pi. Activators and inhibitor approximately cancelled each others' effects. At pH 7.4, the enzymic activity with 0.2 mM-AMP was undetectable under physiological conditions. 6. It is concluded that, in the liver cell, AMP is not hydrolysed by the soluble 5'-nucleotidase, but that its degradation requires prior deamination to IMP.  相似文献   

The mechanism of thiol modulation of the chloroplast ATP synthase by Escherichia coli thioredoxin was investigated in the isolated ATPase subcomplex and in the ATP synthase complex reconstituted in bacteriorhodopsin proteoliposomes. Thiol modulation was resolved kinetically by continuously monitoring ATP hydrolysis by the isolated subcomplex and ATP synthesis by proteoliposomes. The binding rate constant of reduced thioredoxin to the oxidized ATPase subcomplex devoid of its epsilon subunit could be determined. It did not depend on the catalytic turnover. Reciprocically, the catalytic turnover did not seem to depend on thioredoxin binding. Thiol modulation by Trx of the epsilon-bearing ATPase subcomplex was slow and favored the release of epsilon. The rate constant of thioredoxin binding to the membrane-bound ATP synthase increased with the protonmotive force. It was lower in the presence of ADP than in its absence, revealing a specific effect of the ATP synthase turnover on thioredoxin-gamma subunit interaction. These findings, and more especially the comparisons between the isolated ATPase subcomplex and the ATP synthase complex, can be interpreted in the frame of the rotational catalysis hypothesis. Finally, thiol modulation changed the catalytic properties of the ATP synthase, the kinetics of which became non-Michaelian. This questions the common view about the nature of changes induced by ATP synthase thiol modulation.  相似文献   

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