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A specialist predator that has a specialized diet, prey‐specific prey‐capture behaviour and a preference for a particular type of prey may or may not be specialized metabolically. Previous studies have shown that jumping spiders of the genus Portia prey on other spiders using prey‐specific prey‐capture behaviour, prefer spiders as prey to insects and gain long‐term benefits in terms of higher survival and growth rates on spider diets than on insect diets. However, it is unclear whether there are substances uniquely present in spiders on which Portia depends, or, alternatively, spiders and insects all contain more or less the same nutrients but the relative amounts of these substances are such that Portia perform better on a spider diet. These questions are addressed by testing the hypothesis that prey specialization includes metabolic adaptations that allow Portia an enhanced nutrient extraction or nutrient utilization efficiency when feeding on spider prey compared with insect prey. Three groups of Portia quei Zabka are fed either their preferred spider prey or one of two types of flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen) that differ in nitrogen and lipid content. Portia quei shows a higher feeding rate of high‐protein flies than of high‐lipid flies and spiders but, after 5 days of feeding, there is no significant difference in growth between treatments, and the diets lead to significant changes in the macronutrient composition of P. quei as a result of variable extraction and utilization of the prey. The short‐term utilization of spider prey is similar to that of high‐lipid flies and both differ in several respects from the utilization of high‐protein flies. Thus, the short‐term nutrient utilization is better explained by prey macronutrient content than by whether the prey is a spider or not. The results suggest that spider prey may have a more optimal macronutrient composition for P. quei and that P. quei does not depend on spider‐specific substances.  相似文献   

We studied the efficiency of the hunt and the characteristics of cooperation during the prey capture in a social spider Anelosimus eximius. Two natural types of prey of roughly the same length (20 mm) were used: grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and moths (Lepidoptera); 128 tests were made on 14 colonies, the smallest with 20 and the largest with 1,700 individuals. Test times were 12.00 h, defined as an inactive period for the spiders and 18.00 h, defined as an active period. Overall capture rate of intercepted prey was 66%: it was higher in large colonies or at 18.00 h, when more spider alerts were triggered by the struggling prey. Characteristics of cooperation during capture did not vary with colony size. Capture rate was higher for grasshoppers than moths (73%-58%) in spite of similar number of alerts (76%-87%); so moths must have been more difficult to capture. For both prey types, large colonies capture more rapidly and so had advantages in terms of time gain. We showed that cooperation depended on prey type: more spiders mobilised to attack moths and attack was faster than on grasshoppers. This may be interpreted as an adaptive response of the group to the prey type.  相似文献   

While foraging theory predicts that predatory responses should be determined by the energy content and size of prey, it is becoming increasingly clear that carnivores regulate their intake of specific nutrients. We tested the hypothesis that prey nutrient composition and predator nutritional history affects foraging intensity, consumption, and prey selection by the wolf spider, Pardosa milvina. By altering the rearing environment for fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, we produced high quality flies containing more nitrogen and protein and less lipid than low quality fruit flies. In one experiment, we quantified the proportion of flies taken and consumption across a range of densities of either high or low quality flies and, in a second experiment, we determined the prey capture and consumption of spiders that had been maintained on contrasting diets prior to testing. In both cases, the proportion of prey captured declined with increasing prey density, which characterizes the Type II functional response that is typical of wolf spiders. Spiders with similar nutritional histories killed similar numbers of each prey type but consumed more of the low quality prey. Spiders provided high quality prey in the weeks prior to testing killed more prey than those on the low quality diet but there was no effect of prior diet on consumption. In the third experiment, spiders were maintained on contrasting diets for three weeks and then allowed to select from a mixture of high and low quality prey. Interestingly, feeding history affected prey preferences: spiders that had been on a low quality diet showed no preference but those on the high quality diet selected high quality flies from the mixture. Our results suggest that, even when prey size and species identity are controlled, the nutritional experience of the predator as well as the specific content of the prey shapes predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

Specialist true predators are expected to exhibit higher capture efficiencies for the capture of larger and dangerous prey than generalist predators due to their possession of specialized morphological and behavioral adaptations. We used an araneophagous spider (Lampona murina) and a generalist spider (Drassodes lapidosus) as phylogenetically related model species and investigated their realized and fundamental trophic niches and their efficacy with respect to prey capture and prey handling. The trophic niche of both species confirmed that Lampona had a narrow trophic niche with a predominance of spider prey (including conspecifics), while the niche of Drassodes was wide, without any preference. DNA analysis of the gut contents of Lampona spiders collected in the field revealed that spiders form a significant part of its natural diet. Lampona captured significantly larger prey than itself and the prey captured by Drassodes. As concerns hunting strategy, Lampona grasped the prey with two pairs of legs possessing scopulae, whereas Drassodes immobilized prey with silk. Lampona possess forelegs equipped with scopulae and a thicker cuticle similar to other nonrelated araneophagous spiders. Lampona fed for a longer time and extracted more nutrients than Drassodes. We show that specialized behavioral and morphological adaptations altogether increase the hunting efficiency of specialists when compared to generalists.  相似文献   

K. V. Yeargan  L. W. Quate 《Oecologia》1997,112(4):572-576
Bolas spiders in the genus Mastophora exhibit extreme sexual size dimorphism. In temperate regions, the diminutive males become adults about 2 months before females mature. Late-instar and adult females attract certain male moths by aggressive chemical mimicry of those moth species' sex pheromones. While hunting, these larger female spiders hang from a horizontal silken line and capture moths by swinging a “bolas” (i.e., a sticky globule suspended on a thread) at the approaching moths. Small, early-instar bolas spiders of both sexes attract moth flies in the genus Psychoda, which they capture without using a bolas or web. Instead, they position themselves along leaf margins and use their front two pairs of legs to grab approaching prey. The predatory habits of adult male bolas spiders have never been reported. Our field experiments demonstrated that adult males of the bolas spider Mastophora phrynosoma attract adult male Psychoda phalaenoides. Each year during our 3-year study, significantly more P. phalaenoides were captured on sticky traps baited with live adult male M. phrynosoma than on unbaited control traps. Thus, the tiny adult male bolas spiders retain the juvenile hunting tactic of attracting psychodid flies, while female bolas spiders switch from hunting psychodid flies as spiderlings to hunting moths when the female spiders become older and larger. Received: 5 May 1997 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Abstract 1. All other things equal, predator capture rates are expected to depend on encounter rate with prey, prey escape capability (including prey defences), and on predator agility. Ectotherm predators and their prey both respond to increasing temperature by increased activity, i.e. predators increase their search area and prey may enhance their escape capability. This means that, as temperature changes, the ability of a predator to catch prey will decrease, increase, or remain unchanged depending on the relative effect of temperature on predator and prey. Their responses may further be differentially moulded by light conditions depending on whether the predator is diurnally or nocturnally active. It was hypothesised that flying Diptera are vulnerable to carabid beetles only at low temperatures and over the full temperature range for spiders because carabids, in contrast to spiders, are not built to catch swiftly moving prey. 2. The first experiment examined the spontaneous locomotor activity of the predators and of fruit flies at different temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C) and light conditions (light, dark). A second experiment examined the effect of temperature and light on the predation rate of two carabid beetles (Pterostichus versicolor and Calathus fuscipes) and two spiders (Clubiona phragmitis and Pardosa prativaga) using fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) as prey. 3. All four predators and the fruit fly increased their locomotory activity at higher temperatures. Activity of the carabid beetles peaked at intermediate temperatures; spiders and fruit flies were most active at the highest temperatures. Predation rate of the spiders increased with temperature whereas the beetles caught flies only at low temperatures (5 and 10 °C). 4. Diurnal variation in temperature may bring different prey groups within the set of potential prey at different times of the day or at different seasons. The ability of many carabid beetles to forage at low temperatures may have nutritional benefits and increases the diversity of interactions in terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   

Douglass H. Morse 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):184-187
Predators that inject prey with proteolytic enzymes, thereby breaking down their tissues for subsequent ingestion, run the risk that desiccation will hinder eventual retrieval of resources from these prey. Wounds made in capture might exacerbate this problem. However, desiccation rates of small syrphid flies Toxomerusmarginatus (Diptera: Syrphidae) killed by juvenile crab spiders Misumena vatia (Araneae: Thomisidae) and intact dead syrphid flies did not differ over the normal period of feeding, though desiccation rates in shade and sun differed several-fold. Neither the size of the spider (and presumably the size of the wounds it inflicted) nor the location of the wounds on the flies' bodies affected desiccation rates. Thus, this tactic of prey handling does not exact an added processing cost on Misumena. Received: 6 October 1997 / Accepted 19 December 1997  相似文献   

It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predator responds to increases in prey density and inflicts greater mortality rates. Predators may cause such density-dependent mortality depending on the nature of the functional and numerical responses. As spiders are usually faced with a shortage of prey, the killing behavior of the spider Nesticodes rufipes at varying densities of Musca domestica was examined here through laboratory functional response experiments where spiders were deprived of food for 5 (well-fed) or 20 days (hungry). An additional laboratory experiment was also carried out to assess handling time of spiders. The number of prey killed by spiders over 24- and 168-h periods of predator–prey interaction was recorded. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both well-fed and hungry spiders. We found that the lower predation of hungry spiders during the first hours of experimentation was offset later by an increase in predation (explained by estimated handling times), resulting in similarity of functional response curves for well-fed and hungry spiders. It was also observed that the higher number of prey killed by well-fed spiders over a 24-h period of spider–prey interaction probably occurred due to their greater weights than hungry spiders. We concluded that hungry spiders may be more voracious than well-fed spiders only over longer time periods, since hungry spiders may spend more time handling their first prey items than well-fed spiders.  相似文献   

Simon D. Pollard 《Oecologia》1990,82(4):569-571
Summary In a number of studies which provide food extraction curves for sucking predators, data were obtained by separating the predator from the prey (i.e. by artificially interrupting feeding) at predetermined intervals within the total feeding time. The amount of food the predator had extracted at these time intervals was then determined by measuring either the mass gain in the predator or the mass loss in the prey. An implicit assumption of this method is that at the time feeding is interrupted, the food extracted by the predator is contained within its own digestive system and no part of the food has been released back into the prey. I found this was not the case with the crab spider Diaea sp. indet. feeding on the fruit fly Drosophila immigrans. The food Diaea extracts from prey is retained in its own digestive system only at times when the spider changes feeding sites on the prey and when it discards the prey when finished feeding. At other times it cycles the extracted food between itself and the prey (i.e. a sucking phase is alternated with a relaxing phase during which the extracted food is released back into the prey). Unless feeding is interrupted as close as possible to the end of the sucking phase, the mass change measured in the spider will be an underestimate of the actual amount of food extracted at this time. My results suggest that understanding how a sucking predator's feeding mechanism affects the transfer of food is necessary, not only in identifying constraints affecting feeding efficiency, but also in identifying how these constraints relate to the design of empirical tests. The precision of these tests will, in part, reflect the degree to which these mechanisms are incorporated into the test design.  相似文献   

Prey captured by a predator may attract kleptoparasites which could significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. Stegodyphus lineatus, a cribellate spider, builds an energetically costly web. Ants raid the webs of S. lineatus to steal prey and behave as kleptoparasites. We investigated ant raids in a natural population of S. lineatus and their influence on the spider’s foraging behaviour. Considering spiders that had captured a prey, 31.2% suffered an ant raid within 24 h after the prey capture. Experimental tests showed that the response to ant raid is to delay web rebuilding and this was independent of a spider’s previous foraging success. There was a tendency for spiders that were exposed to ants to build larger webs. Neither prey-handling duration nor prey consumption was modified after exposure to ants. These results suggest that Stegodyphus lineatus adapt its web-building behaviour in response to the risk of kleptoparasitism.  相似文献   

Aging is often associated with reduced behavioral performance such as decreased locomotion or food consumption, related to a deterioration in physiological functions. In orb-web spiders, webs are used to capture prey and aging can affect web-building behavior and web structure. Here, we investigated the effect of aging on prey capture in the orb-web spider Zygiella x-notata. The ability of adult females to capture flies was examined at different ages. The rate of prey capture did not change with age, but older spiders took more time to subdue and capture the prey. Alterations which appeared in web structure with age (increase in the number of anomalies affecting radii and capture spiral) affected prey capture behavior. Furthermore, the analysis of individual performance (carried out on 17 spiders at two different ages) showed that older females spent more time handling the prey and finding it in the web. Our results suggest that, in the laboratory, age does not affect prey capture rates but it influences prey capture behavior by affecting web structure or/and spider motor functions.  相似文献   

Predators of dangerous prey risk being injured or killed in counter-attacks and hence may use risk-reducing predatory tactics. Spiders are often dangerous predators to insects, but for a few, including Stenolemus bituberus assassin bugs, web-building spiders are prey. Despite the dangers of counter-attack when hunting spiders, there has been surprisingly little investigation of the predatory tactics used by araneophagic (spider-eating) insects. Here, we compare the pursuit tendency, outcome and predatory tactics of S. bituberus against five species of web-building spider. We found that S. bituberus were most likely to hunt and capture spiders from the genus Achaearanea, a particularly common prey in nature. Capture of Achaearanea sp. was more likely if the prey spider was relatively small, or if S. bituberus was in poor condition. S. bituberus used two distinct predatory tactics, ‘stalking’, in which they slowly approached the prey, and ‘luring’, in which they attracted spiders by manipulating the web to generate vibrations. Tactics were tailored to the prey species, with luring used more often against spiders from the genus Achaearanea, and stalking used more often against Pholcus phalangioides. The choice of hunting tactic used by S. bituberus may reduce the risk posed by the prey spider.  相似文献   

Cryptic coloration is assumed to be beneficial to predators because of an increased encounter rate with unwary prey. This hypothesis is, however, very rarely, if ever, studied in the field. The aim of this study was to quantify the encounter rate and capture success of an ambush predator, in the field, as a function of its level of colour-matching with the background. We used the crab spider Misumena vatia, which varies its body colour and can thereby match the colour of the flower it hunts upon. We carried out a manipulative field experiment using a complete factorial design resulting in six different colour combinations of crab spiders and flowers differing in their degree of colour-matching. A rich and diverse set of naturally occurring insects visited the flowers while we continuously video-recorded the spider''s foraging activity. This enabled us to test the crypsis, the spider avoidance and the flower visitor attraction hypotheses, all three supported by previous studies. Flower visitors of different groups either avoided crab spiders independent of colour-matching, such as solitary bees and syrphid flies, or ignored them, such as bumble-bees and honeybees. Moreover, colour-matched spiders did not have a higher encounter rate and capture success compared to the visually apparent ones. Thus, our results support the spider avoidance hypothesis, reject the two other hypotheses and uncovered a fourth behaviour: indifference to predators. Because flower visitors reacted differently, a community approach is mandatory in order to understand the function of background colour-matching in generalist predators. We discuss our results in relation to the size and sociality of the prey and in relation to the functional significance of colour change in this predator.  相似文献   

Abstract: Intraguild predation between female erigonid spiders [Erigone atra (Blackwall) and Oedothorax apicatus (Blackwall), Araneae, Erigonidae] and lacewing larvae (second instar larvae of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), Neuropt., Chrysopidae) and interaction effects of predator combinations on cereal aphids were investigated in a microcosm system under laboratory conditions. The microcosm experiments were run for 7 days and consisted of 15wheat seedlings, 15 Sitobion avenae (F) (Hom., Aphididae) as start population, plus a female spider or a lacewing larva or a combination of a spider plus a lacewing larva. The mortality rate of lacewing larvae was significantly increased by 44 and 31% due to intraguild predation by female spiders of E. atra and O. apicatus in comparison with lacewing larvae that were kept alone. The final aphid numbers in the microcosms were significantly reduced by all single predator treatments (spiders, lacewing larvae) and the predator combinations in comparison with controls without predators. The predation effect on aphid populations due to both spider species was similar and not statistically different. An additive effect of the predator combinations ‘spider plus surviving lacewing larva’ was found for both spider species resulting in reduced aphid numbers compared with the single predator treatments. When the lacewing larva was killed by an E. atra female the effects on aphids were non‐additive, but aphid numbers were not statistically increased compared with the lacewing larva treatment. When the lacewing larva was killed by an O. apicatus female, the effects of spider and C. carnea larva were additive on aphid numbers. In the presence of additional prey (fruit flies and Collembola) intraguild predation was not found and E. atra females had no significant effect on the survival of lacewing larvae. In addition, E. atra females had no significant effect on aphid numbers in the presence of fruit flies and Collembola, but in combination with a lacewing larva that survived, a significantly greater reduction of the aphid population was observed compared with the lacewing larva treatment. The body mass of lacewing larvae at the end of the experiment was not statistically influenced by the presence or absence of an E. atra female.  相似文献   

The communal orb-weaving spider, Philoponella republicana,was observed in the subtropical moist forest of Southeast Peru. These spiders live in colonies of conspecifics whose individual orbs are connected by silk. The wrapping of a prey prior to feeding is a large component of the prey capture process because P. republicanahas no venom with which to kill an insect. Wrapping time was the only aspect of prey capture that was strongly correlated with the size of the insect captured. Occasionally we observed several individuals working together to wrap a prey item. These joint efforts were more frequent on prey larger than the capturing spider. Although group captures accounted for only 5.5% of captures, they represented 14.7% of the biomass obtained. A comparison of the relationship between wrapping time and prey size for solitary and group efforts suggested that, by working together, the spiders reduced their total handling time. In most cases only one spider fed on the captured prey.  相似文献   

Summary Field observations and laboratory experiments were carried out to determine the influence of body length of preys on the acceptance rate by spiders. Feeding experiments with 13 spider species and a model prey (crickets) reveal a decreasing acceptance rate with increasing prey size. Prey sizes of 50–80% of the spiders' size yielded the highest acceptance rates, crickets of double the spiders' size were accepted by two species only. By fitting the acceptance rate Y versus prey size X by Y(x)=Y(0) (1-x2), two coefficients could be calculated: Y(0), the size-independent palatibility of the prey and , a coefficient of size-induced refusal of the prey. These values describe the degree of specialisation towards (a) crickets and (b) large prey, respectively. Further comparison showed (a) that labidognath (= araneomorph) spiders do not necessarily subdue larger prey items than orthognath (=mygalmorph) spiders and (b) that webbuilding spiders are superior to non-webbuilding spiders in respect of catching large prey. A modified model of the generalized pattern of the length relations of predator and prey is given with special reference to spiders and compared to other polyphagous predator groups.  相似文献   

Structural features of habitat are known to affect the density of predators and prey, and it is generally accepted that complexity provides some protection from the environment and predators but may also reduce foraging success. A next step in understanding these interactions is to decouple the impacts of both spatial and trophic ingredients of complexity to explicitly explore the trade-offs between the habitat, its effects on foraging success, and the competition that ensues as predator densities increase. We quantified the accumulation of spiders and their prey in habitat islands with different habitat complexities created in the field using natural plants, plant debris and plastic plant mimics. Spiders were observed at higher densities in the complex habitat structure composed of both live plants and thatch. However, the numerically dominant predator in the system, the wolf spider Pardosa milvina, was observed at high densities in habitat islands containing plastic mimics of plants and thatch. In a laboratory experiment, we examined the interactive effects of conspecific density and habitat on the prey capture of P. milvina. Thatch, with or without vertical plant structure, reduced prey capture, but the plastic fiber did not. Pairwise interactions among spiders reduced prey capture, but this effect was moderated by thatch. Taken together, these experiments highlight the flexibility of one important predator in the food web, where multiple environmental cues intersect to explain the role of habitat complexity in determining generalist predator accumulation.  相似文献   

  1. Generalistic interactions between predator and prey may vary with ecosystem type, predator traits, and prey traits, but the interplay of these factors has not been assessed in ground food webs.
  2. We investigated trophic interactions of ground-dwelling spiders across eight forests in European Russia associated with body size, hunting strategy, microhabitat specialization, potential prey type, potential prey population density, and forest type (coniferous vs. broadleaved). We analyzed 128 individual spiders, including juveniles, all identified to the family level with two complementary methods: molecular gut content analysis, and stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen.
  3. The results suggest that feeding frequency of spiders is affected by predator body size and by selection of certain prey type. Stable isotope analysis showed similar trophic niches among spider families, varying moderately with forest type. Larger spiders had higher Δ13C values than smaller ones, but similar Δ15N values, suggesting that different size classes of spiders belong to different food chains. Results based on stable isotope and molecular gut content analyses were weakly linked, indicating them targeting different trophic niche dimensions.
  4. At least for the group-level interactions, family identity and hunting strategy of predator has little predictive power while predator body size and prey traits affected trophic niche dimensions calling for future studies in this direction. Large spiders feed more and rely on different basal resources than small spiders, suggesting that including small species and juveniles provides a more comprehensive picture of food web organization.

Conservative biological control promotes the use of native natural enemies to limit the size and growth of pest populations. Although spiders constitute one of the most important groups of native predators in several crops, their trophic ecology remains largely unknown, especially for several generalist taxa. In laboratory, we assessed the predatory behaviour of a wandering spider (the wolf spider Lycosa thorelli (Keyserling, 1877) against several arthropods varying in size and trophic positions, all found in South American soybean and rice crops. As prey we used the bug Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood, 1837) as well as larvae and adults of the moth Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797), both being considered important pests in Uruguayan crops. We also used several non-pest arthropods as prey, sarcophagid flies, carabid beetles and wolf spiders. All prey were attacked in more or less high, although not statistically differing, proportions. However, carabids were not consumed, and bugs were consumed in significantly lower proportions than flies. A negative correlation was found between prey size and acceptance rate. Immobilization times were longer against larvae when compared to moths and flies, while predatory sequences were longer for bugs when compared to flies, moths and spiders. In addition, we found a positive effect of prey size on predatory sequence length and complexity. Our results confirm the ability of spiders to attack and feed upon prey with different morphologies, included well-defended arthropods, and their potential use as natural enemies of several pests in South American crops.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration attracts prey to a stationary predator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract 1. Conspicuous body colouration is counter‐intuitive in stationary predators because sit‐and‐wait tactics frequently rely on concealed traps to capture prey. Consequently, bright colours and contrasting patterns should be rare in predators using traps as they may alert potential prey. Yet, some orb‐weaving spiders are brightly coloured and contrastingly patterned. How can conspicuousness of trap‐building sit‐and‐wait predators be favoured by natural selection? 2. Observations of spiny spiders Gasteracantha fornicata in north‐eastern Australia showed that the size of spiders relative to their orb webs correlated positively with relative prey numbers already captured in their webs. A possible explanation is that the relatively larger appearance of the yellow–black striped dorsal surface of this spider attracts more visually oriented prey items. Prey attracted to webs may get trapped, thereby increasing the spiders' foraging success. 3. To test this hypothesis for the function of conspicuous body colouration, a field experiment was conducted that documented the prey capture rates of spiny spiders after manipulating or sham‐manipulating their appearance. 4. As predicted, spiders that were dyed black on their striped dorsal surface caught relatively fewer prey items than did control spiders. Thus, conspicuous dorsal body colouration may be adaptive in spiny spiders because it increases foraging success and, presumably, survival rates and reproductive outputs. Overall, these data support the colour‐as‐prey‐attractant hypothesis in a stationary, trap‐building predator.  相似文献   

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